To Tame an Alpha: Part 3

Story by Sleths on SoFurry

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#3 of To Tame an Alpha

And here we are! Part three out of four following the turnabout in Gard's life. Will the Alpha manage to free himself?

Just as before, this is a collaboration between me and the ever so great FA: foster-tony . The art is completely and entirely his talent.

I must once again thank FA: foster-tony for doing this with me and encourage everyone to check out his gallery over at FA for a lot of art and story greatness! I'd also warn about the content of this story with the whole 'check the tags' thing, but if you got to part 3... well, you know what you're in for!

Gard, once the powerful, feared alpha of the tribe, had served as the entertainment of the whole feast. He was bound like an ornament in the center of the clearing for all to see, twitching and trembling while the shame powder acted inside his loincloth. Unwashed, the damned thing worked for hours and, though it diminished through time, the alpha could feel his wrists as sore as the rest of his body for trying to get free just so he could scratch his balls.

The feast lasted for the whole afternoon and went into the night. At first, he could tell that the tribe members were fearful and hesitant about the whole thing, but as food went by and the hours passed, everyone started really celebrating the fact that they had a new alpha. People started getting close to the bound alpha, poking him, playing with him, mocking him. Saying all sorts of things that, if they said while he was the alpha, he'd whip them himself!

Gard was forced to watch Ezhno making promises of helping others with various things, of finding better ways to do stuff they were doing just fine. That was a sign of weakness! An alpha was supposed to be strong, superior! Not get his hands dirty by helping women and pups. The alpha growled at all of it, but over time, he got too tired to struggle. It was by far the most humiliating day of his life.

By the night when the feast was almost done, Ezhno finally returned to him with the same two hunters that had helped him the first time. They cut the ropes holding him in the air, causing the alpha to fall down with a heavy grunt, but though he tried to struggle to get himself free, he quickly found that the ropes still held his arms and legs tight.

"Be a good little slave, ex-alpha. We're going to go back to your tent. You'll walk with me and behave, won't you?" Ezhno had a stern tone to himself. Gard looked up at him, a light growl still coming from his throat. He hated the small wolf more than anything. Yet, he was tired and exhausted. He wanted to get out of the public eye, wanted to wash up the weak remains of the powder inside his underwear, wanted to get that hatchet out of his tailhole. Gard looked away and nodded slowly.

His one of his wishes got granted right away. While the hunters cut the ropes keeping his ankles together, Ezhno pulled the hatchet out of his ass in one big move that left him grunting. Slowly, the hunters had to help him get up, but it felt great to stretch his legs and stand up properly. The worst part about it is that he could look down at Ezhno, who was much shorter and weak than he was, and still know he had been defeated by him. It made the anger bubble up inside him, but he was still too tired to act upon it.

The small wolf nodded towards the tent and one of the hunters behind the ex-alpha pushed him to walk alongside him. They walked past some people on their way there, much to Gard's embarrassment, but after all, they'd seen him go through there were barely any comments about it.

The alpha's tent was larger than all the others by far. It was actually a bunch of tents bundled together to make a great one, with wide wood poles holding the fabric up and plenty of space for comfort. Gard was a big wolf so he needed space, was what he always said, but now Ezhno looked smaller than he already was inside it. They went inside all the way to his bed. Ezhno sat on it with a sigh, to which Gard could only growl again.

"Tie him up on that pole, that'll do," the wolf said, nodding towards one of the big wooden ones and the hunters were quick to push him towards it. Gard struggled a little despite his lack of energy to do so, but the two experient hunters had no trouble handling him even when they cut the ropes around his wrists to change its positions. They made him kneel in front of the pole with his back towards it so that they could tie his legs together behind the wide pole. They did the same thing to his hands, pulling them over his head and backwards so that they were tied together behind the pole, giving him no hope of using them. The hunters did their job well. They used the myriad of other pieces of ropes enveloping all of the wolf's body to tie those up as well against the big wooden pillar, leaving Gard with his hands behind the pole over his head, kneeling and with his back firmly pressed against it by the ropes that went around his powerful chest, neck and thighs as well.

