Assisting Rose (Part 1)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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This story is a follow-up to "Official Business" and is the first part of two. While there is no detailed sex scene in this story, there is implied sex and implied incest, which is why it is receiving an "extreme" rating. The more detailed sex scenes will come in the second part of the story when I get to it, but I decided to upload this here now to tide you over until I have something newer to publish.

Assisting Rose (Part 1)

NOTE: This story is a follow-up to "Official Business" and takes place about 10 years after that story ends. Also, much like "Official Business", this story is NOT "in canon" with the events portrayed in "Drawn To Life: The Next Chapter (DS)"...for obvious reasons to anyone who's played that game.

NOTE 2: Any family relations described in this story are also NOT "in canon" with any of the Drawn To Life games (as far as I can tell). They are my own ideas, with some based on personal theories I have regarding certain characters.

A lot has changed in Rapoville in 10 years. The small village of less than 100 has grown significantly into a town of over 1,000 raposa, with many moving there from other nearby villages and towns. Many new homes, some new businesses, and a new schoolhouse have all appeared in the town over the course of the last decade, with most of the construction taking place in the outer edges of Rapoville. However, even at Village Hall, things have changed significantly.

In the time that has passed since Mari inherited the mayoral duties, village hall has become more modernized and has expanded in size, with two separate sections to the building. The front half of the building is much the same as it was before, it still had the clock tower, the offices, and meeting areas that it always had. However, the back half of village hall was specifically built as a place for Mari and her family to live in. The back half of village hall contained four separate bedrooms, a couple of bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a 'relaxation room' that Mari specifically asked for. Although she had gotten the hang of running Rapoville like her father, there were still times where Mari became overwhelmed or frustrated and needed to take a break.

Jowee and Mari are still married and continue to live happily under the same roof. However, they're not the only ones who call village hall home. In the time that has passed since we last visited Rapoville, Jowee and Mari started a family of their own. Eight years ago, Mari gave birth to their first set of twins...a rapoboy and a rapogirl. They were both named after their parents, with the rapogirl being named Maria and the rapoboy being named Joey. Much like their names would suggest, Maria and Joey largely resemble the parent that they are named after, only with Maria's hair being more of a dark blonde than Mari's chocolate brown and Joey's eyes being a blue-green color, a blend of both of his parents. Another thing that differed between Mari and her daughter was how they dressed. Maria wore a dress similar in style to her mom's, but it was light blue in color, and she had a light yellow-colored ascot around her neck.

Both Maria and Joey took after their parents in other ways as well, with Joey being eager to go on adventures and Maria being interested in her mom's work. It appeared likely that Maria would inherit Mari's role as mayor when she was old enough, but that would still be about 10 years away, at least. Mari was not in any hurry to turn over her role as mayor to the next generation, especially considering that she and Jowee weren't done adding to their family yet. Even as of now, Mari is 6 weeks pregnant with the couple's second set of twins, two rapogirls this time around (fraternal twins). To a human, six weeks may not seem like a long time, but since the average gestation period for a Raposian female is about 60 days, this would mean that Mari's pregnancy is about equal to that of a human female being about 6 months along in her pregnancy.

Other changes have taken place at village hall as well. Back when Mari took her father's place as mayor, Issac's daughter Cindi was just a 5-year old rapogirl, playful and innocent who thought that rapoboys were 'icky' and 'ate mud'. Now, Cindi is a young adult rapofem and works at village hall as both an assistant to Mari, as well as a babysitter to Maria and Joey whenever their mother and father were busy with official duties. Cindi sees Mari as a 'big sister' and Mari welcomes Cindi's affection with open arms, becoming one of the family. Maria and Joey often refer to Cindi as "Aunt Cindi". Cindi currently resides in Jowee's old house not far from village hall and is currently dating the only human resident in town (Mike), who has gotten used to being around Raposians, even if some of them still wonder what has happened to his ears.

Anyway, now that we've gotten caught up on some of the things that have happened in Rapoville since the end of "Official Business", let's get started with the main part of the story...

On a sunny and warm afternoon in Rapoville, Mari was in her office, going over the latest budget on her computer. Mari often wondered how her father kept things from falling apart when he was mayor. He didn't have any of the technology that Mari had as mayor, instead relying on old-fashioned bookkeeping and other antiquated devices. But, shortly after Mari visited her sister in Watersong, she got all the help she needed. Rose's office was technologically advanced. Their mother began investing in tech as soon as she became mayor of Watersong with Rose continuing where her mother left off. As such, when Mari asked Rose for help, she gave her younger sister her 'hand-me-downs" to help her until Rapoville's budget had been balanced. In the years since the visit, Mari was able to upgrade her tech so that it was on par with what Rose had. This made things a lot easier for the now 30-year old rapofem and expectant mother.

