Long Way Home

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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My part of a trade with McFan. Had a lot of fun working out this one and getting it to work out, hopefully to his satisfaction.

"Hey!" the voice rang out over the savanna. "HEY! Get back here you ungrateful hyenas!" Zazu hopped after the departing trio as best he could, immediately regretting it as the bone shoved up his backside was jostled on the ground. Beak clamped shut as a shudder raced through his entire body. Desperation shot through him, "You can't just leave me out here like this!"

That's exactly what they were going to do. Laughing and cackling with each other as they strolled back towards Pride Rock. An easy half-day walk for them. Mere minutes of flight for the hornbill under normal circumstances.

However, he found himself in a most unusual circumstance currently. Seeking to amuse themselves, the hyenas had bound him with some rather sturdy vines, trapping his wings firmly to his flanks. To make matters worse, they had taken inspiration from Scar in ways to humiliate him. Pressing the femur of some animal they'd stripped right up his cloaca. Zazu had to be exceptionally careful about how he walked lest it bounce off the ground and jostle him.

Gritting his bill, the red-billed bird took a cautious step forward. Then another. Keenly aware of how even these little strides made the bone swing behind him like the world's worst tail. His feathers flicked against the protrusion before standing upright as it even that light brush made it wobbled inside him. A shiver racing through the bird as moist inner walls clung to the unyielding surface. It was both uncomfortable and strangely exciting at the same time. Walls fluttering and pushing against it each time it rolled against his insides, sending jolts of pleasure racing through his spine.

Embarrassing was too soft of a word for what this was. It was shameful, humiliating, degrading, and more than a little distressing. The avian let out a flustered huff and started to walk again. Having to take slow, measured steps to avoid jostling that femur too much. Even still, each stride was making it move as muscles shifted and pulled at the object.

"As if being forced to walk wasn't bad enough," Zazu complained to no one in particular. "If Mufasa was here, he'd have a thing or two to say to these hyenas! Why when I get back to Pride Rock I'll... I'll..." he trailed off slowly and lowered his head with a sigh. "Do nothing because there is nothing I can do." Beak ground as he took too long of a step, making the bone swing a little wider and bump off a rock. "Fucking hyenas!" he shouted into the emptiness.

Zazu clapped his bill shut, fear racing through him. Had the hyenas heard him? They had only been gone a matter of moments, so it was possible. He stood there, frozen with fear, as he waited for their angry shouts to come barreling down on him.

Nothing. Blissful silence save for the echos of his exclamation. Heaving a sigh, he looked at where he was. The very edge of the Pride lands, a simple enough matter to get home and see one of the lionesses about getting himself freed. Sarabi would be the best choice with Nala at a close second. Either of them more than happy to give him a bit of comfort before Scar or the Hyenas found him and forced him back into that rib cage prison.

Just had to avoid anyone else before he got there. No telling how they'd react to seeing the proud steward of the lions reduced to the state he was in. Zazu wandered up a hill and looked around slowly. Yes, he knew just where he was. Countless aerial surveys meant he had a perfect mental map of the entire area. Or at least how the area had been during Mufasa's time. How much could it have changed since Scar took over? Well... aside from how the entire place looked now. The residents should still be in roughly the same spots though. Scar hadn't had him run any surveys as of late, which was probably a good thing consider how things were going as of late.

Heaving a sigh, Zazu began to methodically walk his way home. Each step carefully measured so as not to cause undo wobbling.

Minutes turned into miles. Sun blasting the hornbill as he ambled through the blazing wasteland that the Pride lands had become. Zazu huffed as he tried to keep the pace up. Walking and hopping about were always done in short bursts, the proud avian always flying everywhere. Now here he was being forced to walk like some common creature. Not that he thought he was better than them, just above them for the most part.

The sun was blasting the hornbill, making each moment out here torture. It normally wasn't that bad, not when he was flying. Could swoop and dive to get a good breeze going.

"ARRGH!" the avian screamed in frustration, head twisting to get at the vines. He could just get his bill into the vine and work at it, but couldn't get any force. Not as his neck strained and the very act of shoving his bill into the mass of vines made it squeeze his chest. It didn't stop him from trying though. The male twisting and shoving his head harder against his flank to try and work the vines loose, break them, something, ANYTHING!

He was so obsessed with twisting and trying to break it that he didn't notice how his body was gyrating. A foot slipped on a loose rock, sending him tumbling down a hill, bone jostling with each bounce as he alternated between pained yelps and higher-pitched squeals of delight.

