Night Together

Story by The bigshot on SoFurry

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Just a little one-shot lemon I wrote for fanfiction, thought I'd upload it here for shits-n-giggles.

Couldn't think of a good name for it so, whatever.

There are some people in this world that rise with the sun, whether that's for work or they simply desire to be awake when day breaks. Others tend to snooze the morning away, mostly because of things as simple as exhaustion or laziness. This goes the same for Pokémon as well, though for sometimes completely different reasons, such as them being nocturnal or to simply hunt their favorite prey.

Lucario wouldn't classify himself as either of these, but his entire team, including his trainer Marcus, thought otherwise. They had all made an unspoken agreement that he was not to be woken up at sunrise, lest things turn...violent.

They knew he was not a naturally violent Pokémon, and for a fighting type, that's saying something. However, for all the patience the jackal had, it seemed that he was a completely different Mon when he was tired. That's why his trainer reserved the job of waking up said Jackal to whoever recently messed up enough to warrant punishment.

That honor was normally reserved for one certain fox Pokémon who had a knack for pulling pranks and naturally causing trouble. Not that the Zoroark really minded all that much, he had done it enough times to learn how to avoid the Aura Pokémon's tired swings that could still cause quite a bit of damage thanks to his natural body strength. After maybe the fifth time he woke the Lucario and escaped the room without any bodily harm, he had basically volunteered to do so from now on, to which no complaint was raised.

That's also how he had gotten as good at sneaking around as he is, far surpassing the natural abilities of other Zoroark thanks to his daily trips in and out of the Lucario's choice of resting places, which usually happened to be right next to his trainer's bed, curled up on a blanket on the floor. He used to sleep in the bed with the boy, but that was what led to the human discovering the Lucario's tendencies when awoken by someone else.

Tonight though, the jackal went away from his usual tendencies and elected to sleep in the nearby woods, far enough for him to not be disturbed by any humans, but still close enough to hear his trainer's voice if he should call for him, should the need for his presence arise. This is what granted Zoroark the opportunity to actually sneak up on Lucario, who was currently resting on a sturdy tree branch.

Lucario tended to be quite the heavy sleeper, much to the relief of his team and only his team, for anything else though; he would be up in a heartbeat, which confused his trainer greatly. Even Lucario didn't quite understand it himself, but no one really questioned it, especially since it made him easier to not wake up.

The fox capitalized on this strange occurrence to sneak closer to his target and leap onto the tree branch just below where Lucario was resting, stealthily pulling himself up onto the same branch as the canine, stopping once or twice when the branch made even the slightest sound of protest. He eventually found himself leaning directly over his teammate, smiling softly down at him and slowly closing the distance between them to place a small kiss on the canine's muzzle. A small grunt left the Lucario before his eyes softly fluttered open, letting his ruby red irises meet the soft blue of the dark type above him.

"Evening love" the fox said, planting another kiss on the canines muzzle while the Lucario leaned up slightly to reciprocate the actions of his lover.

Their team thought that Zoroark held a special place in the heart of the Lucario, thinking it to be the only explanation for the fox to be able to wake him up without receiving injury, but little did they know about the pairs true relationship.

The two were caught by Marcus at virtually the same time, the difference in time between their capture separated by mere seconds. They grew up together, lived together, and slept together, basically spending almost the entirety of their lives side by side. It was only natural the two would develop feelings for one another, but the team remained ignorant of their relationship, much to their amusement, especially when the teams Mienshao would hit on Lucario while Zoroark watched from the side, laughing at his mates embarrassment.

The two separated after a moment, Zoroark gently nuzzling his mate while moving to straddle his waist, black spiked paws coming up to hold onto his hips.

"Any reason your waking me up" The Lucario's rough voice questioned, leaning up to set his back against the tree. Zoroark gave a husky chuckle and leaned down to capture his lips once more, tongue prodding at lips which quickly parted to allow entrance. The two wrestled for dominance while the fox gently glided his paws over his mates tan furred chest, Lucario's own paws moving from his hips to cup his lovers plush lower cheeks.

"Am I not allowed to enjoy a night with my mate?" he replied, kissing along the jackals jaw before resting his forehead against the others, earning a pleased rumble from the Aura Pokémon, that rumble quickly turning into a soft growl when the fox's hips began to softly grind into Lucario's lap.

