Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 6 from Patreon

Story by Vamoos on SoFurry

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#8 of Stories

Mekid Chronicles: Chapter 6 from Patreon

Seven very distraught and brooding not-teens sat around the back yard as twilight settled in. Save for Catrina the couples we paired off in little groups around the fire pit that kept low and out of sight, just like the topic of conversation.

"I can't believe it's come to this." Walter snapped the tiny stick in his hands and managed to toss a piece in the fire without taking his elbows off his knees. Sitting on the brick patio he looked up at the groups around him, half sitting on the stone with him while their partners huddled across shoulders from lawn chairs. "I mean, where do we go with this?"

"The bedroom?"

"Shut up Ty." Cecilia rolled her eyes, "we're being serious."

"So am I!" he held up his hands, "I'm just saying, knowing what we know now it makes future conversations a hell of a lot less awkward. Also means I don't have to be so damned quiet anymore. How you girls do it is beyond me."

"Music room."

"Ball gag."

Everyone went stiff as Riz and Fufu looked at each other smirking out of the corner of their eyes. The women they were with looked rather displeased though at their divulging of information.

"Wait wait, you guys bang in the music room?" Ty smirked looking at Cecilia who couldn't make eye contact.

"Soundproof." She spit the word out petulantly to his grin.

"It is my bedroom, technically." Rizak came to her defense, reaching up to pat her head as she hid her face in the nape of his neck from behind. "So there's nothing wrong with it, I just let you guys use it to play stuff."

"Tell me please," Tyzer laced his fingers, setting his palms on top of a perturbed Walters head and resting his chin on them, "that you two don't fuck on the piano seat." the awkward silence that followed was broken by Tyzer's barking giggle.

"Okay Tizzy." Walter shook the hands off the top of his head, "be good or I'll start sharing some of your secrets."

"You don't have anything I'd be embarrassed about, "Ty licked his lips looking around at the girls daringly, "honey."

"How bout the fact that you cry," Walter looked back, seeing the grin flatten out, "during anal." The two stared at each other for a second, Tyzer's expression growing less amused.

"Lots of people--"

"Yeah, but you only do it when it makes you cum." Walter stretched, twisting his torso so that he could throw an arm up and cup the back of Tyzer's head. The two came in, and everyone watched as the big guy planted a kiss just below and to the left of smaller guy's snoot, above the lip. "be good."

"I'm more concerned about the more pressing issue of this communal love concept." Catrina crossed her arms on her knees in her chair, rubbing her sweater covered biceps, "To be honest with you people I've never...shared a bed with anyone." She blushed as Cecilia and Tyzer both reached over, resting their hands on her shoulders.

"First off. Anyone saying the phrase 'you people' always sounds soooo fucking racist." Cecilia grinned as the girl looked stricken and embarrassed. "Secondly, its okay to be...less experienced...I mean, yeah. No judgement keeping the legs closed" She looked around the group. "We all kind of...fell into this together around the same time. It's not perfect, but I think it could be." She waved them all in closer, and a few started to stand. "We all come from different places in life. I know for damn sure I wouldn't be here without my mom's help, everyone else gave up on me." She looked at the ground for a second before raising her head and continuing. "I was 13 when I met our mom. I was a little piss-ant fuck up. My dad died sticking up a grocery store for cash and my mom just took a long walk soon after. I lived on the streets....about six months. I fell into a really rough crowd. They...." Catrina watched the girl clam up, whatever was so hard to say was making Riz look like he was actively plotting murder. Slow, gruesome murder. "I ended up in the hospital in pretty rough shape, under a fake name. I got caught frauding. Got sent to juvie. I met my mom wearing stripes." The girl rolled her eyes, "She told me I was more of a spots girl. Bailed me out, sent me here and just..."

"My folks were teachers." Everyone looked at Walter, who was standing there hugging Tyzer to his chest. "They decided they wanted to try to outreach. They got the funding to do a school outside the walls. I was 7 when they left me with a friend near the dome." He kissed the top of Tyzer's head, taking a deep breath. "Packers got them less than 3 days into the trip. My mom they never found the body, but my..."

