To Tame an Alpha: Part 4

Story by Sleths on SoFurry

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#4 of To Tame an Alpha

The final part! Just to be clear, this collaboration was supposed to be simple at first, but it evolved into the 4-part story + art we have today out of excitement from both parties. Just as before, I want to thank FA: foster-tony for doing this with me with all my heart. He's a really cool guy, super fun and delightfully kinky. I really do feel like this collaboration captured the essences of both my usual writing and his usual art at their core.

Disclaimer time: rough stuff ahead, read the tags (and maybe the previous parts?) to know what you're getting into! Second usual disclaimer, I urge everyone to check FA: foster-tony 's gallery over at FA for more bondage awesomeness!

Gard had barely slept at all. After a good hour of struggling and then another of simply suffering from the extreme arousal he felt, the large wolf had surrendered himself to his exhaustion and, as the effects of the cursed potion that kept his member hard and his thoughts on sex alone slowly passed, he let himself fall in a sort of sleep. Despite his thoroughly uncomfortable position.

Even his dreams were filled with sex. In them, he was fucking the most beautiful of females. He could see his cock hard, dripping, going in and out of her and he took such pleasure with it... But then, even in his dreams, there he was. Ezhno. The wolf was grinning at him. It filled him with anger. Enough to leave the sex behind, to stomp towards him. He just wanted to put his claws around the small wolf's throat. Gard growled, he stepped towards the damned wolf, but he wasn't reaching him. Ezhno kept grinning, it angered him even more, he cursed. He ran. His member was still hard. He couldn't reach...

Suddenly, the whole world grew so cold. Gard snapped awake, gasping. He was cold! He opened his eyes, looking around and he found he could see. The blindfold was gone. In front of him, stood the two traitorous hunters that had helped Ezhno start all of this, Terron and Ferver. One of them was holding the wooden bucket of cold water that had just been thrown at Gard. Between them, of course, was Ezhno, the smaller wolf's arms crossed and him grinning just as he had been in Gard's dream. The former alpha growled fiercely even through the makeshift gag made of Ezhno's disgusting loincloth.

"You were sleeping so soundly it almost felt like a pity to wake you. It looks like you really are getting used to your new position. Even your body agrees." Ezhno spoke with a chuckle, that same condescending tone of his that angered Gard so much.

He didn't understand what the wolf meant by 'his body', but he did when Ezhno stepped forward to touch the erection he hadn't noticed he had. Morning wood, definitely. Not surprising with the dreams he was having. Certainly the potion's remnants, Gard was sure.

"HMMPGHFF! Lmmgh mmh gghf!!" The angry, muscular wolf protested. His member did retreat a little since both the coldness of the water treatment and the humiliation and shame of the treatment were taking its toll on it. Even worse that around his muzzle was still the loincloth that belonged to Ezhno himself. When Gard realized that the hunters could definitely see that, shame burned within him again. Ezhno himself was wearing a new, clean one apparently.

"Don't worry, slave, with what I have planned, you'll have plenty to keep yourself busy today."

There it was. Ezhno was grinning again and even the two hunters chuckled. Gard looked between them and found that he didn't like it. Whatever it was, it was bound to be bad for him. The big wolf struggled again, even if he had no chance against the thick, tight ropes. If only he could free himself, he would teach them all a lesson they would never forget.

Still, it was not to be. The hunters had little trouble moving the ex-alpha wolf even after they untied him from the large pole inside the tent he was strapped to. Gard fought and growled, but his muscles felt stiff and sore from the uncomfortable night. As muscular and strong as he was, his hunters weren't that far behind. They quickly redid the ropes keeping Gard's hands behind his back, but it was more than that. They forced both of his arms together and wrapped them around with several loops of it, making sure he had absolutely no way of hoping to break out of these bonds in particular. After that, one of the hunters kept a tight grip on the large wolf's scruff to force him to keep his head down and keep him from biting. They finally removed the disgusting loincloth that had served as his gag, however, allowing Gard the luxury of spitting down and breathing properly for the first time since the previous night.

"You TRAITORS!" The wolf growled. "When this is over I'll make sure you get the same fate as HIM!" Though the former alpha showed his teeth and growled his threat with real, pure anger, he noticed that this time the hunters didn't even look intimidated. Had he lost this much power? It only stirred his anger further.

