OverGen: Chapter 2

Story by KitSubstitute on SoFurry

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2778 AD: Denver, United States of America

Research Lab on the Outskirts of Denver

You ask why I support these policies Senator, you're a religious man aren't you? Well tell me the meaning of penance. Is it not to repent, is it not acting in regret of the actions that you have done? Then I tell you that this is the way that I so choose to express such regret, my personal part in atoning for our damage, the destruction of so much life. And what do you have to answer for it? Tell me.

  • Addam Kuznetsov, 118th President of the United States, 3rd Term in Office, 8/5/2412

[1 year before the legalization of physical genetic modification]


The inside of the lab was rather clean, neat, and sterile, in complete contrast to what I expected from my first impression of the group. I could comfortably head through the doors, although I could brush my head across the top by stretching up a bit.

The interior was decorated like a low budget tertiary governmental office for some obscure department of no real importance, namely the presence of off-white colored tiles for flooring, and exposed lines of pipes and wires on the ceiling.

Currently, I and the entire main research team: Marcus, Kelvin, Matilda, who is an Aussie shepherd, Samuel, a large otter, who was driving the truck when it had crashed the night before, and the red fox with the frosted tips, who I did not catch the name of yet; are all sitting at a long table, much like you'd see at a school cafeteria, eating breakfast.

It wasn't too bad considering it looked less appetizing than your average school lunch, but luckily, expectations here were subverted. Said breakfast was slightly soggy, under seasoned scrambled egg, french toast, and some oatmeal.

There were also a few sausages on the side, though there seemed to be an unwritten rule that Marcus pretty had them all to himself and didn't eat anything else. The rest of us engaged in banter about various topics ranging from the weather to the food.

"So you're probably wondering what got you here Sean," Matilda says while giving Samuel a pointed glare. "Well, as you can probably tell from the changes, we're an advanced genetics lab. Though the facility is pretty old, and most of our equipment would probably break if we poked the wrong screw."

"We're sorry about the accident yesterday. Now if someone didn't act stupid while DRIVING!" She gives me a smile, it turns into a snarl midway through, as she smacks the otter sitting next to her. "You know how much shit we went through trying to not get ourselves involved in a legal case?"

Sploosh, the otter faceplants in his bowl of oatmeal, splattering himself with the beige gruel. Raising his head Samuel gives me a sheepish apology, as he excuses himself to clean off the oatmeal. While the otter leaves, I see someone turn to face me, it's the red fox dressed in a labcoat, it's a bit long for him though.

"We're going to have to hold you in the lab for a while actually." The fox says to me, as slowly strokes his goatee like an evil villain in a movie. "It's going to be interesting to test you."

"'I'll need to test pretty much everything about you, especially genetics. And if you must know, I am Alexander, call me Alex if you'd like. It'll be fun conducting these tests, for me at least. " The frosted tips suddenly aren't enough to make him look goofy as the fox starts cackling maniacally, as he takes on the classic pose of having your hands raised to the sky while thunder crashes in the background. Well, without the thunder.

"Lay off the theatrics Lex, you're going to scare him." Marcus comes to my rescue. The wolf glances at me with the barest hint of a smile on his lips, before turning his attention back to shovelling food into his mouth.

"Oh yes, Marcus... that reminds me, we'll have to test you as well." Alexander turns grinning, an expression that looks very very wrong when combined with the almost crazed light in his visible eye. He gets up, and begins walking along the hallway. "Oh, and I want you all in the lab ASAP."

Samuel returns after cleaning the goop off his muzzle, looking at me with a look that implies some pity for my current situation before speaking.

"Just a tip, follow everything he says, and don't touch anything in the lab. Alexander gets... a bit touchy about the lab, and the research." He gives me a reassuring smile, before trodding off in the same direction Alexander had gone.

I finish off what remained of my breakfast before wearily getting up to head to the lab. Speaking of which, where was the lab anyways... I had seen them duck into a hallway to the right. So away into the hall I went before finding a cluster of doors together somewhere near the middle.

As I stand in the middle of the hallway contemplating which door to take, I hear the creak of another door behind me, before someone collides into me with a thud.

"Ow..." Marcus groans, as I turn around to see him rubbing his muzzle. He looks up and stares straight at me with a look of surprise. "I didn't realize that it was you Sean, heh, you really got a lot bigger. Not really that used to seeing you this..." the wolf glances downward for a brief moment, "...huge."