"Why didn't Dad think of doing this sooner?", Mari thought to herself, looking over the figures from the latest annual budget cycle, showing that the treasury was showing a 500,000 rapocoin surplus for the fiscal year...the fifth straight year that Rapoville was in the black. "We've had the technology to build gates to teleport us to various places on the planet since I was a rapogirl, and Dad never thought of getting a computer for his office!", Mari continued to think as she wondered what she should do with the surplus. As she sat at her desk, she felt her daughters moving around in her uterus, causing it to 'kick'. " two settle down in there. Momma will give you something to eat in a minute, I just have to finish what I'm doing here first", Mari commented to her daughters, placing a hand down on her belly to rub it gently, calming her daughters for the time-being.

"Anyway, I can't decide whether I should add it to the 'rainy day fund' or to give the excess back to everyone. I'm sure everyone would be happy to receive a refund from me, but it might be better to save it for now", Mari thought to herself as she rubbed her pregnant belly.

In addition to the computer, Mari also had a video phone in her office, making it easier to communicate with her aunt, Cindi, Cricket down at the police station, and several other important Raposians in town. It also allowed Mari to communicate with Rose without having to go to Watersong to do it. As she was thinking about what to do with the surplus, the video phone's monitor suddenly flickered to life and the sound of chirping birds came from it. She was receiving a video from her big sister in Watersong.

Mari decided to take a few moments to see what Rose wanted and answered the phone, seeing her big sister calling from her office in Watersong. "Hello Mari! How are you and my nieces doing?", Rose asked her sister in a sweet and sunny tone, making the younger rapofem blush but also smile.

"We're doing fine here...although I think Rosalie and Josephine want me to feed them", Mari told her sister in an equally sweet and sunny manner. Mari and Jowee already picked out names for their second set of twins, naming one of the daughters after Rose and the other after Jowee. "Anyway, what's up?", Mari soon asked, curious to know why Rose decided to call her.

"Well, as you know, Miles is about to turn 18 and I've been teaching him everything I know about running Watersong. I think he may be almost ready to take over for me, but I want to test him to make sure", Rose began to explain to her younger sister. Mari listened curiously and thought she knew where this was heading.

"Let me want to come here to pay me a visit, am I right?", Mari asked curiously. It had been a few months since Mari and Rose last got together in Watersong, they visited each other every once in a while when they both had time to spare, and it had become a lot easier for them to travel since the old Rapo Towers gate was converted into a gate that connected Rapoville and Watersong. "Sure, I don't see any problem with having you come over...I'm sure Maria and Joey will be happy to see you again", Mari soon commented, inviting Rose to come visit her in Rapoville. "By the way, how long do you plan on staying and when do you want to stop by?", Mari asked, needing to know some details so she could make plans.

"Well, I was thinking that I would spend the weekend with you in Rapoville. I think a three-day test run should be sufficient for Miles. So, I'll come on over to your place on Friday morning and stay until Monday morning, if that works for you and Jowee", Rose answered politely while at her desk in Watersong. Compared to the office that Mari had, Rose's office was much more ornate, with a stained-glass window with a picture of a single rose in it.

Friday was two days away, so Mari would have plenty of time to tell Jowee that she was coming to visit and to prepare one of the extra rooms for her sister. "Alright, I'll talk to Jowee the next time I see him, and we'll get everything ready for your visit", Mari told her big sister in a polite manner before Rose started to blush a little.

"Mari...I hope you don't mind me asking this in your current condition...but do you think that you and I know?", Rose asked in a somewhat shy manner. Rose and Mari often engaged in sexual acts when they were together, with the two sisters usually choosing to trib together, though they also '69'ed' each other every once in a while. However, all of the times they did it in the past where when Mari's womb wasn't occupied with rapokids, she wasn't sure how she'd feel about tribbing with Rose while pregnant.

"Well...let me think about that for the next couple of days, OK? I'll give you an answer when you get here", Mari answered, trying to be as nice as possible about it. She wasn't necessarily going to guarantee that they'd have sex together while Rose was around, but she wouldn't rule it out either. Rose felt that Mari's answer was fair and wouldn't pressure her little sister into doing something she didn't want.

"Alright Mari...if you want it, just let me know and I'll be more than happy to 'bond' with you. Anyway, I'll see you in a couple of days, I love you!", Rose replied before moving in towards the camera to give it a kiss. Rose often did this whenever she talked to Mari on the video phone and it always made the younger rapofem blush and giggle.

"I love you too, Rose", Mari answered before returning the gesture, making her big sister giggle and blush. Afterwards, the two rapofems hung up the phone and Mari felt her daughters moving around in her uterus again. "Alright, I get the message! I'm going to the kitchen right now!", Mari exclaimed to her unborn daughters, thinking it was time to get something to eat to calm them down.

Two days later...

When Rose arrived in Rapoville, she was greeted by her younger sister at the Watersong gate. The two sisters exchanged a hug and a kiss before Mari brought Rose back to village hall. Maria and Joey immediately pounced on their aunt, hugging her tightly, happy to see her once again. Following this, the family spent most of the day having quality time, with Rose taking some time to play along with her niece and nephew. Mari and Rose kept their interactions with each other "G-rated" until Maria and Joey went to bed that evening. That was when Rose decided she needed to have a serious discussion with her sister.