While he didn't tumble that far, the hornbill did land at an angle that pushed the bone that much deeper into him. His entire body lifting with a call as his insides rippled against it. Every feather standing on end at his body practically vibrated from the unwanted pleasure. The red-billed hornbill braced himself on the dirt with feet, trying to keep himself from sliding back any further, head tucked against his side. Slowly, ever so slowly, he pulled his bill out of the vines and stood up.

Just standing had the bone slip out of his body a little. Thighs shaking as it scraped against his inside. Zazu's eyes went wide as he accidentally sank back with a gasping cry. Eyes going wide enough to nearly bug out as the bone was shoved back in, that cry breaking off into a silent yelp.

Oh this was not good. This was very not good. Bill chattered as he tried to calm himself down from the throws of what was going on. With even greater care, the hornbill lifted himself. Breath coming in sharp gasps as the bone slipped a little before coming to rest. He wished he could've gotten it out, but the hyenas had been more clever than usual. They'd wrapped the vine around the base, meaning that it could only go in. It also meant that the more excited he was getting, the more it would sway as he walked. Those devious, spotted bastards.

Huffing through his clenched beak, Zazu began to walk again. If things kept up like this then his trip back to Pride rock would be even worse than he'd imagined.

Granted, he could head out somewhere else. Find somewhere nicer to stay maybe. Maybe join a flock of other Hornbills somewhere outside of the Pride lands. Head lowered slightly, no he couldn't do that. Not just because it would be beyond embarrassing to stroll up to a stranger flock in this situation. Just imagine hat, walking up bound like some fool? Yeah, that would impress them wouldn't it? More than that, the Pride lands were his home, the Pride was his family. Even if things were shit right now, he couldn't readily abandon them. Leadership would change eventually and things would improve. They certainly couldn't get any worse.

"Hey!" Zazu froze at the sharp call, fear bolting up and down his spine. "Hey!" the voice cried out, "I SAID HEY!" He turned very slowly and saw a meerkat staring down at him from a rise. "Why if it isn't Zazu, how you been, Buddy?" She leaned forward with a wide grin on her face, crossing her arms.

He laughed and tried to turn to hide his predicament, but there was only so much he could do with a bone sticking out of his backside. "Oh hello," his mind raced a moment, "Kito. Been a while since I saw you."

The meerkat sniffed, "Yeah, not since you shot down our idea to move the pack from our old den to a new one." A chill ran through Zazu's body. "But that's okay though, turns out if we'd moved there then the hyena's would've gotten us under some of the new laws." A quick grin flashed, "Speaking of, looks like you're having a bit of trouble there. Need a hand?"

Zazu nearly wept, "Oh thank the heavens, please." He watched as the meerkat ducked down and muttered something before vaulting over the rock perch to skid down the rocks towards the bird. "Those heartless hyenas decided to amuse themselves by trussing me up in this horrible fashion."

Kito hopped over, "Wow, they really did a number didn't they?" Grabbing a vine, she tugged and watched as the bone was pulled tighter to Zazu's backside. His bill snapping shut with a chatter as it rubbed his insides. "You know, I've played with males before, had tongues, fingers, and cocks in me, but never imagined using something like this." Clever fingers swept down to brush through his feathers. "Does it hurt?" her question came even as fingers pressed against his spread cloaca.

There was no stopping the shiver that raced through his body as her fingers brushed over his lips. "No, but it is quiet uncomfortable." In more ways than one, not that he'd admit it was feeling good as she kept playing with him.

Walking behind him, she gripped the end of the bone and let out a quiet hum. "Well, I'm honestly surprised the hyenas managed to get knots this good. They must be learning a few tricks." She looked forward and smirked when she saw that the larger bird was looking straight ahead. His vent was warm to the touch and a bit sticky, seemed someone was worked up.

Zazu lifted his head, "Yes, I am very impressed by their ingenuity and their....AHHH!!" eyes snapped wide again as she twisted the bone. "C-careful back there!" he gasped, thighs shaking from the feeling.

"Sorry!" Not sorry, Kito grinned to herself as she gripped the bone and twisted again. "Just trying to get this vine loose." Just pull at one to try and make it feel like she was actually working. Putting her shoulder into the end of the bone, she began to rock it slowly as she twisted. Ears perking at the noises she was managing to coax out of Zazu. Not to mention the way his thighs were starting to shake already. Tongue ran over her lips slowly as she rolled her body against the hard surface.

