Littlest Were-Kitten, Ch 2

Story by dusty779 on SoFurry

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#2 of Littlest Were-Kitten

Greetings all, due to the continued delay of my other works i have been working on the next chapter of this series! I am working on the others have no fear, but as i have stated before, their release times will be erratic.

If you have not read 'Fox in a Wolf Pack' please do as it will explain much of the terminology used. It can be located Here

As always Please don't forget to Comment, Fave and Vote as it helps hugely for future chapters! How can I improve without feedback?

I also now have a Ko-fi if you feel like helping me along.

Also a HUGE thankyou to ComidaComida For helping proofread my works and mentor me. You are helping me get better every time!

Warning, this is an 18+ story, anyone under that age should leave NOW. Contains Adult themes and language and is not suitable for any under that age

I was cold, huddling under some cardboard boxes in the doorway of some long abandoned warehouse as the rain pelted down around me. My threadbare clothes were soaked through and didn't keep out the cold rain as it hammered down from the heavens nor the wind which threatened to blow my makeshift hovel away.

My backpack and its contents hadn't lasted long, stolen from me in my first few months on my own. The only possession I still had to my name was my basket which now was damn near destroyed, It wouldn't be long now till it was gone too.

Five years, It had been five years since I fled the Pride I was born in. The first two had been the hardest, healing from my horrific injuries and trying to adapt to being blind. My kitten, Roe, had taken some time adapting to his new role as my eyes when I was in human form. In mid form I had partial vision, able to make out shapes and colours. In my full snow-leopard form, I had most of my vision returned. It wasn't perfect however, everything was blurry, like a constant oily film coated the world.

My injuries had healed but still ached from time to time if I stretched in the wrong way. I was scarred everywhere the lions claws had made contact and they showed through my fur in every form, although they were more pronounced when I was human.

I struggled to hunt to feed myself, my eyesight being effected as bad as it was and my full form being only a kitten so hunting was near impossible. I was forced to turn to stealing and scrounging for scraps in bins. I had gotten good at the former and bad at the latter. Sadly it got me into all kinds of trouble and I had to keep moving town to town to avoid the law and Were authorities alike.

I was thin, dirty and under developed due to all my time on my own scrounging and trying to heal. My once bright eyes now milky and I was ashamed of them. I kept them hidden behind a rag I used as a blindfold not wanting others to see how far I had fallen.

The town I was now in was close to the mountains, it was modern with a lot of houses and buildings looking like they were constructed only recently. According to Roe, they all had beautiful gardens, a lovely town centre and a large skyscraper dominated one end of the town. I was currently hiding in the industrial area at a run down abandoned warehouse that hadn't seen more than teens with spray paint in years.

Because of the proximity to the mountains, all the bins had locks on them to keep out wild raccoon and bears which also in turn kept me out. I had to turn to my next best option for getting any form of sustenance. Now I was currently hiding after an unsuccessful attempt at pick-pocketing and stealing food from a stall. I should have known I wouldn't get away with trying to steal from other Weres, especially in a town as full of them as this.

My stomach gurgled with hunger pangs; I hadn't eaten in days, As I curled up tighter around Roe in my lap trying to ignore the stabs of pain that my shrunken and empty belly sent my way as reminder. I knew I would need to move on soon, I was sure that the authorities in this town were looking for me and the last ones I had run into had ended with me beaten, bruised and tossed over the borders, told never to return.

I tried to hold back tears and whimper as I curled into a tight ball, I would give anything for this torment to end. I still could barely wrap my head around the fact I had been ousted from my home so violently and had been cast into a life of suffering for something I couldn't control.

I hadn't realised I had slipped into any form of slumber till I was being lightly shaken awake by a hand on my shoulder. I jolted awake with a yowl and hiss while pulling away blindly, painfully slamming my back into the garage door behind me making it rattle loudly in protest.

"Whoa, woah, calm down!" a masculine voice said trying to alleviate my panic "I wont bite, promise." he added and I gave a soft whimper trying to find my voice.

"I...I have heard that before!" I retorted trying to think of a quick way to get away. This was bad, I was cornered in a small alcove, I couldn't see him, I didn't know if he was a Were or Human, or if he had friends with him. Regardless this could only end badly for me as I was outgunned and outmanoeuvred.

I took a tentative sniff and tried to hold back the snarl and whimper that tried to force their ways out of me. When I had lost my sight, my sense of smell and hearing had improved overtime to compensate. They had saved me more often then I liked to admit but right now they were all that I had in my favour, that and my small Were form.

I could smell that he was a lion, not much older than me but he was high ranking, either a current Alpha of a pride or soon to be one. The rain had also stopped and it was dipping into late evening, the scent and sound of night starting to approach. He was alone however, I could potentially get away if I managed to get past him. However there was something else there which made Roe mewl in joy and excitement but I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

"Well aren't you a friendly little guy?" I heard him ask and I gave a whimper In confusion at that simple sentence. What was going on? Where was Roe? Why could I hear two sets of purring? Why was one of them Roe!? I was rapidly hurtling towards a panic attack now as my brain tried to compute all of the confusing information.

