The Benefits of Solo Travel

Story by UnsureIfRat on SoFurry

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Traveling abroad by yourself can be difficult, but it also allows a lot of freedom that group travel doesn't. For one thing, you only have to visit the things you want to see. Also, should you meet someone there, you have the privacy of your own room.

A short story I wrote to submit to the 'Give Yourself a Hand' anthology.

This story is something I wrote for a masturbation-themed anthology called 'Give Yourself a Hand.' Unfortunately the story didn't get picked up, so I am just posting it here!

Comments/critique appreciated! Enjoy!

Jim squinted as the morning light filtered into the room. He reached over and tapped the screen of his phone, wiping the sleep from his eyes. The screen displayed 8:10, roughly when he was hoping to be up. His shoulder and hip ached, both sore from a night spent sleeping more or less on the concrete floor. He had been in Japan for a few days now, and both of the discount vacation rentals he had chosen had opted for a more traditional futon bed, which was nothing more than a few inch thick cloth pad with a sheet over it. He sat up and rolled his shoulder a couple of times to work the soreness out of it, wondering if he should have spent a little bit more on apartments with western-style beds. For the moment he was willing to chalk it up to experiencing other cultures and spend 5 minutes stretching each morning.

This morning marked the start of day four of Jim's first trip to Japan. He had been meticulously planning and saving for this trip for the better part of two years and was giddy that it was actually happening. He had been a little disappointed that he had failed to convince any of his friends to go on the trip with him, but the cost of airfare did make it a bit of a tough sell. So far he had been enjoying solo travel, though. Not having to run the schedule past another person let him do whatever he wanted, which was nice.

Still waking up, he grabbed his phone and unlocked it. This trip he had developed a routine of flipping through his photos each morning. It was a good start to the day, and it assured that he would remember every detail of the trip. It was definitely better than checking Twitter first thing. He scrolled back to the beginning and went through the first few days in Tokyo. There were at least a dozen photos of the impeccably manicured bushes and flowers of the garden at the Meiji shrine. There was a selfie in front of the thunder gate at Sensoji temple. He had a video of the scramble corner at Shibuya and pictures of the several story high anime girls on the buildings of Akihabara. Akihabara had been particularly fun. He had managed to find some underground comic shops and had picked up a couple Japanese furry comics. They were currently hidden in the bottom of his suitcase, bagged and boarded.

He continued to flip through the photos, looking at the shots of his train station breakfast and the bullet train he took to Kyoto yesterday. There were pictures of his trip to Nara, of all the signs with cartoon deer on them, and of the many street vendors selling snacks to give to the deer. There was even video of him feeding deer at the park. One of the deer had come up to him, given a very stately bow, and happily accepted the cracker he gave it. There was a selfie of him surrounded by deer, all of them bowing and wanting crackers. There were a handful of shots of the shrines of Nara as well, but the selfie surrounded by deer made him chuckle.

And that brought him to the end of the photo roll.

Today he was excited to be visiting Fushimi-Inari Taisha, the largest fox shrine in Japan. He had some other sites to see, but the fox shrine was going to be the last huzzah of the day. The shrine was at the base of a small mountain, and had a scenic walking path up to the peak. With any luck he would be able to catch the sunset from the side of the mountain.

He stood up on his futon and walked to the bathroom. The apartment was small but had everything he needed. It was one open space divided into a living room and kitchen, with a single bathroom. A glass patio door led to a concrete balcony overlooking the bustling neighborhood. There was barely any furniture - just a kitchen table, a TV stand with a small flat-screen, and the futon on the floor. There was a closet where he could fold up and put away the futon if he wanted to use the living room, but without a couch or anything he wasn't sure how that would work. Was he supposed to sit on the floor and watch TV? Was that how most of the apartments here were set up? Or was that just low-cost vacation rental minimalism? Either way he only needed the apartment for showering and sleeping, so no need to worry about it. He stepped into the tiny bathroom and got ready for the day.

His rental was just a short walk from a train station. Most things here seemed to be. It was one of the things he liked about Japan so far. Most places of interest were a short train ride away, and train stations were usually no more than a ten minute walk. Also, every station seemed to have a convenience store next to it, making it easy to grab a quick meal or snack. He stopped in and bought a rice ball and a can of iced coffee for breakfast, managed a quick thank you in Japanese, then headed to the station.

