Unnamed Mousie - Ch 16: Finally out of the woods

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#16 of Unnamed Mousie

Unnamed Mousie - Part 2: On the Job Training - Chapter 16: Finally out of the woods

© 2015 - 2019 Nameless

I fell asleep only to be woken up soon afterwards. Well, I had no idea what time it was, but it felt as if I had not slept for more than a few minutes. I screamed, well, I would have had the collar not silenced me, because my cunt hurt. Once I was awake my tormentor's hands reached for my tits and squeezed them. That hurt as well, less because he squeezed so hard, but because he seemed to be wearing gloves similar to the ones I had to wear not long ago. Different ones, no doubt these would not hurt his own fingers, and they also covered the palms of his hands. Despite the pain my desire rose quickly. And then it got worse. He began to fuck me and that hurt even worse. If felt as if he wore a similar 'glove' on his cock. Despite the pain I climaxed twice before he shot his seed into me and three times more after that. He pulled out and wiped the cock on the fur of my thighs. Then he left. It took me a long time to fall asleep after that. Where he had touched me with those gloves the skin itched and prickled. In my cunt that really hurt. But at the same time it kept me horny as hell. The feeling got weaker over time, but only very slowly.

After the trouble I had falling asleep I slept until a guard woke me with a couple of licks to my rear. He opened the cuff around my right paw and left me to struggle to untie myself. We stored the restraints and changed the wagon to the day configuration. Then we knelt in our places to wait for the assistant, who came in after a few minutes. He looked us over and asked, "Some of you were used during the night. Who came without permission?" For a moment I wondered if I should try to lie about it, but decided against it and raised my paw. Somehow it was not all that surprising that 'some' actually meant all of us. "All of you? What shall I do with you?" "Punish us, Master." We almost said that in unison. The assistant looked a little surprised, for some reason I don't think he had actually expected us to answer. But then he smiled, "Of course. But we have a lot to do today so I'll have to do something quick. Yes." He fetched a jar with the hot sauce from one of the cupboards and opened it. He approached the squirrel girl at the number one spot. He poked one finger into the jar and then into her cunt. She trembled and a high pitched whimper escaped her lips and her muscles twitched but she did not move otherwise. The male who knelt between us got some of the hot sauce rubbed on the head of his cock. Then it was my turn and my cunt exploded with pain as the finger smeared the loathsome gunk all over my inside. I barely managed to muffle a scream of pain. Then I waited while he continued punishing the rest of us. After he was done punishing us he examined our wounds. By now they were mostly healed and required only an occasional dab of the healing salve. We still had plenty of welts and lacerations but nothing that interfered enough with the training for them to take it easy on us, those just caused us a little extra pain. We started with our usual warm up exercises. A few minutes of those took care of most of the kinks in my limbs and neck. And then we had to do push-ups. As we usually did, we performed these with widely spread legs and each row of three of us was arranged in a semi-circle so that the guard standing behind us had easy access to our rumps to 'encourage' our full participation. The assistant bellowed, "Up! Down! Up! Down!" and so on. Usually we did about twenty to thirty repetitions but today it went on and on. To make it even more difficult he started to vary the speed, pausing sometimes to force us to wait in one of the positions. That earned more than a few of us a number of licks, particularly the first few times he did that. I got one as well and from then on paid proper attention to the commands, moving only when told to. The usual punishment was one hard lick on the rump for each mistake, meaning that you did not assume the requested position properly. We must have been doing fifty repetitions and by now my arms began to hurt. And then the assistant began to give deliberately misleading commands, "Up!" when we were already in the 'up' position. Anybody who moved got punished. Most of us, me included, made that mistake the first time, which led to a veritable storm of slaps, but after that I paid more attention to the commands. It went on and on. A little scream and a thumping noise indicated that the first of us, the female in the center of the second row, had reached her limit. And she promptly earned one lick for every command, since lying on the floor was neither a proper 'up' nor 'down' position. After a few repetitions she picked herself up and managed a few more repetitions. It didn't take long before others joined her, eventually I had to as well. I missed three repetitions before I managed to pick myself up and do a few more before my arms failed once more. By the time the assistant finally told us to rest less than half of us managed to obey the commands on any given repetition. I collapsed, panting hard. My arms and shoulder muscles burned. My rump felt hot enough to fry eggs on.

