
Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#3 of Shen's Capture

Third in a series for McFan wherein Lord Shen has been captured and restrained. Though this time he has a partner in captivity...

Chuntao frowned ever so slightly as she gazed down her beak at the bound peacock. He would have returned the look himself, but his beak had been bound rather heavily to keep him from spitting vile curses at his captors. Her arms folded and eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she looked over Shen.

Just like every time she'd looked at him for the past...oh it was hard to remember how many days it had been, the male was bound. Ankles bound to heavy iron rings. A thick, heavy belt wrapped about him to keep his wings pinned tight to his body. That large leather and iron band wound about his beak to keep him silent. And, as it had been every other time she'd seem him, the peacock's member was at full mast. Pulsing with the need that she hadn't allowed to be released yet. Tapered length throbbing with each beat of his heart as precum spilled onto the tiles below him.

Eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she took a step towards Shen. Her weasel guards shuffling closer and fanning out around the pair. "If I take off the muzzle, are you going to behave?" Shen somehow still managed to look more than a little smug as he rolled his head and hummed. "I can always just leave you here."

He rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh and shook his head in a bit of a way that suggested he would behave. Or at least that's what she was assuming he was doing since he lowered his head towards her in what could almost pass for a bow. Her delicately painted brow arching as she looked and waited. And waited. And continued to wait. Making Shen hold the position for several minutes before she reached out to undo the restraints about his head.

Shen did his best to hold back the sigh of relief as his beak was unbound. "Ah, thank you my dear. " He cast a glance a the armed weasels, "Not your usual guards? Have I been demoted form seeing your precious dholes?" He heaved an exaggerated sigh, "Now, if you can do something about the rest of these I will be most pleased." His voice dropped a bit as a smirk curled over his feature, "And if you can do something about," he nodded his head as body lifted to show off his member, "I would be very happy as well."

Chuntao wanted to heave a sigh, but she turned it into a slight smile as she moved behind him. "Oh I am certain that you would just love if I..." her wing shot out, feathers curling about his cock's base. Shen jumping and eyes shooting wide as her feathered fingers toyed over his thick base. "Let you get off. Maybe even crawled under you like a good hen and lifted my tail. Letting you have your finish while I deal with whatever comes of it all."

He was doing everything that he could to not just call out and moan as she toyed with his cock. Between the unrelenting teasing of the hen, her guards, and the herbal teas they were feeding him, Shen hadn't had a moment of respite for... well it felt like years. It couldn't be though, days likely, weeks perhaps. Just the simple touch about his cock was enough to make a lesser man break down in tears. Shen ground his beak a bit as she toyed with his base before stepping away. The peacock managing to breath out a heavy puff of air before shuddering.

Feathers ruffled as the peacock turned his head to look at Chuntao as she walked a slow path around him, "I would find that to be very agreeable. So if you would be so kind as to undo my bonds and ask your guards to leave, we can get right to it." She shot him a withering look. One which he met with a smile, "Or you could ask them to stay if that is your thing."

A heavy sigh lifted from the pea hen, "I see your temperament hasn't improved yet, Shen. Perhaps another night or two would help." Lifting the band, she leaned in towards Shen to bind his beak once more.

"Wait, wait." He jerked his head back as she reached for him. Though the bonds would only let him draw so far away. "Just wait a moment." Chuntao fixed him with a look and narrowed eyes. Shen leaned forward and let his voice drop, "Lean in." She hesitated a moment and stared at him. "Just trust me for five seconds and lean in. I have something very important to tell you." Still she refused to lean in. The peacock heaving a sigh, "What am I going to do? Lick your ear?"

Chuntao heaved a much put-upon sigh and leaned in until her cheek was nearly resting against Shen's, "What do you have to tell me that's so important?"

Shen's beak combed through her feathers with each of his words, "Normally, I wouldn't say anything but..." She felt his head move slowly as he seemed to nuzzle her neck. It took her a second to realize that he was looking, his head moving over hers until he pressed against her other cheek. "I don't trust the look of these new guards of yours. In fact, if I were you I would be exceptionally wary of them."

His tone sent shivers up her spine. Years of training and control kept it from showing in her voice or beyond just a slight bristling of her feathers. "They have been loyal for years. Why should I have to worry about them?"

