Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 45

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#45 of Care Bear Magi Life

Not my best chapter, but I ran out of ideas for this fight

Chapter 45: Frozen Bones, Defiant VS Snowy

Defiant Heart immediately charged at Snowy, spear pointing right at him. The arctic fox dodged aside and fired an arrow of immense cold at the Badger's back, striking only the bony armor that covered his body. Defiant Heart whirled around, slashing at Snowy's face with the long bladed spear, only for him to dodge away again.

"Hold still!" Defiant shouted as he charged again, this time grazing Snowy's side before the arctic fox could dodge. Snowy created a pillar of ice under his feet and rose up off the ground.

"Very well," he took aim at Defiant with arrows of cold and let fly.

Defiant just barely dodged back and growled, "OK, I'm ending this now!" He receded some of the bone armor around his upper chest to expose his symbol. "Care Bears countdown! Four! ThreAAAAAHH!!" Six solid arrows shot into Defiant Heart, two to his right arm, one into his left leg, one into his left hand, and two into the top of his chest, with the force of the impact knocking him to the ground.

"That was pathetic," Snowy looked down at Defiant as the ice structure melted to make sure he was down.

"GRAAAH THAT HURT YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Defiant Heart shot back to his feet, the arrows still stuck in him. Snowy was stunned as he watched Defiant pull the arrows out (which dissolved once they came free) and was even more so as he watched the wounds slowly close once the shafts were removed, even with the somewhat gruesome exit injuries from being pulled out the way they came in.

"You regenerate?" Snowy jumped back as Defiant swung his spear at him.

"No, but I can heal!" Defiant shot his left fist forwards as two bone spikes extended from the back of his wrist, "Round two!" as he shouted he began firing bone spikes at Snowy, who was forced to dive behind a tree to avoid being hit. Snowy barely had a chance to breathe before Defiant charged, stabbing right through the tree truck and cutting Snowy's cheek before he jumped out of the way.

Defiant pulled his spear free and saw the blood on Snowy's cheek. He stepped back and took a deep breath, "Gotta reign it in before I kill him. YA!" An arrow struck Defiant's armor, cracking and splintering the bone plating and forcing him on the defensive again.

"You are weak if you can't handle the urge to kill," Snowy drew back on his bowstring again, forming a solid arrow, "Just stay there and die." Snowy unleashed a barrage of arrows at Defiant who was unable to dodge, the arrows instead striking his armor and nearly shattering it. Defiant charged forwards and sliced at Snowy, missing his strike but whirling around to kick the fox in the head, knocking him down.

Snowy created a sheet of ice under himself and propelled himself away, drawing back an arrow of cold and shooting it at Defiant's feet. Defiant dodged a second too late and his left foot was encased in ice, which knocked him to the ground. As Snowy stood up Defiant struck the ice with his spear, shattering it. Both were on their feet at the same time. Snowy drew back an arrow of ice right as Defiant fired a barrage of bone shards at him. Snowy's shot went wide as he dove out of the way and Defiant charged again.

Snowy shot an ice arrow right in front of him and a wall of ice sprang up in-between them, which Defiant smacked right into with the spear piercing right through. Snowy took a deep breath as Defiant started to hammer away at the 30cm thick ice then grabbed his bowstring, "I hoped I would not have to resort to this but I will not let myself fail here." He drew back on his bow and formed an arrow of fire. He took aim at Defiant, and fired.

The fire arrow melted right through the ice wall and struck Defiant dead on. The bone armor absorbed most of the blow but Defiant Heart stumbled back as the ice wall melted and Snowy created an arrow of fire on his index finger and an arrow of ice on his middle finger. He brought them together and the arrows wrapped around each other, forming a arrow spiral of fire and ice that he drew back on his bow. "Antipode shot." Snowy's cold voice accompanied the firing of the arrow. Defiant dodged at the last second and the arrow struck a tree behind him. A massive explosion was set off, which knocked Defiant to the ground as Snowy drew another spiraled arrow and aimed at him.

"This is the end," Snowy fired.

Snowy was forced to cover his eyes and throw up an ice wall at the last second to shield himself from the blast. When he hazarded a look he saw Defiant Heart lying on the ground, the bone armor he had been wearing shattered into dozens of fragments, burns frost and lacerations all over his body and his spear still clutched in one hand. Snowy approached and drew back a normal arrow on his bow. "Not leaving this to chance." He drew up to contact range and aimed at the badger's head. "too bad your raccoon friend abandoned you."

Defiant suddenly rolled to his side and rammed his spear right through Snowy's chest. "Surprise!" he gave a vicious grin.

Snowy's arms slacked as he stared at the spear struck through him. "But... how?"

"I'm a lot tougher than I look." Defiant touched one of his injuries and began to repair it. Snowy just stared, then his vision went black.

Defiant stood up and let his spear dissolve, "Almost didn't reign it in. You'll be fine once you wake up. Now about that nasty green shit on you." Defiant bent over and began. "Care Bears countdown. 4, 3, 2, 1, Care Bear Stare." Despite the subdued delivery, his chest symbol still lit up and fired off a beam of light at the fox. In less than a minute all the green orbs and lines covering the fox's body had dissolved.

"There, now to figure out what to do with you."

"Maybe you could help me!" the voice came from nearby; it was Crafty Heart.

Defiant picked up the unconscious fox and hauled him over to the voice, only to find Crafty Heart pinned underneath an unconscious Calm Heart Lynx, whose head was resting on the coyote's chest.

Crafty grinned up at Defiant as he set Snowy down. "I see you won too, yay! Now can you get her off me please?"

"I thought you'd be happy with someone using your tits as a pillow," Despite this comment, Defiant grabbed Calm Heart and pulled her up and off Crafty.

"Maybe if I wasn't in serious pain I would," Crafty pushed herself up, panting visibly, "She was a bitch to fight though, not just earth but metal too." She traced her hand over her injuries, carefully repairing the damage done to her, "Where's Guidance?"

Defiant shrugged, "Don't know, I saw her turn invisible after Snowy and I started fighting then I was kinda in the middle of fighting for my life. Are you worried?"

Crafty nodded, her face a mask of worry, "Yeah, not just her though I'm worried about Hidden Heart. No telling what that otter might have done to her."

Defiant Heart rolled his eyes and reached into his chest symbol to retrieve his cell phone, dialing a number. "Hey Hidden Heart, are you alright?"

Before he could hear the answer, Crafty had snatched his phone away from him and pulled it to her ear. "Defiant? Yes, I'm fine just a little rattled. Marine Heart's in worse shape after what Anger Heart did to him."

"Thank goodness," Crafty breathed a sigh of relief.

"Crafty? You sound tired what happened?" Hidden asked over the phone.

Crafty grinned, "I won, but she tore me up a lot. I'll tell you all about it..."