We got only a minute of rest before the next exercise. This time we had to do squats. Standing in a semi-circle we faced the guard with the wrists crossed behind the back. As usual our legs were spread and we had to keep the knees as wide apart. During this exercise the guards would lick us with little force, but as they concentrated on our tits and especially the cunt (or the balls for the males) the 'encouragement' was even more effective than during the push-ups. Again this exercise started normal enough but then it went on and on. After a while the assistant added another position, "middle" halfway between up and down. Since that required bending the knees halfway it was a bitch to hold for any length of time and since we now had three different positions we had to concentrate fully not to make mistakes. As before the exercise went on and on, taking us to the limit of our endurance and beyond. As before one by one we reached our limit and had to stop or fell over with twitching or with cramping legs to lie on the ground and get licked until we managed to get up again for a few more repetitions. As before the assistant didn't stop until less than half of us were still in the game. By now my whole body hurt. The pain in my arms and rump had lessened to a dull burning sensation, but now my tits and cunt burned as did my legs. We got only a minute of rest before the next exercise.

At least this one was not physically exhausting. We had to fetch our cunt plugs. Like most others I elected to crawl to the cupboard and carry the plug back to my place in my mouth. Once there we had to kneel and then spent the next bell or so practicing how to please a male with our tongue. I kind of like these lessons, particularly when we got to practice with a real cock, not just a wooden substitute, but going at it for whole bell or so was a bit much. By the time I finally got to demonstrate my skills on the assistant's real cock my tongue was numb, dry and tired. Still, I managed to get him off and even managed to swallow a bit of his seed. Since I was only allowed to touch him with my tongue most of it ended up in the fur on my face and my headfur. After that we were finally fed. I got an almost full bowl, I think most of us did. But after the grueling exercises we really needed every bit of food we could get. I was really starting feel the need to relieve myself, but we were not allowed to do that. When we had cleaned out the bowls the assistant clapped his hands and declared, "Since it seems none of you knows how to keep their desires in check and obey a command not to cum you will have to train that." He started pairing us up. I was paired with a female weasel. I had seen her in the army, if I remembered right she had been a scout, but I did not know much more about her. We got our butt plugs and had to put them in. We also received the hoods but did not put them on yet. Each of us was handed a rod about four feet long, with a metal ring attached at one end. I was also handed a wooden block while my partner was given a very long wide belt and a short leather strap with two large rings at the end. We also got five leather straps with buckles and a couple of ropes. We were assigned a place and had to assemble the items. The two rods went through the holes of the short leather strap and were then stuck into holes at the ends of the wooden block. The belt went through the loop thus created. We also had to put one of the straps around the right ankle and tie one of the ropes to it. Then we had to lie down with our torsos touching so that our muzzle had easy access to the partner's cunt. After that two of the guards finished tying us up. The belt went around our torso and was pulled tight. Our wrists were cuffed in the back and the ropes attached to our right ankle tied to the ends of the rod. Then they lifted our left legs up until our ankles touched and tied them together with the last strap. We were also told that we would be punished if our muzzle was ever further than two inches from our partner's cunt or cock. Then the exercises started, at first we had to get the other one hot and then keep her on the edge. And then came the competitions, we had to get each other off, the one who came lost. It was a close match but I won the first round. As punishment the guard who watched us pulled out the weasel's butt plug, put a dollop of the hot sauce on it and shoved it back into her ass. I felt more than heard her whimpers of pain. We had barely began to cool down, not that I ever would be able to really calm down with someone's muzzle blowing air into my wet cunt from less than an inch away, when the second round started. I lost that one, and I had to admit, by a fair margin. It seemed as if the pain helped to keep my partner's arousal in check. All too soon my butt plug was removed and then shoved in again, setting my tailhole on fire. The next match was a close one and I lost again, worsening the pain in my ass. To be honest the punishment was not so bad that I minded losing all that much, the climaxes were pretty good, if far too short, as we both had to stop licking and touching as soon as one of us got off. Still, I did my best to win, I really wanted to win, to please and possibly impress the assistant. I was certain that he kept track of how we were doing and anyone doing too badly would eventually receive extra 'encouragement' of some kind. After this we got to rest a few minutes while the guards hooded us. And then we had to do three more matches. I won the first two but lost the last. By now my tongue was getting really tired. At least it wasn't dry any more, the weasel produced plenty of juices when she was aroused and even more when she climaxed. As far as I could tell my own cunt tried its best to drown her as well. For a moment I was relieved when a guard began to untie us, but he didn't untie my paws or remove the hood. I was led away and made to lie down. A few moments later another fur lay down next to me. From the scent it was a canine, but not one I was really familiar with. We were tied up together, much as I had been tied up with the weasel. We got a few minutes to 'get to know each other' and then we had four more matches. This time I did pretty well, I won three and lost only one. She used her tongue quite well, but as far as I could tell the canine female was not all that good at keeping her arousal contained. Then we were finally untied and told to remove the hoods. As punishment for losing more matches, the poor canine, a mixed breed dog, had to put a finger into the jar with the hot sauce and then poke it into her own cunt for more than a minute. Then she had to lie on her back, I sat on her face and she had to lick me for several minutes and give me several very satisfying climaxes. After that we were allowed to return to our places and rest there for a few minutes until the wagons stopped for the lunch break.