After Mari's kids were in bed, Rose met with her sister in the living room as Mari and Jowee were sitting together on their couch, watching Raposian TV. "Mari, do you think that we could private?", Rose asked curiously. Of course, Jowee overheard Rose's question and knew about the relationship that his wife and her sister had together.

"Can't it wait until later, Rose? I know you're probably eager to have sex with Mari, but this is sort of our time together", Jowee commented as he had his arm draped around Mari. However, Mari heard a more serious tone in her sister's voice, thinking that it didn't have anything to do with sex...or so she thought.

"Come on now, Jowee. It sounds like Rose needs to talk to me", Mari answered in a soft tone of voice before placing a kiss on his cheek. "Let me see what she wants, then I'll come back and we can...ahem...have some fun", Mari suggested to her husband, knowing that she and Jowee often had sex together on Friday nights after watching TV. She even went as far as to grope Jowee's testicles slightly, getting his ears to stand fully erect and his maleness to grow stiff inside the boxer shorts that he wore.

Jowee and Mari were still quite active sexually, doing it together several nights a week...even with the inside of Mari's womb occupied with their growing daughters. Of course, they'd have to stop having sex for a few weeks once Mari was ready to give birth and for a couple of weeks after their daughters are born, but they'd pick back up where they left off once Mari could engage in vaginal sex once more.

The promise of sex later made it easier for Jowee to let Mari go with her sister, thinking that it would be worth it if he did. "Well...alright...but don't take too long. I need you too, Mari", Jowee answered, allowing Mari to see what Rose wanted, still thinking that the two were going to have sex together.

Mari smooched her husband on his lips and moved her hand up to his sheath, groping it and feeling the pulsations in Jowee's length as it came out. She did this for a few seconds and then broke the kiss, leaving a trail of their mixed saliva between their lips. "Relax Jowee, I promise that you'll be the one I sleep with tonight", Mari softly told her husband before letting go of his sheath. "Until then try not to get too excited. I want you to make sure to save everything you've got for me", Mari added, getting Jowee to blush and rub his rabbit-like nose against hers. After this, Mari got up from the couch and went to her sister.

"Let's go to my relaxation room to talk, Rose", Mari suggested to her sister, knowing that it was the most private area in the entire building. Rose agreed and followed Mari from the living room down the hallway, passing the bedroom that Maria and Joey shared. The two rapokids still slept in the same room and in the same bed, with Joey and Maria often snuggling together in bed. At that time, they were still innocent rapokids, puberty was still a few years away and there was no need to separate them. Then again, there was always a possibility that Maria and Joey wouldn't want to be separated from each other.

Past the master bedroom, there was a locked door with a sign reading "Mari's Relaxation Room...Keep Out!" on it. This was Mari's personal room and she was the only one who had a key for it. No one was allowed to disturb her while she was in it...not even Jowee. Although, sometimes she would invite him into the room for a little bit of 'private time' without the kids knowing what they did in there.

Mari quickly produced the key that she had hidden inside her dress, between her cleavage and unlocked the door. "Go ahead and go on in, Rose. Oh, and make sure you take your clothes off before you get in the tub", Mari commented, inviting Rose to step inside. The older rapofem followed her sister's advice and stepped inside the room, with Mari following close behind. Mari hung the necklace that had her key on it by the door on a hook and made sure that it was locked from the outside.

The interior of Mari's relaxation room was decorated like a tropical lagoon, with synthetic Kori trees surrounding a hot tub that was big enough for up to four raposa. Both the hot tub and the walls of the room were illuminated, with a soft blue glow coming from them. The lights were programmed to change color depending on the time of day and were currently in nighttime mode. Above the room, there was a skylight that allowed for natural light to get in during the day, or for stargazing at night. Finally, the aroma of fresh banyaberries filled the room, giving it a sweet scent, adding to the relaxing atmosphere.

Both rapofems started to remove their clothing after the door was locked, with Rose removing the garnet-colored dress she typically wore and Mari taking off her light-yellow dress along with the lavender ascot. There was a closet inside the room where the two sisters could store their clothing while they took a dip in the tub. Once Mari was down to her bra and panties, Rose was able to see how swollen her little sister's belly had become. It looked about as large as a full-grown watermelon and was still getting bigger as Mari's daughters grew inside. In addition to Mari's big belly, her breasts had grown some since she started having kids. They were originally a "C-cup" but grew to a "D-cup" after she began lactating.

Rose saw how round Mari's belly was and couldn't help thinking back to when she felt Miles in her womb. She remembered the way he'd move around inside her and seeing Mari with rapokids in her uterus made her miss the satisfaction of becoming a mother. " you think that I could?", Rose started to ask, wishing to touch her sister's pregnant belly.