The day went reasonably quickly. The first stop had been the geisha district, where he had walked down streets lined with traditional-style houses. After that, he had spent much of the late morning wandering the grounds of the imperial castle. Lunch was curry grabbed from a shop near one of the train stations. The place was designed for people to grab a fast lunch. A vending machine outside of the door took the payment and vended a food ticket, which was given to the cook. With a little effort, Jim had figured out which vending machine button meant 'Curry with fried pork cutlet', gotten his ticket, and grabbed a seat. He poured himself a glass of water, and within a few minutes, a plate of steaming curry and rice was set in front of him. He made sure to snap a photo of both the vending machine and the curry.

After lunch, Jim had killed some time by shopping in the massive mall at Kyoto station. After a lot of browsing with no purchases, he headed to the fox shrine. The shrine was just a short train ride from Kyoto station, at Inari station. Right outside the doors of the station a giant orange Torii gate opened onto a large stone plaza, and stairs at the far end of the plaza led up to the shrine entrance. All around were statues of foxes. Jim walked through the plaza taking pictures of everything. All of the statues were slightly different. Some of the foxes had scrolls in their mouths, some had symbols over their head. He wasn't sure what these differences meant, but it made for great pictures.

He walked up the stairs and through the main gate, snapping pictures all the while. There were a number of things to see once inside the temple, and there was thankfully a kiosk with English guidebooks. He grabbed one and paged through it. Among other things, it listed a number of interesting facts about the shrine and the meaning behind it. Fushimi-Inari Taisha was the largest shrine to Inari, the Shinto god of rice, tea, sake, and fertility. Inari was often depicted as having fox messengers, hence the statues. Another page mentioned that foxes were well known to be tricksters in Japanese mythology. Many stories of fox spirits involved transforming into humans to trick unsuspecting townspeople. The messengers of Inari were generally considered helpful, and it was not uncommon for people to make offerings to them to get in the good graces of Inari.

Jim walked through the shrine, his attention divided between the guidebook and the many buildings and shops surrounding him. One of the main attractions of this shrine was the Senbon Torii, a path up the mountain covered in of hundreds and hundreds of torii gates. Jim had planned to hike this path up the mountain and catch the sunset. Based on the hiking times he had seen online, he had plenty of time for a leisurely walk. He put the guidebook in his pocket and headed to the trail.

The path was like nothing he had ever experienced. Orange wooden gates arched over the pathway, so densely packed that it appeared as if he were walking through a long winding hallway. The unending sea of orange was interrupted here and there by black painted Japanese characters, which he figured were the names of donors or possibly memorials to people who had died. He would have to check google later. Occasional gaps in the row of wood revealed more fox statues or small shrines. He occasionally saw people stop at these little shrines and leave a small offering of food or drop a few coins in an attached coin box, bowing their heads quietly. Many of the fox statues had small adornments, also made by temple visitors. Several had scarves or red bibs or bracelets. The guidebook didn't mention anything about this but he had seen similar things at many of the shrines he had visited. Small offerings for help or for specific favors seemed to be pretty common.

About halfway up the mountain the hiking path opened up into a plaza. There were a handful of shops selling food and small temple trinkets. The guidebook had mentioned that there were several fox-themed foods available at and around the temple. Jim stopped and got some inarizushi, which was sweet fried tofu stuffed with rice. According to the guidebook, foxes were apparently fans of fried tofu. He would have to take their word for it. He took the little container and walked over to the gap in the trees, looking out over Kyoto. He opened the plastic container of sushi and popped one in his mouth. When researching his trip, he had read that the halfway point of the hiking trail was a perfectly good spot to watch the sunset. He had also read that the second half of the trail was not as interesting. However, he still had at least an hour til sunset, and he didn't want to just loiter around this midway point until then. He put the lid back on the sushi container and headed to the trail.

To their credit, the internet had been right. The second half of the hike was not nearly as interesting as the first. There were far fewer torii gates and statues. There were also fewer people making the full trek. Still, it was a nice walk. He managed to get to the top right as the sun was beginning to set, and watched the oranges and purples extend across the sky over Kyoto, immensely satisfied with how the day had gone.

One thing the internet had not mentioned was the number of forking paths at the top of the mountain. As darkness fell and he tried to navigate back down the mountain, he found himself quickly getting lost. There were a number of different routes and they all seemed to loop back on themselves. There were a handful of signs and maps but they were largely in Japanese, where the ones further down the mountain had also included English. He turned left, then right, then down a small path. The path went from stone to dirt, then dead-ended into forest and rocks. Grumbling, he turned around, and noticed a small fox shrine next to a tree at the side of the path.