"Besides" Zoroark began, slowing his grinding and once again kissing along Lucario's jaw, moving along past his cheek and down the neck of his lover, making his way down until his muzzle tickled the Lucario's sheath, his paw coming down to gently cup his plump sack. "Listening to Mienshao go on and on about you really made me pretty...antsy."

Furred lips touched the canine's sheath, a feather light touch that softly trailed down until his nose was buried in the others crotch, inhaling the musky scent of his mate.

"She's at it again huh?" he asked with a chuckle, which turned into a moan when Zoroark placed a single soft kiss on the Lucario's blue furred balls.

"Oh yeah," another kiss that trailed slightly further north at the base of his sheath, "goes on about how she'll win you over after this next gym battle"

"I'm surprised you haven't gone off on her yet." Lucario's paw came down to rest on the Zoroark's thick mane, petting the fox's head while he rumbled in satisfaction, rewarding the affection by taking the tip of the canine's sheath, lightly suckling on the opening to coax the decadent treat contained inside.

"Why would I, watching you squirm with that blush is way to entertaining" He mumbled, digging his tongue inside the sheath and forcing it back to get at the glistening red meat he so desperately craved.

A soft gasp was the only thing Lucario was able to offer in reply, his attention not totally devoted on the one currently jamming his growing length into his muzzle with practiced expertise. Zoroark softly chuckled at the jackal's reaction, having done this many times before yet still able to render his mate speechless with hardly any effort. It definitely helped when he could fit the entirety of the Lucario's seven inch length down his throat without so much as gagging.

"Dear Arceus..." Lucario breathed, his paw softly pushing Zoroark's head down, helping the dark type bob on his prick while he offered a soft murr of delight, letting his mate use him while he reached a paw down to tickle at his own growing arousal, his fox hood standing just an inch shorter that Lucario's, not that he minded since he knew his preferred position.

He was naturally a more submissive creature, having a pretty shy demeanor when he wasn't playing pranks or generally just being a nuisance. His evolution didn't seem to lessen this trait either, his attitude turning even more timid after having gained a stronger grasp of his illusions, usually choosing to hide behind a persona of whatever species he so chose, be they human or Pokémon. Lucario, on the other hand, was much more assertive than most of his team, his quiet gaze holding an air of command he held ever since he hatched.

Marcus usually trusted him to help make decisions when he wasn't sure, even having him devise strategies for him when the human was stumped by a peculiar challenge or battle. This led to him becoming the unofficial leader of the team whenever Marcus wasn't around, to which the Lucario accepted without complaint. He was the dominant in almost everything he did, which suited the dark type just fine, if his moans and the jerking of his unattended yet swelling cock was any indication.

Lucario's paws trailed down from Zoroark's head, softly resting on the vulpine's grey furred cheeks, before he forced the fox off of his cock and looked down at him through lust filled eyes. Zoroark knew that look all too well, and didn't offer any complaint while he brushed his furred body against the other, his rear once again resting on his lovers lap.

Lucario wasted little time, practically burying his face into his mate's thick chest fluff, softly biting at the vulpine's sensitive nipples while his paws went back to that plump rear, spreading the grey furred cheeks and nestling his erection between them, letting them fall closed around his length. Zoroark shifted his legs, softly rising up and down to work the meat between his rear, occasionally feeling the tip kiss his tail hole, but not quite allowing entrance.

A growl reverberated from Lucario's throat, his paws once again settling on the fox's hips, lifting the larger Pokémon up off of his prick and leaving the dark type to hold himself for but a moment before lowering him back down onto his lap, Zoroark offering a single soft purr at the feeling of the tip of his mate's erection poking at his tail star.

"All yours love." That was all Zoroark needed to hear before he lowered himself down onto his lovers lap, his pucker offering little resistance before the tip slipped in, quickly followed by the rest of Lucario's inches until Zoroark was set back into his lap with only the knot keeping the two separated from one another.