No sooner had the question left her beak than something slammed into her rear. The peahen let out a surprised noise as she stumbled forward. Martial training dropping her into a partial crouch, claws scraping over the wood floor as she braced herself in a wider stance. Her attackers struck again, using that instant between when she caught herself and when she would spin to face them.

Film silken robes were tossed up and over, covering her head and blinding her for just a second. At the same instant, a firm hand grabbed her tail and squeezed. Her vent flexing involuntarily as the hand shoved upwards to expose her privates. Claws scraped over the wood as her weight began to shift. Her attackers were far from done though, pressing something made of metal against her warm vent. Her body just starting to tense against the chill when it was pressed in.The exceptionally smooth, lubricated surface gliding against her body. Twisting ever so slightly and sending jolts through her. A hand came down on the orb, palm striking it with a precise force. Driving the orb into her body with a decisive pop and a jolt.

The surprise insertion was just starting to register when a second orb was pressed to her. With the first smaller one already having prepared the way, this second and larger ball found its way into her with a little more ease. Muscles straining against the unyielding object. Trying to grip the mirror finish of the toy. A twist made her hips jerk before it was pushed in as well. The orbs clacking off each other, sending their internal weights shifting about in a trembling manor that the peahen was much too familiar with.

Even caught off guard such as she was, Chuntao's body began to shift. Weight dropping lower as her foot swept out and back. Claws scraped against the flooring as her attackers moved as well. Some backing away while others stayed in close.

She lashed backwards in a blind kick, head dropping down and sweeping out from under her robes. Tossing the clothing off herself as she threw her weight back into the kick.

One of the weasel guards took the brunt of the attack. Grabbing at her foot even as it slammed into his chest. Her momentary flash of triumph offset as the orbs within her shifted. Weights within the hollow balls chiming silently and sending a pleasurable hum through her nethers. She caught a glimpse of a third object, this one more conical and connected to the others by a silken strand, just as it was swinging wide.

Her eyes widened as it arced away from her, muscles clenching about the orbs as they were tugged by that force. Thighs quaked and she nearly lost her footing when the balls buzzed against her insides.

That mere second of hesitation was enough. One of the other weasel guards coming in low and fast. Darkly armored body a blur against the wood. In one exceptionally swift motion, the guard caught the cone and dove towards her.

Everything slowed to a crawl. Chuntao's eyes widening in shock as the weasel dove between her legs. Shen's eyes widening with a mix of glee, surprise, and lustful excitement. The glistening cone gripped in the weasel's hand, driving between her outstretched legs. The smooth tip digging against her vent, already glistening with the lubrication provided by the first orb. It dug against her body, twisting as the guard thrust forward. Mirrored finish reflecting the room about them as it spread her folds and drove in. Her thighs quaking as it stretched her ever wider. The hen thrown off balance as her muscles shook with surprised pleasure.

Thrown off balance, she hit the ground full on her back. Air rushing from her lungs as the guard's weight came crashing down on her as well. The impact more than sufficient to drive the cone into her. Muscles trying to grip the polished surface as it stretched her past the widest point. Then a ridge, something to grab on and clamp around. Holding the third of the ben wa balls within her form.

Chuntao's eyes rolled back as she tried to regain her air. Not helped by the three toys within her as they clicked off each other. Each motion and tremble of her tunnel amplified by the weights within the balls. She could barely move without making those buzz readily within her.

And to make matters worse she was completely naked, on her back, and staring up at Shen's underside. His raging erection twitching in time with his heartbeat. No sooner had she realized this than a healthy drop of precum came down to splatter on her cheek. Further humiliating the hen as she lay there. Completely dazed by what had just happened to her.

"Bravo!" Shen called, looking at the weasels as they swarmed over, grabbing Chuntao by the legs and dragging her back. "It is so rare that I get to say I am impressed, but here we are." The peacock chuckled, "I would applaud, but rather hard to do so in this situation. He watched as a couple guards raced to darkened corners of the room to retrieve something. Feathers perking as they drew out bags with more restraints, "Oh now you're just showing off. Sneaking supplies in here, guessing while I slept?"