This shrine seemed slightly different than the others. Most of the shrines he had seen had a stylized fox sitting on its haunches, tail up. This fox was standing on two legs like a human, tail sticking straight out behind it. There was a little tray for offerings, which was covered in dust and dead leaves. There wasn't even a coin box for donations. He snapped a quick picture of the curious shrine and suddenly had a thought. He reached into his bag and found the package of sushi. A few still remained uneaten. He brushed the dust and leaves off of the shelf in front of the shrine, and set one of the pieces there. He also dug around in his pocket and found a 100 yen coin which he carefully placed alongside the sushi.

Quietly, he addressed the shrine, "This feels silly, and maybe it is, but today has been so great. I don't want to end things lost on a mountainside. So if you could help me keep this day going smoothly and amazingly, I would appreciate it. And, uh, thanks for the good day so far. Uh, Amen." He bowed awkwardly, trying to emulate what he had seen others do, then turned back down the path. The trail he had gone down dead-ended into a main path, and right in front of him was a sign with Japanese and English, and an arrow pointing to the path down. He laughed. "Well, either the system works or I am just an idiot. Probably the latter." The way down was simple from there. He stopped at the main shrine shop and purchased a small fox trinket for good luck and had a dinner of kitsune udon near Inari station before heading back to Kyoto station.

The rest of the evening was reasonably uneventful. He killed a few more hours browsing the shops and restaurants of Kyoto station, then returned to his vacation rental to look through the days photos. The hike up and down the mountain had left him reasonably exhausted, so he took a shower and went to bed early.

He woke with a start. He was groggy and disoriented. He felt like he had woken from a weird dream, but couldn't remember what it was. He looked around the dark room, and then at his reached over and tapped his phone to see the time. 2 AM. Nothing seemed to be amiss, but his knees and feet were killing him. Assuming he had overdone it with the walking that day, he sat up and rubbed them, hoping to work out the pain.

Rubbing his legs didn't seem to help. The aching in his feet escalated to a painful throbbing. He reached out and grabbed his foot and felt the bones shifting beneath his skin. He immediately let go as if they were on fire. He watched in disbelief as the arches of his feet were extending out from his heel. The ball of his foot bent sharply and his toes shrank, taking on the appearance of... paws? His toenails shortened and brought themselves to blunt points, one on the end of each toe. His knees shifted as well, causing him to fall off balance and onto his side. He was glad he did, as with a very disconcerting stretching sensation, a nub began to extend from the base of his spine. He looked nervously over his shoulder to see a pink rat-like tail lengthening behind him.

His face began to shift and change as well. The sensation was... unpleasant. His jaw felt like it was stuck in the wrong position, but he could not stretch it out. There were a series of audible clicks in his head as his chin and nose extended out from his face. A muzzle grew in the middle of his vision, lengthening and slimming. His nose flattened at the end. He felt his ears shift and grow as well, moving to the top of his head and extending upwards.

And just like that, it slowed and stopped. Whatever weird shifting his body was going through seemed to be done. He looked at his oddly stretched legs, the red paw pads on the bottoms of his feet, and felt his muzzle in disbelief. His tongue flopped out and he panted through the new muzzle, exhausted. Then the itching began. It came out of nowhere with near-painful intensity. His whole body was on fire and he immediately began to scratch his belly. He stopped as soon as he looked down and saw that the cause of the itching was white fur blossoming from his skin. It spread rapidly from his chest, hands and feet, until his body was covered in soft fluff. The pink rat-tail had become a long white puff. He couldn't help but run a paw down it.

Then the spreading fur growth also slowed and stopped. He took a beat, then stood up on wobbly digitigrade legs.

"No way." He mumbled to himself. "There's no way. It's not possible."

He padded quietly through the kitchen to the small bathroom, looking for a mirror.

When he opened the bathroom door and saw the face of a white-furred humanoid fox staring back at him, he screamed, "HOLY SHIT!"

Someone pounded on the wall and yelled something in Japanese. He barely heard it, not that he would necessarily have understood it anyways.

He was too busy engrossed by the reflection in the mirror. He brought a paw up, and brushed a pink paw pad across the tip of his ear. He watched the ear of the fox in the mirror flick backwards. He ran his paws down his muzzle and grabbed his nose, feeling the moistness of it on his palm. He ran his paws through the fur of his chest, scratching the skin beneath with short claws. It had to be some sort of lucid dream or something, but it all felt so real. He'd tinkered with lucid dreams in the past, hoping for this exact outcome, but had never had this kind of luck.