Well I hadn't exactly gotten used to my new size either. It's a bit strange honestly to be about two or so heads taller than Marcus; usually foxes are around average human height, or in my case slightly below average.

"Heh, I can say the same thing. Although I can't exactly complain about it either." I wasn't exactly weak before, being able to maintain a toned body through all the climbing I did through ship hulls, lugging along a toolbox.

But, it was nothing compared to the strength I have now; when I move my arms I can see the dense, corded muscle adjust, and shift under my fur. The large slabs of muscle on my chest rise and fall with every breathe, and I could probably do laundry on my stomach. (Save money on laundry by going to the gym folks). And don't get me started on the legs.

"We're supposed to be at the lab now, right Marc?" I ask, looking around at the doors nearby. He nods in affirmation.

"Yeah, Lex gets picky if we don't get there by the time he's finished setting up all the equipment. It takes a while, but I think that he'll want us a bit earlier than that today." Marcus grabs my hand and starts to set off, doing his usual habit of dragging me along.

The wolf abruptly stops for a moment, forgetting that I outweigh him by at least a hundred pounds now, and dragging me along isn't really an option anymore. Before he turns around, I humor him and let myself be pulled by a second insistent tug from Marcus.

He glances back at me for a sec before turning to point at a large stainless steel door with no visible markings, handle, indents, keypad, or any sort of thinkable way to open the door. Knocking on the door he turns to me, as I ask him.

"How exactly do you open the door anyways?"


"Okay how exactly does it work?"

"I'm not sure, only two people can open the door. Alexander just puts his hand on the door, and whoosh, the door opens. Kelvin does something similar but with just his claws on the door."

"..." I decide not to pry any further into the workings of the lab, fearing I may uncover an eldritch horror underneath the lab, or something along those lines.

And on cue, the door rises up with a swoosh, going into a slot into the ceiling above. An annoyed looking red fox gives us a look, before ushering us into a large laboratory with a large amount of medical equipment, and other pieces of tech that look a bit too stabby for my liking.

"You're late. Get into the tube now."

"The what now?" I follow his outstretched finger towards a massive glass cylinder that goes almost all the way up to the ceiling, before being capped by a steel casing with multiple torture devices hanging from it.

"I'm not getting in there... umm.. Anderson?"

"It's Alexander. Now get in the tube before I push this button." He growls, hovering one finger over a large red button on the console in front of him. The fox's eye flickers to an area above me.

I take a peek to see that it holds a large array of large mechanical claws, and... lasers; looks like either option leads to death, so I step through an open slot in the glass, entering the tube.

Alexander presses the large red button all the same, and a cup of coffee pops out on a desk near him, with a container of cream next to it.

"Now, we can get started," He takes a sip of his coffee, grimacing before putting the coffee down, and taking a swig from the cream.

"As you know we're a genetics lab, well not really a lab, more like a random spatter of people semi-qualified to do this sort of work." Some buttons on the console are pressed, and a pink large apparatus, similar to a barcode gun at a store, begins to whirl around and scan my body before beeping rapidly. I can't wait to see how this explodes.

"Tsk, you'll have to take your clothes off, we got the bargain model online. It can't scan through clothes, and is also why the blasted thing is pink." I unbutton the lab coat, letting it fall to the ground. Alexander reads through the various graphs, and streams of numbers that begin to appear on the large screens in front of him.

"Hmmm, it seems like I've figured out the true nature of your modifications. Well I should probably explains what I mean first. Let's start from the beginning shall we. As you know, humanity began to turn its focus towards genetic engineering technologies after the Singularity War; which was what exactly? You should know this if you got an education."

History has never been my best subject, and this section of history was especially blurry to me, due in part to a certain Post-Climate Shift history professor that made everything oh-so interesting to study.

"Uhh... was it the one with killer robots in San Angeles?" The only real clue I had about this was that it involved something about AI, or robots.

"Great, now we have an uneducated hooligan to add to this motley crew." Alexander growled at me, "The Singularity War was the culmination of several decades worth of the most cutting edge of AI technology; several large, a few multinational, groups raced to create the most powerful, and advanced AI. One that could think, and improve on itself, one that could reason like a human being, but on a level that far surpassed anything before. But most of all, a machine that could emulate life itself."

He stops for a moment to take two sips from each of the separate drinks he holds before continuing, "We had 6 resultant AI, and the war fought between them tore the world apart. 3 are still with us, and continue to live among us. One of which is the Head of Council for Titan. The other 3 were destroyed, and not a single bit of their code remains."