We finally got to use the jacks. By now my bladder hurt. As usual the last few moments while I waited my turn were the worst and I only barely managed not to leak before it was my turn. After that we were locked in those unpleasant contraptions. Today it was a little cold and overcast. At least it didn't rain yet, but the clouds looked as if it might start to rain at any moment. During lunch we had to crawl around and present our rear ends to the free furs and humans so they could amuse themselves by fondling us or slapping our ass before sending us off again. It was humiliating and crawling around was unpleasant but otherwise the whole thing was almost of fun. Some of them hurt us, pinching our most sensitive parts, particularly the humans, but some of the Hessans, particularly those I had serviced well in the last few days were very nice about the whole thing. I was certain that a few of them were reluctant to send me away, but it seemed that our master had told them that they could not spend too much time with any of us and were apparently not allowed to get us off. After lunch I had to, or from my point of view, was allowed to, lick one of them until he sprayed his seed over my face. He was nice enough to aim at my mouth after the first jet and I got at least some of his tasty cum into my mouth. Then he gave me a drink. I thanked him and crawled to where our assistant waited. By then I was really, really horny. I still had the butt plug in my tailhole and it did all kinds of interesting things inside me when I crawled around like this. Unfortunately the constant movement also kept the pain from the hot gunk fresh. The pain detracted a little from my excitement, aiding my struggles not to come without permission. And having all these furs play with me and explore my cunt with their fingers had been a lot of fun. It would have been really nice if I had only been allowed to cum at some point... We got a few minutes of rest and then the wagons started moving. We had to crawl after them and try to keep up. I hated crawling in these contraptions. The first couple of minutes were not too bad, but the short rest had done little to get my strength back after the grueling exercises in the morning. Soon I was struggling to keep up. Most of us were, that is all the slaves from my wagon, the furs from the other wagon seemed not be as tired as we were. The wagons did not move fast and we got to rest every now and then but it didn't take long before all my limbs began to hurt from exhaustion. I struggled on but it got more and more difficult. I tripped several times, scratching up my cheeks and chest. Once a sharp rock punched a hole in my cheek less than an inch from my right eye. It hurt a lot and I could smell the blood and feel it trickle down my cheek and throat. Still, I counted myself lucky, a little higher up and I might have been blinded in one eye. I didn't want to think about what that would mean for my future. Being a slave was bad enough, but a disfigured slave... Several guards walked behind us to 'encourage' us to move faster. I don't think they helped much, I at least was so afraid of what the collar would do to me if I fell back too much that I strained to move with everything I had in any case. When two of my fellow slaves cramped up and could not move any further, no matter how much 'encouragement' the guards offered, they finally stopped, released us from the contraptions and let us climb into the wagon.

