The Pornstar's Son 2: 01 - Youthanasia

Story by Oblong Pomegranate on SoFurry

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#1 of The Pornstar's Son 2

Alright everyone, as a thanks for getting 200 watchers, I'm uploading this one a bit early. I'm sorry that the "action" towards the end isn't all that "actiony", but hopefully the second chapter will make up for it. This is a "sequel" to my first story series, "The Pornstar's Son" (obviously). So, I would suggest reading that one first before diving into this one. Anyway, here you go! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Youthanasia

I let out a lazy yawn as I stretched my arms out over my head.

It was a Sunday - a lazy Sunday. And, to top it all off, I noticed that it was going to rain as I lazily gazed out the window. I couldn't imagine a better day to lie on the couch and simply take a nap. I had already visited the gym for the day, and my muscles were still busy recuperating from my work-out; which only gave me more of a reason to doze off every now and then while I channel surfed. As if I needed another reason...

You can call me lazy if you want, but there's a reason they call them "cat naps".

But now, as the TV announcer began to shout about how great some deal on an infomercial was, I gave my body a stretch as I slowly found myself waking up from one. I blinked a few times before slowly beginning my search for the remote, and after loosely grasping it in my paw, I pointed it at the TV and once again began to surf.

I was so deep into my lazy stupor that I barely paid any attention to the somewhat soft door opening noise behind me. Even as I began to hear a pair of feet make their way over in my general direction, I barely raised an ear. It was only when the figure finally stood there, towering over my head, that I decided it was a good idea to see what was going on. I lazily rolled over from my side to my back and gazed up - tilting my head slightly backwards so I could get a look at the person standing slightly behind the arm rest of the couch. "Hey Brandon," I said with another small yawn as my vision was filled by my upside down son.

Over the past few years he had grown into quite the young lion. He was maybe an inch or two shorter than me, but his body was much more sleek and toned than mine was (not that I have the physique of a body builder or anything...) It's no wonder he looked good. Playing on the school soccer team for as long as he has tends to put people in pretty good shape. He had fairly large and powerful legs and thighs, but his torso and arm muscles were relatively small in comparison, which helped to give him his sleek look. But, my favorite part about him at this age was that his mane was just beginning to fill itself out. He still retained a touch of his past cubbish appearance which made him look... kind of cute actually.

"Hey dad," he said in his somewhat deep voice as he looked back down at me, "can I talk to you about something for a bit?"

"Yeah..." I replied giving my body another stretch, "sure." I pointed the remote over to the TV and hit the power button, hearing the loud clicking noise resonate out from the TV before the room got silent. I then slowly forced my body to get up into a sitting position before tapping the empty cushion beside me with my paw - inviting Brandon to have a seat. He contemplated my offer for a bit before finally sitting down next to me.

"So, what's on your mind?" I asked, thinking that I knew exactly what he was going to want to talk about.

"Well," Brandon began a bit nervously, "as you may know, I'll be turning 16 in a few weeks."

"You don't say," I said back to him with a smile. "It must have slipped my mind..."

"And when I turn 16," Brandon continued on as if I hadn't interrupted him at all, "I'll be eligible to get my learner's permit."

"Uh huh," I said while nodding my head a few times.

"So..." Brandon said, drawing it out a bit, "I was thinking that this would be a good time to start thinking about getting my own car."

I let out a smile, trying hard to not burst out with what Jill and I had planned for Brandon's 16th birthday. We were already shopping around for a new car for ourselves, and we were going to give my old, but still reliable, Hyundai to Brandon for his birthday. But, even though I restrained myself from blurting all that information out, I couldn't help but stoking the flames a little bit.

"Is that right?" I said in a slightly playful way. "Well, what kind of car do you have in mind?"

"Well," Brandon said as he looked down at the ground for a moment, "I've thought about it quite a bit, and I've decided that I want a Viper."

