Marcus Lane - Chapter Thirty

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#30 of Marcus Lane

The British countryside, full of charm and delight... that's until gay celebrity author Marcus Lane arrives back from San Francisco to fix his parents' house up and sell it.

His arrival in the village, combined with that of a famous film star in town to shoot a movie inspires jealously from a bored local teenager with a crush on both of them and the curiosity of Marcus' first ex which leads to a trail of comedic destruction.

(Apologies for the delay on this one, I've just come back from a holiday)

Chapter Thirty


Marcus had ended up sleeping on the airbed with Frank.

The idea of sleeping with the wolf in the bed he and Ralph had shared had left felt weird, and the bed in his childhood room was two small for both of them.

Sleeping on the airbed had proved a challenge though as every time Frank tossed or turned Marcus had almost been bounced onto the floor.

Marcus stretched out and yawned, glancing over at Frank who was still asleep. The wolf was sleeping with his hind-paws tucked up to his chest. He unfolded himself and rolled over, and Marcus couldn't help but grin as he noticed another defined bulge in the front of Frank's briefs.

"Wow, you are having good dreams lately," Marcus whispered.

He wondered whether to trace a paw down Frank's soft chest, but thought better of it.

They hadn't touched each other again after drinking the wine, apart from Frank giving his shoulder a squeeze before they settled down to sleep.

Frank's eyes fluttered open.

"Morning," he croaked.

"Feeling hung over?" Marcus asked.

"A little," Frank replied. "Not terribly so, I just have a slight headache and a fuzzy tongue."

"You're hungover all right," Marcus chuckled before letting out a croak of his own.

"And you sound the same," Frank chuckled. "Gosh, when did we last get drunk together before last night?"

"Probably as teenagers," Marcus yawned.

He wriggled out of the covers and tried standing. Like Frank he had kept his underwear on (sleeping fully naked with the wolf felt like a step too far - for now anyway).

Marcus realised his balls had slipped out the side of his briefs and he placed a paw down the front tuck them back in, earning a funny look from Frank.

"What? We've seen each other naked already," Marcus teased.

"I know, I was just remembering how you used to do that every morning when you woke up," Frank said wistfully. "Although back then we weren't sleeping on an airbed."

"Indeed, you kept bouncing me off," Marcus replied. "Ya know, we could try doing what we did as teenagers and cram into my single bed upstairs."

"What's wrong with the one in your parents' room?"

"Ralph and I slept in that one," Marcus sighed. "It feels weird."

"And before then your parents slept in it," Frank countered.

"I know."

"Why not just change the bedding again?"

"I could," Marcus reasoned, knowing the wolf had a point.

He heard the faint sound of his phone vibrate and he picked through his clothes to find his discarded shorts.

"Shall I make us coffee?" Frank offered.

"Yeah, please," Marcus replied as he retrieved his phone.

There was a message from Ralph.

Hey Marcus, I'm leaving London later. Gonna head down to your place this evening to pick everything up if that's okay? I'll message when I'm close by. Hope you're well

"Where do you keep the coffee nowadays?" Frank called.

"In the jar marked coffee next to the tea!" Marcus replied.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, Ralph just messaged," Marcus sighed. "He's coming today."

"Are you nervous?" Frank asked, poking his head out of the kitchen.

"Not really, just sad," Marcus replied as he walked to the kitchen and sat at the table. "Look, about last night, did I go too far?"

"You asking about something going too far seems very uncharacteristic," Frank chuckled. "I was surprised, but not too freaked out."

"That's good, I guess," Marcus said. "Honestly, out of everyone I've done stuff with you're the one I'm the most self-conscious about freaking out."


"Yes," Marcus admitted.

"I remember you wanting to fuck in the treehouse even though I thought it would fall down, and when we didn't have any lube so you encouraged me to use your mum's massage cream instead, even though that would have dried out quickly," Frank said.

"I know, and I was silly," Marcus replied. "You have to give me credit for changing though."

"I do," Frank said firmly. "I should do a better job at that than bring up stories from the past."

Marcus watched as the wolf put fresh beans into the coffee machine and soon the scent hit Marcus' nostrils.

"What's the plan for today then?" he asked. "More snooping to see what Anthony is up to?"

"I should do some work here," Frank sighed. "I've been neglecting my duties."

"You know, I want to find out what he's up to," Marcus said. "Yesterday you said it was more sinister than protecting this house from Gareth."

"True," Frank nodded. "I want to get to the bottom of this, and sadly that means finding Gareth."

"We could go over to the Mansfield house and look for clues?" Marcus suggested.