"The war was catastrophic, billions died, and for hundreds of years we've all had an unwritten agreement to never

Another swig of coffee and cream, "Now that we're done with that impromptu history lesson, it's time to explain what we do exactly here. It's to further enhance the capabilities of what genetics can do. You are aware of how we can change our appearances, cure diseases, and give ourselves various physical enhancements. But we still haven't unlocked the true potential of this science, we had organisms able to do things that some people would consider magic... had. Like a beetle that could shoot fire from its abdomen, well not exactly fire, but close enough to the truth. The goal of this lab, as well as many others is to replicate, and create new abilities such as this, advancing genetics to its next, great step!"

"So, kind of like superpowers?"

"If that analogy is what it takes for you to comprehend it, then yes, they are superpowers. Now if I am correct, you shouldn't be hurt by this."

"Wait what do you mean by not hurt?" I ask in a panic, the word 'if' before the statement not serving to assure me on my safety.

"Yeah, what exactly do you mean by not hurt doc?" Marcus pointedly asks, "We're not exactly dealing with any random person here." He crosses his arms as his muzzle scrunches up bare his teeth, clearly aiming to intimidate the other fox in the room.

"Relax, I am one hundred percent sure that your friend won't be hurt in there." A few taps on a keyboard causes a password prompt to appear on the screen in front of Alexander, it flashes as it accepts the password given to it. He begins to relay a series of commands to what I presume is an AI.

"Atlas, tube designation zero-zero-one, set internal temperature to 100°C, initiate heat flare of 260°C in 2 seconds." Marcus and I process what he says for a second.

"Wait, what did you just... WAIT, NO!"

"Lex! The fuck are you doing!?"

I get barely any shred of warning before the entire tube heats up to sweltering temperatures that make the air swim, and my body burn. Then as I feel the heat seemingly die down, a high pitched whining noise pierces through the haze brought about by the heat. There is a massive, oversized, laser powered hair dryer rapidly brightening as it prepares to blast me. I only have enough time to raise my hands and close my eyes, before a roar from the device above heralds the end of my life.

"See what did I tell you, completely safe. Can you take your hands off of me now?" Hearing Alexander talk makes me tentatively open my eyes. He's there being pinned to the floor by Marcus, who is glowing a barely noticeable hue of pinkish red. Upon processing Alexander's words, my flatmate turns to look at me with a huge smile of relief, tossing the other fox to the side, into a rather incensed Matilda's arms.

"Sean! You're alive! Holy shit!" Marcus excitedly says with his hands and muzzle pressed against the glass.

"Still..." He turns towards the mad scientist, "I'm still going to strangle him once I get the chance."

The glow around him gains a slight yellowish outline as it becomes brighter with every passing second, looking closer to a flame with each passing moment. I'm worried about this development, it must've been something caused by him being mad, or at least something tied to his emotions.

Before I can bring it up with Marcus, the fox currently being strangled by an enraged, overprotective Aussie shepherd manages to wriggle a hand out of the vice grip, and slam it on the console. Alexander also manages to yell out a sentence before his muzzle is once again clamped down on by a large paw.

"And THIS is how I knew!" A video pops up on the largest monitor in front of the console, it appears to be camera footage, of the van, last night, fuck. The sound from it blares through the lab.

"SEAN, just fucking..AH, YES!", and "FUCK I'M GOING TO!", along with other noises that follow a similar thread, accompany footage of a massive corsac fox, me, pounding a moaning wolf, Marcus, writhing underneath him. Between the two featured in the video I'm the first to react.

"WAIT? THERE WERE? WHAT?" I sputter, Marcus leaves his position in front of the tube and attempts to shut off the video. Everything fails as the smooth glass of the console remains inert to any action he takes. Samuel, the large buff otter that we had seen fiddling with some of the machinery earlier, walks up to Marcus,crossing his arms, whistling.

"Didn't know you were into that." Giving my friend a suggestive look. Marcus just blushes, and starts sputtering incoherently, as the aura around him increases in strength.

The video continues as Alexander finally manages to wrest himself free of Matilda's grasp. The fox pauses the video before skipping on ahead towards a different section of the video.

"And here, is how I know he wasn't going to die." The video begins to play once more, only this time the fox was a bit larger, and both people in the video looked just about ready to climax. Just as the wolf lets loose a howl, while the fox orgasms, unloading a massive amount of cum into, and around the wolf, the wolf bursts into flames underneath the fox. I take a glance at Marcus' shocked face.