Even the ropes that went around his crotch they used, making his loincloth feel even tighter with ropes going between his legs. They used the rope around his knees and hammered down small spikes on the tent's ground to make sure his knees were kept apart and spread. He was sure it was just for added humiliation, however, that they also added an extra spike between his legs with the ropes connected to his balls linked to it. Gard couldn't do as much as struggle without it pulling his balls down. The big, muscular wolf could barely move an inch in the ropeworks.

The hunters looked at Ezhno, who nodded in approval. It irritated Gard to see how much they were trying to please the damn wolf.

"There's just one more thing," Ezhno said, fiddling with a bag Gard hadn't noticed was there. From it, he pulled a metal circle. At first, Gard couldn't tell what it was for, but when Ezhno opened it he realized what it was.

"Keep that thing away from me!" Gard threatened. He struggled with all of his might to keep them from bringing the metal collar around his neck, but with a dreadful click, it closed around it. As if he was some beast!

Finally, Ezhno gave them leave to go. Gard gave them both a final glare of hatred which he was satisfied to see it at least made the hunters' ears flicker back. If he had his full authority, however, it would surely put their tails between their legs.

As soon as the hunters left, Ezhno stood up to stand right in front of the bound alpha. Even on his knees, Gard's head reached well above the waist of the smaller wolf. They simply exchanged stares for a while, but then Ezhno moved to finally unlock the gag that was held inside the big wolf's muzzle. Gard spit it out the moment it was unlocked from the back of his head, stretching his jaws and spitting on the ground a few times.

Funny enough, even though Gard now had the ability to speak again, he found out he didn't even know what to say. He still felt his loincloth sticky with cum for being made to release in front of his whole tribe, his tailhole aching for having his own hatchet shoved up there and weak remnants of the itch caused by the shame powder dumped over his balls. Just thinking back on all of that made him feel shame, embarrassment, humiliation. It had all been Ezhno's doing, but it was done and he wasn't going to get his reputation of feared alpha back.

"I told you, 'big alpha', that cunning always beat strength, didn't I?" Ezhno started, sitting on the bed, HIS bed, to look at the bound wolf. That brought a growl from Gard.

"Cunning? It was trickery! You little piece of-"

"C'mon, don't make me gag you again," Ezhno interrupted. The threat worked. Gard really didn't want to be biting on that gag anymore, after all. The small wolf stood up and walked behind him, fiddling with what Gard knew was his jar of drinking water.

"Trickery is just another word for cunning. The bottom line is that I won and you lost. You were leading the tribe through strength and fear. Ancient ways, ineffective ways. Trust me, they'll be much better off in my hands." Ezhno spoke in a calm tone, yet carrying seriousness alongside it. The former alpha, on the other hand, just growled again. Some light struggling came, the big wolf using his muscle strength to pull at the ropes, but the pillar wouldn't budge, nor would the hooks on hammered into the ground.

"Words of a coward!" Gard spoke spitting on the floor again, this time to make his point. Ezhno came back to stand in front of him, shaking his head.

"You're stubborn and thick-headed," the small wolf just said with a sigh. He was holding a cup of clay full of clean water. "I'm not a monster, though. Water?"

Gard reluctantly nodded his head. He'd gone through the whole day drooling for having that thing inside his muzzle, so he drank it eagerly. He even asked for a second cup.

"I expect you to understand your new role," Ezhno continued after he was done with the water deed. "This is punishment for how you treated them as an alpha. I spoke with everyone over the last few days. You were a tyrant, a reckless leader. The people deserve to get some satisfaction out of you to make up for what you did to them."

That had Gard growling all over again. His right arm pulled against the ropes, making them creak. The big wolf would do anything to reach that small body, shove him down into the ground...

"Screw you!" Gard spat, growling more. Ezhno shook his head again.

"See? That kind of behavior is the reason you're all tied up like that. You're gonna stay tied up until I know you've learned how to properly submit and serve."

"Never! I'll never submit to you!" Gard pretty much shouted the words. He felt his rage burning inside him, his muzzle hot and red. Ezhno didn't seem to be affected by it. In fact, he even smiled.