"Since when did you become so interested?"

"Honestly, I want to take my mind off Ralph coming," Marcus admitted. "Not that I'm dreading seeing him or anything, although I know it won't be a romantic meeting if Gunnar tags along."

"I'm sorry," Frank replied.

"It's okay," Marcus reasoned. "In the mean time I want to do something to take my mind off it."

Frank scratched his muzzle.

"I wouldn't mind trying to take another look at the Mansfield place close up," the wolf said. "It's risky, but my curiosity is getting the better of me."

"Curiosity killed the cat, that's what my mum used to say," Marcus grinned.

"We're not cats," Frank replied.

"I know, if anything I want to see what's going on."

Marcus watched as Frank served them coffee. The wolf took a seat opposite and Marcus drank the warm liquid. It soothed his throat and he felt the effects of last night's drinking subside a little.

"So, about last night?" Frank asked cautiously.

"I know I moved way too soon," Marcus cut in with a sigh.

"Um, actually it didn't make me uncomfortable, the more I think about it," Frank began, but he was interrupted as Marcus' phone began buzzing.

"Great timing," Marcus muttered as he swiped to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey Marcus," came Ralph's voice. "I've actually decided to leave London now. I hope you're okay with that?"

"I am," Marcus replied, although he couldn't hide the shakiness in his voice.

"You're a little nervous, I can tell," Ralph replied with a sigh. "It's all right, I expected as much, and I'm still sorry."

"As I said last night, don't be," Marcus replied. "I'll see you soon, and thanks for letting me know you're on your way."

"No problem, see you soon Marcus."

The Doberman hung up and Marcus put his phone down before sipping more coffee.

Frank was texting someone on his phone

"Look at you, being all polite and understanding," Frank grinned, glancing up as he sent his message off.

"You can stop acting shocked at me changing," Marcus said, sticking his tongue out at Frank.

"I know, I should just appreciate it," Frank nodded. "Oh, Kevin the painter messaged to say he can come right now and finish the work he started yesterday."

Marcus nodded and they continued sipping their coffee until both cups were empty.

"So, let's get this straight, what's the plan for today then?" Marcus asked. "Is it just snooping around the Mansfield house?"

"If you're keen on the idea, I guess it is," Frank said. "I need to put the coveralls and some tools back in my workshop if I'm not using them today, and my house is on the route."

"I'm game," Marcus shrugged. "It's something to do until Ralph arrives."

"The painter should be here to watch the house in case Gareth decides to show up. You know, this is ironic, we're going to snoop at Mansfield while wanting to keep Gareth away from here."

"You're not doing it to steal though," Marcus replied.

"I know," Frank nodded. "Do you want to stay here and guard Honeysuckle Lodge if I'm away?"

"No, I suggested going, I want to come. If the painter is here it should be fine, and you know, something worries me about the idea of you going into that old house alone," Marcus admitted. "Even to the point where I'm okay leaving here even if the little shit shows up."

"Okay, if you're sure?"

"We'll wait until the painter arrives," Marcus decided.

His stomach let out a rumble and he covered it with his paw before grinning shyly at Frank.

"I remember it used to be loud every morning," Frank laughed. "Do you have anything here we can eat, other than caviar and meat?"

"Let me look."

Marcus stood and opened the fridge. He could still see Frank sitting at the table in his briefs out of the corner of his eye. The sight stirred a feeling in Marcus' stomach.

No, resist!

The wolf spread his hind-paws slightly, giving Marcus a view of the outline of his sheath.

Frank's briefs were white, and the stretched out material gave an even better view of the outline; he could see the black fuzziness of the fur and the pinkish tip through the fabric.

Marcus realised he was licking his lips, the way an ancient canine or vulpine might have done when they had spotted dinner.

"You all right?" Frank asked, looking up from his phone.

"Um, yeah," Marcus replied, turning back to the fridge.

Frank didn't seem bothered by last night, but I don't want a repeat of awkwardness.

"Find anything?"

"Not really," Marcus sighed.

"We could always go to mine?" Frank suggested. "That's if your stomach can last."

"I'm sure it can," Marcus said, resisting the urge to make a joke about eating a dick.

"We'd better put some clothes on," Frank added before sniffing at himself. "And take a shower."

Is showering together a good idea?

Marcus decided against it, for now.

"You go first," he suggested. "There are clean towels in a basket by the sink."

"Thanks," Frank replied.

Marcus watched with a mild sense of disappointment as Frank gathered his clothes and made his way upstairs.

The sound of the shower started upstairs and Marcus sat back down at the table.