"But I thought that I had that under control?! Look, the seats aren't even being affected." In the video the perfectly white seats are staying their original bright white, though the flames continue to rage around Marcus, the fox atop him unaffected, and oblivious to the fact.

"I had those seats heatproofed after you forgot to take your pills one day, and the nice leather burned off. Now you see, that friend of yours simply has a rather interesting ability, I'll need to conduct one more test to make sure though." The video shuts off, and Alexander relays another set of commands to an AI.

"Atlas, tube designation zero-zero-one, set default temperature, fill with water up to 95% capacity, prepare emergency oxygenation measures." Excuse me, I don't think I'm hearing this correctly, but did he just? Then water starts flooding the tube from above, filling it up rapidly, the water reaching up to my waist in seconds.

"I'm going to drown in here! Are you crazy? Just because I'm fireproof doesn't mean! Let me out!" I scream while pounding on the glass. My desperation increases as the water rises all the way up my chest, slowing my already futile strikes against the impenetrable glass.

My muzzle covers up my muzzle, and rises rapidly past it within seconds, even when I stand on my tip toes to push it past the surface. Desperate fists smashing against the inside of the tube begin to hit even harder against it, as I feel the strange sensation from last night fill my entire body.

I hold my breath as bones begin to crack, and muscles start to increase in both size and strength. Long soft fur begins to morph into something more suited for an aquatic animal, further increasing the speed of my fists against the glass.

Cracks spread across the glass, growing larger, and splintering across the surface faster with the steady increase in my strength. But I can't hold my breathe any longer, with my frantic actions draining the oxygen from my lungs. Giving up, I inhale deeply.

Cold water floods my lungs; instinctively I pull my hands to my throat. Until realizing, that despite my extreme terror, I'm breathing in the water, hyperventilating a bit, but breathing. Turning to give a look of confusion and relief at a smug looking Alexander, I notice the cracks continue to spiderweb against the glass. His face becomes one of shock as he rapidly types into the keyboard.

"How is the tube? What do you mean the tube is at 123.4% capacity!?" Alexander screams at the screen, before his face morphs into one of pure horror. "We're going to lose a 100,000 dollar tank now! Atlas, drain tube designation zero-zero-one, allow overcapping of pump capacity!"

Frantic tapping ensues as the fox brings out every single function, gadget, and gizmo that he could pull out to stop the tank from shattering. I for my part try to keep as still as possible in order not to disturb the fragile tube. The massive tube leaks small spurts of water from the cracks, meanwhile the console starts screaming out warnings, with pop ups appearing all over the screen.

Warning, pump overload, failure.

Warning, tube 001 integrity, failing.

Warning, fluid control valve, failure.

Warning, tube 001 overfilled, 140.3% capacity.

Warning, emergency flood overflow valve obstructed, operating at 16.8% capacity.

I turn my eyes down at the floor of the tube, where the labcoat I dropped earlier is stuck over a drain I assume to be the overflow valve. It would help if I unclogged the it. Bending down, I reach to pick it off the floor. Unfortunately, I fail to realize that my increase in muscle mass, had also made me larger again, resulting in my head cracking against the weakened glass. Oops?

Warning, tank 001 integrity, failure.

The entire tank bursts open, water and glass flying through the room. People frantically run, trying to keep from being caught in the flood of water inundating the room. Alexander I see in the middle of the flood, fields of force projected around him from a medium sized, white tube hanging from the ceiling, whose power cable was overtaken by the water, fizzling the device out.

Azure colored barriers surrounding Alexander flicker, and fade as the waters pound against them, the machine responsible for maintaining them out of power. A snarl rips from his teeth when a white burst of electricity arcs out from his outstretched hand, striking the white projector, and with a whine the force barriers come back to life. I hear him scream out to the AI before the water is flushed out through large grates that open on the floor.

Wrapping the now too small lab coat around my waist to cover up my nether regions, I take a step out of the broken tube, and sheepishly scratch the back of my head. "The tank was 100,000 dollars." Alexander's fingers rhythmically drum along the top of the white console, while he stares me down, judging my fate. He sighs, putting one hand to his head.

"Well I can't blame you fully, I didn't expect you to get any bigger, or for the fluid controls to break." I stare at him for a bit, then the guy snarls at me, pointing a finger towards the door. "Just get out before I change my mind."

I start moving towards the door, feeling my fur start shifting back to normal as the air hits it. For a second I panic as taking a breath in air simply runs it through some open slits in the sides of my throat, but they rapidly close up and I take in some much needed air.

