Marcus Lane - Chapter Twelve

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#12 of Marcus Lane

The British countryside, full of charm and delight... that's until gay celebrity author Marcus Lane arrives back from San Francisco to fix his parents' house up and sell it.

His arrival in the village, combined with that of a famous film star in town to shoot a movie inspires jealously from a bored local teenager with a crush on both of them and the curiosity of Marcus' first ex which leads to a trail of comedic destruction.

Chapter Twelve


Gareth was eating breakfast alone in the kitchen.

His mother had gone to see a friend while not-dad was in his study talking on the phone, his voice was faintly drifting down the hallway.

The temperature outside had warmed up again, so Gareth had dressed himself in a grey tank top (not as low-cut as Marcus') and cargo shorts. He wondered if not-dad went out whether to go for a dip in the pool.

"I'll see you later Anna," he heard not-dad say.

Gareth rolled his eyes.

Another secret girlfriend stashed away somewhere?

He wondered whether to shout at Arseny, but a better idea came to mind. Perhaps one way he could convince his mum would be to follow not-dad and record the evidence. That way she couldn't keep playing dumb.

Keeping one ear cocked towards the door, he slid his phone out of his pocket and began texting Oliver.

Arseny has a secret gf, want to help me follow and expose him?

He paused and then added any more Marcus and Ralph sightings?

The sound of not-dad closing his office door echoed into the hallway.

Gareth put his breakfast bowl in the sink and listened out. Not-dad made his way past the kitchen.

"Good morning Gareth!" his voice boomed as he poked his head around the door.

"Good morning," Gareth replied, holding his tongue.

Catching him in the act will do more than yelling at him.

"I trust you'll be doing something useful today," not-dad said, fixing Gareth something that looked like a smile and a leer.

The puma made his way into the kitchen and Gareth noticed he was wearing a linen business suit.

"Yes," Gareth replied bluntly.

"What are you doing?"

"Probably meeting friends," Gareth replied neutrally.

"Not getting up to trouble?"


"Remember Gareth, you're a very lucky young man. It's good to put yourself to use to help others," Arseny continued. "You have a roof over your head, food on the table."

Why are you telling me this? Mum and me lived in a dingy flat over in Thrupston before she met you, whereas you inherited your big house.

"Right," Gareth said, still trying to bite his tongue.

"So, rather than spend the summer twiddling your thumbs, I want to let you know I'm expanding my community projects in the local area. There are a lot of people who are in need of support and care," not-dad leered. "I'm requesting your help."

"Why don't you help out yourself?"

"Because I have a lot of things to attend to," Arseny shot back. "And it's not a case of me rushing around to impress everyone by myself."

Yes it is.

"It's building a community, re-connecting everyone, and getting the young people involved and not indifferent."


"Think about that, it's either help with my project, or you can look for a full time job before you start university."

With that, Arseny turned and made his way to the front door.

Gareth growled and gave the finger to Arseny's back. The problem was no one could really dispute what not-dad was saying about helping the community, but if only they could see the slimy and oily person behind the caring exterior.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and Gareth pulled it out to see a reply.

No Marcus & Ralph sightings today. The Lotus is still at the front. Yeah I'll help with this plan ;)

Gareth grinned as he texted back.

Gonna follow Arseny. I'll keep you updated.

He heard the sound of not-dad's car door close and the engine start up. The tires began crunching down the driveway and Gareth darted to the front door.

His bike was still against the wall and he mounted it just as not-dad's Bentley rounded the corner and disappeared behind the apple trees.

Gareth counted to five under his breath and began peddling after the car.

He rounded the corner in time to see the Bentley exit the gate and turn to the right. Gareth peddled harder and almost caught up before falling back slightly. Being sighted by Arseny in his mirrors would mean game over.

The Bentley had sped up and was heading towards the centre of the village. A van pulled out behind it and Gareth used it to shield as he cycled along.

The van turned and Gareth saw not-dad go up a side road that led out of the village.

