Uvuzi and Theo

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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Theo gets a chance to meet Uvuzi, mostly just to take some magical measurements. When things go a bit wrong he finds himself both turned into a lion-lamia, and on the menu.

Uvuzi created by FA: Strega and used with permission.


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Uvuzi and Theo by Theo Winters

Theo sat on the large stone; legs crossed with his pack resting at his bare feet. The lion was watching the flickering light of the distance cave, waiting to be invited inside. The sun was quickly setting behind the trees, causing the temperature to quickly fall. He rubbed his arms through his shirt, trying to keep warm. He didn't know just how long he was supposed to wait, just that he wasn't to move from the stone.

He shifted on his seat, crossing and uncrossing his legs. There was no reason for him to be nervous, he was expected after all. That didn't actually provide him with any sort of safety, it just meant that his arrival wouldn't be a surprise to his host. As the chill grew stronger, he finally reached into his bag and pulled out a small flask, taking a sip of the hot tea held inside, a minor spell on it making sure it stayed warm.

As he put the flask away, he discovered he was no longer alone. Standing a few feet away was a small kobold, the color of his scales causing him to blend in with the foliage lining the path. The small reptile was wearing a jacket and a narrow belt that hung from his hips, both had been well kept and showed no sign of ware. He looked up at Theo with red eyes and a small hint of a smile on his narrow snout.

"Good evening," Theo said.

"The mistress will speak with you now," the kobold said with a slight nod.

"Thank you," the feline replied as he slid off the rock, picking up his pack and throwing it over his shoulder. He followed the kobold down the path towards the mouth of the cave. The entrance had been filled with tight packed river stones, with a large wooden doorway in the center. Only a pair of torches burning on the outside showed that it was inhabited.

As they reached the threshold, the kobold stopped and looked back up at Theo. "Are you sure this is wise? The mistress has... a reputation."

"I'm aware of that," he replied as he adjusted his glasses. That reputation was part of why he wanted to meet with her, that and to get a chance to take a number of measurements, physical and magical. He had gone out of his way to arrange for that, pulling a number of strings to make it happen. He was going to be paying it off for a while, but he was sure it would be worth it.

The kobold gave him a long look, then slowly shook his head. "As you wish," he replied with a slight roll of his eyes as he motioned for the feline to wait as he slipped inside.

A few seconds later the door swung open and the kobold motioned for Theo to come in. Stepping through the doorway, he found that it was much brighter inside than he had expected. The cave itself was well kept, the floor was smooth and level, with small decorations around the main room and a number of rugs over every surface. There was a huge pile of pillows against the far wall, which seemed big enough for a dozen people to curl up on. A number of glowing crystals hung from the ceiling, providing more consistent light than torches would have. There were a number of kobolds moving around in the cave, many of them giving him a leery look as they went about their business.

A curtain on one of the far walls parted and Uvuzi glided into the room, causing Theo to gasp softly in surprise. He had heard quite a lot about the skunk-lamia, but seeing her in the flesh... that was a different experience. She was completely nude, and that fact didn't seem to bother her. Her upper torso was the same as any other skunk he had met, with a nice pair of breasts and wide hips that flared out at the top of her serpentine body. Her fur was mostly dark blue with white highlights in the most suggestive of areas, including on the upper side of her breasts and a triangle of white between her hips.

Below her hips was her tail, which was rather thick and looked very snake like, yet was covered in fur instead of scales. It must have been fifteen to twenty feet long--though it was hard to tell with how it moved and curled--the majority of it was covered in the same blue fur as her upper body. Two thick white stripes ran the length of it, from the tip of her tail to the small of her back, framing the thin blue stripe of fur that ran along her spine. The end of her tail fanned out into a thick fluffy mass of fur that wouldn't have looked out of place on a bipedal skunk. It seemed small compared to the rest of her length, but was about the right size in comparison with her upper body.

She came up to him, her body sliding nearly silently over the stone floor and rugs. She had the smooth side to side movement of a snake, but somehow the motion didn't seem to transfer to her upper body, only her long white hair showing any hint of movement. Her bright golden eyes never looked away from him as she approached.