He felt the new sensation of sensitive flesh meeting the fabric of his boxers and was suddenly aware that he still had boxers on. He remedied this as quickly as he could, thankful that his new tail had come in just above the waistband of his underwear and not below, where it would have been pretty uncomfortable. He stared down at his new genitals. His balls had not changed much, aside from being covered with a coating of short white fur. His dick had been replaced with a sheath, as white as the rest of the fur on his body, but with the unmistakable red of an erection starting to slide out of it. He made an excited sound, which came out as a quiet whine.

He brought his paw down to the exposed tip and ran the pad of his thumb over it experimentally. The sensation shot through him like electricity. This new dick was SENSITIVE! He brought his paw lower, feeling the soft short fur of his sheath and balls. He groped himself slowly, feeling the weight of his new balls and stroking his sheath over the growing length within it. He wrapped his paw around the tube of flesh and slowly stroked it up and down over his cock. The skin was stretchy and the inside seemed to be naturally lubricated. It glided over him smoothly. He shuddered involuntarily at the intense sensation. It was like his new body came with a built-in fleshlight. He watched as his ministrations caused a few more inches of red to emerge from his sheath.

His legs started to shake and he decided that maybe the bathroom wasn't the best place for this. He turned the lights on, wanting to see every detail of what he was doing, and returned to the futon. He reclined on the floor, very nearly kinking his tail in the process. He bunched up his pillow and put it behind his head so he could watch what he was doing.

He continued to stroke himself with his sheath. A good five inches of thick red cock spilled from the tip before he felt the beginnings of a knot. He pushed his sheath down and the knot popped out, making him gasp. He put his thumb and finger around the base of his new dick and pointed it up in the air, taking a look at it. The length glistened lightly in the fluorescent light.

He reached over with his free hand, feeling for his phone. "I've gotta be dreaming... but just in case..." He quickly tapped the camera app, and took a handful of close-up shots of his new dick, then a few of his face. He put the phone down and returned to playing with himself.

He experimentally squeezed his knot and gasped again, a drop of pre forming at the tip of his length. He brought his free paw over and collected it, bring it to his muzzle. The scent was much stronger than he expected. It smelled like arousal, a smell he now realized was beginning to permeate the room. He brought the paw pad to his mouth and licked it clean, enjoying the flavor.

He continued to stroke himself slowly, wanting to extend this moment as long as he could. Whether it was a dream or reality, he wanted to make it last. Still, it felt so good that he couldn't help but speed up. He wanted to see this new fox dick of his erupt all over him. He wanted to taste it, to smell it, to fully experience this new body of his.

He felt himself nearing the point of no return and on a whim reached down and squeezed his knot. That was enough to push him over the edge. He stifled a yip as the length in his hand throbbed and shot a line of hot white fox cum across his chest. He continued to frantically stroke himself through his climax. The second shot splattered across his belly, as did the third. By then he was spent. The remainder dribbled down to stick to the fur of his paw.

The room was now filled with the smell of arousal, sweat, and cum. He thought he caught something else there too, but it was too faint to pinpoint. He brought his messy paw up to his muzzle and licked some off. He moaned as the flavor filled his muzzle. He panted, catching his breath, then paused and grabbed his phone again. he took a picture of the mess he had made. While it was hard to see against his white fur, he was definitely able to see what the picture was of. He also took a picture of his face again, his tongue now lolling out in tired satisfaction.

He put his phone down, put his head back, and fell into a relaxed sleep.

He woke up with a start. He had had an INCREDIBLY hot dream. Amazingly hot. Top 3 hottest dreams ever. He looked down at his torso, now just regular skin. He saw that his stomach was covered with dry cum and laughed. He couldn't really blame himself. That dream had been... damn.

Through the haze of awakening, he remembered something. He reached behind himself and pulled out his phone. He opened the photo roll and nearly dropped his phone. There it was. Unmistakable. A vulpine cock, perfectly framed. A cum-soaked furry chest. Several headshots of him as a fox. And... one other picture. One he didn't remember taking.

He opened it. It was a selfie of a fox-man sitting in a chair at the kitchen table. He was slouched down in the chair to allow his many tails to spill out behind him. He was holding his length in his hand, having just made a mess of his own all over his chest. He was looking into the camera with a very satisfied grin.

Jim dropped the phone and scrambled over to the table. There was a note, written on the back of a shrine fortune. "You asked for your day to stay awesome and I thought this might be one way I could make it even more awesome. You were fun to watch! If you are looking for a tour guide, maybe meet me at the shrine today. 12:00? Also if you want I can do more than just watch next time..." Beneath the text had been drawn a small picture of a winking fox.