Tyzer turned and hugged his man fiercely as he began to crumple. "It's's okay..."

"My brother and I." Rizak spoke up, looking at everyone as they seemed to fall into this catharsis of sharing. Nearly five years under the same roof, and short of their bed partners the teens realized they so knew little about their past lives outside the front door. "I was a, I was a..a...torturer." Everyone's eyebrows went through the roof as they all looked at each other. "Outside the don't have a TV...or electricity...I was here the first time I ever saw a book. I didn't know what other...people... looked like. I was raised to fight 'the enemy', kill if I had to, capture if I could. I remember the first time I ever..." He squinted his eyes shut, fighting not to cry.

" don't have to do this." Cecilia patted his arm, and he reached over to cup her hand against his straining bicep.

"First person I saw who wasn't Ekidna...was on their knees and face, bag over their head and naked." He looked up at everyone, his heart tearing as he looked around. "the people who raised us back then, they used us like weapons...the worst kind of weapons. I don't blame people for hating us, for what we did. But we didn't know any better! They were...we were at war with, with what we 'knew' to be DEMONS." He chucked the stick piece he'd been holding into the fire causing embers to go scattering across the stone. "Some elephant woman...older; maybe our mom's age now, at the time back then? I can..." he bit his tongue, eyes rolling back in his head as he closed them letting a tear fall. "I can still hear her...when I sleep. I can see all the people, feel the...the skin under my hands and the--"

"Stop." Cecilia leaped into the air hugging him, and he buried his face in her neck as her feet dangled, "Baby, stop. Please."

"...I grew up the useless brother of a hero." Everyone turned to see Tyzer walking forward, patting his twin on the shoulder. Side by side the resemblance in the face was uncanny, but Riz had over 50lbs of muscle on him. "Our mom was a subordinant of our--of Ms. Chagotha." Tyzer looked as uncomfortable as Catrina felt hearing him address her as such. "While he went off to war, I got put in the pleasure pool for training."

Catrina raised a finger, then stopped. She was pretty sure he was going to answer the question anyway. She felt like such an outsider here, and truly she was. Her heart was a lump in her throat as everyone was slowly drifting off-center of the fire closer into an eventual hug.

"Pawns are not normally...respected." Tyzer squared his jaw. "Those not in a bond are pretty much considered free property. I can't tell you how many friends I made in the core I watched just..." he shook his head staring off into space, "just get grabbed by the back of their neck and bent over. My best friend..she.." Tyzer wetted his lips nervously, thinking back, "she actually died serving drinks one night. A bunch of Rooks decided to take turns on her.....after all, she was just a pawn."

"This will never happen."

Everyone opened their eyes slowly to see the humanoid girl with the mouse ears standing there with her fists clenched. "Never, ever again. The world we are going to build will not tolerate this...this..." Catrina was shaking trying to find the words.


"BULLSHIT!" Catrina barked out the word before Cecilia could finish it, nodding in appreciation. "I know this was just...this was a grab for power by more of the same kinds of people...but..." she looked around at their faces. "I....We can be...more than this. Here. Now." The group looked around at each other, nodding approvingly as the two lone figures still sitting rocked, the larger woman cradling and cooing to the whimpering chinchilla.

"So we've decided to do it!"

Vanessa and Donnie looked up from their books, bathrobes tied tightly as they watched the kids come bounding in from the back yard, Catrina at the lead. "The Clutch, we...we'll do it." She huffed, physical exercise was not really her forte, "but we should get one make it even."

"So you're in the market for a lover." Vanessa kept a straight face as she slowly looked over at Donnie who put his hands up defensively. The expression on his face broke her though, and she devolved into a sultry chuckle as she set the book down on the coffee table. Donnie did the same and the two looked at each other, then up at the crowd of progeny with a look that clearly said "...well?"