"You'll be treated like a slave. Every time you get defiant like that, you'll be punished," the small wolf stated. "I had no doubt you'd be bad on your first night, that's why your water was spiked with my potion."

The announcement interrupted Gard's snarling for his eyes to widen. The big wolf was panting indeed, but he hadn't noticed the hotness he was feeling again because of his anger. As he looked down, his ears folded back a little. He could see his member getting hard inside his tight, folded loincloth and now that he was focusing on it, he could definitely feel it too.

"You... you bastard! I'll make you drink a hundred of those potions when I get out of here!" Gard growled, but he also grunted. Getting hard like that was uncomfortable and definitely humiliating. He could already feel his sensitivity increasing. The potion was acting faster than before for some reason.

"Threatening me? I know you're not very smart, but you really should start learning that respecting me like the rest of the tribe will be the best way to live well under my rule." Ezhno had that small hint of a smile that Gard hated so much across his muzzle. The smaller wolf, however, was taking off his own loincloth, Gard noticed, which left him naked from the waist down leaving only the small armor and the adornments he was wearing. The wolf could see, and smell, a hint of arousal coming from Ezhno. The bastard was enjoying it all! Gard turned his growling muzzle away.

"I will never submit to you! I'll have you tied up to the main totem! I'll make a fucking event of throwing fruit at you to make sure you'll nev-UNGHF!" While threatening, Gard saw Ezhno approaching, but he didn't expect the small wolf to advance upon his head. With that loincloth of his still in hand, Gard felt it enveloping his snout. He tried to retreat, but his head just pressed against the wooden pillar behind him and, as much as he tried to shake and twist his head, Ezhno had a firm grasp on both sides. The big wolf's arms and legs struggled, his whole body fighting its restraints to push the small wolf away, but it was useless. In a few swift movements, Ezhno had tied up a firm knot with the laces of his loincloth, effectively tying it around Gard's muzzle very firmly.

"MMMGHFMGH!" Gard complained immediately, still shaking his head back and forth violently in a feeble attempt to dislodge the loincloth. He could smell it. He could smell the strong scent of a male wolf coming from the well-worn loincloth. His nose trained for hunting, Gard could pick up everything that made Ezhno's scent, but in a potent, musky form. The big wolf growled, soon stopping his vain struggling realizing it was useless, so instead he just gave Ezhno a deathly glare.

"You look good like that," Ezhno said with a chuckle, making Gard's anger spike even more. "I knew it was too soon for us to have a decent conversation. You need more time to learn your proper place."


"What was that?" The smaller wolf mocked him. Ezhno's eyes went down to Gard's throbbing, induced erection and another chuckle came. "You're saying you're enjoying all of this? My scent is turning you on, is that it?"

"NHHVHMRH!" Gard shook his head and growled, eyes narrowing.

"Here, let me help you."

The big, muscular wolf struggled again. He struggled and struggled, making the wood of the pillar creak with his strength as Ezhno kneeled right in front of him. The person he hated so much was so close! If he could only reach... But worse yet, Ezhno started fiddling with the ropes around his crotch. Skilled with ropework as well, he undid some of what the hunters had done just so that he could loop the rope around Gard's erection as well, tying it up with the knots around his balls and then finishing by wrapping it up around the hook on the ground between his legs as well. That left Gard's loincloth hugging the big wolf's cock perfectly, leaving his whole length clothed and yet obvious. It felt tight and uncomfortable, and yet every touch from the wolf on his member, even over the fabric of his loincloth, made him grunt and groan with pleasure from the oversensitivity.

Ultimately it stopped and Gard was left frustrated, looking down at the obvious erection he had while sniffing another male's scent. It enraged him to no end, but at the same time, it brought shame to him again. He couldn't help but lower his ears, frustrated and embarrassed. To make matters worse, the potion was really acting up, especially after all that touching, making him want things. Crave things. He felt the full strength of his arousal, but there was nothing he could do about it. His loincloth was so snug around his member that even humping the air provided close to no relief, even if he did want to go that far.

"There, now you're looking better." Ezhno looked down at him grinning, obviously satisfied with his work. Gard glared at him once more, not being able to do much more. Ezhno caught that. "Oh, but wait, there's one more thing."