"Enough with that blabbering. The sooner you accept your new life, the easier it'll be. This is punishment, Gard." It was Ezhno speaking. Gard growled, trying to turn his head towards the small wolf, but the hunter holding his scruff didn't even allow that, just gripping and twisting his fur to keep him still. "I'm sure today's training will put you in the right direction."

"IN. YOUR. DREAMS!" Gard growled again. Ezhno came closer, stepping up to stand in front of him. Gard looked up with fury still in his eyes. He held a water flask in his hands.

"Would you like some water?" The small wolf asked gently, completely ignoring his fury and threats. Gard was thirsty. The entire night with the gag had his muzzle dry, but he still growled towards Ezhno.

"Is it spiked with that fucking potion of yours?" The large wolf asked with anger.

"Yes." Ezhno just smirked. Gard was taken by surprise by the bluntness of his answer, but the wolf's attitude just fed his rage. That smug, smartass attitude Ezhno had was what he hated the most In that damned wolf. It's why he had always hated him.

"Then you can shove it up your ass! Bring me REAL water!" Gard jerked forward, struggling to reach Ezhno and bite him, but the hunter tugged him back right away, keeping him still. Ezhno just shook his head. Gard's cock had finally retreated back to his sheath, but he could still feel his balls full with that tingle of lingering arousal after the last dose of that potion.

"I'm sorry, but this is all you're getting. This is part of the punishment, you see? When you start behaving better this too will stop." Ezhno spoke slowly and calmly again. It was so irritating! Nevertheless, he was also calmly opening the flask. When he popped it open, he spoke with the same calmness. "Hold him."

It took a second for Gard to realize what he meant. When he did, his eyes went wide, but the other hunter was already upon him. The wolf took hold of his muzzle and pried it open. As soon as Gard saw what he was doing he started struggling, growling, trying with all of his might to shake them off. He could tell by their grunts the hunters were struggling. He might have done it. The ex-alpha was confident he could shrug them off, but then a torrent of water hit his face.

Gard coughed when he felt water flooding his muzzle, his nose, his eyes. He had to close them, coughing and spurting out the water that kept coming, but he also swallowed. He had swallowed a good amount of it when he started actively trying to keep himself from doing it. When the flask was empty, they finally let him go to cough and spit on the ground. The damage was done, however.

"YOU FUCKIN'-!" The big wolf started but had to stop to cough some more. A few more curse words that involved 'killing', 'fucking' and 'torturing' came amongst the coughs as well, but when he lifted his head up, Ezhno wasn't even standing there anymore. The sound of buckles filled his ears and the growling wolf turned his head to see Ezhno carrying several different kinds of what appeared to be leather straps and even a few pieces of metal. The wolf just nodded towards the exit and, before Gard could even complain again, he was already being hoisted up and pushed into walking out of the tent.

The former alpha struggled, cursed, growled and fought. He was little match to both hunters holding him down and forcing him to walk, though. The chilly air of the early morning hit his mostly bare fur when they exited the tent, but even so, Gard was still beginning to feel hot again. He knew what that was by now and, if anything, that made him even angrier. The growing bulge in his wrapped loincloth was hard to deny, however.

The wolves took him around the large tent that belonged to the alpha. Gard already saw the eyes of some people that happened to be around while he passed. Women with baskets going about their duties, hunters that got up early to check their traps... All of them stopped to stare at him and, this time, Gard could barely see any hint of fear of him left in their eyes. Oh, he would change that when he got free again.

They took him to the back of the tent, out of the main area and into a sort of alley created by the presence of several tents surrounding it. It gave them some level of privacy or, at least enough not to have anyone openly staring. There was nothing there save from a cart. It was one of the regular, wooden carts usually pulled by animals for transportation. They stopped next to it and by then, Gard was already panting and huffing again. They pushed him forward with a kick to the back of his legs, forcing him to kneel down again. Gard's wrists hurt from how much he struggled against the wraps keeping them behind his back, but if he could just free his hands he was sure he could take on all of these fuckers.

"Your behavior is still abysmal," Ezhno said, though his tone showed no worry. "A shame."