Marcus, and Matilda also decide to take this as an invitation to leave, pulling up next to me. Marcus I can tell is still a bit agitated by the red aura around him, so I nudge up against him slightly, resting my right arm on his shoulders. Well not really my entire arm, just one massive forearm. He looks at me with a look of concern, and I give him a smile to show that I'm perfectly fine. The wolf's body relaxes a bit.

"Ey, boys we got a bit of a problem. Only Kelvin and Lex can open this door up." Matilda gestures to the solid slab of polished stainless steel blocking our exit.

"Don't worry, I'm right here." A voice says right behind me.

I whirl around to see Kelvin looking up at me, his electric blue eyes staring into me, a few lines of flickering blue streaking across his face and shirtless body. Just exactly how did he get here without us noticing?

"Umm, were you following us the entire time?" I ask the cheetah.

"Yes, I was. None of you could see me behind your massive frame. I came here to open the door up for you. Sorry if this is an inconvenience, but you're blocking the door." As hastily as the slightly cramped space allowed, cramped for me at least, I move out of the way to allow Kelvin to open the door.

He places his hand on the surface of the door, strange blue lights lighting up lines across the it near his palm. It flies up with a whoosh, before Kelvin steps out, and gestures for us to follow.

"Assuming that you don't know the layout of the area, I'll take the chance to explain the findings of the... " He takes a glance past us into the flooded lab we're leaving behind. " .. test conducted before. I'll assume that you'll want to know exactly what each of us is capable of after Alexander's little display in the lab."

Kelvin's right, while I was curious about Marcus' light show yesterday, what really piqued my interest was Alexander throwing around lightning in the lab like magic. Well that, and whatever the heck was causing me to get larger, not that I was complaining, though it would be hard to find clothes at this rate.

"So we've been decently successful in our efforts as you can guess. Alexander can control electricity to a large extent, Matilda's fur is near indestructible when she wants it to be, Marcus is basically a walking aphrodisiac and space heater. As for my own, I'm able to control nanobots within my body."

"Hey, I'm not a space heater!" Marcus complains loudly, turning his head around in my arm to scowl at Kelvin, and the red aura around him turning a deeper shade of red. "And what the heck is an afro-thingy anyway?" I see Kelvin give him a slight grin before replying.

" Well you see, when your ability is being used, it makes people around you, especially those in contact, a lot more... horny." The look of embarrassment on Marcus' face as he turns to look around to look at me, and then everyone else is enough to make a full blown smirk appear on the cheetah's face. Matilda snickers at the sight as well, while I'm more content to adjust the lab coat around my waist.

Kelvin's clarification of Marcus' abilities makes me notice my own growing erection. The large cock I had managed to keep under wraps with the labcoat I had been loaned, now was beginning to rise up, and push against the already abused fabric. Normally I would have pinned it discreetly against my waistband, but seeing I was lacking the clothing necessary, I settled for moving the lab coat around to a more apron like configuration. This was enough to mask its presence for now at least, as everyone once again listened to Kelvin lecture us about the lab projects.

"We're certain Sean that your ability is extreme adaptability. Once your body is put into a highly emotional situation, it responds to the needs of the situation, and maybe even what you want it to be."

It takes me to process the implications this has. So this means when I was growing last night during fun times with Marcus, it was because of a subconscious desire of mine? But I've never had that sort of fantasy... haven't I? I really only want to get taller cause I feel so short compared to my colleagues at work; though there are only four of us in the repair dock I work at.

Not that I was treated badly or anything, it was just the normal friendly jabs at my size whenever I clambered into the inner workings of the spaceships we worked on. Look, I'm not that small okay? I just wished they stopped patting me on the head like a kid, just because I may look 'fun sized' doesn't mean they can just treat me like a kid.

It's just so frustrating when I feel like they barely respect me as a professional. Newsflash guys, I got a degree in engineering the same as you did! Sometimes I just want to shunt them into the tiny space in an ion engine between the gas jets and the magnets.

Okay maybe a bit of an impetus for me want to become larger; still can't fathom why I'd do it in the middle of sex with my roommate. Nevermind that now, as I notice we've walked to what I assume is Marcus' room in this mess of a lab. I hadn't realized it during the short stint of thinking about my life, also I've missed the rest of Kelvin's lecture about everyone's abilities.