Mari knew exactly what Rose was getting at and moved towards her sister. "Of course...after all, you are part of the family", Mari answered in a sweet manner as Rose got down to her knees in front of Mari and placed a hand on Mari's baby bump. Within moments, the rapogirls inside Mari reacted to their aunt, moving around inside their mother's uterus, causing Mari's belly to 'kick'. "I think they recognize their auntie", Mari commented sweetly to her sister as Rose couldn't help blushing as she went even further and planted two gentle kisses on Mari's bump, one for each of the nieces she would soon have.

After kissing Mari's belly, Rose sighed softly and got back up to her feet, taking hold of her sister's hands. "You're so found a husband that adores you and you inherited your reproductive genes from Dad's side of the family. I wish I had all those things", Rose mentioned to Mari. Raposian females typically released two egg cells each month during their receptive phase, but their mother's side of the family had a genetic abnormality that only allowed for a single ovulation per receptive phase. Rose inherited this abnormality from her mother, which meant she could only have one rapokid at a time, while Mari was normal...although she was a carrier of the abnormal gene.

Mari hugged her sister and gave Rose a soft kiss on the cheek. "There's still time for you to find a mate and have another kid. You're still young enough to produce another son or daughter if you want one...right?", Mari commented, unsure of Rose's biological clock. Rose was now in her early-40's, many raposian females stopped being able to reproduce around Rose's current age, although some rapofems were able to ovulate into their late-40's or even early-50's. A rapofem like Rose would know if she was no longer able to reproduce, because her breasts would stop producing milk altogether and they would shrink some as a result.

"I'm still producing milk, I can have another rapokid, at least for now. Quite honestly, I'd love to have another son or a daughter while I still can. My baby boy is all grown up now and I miss how it felt when I became a mom", Rose mentioned. "Still, if I did have another rapokid, I'd want to get pregnant from someone I know that I can trust. Someone who I know would care enough about me and our child that he'd want to help support us", Rose continued while she and Mari embraced tightly. "Mmm...someone like your husband, for example", Rose mentioned as Mari's ears immediately stood straight up and her mouth hung wide open.

Mari released her grip on Rose and seemed shocked. "WHOA! Hold on there! Are you suggesting that you want my Jowee to make you pregnant again?", Mari exclaimed, completely surprised by Rose's statement.

Rose couldn't help blushing, thinking about the possibility of letting Jowee plant his seed in her womb and give her one last chance at motherhood. Still, Rose realized that he was her brother-in-law and it seemed as if Mari might not want to share him. "Honey, I would love to have Jowee produce a son or daughter with me. He's really cute and I like him a lot", Rose began to explain. "However, I know that he's your husband and you deserve to keep him to yourself", Rose added, feeling a bit ashamed about admitting how she felt about Jowee to her sister. "I just thought that if I were to move in here after Miles takes over for me in Watersong that you might be willing to share him with me a little. It's been a long time since I've had a male inside me and I really miss that feeling", Rose continued as Mari stood there with her mouth hung open, trying to process the information.

Eventually, the younger rapofem snapped out of her trance after thinking about Rose's comments and finally spoke. "Rose...I understand that you have a desire to mate with a male, but I don't know if I could let you mate with Jowee. Isn't there someone else you could find to help you? I hear that Sheriff Cricket's senior deputy is looking for a mate", Mari suggested, trying to get Rose to focus on males other than Jowee.

Rose let out a sigh and took hold of her sister's hands. "Mari, you know what it's been like for me living in Watersong. I've had countless males almost literally beating down my door just so they could have sex with me. However, I haven't let a single one of them touch me...because I know that they're only interested in my estate and my rapopussy", Rose explained to her sister. "Out of all the males I've met since Miles' father left me, your husband is the only one I've seen who seems to be sincere enough to father my second child. Plus, I would really like it if you and I could live together under the same roof. I'm sick of sleeping alone in my bed, I want my little sister at my side", Rose continued before she leaned in closer to Mari, causing their rabbit-like noses to gently touch.

"Besides, you can't tell me that the thought of having a threesome with me and him doesn't excite you. I'd bet you'd love to have him in your rapopussy while I let you play with mine", Rose added in a more playful manner, getting Mari to blush some as her panties were starting to become a bit wet. Rose took things even further by sticking one of her hands inside Mari's panties, touching against her sister's vaginal lips and rubbing them gently. "Think about it, could have both of us in the same bed together, with him sleeping on one side next to you and me on the other", Rose coaxed.

In Mari's present condition, her vaginal lips and clitoris were more sensitive to touch than normal. Rose's fingers felt warm and inviting to Mari and it made her quiver on the inside. The younger female's ears trembled and she began to chrrr. The thought of being in the middle of a love triangle started to arouse Mari, she wanted to have Rose at her side while having Jowee with her as well.

"Please Mari...will you allow him to breed with me just this one time? I promise that after my son or daughter is born that I'll have Aunt Donna tie my tubes off so he can't impregnate me again. I'll also help you with your kids if you let me", Rose pleaded.