My playful attitude was quickly erased as I was momentarily stunned by his reply. That was probably one of the last things I expected to hear out of his mouth. "Viper?" I replied slowly, "As in... a Dodge Viper?"

Brandon just nodded his head a few times before he excitedly said, "Yeah. Just imagine how awesome it would be if I pulled up to school in a Viper! Everyone would think that I'm the coolest kid in school!"

"Aren't you already the coolest kid in school?" I asked, just struggling for some footing at this point in the conversation.

"Nah," he replied casually, "not really. But, I could easily be number one, by a long shot, if I showed up to school driving a Viper!"

I took a small moment to get my thoughts together before I said, "You know, Vipers aren't exactly the cheapest car available out there. How do you think you're going to pay for one?" I thought that I had him on the ropes with that question, but he had one more trick up his sleeve that I never thought he'd pull.

"Well," Brandon began slowly, "all the money I have is locked up in that financial thing that mom put it all into a few years ago, so I can't get to it until I turn 18."

I shot him a dirty look for even considering using that money to buy an expensive car that he didn't need. He didn't seem to notice my stare much as he continued with, "So, since I don't have any money right now, and I'm pretty sure that you don't have enough money to pay for it either... at least not all of it... I've decided that I want to make another movie."

My heart skipped a few beats as I instantly realized what he was talking about. "No!" I said back quickly, "no, no, no, no, NO!" There's no way that I'm going to let that happen. Your mother would kill me if I did, and I don't want you getting involved with that kind of stuff anymore either."

"But," Brandon came back as if he was expecting this to turn into a struggle of words, "I've done it before and I turned out fine. I don't see what the big deal is."

"You did it before because..." I thought carefully about my words, "people needed you to do it! You don't need an expensive car. What's wrong with the Hyundai parked outside?"

"Well," my son replied calmly, "I guess that there's nothing wrong with it really. It's just that it's no where near as cool as a viper would be!" There was a pause in the conversation before Brandon said, "All I need to do is a single movie, maybe two, and I'll have plenty of money for a viper."

"You're still underage!" I replied starting to get frustrated, "you can't legally do a movie yet!"

"That hasn't stopped me before," Brandon said calmly as a hint of a smile began to cross his face.

"But," I replied once again, "You have no idea how hard it is to hide something like that. If anyone gets caught, EVERYBODY is going to jail... for a long time. Me, your mom, Kyle, the entire crew... everybody!"

"No one's found out about it yet," Brandon replied, starting to get slightly annoyed as well, "so what makes you think that they'll suddenly realize who I am now? Plus, I'm not a pre-teen anymore. I could probably pass for a young-looking 18 year old quite easily, so it shouldn't be a huge problem to hide my true age."

It was at that point that I decided to change tactics. Getting him away from the premise of doing a movie wasn't working, so I decided to go in and attack some specific points. "You remember how tough it was making a movie when you were younger, and that was after Kyle and I took every precaution to make the experience as easy for you as we possibly could. Now that you're older, you won't get any of those luxuries. Do you remember how painful it was during your first... actual scene? Do you even remember how it feels to have something... up there?"

As he heard my question, Brandon got really quiet. He looked down at the floor, with a little red blush showing in his cheeks, before finally saying, "Yeah, I remember what it's like..."

He said it in such a tone that made me instantly stop and wait for him to go on. It was almost as if he was hiding something from me...

"I... uh..." He began slowly while turning his head towards mine again, "I've kinda... um... played with your toys a few times over the past couple years. I'm pretty sure that I'm not gay or anything, but... I just get in the mood sometimes, you know? I always made sure to clean them real good before and after I used them, so you don't have to worry about anything..."

While a bit shocked at my son's confession, I somehow managed to get a leg up on the situation. "What if they ask you to do something... strange in the movie?" I asked slowly, "something that a 'toy' wouldn't do to you...."

"What?" He replied with a small smile once again, "like have gay incestuous sex with my dad?"

I admit that I blushed a little bit when I heard those words leave his mouth.