"We were wondering if there was a way to meet..." Catrina looked over her shoulder, "others, like us...or close to our age. We thought that we could round out the equality of representation, though honestly it's not necessary. A queen or--"

"Absolutely not." Vanessa bridged her fingers, "a queen is out of the question, a bishop is doable but the whole point is to keep you in power." she sighed. "We didn't cover Chai or queens in the presentation because you don't need to interact with them ever...that way." Vanessa rubbed the back of her neck. "Ekidna are a matriarchal aristocracy. Females are seen as tacticians and commanders. They literally MAKE armies when they have to." The tall woman crossed her legs, her toes flexing as she pointed at the demi-human with them. "We put a Queen in that clutch, and you all will be fighting over who is in charge. My Cecilia and Sylvia have no intention of overthrowing you. As the closest other person to a queen in're the natural choice to lead."

"I..I see." Catrina worried her fingers in front of her navel looking over at those around her, "then a bishop? I don't know much about them though." She watched the woman go contemplative.

They all took a step back as she stood and turned on her heels, walking at an exceedingly rushed pace barefoot down the hall. There was the sound of a door opening and everyone went slack at the luxurious moan that was cut short, then the murmur of conversation. Shortly after Chagotha and Thueban joined them, looking rather perturbed. "Sorry to wake you." Catrina tried to be subtle with her apology, realizing half a second later that this was the wrong crowd for that.

"He was deep in something," Chai waved it off with a frown, "but it wasn't sleep. Vam tells me you are thinking of a Bishop." She looked around the room at the faces, cocking an eyebrow, "why?"

"We don't have one among us," Cecilia spoke softly, "we thought it would give more representation if the....ruling family...included one?" she let her voice grew squeaky high as she finished the last few words of the sentence.

"Very astute of you." Thueban grumbled approvingly. "Though if you were really going to--"

"No honey." Chai shook her head looking over, something that made him frown.

"Please," Catrina took a step forward, only the table separating the elders from the next generation. "If it's something that will make this easier in the long run, we can oblige."

Chai looked back at her husband frowning, then to the demi-human closing her eyes with a placade face. "My husband would tell you that three quarters of the population of Mekid-- Ekidna are soldiers." She opened her eyes and saw no real recognition so she tilted her head, "not the profession darling, the breed."

"Oh shit." Riz covered his mouth as everyone kind of peeked at him, "there's no way she-- we--"

"Exactly honey, you do not want to subject these girls to something like that do you?"

"Are they bad?" Catrina looked back and forth between them, "We didn't cover the Soldiers, are they like Knights or Rooks, how mean--"

"No honey..." Chai took her hand, and looking around gestured for everyone to sit, "You have been pumped full of information these past few days, but there is so much more to explain to you all. I don't think even those living under this roof with us have ever even dealt with this." She looked around seeing nods to the affirmative. "Lets start small. Ekidna are...egg layers...if you haven't figured it out yet." She grimaced. "We can birth eggs, or store and hatch them. Leathery, about the size of....lets see..." she looked around, eyes catching the kitchen door. "Bigger than a chickens egg, smaller than a lemon lets say...I'm sure that Sylvia could give you a very good idea." She smiled, leaning to look at the girl with a grin through her bangs. The girl returned the look with a blush. The two always seemed to have a special connection since she arrived.

"Okay, and this has to do with soldiers because...." Cecilia, ever the erudite one opened her palms in a shrug.

"If an Ekidna egg is housed within a womb, it feeds on the carrier." Chai smiled, "growing anthropoid, bipedal and poised like you see before you." She grinned gesturing to Riz and Tyzer...who managed without looking at each other to pop they're pectorals in succession with a smirk like it was practiced, Walter palming his face from the sidelines. "Some though, say that is not our natural state, a borrowed mask of sorts." Chai reached over her shoulder, clutching her husband's hand as he laid it on her nape. "If the egg is...laid. It must fend for itself. The leathery soft exterior grows dark and hard, like a stone almost. The being that hatches is no less civil or sapient, but in the rush with less materials to work with a creature of necessity is born, the spine never fully straightened or the breast bone broadened. Quadrupedal, far more feral, and with power we rarely see on two legs."

