
Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Myu gets herself a custom digimon!

Written for a Patreon.

This was available for early access on my Patreon. Join now for discounts, voting on stuff, and skipping the commission queue line! https://www.patreon.com/mysterywolf

Read all kinds of other stories, and download them in other formats on https://mysterysden.com/

Jeremy sat in his computer chair as he looked over the latest story he had commissioned Myu to do. He was a fan of the fourth wall breaks, and Myu didn't do that bad of a job at writing such stories that could break that wall just enough to be interesting. Jeremy was a slightly chubby human with black hair and glasses. "Heh, I wish something like that really could happen to me." He said to himself, just as he finished reading his commission about Myu changing him in another story.

Jeremy glanced around his bedroom briefly, as if he were looking for someone. After a moment of silence, he turned back to his computer. "Yeah, I didn't think so." A human being actually changing and transforming into something, such a thing was fun to fantasize, but Jeremy had to be realistic about life, transforming was never going to happen.

Jeremy clicked on the header of the website he had read the story on to take him back to the main directory of various furry images, stories, and other various things. No sooner than he had clicked it, than he noticed a message had arrived for him. Curiously, he checked his inbox, but he blinked a few times at the name. "Myu...Dalimo?" he said aloud. He knew the person he commissioned to write the story involving Myu definitely did not have that name. Nobody had that name in fact, especially stranger since the name didn't have an underscore, but a space, something no valid username should have been able to have. Jeremy knew that the messages on that website were safe to examine, so he clicked it.

The message read 'I hope you liked your commission. It was fun transforming you into that bimbo and having my way with you. I look forward to travelling to your dimension and having my way with you too. See you soon, and thanks for keeping my creator funded enough to eat. I'm sure they'll appreciate it by the time I get to them.'

Jeremy scratched his head in confusion. "Well, it's not spam." He said out loud. There were no links to suspicious websites, just a simple thank you? He clicked on the profile name, and sure enough the website took him to an error page to indicate the username didn't exist. With a shrug, Jeremy just closed the page, and went about business as usual. "Must have been a glitch in the system, stuff like that happens..."

Suddenly, a white hide arm with feathering reached out of Jeremy's computer. It wasn't reaching to grab him though, rather, it reached to the side to grab hold of his desk. Another arm reached out to get the other side of the desk, and the arms seemed to be pulling something up from it, as if a creature were trying to pull itself out of water.

Jeremy jumped back in his chair when he saw the arm. He couldn't believe the sight, it was as if it came out of some cheap horror movie or video game, except this was very much real.

The arms continued to pull up and reveal more of those equine arms. A white tipped muzzle with brown hide pulled itself free, with emerald green eyes. Anyone that saw the face of the being that pulled its head free would immediately recognize it as Myu, and with her head out from the computer, she immediately looked over to the frightened Jeremy. "Are you going to help out a woman, or am I really just on my own?" she wiggled her arms a bit. "Ugh, why the fuck did you get such a tiny monitor?"

Jeremy wasn't sure if he should even listen to the voice or not. "I'm either dead, or someone put drugs in my drink." He glanced to his water bottle, and then at her with still wide eyes. "What's going on?! You look just like...just like..."

"Yes, yes, my name is Myu." She pulled her shoulders free, bare and naked. She then pulled up her D chest, and then the rest of her, at least to her ass, came out easily. "In the living..." she grunted with a hard push. She pushed so hard that she tumbled onto his keyboard, and then onto the floor directly in front of him, her bare naked brown ass, mane, tail, and equine cock completely in sight for him to behold, as well as her hooves. "Hide."

Jeremy didn't even care that his keyboard had just been smashed by an anthro horse. It was the fact that there was an anthro horse that showed up in the first place that had left him speechless. "W-what are you doing here? How did you even..."

"Look," Myu put her hands on her hips as she stood up. "It would take more time to explain to you how I got here than the length of this commission that another Jeremy got, so just nod your head, and accept your fate of being transformed."

Jeremy recalled exactly what he had just commissioned earlier, and what he had become as a result of it. "I-I'd rather not become some stupid bimbo slut. Can't I just pay you to commission something else instead?"

"Well, you're not becoming a bimbo slut. I mean, we're still probably getting the sex involved, but only because that's something I like." Myu grinned. "But not while you're some stupid human. Instead, you're becoming...well, it's easier to show you." Myu pounced on top of Jeremy, grabbed his ears, and with a swift pull, she pulled his ears up atop his head, and stretched them out as if they were a rabbit's own, although these ears were thicker in size, and still slightly more towards the side of his head than normal rabbit ears.

