Uncertain Chapter 5

Story by FarFar on SoFurry

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Chapter 5 of my Uncertain series. FarFar and Marko get to spend some time alone :)

This has taken a bit longer then expected to get out. Life got in the way a few weeks before Anthrocon and for a few weeks afterwards. But, here it is!

For whatever reasons, the uploaded version of this chapter does not contain the fonts, spacing, changes in text that I originally put in. May be a bit hard to read as a result. Not sure what the problems were with the uploading. Same thing happened with a couple of the previous chapters.

There might be some editing mistakes in this chapter...I'm not that great with proof reading. :-(

FarFar is my character. The others are figments of my over zealous imagination! Comments and compliments are welcomed!

"Surprised?" I echoed back, my tail wagging happily. "Hell, yeah I'm surprised! I didn't think you were coming over."

"Changed my mind," Marko said as he walked over to embrace me in a hug. "The work up at the cabin can wait until tomorrow. I wanted to see what these parties are all about."

As we embraced, I noticed he was wearing a pair of blue cargo shorts which matched well with his white shirt.

Nice choice of clothing, I thought to myself. Shows off your black fur very nicely.

After a moment, we stopped hugging. He trailed one paw down along my hip, and I found myself doing the same thing to him.

"We should probably get out there and join the party," I said. "We don't want to keep them waiting."

"Yeah, guess not. You lead the way." As I walked in front of him, I felt his paws lightly touch my shoulders. I turned to look back at him with a smile on my muzzle. He returned it with one of his own.

Gads, are we both thinking the same thing?

The party carried on as usual. There were many games played, friendly arguments, and lots of eating. The usual banter between Allie and Ajax was fun to watch, and the two biker dudes were having a good time with everyone. My eyes kept wandering towards Marko. He was playing games with Allie but kept looking meaningfully in my direction. We engaged often in conversation, and we oftentimes sat next to each other while on the couch.

Am I reading too much into this...or not enough?

All too soon, we were gathered in the driveway to go our separate ways. The bikers thanked me and took off on their two-wheelers. Allie and Ajax were next. Ajax got in the drivers' side and mumbled something about seeing me at work. Allie just smiled at me as she got into the car with Ajax. That left Marko who was standing by his red jeep, tail wagging slightly.

"So FarFar. Are you done for the night or do you want to go out and get some dessert?"

"I wasn't planning on going out but yeah, dessert sounds great! Did you have any place in mind?"

"I was thinking of going to Edwards, that coffee house by the training center. How does that sound to you?"

"Sounds good! I've never been there during this time of day, so this will be new to me. I usually just go there for coffee in the morning."

"I've been there a few times in the evening. They have some good stuff to eat. Wanna follow me there?"

"Yup. Let me get my keys and lock up the house and I will be good to go."

By the time I got back to the driveway, Marko had already gotten into his jeep and was pulling away. As I followed him, my mind wandered with delightful thoughts of spending time with Marko...alone.

Pulling into the parking lot, I was amazed at how different the place looked during this time of day. There were only a few cars, and the ambient glow of lights led a cozy feel to the place. The brownstone exterior almost glowed in the evening sunlight, and the many windows reflected the light back towards the visitor. After parking our vehicles, we walked inside towards the order counter. Looking at the menu posted on the wall behind the counter, I knew what beverage I was going to get (coffee with cream, no sugar), and the biscotti seemed like a good thing to eat. The long, thick crunchy cookie is a favorite of mine.

"Why don't you go ahead and get a table," said Marko. "I'll pay for both of us."

"Sure! Just don't eat my food," I laughed.

Walking towards a table, I looked at the polished wood walls and the Celtic decorations that adorned the room. A few customers were scattered about but other than that, Marco and I had the place to ourselves.

I no sooner sat at a table when Marko came over, bringing a tray full of food and drinks. I grabbed my plate of biscotti and my large mug of coffee. Looking at the tray, I was intrigued by what Marko ordered. I knew he was into healthy eating, so the large ice cream sundae was a bit of a surprise. It looked delicious with three scoops of ice cream, chocolate syrup, and a mound of whipped cream. A red cherry and a scattering of chopped nuts decorated the top.

"Holy crap Marko! I didn't know you ate such things! That looks yummy!"

He took a couple of bites before he said to me:

"Well, I figured that this was a special occasion, so I thought we would indulge tonight."

"Special occasion?" I echoed back at him, my ears splayed in confusion.

"Yeah. I figured that this could be our first date! What do you think about that?"

My tail started to thump noisily against the chair and before I could reply, Marko cocked an ear towards me.

"I'll take that as a yes my dear Corgi!" That beautiful smile of his was back.

"Sounds great to me," I replied. I reached over and took both of his paws into my own, while giving him what was probably the biggest smile, I ever gave to someone. I heard his tail thumping against his chair as he slowly stroked my paws with his fingers. We sat like that for a few moments when he said to me:

"Now we need to make it official." He reached for the cherry on top of the sundae. With a grin, he held it out to me. I leaned over and licked a bit of the cream off his fingers before scooping up the cherry with my tongue.

Smiling, I thought for a few moments about what I was going to do for him. I took one of my biscotti cookies and dipped the end into the whipped cream. Scooping up a big dollop, I held it out in front of his muzzle. With a grin, he lapped the cream off the end. He continued running his tongue up one side then down the other. Opening his muzzle, he took about half of the biscotti into his mouth. I felt him sucking along its length, making sure no drop of cream was left. I was mesmerized by this display of eating, so much so that when he chomped down, I just about jumped out of my fur.

"My, my FarFar! Just what was it that you were thinking of?"