"A shame will be my fist breaking the teeth off your muzzle!" Gard growled, to which Ezhno just shook his head.

"I would consider going light on your punishment if last night had helped you see your new place, but I see it can't be helped." The small wolf looked at both hunter and nodded. "Hold him down while I work."

"You stay away from me!" Gard was quick to growl and threaten. He immediately struggled against both hunters as they advanced upon him to hold him still. The large, muscular wolf was succeeding in some level for he was definitely giving the hunters some trouble, but then an unexpected squeeze came right to his cock. It made all of his muscles grow weak. An involuntary moan came from Gard, which immediately made him lower his ears in shame.

Gard looked down to see Ezhno's hand gripping his cock through his loincloth. He hadn't even noticed how hard he was through his anger, but now he could see the outline of his member clearly even through the tightness of his wrapped loincloth. Gard was about to struggle against the invasion of privacy that was Ezhno's hand on his member, but as soon as he threatened to move, another squeeze came. It wasn't even a hard squeeze of any sort, but that hand against his cock made him feel a jolt of pleasure that was like a shock going through his body. He had never felt his member so sensitive. Gard knew it had to be the potion's fault. He had drunk more this time than before, taking in almost the whole flask.

"Be still and maybe I'll let you feel more of that later," Ezhno said. Gard growled, but another small squeeze quickly quelled it. Ezhno brought up the heavy leather straps and started wrapping them around the larger, kneeling wolf.

The heavier ones were a harness. Gard struggled and protested against it, but every time he urged to fight against it they would come down and squeeze or even stroke his cock. He hated how weak it made him, but at the same time... He hadn't cummed last night. He had had to spend the whole night as aroused as he was without being able to pleasure himself and that was taking his toll on him, apparently. Thoughts of sex started filling his mind, polluting it over the stuff he knew were more important like his freaking dignity or getting out. Still, no matter how much he fought it, it was hard to contain it. He was just too horny.

The harness-like straps went over his chest, but they enveloped his large arms kept behind his back as well, pressing them closer to his body and limiting his mobility even more. They wrapped them around him and over his shoulders before Ezhno gave them a sharp pull, making sure they were so tight against his large furry chest that it felt truly constricting before closing the buckles around it.

"You fucking... I'll- I'll fuck each one of you when I'm out of here!" Gard threatened again, panting now from both the effort and from how hot he was feeling. "I'll tie you all out at the center of the village and fuck you again and again and again for everyone to see!" The large wolf still made an effort to growl. He found that he liked the thought of fucking them in his head very much, screw it if they were male or female. He just wanted to sink his cock into something and fuck like never before. Gard could feel his loincloth, tight and constricting against his raging erection, getting wetter from precum.

They didn't pay him much mind, however. They took hold of his legs and two heavy shackles made of metal were closed around them. It had a wooden bar between them, which forced Gard to keep his legs together, yet separate and a little spread. He hated that, too. Gard stomped on the ground, struggling against that as well until a firm grip on his cock over his loincloth made him stop and gasp again.

"You're stubborn," Ezhno said, holding his cock. It did make Gard stop his struggling to look at him, panting harder and honestly resisting the temptation to just hump against that hand. He would never sink that low, however. He gave Ezhno a hard, defying stare back. The smaller wolf caught up on that, simply shaking his head. "I see we'll need to be a little more creative here," he said looking at both hunters standing behind him now. "Hand me the rest of the straps."

And so they did. Gard was right back to fighting it when, much to his surprise, Ezhno started wrapping one large leather strap around his cock over the loincloth, wrapping it even more tightly around his hard length. The bulge and volume made it awfully obvious, even if it wasn't already, that he was rock hard. The ex-alpha growled and tried to struggle, but he felt his strength even more sapped when, after wrapping the strap around his cock a second time, Ezhno pulled at it, tugging his cock and tightening the straps to make sure they were tight around his cock. The small wolf didn't stop there. He connected the leather wrapping his cock to his chest, making sure his cock stayed nice and upright, then went with more straps around his back as well.

The whole thing just added to how constricted his movements already were, except that now, when Gard moved his chest back and forth he also tugged his hard cock back and forth. That alone made him groan with pleasure given how sensitive he was. It wasn't nearly enough to provide any real sort of stimulation, but it was definitely enough to tease him.