Shit, is he driving away, how can I follow him if he drives out of town?

Cautiously, Gareth turned onto the side road and saw the Bentley had pulled over to the side further ahead.

Gareth pulled on the breaks and manoeuvred the bike behind a tree. He watched as the Bentley sat there with no sign of Arseny climbing out.

Had he already got out and walked off?

As Gareth watched, a second car coming in the opposite direction came to a stop on the other side of the road. It was a black Audi, and as Gareth watched, a slim looking female calico in a pinstripe jacket climbed out.

The Bentley's door opened and Arseny walked over to embrace the calico.

"Gotcha," Gareth muttered as he pulled his phone out.

His paws were quivering slightly but he tried snapping photos as they finished embracing and Arseny led the calico over to a gate set in a stone wall.

It opened with a squeak and they disappeared.

Gareth began frantically texting Oliver.

I'm on Rectory Lane. Arseny parked here and has met with some girl. Come find me

His phone buzzed a second later as Oliver texted back okay!

Gareth remained behind the tree until the Collie appeared panting beside him.

"I ran as fast as I could," Oliver wheezed. "So, what's up mate?"

"The girl Arseny met with was in that car," Gareth explained, pointing to the Audi. "And they went behind that wall."

"The fuck? He's going to shag her in the shrieking shack."

"The what?"

"The house behind there is empty," Oliver explained. "It's never had anyone living there, I used to call it the shrieking shack, ya know, like from the Harry Potter books? It's this old gothic house that a famous poet lived in once. Everyone around here talks about it or wants to preserve it."

"I see."

"We can get a better look at it from over here if you leave your bike," Oliver instructed. "When I was fourteen I got into the garden, but I thought I saw someone in the house so I ran away."

Gareth left his bike against the tree and followed Oliver along.

The Collie led him to a patch of grass on an incline next to a small but pretty red brick cottage.

"Is this someone's garden?" Gareth asked.

"The boundary is there," Oliver replied, pointing at a vague patch of grass. "We're okay. Frank Trelawney lives there and he's cool with me."

"Huh, Frank lives there?" Gareth asked, suddenly feeling horrified.

"Is that bad?"

"Um, yeah."


"Well, you know I saw him on Prowlr?" Gareth sighed.


Gareth leaned in closer and whispered to Oliver even though no one was around.

"Yeah, that's fucking awkward, for you anyway," the Collie said as they reached the stone wall.

Part of it had crumbled and they could see over the house itself. It was a grand looking place, almost like a small manor house, with lion statues either side of the front door and roman style pillars. It was made out of yellow stone like many of the houses in the village. However, parts of the garden were overgrown and the stonework looked crumbly.

"It looks nice, not scary," Gareth found himself saying.

"I know, but we're looking for your step-dad and his new girl."

"Not-dad," Gareth corrected.

"Whatever," Oliver replied. "Oh, would you like a cigarette?"

"Won't smoking give our position away?"

"Nah, we're not in the military."

"I didn't realise you'd taken up smoking and bought cigarettes?" Gareth chuckled.

"Bought? Remember when we were swapped from Mrs Wilkinson's place to Mr Bridge during the community project and how he was always sucking on those hard caramels because we reckoned he'd stopped smoking?"

"Yes, you stole some for us to eat," Gareth replied, rolling his eyes.

"Well, my theory proved correct. He had multiple cigarette packets stashed away," Oliver said, opening his shorts pocket to show Gareth.

"I think I'm good," Gareth replied.

"Suit yourself," Oliver replied as he moved closer to the fence. "I want to watch him having it off with the other girl."

"No fucking way, I have enough evidence I want to show my mum," Gareth whispered back. "I'm not watching Arseny bang someone. I want to go and watch Ralph and Marcus for that."

"Can I help you lads?"

"Gah!" Gareth and Oliver exclaimed in unison.

They turned to see Frank standing behind them. The wolf was fixing them a half-curious, half-amused expression.