Ralph's return was making him a little anxious, although not scared, while having Frank around suddenly felt reassuring.

A weird change I could never see happening, he thought before shrugging to himself.

The hiss of the shower ended and Marcus decided to go and grab some clean clothes for himself before showering.

He made his way upstairs in time to see Frank emerging from the bathroom with a towel around his middle.

"You timed that well," the wolf joked.

"Oh you know, I'm good at knowing what's going on," Marcus replied with a grin.

"I remember you saying that when we were teenagers and you walked in on me every time I was getting changed," Frank said with a grin and an eye roll. "I'm glad some things about you haven't changed."

Marcus wagged his tail as he made his way into the bathroom, shed his underwear and ran himself a warm shower.

He remained under the jet until he felt clean before stepping out and shaking himself dry.

His clothes were still in the bedroom, so Marcus hurried out of the bathroom, still dripping water on the carpet. He settled on another pair of denim shorts and a grey t-shirt with a design of a yellow paw print on the front.

He hurried back downstairs to find Frank was already dressed. The wolf was wearing his cargo shorts with a grey polo shirt.

"Ready for today's adventure?" he chuckled dryly.

"So long as Anthony doesn't catch us," Marcus replied.

"I hope not," Frank sighed. Marcus was about to reply when Frank's phone buzzed. "Kevin is here," the wolf announced. "We can put our plan into action."

Marcus nodded and followed Frank as they made for the front door.

The painter was sitting in his van and he waved to them as they walked by.

"My stomach is feeling empty too," Frank said, rubbing his paw in a circular motion to indicate this. "I think I have some eggs at my place if that works?"

"Taken from the farmyard where the evil turkey attacked everyone?" Marcus asked.

"Thankfully that turkey left a long time ago," Frank laughed. "It probably ended up on Mr McTaggart's dinner table. Good riddance."

They followed the lane until they reached the centre of the village and then the turning for Frank's street.

There was no sign of Anthony's Bentley anywhere and Marcus breathed a sigh of relief.

He followed Frank up to his garage door and they made their way into the cosy surrounds of his kitchen.

"How do you like your eggs?" Frank asked.

"Um, scrambled please."

"How about I make us something fancy? I have a few things in the fridge that need using up."

"Sure," Marcus replied.

Frank began putting ingredients out on the counter. Marcus realised he hadn't explored the cottage beyond the kitchen and the front door. The wolf was busying preparing breakfast, so Marcus cautiously made his way out of the kitchen and into the tiny hallway by the front door.

The living room was opposite and Marcus went in to sniff about. It was smaller than the living room at Honeysuckle Lodge, with a low and wood beam lined ceiling that gave the place the same cosy feeling the kitchen had.

The space was mostly taken up by a television, bookshelves and two sofas.

A family photo of Frank's parents with his real father sat by the television. Marcus had never met Frank's biological dad, only his step-father, and he was interested to see Frank's real father had almost the same looks; handsome face, broad and muscular figure and the same eyes.

Marcus peered back into the kitchen and saw Frank was now playing music while cooking eggs at the stove.

He decided to use the opportunity to explore upstairs.

Marcus crept up the stairs and found the door that must lead to Frank's room.

In contrast to downstairs, the bedroom was sparsely decorated and the sight made Honeysuckle Lodge look more lived in by comparison. Other than the bed and a large antique wardrobe there wasn't much in the room.

Marcus glanced around and then his tail wagged as he saw something sitting on the foot of the bed.

Huey! It has to be.

Marcus stepped forwards and picked the bear up off the bed. He looked a little faded but he was still recognisable. Marcus couldn't help but hold the bear to his chest.

"Breakfast is ready!" Frank called from downstairs. Marcus gently set the bear on the sheets and walked downstairs with his tail wagging. He made his way into the kitchen to find Frank had set out two plates of scrambled eggs on toast with smoked salmon. "You look happy," Frank remarked.

"Oh, I found a long lost friend upstairs," Marcus replied as he sat down.

"I can guess who," Frank said. "You went exploring?"

"I did," Marcus admitted, splaying his ears slightly.

"I expected as much," Frank laughed. "It's not much upstairs, is it?"

"Well, maybe I can help you decorate?" Marcus offered.

"You decorate my house?" Frank chuckled.

"Why is that funny?" Marcus asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, not the thought of you decorating, it's funny as I'm fixing your place up, and then you do mine after."

"Oh, heh, I get what you mean now," Marcus replied, relaxing a little. "That would be amusing."

They ate their breakfast in silence. The scrambled eggs were good, nice and silky without being too runny and the smoked salmon was a wonderful touch.