"Not quite what I expected but then more stranger things have happened, especially around this town." came his voice again and I suddenly sensed his hand directly under my nose. I jolted back again terrified that he was getting so close, his scent filling my nose once more yet for some reason I felt myself relaxing a little.

"Come with me kitten, lets get you cleaned up." I shook my head and gave a soft hiss but my heart wasn't in it. I felt tears starting to wet my blindfold, fear ruling my every action and flashbacks of my last run in with a lion swirling through my mind. A run in which left me crippled and near death.

"S...St...Stay away!" I asserted, voice cracking betraying how truly terrified I was. he gave a light chuckle which only confused me more "J...Just leave alone! Roe!? H...Help me!"

"Bourn, relax," Roe answered my plea, still purring loudly "He won't hurt us, take his hand, trust me." I gave a whimper but after a few seconds I did as Roe told me. If I couldn't trust him, I basically couldn't trust myself.

Hesitantly, I reached out a shaky, seeking hand which the large male grabbed and pulled on causing me to yelp. I was quickly pulled down the steps and against the large male's front who wrapped his arms around me to hold me close.

Yet as I was held there firmly, all I could feel was content fulfillment, like this was where I was supposed to be. He gave a soft chuckle as I shivered fearfully, brain trying to compute what was going on as he gently cupped one of my cheeks. He lifted my head so I would be facing up towards his face, on the verge of hyperventilating.

"Hello my Mate, I have been waiting for you for a long, long time." he cooed a purr coming from his chest. My eyes, as best as they could, went wide and I tried to push away from him and screamed loudly.

"LIER!" I cried not managing to get away from his grip "Y...Y..You think you're the first to claim that!?" I pounded my fists against his chest, sobs now coming louder. He indeed was not the first, nor the second or third. I had heard that line from almost a dozen others all wanting one thing from me.

My heart ached now as I remembered all the times it was broken by some pervert who simply wanted to use me and dispose of me. After the third time, I had lost all faith in the meanings attached to that word. I was hurt every time it was used and I refused to let it be used against me again.

"Bourn!" Roe near screamed at me, trying to get my attention and break through my fear "Stop! He...he isn't lying... not this time." I gave a whimper and then another sob going limp against his chest and dragged him down to the ground yet he never lost his grip on me.

He hushed me softly, rubbing his chin and nose gently against my filthy hair as I broke down. He took off my blindfold carefully hoping it would let me cry more easily yet it just made me close my eyes and try to pull away again as my scars were exposed.

"Shh, shh, calm down hun." he cooed and gently gripped my jaw and gently rubbed his thumbs over my cheeks as he made me face towards him. I could almost feel his eyes land on and follow the scars on my face, even almost scent the confused anger that was building up in him.

When finally my eyes opened to look up at him he gasped softly and it caused me to whimper anew. I feared the words that would come from him next, knowing that 'reject' was going to be one of them and my heart would break anew. His grip was firm however, not allowing me to pull away despite my instincts screaming at me to do so just so I didn't hear him utter those words.

"Here, use my sunglasses," he said after a moment, shocking me as I felt them slide over my face "There, that's got to feel better, if you insist on the blindfold I'll get you a better one once we have you all cleaned up." he started to stand again with me in his arms and I turned back towards where I had been hiding out.

"B...Basket" I said weakly, he gave another chuckle and gently sat me on the steps before walking past me. I could hear him rummaging around through the cardboard nest I had made before the item I was so desperate for was pressed to my chest and he picked me up again.

"There we go, Now lets go get you cleaned up so I can see your pretty face without all that dirt in the way." he said before he turned and started walking, his soft purring never stopping once. He never spoke either, he didn't even tell me his name during the entire trip yet I could hear Roe and his lion conversing fully behind us.

The trip took a while, twenty, thirty minutes and I wondered how he didn't get tired of carrying me. My soft crying had thankfully abated and I remained almost limply pressed to his chest. I cringed as each car passed us and tried to keep a scent of where we were. We had left the industrial area and the soft scent of blooming roses and honeysuckles filled the air around us.

" that THING?" a male voice asked, dripping with distaste once we reached wherever it was he was taking me "Why are you bringing some... sewer rat home? You should know better than to pick up trash others have thrown away." there was a soft growl from both the male holding me and the lion behind us. I was gently placed to my feet before I heard the loud tell tale sound of a fist impacting face and a body hitting the floor.

"Speak of my mate like that again and I will end you," was the lions reply "Sigma Vicky! Get the shower running in my bathroom then attend to my cousin, his mouth was bigger than his brain again."

"Yes sir." said a polite sounding female and I shuddered a little. I had never met a sigma, only told how terrible they were. Ugly and filled with untold powers that they used to destroy anything that they disliked.

"Hush kitten, C'mon, lets get you all cleaned up before my parents... and uncle get home." I was lifted once more and carried through the house towards the sound of running water. When he finally sat me down it was on a toilet seat and I heard the door click closed a few moments later.