"Any reason why you're on my property?" he asked, folding his arms.

"Oh, sorry," Gareth said, feeling his tail tuck itself between his hind-paws. "I didn't realise. We're watching someone."

"Watching someone?"

"Gareth reckons his step dad is shagging a girl in the shrieking shack," Oliver explained.

"Shut up!"

"It's not the shrieking shack," Frank laughed. "That was once the home of Cecil Mansfield. He's a highly regarded figure around here you know."

"I know," Oliver sighed before pulling a face. "We had to do his poems at secondary school."

"Same here," Frank nodded. "But like Shakespeare you'll appreciate it once you leave school and not have it forced on you. You should try reading Mansfield sometime."


Gareth looked at the ground and shifted awkwardly.

"How are you doing Gareth?" Frank asked politely, as if the Prowlr incident had never happened.

"I'm doing good," Gareth replied, trying to put on a normal tone of voice.

"Make sure you keep Oliver out of trouble, I know what he can be like," Frank said with a wink.

"Is Ralph Rivers and Marcus Lane at home?" Gareth asked, regaining his confidence. "I'm just asking for a friend."

"I can neither conform, nor deny that," Frank replied. "Well, I'll forgive you for almost trampling on my raised vegetable bed this time, but next time you trespass there I'll have to recruit you to help me build my new lean-to shed as community service," he added with a grin.

"Oh god, we've done enough community work already," Gareth sighed.

"I imagined you wouldn't want more of that," Frank laughed. "Anyway, if you two are off to do dubious things on each other I suggest finding a new location."

"Hey!" Oliver protested. "We're not gay together. Like I say, we're looking out for Anth..."

"Shut up," Gareth cut across, not wanting to give the game up.

"Anthony Higson-Pearidge?" Frank finished for Oliver.

"Yeah," Gareth admitted with a sigh.

"Hmm," Frank mused to himself, and Gareth could tell the wolf was thinking about something.

"Um, have you seen him around here?" he asked cautiously.

"Not today," Frank shrugged. "Anyway, you two best be off. I've got work to do."

"On Marcus' house?" Gareth asked, trying to muster an innocent tone.

"Not saying anything about that, but no, a house that needs looking at over in Fildown."

Gareth could feel Frank watching them as he and Oliver hurried off.

"You said you have evidence?" Oliver asked as they made their way back to where Gareth had left his bike.

"Yup," Gareth replied, fishing his phone out of his pocket. He opened the gallery and looked at the photos he had taken. They were a little blurry and from a distance, but still clearly showed Anthony holding the calico in his arms. "Busted!"

"So what will you do now?"

"I'll wait until my mum gets home and show her," Gareth said triumphantly. "She's out right now, but I'll show her after dinner when not-dad has gone to bed, and to celebrate I want to pay a visit to Ralph and Marcus from our spot."

"Okay, let's go."

Gareth suddenly realised that route to the usual spot took them past Honeysuckle Lodge.

"I can't wait to see what they're doing this time," Gareth said dreamily, trying to take his mind off Arseny for the time being. "I hope they fuck in the garden," he added with a whisper to Oliver.

"Yeah," the Collie chuckled, although there wasn't much humour in his voice.

"Something wrong?" Gareth asked as he noticed Oliver suddenly seemed distracted.

"Nah I'm good."

"You sure?"

"Well, after all this spying I wish I could watch a straight version," Oliver sighed.

"I'm sure you will."

They reached the lane where Marcus' house sat and Gareth could see the white Lotus parked up ahead.

"Wait!" Oliver said, putting a paw on Gareth's arm.

"What is it?"

"Your number one crush," he said, gesturing down the road.

Ralph had appeared and was putting a small suitcase in the front of the Lotus. The Doberman was wearing a tight fitting grey shirt and black jeans. His eyes were covered by his aviator glasses.

"Is he leaving?" Gareth gasped. "Please say he's not."

"Don't worry," Oliver replied, gesturing again. "If Marcus is with him I doubt it."