Gard followed Ezhno moving behind him again, then set himself to struggle again. It was all he could do. The rope around the base of his cock was pressing against his formed knot, teasing him every time he moved and he felt just so freaking sensitive. Part of him wanted to break out of these ropes just so he could reach down and... No. He couldn't think about that. It was the potion, just the potion! Nothing about that situation was arousing. It was humiliating! Being forced to be hard like that only made it worse!

The big, muscular wolf was dealing with his inner struggles when all of a sudden, from behind, a sort of blindfold was wrapped around his eyes. Again, Gard shook his head, growled, tried to fight it, but bound like that he stood no chance. In a matter of seconds, it was tied behind his head and feeling tight over his eyes, leaving the big wolf in complete and utter darkness.

"Whmmfg mmhfghsh iihsmt!" Gard complained, but perking his ears up, he could hear Ezhno chuckling.

"There we go. All part of your punishment. You see? If you behaved properly, I wouldn't have to do all of that to you. Now you're gonna get a lot of time to think about your actions."


Gard couldn't see anything and all he could smell was Ezhno's disgusting male musk. The big wolf's ears folded back. He couldn't even bring himself to growl, but he still struggled weakly against it all.

The bound wolf felt a touch over his cock. It was a single claw, trailing over his length over the confinement of his loincloth. It made him tremble with unwanted pleasure. The wolf's growling was still there, but a moan escaped his throat alongside it. It felt so sensitive, so extremely pleasurable. The big wolf's muscles strained against the ropes, tensing up. Ezhno's claw went down to the base of his length then back up again, always just a single claw, just enough to be a tease and yet, with that damned potion, it soon made Gard want to hump the air against it.

"Mghfdd... Plhmmfggd...!" The big wolf tried to speak through his gag. He felt himself blushing, face hot with shame, yet he couldn't help but move his fists ever so slightly against that touch. He needed it to be faster! As sensitive as he was, some stroking would definitely be enough to make me him... no. But no, he didn't want to do that there, bound like that, for Ezhno! That's what he kept trying to tell himself, but his body thoroughly disagreed with that. The potion made him want it, was the conclusion he reached. It was only the potion, nothing else, but he needed it.

Some good thirty minutes went by with Ezhno slowly teasing him and saying nothing. Sometimes he could feel it coming, could feel his cock throbbing and pulsing, his paws curling into fists for the oncoming orgasm, but then... it stopped. The touching stopped, making him growl pull against the ropes holding his hands so that he could reach his member himself and finish it. Some exhausting struggling, a few minutes to cool down and then the teasing was back. By the end of it, Gard was whimpering instead of growling, trying to plead the wolf to finish him, but Ezhno ignored everything with nothing but a few light chuckles that made him feel even more ashamed of himself. Finally, when he was on the very edge of cumming once more, that paw came the fur of his neck to both caress him and wipe out the precum that had soaked through the loincloth from his hand.

"You've been a bad slave. Bad slaves don't get any pleasure. We'll see if tomorrow you'll be better, then maybe you'll get something." Ezhno's announcement was cold and direct. It made Gard whimper once more, struggling helplessly against the ropes. He was so close! The rustling of the fabric of his loincloth against his cock was almost enough to get him over the edge. Almost enough! And yet, almost was not enough.

"Phmmfssh! Ihm dhmfgh aanhmmghtng!" Gard found himself trying to plead, but Ezhno made no more signs that he was willing to give him anything.

"The potion will keep you nice and eager for a few more hours still. You look good like that, appreciating your new position. I hope you have a good night."

Though Gard struggled, complained, pleaded, growled and whimpered, that was the last he heard from Ezhno. He couldn't see, but he could hear the wolf's steps and the rustling of him getting into his bed. No matter how much noise Gard tried to make, soon the other wolf was snoring and he was left there, bound, blindfolded, horny. He cooled down a bit after a while with no touching, but as Ezhno had said, his member stood there erect and bulging his loincloth, feeling tight and unsatisfied. Thoughts of sex never left his head and the frustration of being left like that overcame even the shame and discomfort of his bondage.

It was going to be a long night for Gard.