The guards ignored him. "Get her restrained. Be quick about it," hissed the one with the bag, tossing gear to the others. Sharp eyes darted to Shen, "You, be quiet!"

He let out an indignant huff, but watched as Chun's senses came back to her. The peahen spotting the restrains as they sailed through the air. Leg cuffs, a thick belt, and a beak restraint, all looking very much like what Shen was wearing, though sized appropriately for her. She had but a second to feel the twin dread that she was about to be captured, and that Shen had been right.

Impossible to know which was worse.

Chuntao knew how to defend herself. Well, more accurately she knew how to defend herself long enough for her guards to show up. Some of that defense being screaming for the guards. Body tensed as she twisted on the ground, doing her best to ignore that chiming buzz within her body as she got her feet under her. The hen taking a deep breath to scream for her loyal dholes.

Not that the rebellious weasels were going to allow that. No sooner had she started to inhale than a weight slammed into her back. Legs wrapping about her neck and head. One hand cupping the bottom of her beak and pulling her head back. The other catching the beak restraint and bringing it down. Leather and metal scraping off her beak as she thrashed with a frustrated cry. Smaller though he was, the guard was a mass of wiry muscle. Readily trapping her head between arm and chest so the restraint could be slipped over her beak. Straps tightening the metal band down so that her cries for help were little more than muffled squawks.

Chuntao twisted her head and body, trying to shake the male off her back. Panic starting to set in as she thrashed about. Each motion only amplifying the buzzing of those toys within her. Weights getting thrown about their smooth interior and making them hum. Only made worse as they shifted within her, clicking and clacking off each other.

Her insides were shaking now. Pleasure starting to build within the hen as those toys continued to do what they were made for. She knew full well that they wouldn't afford her the pleasure of coming to climax. They were neither large enough not stimulating enough for that. It's not what they were designed for. They were made to enhance an experience, to edge someone for minutes, hours even, until they were about ready to burst. Then something else would lead to a rather satisfying finish.

She knew this because they were her ben wa balls that had been so expertly crammed into her vent and left there.

Any other circumstance she could, and had, happily worn them from morning till evening. Going about her daily duties until it was time to unwind for the evening. This was anything but the usual circumstances. Each motion only making it worse as her heart hammered away. Muscles growing weary and aching, all too aware that when she stopped to take a breath the traitors would pounce.

Which is precisely what they did.

Chuntao was no fighter and had very little in the way of stamina. She slowed rather quickly, trying to keep her wings out stretched and stance steady. It was only the most token of resistances, however, and the weasels expertly swept in. One grappling each wing and efficiently pinning them to her body. The wide belt falling into place about her and being cinched down. The peahen gasping as it squeezed her chest. It seemed that they weren't going to risk her having taken a deep breath to slack the restraint.

Defeated, she let her head hang in shame as a pair of leather restraints were affixed to her ankles. Bound together by a length of cord. One which, deviously, was also linked to the conical toy with a thin cord as well. Meaning that she not only had to contend with the constant thrumming of the toy, but with each of her steps tugging at it.

Shen was almost cooing at the sight of Chuntao, his traitorous childhood friend who had put him in this position, bound as well. "Very good, very efficient. Again it is so rare that I am openly impressed I can't help but express my unbridled joy at how talented you lot are." Chains rattled as he shifted within his bonds. "The wolves must have paid very well for your services. Rest assured that you will be greatly rewarded for this and most fairly compensated." His attention shifted to the Chun as one of the guards took her robe and did his best to cover her again. "Now, if you'll just untie me we can get out of here."

Two guards looked form the peacock to their leader, who gave them a slight nod. Oh they were even more well trained than he'd imagined, glorious!

He was nearly trembling with eagerness as the guards knelt by his feet and unhooked the chains from those accursed rings that kept him there. "Ah, you have my unending thanks." Shen flexed his toes and lifted his leg as they were freed. A groan easing out as he stretched each in turn. While he'd been allowed to lay down on occasion, most of his time over the last few days had been spent standing. Getting to stretch out was its own form of bliss.

Bliss that was short lived as heavy chains were pulled between his shackles, binding his legs together. Shen looked from the guards below him to the leader, "What is the meaning of this?"