"Do you like it?" Frank asked.

"I do," Marcus grinned. "I don't remember you being this good at cooking when we were together, oh I mean thank you for making this."

Frank laughed.

"Like you with your writing, I've mastered cooking."

"Oh, heh, I see," Marcus said, feeling embarrassed.

Now that's an emotion I've not felt in a long time,

They finished their breakfast and Frank cleared the plates away.

"Are you ready to go for some urban exploration?" the wolf asked, gesturing to the front door.

"I guess," Marcus replied.

He suddenly felt apprehensive, but he didn't want to show it. Instead, Marcus remained quiet as he followed Frank from the house.

"Are you up for climbing?" Frank asked as he shut the front door.


"We're going to have to climb over the wall to get in there," the wolf explained. "The gate might be locked and the main driveway is too exposed."

"Oh," Marcus said. "What, is it a wall with barbed wire, watch towers, land mines and security cameras?"

"It's a very crumbly stone wall," Frank replied. "Not like the Berlin Wall."

"That makes the place seem a little less creepy," Marcus chuckled.

He followed Frank as the wolf led him through the garden and to a section of the wall where they top layer seemed to have crumbled away.

"Don't worry, there's no guards," Frank explained. "Here, I'll help you up."

Marcus felt Frank's strong arms around him before he was hoisted on top of the wall.

"Shall I help you up?" Marcus asked.

His question was answered as Frank gripped the wall and hauled himself up.

"I'm good," the wolf replied as he gracefully eased himself down the other side.

Marcus tried easing himself down too, but he stumbled and fell into a shrub. He scowled as Frank chuckled, but his annoyance subsided as the wolf extended a paw to help him up.

The house stood ahead and Marcus felt a shiver run down his spine.

"What are we looking for?" he asked.

"Anything that tells me what Anthony is up to," Frank said.

Marcus followed apprehensively as Frank made his way up to the house. For all his bravado in wanting to investigate the Mansfield place, the sight of the house zapped any confidence he had felt.

"Is this a good idea?" Marcus whispered as Frank walked up to one of the windows.

"We've done worse," Frank replied as he pulled at the pane.

"The hole in the hedge episode?"

"I think the time we used my step-dad's ladder to steal apples from Prue Cathcart's tree, which was your idea by the way, not mine. That's the only time I've been involved in thieving something."

"Oh, haha, yeah," Marcus chuckled nervously as he remembered.

He watched as Frank lifted the pane before climbing inside.

"Here," Frank said, extending a paw.

Marcus took it and climbed in behind the wolf.

They were in what looked like an old drawing room. The air smelt musty and some of the wallpaper was peeling off, but otherwise the room looked fairly well preserved.

"Shall we explore?" Marcus whispered. Frank nodded before silently making his way to the door. Marcus watched as he tried the handle and the door opened with an alarmingly loud creak. "This is like a horror film," Marcus said quietly.

Frank didn't seem perturbed as he made his way out into the hallway.

Marcus followed and sniffed the air. There was the faint scent of damp and the floor was dusty, but everything seemed surprisingly intact indoors. Indeed, some of the lights were on. Paintings in heavy frames hung on the walls, some were a little crooked or dusty, but like the rest of the house they weren't in terrible shape by any means.

"I wonder if someone is still in?" Marcus said, gesturing to one of the functioning lights.

"I don't think so," Frank replied, sniffing the air.

"This is the sort of place we would have hung out as teenagers when I encouraged us to be up to no good," Marcus grinned. "Or dared each other to go into and claimed it was haunted."

"Probably," Frank said, sniffing at a door. "Hmm, I wonder what's in here. I've never seen into this side of the house before.

Marcus watched as Frank eased the door open. He felt his ears standing up rigidly as he followed Frank through the door.

The room on the other side was a dead end scullery of some kind with empty shelves on either side.

"Well, there's not much in here," Marcus said, running a finger through the dust. "Yuck, I should not have touched that."

Frank opened his mouth to reply, but then he cocked an ear.

Marcus yelped as the door to the scullery was slammed shut.

"I'll teach you to creep around my house like this!" the voice of what sounded like an old lady croaked.

"Fuck!" Marcus exclaimed as he heard a key turn in the lock.

"Hey!" Frank shouted. "We're not intruders, we're trying to investigate something."

There was no reply but they heard the sound of whoever was on the other side of the door walking away.

"Just as I said it was haunted," Marcus sighed. "What are we going to do now?"

"Either wait until whoever that was comes back, or find a way out."

"What if she goes for the police?" Marcus asked.

"In that case we'll try the latter option."