"So, you wished to speak to me?" she asked, looking intently down at Theo. She was so close he could see the small fangs that lined her jaw.

For some stupid reason Theo had expected her to speak with a hiss, but she was articulate as anyone else he had ever meet. He mentally kicked himself for that.

"Yes, Miss Uvuzi, I did," he replied, trying to keep his eyes from looking at the lovely breasts she had on display, capped with a pair of dark nipples that stood out against her blue fur. Instead he slid his pack off of his shoulder and set it down at his feet.

Uvuzi frowned a little bit. "Do not be so formal with me. What is it that you wish to discuss?"

"I was hoping to take some measurements of you, both physical and magical. Nothing invasive really, just some simple readings. It should only take a couple hours," he explained. That had been part of his original request to see her, so he suspected she was testing him to make sure he hadn't been lying.

"Why?" she asked, crossing her arms and leveling her gaze at him, looking him over with the careful eyes of a predator. Her upper body was almost floating above her lower half, swaying in place even as her coils slid against each other.

Theo couldn't help but smile at the question. "Well, you and your sister are unique, and I mean that in a very positive way," he said, adjusting his glasses as he spoke. "So, it's very compelling to learn more about you. I want to see how you're your magic flows through your body, and how it affects your overall thaumatic makeup. I know quite a bit about magic and the sort of physical effects it can have on people. I'm hardly a specialist, but I do have some personal experience with it."

"You look like no lion-man I have known," Uzuzi said, "and what sort of 'personal experience' do you have with magic?"

He chuckled softly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, I'm not a local. And as for my experience... well it's easier to show you," he said. With a quick flick he snapped his tail around and grabbed it in his hands. He firmly gripped the tail, one hand near the middle and the other right under the tail tuft. Once he was sure of his grip he started to pull, the tail going tight between his hands, then like taffy started to stretch out between them. Where once there had only been a couple of feet of tail there was now almost two yards of it.

Theo smiled and changed his grip, moving his hands down his tail before grabbing and pulling again, and again, growing it ever longer. There was no pain from the lengthening, in fact it felt rather pleasant as the new tail formed. When he finally let go of his tail it had grown to nearly fifteen feet long.

Uvuzi leaned back, looking down at the pile of tail at the lion's feet. "That is an interesting skill," she said, rubbing her chin as she looked back up at him. She thought for a few moments before giving him a quick nod. "Very well, I would be willing to allow you to take your measurements, as long as they are not invasive."

"Thank you," the lion said, bending down and opening his pack, digging through it to pull out a notebook and a pencil. "If you can stretch out as straight as you can?"

She slithered into the center of the room, then rolled over onto her belly. A kobold came out with a large pillow, putting it on the floor so she could rest her upper body on it. Slowly she straightened out her serpentine body behind her.

Theo watched with rapt attention, watching as the muscles moving under her fur, waves of motion rolling down the length of her tail like ripples in a pond.

A moment later Uvuzi let out a soft sort. "If you are finished admiring me, can you start your work? It takes a great deal of effort to hold myself in this position."

"Yes, yes, of course," he said, pulling a spool of thick twine out of his bag, small knots tied into it at equal intervals. He moved quickly to her side, stepping over his own pile of tail to do so. Leaning over the thickest part of her tail, he gently pressed the end of the string onto the small of her back, a touch of magic on the twine holding it in place.

He moved quickly down her length, laying the twine out on the center of her tail. His own tail was pulled along in his wake, almost providing a second measurement as it slid along her side. The distant tuft was flicking in excitement as he worked.

After a count of ten knots, he pressed the twine down against her fur and causing it to stick in place. The task became easier as he moved down her length, her body tapering towards her skunk tail. Even so it took him almost five minutes to reach it.

"129 knots," he said as he stepped away from her, giving the twine a tug and causing it to break free of her tail. "You don't have to hold that anymore."

Uvuzi let out a sigh as she let the muscles in her tail relax, allowing it to curl back up, sliding across the floor towards her upper body. "What does 129 knots represent?"