An idea formed. "Hey, could you lean down a bit." Zazu lowered his front, but was met with a sharp grab and downward pull on the bone. Making him yelp and nearly jump. "Hey wrong way, Feather brain!"

Zazu ground his beak as he arched his back, the bone jostling against the ground as he leaned his entire front up, "I am not a feather brain." His insides were quaking as he stood there, the bone jostling some more as the meerkat female twisted and wiggled it. Cheeks flushed hotly as the bone shook within him, pressing against the front wall of his vent. "What are you doing?" came the snap as he twisted his head.

Kito was grinning at him as she straddled the bone. Thighs pressing on either side of the smooth surface, "I'm riding it, what does it look like?" He started to gape and yell something at her, but the meerkat rolled her body smoothly. The slight shift of her hips making the object shift within him again. Her moan lifting to match his warbling call as her slit rubbed over the smooth surface. Tightening her grip on the vine, she pulled herself forward, making the bone jostle deeper as thighs squeezed.

Any protest Zazu might have had was cut off with a sharp moan, bill hanging open and eyes unfocusing. "There we go," Kito panted, "Feels good, doesn't it birdy?" Zazu's head rocked back, bill clattering quickly as she increased her pace. Thighs squeezing the bone harder to get that much more leverage.

Grabbing the vines in both hands, she put her whole body into it. Rocking her entire frame forward with each thrust. Slick slit gliding over the smooth surface as the entire bone rocked deeper. Zazu's trembling cloaca squelching wetly around the surface as his voice lifted with each passing moment. Breathless gasps trying to compete with the vocal meerkat's sharp squeals of pleasure.

A groan echoed from Zazu, thighs quaking and entire body shuddering as his pleasure built higher. Cloaca flexing around the bone as his climax began to boil up.

"Fffffuck!" Kito yelped from behind him, her body trembling as her peak hit. Frustratingly, the female stopped her thrusts, only shifting enough to make the bone wiggle but not enough to set him off. Zazu gasped and clapped his beak, body starting to rock back to jam the bone against the ground.

Before he could drive himself back, she pulled sharply at one of the vines. "W-whoa there," Kito panted, "You throw me off and I'm walking away. Hold nice and still, Feathers." The meerkat let out a quiet pant, "Oh, well that was fun wasn't it?" She leaned forward, resting her head on his haunch as her hands roamed over the bone. Teasing her fingertips over his trembling lips, "Do you need to get off too?"

"N-n-no of course not," Zazu huffed and turned his head away.

Kito said up, "Alright, well in that case!" Pushing off the bone, she hopped up onto Zazu's back, legs and arms curling around his neck. "Head this way," a sharp pull made Zazu wheel around lest she topple him, "and we'll get the others to help with your problem."

Beak ground as he began to take slow, measured steps with this meerkat on his back. "Couldn't you get it free?"

She huffed into his ear, "Well I tried pushing and pulling and twisting and all that happened was I got off. So we'll have to go talk to the others and see what plans they could come up with." Her fingers dug into his plumage so she could scratch at his chin and neck, "And don't worry, we'll make sure to keep it nice and discreet about what happened to you. Okay, Feathers?"

Bill clattered again, "Yes, I'd appreciate that a lot. Although," he looked over his shoulder and trailed off, "Do you have to ride my back?"

"Do you want me to help you?" She smirked right into his eye as she half-draped herself on his back.

Feathers lay flat as Zazu breathed out a sigh and hung his head again. Taking his time to walk as the meerkat rider guided him around rocks and through scrub growth. Soft grumbles slipping up his throat, broken by the occasional stifled moan as that bone was jostled against something or other. His eyes narrowed a bit as her body lay against his neck and head, fingers idly stroking through his plumage to scratch at his flesh. Ah that did feel good. A scant bit of comfort after a very trying day.

It took some minutes of walking before she lead him into an open area, "Hold up a moment." Kito pulled at his feathers as if they were reins.

"Do you mmmmmph!" she cut his protests off by sliding her hand under his bill and pulling up.

Kito leaned in, "You're too loud." Weight shifted as she stood on his back and chirped. Zazu started to say something, but a tap from her knuckles on his head made him clap his bill shut with a huff. Scanning the area as she chirped again. She twisted as a chirp answered from nearby, "Ah good, thought he was supposed to be here." Zazu twisted to see another meerkat poke their head from the bush, "Hey Musa, need your help with some knots."