"I think I can handle it for the most part," he continued on after giving me a moment to leave me feeling uncomfortable. "You've done it as a full time job for, like, forty years, and you're still fine. I like to think that I'm just as tough if not tougher than you. I beat you at racquetball and in the pool all the time in the gym, so I think I can handle the worst of what you've been through."

My son's attempt at some humor to put me in a better mood didn't really work. I wanted to rattle off a list of all the nasty and painful things I'd done over the past 15 years or so, but I just didn't feel right discussing things like that with my son right now. So, desperate for another point, I began to grasp at straws.

"What about Megan?" I managed to ask, "What would she think?"

"What?" my son answered quickly and with a small smile, "about the toys?"

"No!" I said with a dismissive tone, "about the movie!"

Megan was Brandon's current girlfriend: a nice looking lynx that I met once or twice. A little peppy, but she was a nice kid in general. Brandon seemed happy with her at least.

"Well," Brandon continued slowly, "I probably just wouldn't tell her. But, if she did manage to find out, then I don't think it'd go over too badly..."

I felt like there was something more that I didn't quite know about hidden in his words, but I didn't want to push my luck. I had already found out that my son had been using my sex toys, and that was more of his personal life than I wanted to know for the day. We were a pretty open family (that happens when your parents have sex for a living I guess), but there was only so much that I could take at a time like this. Frustrated, I resorted to my last defense: my parenting authority.

"No," I simply said in as commanding of a voice as possible, "you're just not doing the movie, and that's final!"

It was almost as if Brandon was expecting that he could charm his way into this one, because when I pulled out the authority card he began to get somewhat angry.

"Oh, sure," he began in a somewhat hostile tone, "the guy whose job it is to be in porn movies for a living says that his own son can't even make a single one. Way to lead by example, dad. I want one little thing, and I'm willing to work hard to get it, but no. I can't do what you've been doing all your life, not even for a little bit, because it's 'wrong'. But yet, it's okay for you to go and do it every day of the week! Way to live your life on such a double standard."

And, with that outburst, he quickly jolted up off the couch and made his way to his room, slamming the door behind him.

I felt... a little hurt by his outburst to be honest. Jill and I have almost never had an argument that serious with Brandon before. It was just the way he said things that... pierced me right through the heart. He really was serious about getting his car. And, he was serious about what he said to me as well. I was living a double standard, and I was in no position to tell him that he couldn't be in porn for a living, or even just a shoot or two, if that's what he truly wanted to do.

I debated whether or not to go into his room and have a long discussion about it with him, now having the courage to pull out examples of what it was really like to work in the porn industry, but I figured that it was best to let him cool down a bit before I said anything.

But then, as that problem resolved itself for the time being, I realized an even greater one. What was I going to tell Jill? She was literally going to kill me when she heard about this...

I didn't have to wait long before she returned with a car full of groceries. Of course, being the gentleman that I am, I opened the door for her as she came barreling in with multiple bags in her arms. I went and got the rest from the car before joining her in the kitchen and beginning to unpack.

"Hey honey," she said as she gave me a light kiss on the cheek as I set down my payload. Then, adding to my discomfort, she said, "Everything alright? You look a little... concerned with something."

"I'll tell you after we finish unpacking," I replied after thinking the situation over for a moment.

"No," Jill said before looking me straight in the eyes, "tell me now. What's the matter?"

I swallowed nervously before letting out a long sigh. "It's... it's about Brandon."

Jill non-verbally urged me to continue, so, with a hint of nervousness in my voice, I managed to say, "Well, Brandon and I started talking about cars not to long ago, and he has a pretty specific one in mind... a new one... an expensive one. And, in order to pay for it he wants to... make another movie."

"Excuse me?!?" Jill said as if she was ready to explode, "Brandon wants to make a movie? Like, a MOVIE?!?"

I just nodded my head before saying, "Yeah, that's what he told me."

It was then that Jill's face turned into a nasty scowl. "You didn't tell him that it was okay, did you?"