The erection I've so far managed to keep under control is starting to poke at the fabric of the lab coat wrapped around my waist. It's further pushed along when Marcus begins to be more affected by his own aura, and snuggles up against my body, clutching my arm tighter in the process. I struggle to get him to open the door up.

"Come on Ma... ahh.. arc. Open the door, we need to get you, you... your meds." I unwrap his fingers from my forearm, and push them against the keypad. He lazily presses the numbers, while continuing to rub up against my abdomen, his tail also wrapping around my leg suggestively. The need to just throw Marcus down, here and now, only gets stronger; I'm forced to place my free hand onto the door to support myself. It doesn't help that he's rubbing up against my cock now. Damn... this feels way too good for not even... wait, no, we are not fucking Marcus again within a day.

I hear a beep, and unlocks with a click, opening up to an average sized room with a desk, TV, and a large bed in the corner. Thank god, I can finally... the door swings inward, and the two of us are sent toppling to the ground. Marcus, conveniently trapped underneath me, begins wriggling around in a not so subtle fashion. Ahh, I can barely think about anything else right now, stupid, horny, sexy wolf.

Looking down, his stupid face is staring me straight in the eye, muzzle open, panting heavily. Nope, we came here to get him pills, and that's it. I push myself off the ground, Marcus clutching onto me before I peel him off, and hold him up with one hand.

"Aww, come on Sean." The wolf whimpers, as he pulls closer to me, despite my right hand's attempts to keep him at me. "I know you want to, you hot sexy hunk."

I get handed a pill bottle by Kelvin, who followed us into the room. He holds up two fingers, and points at the orange bottle, before taking a seat on the bed nearby. Managing to place the pills into the palm of my free hand, I attempt to shove them into Marcus' maw. The wolf just wiggles around in my grip, foiling any attempts I take to force him to take it.

"You're going to have to try harder than that." Kelvin says, calmly watching me wrestling Marcus. "We've had to strap him to a gurney, and force his muzzle open a few times."

God this is going to be a pain.


It's rather amusing, watching this behemoth of a fox unsuccessfully wrestle with the much smaller wolf wiggling around in his grip. Sean manages to clamp a hand around Marcus' muzzle, bringing the other around holding the pills. Though it's going to be unsuccessful, as in order to open the muzzle wide enough to put the pills in, his hand has to loosen its grip, allowing the wolf to break free. I take in the sight of these two struggling, and the contrast of the lean, lithe wolf wiggling around in the large statuesque fox's body, the muscles being put on display, as they flex trying to grasp Marcus.

I unconsciously drift one hand steadily towards my crotch, but stop it before I can start fondling myself. I've been in close proximity to Marcus for too long, hopefully we can get the pills in him before anything gets too out of hand. It won't be much of a distraction though, having had to deal with worse distractions before. The scenario currently will be a good opportunity to collect some more data on Sean, especially since I don't think Alexander will want him in the lab for a length of time.

Glancing over to the two wrestling males, I see the fox come up with a plan to get Marcus to swallow his pills. Sean turns quickly, hiding his face from view of the wolf as he pops the pills into his mouth. Clever, but I'm sure there's another motive to this plan than simply getting the medicine where it needs to be.

The larger of the two manages to get a firm grip on the other, his large paw clasped around Marcus' shoulder, bringing one another into close proximity. For a moment they stop, locking eyes, before engaging in a deep, passionate kiss, one... two... three.. I see a slight shift in Marcus' expression as he realizes something is up; a smug look on Sean's brow, and a swallowing motion by the wolf confirms the plan worked.

It's a bit crude, not going to lie, but I'm still impressed by his quick thinking with the distraction that my coworker posed at the moment. I give him a pleased smile, getting one in return from Sean, and also a look of vaguely confused disappointment from Marcus.

Sighing in relief, I walk over to the two of them, intending to collect some more data from the two of them. The medicine should have suppressed Marcus' ability, and made it safe to come into close contact with him, he shouldn't be burning people at a touch now. My own painfully hard erection should also be going down any moment now, the sexual component of the wolf's ability being disabled along with the flame, though the air is still filled with an intense, heavy-lidded sensation that makes me think of things other than the tests I need to do right now.

For just a second my mind drifts to thoughts of some rather risque doctor roleplaying fantasies. I shake my head to get rid of them, not going to be distracted by such thoughts, no matter how appealing.

Each step closer however, makes me more and more aware of a growing desire, not so subtly shown by the large bump shifting around in my pants. I make it to them, Sean and Marcus having separated enough after the kiss for me to stand in between them.