"Hey!" Jeremy didn't get a chance to fight against Myu. The naked horse anthro really was stronger than a human. Plus, with hints of magic, she easily bent and molded his body to her will. He felt his hearing shift upwards, and when his new ears were made, they flicked with new life that made Jeremy feel outright bizarre. "What are you making me?!"

"It would spoil the surprise if I told you." Jeremy's ears became yellow and furry, though the tips were white. Her hands then went down to his head, and with a swift stroke of her white hide hand, the human hair on his head shed from his body and left only yellow fur behind. In fact, yellow fur covered his entire head. Myu pushed and pulled Jeremy's face as if it were nothing but clay. She stretched his eyes out horizontally, but slanted slightly upwards, she pulled out his nose and blackened the tip, with his mouth right below it, and she added purple dashes below his eyes, designed almost like lightning bolts. His cheeks had just a bit more fur that stuck out from his sides and pulled back. "But if you can get it right, I'll give you a prize!" she hugged Jeremy with her other arm, and pressed her bare body against his clothed one.

Jeremy couldn't push himself free from Myu to see what she was doing. He felt his head stretched and pulled in ways he couldn't even imagine, and by the time she was done, he used one hand to feel his new head. It still felt the same size, but the shape was far more animalistic than a human's. At the same time, it didn't feel quite feral. "I don't know! A bunny?"

"Hmmm...You know, it wouldn't surprise me if he was BASED off of a bunny, but not quite." Myu added a white tuft of fur around Jeremy's neck, not quite enough to cover his chest, but enough that a bit of the fur slid down it. "Now, are you taking off your clothes, or am I going to have to do it?"

Jeremy knew he wasn't going to win with Myu. There was just no real way a normal human could, but he knew one thing. "I can't do anything when you're pinning me down like this!"

Myu let go of Jeremy, and got off of his bed. She casually shrugged her shoulders as she freed him from her grasp. "Fiiiine, it's not like you can exactly go out into the world looking like that anyways. Well, not without some gawking."

Jeremy let out an annoyed 'hrmph' at Myu. He had no idea how badly his head had been transformed, but he had to know. He turned off his monitor to see his reflection, and he gasped at the sight of his head. While his head was roughly the same size as it had been before, it was furry and animalistic, but not like any real animals. He recognized the head from an anime, but he didn't want to say what it was from. The tuft of fur on his chest just gave it away more so.

"I can tell you know, I'm a pretty decent mind reader." Myu hugged Jeremy from behind. She held him firm enough to squeeze, but not so tight that she restricted his movements. Her hands slowly traced down his body, and as her hands moved down his torso, his waist shrunk, but his hips and ass widened. It was hard to tell what exactly was changing underneath Jeremy's clothing, but it was definitely getting warmer underneath. "This would be much more fun if you weren't dressed. Now, you know me, are you going to take off your clothes, or am I going to do it for you?"

Jeremy knew he wasn't going to be able to win against Myu. She had literally pulled herself out of his screen. He watched as his body reshaped and changed in ways he could only have ever dreamt of. "I don't...I mean..." he hesitated.

"I don't like doubt." Myu snapped her fingers, and suddenly the sounds of ripping and tearing in fabric could be heard. Jeremy's clothing didn't rip right off, but visible rips appeared in the seams of his clothing.

Jeremy felt his clothing change on his very skin. He felt the soft fabric turn hard, although it could still bend. The best comparison he could make it out to be was like soft tissue paper. Still soft enough to the touch, but he could just 'feel' that it could break so easily. "I-I'll do it! Just give me a minute! This is kind of spur of the moment you know!"

"And you're taking too long to decide." Myu grabbed Jeremy's shoulders, and with a simple tug, his shirt ripped clean off his body. Underneath revealed a combination of yellow and white fur, much like his head. His front torso had white fur over his chest and underneath, while yellow fur was on his back and sides. The fur was short and fine, with not a hint of skin underneath it. "Now, the pants."