"No!" I replied quickly before Jill did something extreme, "of course not! It's just that... I don't know what to say to him..."

"He won't want to make a movie for much longer..." Jill said as she made a beeline for Brandon's door. Once there, she gave the door a few soft taps with her paw before calmly saying, "Brandon, it's your mom. Could I talk to you for a bit about something?" I didn't hear Brandon's response, but since Jill quickly made her way inside and closed the door behind her, I figured that Brandon was more than ready to confront her.

In order to get my mind off of what was probably happening in that room, I simply began to unpack the groceries myself. Everything was calm and quiet for the first few minutes, but then I began to hear a bit of muffled yelling coming from Brandon's room, from both Brandon and Jill. And when Jill finally exited the room, I could tell by her face that she'd lost the shouting argument.

"Don't talk to me," she said in a voice that was somewhere between being furious and being ready to cry as she walked passed me, "this is all your fault."

She always had a way of stopping me from challenging her claims like that, and I knew better than to try and go against it. I just simply remained silent as we finished unpacking the groceries, and then I went and placed myself back on the couch without trying to stoke the flames of the conversation any more than I had to.

I barely saw any sign of Jill and Brandon the rest of the day, and I could kind of feel the tension in the air between all of us. It was only when Jill made her way into the bedroom for the night that I decided to confront her. Jill could be a tricky lioness at times, and I wasn't even sure whether or not she'd even let me into the bedroom following today's events. But, as I slowly snuck in, she didn't seem to put up much resistance. So, after getting myself ready for bed, I slowly slid in underneath the covers next to her.

I lay there for a bit, simply thinking of what I could say to break the silence. But, before I could come up with something good to say, Jill turned over to look at me, and with eyes that looked like they were about to start emitting tears she said, "What are we going to do about Brandon?"

I simply looked at her calmly and tried to reassure her for a moment before I slowly began to say, "Well, I've been thinking about it for most of the day. Now, let me finish before you say anything..." I took a small pause as I took a deep breath, "but I think we should let Brandon do the movie, and here's why."

I took another deep breath as I recoiled ever so slightly - just in case Jill sent something flying my way for even mentioning that possibility - but, I think she was too emotionally spent at that point to do anything drastic. She simply listened in calmly as I continued.

"Sure, we could use our authority as parents and tell him that he can't do another movie, and he'll have no choice to listen to us since he's underage, but... I think that could lead to some problems down the road. When he turns 18, he'll have free reign to do what he wants. And, because we told him that he couldn't make a movie before, he'll want to make one even more at that point just to spite us. And, he probably won't want to make one at Kyle's studio or even at your studio, so he'll be out there as a free agent... possibly getting caught up in all the nasty stuff that goes on in our business."

I took another deep breath, feeling good about how this talk was going so far, before continuing. "Instead of telling him that he simply can't make another movie, I think that we should try and persuade him to not want to make another movie. Believe it or not, we took very good care of Brandon while he was filming his scenes before. He always came first, and we did everything we could to make him as comfortable as possible. He doesn't realize that, in the actual business, you don't get a lot of the same luxuries he did when he was a cub. Also, he has no idea of any of the downsides of the business either. Once he notices those, it might be enough to get him to rethink making another movie."

"At the same time," I continued after a short pause, "we could also get him to do a few... tougher scenes than what he's faced before."

Jill's eyes lit up at the sound of that, and she quickly interrupted with, "What do you mean by 'tougher'?"

"Well," I began once again, "the scenes he's done have all been relatively tame. If we took it up a few notches..."

"You're not planning on hurting him, are you?" Jill said, basically agreeing to my plan so far. "I've seen things happen..."

"I've seen them too," I said quickly, "but I don't mean going up THAT many notches. It should be enough to make him... uncomfortable, but not enough to cause any... permanent damage. I can talk to Kyle about it and see what we both can come up with."

"I don't like this idea," Jill said after a long pause, "I don't like it at all."