"Twenty-five and four-fifths links," he replied, pulling the notebook out and starting to write down the numbers. After a few moments he glanced back up at her, seeing the confusion on her face. "That would be around seventeen feet. That's just your tail though, that doesn't counter your upper body or the skunk tail."

He made a few more notes then looked back up at her. "Now, I would like to measure the girth of your tail in a number of places. I'll have to be a little more hands on," he paused and started to blush a bit. "That is if you're comfortable with that."

She looked back at him, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Very well, but do not allow your hands to linger where they do not belong."

Theo nodded and moved back towards her tail, starting at the far end this time and slowly working his way upwards. After a short distance he would wrap the twine around her tail and measure the diameter, then made a couple notes before moving forward again. He tried to move quickly, stepping over his own tail as he did so. He did keep his hands away from her underside, even though there wasn't anything he could disturb for the majority of her length.

Relaxing down on her pillow, Uvuzi watched the lion as he worked. Taking measurement after measurement, working up the length of her body then back down. He was focused completely on her lower half. "Most men are interested in what is above my hips, not below," she mused.

"What was that?" he asked, lifting his head up from his notes.

"Nothing of concern to you," she replied with a wave of her hand. "How much longer will this take?"

Theo smiled a bit, wrapping his twine back up into a ball and dropping it into his pack. "I'm nearly done, I just want to take a recording of your magical fields."

His hand went back down into his pack, coming back with an odd-looking device. It seemed to have a glass vial wrapped in a brass frame attached to some sort of glowing gem. There were gold and silver wires coiled around the gem, the ends hanging off the front of the device. It had all been lashed to a thick dowel with a valve near the middle that was also wrapped in the thin golden wires.

Uvuzi looked at the device then back up at him. "Good, you have been taking your measurements for nearly two hours and I wish for them to be finished."

Nodding he stepped closer, waving the device over her. This time he did start with her head, slowly moving backwards as his extended tail dragged behind him, looping over itself and nearly catching on his foot. "Sorry I'm taking so long. There's just so much of you to work with!"

That made her laugh and shake her head. "Ah, so this was just an elaborate ruse to get your hands on my body" she teased.

He froze for a second, the blush growing in his cheeks. "Um... not really. I mean you are attractive, but that's not why I'm doing this," he said. The vial in the device was starting to glow with a golden light that seemed to grow brighter as he moved it. He fiddled with the valve as he tried to hurry down the length of her body, avoiding looking her in the eyes as he did so. He also wasn't looking where he was placing his feet as he stepped down on his own tail.

Letting out a yelp he jumped backwards, causing the tail to lash around his ankle and pull him back to the ground. He twisted and tumbled forward, one arm went out to try and catch himself as the other pulled up against his chest, trying to protect the magical device. He crashed to the floor, his outstretched arm shooting forward as he slammed into the ground, the sound of breaking glass could be heard as he hit the floor.

Theo laid there for a moment, before letting out a groan. "Fuck," he muttered as he pushed himself up with the free arm and pulling his other out from under himself. His device had been crushed under him, the vial broken and the gem shattered into hundreds of shards. There were small pinpoints of blood on his shirt from where he had been cut, but they were not growing any larger.

Uvuzi moved slightly towards the lion. "How badly are you hurt?" she asked. The kobolds were quickly fetching a number of bandages and water to provide him any aid he would need.

He let out a gasp as he looked down at his shirt, pulling at the fabric. "Oh... that's not good," he said as the shards of the gem started to grow brighter, which was soon matched by a glow rising up from the points of blood on his chest.

The kobolds that had been approaching the lion stopped short and all took a step or two backwards. They didn't know what he was talking about, but they knew to keep away from any magic user who stated something was 'not good'.

Theo lunged for his pack as the glow became even brighter, surrounding him before he had even made it half the distance. The power held him in the air as his form was enveloped by the glow, which was shining brighter by the moment. The kobolds quickly turned away, the light too bright for their sensitive eyes, many of them hiding behind Uvuzi's coils. She had to turn away a moment later, lifting her arm to try and block out the light as it became as bright as the noonday sun.