With Rose's hand still rubbing against her crotch, Mari thought about what it might be like to have Rose around. She could see herself having sexual relations with her big sister often, and also having Jowee to give her pleasure to boot. Of course, this also meant that Rose would likely want to have sex with Jowee, even after she conceived a second rapokid. Mari also thought back to the times when her aunt asked Jowee to impregnate her. Mari trusted that Donna wouldn't steal him away from her, and she was right, Donna was happy with her husband, she just needed viable sperm to create a family. Rose's situation was a bit different from Donna's, but she also realized that Rose only had so much time left to breed while she had more than a decade of fertility left in her.

"Rose...if I talk to Jowee about this and he agrees to do it, do you promise that you won't try to lure him away from me?", Mari asked curiously.

Rose kept touching her sister's vaginal folds and kissed Mari on the lips, making the younger female blush. "Mari, I would never try to take him away from you. He's your husband and I know much he means to you", Rose began to explain. "It would be nice to be able to share a bed with my little sister and her mate, but I'll understand if he doesn't want to go through with it", Rose added.

From Rose's answer, Mari could tell that her sister needed to be loved. Rose wanted to become a fixture in the family that Mari and Jowee started, not try and steal Jowee away from her. This is when Mari made her decision.

"Alright, I'll talk to Jowee about this tonight and see how he feels about having sex with you. I'm not going to make any promises, though", Mari told her sister in a calm tone, just before she felt a ripple of sexual pleasure rush through her loins, making her vaginal canal spasm from Rose's touching. " the meantime...why don't we go get in the hot tub together. Your touching is making me feel horny and I don't want you to stop", Mari added.

From there, the two sisters finished undressing then took a dip in Mari's hot tub, while Rose continued to caress her younger sister's rapopussy with her hand, making Mari moan from the pleasure she felt from the touching. In addition, Rose took things even further with Mari, going as far as to suck on one of Mari's nipples, tasting the milk that she produced directly from the source. Mari didn't seem to mind having Rose nurse from her breasts, she still had a couple of weeks before her daughters would be born, and it had been several days since they were last milked. Besides, she had done the same thing to Rose a few times in the past when they got together, so it was only natural for Rose to return the favor.

Later that evening...

After drying off from their dip in the shower, the two sisters kissed each other and went to their respective bedrooms. Rose would sleep separately from Mari and Jowee in one of the spare bedrooms while Mari returned to her room to be with her husband. Mari never bothered to put any clothes back on, she merely carried them in her arms back to the master bedroom where Jowee was already in bed. He was still awake, likely waiting for Mari to come to bed when she showed up. Thanks to Rose, the space between Mari's legs was dripping with her sweet-smelling vaginal sauce and was very warm to the touch. Mari was still in a horny mood and now wanted to feel Jowee inside her.

Jowee saw Mari walk into the bedroom and quickly noticed the scent of Mari's nectar coming from the direction of the door. He wasn't surprised by this, he figured that she and Rose had sex together, and it was enough to cause his penis to begin growing erect, emerging from his sheath. " was it?", Jowee asked his wife curiously while she placed her stuff in a nearby chair and then darted for the bed, quickly going underneath the covers and then climbing on top of Jowee. She made sure that her dripping wet rapopussy was touching against his sheath, to make his penis come out faster.

Mari then leaned towards Jowee, put her lips on his and kissed him deeply, with the couple holding hands while doing so. It didn't take long for Jowee to reach full arousal from Mari's playful and affectionate behavior, with Mari moving her vaginal lips up a little so they touched against his throbbing shaft. They kissed for several moments before stopping, with a trail of their mixed saliva connecting between their tongues briefly before Mari spoke.

"I had fun with my big sister...but now it's time to have some fun with my Jowee", Mari sweetly told her husband before she sat up in his lap and rubbed her rapopussy against his maleness. "Please put it in me, Jowee. I want you to fill it up again, just like you did when we made our girls", Mari coaxed, wanting to make love to Jowee as he was eager to oblige.

The couple then engaged in a few rounds of sex, with them changing positions each time Jowee climaxed. They started with Mari riding his shaft, then changed positions to "Rapo-style" (doggy-style), then after this did it missionary style a couple of times, with Jowee climaxing once inside Mari's vagina, and the other time with him spraying his seed on Mari's pregnant belly. They kept going like this for about 45 minutes until Jowee and Mari felt satisfied, relaxing together on top of their bed while holding hands.

With his crotch soaked in a heavy glaze of Mari's warm and sweet juices, the satisfied and happy raposa male spoke to his wife. "Mmm...Mari...maybe we should have Rose over here more often!", Jowee commented, noting that every time that he had sex with Mari after she had been with Rose that the sex between the two of them felt better.

Jowee's comment caused Mari to remember what she and Rose talked about while they were in her relaxation room and figured it was time to tell Jowee about Rose's wishes. " would you feel about having Rose move in with us?", Mari curiously asked, starting with one of the smaller questions before getting to the big one.