"I don't either," I admitted. "The last thing I want to do is to see Brandon go through this. But, he's basically forced it upon himself, and there's nothing we can do to stop it. He's obviously going to have to get in a little bit of training before filming these kinds of scenes, so we'll see just how serious he is about this movie thing before he ever makes it to the studio. Best case scenario: he'll give it up after hearing what he has to do."

There was a long pause in the conversation before I finally added in. "I'll give Kyle a call tomorrow and see what we can come up with. Who knows, maybe there won't even be much of a market for him over in Asia, so Brandon won't end up making a movie after all. There's no way he'd be willing to risk the studio with a 'normal' release of a movie with an underage actor in it."

My optimism was clearly lost on Jill, and myself for the most part as well, as I leaned over and gave Jill a small good night kiss before switching off the lights.


After sending Brandon to school the next morning, and after waking myself up a bit, I decided to finally give Kyle a call.

"Hey there Jake," the voice on the other end of the phone said as Kyle picked it up, "what's up?"

"Hey Kyle," I began slowly before taking a deep breath. "I need to talk to you about something. It's about Brandon."

I heard a small laugh come through the line before Kyle said, "Aren't I the one who usually asks you for advice on raising their kids?"

"Not like that," I said without so much as a chuckle. "Brandon... Brandon wants to make another movie..."

After explaining to him how and why the whole movie idea came about and why we wanted to let him do it, Kyle's mood took a turn for the serious as well.

"And you're alright with all of this?" he asked when I was done, "and Jill too?"

"Alright isn't exactly the word I'd use," I added in, "but we don't have much of a choice. So, what do you think? Could you possibly scrounge together some actors and a script and let him star in a movie?"

"For a buddy like you," Kyle said, "I'd do anything I can to help. You've done the same for me multiple times. Even if I don't like the idea myself, if that's what you want to do, then I'm sure we can set something up."

He took a small pause before his voice got a little quieter. "Brandon is 15 or 16 now, right? That's far too young to risk putting him in an actual release. I'm going to have to give my contacts over in Asia a call and see if they'll be willing to purchase a movie with a star in his mid teens. I'm not sure if that's 'too old' for them or not, but I have a good feeling that we'll get a decent response from them."

"Why's that?" I asked after thinking about it for a moment.

"Because," Kyle continued, "believe it or not, I still get the occasional email or letter from someone over in Asia asking whether or not Brandon is still making porn and if he's made any more movies since. He was a big star in that... fetish for quite a while."

It made me feel a bit uncomfortable to think of my son being a big porn star over in Asia, especially with pedophiles being his biggest fans...

"So, about the movie," Kyle said, interrupting my train of thought, "I assume that you have a few ideas in mind already."

"Yeah," I replied slowly and quietly for no real reason, "I kind of do..."


It was later on in the day that Kyle finally called me back with some "good" news. He said that, although they were a bit reluctant, his contacts showed some decent interest in the movie, and once he finished writing the script (which usually didn't take him all that long) he'd drop off a copy.

Jill took the news fairly well, considering what she did when she first learned that Brandon had been in a movie for the first time. After that, all that was left was to talk to Brandon about it.

I walked up to his door, Jill closely behind me, and gave it a few knocks. "Brandon," I called out through the wood, "do you have a minute? We need to talk to you."

I heard a muffled, "Yeah, give me a sec," through the door in response.

"Okay," I said softly, "we'll be in the living room."

After Jill and I took our seats, we didn't have to wait long for Brandon to open his door and slowly make his way over to the couch. As soon as he sat down, he just gave us both a sort of happy looking grin, as if he already knew what we were going to talk about and what we'd decided.

In order to break the awkward silence between us, I was the first one to say, "Brandon, your mom and I have talked about you being in a movie, and..." I took a deep breath, "we're going to let you do it."

"Alright," Brandon said as his grin turned into a full-fledged smile, "Thanks mom, thanks dad. Viper, here I come!"