The male groaned, "Is that Zazu? Didn't expect to see that." He stretched and blinked before ambling out of the hiding place and over. Eyes narrowed as he did a lap around the hornbill, "Where'd you find him?"

She dropped to sit on the avian's back again, "Found him down by the wash. Says the hyenas decided to have some fun with him, so they..." she pulled sharply on a vine, making the bone lift and press deeper. Zazu's bill falling open with a gasping cry as his body shook under her. "You've always been the one playing around with the vines and stuff like that, figured you might be able to help out a bit more than I was able to."

Zazu refused to look back as Kito fixed Musa with a look and winked, gesturing a bit. He perked up, a grin spreading across his features. "Well, I can certainly try. Excuse me, Zazu but I'll need to climb onto your back. So you can either lay down or..."

The hornbill huffed, "I'll lay down." Which he did very, very slowly so as not to jar anything too much. Gritting his bill as the motion made the bone grate over the ground.

"Hup," Musa bounced onto the bird's back and shuffled over to Kito, staying on his hands and knees. She fixed him with a smile and nodded at the vines. There wasn't a knot per say, just tight loops that relied on the friction of vine on vine paired with the number of loops to keep it all in place. In short, it would be child's play and a matter of seconds to really get it undone.

Kito fixed him with a sultry grin and mouthed, "Should we have some fun?" Musa's brows bounced and he nodded towards where the rest of the gang were. She shook her head and pointed between the two of them. Let them have their fun first. His grin widened as he looked from her down to the vines. She was right to come to him first, he was the best one with these, had used vines plenty of times for makeshift traps and alarms. Not to mention a bit of fun back in the manor.

Crawling over Kito, he rubbed his body against hers. The meerkat breathing out a quiet gasp as she arched against him, legs sliding over his sides, "Well, it might take some work to get these vines loose." He reached down and grabbed one of the vines, pulling at it as if he were fighting to get it to release. "Wow, these hyenas are getting smarter aren't they? These are really tough."

Legs pressed to his side as she arched against him with a quiet huff. "Need me to give you a hand there?" She reached back and grabbed onto a vine, pulling at it even as her legs squeezed his middle. Body lifting into his to rub her still damp pussy against his sheath.

Musa brushed his lips over hers, "Temptress," before arching over her. Letting his weight press her into the feathered back as he joined her in tugging at the vines. She arched a brow at him, but his devious grin convinced her that he knew what he was doing. Rather than worry about what Musa was up to, Kito twisted under him a bit. Hips shifting smoothly against his body as she coaxed his cock out. Loving the feel of plush feathers underneath as she worked the male over her to full hardness. Savoring the sensation of his length as it twitched against her entrance. "I think I've got something here."

"Yes you do," Kito's voice was low, barely loud enough for Zazu to hear. Hand sliding down her body to tease her partner's tip. Nails just barley scraping over the tip of his cock, "Hard, isn't it?"

He ground his teeth as she toyed with him. Fuck, he'd always thought Kito was hot as hell, but they'd never actually done more than heavy petting or some oral. To have her pressing against him from underneath like this, coaxing his cock ever closer to her entrance? Making it more than a little hard to focus on what he was doing.

As it turned out, the hyenas had used a few vines to wrap up Zazu, more than they needed in fact. There were several vines going both directions, but what he was most interested in was the vine wrapped around that bone. Didn't want it to fall out, not when he could loosen the vine and repurposed it. Sure, Zazu might be able to wriggle free, but he had a feeling that the bird would be far more distracted by what they were doing before he got that far.

"What are you two doing back there?" Zazu grumbled at how the meerkats were wiggling and pulling at him. He didn't want to look back. After what Kito did on his back earlier, he was concerned over what the two of them might be doing, especially since all their weight was focused on one spot of his back. His grumbling stopped as one of the vines around his middle loosened. "Hey, I think you got it!" Lifting up, he felt that vine slack, the bone starting to slide out of his body. "You got it!" Zazu twisted his head around to congratulate the pair on their good work.

Only to find Kito on her hands and knees, rear pushed up against Musa's groin with a look of bliss on her face. A look that Musa was sharing as he pushed into her, feeling those tight, hot folds gliding over his raging erection. While he had loosened one of several vines, the clever meerkat had fashioned one end into a loop. As the hornbill looked at them, both disgusted and surprised that they were openly rutting on his back, Musa whipped that vine out with a flick of his wrist.