Jowee turned to face his wife and looked at her curiously. "Did she seriously say that she wants to move here?", he answered while still holding his wife's hand as she turned to face him, looking at Jowee with her bright blue eyes.

"Well, first my nephew has to become mayor of Watersong. However, Rose mentioned that she did want to move in with us", Mari explained to Jowee. "Quite honestly, I think it would be beneficial to have her around. She can act as a second mother to our kids...she can assist me with running the village, especially for the first few months after our girls are born...and...", Mari continued before blushing brightly. "It would also be nice if I had my big sister around all the time. I love her so much...almost as much as I love you", Mari admitted.

Jowee wasn't surprised by Mari's confession, he figured that this was bound to happen sooner or later given how she and Rose got along. He supported Mari and he knew that she still loved him, but he couldn't help feeling a tad jealous that Mari had a sister to play with while he was an only child. "Man, I wish that I had a big sister like Rose!", Jowee commented, thinking that he could do some of the things he could do with Mari if he had a big sister.

Mari then held Jowee's hand a bit tighter, sighed, and got to the other thing the two sisters talked about. "Jowee...I know it can be hard for you to share me with Rose. Believe me, my sister means a lot to me...but so do you", Mari began to tell Jowee. "I don't think it would be fair if I got to have all the fun with her, and she could use a male in her life that will treat her better than that rapojerk Salem did*. While we were together, Rose told me about how much she likes you and that she would allow you to have sex with her just like you do with me if you'd like", Mari explained to her husband, causing the male's ears to stand erect and his emerald green eyes to open wide. He was both surprised and excited by Mari's statement.

"Really? Your sister said that she wants to have sex with me?", Jowee exclaimed in a surprised tone, not expecting to hear this come from Mari. Mari nodded to Jowee's questions, then brought up the biggest thing that she and Rose discussed.

"Yes...and there's more...she also mentioned that she wants to have another rapokid while she still can and asked me if I would allow you to impregnate her. I told her that I would allow it once, but only if you were comfortable with doing it", Mari explained calmly to Jowee.

Jowee couldn't believe his rabbit-like ears. He never expected that Mari's sister would want to let him make a son or a daughter with him. He always thought that Rose only had sexual feelings for Mari and rejected attention from raposa males. He gave it a little thought and soon came up with an answer. "I don't know...I mean, I wouldn't mind having sex with her if she really wants it, but I'd like to know how you feel about this", Jowee answered while he looked into his wife's eyes.

Mari sighed once again while she and Jowee lay next to each other. "Well, to be honest, I would prefer if Rose found her own male to be her mate. However, I love my big sister, I care about her a lot and I don't want to see her end up getting her heart broken again. It seems like she trusts you quite a bit, and I think that I can trust her not to try and steal you away from me. I'm willing to share with Rose, but I'm not going to lose you to her", Mari explained. "Like I said, it's up to you to decide if you'd like to have sex with Rose", Mari continued as Jowee reached out to Mari's pregnant belly and touched it with his other hand, brushing against it softly and feeling the movements coming from inside. Mari let out a soft 'chrrr' and placed one of her hands on top of Jowee's. He felt like this might not have been the best time to decide, he preferred being in bed with his wife at this moment.

"Honey, do you think that I could have some time to think about this? I mean, it's late and we just finished having sex...I'd much rather have thoughts about you right now", Jowee commented as Mari nestled in closer to her mate, embraced him with both arms and smooched his lips in a sweet manner.

"It's fine, don't have to decide right now. You can make your decision when you feel ready to, I made Rose promise that she wouldn't beg you for sex while she's around", Mari commented as she snuggled with her husband. "Let's just sleep on it for tonight and enjoy each other's warmth, like every other night we're in bed together", Mari added as Jowee kissed Mari's lips and held her in his arms, listening to her moan sweetly to his touch before they turned the lights out and fell asleep.

The next morning, Mari and Jowee woke up at around 8 AM to find that Rose had made breakfast for Maria and Joey while they slept. Mari was wearing her translucent yellow nightgown over a fresh pair of panties and a clean bra while Jowee was just wearing a pair of boxers. Rose was still in the kitchen as she noticed her sister and brother-in-law come in. "Oh good, you're awake! Why don't you two go get washed up and I'll make the three of us some breakfast", Rose told them in a cheery tone.

Mari then looked over at the dining room table, seeing her young son and daughter sitting together having a breakfast consisting of freshly made waffles with banyaberry syrup. "Mmm...Auntie Rose makes the best banya waffles ever!", Joey commented happily in between bites. Mari couldn't help feeling slightly embarrassed by her son's remark. She usually didn't have the time to make the kids a homemade breakfast like Rose, so she had to settle for the frozen waffles that you had to put in the toaster, even though the couple received a waffle iron from Isaac as one of their wedding gifts.