Then with a brilliant flash, the glow vanished and Theo found himself hanging a few feet above the ground. With a yelp he crashed back down to the floor, landing face first and slamming his chest to the ground. It knocked the wind out of him for a few moments, but it hurt less than the fall he had taken a few moments before.

"This is not my best day," he muttered as he lifted his upper body. He wasn't sure exactly what had happened, but he could make a guess. He took a moment to take stock of his body, wanting to make sure everything was still in the correct place after the magical discharge.

"What did you do to yourself?" Uvuzi asked from above him, an edge of anger creeping into her voice.

He craned his head around to look back over his body, not sure what he was going to see... but a massive pile of tail was not something he had even expected. It was a thick and muscular tail that took the place of his legs, coiling up behind him. The tip flicked slightly as he looked at it, the tail tuft still on it even if it looked ridiculously small compared to the massive serpentine lower body he now possessed.

"I've been turned into a lamia," he said dumbly, stating the obvious. With a grunt he flipped himself over, the tail following suit as it spilled out behind him. The new lower body was covered with a layer of tawny fur, and responded to even the smallest move he tried to make. Reaching down he grabbed the remains of what had been his pants, cutting the rest free from his hips with a flick of his claws.

Uvuzi slithered around him in a wide circle, looking over his transformed body. "How did you manage to do this?"

That made him pause for a moment, trying to curl his legs up, and while he was lacking in those limbs his tail responded just the same, coiling up under him. "Well, I was taking a detailed reading of your morphogenic field. When I broke the crystal it's power must have interacted with the field sample and reworked mine to match. This sort of thing usually wears off for me in a couple weeks."

"Does this happen to you often?" she teased.

Theo chuckled. "More often than you might expect," he replied, experimenting with moving his tail, sweeping it from side to side. Moving slowly, he rose up on top of his new tail, feeling the muscles moving along the length of it as it took his weight. He swayed slightly, his center of balance completely in the wrong place and for a few moments he felt like he was about to topple over. It settled down after a few moments, the weird balance starting to feel normal to him.

Slowly he shifted the tail from side to slide, starting to slither across the floor. It was rough at first but after a minute he was gliding over the floor almost as easily as Uvuzi did. He stretched himself out along her side, glancing between their tails. He guessed he was a few feet shorter than she was, but it was hard to tell as neither tail was straight.

"Do you have a mirror I can use for a moment or two?" He asked. "I want to see how I look."

She frowned, crossing her arms as she gave him an intense look, but after a moment it faded as she let out a sigh. "I suppose. Follow me and do not stray," she said, then turned and pushed her way through one of the curtain covered passages that branched off the main room of the cave.

Theo followed after her, surprised to see that all the kobolds were keeping their distance from him. Clearly, they were less than pleased with his new form. Part of him wondered why, but this wasn't the time to ask. He didn't want to annoy his host any more than he already had.

The passage was far from straight, curving back and forth with rooms branching off every now and then. Trailing behind Uvuzi gave him a good view of her hips as they swayed side to side, moving in time with her tail. He found that he really was enjoying the view, even the way the thick fluffy end of tail almost dance as she slithered along. He was so focused on that he almost ran into her when she stopped in front of a room. She pulled open the curtains with her hand, then moving her lower body back to give him room to enter. "In here," she said.

"Thank you," he replied, sipping past her and slithering into the room, his serpentine body brushing softly against her for a few moments. It was a bedroom, but one that seemed disused as everything was covered in a fine layer of dust. Light was coming from a number of gems embedded in the rough-cut ceiling of the room, casting everything with a warm blue glow. In the center of the room was a large pit filled with pillows both large and small, and there was a wash basin standing on one wall next to a cast iron stove. In the back corner stood a large swivel mirror in a wooden frame, angled towards the floor.

Theo moved up to the mirror and pushed it upright until he could see his own reflection. Everything looked normal at first, his leonine features were all there, as was his glasses, but the closer he looked the more changes he noticed. His eyes no longer had round irises, instead they were now silted and set slightly further apart. His nose seemed wider as well. In fact, the whole shape of his head had subtlety changed, but he couldn't point to any one detail that stood out.