Marcus walked up to the car dressed in another colourful tank top (this one had a yellow tie-die pattern) and denim shorts. The fox climbed into the passenger seat. Ralph got in next to him and the engine started up.

"Look normal," Gareth whispered as the car sped by them. He was sure Ralph and Marcus glanced over at him. "Oh I feel like I'm going to melt."

"Calm down!" Oliver laughed. "Now that they've gone you know what we can do?"

The thought made Gareth grin like an idiot but also feel anxious at the same time.

"What if they're just going to the shops?" he asked.

"They had what looked like a suitcase or an overnight bag. I highly doubt they're off to Sainsbury's," Oliver said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I hope they come back," Marcus sighed.

"Don't curse it! They'll come back while we're in the house."

"Oh don't say that!"

They walked down the road and reached the front gate of the cottage. Gareth stashed his bike in the usual place behind the leylandii and re-joined Oliver who was glancing up and down the street to check the coast was clear.

"Okay, let's do this," he whispered.

They scampered up to the front door and Gareth felt behind the window box. His paw brushed against metal and he wagged his tail as he pulled the key out.

He sniffed the air and listened out for the sound of the Lotus returning, but the lane was quiet and empty. Grinning, he slotted the key into the lock and opened the door.

After Ralph and Marcus had returned the previous night for their wallets, Gareth and Oliver had remained hidden below the kitchen window before sneaking back down the hallway and out the front. The layout of the house now felt familiar despite it only being their second visit.

The scent of fox and Ralph's aftershave hung in the air.

Gareth suddenly felt a burst of confidence and hurried to the kitchen to see what food was out.

The caviar was still in the fridge, wine was on the counter and cigars were on the table.

"I want to try one of those," Gareth said, pointing to the cigars.

"You didn't want to try one of my ciggies," Oliver said.

"I know, but these are classier, no offense," Gareth replied.

"True," Oliver nodded.

"Hmm, maybe not actually," Gareth sighed. "I almost stole Ralph's underwear last night."

"I know, you hurried back upstairs to throw them into the bedroom," Oliver laughed. "But go on, have one of his cigars. I can smell the scent near the back door, if you smoke one they won't notice. Go on!"

Gareth gingerly picked one up. There was a box of matches on the table and Gareth recalled a faint memory of someone telling him the correct way to smoke a cigar was by lighting it with a match and not a lighter.

Or maybe it was from a movie?

He wasn't sure if this was true or not, but he decided to honour it anyway as he picked up the match box.

"Here," Oliver said, opening the back door.

Gareth struck a match, put the cigar in his mouth and lit the tip.

Truth be told, Gareth had never smoked anything before and he found himself coughing as he tried puffing on the cigar like characters he had seen in films.

"How is it?" Oliver asked.

"Kind of weird," Gareth coughed. "Here."

He handed Oliver the cigar. The Collie puffed on it more expertly.

"You've been practicing," Gareth joked.

"Only on the cigarettes, but you're right, these are much classier," Oliver said.

Gareth wanted to try again, but his mind began to wonder as he thought about exploring more of the place in daylight.

"Ya know, I'm going to try smoking another when we come back tomorrow," he grinned.

"I have work tomorrow. I've started that new Sunday job at the electronics shop over in Thrupston," Oliver sighed. "But if you let yourself in I'll come and find you."

"Okay," Gareth said as he gazed out of the kitchen window. "Actually, give me some more of the cigar." Oliver handed it over and Gareth tried puffing on it again. This time he didn't gag. "Let's go upstairs," he said. "Wait, what do I do with this?" he asked, holding out the cigar.

Oliver took it and stabbed it out on a nearby saucer.

"There. Upstairs we go!"

Gareth led the way this time while Oliver followed behind.

The bedroom door was ajar and Gareth pushed open as theatrically as he could.

The Calvin Klein briefs were still where he had left them on the ground, along with other clothes. New sheets had been put on the bed and Gareth noticed they were silk.