"Mmm...yes...and these eggs and hash browns taste even better than the ones that Daddy makes for us", Maria added, making Jowee blush some to his daughter's comment. Jowee wasn't as skilled at cooking as Mari or Rose were, but he did his best with what he could. He was at his best when he used the grill to make dinner for the family, not so much using the stove. Although, it also helped that Rose was taught how to cook from a young age by her Uncle Cookie. Mari learned how to cook from him as well, but she didn't quite have the same kind of skill set as her older sister did.

"You know, maybe it would be a good idea to have Rose stick around after all", Jowee mentioned to his wife, deciding that it would probably be best for the whole family if the older rapofem was a part of their household.

Mari figured this meant that Jowee decided that he'd give Rose what she wanted and took hold of his hand. "Alright...we'll tell her over breakfast and then I'll talk to Cindi. Maybe she can take the kids for us tonight.", Mari answered before kissing Jowee. From there, the couple went upstairs to take a shower and to get properly dressed, with Mari putting on a fresh yellow dress and lavender ascot and Jowee putting on some pants, a T-shirt, and the red scarf and aviator goggles he received from his mother as a rapoboy.

When Mari and Jowee returned to the dining room, Rose was finishing with breakfast for her sister and brother-in-law. She made the couple some banya waffles like she did for their children, along with eggs, hash browns, and freshly squeezed Kori fruit juice. Mari and Jowee sat down together at the table as Rose brought in the rest of breakfast. "I hope that you didn't mind me making breakfast for the kids. They told me that they were hungry, so I figured I'd make them breakfast while you two were sleeping", Rose explained to Mari and Jowee.

Jowee promptly started to fill his face with the food Rose prepared, getting a taste of what his children had, liking it quite a bit. Mari wasn't quite as quick to dive in, preferring to take a moment to speak with her sister. "It's alright, Rose. I appreciate the thought, and if Jowee wasn't so busy stuffing his face, I'm sure he'd agree with me", Mari answered as Jowee had a banya waffle in his mouth, causing him to look over at his wife and sister-in-law.

He pulled the waffle from his mouth, blushed intensely, and spoke. "Sorry, but I couldn't help it. I was hungry and these waffles you made are really good!", Jowee commented. Mari sighed and rolled her eyes for a moment, a bit embarrassed by Jowee's behavior. She could understand why he was hungry, but she didn't expect him to eat his breakfast like a two-year old.

After this, Jowee began to eat more like an adult while Mari started to have her breakfast along with him. This allowed Rose a chance to make something for herself, though by now she didn't feel like taking a lot of time to cook something in the kitchen, so she kept it simple, grabbing a banyaberry muffin from the pantry and making another glass of Kori fruit juice.

After breakfast, Jowee felt happy and full, still having the taste of Kori fruit juice mixed with banyaberry syrup on his breath. "Mmm...maybe we should have you make breakfast for us more often, Rose!", Jowee told his sister-in-law happily, enjoying the breakfast she made for the two of them, but also getting on Mari's nerves a bit.

"JOWEE!", Mari shouted, feeling a bit insulted by Jowee's comment. She took it as a bit of an insult to her own cooking.

Jowee soon looked at his annoyed wife, blushed once again, and felt sheepish. "I'm sorry honey...I didn't mean it as an insult to you. You're a wonderful cook, too...but I know how busy you can be, I know that you can't make a breakfast like this every single morning", Jowee explained to Mari.

Mari soon sighed and lowered her ears a little, seeing what Jowee was telling her. "I know...I do my best to make you and the kids happy, but with everything I have to worry about I don't have time to make waffles like this every morning", she answered. Meanwhile, Rose was listening to the couple talking and came over to them, putting her arms around both her sister and Jowee.

"You know, if Miles becomes mayor of Watersong, I can move here with you two. I can help both of you out with your kids, help Mari with her duties as mayor, and make breakfast like this for all of you on a regular basis", Rose mentioned to the two of them, hinting at her desire to become a permanent fixture in their family. This was when Mari felt it was time to tell her about what she and Jowee discussed.

"Rose, Jowee and I had a chance to talk about what we discussed yesterday, and we've come to a decision", Mari began to explain as she stopped eating for a few moments. Jowee continued to eat, but it seemed as if he was listening while doing so. "We want you to be a part of our family. We think that having you around would help us deal with everything we have to go through...especially since I have two more daughters on the way", Mari continued before blushing some. "Besides...I love my big sister...I want to be able to express how I feel about you without having to go to Watersong or having you leave there to come see me here", Mari added.

Rose blushed a bit when she heard Mari's comments and placed a hand on hers. "I want to be with you too, Mari. I'm sick of sleeping alone at night and having you by my side would make me feel much better", Rose answered as Mari took hold of Rose's hand with their fingers interlocking, showing unity for each other. It seemed as if the two sisters wanted to kiss, but with Mari in the middle of breakfast they decided to wait. "By the way, what about that other thing we talked about?", Rose soon asked.