Jeremy was speechless at the sight of his chest. Even his arms were not spared the yellow fur, but his hands were still the same. When Myu mentioned his pants though, he backed up. He was far too aware that Myu was going to get her way, and he felt uncomfortably warm underneath his pants and underwear too. "I-I can do it!" he turned his back to Myu, and then tore off his pants to reveal the yellow fur that was on his ass, went down his legs, and right to his normal human feet, although his hips and ass were built thick. Purple swirls also appeared on the sides of his hips. "S-see?!"

"See? Yes. Disappointed? Also yes." Myu grabbed Jeremy's hands, and with her fingers, she melded and molded them into thick white paws. She expanded and grew out his thumb, while she merged his index and middle, as well as ring and pinkie finger to form three pawed digits for both hands. "You're just too average, and I look forward to changing that."

Jeremy couldn't pull his hands free from her grasp. He took the time to look down between his legs, and he noticed that he was still definitely male, but his cock and balls were white and fuzzy with his shaft hidden by a sheath. He wasn't sure if he should let out a sigh of relief, or ask if Myu was done transforming his body yet. "B-but this body is plenty unique. I can't think of a living digimon out there." He would have covered his own mouth if he could after he pointed out exactly what he knew he was becoming.

"So you do know." Myu moved to Jeremy's feet, and lifted him up, she let Jeremy fall to the bed as she changed Jeremy's normal human feet into three-digit paws with black tips. "Well, good for you! But, becoming a digimon is only the first phase of your transformation, there are still plenty of other phases we have to do!" She let go of Jeremy's feet after she changed them into white paws, and smiled down at him. "Cute, big enough to give a good paw job, but that's not what I'm after."

Jeremy raised up his feet when Myu let them go. He wiggled his three digit pawed toes, and then looked at his three digit hands. He turned to Myu with his jaw dropped. He was a spitting image of Renamon, at least a version with a thicker ass. "I-is this it? This is what you were making me into?"

"Well, the first phase anyways." Myu casually shrugged. "The plan is for multiple phases, and the first one requires you being a renamon. You don't really SOUND like one, but that'll resolve itself with the next phase." She smiled devilishly to Jeremy.

"T-the next phase?" Jeremy scooted back on the bed that Myu tossed him on. He hadn't even focused on any other part of his room for detail, he was too focused on what this equine was doing. He tried to recall things Myu was a fan of, and the things he had been transformed into. He knew a lot of forms had one common thing, and he blushed underneath his fine short fur. "Y-you're not going to do what I think you're going to do...?"

"What, too afraid to say it?" Myu leaned onto the bed, right above Jeremy's legs. She crawled onto the bed, and put his thighs right in the middle of her own. "Because you already know what's coming next." She reached down and cupped his furry white balls. "You also must know I like the hands on approach. There's no fun in snapping my fingers and making someone transform. When it comes to changing someone's...well...gender, I like this method the most of all."

Jeremy shivered, and let loose a quiet moan as a bestial pink cock came from his sheath. His shaft looked as if it belonged more on a canine than it did a human, although he lacked a knot. "B-but..." he wasn't sure what he was more afraid of, losing his manhood, or losing his humanity. Granted, his humanity was already gone.

"Come on, show me how much you enjoy this form." Myu leaned her head down right to Jeremy's face, and gently kissed his lips, although in his new form as a Renamon, it was hard to even see his lips.

Jeremy's back arched slightly at the kiss. He couldn't deny that Myu knew how to push those buttons. He felt the pressure build in his furry balls faster than he swore he should have been able to. "Mprhm!" he tried to shout, but he was muffled by those equine lips.

Myu kept kissing him deeply. She slipped in her flat equine tongue in his mouth as her hand continued to tease and fondle his furry white balls and shaft. She gently rubbed her fingertips on his animalistic shaft as her green eyes looked into his now blue ones with black where the white should have been.

Jeremy couldn't resist any longer. He couldn't hold back his pressure, and with another muffled moan, he came. His cock pumped and pulsed cum, and as it did, he could feel his manliness slip away. He orgasmed more than he had ever before, and with each pulse of his shaft, he could tell it felt weaker and weaker, until he felt feminine lips part between his legs, and his shaft became nothing more than a tiny nub, a clit to serve his, no, HER new vagina. She was a thick renamon with large tits, and a feminine slit between her legs.

Myu pulled back once Jeremy came. She didn't seem to care in the least that a bit of the renamon's seed got onto her. She got off of the digimon, and looked over her work with a smirk. "Well, to most people, you'd be a ten out of ten, but to me? I think we can make you look much better than THAT."