I gave another whimper when I felt him trying to pull my clothes from me and he chuckled softly but paused in his actions for a moment "I can't bathe you if you are clothed, fear not, I will simply wash you. My father would string me up from a flagpole by my goolies if I did anything incongruous."

I gave one last whimper before nodding and let him strip me down with frightening ease. I heard him stripping as well then was gently guided into the small shower cubical. I gave a startled yip when the warm water washed over my skin but quickly adjusted, giving out a contented sigh.

"There we go, now, lets start with your hair, close your eyes hun." He instructed and I did as he told me, closing my eyes as the water started cascading over my scalp. "So glad I decided on the shower... I was tempted to give you a bath but I would have needed to change the water several times."

I blushed and muttered a soft apology but he just chuckled in return as he continued his ministrations. He was rough once he applied the sweet apple scented shampoo, scrubbing away, rinsing, re-applying and scrubbing again several times. Finally when he got it how he wanted he applied the conditioner and then started on the rest of me.

He was careful, and gentle as he scrubbed over my body. I felt his fingers hesitate a few times over the raised ridges of my scars, grumbling softly as he felt them. His grumbling stopped when I gave a depressed mewl and whimper.

He was thorough, cleaning my crotch and rear and he even had me sit on a shower stool as he did my legs and feet, paying close attention to every detail he could to get me spotless. I tried not to jump or giggle as he cleaned my feet but once he worked out how ticklish I was he was more careful.

"Well, I thought it was all dirt but you actually have a lovely tan," he praised once he rinsed me off "I like it, suits you."

"Hard not to have a tan when you spend all your time out doors" I replied softly and he gave a rumble of agreement.

"I would like to ask you about these," he said tracing a hand over the scar over my belly and gave a kiss to the scars on face but when I turn away in shame he just sighed and started washing the conditioner from my hair "But I will wait, I am sure you will tell me when you feel the time is right."

"We have the clothes ready when you are done in there," Vicky's voice called from the other side of the door "Just as ordered, although are you sure about the cloth strips?"

"Yes I am, thank you Vicky," he called back "We will be out soon. Make sure you cook something good for dinner, a decent portion for my new mate."

"Yes sir, Alpha and Beta will be home soon." was the last thing she said before all I could hear was both of our breathing and the running of the shower. When he was finished he helped me out and dried every inch of me, not letting me do a thing.

I was then guided out to the bedroom and he started helping me into clothes. They felt a lot better than what I had been in before, freshly cleaned and soft. I hadn't felt new clothing in almost a year, having stolen my last set from a donations bin.

"Sorry they are a old," he apologized with a sigh "I'm afraid all we have in your size are my old clothes. But we will get you new ones in a few days." I just nodded staying quiet as he pulled the clothes onto me although he left my feet bare.

"Now, I assume you would prefer the blindfold?" he asked and I just nod making him chuckle "Very well, lets see... hmm, this one will be good, a lovely emerald green with some gold on the edges." I jumped when the fabric was pressed to my face and my hands reached up to lightly feel his as he tied it to my face.

As he took a step back to admire his handy work, the sound of the front door opening and closing echoed through the house. His parents and uncle were home was my assumption and this scared me more than I thought was possible.

"Time to face your in laws" he announced cheerily with a chuckle and gently took my hand "C'mon, I'll take you there carefully." I simply nodded and squirmed a little as he guided me downstairs. As we progressed the scents of roasting beef filled the air, combined with three more lions, two males and a female. The males did not smell happy.

"There you are Galvin! What is this I hear you sucker punched your cousin?" One of the males asked, a growl in his voice.

"Sorry Dad, he insulted my mate." My mate, Galvin, said in his defense "Mum, Dad, This is my mate, Bourn." he gave me a light tug to pull me a few steps forward and I stumbled a little at the tug but stayed standing.

"You didn't need to blindfold him you know." the other male now spoke up, voice deep and commanding of respect. It had me squirming in my place as I felt the blindfold be yanked from my head.

"Hey! Kovu! Give that back!" Galvin ordered letting go of my hand as he rushed after whomever took the fabric.

"He...he's..." the first lion, my mates father, started.

"Blind." the other finished and I gave a soft whimper and took a half step back.

"Yes.. he is... I found him huddled on the steps of the old factory while I was on patrol." Galvin said and I felt a hand gently trace over the scars on my face. It was much larger than Galvin's and the scent of one of the males filled my nose terrifying me that he had gotten so close so quick.

"These... these were made by a feline..." the lion, my mate's uncle, said and I shivered under his touch and simply gave a slight nod

"A...a lion s...sir" I said with a whimper and I felt his fingers flinch pulling away just a little.

"I see... I will inquire more later." he said simply before withdrawing his hand and gave my hair a light ruffle.

"Now now Mufassa, go light on him," the lioness, my mates mother finally pipped up "He has just been saved from the streets, Let's welcome him to the Leo pride before we scare him any more than he already is ok?"

"More than Just to the pride, Alpha Callen and his family are coming over tonight." Said lion, Mufassa, announced proudly "He is even bringing Neil and Xander, we're going to need the big table tonight."