It took Zazu a second to realize what they were doing, after he realized what they were doing. Zazu watched as that vine sailed towards him in slow motion, opening further as it spun towards his upturned beak. He tried to jerk his head back and avoid the lasso but the motion only helped the pair's plan.

That lasso fell neatly over his bill as his head jerked back. Musa's clever knot cinching down and making his bill clamp shut with a surprised, "MMPH!"

Zazu leapt to his feet with a surprised grunt, wings straining against the vine as he spun and tried to get the pair off. They grabbed onto the vine to hold on, feet digging into his back as they pulled. Forcing Zazu's head to arch as the bone was driven deeper into his rear. His eyes opening wide in shock as the bone worked deeper as they pulled.

The meerkat rocked against each other as the bird bucked and twisted under them. Kito tightening her grip on the vine and holding tight so she wasn't tossed away. Feet pressed tight to Zazu's back as she bumped her hips up and back against Musa. Walls rolling tight over the male's cock as she huffed deeply. Licking her lips and arching her back towards him with a throaty call.

Musa kept one hand on the vine, the other on Kito's hip, as his body drove against her backside. Each thrust coming faster, sharper as he groaned and arched over her. Balls already starting to churn as he drove into his partner faster, rocking her forward only to have her drive back against him. Holding tight to the vine and even tugging on it as their motions grew ever more vigorous. "Ahhhh, I'm close," he called out as his body drove against her faster.

"DON'T YOU DARE PULL OUT!" Kito yelped and called at him. Her hips slamming back into his as her walls rippled around him.

Zazu's eyes were rolling back in his head, beak clamped shut and insides squelching around the bone. Each pull of the vine rocking his head back and making the femur jar against his insides. Walls clenched and grabbed at the unyielding surface as he groaned. Every inch of his body starting to vibrate from the feeling of being used as a rutting perch paired with the pleasurable jostling inside his rear. His entire body shaking as he felt that tension building again. It had been a long time since he'd been with one, long enough that he hadn't even though about how backed up he was getting. Now it was all that was on his mind, drowning out even the noises of the lusty meerkats perched upon him. The roar of his climax building in the back of his mind as his body shook, arching towards the pair with a pleased groan!

And they were done. Twin cries lifting as the pair pressed tight to each other. Bodies barely moving as he filled her to the brim with his seed. Hands releasing the vine to fall to the feathered back as they slumped against each other.

The hornbill groaned in frustration, looking over his shoulder and wiggling his rump. Trying to get that bone to move just a bit more. Wiggling wasn't doing though, it could keep him on edge, but he needed to have it rocking into him. Which meant either pulling at the vine or sitting down on it. Even needy as he was, the very idea of bobbing his head to get off was beyond embarrassing. Only thing that'd be worse would be asking them to help him get off. Just thinking about it made his body heave with shame.

"How was that?" Musa mumbled, planting a kiss on her neck as he pulled out slowly.

Kito rolled onto her back with a pleased noise, grinning up at her partner as she spread her legs to show off her messy pussy lips. "Not bad. What do you say we get him back to the gang?"

Musa hopped off the bird, holding up a hand to help Kito down. "I think they'll just love having him there." He flashed a grin as he reached up to grab that vine around Zazu's beak, pulling sharply, "Alright, come along. We've got some business with you."

He nearly did cum when the vine was pulled. Eyes crossing briefly before uttering a frustrated mutter. "Why are you doing this to me?" He couldn't get off now, not with them leading him along by that crude lead. Bad enough they had made him feel so flustered. If they managed to bring him to orgasm, he wouldn't be able to walk for several good minutes at least. Though it didn't stop how his vent was throbbing and leaking, matting his lower feathers.

"Simple," Kito answered as she marched beside him, "You didn't approve us moving. So when Mufasa died, those fucking hyenas knew just where to find us. Some of us got away, but most of us..." she trailed off. "Don't worry, we're not cruel, we're just going to have a bit of fun with you before we let you go. Relieve a bit of stress that's been building." Her fingers trailed over his side as she marched beside him.