Sliding back a few feet, he took in his whole body, or at least a good portion of it. His upper body didn't seem changed at all, his shirt and vest fitting just as well as it had when he put them on that morning. Just like with the skunk-lamia, he could see the shape of what looked like hips which then flowed down into his serpentine tail. The fur was smooth between the junction of the two body types, the combination looking perfectly natural.

He also noticed that where his crotch should have been was now perfectly smooth, only a small depression in the fur indicating that anything was there. "Huh, that's a bit weird," he said, running his hand over the fur.

"What is?" Uvuzi asked from behind him, making the lion-lamia jump. He had been so focused on himself that he hadn't noticed her coming into the room.

He blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his head with one hand. "Well, it looks like the spell made me female, at least below the belt. That's never happened--" he stopped speaking as she broke into a laugh and shaking her head.

It took a few seconds for her to stop laughing, gilding up next to him, close enough he could smell her. "Silly lion," she said, poking him on the nose. "Do you think male lamias run around with their dicks hanging out?"

"Um... I had never thought about it before," he replied.

"Clearly," she said with a roll of her eyes. With a quick ripple of her tail she moved herself even closer, her breasts almost pressing against him.

The contact sent a shiver through his body, her scent suddenly the only thing he could smell. There was something about it, something that filled his head and made him feel like he was floating against her. There was just something about it, something he couldn't put into words, but he was finding himself trying to press up closer to her.

Uvuzi moved her body around Theo's, winding her tail around his. She looked him over, her golden eyes glowing brightly as she licked her lips. "You are a very attractive lamia," she said, pressing her nose against his neck.

He whimpered happily, started to slide his own tail against her, feeling the two serpentine appendages rubbing against each other as the thick muscles started to tense up. Her smell was growing stronger by the moment, making him feel like he was floating. Being this close to her was almost intoxicating, just her touch and smell making him feeling amazing.

Slowly Uvuzi wrapped her body around his, moving until she was nose to nose with him, her tail pulling a little bit tighter around the length of his own, squeezing it in her coils. Reaching out, she stroked a hand over his shoulder. "And you smell very nice right now," she said, a soft churr in her voice.

"So do you," he replied, wiggling his body a bit, but not getting free of her gasp.

The coils pulled a bit tighter as she sniffed under his chin before coming back to be face to face with him, her eyes shining brightly. "It makes me feel very, very, aroused."

Theo was feeling the same as well, the smell of her washing over him in waves as her body moved. He tried to focus, struggling through the haze filling his mind. It was moving slowly, but he was able to think enough to work out what was going on. "It's a side effect of my change, our morphogenic fields are nearly identically at the moment, so it's triggering the urge to mate. It will go away in a few days, but it will be near impossible to ignore."

A frown pulled at the corners of her mouth, making it look wider than it should have been. "Such a pity," she said, grabbing him tightly by the shoulders. A moment later her body rippled across his, the coils pulling extremely tight around him as she opened her mouth as wide as it could possibly go, then somehow opened it even wider.

"Oh," Theo whispered as he watched her jaw dislocated and her mouth stretched open, giving him an unobstructed view all the way to the back of her throat. He stared up into it, a small part of his mind noting all the small teeth lining her jaw, each one curved back to make it harder for prey to escape. The rest of him was focused on the muscles of esophagus as they relaxed and opened wider, creating a pink hole leading into darkness.

And then she struck, lunging at him and enveloping his head inside of her mouth. Her breath was hot and moist against his mane, his fur quickly being covered in saliva as she shifted her grip on his body. There was still just enough light to see by, his nose pressed up against the back of her throat, the tight confines pressed his glasses against his face.

He didn't fight it, her reputation made it clear that there was nothing that he could do now that he was inside of her mouth. The only way out of her jaws was if she let him go, and he wasn't sure that had ever happened before.

Uvuzi first swallow pulled his muzzle into her throat as her lips closed around his neck. The slick flesh was warm, and there was a smell rising up from deep inside of her, one he hadn't ever experienced before. It stung at his nose and eyes, forcing him to close them even as they started to water.