Using some nanobots on my tail, I turn it into an impromptu scanning device. Moving it up and down along Sean's body collecting more information, while I'm turned to Marcus, hands moving, conducting tests, and occasionally sneaking a guilty squeeze on the wolf's toned body.

"So how is the exam going doctor?" Marcus whispers into my ear, his hands sneaking down towards my crotch, "Are we going have to do any more extensive testing?"

"No, it's just going to be like any other regular checkup." I bat the hands away, "Now let me just!"

"Say Kelvin, how about I be the naughty assistant after this." He gives me a flirty wink, jerking his chin up towards the fox behind me, before pushing forward, wrapping his arms around me. Dodging a sloppy kiss from the wolf, I wiggle around in his grip, trying to escape, but failing as strength isn't really one of the perks of being a cheetah.

Shouldn't we be past this stage if the medicine is working? I push down a subconscious thought of how it would be great if the medicine didn't work. Shaking my head to try and focus on the job at hand, I make the last check on Marcus, and then turn myself around in Marcus' grip to begin to run tests on Sean.

My mouth feels suddenly dry as I gaze upon the monolithic fox's body, he seems noticeably distracted by something as my hands run across his body, blue lights flickering across them as I collect data on Sean.

I trace the lines of his musculature, my claws rising up and down along the mountainous pecs, the cobblestone abs, and eventually leading down to the long, erect vulpine penis just beckoning me closer. A bead of precum leaks out as I continue the testing, a restrained moan breaks out of Sean's muzzle when I take a quick stroke across the base of his cock.

"Are you sure we need to do this, ahh fuck that feels so!" His hands hold my shoulders tight now, the strength within them apparent as I feel the firm, reassuring, sexual feeling emanating from them, the simple act of restraining me here sending thrills throughout me.

"Don't worry this is just going to be a standard

I so desperately want to tear off my shorts here and now, to just allow myself to be man-handled, dominated by the fox with the body of a titan standing in front of me. Just the scent of him so close to me is enough to start driving me crazy now.

"Come on, I know you want to do it." The soft whisper from Marcus only further emphasizes the need of my painfully throbbing cock, pleading for release from the shorts that now seemed only to function as a barrier to the desires I so desperately tried not to give in to.

But as my hands continued to wave over the ample muscle, the lights signaling that I was being a productive cheetah began to dim and wink out, one by one, as I stopped actually conducting tests in favor of feeling up the hunk in front of me. Those thoughts I held back with so much effort before soon became pretty much my only thoughts, aside from some attention given to the equally horny wolf behind me.

"Wait guys, shouldn't we not..." Sean protests faintly, his pleased groans quickly drowning out anything he said before. I'm lapping at the base of his cock, working my way up along the shaft, teasing the big fox with each and every motion of my tongue.

Marcus has his hands shoved into my cargo shorts, one hand steadily moving up and down my cock, the soft pads on his hands working to enhance the experience further. The other hand is discreetly trying to undo the zipper on the front of my cargo shorts.

God I'm so close, each pleased growl coming from above, or the strange feeling of Marcus' flat, flexible tongue on my fur pulls me nearer to that one moment my cock seems to cry for.

I feel the hands, slick with my own precum, move as my pants drop to the ground. They get a good grasp on my thighs, giving them a firm squeeze before Marcus says something roughly into my ear.

"You'd better be ready for this Kev, you and Sean can't have all the fun to yourselves." I feel one hand move to my ass, two slick fingers probing in between the cheeks, their entrance lubing up the passage. They're pulled out, and I feel the tip of a pointed wolf cock brush up against my ass, before I feel the length of it plunge straight into me.

"Marcus, wh-what, it's too!" I protest unconvincingly, sounding halfway between coherent speech and a long extended moan, my virgin hole was not prepared for such an assault. The wolf grips me tighter, almost shoving me down onto the length of it, my asshole being forced wider as it began to dip in and out, going farther in each time.

I fall down against Sean, forced down by the weight of the wolf atop me, holding myself up with a firm grip on Sean's muscled legs, while my teasing continued on his cock and balls. The sensation of Marcus' cock in me steadily filling me with the sweet sensation of pure orgasmic pleasure, the initial discomfort giving way as I take more of it in.

The feeling of hot sticky cum suddenly coats the front of my torso, my body involuntarily thrusting forward a bit in the single minded focus of cumming. I loosen my hold on Sean for a sec, slumping down a bit as I take some needed breaths, getting some respite.