"But," I said loudly and authoritatively, "you've got some work to do before you'll be ready. You're not a cub anymore, and everybody will expect much more out of you now. You're going to be treated like an adult when you get there, and you'll be expected to be able to do some... certain things in the movie which you have very little experience doing. You'll need to get some serious practice in before the shoot, and it's not going to be easy to learn everything you'll need in such a short time span. When that time comes, and your mom and I don't think that you're ready for it, then we're not going to let you do anything. That's our deal. Is that clear?"

"Deal!" Brandon said enthusiastically. "I'll be ready, I promise! No matter what I have to do, I'll do it just as good as anyone else could... if not better!"

"Well," I said jokingly, "that enthusiasm is certainly a good start. Kyle will drop off the script when he's done with it, but right now we need to start getting a little bit of practice in."

"He's working on a script already?" Brandon said sounding fairly surprised. "What's the movie about?"

"You'll see..." I said as all three of us slowly stood up. I'm not sure if Brandon was excited or scared at the concept, but he silently and obediently followed Jill and I into our bedroom.


We wasted no time in getting some "practice" in. It was already Monday night, and I was pretty sure that we were going to begin filming on Friday night unless Kyle hit some sort of snag. Plus, Brandon needed all the time he could get in order to become proficient in things that would take a "normal" person months or years to develop. It was one hell of a tall task, but if Brandon was serious enough about making a movie, then he'd have to suck it up and push himself to his limits. Thankfully, he had two very experienced guides to help him along the way.

First up, and really the only thing we did together that night and any other night, was the deepthroating practice. After cleaning and sanitizing three of our toys of similar size, and rolling a condom over each of them just in case, Jill and I began to go over the gist of how to successfully deepthroat something like that and make it look good at the same time. It felt weird to teach my son a skill like that, and Jill really felt a bit uneasy at first when we talked about doing it beforehand, but, as we started to get into it, the atmosphere became more relaxed, and we casually began to give Brandon tip after tip as he tried to slide the mass of silicone effortlessly down his throat. I guess it's weird to say this, but it was more like a 'teaching your kid how to ride a bike' vibe than anything else. Jill and I knew how to do it effectively, and we were simply passing on our acquired knowledge of this skill to Brandon. It didn't really dawn on us that we were teaching our son how to perform a sexual act or anything; it was just another skill.

We had always been a fairly open family when it came to sex, so I guess this experience wasn't all that... bizarre to us as it might have been to some other people. When Brandon asked us for some tips to try on his girlfriend not all that long ago, we were more than happy to pass along some of our knowledge... after giving him the ENTIRE safe sex talk and having him swear to every word of it of course. I guess that things like this just come with the territory of having both your parents starring in porn for a living...

Actually, when it came down to it, Brandon wasn't all that bad for someone who had never done it before (I can only assume though... After the previous day's revelation that he had occasionally played with these same toys, I wasn't sure what else he was hiding from us...). His biggest problem, which is everyone's biggest problem, was controlling his gag reflex. Jill and I gave him a few tips on how to relax his throat, as each attempt he made ended up in a coughing fit, but in the end it would all come down to him. It would take time, and all of us knew it, but Brandon's determination was the only real thing that could speed up the process.

Eventually, Jill and I had given him all the advice we could, and we sent him to his own room with the spit-covered dildo in hand and a pair of moist cheeks dampened by his own tears. We made the promise to him that, if he could deepthroat the entire dildo with relative ease by Friday afternoon, and make it look good, then he'd pass the oral test we'd set out for the movie. But, that was only half the battle. For the other test, he'd have to accomplish it all by himself.

After he came home from school the next afternoon, I handed him one of the largest canine dildos we had and told him that if he was able to take the knot completely, without showing too much discomfort or hurting himself in the process, he'd pass the second and final test. I gave him a few tips and instructions on how to properly take something that big, and, after handing him the big box of sex toys that Jill and I had, along with plenty of lube to get the job done, I let him go at it in the privacy of his room.