Zazu trying his best not to focus on just where those fingers were headed. Please don't see it, please don't... "What's this." Shit. "Hey, Musa guess what?" The male grunted back at her, "Looks like he's been right on the edge of busting a nut, if he didn't already." Her fingers traced over his vent, making the hornbill squawk indignantly and jump. "I dunno much about birds, but I'd say that we've been giving him a case of blue bill after all this." She grinned and let her hands rub over his vent, "Think we should let him get off before we take him inside?"

Musa slowed down for a moment to think about it, looking at Zazu with a thoughtful noise. "He is looking a bit needy..." The meerkat grinned, "Nah, let Moyo decide what we're gonna do with him." A sharp tug made the hornbill stagger, "Alright, down the hole."

They'd come up on a hill with several holes dug in the sides. If he strained, Zazu could hear voices from the insides, soft and low. He resisted for a moment as he looked at the smaller, meerkat sized hole. "Listen buddy, either you go in there, or we'll get the gang and come out here to have fun. Which do you want?" Didn't take a genius to figure that being inside would be both better and worse. Better since no one else would see him, but worse because... well he'd be trapped.

Zazu heaved a groan and ducked his head, waddling up to the hole and squeezing in. Musa hurrying ahead quickly while Kito brought up the rear.

The hole was tight, pressing against his side and making it hard for him to slip through. He had to dig his toes into the packed dirt and push, especially as it started to get narrower. Within a few feet, Musa had to turn around to help him, grabbing Zazu by the bill and jerking while Kito shoved at the bone.

Eyes crossed in the darkness as Zazu's body shook. Each press of the bone driving him deeper into the meerkat hole, all while pushing him closer to that denied finish. The bird was panting and huffing, thighs shaking and feet clawing at dirt as he squirmed within the dark tunnel. Throaty moans building in his chest as he was guided deeper and deeper. Insides thrumming with need as his body shook. Feeling it build higher and higher. He didn't even realize that the tunnel was starting to widen, nor that there was light and voices ahead. His entire world focused on that joyous pulsing in his backside.

"Ah..." Zazu gasped around the beak binding. "Ahh!" came the sharper breath as his bill poked through into the meerkat's central chamber. "AHH FUCK!" he screamed, the force of his cry managing to loosen the vine around his beak slightly. Legs kicking with enough force to practically launch him into the chamber. The proud steward of the Pride lands falling flat on his face as his long-denied orgasm crashed through him, rendering him senseless to the world for several long moments.

There he lay on the ground, body heaped where it had simply fallen, a look of bliss on his face as the dancing lights slowly faded. Leaving him with a sense of peace humming through his bound form. Senses slowly coming back to him.

Laughter pressed down on him, Zazu's head snapping up to see several meerkat standing nearby. All illuminated by dim sunlight filtering through a hole overhead. "Ah fuck indeed, Zazu." The matriarch of the meerkat gang stood over him with a smile on her face. Moyo leaning forward to rub his beak, "I would say it's a pleasure to see you again, but it looks like the pleasure's all yours." His cheeks burned hot as the rest of the gang began to laugh. Her muzzle splitting into a wide grin. "So what do you think? Keep our friend here for a day or so? Make him feel right at home?" Murmurs of agreement rippling through the gang. "Think you can rig him up a cozy bed, Musa?"

He stepped forward, "If I get Nyu and Eli to help, I'm sure I can have something very nice rigged up for him, Ma."

The older female stepped forward and rubbed his cheek, "That's my boy. You and Nyu go get what you need." She looked between him and Kito, "See about rigging him up as a nice, soft please to bed down. How many do you think we can fit on his back?"

Kito spoke up, "Two easy. So three, maybe four if we get really cozy on him."

"Oh you naughty minx." Moyo grinned at the female. Her nails scraping over Zazu's beak as she stepped forward. Thighs sliding on either side of his beak as she rolled her frame over his, "So, Zazu. How the mighty have fallen." She let her fingers trace his cheeks before glancing over her shoulder, "Eli?" a larger meerkat ambled over and straddled the red bill behind her. "Don't worry, there aren't any hard feeling here. Well..." she glanced back and lifted her hips, smirking as Eli began to lick at her pussy, "Not between us and you. We'll keep you... mmmm... safe. For a day at least. Provided you behave while we amuse ourselves with you." She gasped as the large male stood up and thrust into her. Making the matriarch lay across Zazu's face, giving him a perfect view of her being penetrated as they used him like a love seat. "Need to rebuild the gang, you see, and for that we need somewhere soft and.... Mmmph... comfortable."