Jeremy sat up with a slight shiver as she recovered from her orgasm. She felt the fur on her crotch warm and moist from her seed, but that was the least of her worried. She looked at her paws, her body, and then her now feminine slit between her legs. "W-wait, can't we talk about this?" Not only had Myu changed her body, but her voice was now feminine as well, a high pitched tone, not quite high enough to be a great singer, but definitely obvious enough to be female.

"Well, you do have a sexy enough body enough to do some talking." Myu smiled at Jeremy's new form. "At least until I continue and make you a more...sexier form."

"I-isn't this form sexy enough?" Jeremy thought about what Myu liked, and that made her all the more frightened. She stood up, and brushed her paws over her wide hips. Her yellow tail with white tip flickered nervously behind her. "I-I can be plenty sexy like this. What is it you need me to do?"

"Well, first I think a change of scenery is in order." Myu glanced over to the computer with a smile, and then at Jeremy. "I never saw the cartoon, or played those video games. Do digimon exist in a virtual world? Like...digital monsters? Something about champions too?" she paused momentarily. "I somewhat remember a theme song."

Jeremy somewhat remembered the show, but he hadn't seen it in ages either. "M-maybe?" he said, hesitantly. "But...what are you planning?"

Myu suddenly wrapped her arms around Jeremy's shoulders, and lifted her up. With a hint of magic, she made Jeremy's body rigid, and pointed the Renamon's head towards the computer. "Let's digitize you."

Jeremy would have wiggled had she been able to, but she felt a red glow around her body as she went stiff and pointed. Her eyes looked straight up at the ceiling. She could at least speak. "D-digitize? How are you going to do that?!"

"Simple." Myu pointed Jeremy towards the computer head first so Jeremy's eyes could see the front of the monitor. "You're going in the same way I came out." She then pushed his head to the monitor, and watched as Jeremy's head went right into the monitor, and into the digital world.

Jeremy shouted "NO!" But it was too late. She expected her head to be slammed into the monitor, but instead she went through the monitor, and on the other side. She clenched her eyes shut until she felt Myu's movements stop, at which point she then opened up her eyes, and then her eyes widened. It was as if she were wearing a virtual headset, and she was seeing her desktop in front of her in a strange aspect. She turned behind her, and she saw her room on the other side, as well as the rest of her body.

Myu shoved the rest of Jeremy's body into the monitor, and watched her vanish inside of it. From her perspective, she saw Jeremy's desktop, as well as Jeremy's backside as if Jeremy was a virtual pet of sorts, but taking up a large chunk of the screen. "Ugh, you have such a stupid background, but at least you got a nice ass." Myu moved the mouse to Jeremy's ass, and gave it a click.

Jeremy barely had time to recover once she was shoved into the monitor. She was thankful she could move again, but she was staring at her desktop, amazed at how it looked. She reached up to try to feel her desktop, but she was interrupted by the sudden sensation of something that touched her ass. She jumped, and quickly did a 180 to see a much larger Myu at the monitor, and a mouse right at her thighs. "I...uh...uh..." she was speechless. She was inside of her own desktop, and right in front of Myu. It was only then that Jeremy realized what she exposed, and covered between her legs with a blush underneath her white fur.

"Oh there's no need to be embarrassed about your nudity. Hell, you're practically an animated character now." Myu's voice spoke through a microphone placed beside Jeremy's desk so Jeremy could hear. "Now, I just need to do this..." Myu whipped her hand, and created a CD. She put the CD into Jeremy's computer, and started to install something.

Jeremy still kept her crotch covered with one hand, and breast with another. It was humiliating to be some sort of virtual girl for Myu, but even stranger given the situation she was in. "I-I don't...what are you doing?" she craned her head to look at the desktop, and she noticed a new program appeared. "Myu's...body alteration? What is that?" Jeremy's voice spoke through the speakers.

"It's an app I created especially for when I put people into computers!" Myu said excitedly as she went through the installation process, but then she paused while Jeremy's computer was installing it. "Okay, I actually hired someone to make it, well, hire is a strong word. The point is, it was made for me, and it makes my job easier. I can transform people inside a computer with no magic involved thanks to this app." Once the app finished, Myu launched it, and suddenly there was a white screen with various buttons on the top and side, almost as if Jeremy had been suddenly inserted into a paint program, although these buttons were much more...perverted in nature.

