Aden's Story Ch 5

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#5 of Aden's Life

A few days have passed since all the drama with Derek. Coty and Aaron have staying with us while Derek moved his stuff out of the house. A few days later I went over to the house with Aaron and Coty to make sure Derek had taken what was his and had actually left. When we got to the house we all let out a sigh as we saw Derek's car wasn't there. It was still weird to me, their house was so much smaller than ours, ours had four rooms compared to theirs which had two, but Jake and Adrian are working with grandpa to keep the family business going. We all walked into the house and everything was still there. Aaron looked at me and chuckled a bit "You need a new bed?" as we walked to his room. He leaned against me and I wrapped an arm around him keeping him close. "I may not have been married to him, but we were together for fifteen years. I'm not sure if I could get back into the dating scene." Aaron said. He straightened up, going about the room moving things about. It was obvious that he was filling in the spot where Derek's stuff had been, my heart ached for him. It also ached for Tony, more than anything I wanted to feel his arms around me, holding me tight. "I'm gonna go check on Coty." I said as I turned to leave, as I did I pulled my phone out and text Tony "You free tomorrow and if so can I stay the night?" I then pocketed my phone and went to Coty's room, I found him sitting on his bed looking at a photo of him, Derek, and Aaron at graduation. He saw me walk in the room and he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes. I sat next to him and put an arm around him "He ever shows his face here, I might kill him. He hurt me, I can deal with that. What makes me mad is he hurt Aaron. I love Aaron so fucking much." I could feel the pain in his words, but at the same time I could feel the anger in them. He meant everything he said just then and I didn't blame him. I then got a text saying "See you tonight love." I just smiled down at my phone. There was a sudden ringing from the door bell, I got up quickly going to the door and opened it. On the other side was a tall, built German Shepherd "Is Aaron okay?" he asked in a panic and before I could say anything I hear "I'm fine. Thanks for checking Wes." Aaron says then I step to the side letting Aaron hug Wes. "Who's this?" I asked "He's very good friend." Aaron said smiling a bit.

"So you're Jake and Adrian's kid?" Wes asked as we all sat around the TV. I nodded "Yea, they're great." I couldn't help but beam a bit as I talked about my dads. "I love them so much." Wes smiled and nodded in agreement "They're pretty amazing. I used to work with them when they were doing their live music thing. What are they doing now?" he inquired "Well, they went complete opposite from what you knew of them. Adrian is a lawyer now for grandpa's firm and Jake is the head account of the company." I kept checking my phone waiting for Tony to text me he was home from work, even though that was a few hours away. "Who are you expecting?" Wes asked and I couldn't help but smile, "My boyfriend, just waiting for him to get off work." and Tony just chuckled as he caught on. "Two gay guys adopting a gay pup. I love it."

After a while Coty wandered out of his room and looked at Aaron "You okay if I go over to Carla's house?" he asked. Aaron smiled and nodded "Yeah, go have fun." Coty didn't quite believe him. "You sure?" he asked, pushing it a bit. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Wes and I can do some catching up." he smiled at Coty hugged him, he held Aaron tight. "Can you come home tonight though?" Aaron asked looking up at Coty, who nodded then. He went out the door, a small spring returning to his steps. After we heard his car pull out I decided to head home and take a nap before Tony got off. I held Aaron tight and nuzzled him a bit "You need anything, I mean anything. You call me." He nodded and I walked over to Wes and shook his hand, "Nice meeting you." he shaking back and nodded "You too, tell your dads to call me sometime." I nodded back and left.

As I entered the house I found Jake sitting on Adrian's lap, locked deeply in a kiss, both only in their boxers. "Oh geez get a room you two." I said and they both jumped, Jake almost fell off the couch. They were both quite embarrassed, Jake more than Adrian. I couldn't help but giggle "You better use a condom, I don't want any siblings." I said walking up to my room. A few minutes later I could hear them moaning. I just shook my head as I laid my head on my pillow as I nodded off. I only got in a quick twenty minute nap because my dreams decided to go over the idea of Aaron hurting himself and being alone because of Derek and I couldn't sleep after that. I decided that I should go for a swim, I hadn't done that in a while. "Are you two decent?" I yelled down the stairs. "As long as you stay out of our room." Adrian yell back. I just shook my head and went down stairs after changing into my swim trunks. I felt alive as I got into the pool, feeling the cool water embrace me and I felt a shiver run down my spine. While I was doing my laps I lost track of time, what had felt like ten minutes had actually been about thirty minutes. I only stopped because I heard my phone going off over my Bluetooth speaker. I got out checking my phone, my eyes lighting up seeing Tony's name. "Head over when you can, work let me go early. I can't wait to see you." I giggled like a school girl and took a quick shower, rinsing the pool water out of my fur. In the living room Jake was sitting in his usual spot, legs pulled up next to him as he was reading on his Kindle, thankfully he had put away the clothes that were on the floor earlier. I stopped and sat next to him. "Is it okay if I go to Tony's for the night?" I asked my tail thumping against the couch "Or how about you have Tony come over here." He said sitting down his Kindle on the table next to the couch "Adrian is setting up the grill. I know how much Tony loves Adrian's burgers. Plus I haven't seen him a while." I smiled and nuzzled Jake then text Tony who agreed to head over here instead. "He'll be over soon." I said beaming. "I'm so glad you guys like him." Jake just smiled and kissed the top of my head "It's even better that we met him and didn't realize who his dad was." Jake chuckled

About fifteen minutes Tony knock on the door and walked in the door, looking freshly showered. I practically jumped up hugging him tight and kissing him deep. My heart was pounding to have Tony with me again. I smiled as the kiss ended and he laid his head on mine, purring softly. I love hearing him purr, it's the best thing in the world. Jake stood up and hugged Tony and smiled "It's good to see you. How's your dad?" he inquired. "He's okay, recently he hurt his ankle pretty bad and has been shelved for a few days. He's getting back into things though." "Your dad's a tough man." Adrian said walking into the room. "Food will be ready soon. Jake, guess who just called me." he said excitedly. "Mark or Adam?" he asked and Adrian shook his head "Christian?" Jake asked excitedly, his tail starting to wag. "Mhm, him and Ian are in town. They said while they're in town we need to meet up with them." Tony looked to me and I shrugged. I dragged Tony to the love seat and started nuzzling him as he wrapped his arm around me. "Oh geez get a room you two." Adrian said mockingly and laughing a bit "Hey, at least we're dressed, unlike you two." I said and Tony again looked at me confused. "Earlier I came home and found these two practically dry humping each other, wearing nothing but boxers." Adrian had an arm around Jake and was beaming.

"Hey now. We can still have sex." Adrian said leaning over to nibble on Jake's neck making him moan out, loudly at that. Almost surprised, Jake quickly covered his mouth, blushing heavily. Adrian smiled and stood up and went to get the food off the grill, Jake tried to compose himself and picked up his Kindle, it was very obvious he wasn't actually doing any reading on it. Adrian, must have really gotten to him with those quick nibbles. I blushed and bashfully folded my ears back as Tony gave me a very toothy grin, almost saying "That's you later." Before Tony could any teasing of his own we hear "Dinner is served." Adrian announced as he walked back in the house carrying the food with him.