Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Thirteen

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#13 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Thirteen

Fog coated the bathroom's mirror, streaks of water running down along it occasionally as the sounds of the shower water pattering down on the lion's fur mingled with the stream saturating the room. A pair of blue denim shorts lay folded on the counter next to the sink, with a royal blue t-shirt folded atop it. Kaipo's dark green boxers were folded on top next, with his ?gift' from Val, the purple gel butt plug, sitting on top of his outfit.

Trails of white lather crossed over the matted down amber of Kaipo's form, the lion carefully cleaning himself, humming lightly in the process and keeping his eyes closed as the shampoo in the short fur of his head dripped down over his muzzle. Leaning into the spray, shampoo trailed off to the tub beneath, a few drips landing into the shower curtain and walls. Sliding a paw through his short locks, tossing his head back and releasing another spray of water from his coat. His other paw slightly wavered, the soap slipping from it, striking the tub's bottom with a light thud.

Blinking open his eyes, Kaipo glanced around before spying the white bar, bending forwards and fetching it off the ground before resuming his washing. Running his paws along his tummy, the feline paused a moment, glancing at the bar of soap, his cheeks gradually gaining a crimson blush to them. Shaking off his embarrassment a few moments later, Kaipo reached down, switching off the water. And promptly dropped the bar once more.

The hum of the jeep's engine mixed with the light music emanating from the radio, the three fur's backpacks piled in the front passenger seat. Kaipo relaxed in his usual seat in the back, his paw resting in the tender hold of Robert's on the seat between the pair, each sneaking a loving glance between them every occasional moment. As the jeep rolled to a halt at a stop sign, the husky within the backseat spoke up "So Matt, are you comin' to the dance next week?"

"Ah dunno. Ah don't have ah dahte fer it, aftah ahll. Mahght as well jus' stah home." Matt spoke, meeting the husky's gaze through his rear-view mirror.

"Are you sure, Matt?" Kaipo spoke up, leaning his head between the front seat, smiling up to the equine "All the group is gonna be there. You don't have ta dance or anything, you can just come n' hang out with us."

"Yeah, it'll be fun." Robert leaned forwards as well, somewhat trapping Kaipo under his larger form as both grinned up at Matt, the dual look getting a chuckle in response "Well...Ah ?spose Ah can show up, if everahbodah else is gonnah be there..."

Kaipo shifted back and forth in his seat, biting hold of his bottom lip, trying to control the light grunts that emanated from the press his chair exerted on the plug lodged within him. His tail swished unevenly as he moved, clutching tighter onto his textbook. Catching a glance at the clock, he shook his head. Fifteen minutes...

"Psst, Kaipo..." The lion's ears perked, glancing to the desk next to his as Hina leaned slightly towards him, trying to keep her gaze to her book as she whispered "So what's the situation? Matt coming to the dance?"

"Yeah, we harassed him into it on the drive here."

A little smirk settled onto the skunkette's muzzle with that, nodding faintly "That's the whole group then, right?"

"Yep. Did you arrange the," He waggled his brows, a little smirk finding Kaipo's muzzle as well "'transportation' for everyone?"

"Sure did," Hina nodded faintly again, straightening out in her seat "They're gonna love it."

"Must I warn the pair of you everyday?" A hand settled onto both fur's shoulders, each going stiff as Mister Templeton spoke in a lowered tone "The way you two behave, it's as if you're going out." Just the faintest of smirks crossed the rat's muzzle momentarily "I'm sure you both can wait," He paused, glancing up to the clock "Fourteen minutes to gossip."

"Yes Mister Templeton." Both replied burying their attentions back into their textbooks.

Meats, vegetables and spices scented the air of the kitchen, with a pot of chili settled in the middle of the table. Bowls sat in front of the three chairs around the table, silverware settled next to them with two neatly folded napkins on both sides of the bowls. Kaipo drew out his chair, sliding around into it and pausing a moment, exhaling in a deep sigh before inching his seat closer. Suzy was already settled in her chair, scooping chili out from her bowl and gobbling it quickly. Phoebe was watching her cubs silently, wearing a soft smile as she pulled the lid off the pot, scooping chili into her bowl before glancing to her son "Here, let me get some for you Kaipo." Holding up his bowl, the lioness scooped a few spoonfuls of chili in before placing the ladle back in the pot and covering it with its lid, adjusting her spot on her chair a moment before taking a spoonful of chili, the food hovering beneath her muzzle as she glanced across the table "Are you and Robert going to that dance next week?"

Kaipo paused between scoops of chili, gulping down a mouthful before nodding "Yep, me n' him n' the whole group are going."

"Will you need a ride there?" Phoebe ate her spoonful of chili, scooping out another and letting it cool beneath her muzzle.

"Nah, Hina has our ride set up already."

Phoebe's brow quirked slightly, her face taking an inquisitive expression "All of you?"

The lion nodded a few times, swallowing another mouthful "Yeah, I think she set up a limo or somethin' like that."

"Oh, I see. My, a limo must have cost her quite a bit for...what is it, six of you?"

"Actually, it's nine."


"Yeah, me, Robbie, Justin, Matt, T.K., Val, Hina, Ami and Lilly." Kaipo clutched his bowl in a paw, tilting it as he spooned the last bit of chili from it "It's gonna be a big one, I guess."

"I'd imagine so." Phoebe remarked, eating her spoonful, chewing a bit on it as Suzy looked up to Kaipo, a smirk coming to the little lioness' muzzle "So you're goin' with yer booooooyfrieeeend!"

Kaipo nearly choked on the last gulp of his bowl, breathing in deeply before giving his sister a scowl "Yeah, at least I got one!" He shot back. Suzy scowled herself, sticking out her tongue, with Kaipo sticking his tongue out in return. The whole exchange garnered a soft chuckle from their Mother "Now now, manners you two. Who wants more?"

"I do!" Suzy piped up, lifting her bowl up in the air, bouncing lightly in her seat.

"Me too!" Kaipo added, holding out his dish in one paw, the similar replies again getting tongues sticking out from both siblings.

Kaipo curled on his side, snuggling up in a ball of his sheets while nestling his cheek to his pillow, a little smile set on its tip. This is gonna be great! Me n' Robbie n' everybody...n' Robbie... Softly, a purr rumbled his chest, pulling his sheets up closer to his muzzle, turning to glance out the window into the twinkling stars of the night. Pushing back his sheets as he sat up, Kaipo's gaze held out the window a few moments before turning towards the end table beside his bed, spotting his plug there. I hope I'll be ready...