He grinned as he perched on the bed and felt the sheets with his paw. They felt so smooth and luxurious.

Oliver had sat himself at a desk near the window and was reading through some sheets of paper.

Gareth was more interested in the clothes on the floor.

"Do you think this will fit me?" he asked Oliver, picking up a pair of Marcus' shorts.

"Maybe," Oliver said without glancing up.

"Don't turn around," Gareth warned as he dropped his shorts and tugged Marcus' on. The shorts did fit well and Gareth wagged his tail. "Gosh, this feels so naughty," he grinned. "These emphasise my butt nicely."

"Gaaaay," Oliver replied as he glanced over his shoulder and Gareth wiggled his behind at him.

"Oh, just imagine Ralph seeing me in these," Gareth sighed as he flopped down on the bed.

Wow, these silk sheets feel divine.

Gareth wriggled about until he was in a comfortable position and allowed his mind to wander.

"Those are some sexy shorts Gareth."

"Thanks Ralph."

"You don't need to keep thanking me, you're too polite. I wondered if Marcus's shorts would look good on you."

Gareth rolled over on the bed, showing the Doberman his butt. Ralph was in his Calvin... no wait, he was naked. His thick, oversized cock was hard and almost pointing right at Gareth's behind. Gareth grinned and raised his tail.

"Would you like to see what's under the shorts?"

"Yes I would. I told you I was going to take your virginity, remember? And Marcus will join us next so he can have a go."

"Yes please."

"It's an honour to do this for you Gareth. Lay still as I take them off..."

"Aww, this is actually quite sad."

"Oliver, stop interrupting my fantasies!" Gareth growled.


"Never mind, what is sad?" Gareth asked.

"I think these are notes for an article of some kind Marcus is planning," Oliver explained. "It's about when he told his parents he was gay. Apparently he did it in a restaurant and his mum was drinking a glass of wine which she sprayed everywhere and it went over his dad's suit. I mean, it's funny but it's also kind of sad," Oliver explained.

Gareth was surprised to see the Collie being so sensitive to a gay related article, especially as he had just made a gay joke. He walked over and read the sheets of paper.

"Huh, that is sad," Gareth said, before noticing another piece of paper on the dresser. "I wonder what this one is about," he pondered.

He began reading and then his eyes widened as he saw what the second to last line said.


"What is it?" Oliver asked, looking confused.

"I can't believe it, he's killing Detective Forrest off!"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, it says so right here," Gareth growled. "How could he? I love Detective Forrest, how could Marcus be so cruel to me and his fans!"

"Yeah that's dramatic," Oliver agreed.

Gareth yanked Marcus' shorts off, almost pulling his underwear down in the process and accidentally showing off the top part of his sheath to Oliver who winced.

"I'm leaving!" Gareth announced with a dramatic flourish as he tugged his own shorts back on and promptly fell over in his haste. "Number two crush has been demoted to number fifty," he added, climbing back up. "I need to go somewhere and cool down."

"What about the garden?"

"Yes, I feel like kicking something, and the shed is already broken so they won't notice if I kick that."

Gareth stormed down the stairs and through the kitchen.

The back door was still open from when they had smoked the cigar. Gareth huffed to himself as he walked outside, and growled again as he saw someone had tidied the shed debris into a neat pile.

"Great," he muttered.

He then noticed clothes were hanging on the washing line, including a few pairs of underwear. One was the jock Ralph had worn, and another was a pair of silky looking black briefs with Aussiebum on the waistband.

Gareth walked over and gently felt them. The material was indeed soft and smooth. The size also indicated they were Ralph's. Gareth glanced around before removing them both from the washing line and stuffing them up his tank top.

This time I'm taking something home with me.

Gareth grinned at the thought of taking them back to hold to his chest and sniff. Even if Marcus was no longer in his top five crushes, Ralph was still number one, and he would help Gareth escape.

But now it'll just be him.