Her hands moved to grip lower on his arms, holding them to his side as she started to shift her head from side to side over his shoulders. With each move, he felt her jaw start to wiggle over him, inch by inch, each little move pushed him deeper down her throat. He could feel her lips stretching as her jaw parted even further until finally, after a minute of work, his shoulders were inside of her mouth.

As soon as that obstacle was past, she swallowed again, pulling him even deeper inside. The grip of her throat growing tighter around his head and shoulders as they slide downwards, her body easily stretched to accommodate them. He could feel her body around him, the bones of her ribs spreading apart, yet still tight pressed tightly against him.

The grip on his lower body started to relax as Uvuzi realized that he wasn't going to fight against his fate. Her next swallow was the strongest yet, and he found himself crotch deep inside of her throat, her tongue pressing up against some of his more sensitive parts. She didn't do anything to tease him, instead she shifted her body to lay down, draping parts of herself over his own body length.

As Theo sank deeper into her, the heat and the smell grew stronger, each ripple of her throat pulling him closer to the source. He was deep enough that he could hear her heart beating over his head, thumping in a rhythm that seemed to match time with the motions of her throat, providing him some percussion for his trip.

Soon, Uvuzi's throat was starting to grow tighter around his muzzle, squeezing him like a vice until his nose pressed up against the entrance to her stomach. It seemed to resist for a moment as the muscles of her throat pressed him against it, until finally it parted and his head pushed inside.

The smell was overpowering, burning the inside of his nose and mouth even as he kept it closed. The air was hot and moist, but there was enough that he could breathe, taking in a breath he hadn't realized he needed until that moment. Regretting it an instant later as it burnt all the way down his throat.

There was another swallow, the powerful muscles shoving him down against the tight sphincter until his shoulders popped through. After that he just slid forward, her throat working constantly as she enveloped his long body. For a moment he had the image of her slurping him down like a fat noodle, which got him a little bit of a chuckle, though it lasted only a moment.

With his arms pinned at his side, he found himself dropping into a pool of her gastric fluids. He twisted his upper body, trying to keep his face from landing in the caustic slime, getting his shoulder around enough that he landed on his back. He could feel the acid soaking into his fur and pickling at his skin. It didn't hurt, at least not yet.

The forward motion was almost constant now, pushing him deeper into her stomach. He could feel her mouth still wrapped around his serpentine body, but he wasn't sure where at the moment. Considering his new size, he was sure there was quite a bit more of him left to swallow.

Theo tried to pull his arms forward as they slid into her stomach. There wasn't quite enough freedom for that, but he could move them enough to feel around inside of her belly. The walls of her stomach where slick and rubbery, and they undulated in time with her distant heart, pulling him even deeper down the long passage.

Every now and then she would also gulp down a mouthful of air, enough to keep him from passing out even as it helped bloat her belly. It gave him a little more room to move as he traveled down the length of her stomach.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed when he found himself pressing against the bottom of the passage, the lower sphincter holding tightly closed. There was still a lot of himself outside of Uvuzi's body, though not as much as was inside. The acids were heavier down here as well. There were already places where his fur had fallen away, the exposed skin starting to tingle.

Theo suddenly felt something new pressing against him. It wasn't coming from inside her body, but from outside. Dozens of small points of pressure all around his upper body. It took him a few moments to realize it must have been her kobolds, rubbing their mistresses' belly as she ate.

But they weren't just rubbing, they were pushing. Pushing against him, trying to manhandle him through who knows how much lamia flesh. They were familiar with the task, many of them were working together to push against him, like they were trying to force him in a new direction.

It took him far too long to realize that was exactly what they were trying to do. Their efforts were aimed at getting his upper body turned around, folding over himself so he could start moving back up Uvuzi's stomach, making it easier for her to get the rest of his tail down her throat. Once he understood, he started pushing back against them, using the leverage to help twist his upper body around. It took some work as there was very little room to maneuver, but after some struggling, he finally found himself lying against his own tail.