Climbing up the steps into the wagon was a harsh task and I collapsed at my assigned spot. One of the servants gave each of us a small bowl with a herbal potion, one that revived our strength a little. The assistant came in and began to examine us just as the wagon started to move again. I wasn't the only one who had received a small wound. I barely managed to avoid screaming when he washed the wound with spirits. He put a dab of healing salve on it and that was it. We had a short language lesson. I got the impression that the assistant was not pleased, not so much with our progress but that he wanted to do something else. So far we had performed mostly physically demanding exercises and I think he wanted to, or was supposed to, do more along those lines, but realized that we were already too exhausted to do much in the way of physically taxing exercises today. In any case it turned out to be a rather short lesson and then we went back to physical training. Pain tolerance. Not all that exhausting, though after a while even just walking became exhausting for me. We continued where we had left off before. Partially blinded so we would have no warning before being licked we had to carry our tray with various items on it around. The exercise went on for a long time. I was really, really miserable. My whole body hurt, from overexertion as much as from getting licked. And I was extremely thirsty. The little cup of the potion had been barely enough to get my mouth wet, it was not anywhere what my body needed after exercising so much. And I still had the butt plug in me. My tailhole was getting sore and the fur on my thighs was soaked. It felt as if I would need to drink several pints just to make good on all the juices my cunt leaked. Needless to say I was very glad when the exercise finally ended and we were allowed to return all the props to their storage places. We got a few minutes of rest and a small bowl of water to lap up. I groaned when the assistant told us that we had to do more push-ups. Again he kept it up until most of us dropped from exhaustion, although that didn't take long this time. After that exercise we got another small bowl of water. Then we were finally allowed to take out the butt plugs. We had to clean them, of course. I think we only got the water because we wouldn't have been able to produce any spit to clean them with otherwise.

We were allowed a few minutes of rest and then the next lesson began: training our cunt muscles. The first part was normal enough, we picked up our cunt plugs and trained with them or a finger. But then came something new. But first we had to clean the cunt plugs and put them away. We got a new 'toy' to play with. A harness made up of a thin belt and a two thin leather straps that were connected in the back, crossed between the legs and were then connected to the front of the belt. We had to put that on and buckle all the straps as tightly as we could. A guard checked it to make sure it fit tight. There were two more leather straps connected at the side of the belt. These were put around our wrists to tie up our paws later. We also got another strange contraption, this one consisted of two wooden boards, about three foot long and maybe two thirds of an inch wide. The two boards were connected by a hinge at one end and several metal rods and a spring at the other end. Near the hinged end were two small hooks. I had to lie back in the 'present' position, stick the hinged end in my cunt and connect the hooks to the leather straps at the front of the harness. Once I had done that a guard used the straps to tie up my paws. The males got a similar device, but the wooden boards were narrower at the thin end. They had to kneel with the rump in the air and stick it in the tailhole. Then the assistant adjusted a few levers. And then we had to begin training. Contract our muscles until the two boards almost touched, then relax them again. To make sure we couldn't cheat there was a little metal flap at the end, which flipped up when the boards were close together and flipped down when they were far enough apart. The levers allowed the assistant to adjust the position at which the flap moved. "Squeeze! Relax! Squeeze! Relax!" As usual the assistant or one of the guards licked anyone who didn't obey or made a mistake, focusing their attention on our tits. It went on and on. After a few minutes they slid the metal assembly with the spring a little closer to the hinged end which made it harder to get the boards together. The males also had to exercise, but they only had to squeeze a tiny little bit. I don't think the assistant really cared much how the males did, they didn't move the springs and the guards hardly ever punished them. I got the impression that they only had them do the exercise to keep them occupied. This exercise was somewhat arousing, but not nearly enough for me to climax. As they had before they exercised us until most of us dropped from exhaustion. After a few minutes I got kind of jealous of the males and how easy they had it, by the end of the exercise I would gladly have agreed to be neutered just to end this. Needless to say that I was incredibly sore down there. We were finally released and allowed to return the toys, after cleaning them, of course. The assistant smeared a little of the healing salve in our cunts and then we got a short rest period until it was time to stop for the night. It was an easy 'rest period', I just had to put on my hood, my paws were cuffed and tied to the back of the collar and then I knelt.