Rose's question caused Jowee to stop eating as it seemed he came to a decision about breeding with her. "Rose...are you sure about this? Do you really want me to make you pregnant?", Jowee asked curiously, trying to gauge Rose's interest.

Rose soon turned her attention to Jowee and sighed. "I know you love Mari, and I do not want to take you away from her. However, I want to have another son or daughter while I'm still able to and you're the only male I feel like I can trust enough to mate with me", Rose explained to her brother-in-law before smiling. "Besides, you can't tell me that you don't like the idea of having two rapofems to mate with. I'm sure just about any other raposa male would love to have two sex partners in his life", Rose continued in a more playful tone, thinking that if she played on Jowee's natural horniness it would result in him giving her what she wanted.

"If it were any other rapofem, I would say 'no' to letting you have sex with her. However, I love my big sister and I want her to move in with us, so I'm willing to share if you want to", Mari added, trying to help her sister as much as she could. This was not the first time Jowee had sexual relations with one of Mari's family members, he knocked up their aunt on two separate occasions because her husband was unable to impregnate her. In both cases, Mari allowed Jowee to pass his seed onto her aunt, mostly because her aunt helped raise Mari after her mother passed on. Her aunt was important to Mari, which is why she shared Jowee with her. Now, it seemed as if Mari was willing to do the same with her big sister.

Jowee thought about it a little more, growing a bit curious to know what it would be like to have two rapofems at one time. Although his penis seemed to like the idea, growing fully erect as he thought about sex, he was also a bit cautious. Although it seemed as if Mari and Rose were getting along now, who knows what might happen down the road. "Well, I suppose we could try it", Jowee commented, just before dropping his pants to reveal the erection he had developed while thinking about the proposal. He thought that Rose wanted it right away, but she simply giggled to his eagerness and Mari was a bit surprised by how quickly Jowee got aroused.

"I appreciate your willingness to help me out, Jowee...but I'm not receptive yet. I will need to pay a visit to Aunt Donna to get some sky blue kaorin berries before you can fill me", Rose commented sweetly before Mari had something she wanted to mention.

"Jowee, pull your pants back up before the kids see what you have down there! They're still too young to know about sex!", Mari exclaimed before Jowee did as he was told, concealing his erection for now. "Besides, I'm going to talk to Cindi later to see if she'll take the kids for the evening. That way the three of us can have the place to ourselves tonight", Mari added in a calmer tone.

"I should be ready to breed with you by then", Rose added, thinking that she'd be able to get the kaorin berries by the time evening arrived, allowing Jowee to impregnate her at that time. "So, do your best to keep it in your pants for now...I promise that we'll make it worth the wait tonight", Rose commented as she walked over to Jowee, being as bold as to grab at his stiff rapocock from inside his pants, placing a kiss on his lips to show him how much she appreciated what he was going to do for her.

"Hey! Don't hog him to yourself, sis! Remember, Jowee is still MY husband!", Mari exclaimed as she convinced Rose to back off a bit before the younger rapofem moved in to kiss Jowee on the lips and grab hold of his shaft, stroking it a little. After she kissed him, Mari mentioned something else to him. "Before you impregnate Rose, do you think that you can put it in me first? I want to feel it rubbing against my insides, too", Mari softly told her husband, eager to have sex with him some more. He nodded, seeming eager to have sex with his pregnant wife as well, as they kissed once more, with Jowee placing his hands on Mari's swollen belly while they did so.

While the couple kissed, Rose looked on, seeing how happy her sister and brother-in-law were, watching as Jowee's hands softly brushed against the baby bump Mari had. "I want him to do that for me", Rose thought to herself, imagining having a pregnant belly of her own, getting kissed and caressed by the cute and eager raposa male.

To be continued (Sorry, this story was getting way too long, I decided that it needed to be broken up into two separate stories to make it a little more manageable)...

All raposa mentioned are (C) to 5th Cell, THQ, Jeremiah Slaczka, Edison Yan, etc. and are used for fan fic purposes!

*: In canon with this story's universe, Salem and Wilfre are two different raposa (though they are related). I won't rule out the possibility of making a prequel story that explains how Rose became pregnant with Miles, but if I do it won't be until some time after Part 2 of this story is completed.

Assisting Rose (Part 2)

Assisting Rose (Part 2) NOTE: This story begins shortly after Part 1 ended. After Mari, Rose, and Jowee talked about their plans for that evening, Rose decided to visit her aunt at the town clinic. In the years that passed since Mari and Rose...

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Second Honeymoon (Part 3)

Second Honeymoon (Part 3 of 3) After our trip to the beach, Sapphire and I returned to our hotel and spent another night in our room sleeping together, with me spooning behind hir. By now, hir belly had grown considerably from all the little ones I...

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Marissa's Dream

Marissa's Dream \*\*\*This story is made possible by my patrons on Patreon. Thank you for your continued support! If you would like to help support me and get access to certain stories early and other perks, head on over to my Patreon page. Rewards...

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