Jeremy watched in amazement as the app opened. Suddenly, she was surrounded by white walls, except from the side that Myu could see her of course. Jeremy looked up to see the buttons, and that floating mouse cursor, but she knew she couldn't reach them. "H-hey, let's be reasonable about this." She kept her crotch and breast, afraid about what Myu might do next.

"You know turning people into data opens up a whole new amount of things to do to them? You can change them without worrying about limitations. You can put them in any sort of virtual world, and erase that world in the blink of an eye. You can clone them and watch as they try to figure out which one is the real them. Really, if you think magic opens up a new world of possibilities, you simply have not messed around with a computer enough."

Jeremy gulped as she looked at Myu. "B-but...don't you want to personally mess with me? Y-you can't fuck me if I'm in the virtual world, and you're in the physical one." She wasn't even sure about what she was saying. She wanted a reason to no longer be in the digital world, although it was definitely a very interesting place to be in, to say the least, but she knew that, as something digital, just as soon as she could exist, she could also cease to exist, something she was far too aware that Myu was capable of doing to others.

"This is very true." Myu rubbed her chin briefly, and then smiled at her. "Maybe I'll change you up, and THEN I'll join you in the digital world for sex! The good news is that you won't smell in the digital world too, so I'm free to do whatever I so please to you." She clicked on a few buttons with a happy grin.

"I...smell?" Jeremy raised a brow at that curiously, but she then felt something bubble in her stomach. It was quick to boil up, and then Jeremy let out a feminine belch from her Renamon lips. "H-hey!" She blushed even harder underneath her fur. "Don't make me do s-stuff like that!"

"You realize you're not even a person, right?" Myu tilted her head towards the screen as she moved the mouse around, and clicked on other buttons. "Like...you have literally no rights because you're no longer even a real thing."

Jeremy looked away, and towards the paper white floor. "You don't have to remind me..."

The ground underneath Jeremy wasn't white for long. A wave of light blue washed over the scenery, and as it did, it created a new background for Jeremy. There was wooden walls and flooring with light blue paneling. There were school desks that lined up the interior, with a larger teacher desk up front, complete with books. There was a window too, and outside, one could make out Japanese buildings. The same blue hue washed over Jeremy, and while it didn't change Jeremy's Renamon body, it gave her a white short schoolgirl skirt with a white top over her breast. Jeremy thought it odd that Myu would actually dress her, but she wasn't about to complain about that. She did have one question on her mind though. "Japan?"

"Are digimon not from Japan?" Myu shrugged. "I don't know much about them like I said. I know something about Japan and school, and that's it. I figure I can set you up the scenario, and we can go from there." She pressed another button.

Jeremy's tail twitched rapidly, and she felt it. She felt another pressure, but this time up against her ass. She couldn't help herself as she let out a soft fart from her Renamon ass. "I didn't want to be...uhn...gassy!"

"There's a lot of things you don't think you want, but don't worry, I know exactly what you need." Myu opened up Jeremy's profile, and gave it a quick glance over at his personal kinks. "My, my, my. Someone is quite a dirty one, aren't they? Even dirtier than the Jeremy in the other multiverses. Well, all the more to have fun with!"

"J-just how much can you see?" Jeremy wanted to move off screen, but there was a wall on one end, and windows on another. She didn't even see a door to try to check!

"Enough." Myu clicked on more buttons with a happy smile on her face. "We'll enable smells. I'm not in there anyways."

Jeremy wasn't sure where Myu was going with this, but Jeremy could pick up the scent of the room now. There was really nothing to pick up though, as the room was fairly plain and empty besides her, and Jeremy took decent care of her body. "Okay...?" she replied with a confused tone.

"It'll make more sense the more I enable these things." Myu clicked on a few more buttons with a light hum to herself.

Jeremy felt an itch on her tail hole. She recalled multiple stories where she had it...messed with, and she reached a paw back to feel what was happening. It was then she realized two things. First, she wasn't wearing any underwear underneath her skirt, but that was something she expected Myu to do. Second, her tail hole had swollen almost three times its normal size. It felt like a tiny donut behind her, and as she felt it, she blushed heavily at how sensitive it had become. "Y-you don't have to do that!" she half wanted to tell Myu that she couldn't see it, but Jeremy wanted to keep her outfit on, as perverted as the uniform was.