"My brother in arms," Thueban said, "In my hatching years, he was a Soldier. We tussled often," Thoo grinned, "I rarely won. He went on to become a commander of the cavalry units."

"It should be noted." Chai an eyebrow, "that the cavalry units have no animal mounts in them...." Everyone kind of looked at each other worried for a moment. "One Knight Noble...and her Rook Soldier. That is a unit of cavalry. Rooks especially ...oh they get big." Chai shook her head frowning. "The average soldier has about 50% more mass than an equivalent Noble Ekidna, this is true across all genders." Looking around the room she pursed her lips, "it would be a true mark of equality, I think you would speed our goals ahead a decade in relations just by having one of the Soldier among you. But tread softly...hmmm...actually though," Chai stared off into space. "a Bishop...that could work, they're rather small...almost the smallest if not the smallest of our kind, wouldn't you say darling?"

"I've met Bish smaller than Pawns on more than one occassion." Thoo nodded looking at the kids. "I can make a call if you want. See about finding some...what do we call them? Applicants?"

"Let's make it sound like a security detail." Catrina pushed forward, "Soldiers were traditionally used for military exercises and less important task I imagine given their perceived status?"

"Almost exclusively." Chai nodded, surprised at the girl's insight, "even though we gave them lip service, they were second class citizens even among our own people...even today."

"Well then it won't be suspicious if we are simply looking for guard...we can pick through the files of what they send us...see if we can find gold in all that iron."

Vanessa and Chai looked at each other as the girl turned and after smiling at each of the younger furs around her began pacing back out to the fire slowly, everyone falling in line naturally.

"I think she'll do." Vanessa pursed her lips nodding. Chai nodded, only to wince as Thoo put his arm around her.

"Honey, I'm sore. Go be with Vanes--"

"Hell no." Vanessa barked a laugh pulling the robe to the side to show off her body, "I am literally sitting on an ice pack. If you want to fuck someone in the ass tonight, I suggest you get Donnie drunk again."

There was an awkward silence. Chai stared at Thoo. Thoo glanced at Donnie, Donnie stared at Vanessa. Vanessa arched an eyebrow at Donnie. Donnie eye-pleaded with Chai. Vanessa winked at Thoo.

"God Damn it." Donnie grunted lurching up to his feet, "I'll go make Margaritas...I better get head for this later."

The laughing teens all collapsed onto the picnic table beside the yard the next day as the sun's rays beat down on them at the highest peak. It was hell, Catrina admitted to herself. As soon as the decision had been made to Clutch...the training had started. Riz took to it naturally, and with Walter by his side they ran everyone through their paces. Sylvia was absolute shit at physical exercise, but with Phula backing her up she kept pace. Ceci and Tyz were both fairly naturally lithe and athletic...but they were absolutely the worst distance runners of the group. Catrina herself was amazed to find herself acclimating to it. She'd started in the back with Sylvia, but by lunch she was behind the boys up front by only a few dozen feet.

"Oh my god, you are trying to kill me." Ceclia sprawled out like a starfish in the grass next to Tyzer who was doing something similar face down. "Riz, don't make me do that again? Please?" She lifted her head to see him leaning against the picnic table arms crossed smirking. "It's not funny, what are you gonna do tonight if I'm too worn out to move?"

"Same thing he does every night--OW!" Tyz laughed with a mouthful of grass as the sting of Ceci slapping his naked back burned through his system. "I don't think any of us are going to have the energy tonight for anything adventurous."

"Speak for yourself." Phula of all people chuckled, rubbing the shoulders of a very pale, tense and winded Sylvia as the girl sat on the picnic table face down. "I happen to be married to one of the hottest women on the planet."

"Please don't?" Sylvia squeaked out embarrassed. The girl didn't even bother to uncover her face from her crossed arms, but you could easily see the ears going pink at the tips. "You know that I don't--"

"You're gorgeous, Silly." Phula leaned down, nuzzling her ear before standing back up. "Anyone here would want you. Riz you'd hit it right?"

"Whu--" Ceci perked up.

"Oh yeah," Riz nodded casually, looking down at his shoe he was relacing. "That ass especially, one day if--" he locked eyes with Cecilia and faltered.