"Ummmmm, nothing. Just watching you," I managed to stammer back.

Laughing, we chatted and ate the rest of our deserts. All too soon the meal was finished, and we just sat holding paws and caressing each other's arms. Getting up from the table we hugged, and I nuzzled Marko on his neck, inhaling the smell of his fur. His cheek rested between my ears as he slowly ran a paw up and down my back.

"This is so nice," I sighed while rubbing a paw between his muscular shoulders.

"Yeah, it sure is. I'm really enjoying this. Why don't we go out in back and take a walk along the pond?"

"Sounds good to me." I took his paw in my own as we walked outside towards the pathway that led to the pond.

The moon was just starting to rise above the horizon when we reached the edge of the pond. A brick paver walkway went all around the waters edge, but what caught my eye was the narrow wooden dock that jutted out into the middle. Marko must have been thinking the same thing as he led me along to the dock. A gentle breeze was blowing, carrying along with it the faint musk smell of Marko's fur. The moonlight was reflecting off the water, causing a silver shimmer along the docks edge.

We reached the end and stood side by side for a moment, enjoying the quiet evening and our companionship. Marko turned towards me and we embraced in a hug. He drew me in closer, his paws running down my back until they settled along my waist as he drew me in tight to him. I rubbed my paws along his shoulders, then down to his waist, all the while nuzzling his neck as he did the same to me. We turned our heads, muzzles touching. He gave my muzzle a quick lick and as I gently opened my mouth, he pushed his tongue inside. I ran my tongue along his and pushed further into his mouth, feeling his wet warmth. As he began to suck along my tongue, we pulled ourselves closer and I felt his bulge swell against mine as we slowly rubbed our fronts together. We pulled away from our kiss, only to return after a few quick breaths. We held each other tighter as we were consumed with the feeling of our bodies being so close. After a few moments, we simply stood holding each other, smiles on our faces.

"That was nice," Marko breathlessly said to me.

"Yeah, it was." I rubbed a paw along his back, feeling the muscles there relax at my touch. I turned my back towards him, and he drew me in close, paws wrapped around my waist. I sighed contently as he nuzzled my neck, and I felt his bulge press against my lower back.

We stood in companionable silence, as I ran my paws up and down his arms. He continued to nuzzle my neck, while speaking softly into my ear.

"I hate to do this, but we have to go. I need to get to the cabin early tomorrow. Lots to do by the end of the weekend." He gently turned me around so that we were face to face. "However, I have an idea. We can talk about it as we walk back to our cars."

Holding paws, we walked the path that brought us back to the parking lot. Once at our cars, I stepped in front of him and quickly kissed him on the muzzle. With a smile, he said:

"I can use some help this weekend. I'm not sure I can do it all alone. Wanna come up and help me?" He splayed his ears back and gave me a sly grin. Before he could say anything else, I reached forward, grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him towards me. Our muzzles touched and I gave him another quick kiss before I slid my tongue into his mouth. He quickly wrapped his tongue around mine as we passionately explored each other. Pulling away, I simply said: "Sure, where is it?"

"I'll message you so that you can put the location into your phones GPS." He slowly rubbed me along my back while I massaged his shoulders, not really wanting the evening to end.

"Ok, I'm looking forward to it."

"I think we will have a good time, even though there is a lot of work to get done. With the two of us, we should get it all done and still have time for...whatever else we want to do. Oh, and don't forget to bring your swim trunks. There is a nice lake nearby."

"Sounds great," I said back to him.

He gave me a quick kiss before opening the door to his jeep. Turning around he said:

"I really enjoyed tonight. Thank you." He took one of my paws into his own and gently squeezed it.

"Me too, Marko. Thanks. I had a great time."

With that, he let go of my paw. Getting into his jeep, he shut the door and started the engine. Pulling away, he gave me that beautiful smile as he waved goodbye and drove off.

Did all of that just happen, I thought to myself.

Hell yeah! It's all good!!

With a big grin, I hopped into my car and drove away.

Back home, I looked around at the mess as a result of the party. Bottles, plates, and various items were scattered around in every room in the house. All I wanted to do was go to bed and think about Marko.

Fuck it, I thought to myself. I can clean it up tomorrow morning.

Slipping into my night shorts, I took off my shirt and caught a faint whiff of Marko's scent. Holding it up to my nose, I inhaled deeply, enjoying his smell and how it made me feel. Grinning, I tossed it onto the pillows as I stretched out on top of the comforter. My head no sooner rested on top of his shirt when my phone buzzed with an incoming message.

That must be Marko.

Looking at the message, I saw the location of his cabin. Below that was the sentence:

Sleep well my dear corgi. See you tomorrow. XOXOX

I replied:

U 2 my dear sheppy. XOXOX

Placing the phone on the nightstand, I closed my eyes and thought about all the things that Marko and I would be doing together.

Uncertain Chapter 3

My mind stated racing as I reread the words that Marko wrote¬¬¬¬¬ to me: Enjoyed seeing you today. Would like to see you again. Text me. Marko. Hell yeah! I sure would like to see you again. Then I got to thinking: What if he just...

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Uncertain Chapter 4

Early evening on Friday. I finished up the last of the preparations for snack night and took a deep breath. Everything seemed to be all set. The pizzas were made; all I needed to do was to place them in the oven. The snacks were set out, and the array...

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Uncertain Chapter 2

_Coffee? Do I smell coffee?_ Slowly waking up, I sniffed the air. It wasn't a dream! The rich smell of mocha drenched my nostrils, as my ears picked up the faint sounds of gurgling and dripping. I laid back on my pillow, relaxing and anticipating...

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