"Oh, come on. You can't expect me to just turn you into a simple Renamon and call it a day, do you? You're virtual, so I can do all sorts of stuff to you and not worry about the complications that follow. Maybe I'll drop by and give you a good fucking when you're done, you'd like that, wouldn't you?" Myu teased, with more button clicks.

Suddenly, the thought of Myu's equine cock in Jeremy's head was enough to arouse Jeremy. It didn't just made her wet in front, it made her asshole wet too. "N-no, not at all!" Jeremy knew she couldn't deny it though. Myu knew all of her kinks, and she was likely changing them. She figured her cunt couldn't take such a massive equine cock either way, but her anus? She could feel her ass pulse almost in sync with her heartbeat.

"There's no need to lie, I know what you like." Myu had Jeremy's bio opened, and she was making some adjustments. She left Jeremy's history alone, but Jeremy's kinks were definitely going through a makeover. "After all, I'm making you like them."

Jeremy wasn't changing physically, at least for the time being. She could tell her thoughts were messed with however. Things she thought about that normally turned her on didn't work, and things that would have never aroused her were suddenly very attractive. She could tell why Myu enabled Jeremy to smell, but she didn't want to say the reason out loud, not that it mattered. "I...erm...um..." Jeremy was at a loss for words. She knew she couldn't stop Myu now, and she was afraid what might happen should Myu ever pull Jeremy out of the digital realm.

"Oh relax...actually, I could make you do that. I could make you do literally anything. I could make you fart rainbows, and shit ice cream, but that's not entirely original because I've done that to someone before." Myu pressed another button, and increased the setting greatly.

"I'll pass on...uhn..." Jeremy leaned backwards, and let loose a deep bass fart from her donut anus. She felt herself grow aroused from even doing that, but she didn't speak up about it, even if Myu definitely knew how turned on she had become over it. "I'm not normally that...ahn..." She let out another fart. "G-gassy?"

"Well, with a simple button press, I can make you fart any time I want. Nothing beats having a farting ass rub against your cock and feeling the wonderful vibrations. Of course, it helps if I'm in there too...but imagining it works for now. We can do more than just make you gassy of course, I'm thinking...a little bit of this."

Jeremy felt her stomach rumble as it started to grow. Both her stomach, ass, and body in general put on weight. She was already thick with a large ass and thighs, and as she grew larger, the thickness stuck as her ass grew out the most compared to the rest of her body. She had become a fairly normal Renamon, 160 pounds at the very most. She guessed she weighed a good 200 pounds by now, and it was still growing. She clenched onto her growing ass as she farted helplessly again, and she felt her ass cheeks vibrate from the sensations.

"That's okay for a slightly chubby Renamon, but we can do bigger than that. I'm also thinking about changing the setting, how's this work?" Myu changed the background to that of a school locker room, complete with open toilets and a shower system, one not running at the moment.

Jeremy was too focused on her weight to notice the scenery change. Her weight quickly soared up to 300 pounds. Both her breast, and ass swelled up, although her tits were still perkier than they should have been, her ass was also perky, and lacked any sort of 'flab' as it stayed round, though any farting Jeremy did made her ass shake and quiver on its own, as if she were twerking with every bit of gas she passed. Her legs swelled up with fat, as did her arms and thighs. Little by little, she was becoming more overweight. Even her hands and feet developed fat in them, something that shouldn't have been normally possible.

"It makes it so much easier on magic when you're virtual and overweight. You know how hard it is to keep a fat girl healthy? Here I can make you fatter than the world! Well, virtually speaking at least, and nothing bad will happen!" she chuckled. "Unless I want something bad to happen anyways, but hey, we can use a phoenix up or whatever those things are called to revive you!"

"W-w-we don't have to go that far." Jeremy's eyes went wide at such a thought. She then took the time to notice the change of scenery, and then she turned back to Myu. "This doesn't look like the kind of place to talk about that kind of stuff, you know?"

"You're right. This is the kind of scenario where someone turns on the shower, watches it run over your naked body, all while you're smiling and looking at the front of the monitor." Myu leaned back and crossed her arms. "But we both know you're not the kind of Renamon that will do that without some...pushing. So we'll just do something different."

Jeremy hated how the idea turned her on in her head, the thought of a naked Renamon in the showers with a seductive look towards the viewer, and how SHE could have been that Renamon. "I'll do it, just don't do anything else to me!" Jeremy rushed to the showers as she still wore the schoolgirl outfit. She tried to turn the knob, only to find the knob didn't move, as if it were painted onto the tiled wall, which oddly felt incredibly smooth to the touch.