"Now, for the final touch." Ezhno nodded at the hunters again and they stepped forward to circle Gard. He was still trying to cope with this newly added bondage around his cock, but he looked at them nervously. He could barely summon the strength to growl in his position. Ezhno started wrapping leather straps around one of his thighs, then to the other, but he couldn't see exactly how or to what they connected as he did.

"Didn't you do enough already?! You think that bonding me up is going to keep me from coming at your throat? I'll undo all of this! All of it! And then-HNNGHFF! FUCK!"

This time Ezhno gave Gard's balls a slap to quiet him. The wolf had to heave forward with the sharp pain going through his body. He had to close his eyes for a moment to recover from it, so he could only feel the straps around his thighs tightening while Ezhno worked there.

"He's ready," Gard heard Ezhno saying. He opened his eyes, the pain still very much there but slowly turning into a mere ache. Both hunters put their hands on his shoulders, which made the large wolf tense up. They pushed him back, forcing him to take a step back towards the cart behind him, then another, then another. Gard had to stumble because the wooden bar connecting his ankles left him little space to actually moving, forcing him to take small steps.

"What's going on?!" Gard growled, his rage towards Ezhno swelling again. The smaller wolf ignored him, though. Ezhno stood at his side, looking down at something. When Gard made an effort to look over his shoulder after stumbling a few more steps back again, he finally caught a glimpse of what it was.

The cart's metal attachment handle wasn't attached to anything. Gard observed that they had used tight strings to firmly attach something to it. It was an oddly shaped object made of a material Gard didn't recognize. Probably something foreign Ezhno had brought. The alpha couldn't understand what they were doing. At least he didn't until, when they pushed him back one last time, he saw Ezhno adjusting the cart's height, then felt the strange object press exactly right against his tailhole, over the hanging loincloth behind his back. When Gard glanced back, he realized that the object had quite the distinct shape. It almost looked like... a dick.

"It's made of something called 'rubber'," Ezhno explained from the side as if reading his thoughts. "You're gonna get well acquainted with how it feels."

That was when Gard's eyes went wide. The idea crossed his mind, but it sounded too incredulous to be true at first. The large wolf's growling took a whole new tone, his muscles bulging with urgency to struggle again, but he had realized it too late.

Already lined up as he was, they moved with quick synchrony. Ezhno pulled the loincloth covering his ass to the side and both hunters, still with a firm grip on each of his shoulders, pushed Gard back. The large wolf pretty much howled when he felt the rubber rod going straight into his tailhole, penetrating him in a way no male should ever be penetrated. In reality, the thing wasn't even as wide as his own hatchet he had been forced to take the previous day, but the violation felt outraging all the same.

They forced him to take a step back, impaling himself on it, and then another. The rubber dildo went deep into him as if it was another male claiming his masculinity. Gard growled and snarled with outrage, fighting, struggling. He shook his chest back and forth, tugging his cock at the same time and, though that brought pleasure to his oversensitive member, his outrage made him ignore it. Gard managed to shrug one of the hunters away, forcing him to let go of his shoulder, which gave him enough room to give the other a light tackle with his other shoulder, pushing him away as well. Free of both hunters, Gard tried to step forward so that he could get the damned thing out of his tailhole, but when he tried to do so, he felt something else tugging him back.

Gard's eyes went even wider. He couldn't step forward. He had to stop and look back over his shoulder again and then, he saw it. Ezhno. The bastard had tied the straps around his thighs to the base of the metal pole coming out the front of the card, tying him to the cart and making it impossible for him to get away from it. It took a few seconds staring at it and forcefully tugging against those straps for Gard to truly accept that he couldn't get Ezhno's obscene toy out of his ass like that. The large, muscular wolf pulled harder and, all that it did then was pull the cart forward instead of helping him get away from it. In the end, all he could do was turn to Ezhno. He gave the smaller wolf a look of pure, sheer fury and outrage, snarling and showing teeth.

"Undo this! Take this thing out of me RIGHT NOW!" Gard pretty much roared towards Ezhno, no longer caring if that would draw attention towards them.