"That's my little sister you're talking about!" Ceclia started to sit up, her steam beginning to build.

"Are we all talking about the girl you basically finger banged less than 48 hours ago?"

Dead. Fucking. Silence.

"How--Why would y-you say that?" Cecilia pushed her hair behind her ear, doing everything she could to not make eye contact with the feminine chassis twice her mass.

"Come on C." Riz grimaced, "Ekidna...we have a really strong sense of smell, and we remember you each. At breakfast," he closed his eyes in a squint, "even I knew."

The lithe girl felt her face growing red, deep pulsing red so bad her ears hurt. She looked around at faces, finally landing on the one that worried her the most. Sylvia looked at her curious and fearful. "I...Jell--"

"I should thank you." Phula interjected, "She came back to the room like a crazy person. Tied me to the bed. We'd never--I mean we'd done stuff but she'd never gone down on me like that before." Phula watched the girl rock back on her heels as if struck. "I'm honestly jealous a little with how hot and bothered you got our little jelly bea--"


Everyone was already paying attention, but more than a couple jumped startled as Ceclia sprang to her feet. Riz met her half way, unable to stop her approach as she pushed past him. He made a grab for her arm but she yanked it free to point in the much larger woman's face.

"Don't you ever fucking call her that, do you hear me! That is my name, MINE!" her eyes were hard but her bottom lip was trembling, " That is our thing...not yours!"

"Ceci?" Sylvia looked on a little worried as the girl in question spun on her heels and began stomping toward the treeline without another word. She stood to, only to be caught in the arms of her older brother as he hugged her watching their sister march off.

"It's okay," he spoke the words to Sylvia, but he was looking a saddened Phula in the eyes as he hugged his little sister tight. "She just needs a minute."

"And then she just ran off."

Vanessa took a long drag of the dark chocolate cigar between her ring and middle finger, letting the vapored smoke roll over her top lip a bit before huffing it out. Listening to the last few minutes of Catrina's explanation had been disconcerting. Fully reclined in her papasan she kept her feet under her butt to keep them warm. It was mid afternoon by now, and Cecilia was still not back.

"When Sylvia first came to us." Vanessa dabbed her cigar in the ashtray, "she was a rescue like the others. Given my own history... I make sure to save those I could, starting with the ones people find the most unsavable ..." She took a heavy breath. "Sylvia's birth parents, they sold her for money to demi-humans..." she looked up without moving her head, "like yourself. Wealthy individuals. They kept her on a leash, fed her from bowls on the floor till she was almost 10. Do you know the kind of self worth and image that breeds? They kept her in a cage when they went away on holiday for the servants to feed." Vanessa looked at her cigar with the same disgust she felt for the memory and flicked the leftover stub out onto the concrete patio.

"So then...they were very close when they met?" Catrina was looking out at the group of furs all standing on the edge of the lawn, peering off into the distance. None more eager than a very worried Phula.

"Not at first," Vanessa followed her gaze, "when she arrived she wouldn't eat..wouldn't come out from under her bed...wouldn't wear clothes." She smiled seeing her youngest trying desperately to get her chunky but up a tree to get a better view. The fact alone that Sylvia was climbing a tree showed her level of worry. "It wasn't till someone came to her room and slept beside her bed for 3 nights did she finally show her face..." she grinned, " and even then it was only long enough to snatch jelly beans from her hand."

"Cecilia." Catrina smiled.

"Ceci refused to leave her," Vanessa bit her bottom lip at the memory, "She's hurting mom, she told me, she's hurting...she doesn't know why or how, but she is." She leaned forward, and Catrina gave her a wide birth as she snagged and lit another cigar. "She bathed her, fed her REAL food was a month and a half before that little girl crawled into my lap, handing me her first book. She learned to read in less than a year, and she never looked back ...I told her that books were just secrets, that people wanted to give you."

"Will she be alright? Out there?" Catrina gestured with her head.