"I control your world here." Myu clicked on a few buttons. "And I don't want that kind of Renamon. No, I like different kinds of girls. You're already chubby, but we can make you so much fatter than that." Myu applied more weight. "Hell...I could add a few zeros if I wanted, but I like to see the change actually happen progressively."

Jeremy felt her stomach rumble as the weight continued to build onto her already chubby form. Her clothing ripped and left her naked once again, this time with her large boobs on display. She tried to cover her chest, but she couldn't get even one paw to one of her large pink nipples. She lost count of how fat she was getting, but she was getting taller, but mostly wider. She was so fat she couldn't even suck in her stomach to see the tips of her pawed feet, and while she could still see her tail underneath her back fat, it looked tiny in comparison to her massive ass.

"Six hundred should be pretty good. We can go larger later, but for now, we need to add some other traits! You're a fan of musk according to your profile." Myu grinned. "Or maybe I just accidentally typed it in there? Well, either way it's there."

Jeremy already knew where Myu was going with that. She could barely move with her weight as was. She suddenly picked up a scent that was salty with a hint of sour. It was musk, her own musk. Jeremy wrinkled her nose at the scent, and whined as she looked to the showers. She was so close to being able to clean herself off, but also so far.

"I could make you smell like anything too with these settings." Myu chuckled. "I could even make you hate your own scent. You know how people don't mind their own farts? I could fix that so you hated it, and I don't just mean hate it by humiliation." Myu pressed a few mouse clicks. "Of course, I shouldn't mind it, not that I can smell it behind the monitor anyways."

Jeremy's tail twitched rapidly as she let out another fart. She could pick up the smell of her musk, and her own fart. While she shouldn't have minded either things, she found herself actually wrinkling her nose in disgust at her own stench. She would have waddled away if walking didn't take so much energy out of her body. Plus, she had nowhere to go anyways.

"So fat, gassy, smelly, what else can we do about this Renamon?" she grinned. "We could add SOME realism to your body. Not enough to harm you, but enough for someone to look at you and be amazed with how realistic you're treating your situation!" Myu pressed even more buttons. Jeremy already had a strong scent of musk, but the smell intensified when she added constant sweat to the growing list of changes, and a few other things.

Jeremy started to pant. She could feel gentle sweat pour down her body, as if she were outside on a hot summer day, although her body wasn't hot. She knew that Myu was making her body more exhausted and harder to even move to begin with. She could feel the sweat mat her fur, and her tail twitched again as she farted even louder, deep enough to shake her massive ass cheeks. She moaned lightly at the sensations, actually being turned on by her own farts, but she knew far too well who was responsible for that.

"Now, you were what...600 pounds? You know that's actually still kind of realistic, even if you've got the fat chubby paws. There ARE people out there that weigh that much. Hell, I think there's a show that's a documentary about it, and sort of depressing. Let's make you even fatter. Fuck realism, you're in a virtual world."

"N-n-" Jeremy started to speak, but a loud belch stopped her. She blushed as the weight continued to pile onto her body. Her chubby face developed another fat roll of chins as 100 more pounds was swiftly added to her form, then another. She was growing so fat, that her ass constantly dragged on the ground, even while she stood up. She could feel the fat from her legs cover her paws, and the fat from her arms almost cover her hands with the waves of lard. Her breast was still very much visible, though it rested against her swollen stomach. She wasn't sure how much she weighed now, but a ton would have probably been not far off. She couldn't move anywhere now, she couldn't even lift one single paw. "I-it hurts!" her legs wobbled from trying to hold onto her weight, but being unable to, her feet fell forward, while she landed on her ass on the ground. At least her paws were now visible, to anyone except her that was. Her legs and belly were so fat that her vagina was hidden deep underneath many layers, and her anus between her huge butt cheeks.

"Oh, you look absolutely FABULOUS! I couldn't even bring you out of the virtual world anymore, you'd probably have a heart attack instantly with that kind of weight. I can only imagine how much you're sweating and smelling too, but hey, unrealisim at its finest. So we've taken care of your weight, you smell, you fart and belch quite a lot, pretty sexy to me." She smiled to Jeremy. "What else do you think we should do though? I'd love to make more changes before having fun with the...end result."