It doesn't last long, as I hear Sean growl, his left hand digging into my shoulder, and his right grasping the back of my head.

"You don't get off that easily, bitch." I see a feral glint in his eye as he bares his teeth, lifting my head up with his hand. "Come on, open up that cute little mouth of yours."

It's a departure from my initial impression of the fox, he didn't seem like... ah, ohh. He forces my head closer to his cock, the hard, erect, throbbing mass dripping with precum. I can smell the strong, heady scent coming from Sean. The feeling of sheer dominance emanating from him makes me mewl softly, strangely enjoying the action of submitting to him.

I stick my head forward, the tip of my nose brushing up against rock hard cock. Opening up my mouth, I gingerly take the length of the fox's knotted member in.

Once it's about a third of the way in, I feel Sean begin to move, the strong muscles in his thigh shifting underneath my grip as he moves his hip back and forth. He starts slowly at first, but begins to quickly ramp up the intensity with each successive thrust.

Struggling to take in the length of the member, I shift around in the grip of the two canids, failing due to the combined strength of the two massively outweighing mine. Sometimes I regret deciding to be a cheetah, but not this time.

The rhythm of the the two, each pounding my body from both holes, draws me into a hazy feeling of pure ecstasy where I can barely discern anything other than the two rods moving in and out of me.

Then I feel a passing moment of discomfort, and hear a groan from Marcus, his entire body almost resting atop mine. I can sense something inside my ass, being tugged around by Marcus' movements.

"Ahh fuck Kev, I think I just hilted you. Ohh god, why are you so tight." The wolf is extremely tense, almost quivering, filled with the need to cum, on the brink of letting loose from his canine dick.

His thrusting continues, becoming rougher, each thrust pounding into me despite his limited range of movement, driving me further forward. I nearly gag on the massive piece of meat already in my mouth, already having precum dribbling down my throat.

Marcus lets loose a howl, before one last triumphant push into me unleashes a torrent of cum into me. A hot, wet feeling covers most of my backside; a sensation that seems to pass all the tension that the wolf felt over to me. He continues on spurting semen, each successive burst accompanied by groaning and some movement from the tiring wolf.

All the while, Sean has his dick stuck up my mouth, as I'm greedily taking in as much as I can. My tongue laps at the massive piece of meat, getting pleased grunts from him, my nose poking into the thick fur at the base of his cock.

Taking a sniff of the heady scent coming from him, I proceed to start lavishing my tongue on the huge member without any hesitation or restraint. The fox shudders in ecstasy, his body getting more tense, and the cock in me being pushed in more insistently, as Sean's knees gave way slightly, forcing him to lean his back against the wall.

A seemingly short pause happens, the three of us relaxing in our activities; Marcus is content to take a short break after releasing his load, the knot inside me forcing him to stay, Sean's body seems to release much of it's tension as he gazes down at me for a moment, I refrain from deepthroating for a moment in order to meet it. There's a light in his eyes that speaks to something wild, deep in me, it says that right now he owns me, that I'll do anything he wants at the moment.

And I want it that way. My ears fold back slightly, as I give in to the feeling. I take one last moment to drink the feeling in, before bearing upon the cock in my mouth with gusto.

It catches the behemoth of a fox by surprise, as his grip loosens, and I'm able to make him lean further back against the wall despite the difference in size.

Forcing my gag reflex down I take more and more of it in, continuing to work away whatever remained of the fox's restrain.

Then as my tongue presses itself against the rock hard member one more time, a torrent of white cum is unleashed on me. Massive gobs of sticky white fluid go into my mouth, as I struggle to swallow it all. Hot white semen covers much of my face, causing me to involuntarily lap up what my tongue can reach, as I reach my own tension reaches a breakpoint again, pulled into a second climax by the intense masculine dominance of the fox.

Steadily the two of us taper off in our emissions, steadily softening, though Sean still releases spurts of cum. He takes an opportunity to lean back against the wall further, eventually sitting on the ground, with his back leaning against the wall.

I lay on him, with my head pressed against the chiseled abdominal muscles, as Marcus is stacked on top of me; the three of us indulging in the afterglow.

We all contentedly lay there, a bit worn out by the experience, and not wanting to disturb the moment.

"Well it wasn't that bad to get you to take the pills, now was it?" Sean says jokingly.

The three of us laugh at this, staying on the floor with one another's company. We all nearly doze off at times, but mostly stay awake to talk and daydream, losing track of time as we go.