"Oh I missed this" Zoroark sighed, resting his head on top of the aura Pokémon's own, claws coming up to hold onto his shoulders while he softly grinded against that fleshy bulb. Lucario grunted, but otherwise remained silent while he kissed his lovers neck, earning a small giggle from the dark type before slowly rising back up off his lovers cock. Zoroark let out a small whine at the feeling of emptiness as he rose further up until the tip once again kissed his entrance, before practically slamming back down onto his mate's lap, earning a pleased gasp from the canine below.

Another gasp followed the jackals, but this one much louder than his own, the landing having caught the fox off guard after having gone so long without a proper reaming. He actually needed a second to catch his breath, his walls no longer loose enough to handle the girth as well as they did a few weeks ago.

Lucario waited patiently while Zoroark adjusted, gently petting through the grey fur and moving down to play with the fox's length. This earned a moan from the illusion Pokémon, his muzzle coming down to tickle one of the pointy ears below him, offering a small nibble on the tip before his tongue trailed down towards the base and back up again.

Another growl escaped the Lucario, sending a shiver down Zoroark's spine and a clench of muscles on a certain organ, making the growl turn into another moan that only persisted when he began to softly bounce on the Pokémon's lap.

The two met in a kiss once again, their moans muffled by tongues as they once again wrestled for dominance, which Lucario allowed Zoroark to have this time, letting that soft tongue pass his lips and explore the aura Pokémon's mouth, his bouncing never slowing while Lucario helped him along.

The fox's cock, having not been touched even once, jerked once before the cock inside of him practically jabbed his prostate on his way down, making him moan loudly before white shot out to cover Lucario's stomach, matting the fur and making the fox blush while staring at his mate.

"Have to work on your stamina love." Lucario chuckled, picking up the Pokémon still in his lap and leaping down from the tree before lying back down with Zoroark under him. Grey furred arms crossed over his neck while similarly colored legs crossed over his back, getting a pleased growl from the canine before he shoved back in.

Both gasped and moaned while the speed of the jackals thrust slowly increased, the sounds of muffled slaps echoed throughout the forest. Zoroark smiled up at his mate with half-lidded eyes while the jackal was lost in his own little world of pleasure. The big knob of flesh the Lucario called a knot bumped against Zoroark's opening, eager to find entrance into the hot confines of that rear.

Zoroark's legs helped him along; helping the Pokémon thrust harder and harder while Lucario's arms wrapped around his mate, mindful of his chest spike even in his lust addled state. The dark type kissed the Pokémon's closed eyelids, nuzzling him while his still hard cock spat out another wad of cum, this one managing to land all the way up on his own face.

"Claim me Lucario" Zoroark breathed, followed by a moan when Lucario sped up his thrusting until his hips were little more than a blur while the two kissed once again. After nearly a minute of Lucario's brutalizing thrusts, that fat knot finally forced open Zoroark's walls and buried itself in that tight heat, making Zoroark let loose a scream that was drowned out in Lucario's mouth. Jet after jet of thick white painted Zoroark's walls while Lucario kept thrusting through his orgasmic haze, making the dark type let loose a third shot of his own, nearly causing him to pass out in pleasure.

Zoroark's walls were practically drenched by the time Lucario's balls finally ran dry , leaving a comforting warmth in the dark types stomach, which his clawed paw came up to rub it softly, a contented smile on his face. His eyes closed and his smile widened when his mate's tongue tickled his cheek, helping to clean up whatever cum managed to find its way on his muzzle.

"Fuck I needed that." Lucario said with a grin, kissing his mate once again before resting his head on Zoroark's chest, snuggling into that thick fur while Zoroark's arms moved to wrap around the Jackals back, pulling him closer. The chest spike did slightly dig into his stomach, but he didn't mind much, it was a small price to pay to be able to hold his mate so close.

His muscles clenched around the knot locking the two together, testing just how tight that seal was, making Lucario offer another moan at the stimulation to his sensitive cock.

"Maybe next time we'll let Mienshao join in" Zoroark chuckled, earning a small laugh from his mate before his chin rested on his chest, his eyes now on the dark type currently looking down at him.

"Can't imagine what she'd say when she catches me balls deep in that tight ass of yours," he muttered, making the fox let loose a laugh that echoed throughout the woods before he calmed down and let his head rest on the grass, softly rubbing the Lucario's back while his eyes slid closed and his consciousness left him with a contented smile on his face.