After a short while the wagon stopped and we waited a few more minutes. A guard unbuckled my hood and pushed it just far enough up that I could see. We were led outside and allowed to use the jacks. Then we walked around to show off our bodies and allow the males to play with us. When the males finished their meal a guard pulled the hood down again and buckled the strap. Our master told us that we were only allowed to use our cunt muscles to please our master. The guard led me to one of the Hessans who lay on his back with the flap of his trousers open. From the scent it was a canine. I licked him until he was mostly hard and then climbed on top of him, straddled him and impaled myself on his hard male shaft. He helped aim his cock at my gaping slit, but apart from that I had to do everything. I began to squeeze him. It did arouse me a little, but I was so sore and tired down there I had to force my muscles to move. I moved my hips to generate a little extra friction, but I didn't dare to move around too much, lest my master notice and punish me. After a minute two males, I think they were guards, put cuffs around my ankles and used a second strap to tie my ankles tightly to my thighs. After that moving my body to assist in exciting the male became almost impossible. It took me a while to get the male ready. I was getting aroused as well, but with all the pain down there I was not close to getting off myself. To be honest, at that point I almost did not care, I just wanted to finish this and crawl into my bed. I got the male off, but only with some luck. Suddenly my cunt muscles cramped up and I screamed in pain. The sudden cramp squeezed the male so hard and suddenly that he got off and started spurting his seed into me. I whimpered in pain and sat there helpless to do anything about it. Cramping up down there was not fun, not at all. Not as bad as some of the punishments, but not all that far. "Stop squeezing you cunt!" The male sounded annoyed. As I could not do anything about it, I barely managed to whimper through the pain, "Cramp." After a moment the male understood. His fingers found my cunt and began to massage it. That felt so wonderful! Slowly my muscles relaxed again. My master asked, "Better?" "Yes, Master. Thank you." I squealed in surprise when he grabbed me, pulled me close to his chest and rolled around. Suddenly I lay on my back and the male was above me, with his cock still inside me. He kept his weight off me, for which I was very grateful, with my paws tied at the back it would be rather painful to have them crushed by his weight. After a moment he started thrusting in and out of me. "What do you think you are doing?" I cringed when I recognized our master's voice and heard the anger in it. "Having fun with my little pet." "But not this way. She has to get you off." "Well, she can't." "Let her try. If she can't I'll punish her and one of the others will please you." "No. I mean, she already got me off. But then she cramped up so badly she almost crushed my cock. That's not her fault, you can't punish her for that." "I can punish that cunt for anything I like. But if you already got off, then you're done for today, so get off." "You told us that we could have fun with our pet, didn't you?" "Yes." "There you are. Having 'fun with her' means we both have fun together. I had my fun, but she didn't. So we're not done yet." "That was not what I meant." "Too bad, that's what you said, that's what you promised. Are you going back on your word?" "Lieutenant?" "Yes, Sir. What you said can be interpreted the way my man said." "Fine, have it your way. Enjoy your little victory, slave." In a low and dangerous voice he added, "For now." A moment later I heard him stalk off and I released the breath I had not realized I had been holding. I heard a chuckle and realized that it must have been the Hessan officer. After a moment he walked away as well. The male bent down and licked my breasts and nibbled at my nipples. God, that felt wonderful! I moaned in pleasure. For a moment he licked at my neck and asked in a low voice, "Will you get punished for that?" Taking my clues from the male, I answered in a low voice, "Maybe, maybe not. Probably." "Should I stop." "No! Don't stop. Our master will be angry anyway. I doubt stopping now will make much difference. Let me have a little fun, at least." His head was still close so I turned to him and nuzzled his ear. "So, let's be merry, tomorrow we might die?" "Just so. Fuck me hard, Master." "Have fun my little pet." With that he went back to licking and nibbling my tits. He also began to thrust into me, but gently. Still the massage his hard pole gave me quickly dissipated the last stiff spots in my cunt muscles. Then he stopped licking my tits but began to thrust harder into me. It was wonderful! I was still really sore down there, but it did not take long before my rising excitement made me forget all about that. He fucked me good, really good. Maybe not the best I ever had, but close. That he had just come only made it better, made him last longer. I can't really say how many climaxes I had, but it was quite a few. I couldn't really tell if I had five or ten or just one long one with a few extra special peaks. I think it was a lot of fun for him as well, he certainly sounded as if he enjoyed it and it felt as if he had filled my womb completely with all the cum he shot into me. Unfortunately all good things must end and eventually he flagged. He nibbled at my neck a little and I used the opportunity to thank him profusely. He pulled out and suddenly I felt so empty I almost cried out in distress. He lifted me onto my knees. I could smell his male parts just in front of my muzzle and leaned forward to clean him. I enjoyed that, our juices tasted wonderful and I loved his scent and taste. I think he was almost as reluctant to stop as I was. He offered me a drink and I agreed, drinking his piss gratefully. He gave my ears a last friendly scratch and stepped back. I wished that I had seen his face. I would remember his scent and recognize him if I ever got close again. A few moments later a guard came, untied my legs and led me away.