"Looks like it's time to quiet you down," the smaller wolf said, calmly as he always did. It drove Gard's anger through the roof.

"I'll quiet YOU down when you're DEA-" The large wolf started again, but focused on Ezhno as he was, he didn't notice the hunters until they were both grabbing him from behind. It was hard to struggle when every chest movement made him tug his hard, oversensitive cock back and forth and every hip movement made him feel and clench against the damned thing inside his ass, but Gard still did. As always, he was no match to four free hands. They pushed something between his growling jaws, then deeper against his muzzle while pulling straps over his head. It was a gag of some sort, with leather going around his muzzle to keep him biting down on a what seemed like a wooden piece covered in a heavy, softer piece of cloth. It wasn't hard on his teeth, but having that thing shoved between them made it hard to utter any sounds and with his muzzle forced to be closed around it, Gard could no longer speak properly.

He was still shaking his head when they finally managed to close all the straps around it and, even after they did, he still shook it as if it would somehow make the whole thing fall off. It definitely didn't, however.

"Hnnghff hngfhgr HNNGHFF KKHMLFF!" Gard said, trying to growl again. They ignored him, though. Ezhno turned away from him to talk to the other hunters and they all thoroughly ignored the alpha's rage. How he tried and tried to move forward to get that thing out of his ass, how he grew even angrier at how tight the leather felt around his rock hard cock, how hard he bit on the thing inside his muzzle as if that could ever break it. Gard's fury and outrage kept going until he was left panting through the thing inside his muzzle.

They all turned back to him. Ezhno nodded towards one of the hunters who nodded back and they both approached him. Immediately, Gard glared at both.

"Just because you're a slave now doesn't mean you get to slack off for the day," Ezhno said pulling a thinner piece of rope from a pouch on his waist. "The feast from yesterday left the village dirty after the festivities. Someone has to clean it up."

Gard let out a loud growl at the small wolf. If he thought he'd ever get the alpha picking up trash he was completely and sorely mistaken. Ezhno's hand came up, though. The small wolf placed it right on his stomach, feeling the alpha's muscles in an invasive way. It immediately prompted Gard to growl and struggle. With his limited mobility, there was nothing he could do to keep the small wolf's hands from rubbing and feeling his abs, then move the hand down to his cock. That brought a groan of both pleasure and frustration from Gard. Ezhno went as far as squeezing it through the wrapped loincloth.

"If you behave well today, I might reward you tonight. If not, there's always tomorrow." Gard wasn't sure what Ezhno meant by that, but he kept growling as best as he could with the gag inside his muzzle when Ezhno started to tie the thin rope around his crotch. It went around his balls even with them wrapped tight inside the loincloth as well, then Ezhno pulled it through the middle of the two leather straps already enveloping his hard cock. The former alpha didn't understand what it was for until Ezhno tested it with a tug. The tug pulled his balls forward, tugging at them and his cock at the same time. The small wolf smirked with satisfaction.

"This will do," Ezhno said. He then handed over the rope to the hunter next to him. The hunter also gave it a few tugs, making Gard let out a grunt over having his balls tugged. Ezhno came to his side to pat his arm. Gard growled again. The damned smaller wolf could barely even reach up to his head!

"You will be in trash collection duty today. Of course, you won't be able to do much collecting yourself, but someone has to carry it." Gard looked at Ezhno as he announced it, still not understanding what that could possibly mean but already denying it in his mind. "Be a good cargo beast, yeah?"

Gard's eyes narrowed with fury. "Hnnghf ffhngf cchhfg bbhst!!" The large wolf bit down on his gag, growled and jerked towards Ezhno, but all that managed to do was groan was himself because of that damned rubber toy stuck up his ass. Before Gard could rage any further, another strung tug came to the rope attached to his cock and balls, tugging at his member and pulling his balls forward. The wolf grunted, then another pull came, then another.

Gard's eyes shot forward, his rage redirected at the hunter, but when the hunter pulled the rope and, this time, didn't just tug but instead held it there, the large wolf had no choice but to try to move forward to ease up the pressure on his balls. He managed to do it, but since the leather straps kept him tied closely to the card behind him, he had to use his strength to pull the whole cart with him to manage to do so. As he took his first steps forward pulling the card, that's when it dawned on him what the whole thing was for.