Even though I didn't watch him do it, I could still hear the occasional somewhat pained grunt and other stressful noises emanating from his room. More than once I had to yell at him to back off and go a bit slower, but it was never long before I heard the noises again. I began to get a little bit worried as time went on that he might cause some damage to himself, and I wanted to rush on in there and make sure he was alright. But, just as my nerves were on the brink of action, I heard a loud gasp come from Brandon's room followed by an eerie silence. Losing interest in whatever I was watching at the moment, I perked my ears up and listened closely for any other sounds I could hear. I waited for maybe a minute or two before I heard the slightest stirring in his room, and eventually his door creaked on open.

He poked his head out slightly, still breathing heavily, with sweat beading off his face and mane, before looking at me and saying, "Dad... I did it. It's in."

I'm not sure whether I was more curious or more worried as I said, "Let me see."

Brandon hesitated for a moment before slowly opening up the door and beginning to walk out, completely nude, sweaty, and with his semi-erect cock still poking out of it's sheath, while his chest contained some blatant evidence of why his cock was only semi-erect at this point. It was not really an image that I ever pictured seeing of my son, but all the years in the porn business had left me largely "de-sensitized" to such displays.

He slowly made his way over to the couch: using quite an unusual walk on his way over. Once he was in front of me, he slowly turned around and presented me with the large circular chunk of silicone that was the base of the toy he was supposed to use. I maneuvered him into place so that I could make sure that the knot was fully inside him, and, once I gave it a good look and made sure that it was, I grabbed a hold of the base and slowly began to pull it back out.

I watched as Brandon's face began to contort into a pained expression, but, even though I was sure to be gentle, the knot slid out fairly quickly with a loud and wet audible *POP*. I gave Brandon a chance to catch his breath before quickly sliding the rest of the dildo out of him. He tried to choke back a small noise as the dildo finally left him, but I managed to catch it regardless.

He quickly tried to turn around and make his way back to his room, but I caught him by the tail just as he began to move and said, "Wait, let me see..." I hiked his tail up and slowly began to examine his stretched and gaping hole. It was pretty swollen, but there didn't look to be any serious damage done. I cast a glance to the large dildo in my other hand before saying, "No blood?" as both a question to Brandon and a literal statement.

As he slowly shook his head in response, I finally let go of his tail and let him turn around. "One test down and one to go," he said with a small smile on his tired face.

"Not quite," I said handing him back the dildo. "After you get the knot back inside you again, then you'll finally pass this test.

My son shot me a 'you can't be serious' look, but I held firm with an amused smile across my face. Suddenly motivated to 'prove me wrong', he grabbed the dildo out of my hand and set it down right on the coffee table. He wasted little time in positioning himself over the large member before beginning to lower himself down onto it. He was a bit shaky as he got down near the end, both because of the length and the width of the object (there was a reason I chose this specific one to test him with), but after a few attempts, I knew the knot finally popped it's way back in just by watching the response on his face. With a few deep breaths, and after wiping away a little bit of newly formed sweat, he slowly stood back up - the dildo remaining firmly lodged in his ass - and he flashed me a smirk before he turned around to show me his accomplishment.

This time, instead of being gentle, I grabbed onto the dildo and gave it a decent yank; sending the entire length of the dildo shooting out of his ass fairly quickly. He let out a small pained *YELP* as his tender ring was abused like that, but as he slowly turned around I flashed him a warm smile as I said, "Good job! You've passed this one."

I couldn't help but feel slightly proud of my son at this point. He had accomplished quite the feat, and both of us knew it. He flashed me a quick smile in response before I finally said, "Now, go clean yourself up. And make sure to thoroughly wash... back there. Come and tell me if you see a large amount of blood. I'll clean up the... mess in your room while you're at it, so don't worry about that."

With a small and tired nod, Brandon began his journey to the bathroom - walking a little more normal now, but still a bit tenderly. After I heard the water begin to run, I made my way to Brandon's room and began to gather everything up for a good cleaning.