"Farmland and country fucks." Vanessa took a puff. "One of the reasons I settled here was the culture. Loudmouthed and highly vocal about their beliefs ...but they're honest and they're kind-hearted. She's done this before, the neighbors have walked her back a few times now. But she's usually come on her own."

It seemed fate was not so kind that day, they were sitting there no more than 5 minutes when her tablet started beeping. Reaching over curiously Vanessa picked it up. Catrina watched her face go from curious, to horror, to rage in a span of 10 seconds before she was on her feet.

"Mother fuckers!"

Everyone spun hearing the matron screech, and Catrina watched as she reached over for something in her purse beside her. It looked like a shiny sphere, and as Vanessa gripped it the surface began to crack. Crushing it in her hand she smeared the clear, and by Catrina's nose, foul smelling liquid from shoulder to opposite hip bone as she leapt over the table in front of them and took off for the tree line.

"Wuh--" Walter barely had time to register his mother going past them at a dead sprint when Tyzer tore from his grip in a ferocious growl. Riz was already several feet in the lead as he caught up to the Rabbit eared woman, her stride breaking three meters a step as she sprinted in the direction that Ceclia had gone. Phula was not far behind, and as the non Ekidna looked on in abject horror the group of them save Vanessa broke into all fours, bouncing as a pack into the distance.

"What the hell just happened?!" Walter came jogging up to a very frightened Catrina.

"I-I don't know she--" the girl pointed to the tablet on the table which Walter quickly picked up.

"Oh my god." Walter's hands trembled as he watched the feed play in loop again and again. He knew that road, it was half a mile basically from their mailbox. Cecilia was walking along, until a white van slid to a stop behind her. A large figure gripping her by the waist in a bear hug and halling her kicking into the sliding door. He barely had time to register this when the back door of the house came off its hinges and bounced into the pool.


A very stiff backed and stern faced Chagotha called out as she stepped out from behind the open clawed, and wild eyed, nightmare Thueban had become. She walked up to Walter who only handed her the tablet as she sniffed at the couch Vanessa had been sitting on.

"She poured something." Catrina whispered, afraid to interject. Chai's eyes seemed to clear a bit, but there was still no warmth in them as she looked down at the girl.

"Mekid are very susceptible to scent," she cupped her own chest as the girl looked down at her. "Queens use this to give orders without words. I have helped her learn these to better us, or so I thought."

"What the hell kind of order was that?" Walter looked over his shoulder pointing, then up at the big man behind her as it began to whimper.

"You can go love." She looked over at him and smiled as he sped off in the same direction with that thundering quadrupedal pace. "We call it the Death Feast. I didn't think she would actually have the nerve to use it." She put down the tablet, easing into his mother's spot and picking up her cigar that was tossed aside. "Every Mekid in five miles will come running, they will die for her, kill for her, and they will love every second." She took a long puff staring off at the dark speck of a man knocking over lesser trees in his haste, "Oh Vammy, what have you done?"

"Little fucking cunt!"

Cecilia took the back hand straight on, her vision blurring as she collided with the side of the van. She didn't give up though, her hands wrestling with his as he reached for her shorts again.

"You ever gonna get started? damn man." The large striped dog looked in the rear view mirror at his buddy ripping at the shirt off the girl they'd picked up. It wasn't a regular thing, but every so often, they drove out to the sticks for a little fun. No one really got hurt, he reasoned, it was obvious by the way she was dressed why she was out on this backwater road anyway.

"I hope I break a barb off in your fucking asshole..." the big lion put his weight into his forearm into her throat watching her kick and flail as she stared up at him bug-eyed. As he applied more pressure the kicking became more lethargic, the eyes less focused. He waited till her sleepy blank stare stopped trembling before he let up.

"Fucking finally," he grunted as he flipped the girl over. Pushing her knees under her he stuck her ass up in the air. A swift tug brought panties and all to mid thigh. The girl had seen some use alright, but it was still pretty, and he was pretty confident he had enough to make her squeal. He was beginning to undo his belt when his buddy called out.

"Hey dude? Why Is there--WHAT THE FU--"

And that was when he watched the horizon out the front window suddenly tilt.