The former alpha's eyes went wide. He looked back at Ezhno standing there, smiling, and fury took over him again. He tried to turn the card towards him to reach the small wolf even if he was too bound to do anything to him, but a hard tug on his balls stopped him from doing so. Another heavy grunt came, the rope was pulled one more time and Gard was forced to walk towards it once more just to keep the pressure eased up. Even despite all of that, his cock still throbbed inside the loincloth. The rope tugging it back and forth was like a light tease and, if it wasn't for the light pain on his balls that came with it, he might even be able to enjoy it to some extent. If he could ever enjoy something so terribly humiliating, that is.

The hunter didn't let go anymore. Gard stopped one more time but had no choice but to keep walking soon afterwards. The large wolf growled in frustration, muscles bulging once again as he forced and forced against the wrists restraints so that he could escape this, but there was nothing he could do. Glancing back, he saw Ezhno standing there. Watching. The small wolf even gave him a little wave. It made the former alpha huff with rage, but there were more concerning matters at hand. The hunter guided him to turn around the larger alpha tent back into the main street. If someone saw him like that, dick-shaped toy stuck in his ass, hard cock sticking out under the loincloth and pulling a cart like some beast, what would they think?

Just before they reached the streets, Gard stopped again. Desperate, he tried everything, even walking back. That was not an option, however, not with that thing threatening to go even deeper into his tailhole. The alpha thrashed, but, when the hunter gave the rope a sharp, strong tug, he had to stop. The tug on his balls almost dropped him down on his knees. He was forced to walk forward and, as soon as he stepped out on the street, he met the eyes of the first person to see him like that. Another hunter, one he knew too well. Gard could see with clarity the look of surprise in the hunter's face, which then slowly turned to one of amusement and mockery. It enraged him even further, growling and glaring towards the male as hard as he can. He was at least somewhat pleased to see that it made the smirk disappear from the hunter's face alongside his ears going down.

If only every other interaction he had could have been the same. Ezhno's hunter partner led him through the streets, more and more of the tribe's members were drawn to the display. Gard thought he had been thoroughly humiliated the day before tied up during the feast, but this was definitely worse. The very people he used to command, to yell at, to have them lower their heads when they came close to him were now openly laughing at him. Much of the pointing was towards his obvious erection that was not, by any means, voluntary and yet he had no way of telling them that. Worse yet, all the walking, all the tugging, all the back and forth made his sensitive cock start leaving a wet stain of precum on his loincloth not to mention all the unwanted 'pleasure' it provided.

Despite all the outrage, even Gard couldn't help but lower his ears in shame of his position. As Gard was led around the village, both the hunter and the people started filling the cart he was pulling with their trash collected from the night before. The more daring came closer to look at him, to comment, to even poke him! Gard growled and tried to intimidate them, but he found that too growing less and less effective as the morning went by.

A group of hunters was daring enough to come and poke not only at him but at his cock. Gard struggled against his bonds to go at them. They didn't seem intimidated in the least.

"The big alpha, huh? Who would've thought he'd be a slave inside?" One of them commented.

Gard growled as best as his gag would allow it.

"He seems to be enjoyin' it alright."

They laughed, poked at his cock, even gave it a few strokes. The involuntary whine of sensitive pleasure it brought from him made them laugh even louder. Gard himself pulled the cart forward, muscles bulging with its weight, to get away from them. He had little choice but to continue.


By the middle of the day, they let him take a break. It wasn't much of a break, though, as they parked him right in the middle of the village. In the same square, he had been bound to the previous day. There, everyone got to sneer at him as they walked by. When the hunters offered him water, Gard refused it several times knowing for sure it'd be spiked, but after a whole morning pulling a cart like a beast even the muscular alpha felt tired. That was most definitely not what his muscles had been nurtured for! At the end, when his throat felt too dry, he was forced to accept it. He regretted it immediately because he could feel his cock growing rock hard even inside the humiliating bondage surrounding it.

The afternoon was spent in the same degrading, humiliating way. He was pulled around for the amusement of the whole tribe, all while leaking precum onto the large bulge of his loincloth. That too was pointed out by many of the hunters he used to lead. Gard started by making note of each of them so that he could punish them heavily when he regained his status as alpha.