Just as I finished cleaning and disinfecting everything, Brandon managed to stumble out of the bathroom while wrapped only in a towel. "Hey Brandon," I called over to him as I made my way back to the coffee table by the couch, "I've got a little reward for you for passing your first test." As soon as he was standing beside me, I handed him the small booklet of bound pages that just happened to be the script to the movie.

"Thanks Dad!" he said before enthusiastically (well, as enthusiastically as he could after doing what he just did) taking the booklet into his room.

It wasn't until dinner time that I finally got to ask him what he thought of it. His enthusiasm seemed to be a bit down from before as he said, "It's... it's alright I guess." Then, after a pause, he added, "Are all your scripts like that?"

"Yeah, pretty much," I said as I took a bite of the chicken we were having. "Remember, you're an "adult" now, and I told you that they were going to start treating you like one." I took a pause to chew and swallow before adding in, "You're still up for it, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Brandon said a bit more enthusiastically than I'd hoped, but his enthusiasm was certainly down from when he originally told me about wanting to make a movie.


The only thing keeping him from finally making that movie was his oral exam, and he was still having a bit of trouble with that. All throughout the week I could hear him coughing and gagging inside his room whenever he got the chance to practice. I lost count of the number of times he came out, red and damp faced, and asked for some eye drops or some aspirin or something like that. But, as Friday rolled along, and he came back from school, it was finally time for his exam.

I gave him a few minutes to get himself ready before Jill and I finally called him out to the living room, condom covered large dildo in hand. Using the suction cup, we stuck the dildo onto the flat side of the small wooden drawer we had sitting at the end of the couch, and Brandon got down on his hands and knees in front of it. While Jill and I watched on, Brandon slowly and carefully began to slide the dildo into his mouth, and eventually down his throat with a decent amount of ease. Empowered by his good start, he slowly began to move his entire body, along with his head and neck, back and forth to simulate a true deepthroating scene. This was where the problems started.

I wouldn't really call them "problems" per say, but Brandon did give off quite a few strange throat noises as the dildo passed through the passageway. Add that to the fact that he also had the occasional gag, snort, cough, and various other "hiccups" along the way, and his deepthroating blowjob quickly turned into a very amateurish display. He had come quite a long way in less than five days, but the one thing he simply needed more of, time, had all but run out. After about two minutes or so of watching him go at it, Jill and I finally gave him the okay to stop.

With pleasure, Brandon pulled the mass of silicone out of his mouth and throat and simply let it bob there - dripping in its slimy glory - as he wiped off his mouth and chin with the sleeve of his shirt. I turned to Jill and Jill turned to me, both having unsure looks on our faces. We turned around and walked to the other side of the room before quickly exchanging a few words: some of them impressed and some of them fairly unimpressed. Eventually though, through some serious persuasion on my part, we came up with a verdict. We both slowly walked back to my son, still sitting patiently on the carpeting, and it was I who ended up saying, "It wasn't pretty, but we decided to let you go ahead and do the movie."

Brandon quickly jumped up onto his feet and rushed over to us, giving us both a big hug as he said, "Thanks mom, thanks dad. I promise that I'll do it better in the movie."

"I know you will," I said as our eyes made contact, "because you're going to keep practicing up until Sunday. If we don't think you're truly ready, then we won't let you go ahead and do the last scene."

"I'll be ready," Brandon replied again, "I swear!"

With a small chuckle I added, "Alright, but don't waste all of your energy now. You're going to need it for the shoot in a few hours. Go get yourself ready and practice your lines once again."

With a quick nod he was off, and he quickly disappeared into his room.

All I could do is let out a sigh as I said, "You sure you don't wanna come Jill? You can be there for emotional support."

"No," she said back quickly, "I don't think I could handle it. Just... please, don't let anyone hurt him."

"I won't," I said back calmly as I pulled Jill into a small hug. "At least, not permanently anyway..."