I only had to wait a few moments before my arms were untied. I couldn't see anything, but from the scents I was pretty certain that I was waiting with my fellow slaves. "Who among you cunts deserves a little extra punishment?" That was our master asking. I considered for a moment but since I still wore a mark on my collar and since I was pretty sure our master was angry with me for what the Hessan male had just done, I dropped to my knees and assumed the begging position. After a few minutes I heard someone stop directly in front of my head and a shoe nudged my nose. I stuck out my tongue and began to lick at the shoes. I gagged at the smell and taste. It was our master himself and somehow today his shoes tasted as bad as his body always did. I could not let that stop me, so I kept licking until he stepped back. I stayed in this position until our master told us to stand up. "Turn around! Stand up! Neck! Legs apart, cunts!" Once I had assumed the position I felt the leaden feeling of paralysis settle over my limbs. And then the whipping started. From the sounds they used real whips and not the 'tongues'. They had paralyzed our vocal chords partially, while not loud, I could hear the cries and screams clearly enough. As best as I could tell I stood somewhere in the center of the row while they had started whipping at the ends. The wait was nerve-wracking, every now and then the whipping noises came a little closer. Our tormentors did not count the strokes, as best as I could tell each of us got around twenty. Somehow I ended up the last slave to receive her punishment. The minutes just before were the worst while the two directly beside me were whipped. The whipping was brutal, but after the long wait I was almost glad to get it over with. I must have stood exactly in the middle of the row, because both whipped me. I didn't count, but I think I got more than thirty strokes. They mostly concentrated on my back, rump and thighs, but two strokes wrapped around my body to hit each tit and my cunt.

I had a few moments to get myself under control and then the paralysis was lifted. I almost jumped out of my fur when a finger touched my nose. It was our master and he asked, his oily voice dripping with sweetness, "Well, little cunt. Since you already had so much fun, would you like some more? Would you like to wear your plugs for the night? Properly spiced, of course. Well?" It took me a moment to make sense of that. I shivered when I did, which only made our master chuckle. Have both plugs smeared with that horribly painful gunk and stuck in me the whole night? It sounded horrible. And yet I knew that if I refused our master would only find some other, even more unpleasant punishment for me later. Since I had my fun when he didn't want me to, he might stop me from having any fun. Or worse. As bad as that promised to be, I did not dare to take the risk that my refusal would earn a worse punishment. I knelt, assumed the begging position and polished our master's shoes with my tongue until he agreed to let me have 'fun' tonight. Our master finally 'allowed' me to have my 'fun'. I had to stick my ass high in the air, my arms were crossed above my head, which rested on the floor and my legs were outstretched and spread wide. Once I had assumed this position I was paralyzed once more. I waited a bit while the toys were prepared for me. I grunted in pain when the tip of the butt plug was pressed against my tailhole, which promptly began to burn. The pressure increased and suddenly the tip slipped in. The pain got worse, a lot worse and I screamed. Hardly audible but high pitched enough that anyone could tell how bad the pain was. My tormentor slid the butt plug into my rear inch by inch. When it was all the way inside, I got a short pause to collect myself before the second toy was put in. I think they dawdled deliberately to give me more time to worry. The wait was bad, but the pain was worse. Inch by inch the second toy was shoved into my cunt, accompanied by high pitched screams and squeals of pain. They dispelled the paralysis after a few minutes and let me assume a more normal kneeling position. A short while later I got to stick my rump in the air once more, this time so I could lap up the food. It was the usual gruel, I think at least. They had put enough of the hot sauce in it that eating it made my mouth burn almost as hot as my cunt. Eating it was crazy painful, but I was so hungry and I knew I would regret it if I did not lick the bowl clean.