Jeremy let out another belch before she let out a fart that was huge in comparison to her belching. She couldn't control her gas at this point, it was becoming excessive, and yet she could smell it, and it bothered her more than it should have. She gagged at her own scent, and shook her head. "T-this is enough! I'm plenty...plenty sexy as -urp- is!"

"Well, maybe by some standards, but we can do SO much more! There are so many other kinks we can try, buuuuuttt we'll hold off on most of them for now. We'll just do this other change." Myu pressed a few more buttons with a happy smile still on her face.

Jeremy felt her heart race in fear about what else Myu might do to her. She was massively obese at this point. She couldn't move if her life depended on it. The constant smell of her musk and farts, farts she was still releasing and couldn't stop, were getting to her. And yet, whatever change Myu had just done, Jeremy couldn't tell. Nothing seemed to be that different. She was still farting just as much, and just as sweaty, and just as fat. "What did you do?" she said through heavy breathing.

"It's a surprise that you'll see when I come in the virtual world to give you the time of your life." Myu smirked. "I'd say we're almost at that time though. Let's see...any other suggestions we do to your body before I join you in that virtual world?" Myu decided to make another change, one that would happen immediately compared to the previous one.

Jeremy felt saliva fill her mouth faster than she could swallow it down. She opened her maw to let the excess drool drip out, and she could tell what other changes Myu had made. She was thankful there weren't worse things done, but she was a hyper gassy, hyper drooling, sweating tub of lard that was helpless to the whim of whatever came up to her. She could lay down, but she was fearful of not being able to get back up if she did that.

"Drool too, because we need to add some bizarre features about you! And now, you're ready." Myu cracked her knuckles, and jumped into the monitor as if she were diving in a vertical swimming pool. She reappeared right behind Jeremy, and gave the Renamon's ass a gentle pat. "Mmmm, nice, fat, and furry."

Jeremy watched as the giant Myu behind the screen suddenly became a much more...manageable size, much smaller than Jeremy was actually. Jeremy had a good three feet on Myu even while Jeremy sat on her ass, if at least in part because of Jeremy's excessive fat. "Y-ou..uhnnn..." the pat felt as if it was putting pressure on a balloon, and Jeremy let loose another deep bass rumbling fart. She retched when the odor hit her nose. She hated how she loathed the scent of herself!

"Heh, and I made sure not to mind them." Myu zapped herself naked, and went behind Jeremy. Myu pressed her cock right between Jeremy's massive ass cheeks, and slowly grinded up and down. "Of course, even a horse isn't nearly big enough to reach your asshole with you being THIS fat."

Jeremy could feel her heart flutter faster as she felt the shaft between her massive furry behind. It was then she realized the other change Myu had done to Jeremy's body. Jeremy had a heart issue, one that was not life threatening, but she could physically feel her heart pound heavily in her chest, increasing her sweat, drool, and the rumbling in her ass cheeks. She couldn't stop herself form moaning too. Myu likely made her body incredibly sensitive, in addition to everything else.

Myu smiled up at her as Jeremy's rear trembled, and it gave Myu's cock quite the massage. "Mmmph. Who needs to stick it in your ass anyways when you do this? This is just as good. Who knows, maybe when you eventually lay down I can find that cunt of yours underneath your belly fat. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Jeremy wanted to say no, but she couldn't bring herself to say it. Her mouth drooled constantly, almost like a faucet that just couldn't turn off. She was sweating, her heart pounded, and yet she knew she was a virtual girl. She had no need to eat, sleep, or anything for that matter, and with Myu's ability to travel in and out of virtual worlds, it wasn't hard for her to do whatever she wanted to the new virtual Jeremy. "I...I..." Jeremy also found her body very aroused at Myu. She knew it was something Myu had done to her. She could only imagine the things that Myu had actually done to her that she didn't realize, but she couldn't see everything the equine did. "Y-yessh." She spat her drool out onto her massive tits as she answered. Myu could have easily slept on Jeremy's breast if she so desired. She let out another long winded rumbling fart with a beet red face.

Myu massaged Jeremy's furry ass as she grinded her cock up and down her ass cheeks. "Good girl. We'll make you a virtual slut yet."

The rest of what happened was a blur to Jeremy. She recalled Myu having her way with her ass, and then leaving to make more changes. Jeremy could be bent and molded to Myu's whim after all. She could be a shortstack bimbo one moment, and an obese skunk shitting uncontrollably the next. She was Myu's plaything. She was Myu's virtual digimon slut.