Once in that position, he found it easy to slowly pull his upper body forward as more of his tail entered into her stomach, his coils rubbing against each other to give him enough leverage to move. It was slow going as he had to work against the motions of her stomach, but it was providing the room she needed to finish eating him.

That made Theo smile a little. When this day started, he had never expected to be helping himself get eaten, let alone doing it while inside of the creature that was eating him. He had known there was always a chance that it could end up with him becoming her meal, but never had he imagined that it would go quite like this.

After what felt like hours, her jaw closed around the tuft at the end of his tail, her tongue wrapping around it for a moment as she seemed to savor the taste. He wiggled it a bit in return, which must have tickled the right place as she let out a sneeze that made her whole body tighten up around him, almost crushing him for a moment before she relaxed again.

With one last swallow, Uvuzi sent the end of his tail down her throat. He could feel it as it was pulled downwards, the last few feet of his body sliding quickly into her stomach. In moments the tuft of his tail popped free, only a few inches away from his nose.

Theo lay there for a moment, feeling the acids as they worked on his skin. By now most of his fur had been eaten away and his raw skin was aching all over with a few places starting to feel like they were burning. His nose was numb from the burning heat and his throat was raw from the constant exposure to the acid heavy air.

Outside he could hear a deep rumbling, like his host was talking to him, but he couldn't hear anything through the flesh that encased him. It probably wasn't all that important in the long run, talking to her food wouldn't make him any easier to digest.

A second later her belly rippled again, but his time rolling from the very bottom of it and going back to the top. The muscles contracted tightly around him as the air was pushed up her throat, causing a belch loud enough that he could hear it even from where he was.

Without a word, Theo pressed his head against the end of his tail, feeling the fur there rubbing against the skin of his cheek. Letting out a long breath he tried to relax as the stomach shifted around him. His last thought before he expired was that it wasn't that bad of a way to go.

* * *

Uvuzi had only slightly regretted eating the lion turned lamia, he had been at least interesting to talk to and seemed to really want to learn more about her. It was too bad that whatever had changed him put her lust into overdrive, but that was a risk she wasn't willing to take. In the end he had been just another meal, and after she had gotten rid of the resulting hairball, and the following months had simply swept him from her thoughts.

So, she was surprised when she returned home one day to find him waiting for her at the entrance to her cave. He was still a lion-lamia, and from the look of the trails in the dirt he had been waiting for her for some time, slithering around in circles like a biped would pace.

This was not the first time she had encountered prey alive and well after she had eaten them, so she decided how it had happened wasn't something she cared to know. "Didn't you say you would turn back after a short time," she said as she approached, causing him to yelp in surprise and spinning around to look at her. She stopped a distance away from him, not wishing to have to eat him a second time, at least not until she worked off the weight he had left on her frame.

Theo blushed a bit and coughed into his hand, trying to hide the fact he had cried out. "Ah, yeah. I usually do after a couple of weeks."

"And yet it's been much longer than that, and you are still a lamia," Uvuzi said.

His blush grew a bit brighter as he chewed on his bottom lip. "Yeah, funny thing that. The reformation spell wasn't meant to deal with what happened to me, resulting in the change becoming permanent," he said, looking back over the length of his serpentine tail, giving the tail tuft a little flick. "So, this is me now. I can't really be too mad, it's kind of a cool body to have."

"I see," she replied, still keeping her distance.

He gave her a smile. "I did track down what was causing the... um... feelings we were having between each other. It's been long enough that it will no longer happen."

That was at least a little reassuring. "Very well, then what brings you to me?"

"I was wondering if you still kept my notes?" he asked, looking a little sheepish at the question.

Uvuzi rolled her eyes at this, whatever the lion might have become, he was still more interested in his research than anything else. "I have."

Theo's face lit up with a smile and he clapped his hands together. "That's fantastic news! Thank you for keeping them for me, I owe you for that," he said. A moment later his smile faded as he rubbed the back of his neck with a hand.

"I was also wondering. Do you think you can teach me how to eat someone?"


This story was written and copyright 2019 by Theo Winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author. Uvuzi created by Strega and used with permission. Violators will be dinner.