And then it was thankfully time for bed. I was led into the wagon and to my stall. As I was still hooded one of the guards strapped me in. I had to kneel with my legs spread wide and my ass sticking up. My wrists were cuffed and tied to the wall above my head. Most of my weight rested on my chest and face on the rough wood of the floor. I was bone tired but it still took a long time before I finally fell asleep. All my holes burned and hurt like crazy and yet I was horny as hell. The juices were leaking our of my cunt, I could feel them soak into the fur on my belly. By the morning they had run down my chest, all the way to my throat. I woke in the middle of the night, screaming (silently). My right leg had cramped up. I managed to stretch my leg by raising my ass even higher. I was really glad I had been tied in a way that allowed me to do this, otherwise it might have taken a long time for the cramp to subside. Eventually I fell asleep once more.

In the morning I was very sore. My shoulder and neck muscles were extremely tense, to the point where every movement hurt. I was allowed to remove the plugs from my holes and had to clean them up. A guard even gave me a small wet towel so I could clean the sticky and somewhat hot juices from my chest. Then we began with our warm up exercises, which thankfully got rid of most of my muscle tenseness. After that the day was more or less a repeat of the previous day. We had to exercise until we dropped. But they did not go quite as far as the day before. We also had the usual lessons in how to please male and were allowed to demonstrate our skills during lunch and dinner. After dinner I asked for extra punishment and was whipped harshly. But I almost forgot about the pain when the mark was finally removed from my collar. Afterwards I was allowed to beg for a soft bed, which I received after polishing the assistant's toes. All in all another exhausting day, but not really a bad one. At least compared to the previous days.

The following day we were mixed up once more. This time I ended up in the "Betha ten" spot. Towards the end of the day we finally left the forest behind. As we traveled, the ground slowly became less rugged. The day before I had seen the first clearings and as we traveled the change became more common and more pronounced. At some point today we reached the undefined line where the terrain changed from 'forest with clearings' to 'meadows and fields with stands of trees'. While we did not get to see much of the outside when we were in the wagons, they had forced us crawl after the wagons in those damned contraptions twice, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. At one point I wondered if they would make us try to follow the wagons in these contraptions while blindfolded. I shuddered at the thought. Our training went back to 'normal', even if we still had to exercise a lot. The 'pain tolerance' lessons also became more and more difficult. Not only did we have to carry a tray, they filled the mugs and 'glasses' with water and we were of course punished if we spilled any. They also started using harsher whips in addition to the 'tongues' which they had used up to now. I think pretty much all of us earned some punishment the first time we felt the 'new' whip. At some point we had to put in the butt and/or the cunt plugs while we trained. They tried all kinds of things to distract us. I earned my share of punishment, but I think I didn't do too badly. Compared to the others, that is. Still, I began to hate these lessons with a passion. I think we all did. After leaving the forest it took us three more days to reach the city. I couldn't remember the name, but from what I remembered of a map one of the officers had shown us a while ago, this city marked the southernmost point of Hessa. On the day before we reached the city we stopped for the night in a small town. Once again our master hired us out as whores. When I finally stumbled into the wagon I was walking funny, as did most of my fellow slaves, but I was in a rather good mood. Many of the customers had been a quite rough with me, but some had been really nice, some even talked with me a little, and I had climaxed dozens of times. My stomach sloshed from all the liquids I had to drink, some tasty, some less so.