They made him work until the sun was setting on the horizon. Only then was he brought back through the tribe to the alpha's larger tent, where Ezhno was already waiting for him. Gard growled into the bridle they had shoved into his muzzle the moment he laid eyes on the bastard. The potion's effect was starting to wear off again, but his cock was still stubbornly hard. Probably because of all the jostling around that happened with the hunter pulling the cart by the leash attached directly to it.

"Looks like you had fun," Ezhno said with that same irritating smirk in his face. The first thing the small wolf did was trail a claw through Gard's loincloth covered cock. While it did bring a fresh drop of pre to add to the stain already there, it also made the tired alpha growl and snarl at him right away.

With a single nod, the small wolf had the hunters starting to undo the straps holding Gard to the cart. The alpha took every opportunity to snarl at them, but the damned hunters were careful to not let him have any freedom at all.

"I've decided on your new role in the tribe," Ezhno said, coming closer. His finger never stopped trailing back and forth through Gard's clothed member. It infuriated him, especially because the touch felt incredibly pleasure. All because of that damned potion. It made him want to hump against it, fuck something. More precum came from Gard's throbbing length, as humiliating as it was, even as he stared daggers towards Ezhno.

"You will be the... morale lifter, so to speak. It makes sense, doesn't it? As a leader, you kept everyone down for your own sake. Now your job will be to make everyone feel better after a hard day of work. You will be the reward, rather than the punishment."

Gard just stared at Ezhno trying to work out what that meant. Everything he thought of just angered him more. The brat could not be serious. He was the alpha! The strongest and bravest of all wolves. He belonged at the head of the tribe, commanding them all, putting them in their places!

"Whether it is by being bound for their entertainment like you did today and yesterday or letting the hunters have a more... direct form of entertainment with you, you will be there to provide it. Until you come to accept your new role, it will be enforced upon you." Ezhno's hand gripped Gard's length. The small wolf started stroking it, right there out in the open while the other hunters worked. They undid every strap holding Gard to the cart except for the gag in his mouth and the one on his waist keeping him pressed back against that awful dildo. His hands also remained bound behind his back, much to his frustration.

The large wolf tried struggling out of it, but Ezhno had no problem following him with his hands. All so that he could continue stroking Gard's length and inflicting a high amount of pleasure the former alpha most definitely did not want. He couldn't help but clench down on the dildo stuck on his rear, which only furthered his pleasure in the most humiliating way possible.

"Don't worry, I'm not evil. You will be enjoying your new role, one way or another. Just like you are now," the small wolf continued. His smirk grew and the stroking on Gard's cock grew faster. The bound alpha started huffing through his nose.

"Hmggpfffh!" His body wanted him to hump against it, yearning for the release of pleasure he needed, but he did all he could to keep his pride and fight against it. It was inevitable, though. Gard felt the pleasure rising around his cock, felt the heat, felt himself nearing the edge of the incoming high of a pleasurable climax. The alpha closed his eyes, giving in to the pleasure with his breath quickening...

And then the stimulation stopped. Gard's eyes snapped open to see Ezhno's hand hovering over his aphrodisiac filled member, but no longer touching it. They both could see how it pulsed even under the loincloth with a wet stain of precum on top of it. The alpha, still huffing through his nose, growled again.

"HMMGHF!" he snarled. Not only did the brat inflict him with pleasure, but he also denied him it! He didn't want to cum like that, Gard told himself, not in a million years, yet it didn't change the fact that his legs were still trembling from the sheer pleasure of it. That the fire of arousal inside him was screaming to be sated. Ezhno slowly retreated his hand.

"Take him to my tent. Bind him to the central pole again, like last night. I will be the one enjoying his entertainment services for tonight," Ezhno ordered and, much to Gard's outrage, his hunters nodded and moved to obey. The former alpha struggled with all of his might against it, eyes burning with fury towards Ezhno while he watched the short wolf's tail swishing back and forth when he turned around to walk into the alpha's tent. HIS former tent.

In the end, no amount of struggling, no matter how strong Gard's muscles were, was enough.