A smile crept over the weasel's face, "You are right, we will be fairly compensated for this." He stepped forward, chest out and eyes narrowed. "There's plenty of people that will pay a very large amount of money for you, both of you."

Shen heaved a sigh, "Oh, so kidnapping and ransom? How droll." Eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he scanned the weasels that were surrounding he and the peahen. "Two, three of you, my wings are bound as are my legs. How unlucky for you." He cast a sidelong glance towards Chuntao, "My dear, you are going to owe me a great deal for this."

The peacock exploded into motion. Even restrained and wearied from days, weeks of unending teasing and restraint he was still a warrior in his prime. Training day after day, year after year until his body was every bit as honed as any sword out there.

Honed as he might be, Shen had nearly forgotten about another disadvantage he had.

No sooner had he launched himself forward than a hand closed about the base of his cock. Eyes shooting wide as he squawked from the pressure to his overly sensitive length. Shen stumbled, bound legs slamming into Chuntao's side and sending him sprawling to the floor.

The weasels were on him in a flash. Hands grappling his head and neck as that accursed beak restraint were affixed into place. A heavy collar following suit to clamp about his neck. Even sprawled out as he was, the peacock narrowed his eyes dangerously, letting the leader know that should he ever escape his bonds, that his vengeance would be swift.

His captor gave the barest nod of acknowledgment. "Get them up."

Shen thought of resisting for only a second before allowing himself to be stood upright. His brilliant genius already setting a plan in motion. He'd been a fool to attack now, here in the heart of Chuntao's city. If he'd succeeded then her loyal guards would have simply returned him to his imprisonment. But outside the city? They had to be taking the pair of them somewhere that could be secured. Inside the city? No, once word got out that the beloved Chuntao had been kidnapped then every set of eyes would be looking for the slightest hint of plumage.

Which meant they had to be leaving the city. Shen knew this countryside well. Once they stopped for a rest, then he could enact his escape. Question then became if he should take her along. Though that was hardly a question wasn't it? He had to repay her hospitality after all.

All these thoughts raced through his head in the second it took to stand. The peacock adopting a rather hateful look as he was forced to stand there. Chuntao resisting the guards for only a breath before she waddled up beside him, head hanging lower as they affixed a collar to her neck as well. Both linked to the lead guard's belt by rather sturdy leads.

"Now," the weasel hissed, "if you will be so kind as to follow quietly." His eyes darted to the others, "You, go scout ahead. Make sure our way out is clear. You, grab them to keep them in line." A final pair of items were pulled form the sack. Heavy sacks made of a coarse material. These were fitted over each of the bird's heads, "Can't have you making a commotion if you see guards, now can we?"

One weasel dropped low to the ground and took off. Barely more than a whisper as he vanished out the door. The other hesitated behind the peacocks, "Do I really have to?"

"Do it!" he hissed.

Shen jumped as a hand closed about the base of his cock again. Not stroking, but rather holding it tight and forcing him to crouch down a bit more. He rolled his eyes with a muffled sigh, as if things weren't bad enough with his leg restraints. Chun jumped as well, a flush spreading across her nares as the weasel gripped the base of her toy, jostling it further.

They only had to wait a few moments before the door creaked open and the third member of the trio waved them out. "Good, come along and be quiet."

Moving while being utterly blind was a rough experience. Shen had experimented with it during his training, but never got the hang of all that inner peace nonsense. Even still he was able to blindly feel his way along. Chains barely rasping on the floor as he took a hesitant step forward, then another. Barely even able to get a proper stride going due to the weight of the chains between his legs and the tight grip on his cock. Curse it all, he wasn't even able to use that hand to get himself off. Tight as the grip was, his length only pulsed within the weasel's grasp as he marched forward.

Chun was in no better of a state than her fellow captive. Though her bonds were lighter, each step made the weights within the balls jostle and buzz. Metal merrily chiming within her with muted hums. If she dared take too long of a step, then the ropes would pull taut about her ankles and jostle the toy. Which lead to an idea, maybe if she took a long enough step she could get it out of her.

A plan which started to work. Slick muscles squelching about the toy as she began to pull the thick cone from her body. Breath came in shorter gasps as she felt the apex begin to stretch her form.

Only to have the toy slammed back into place by the guard behind her. His palm smacking the wide base and shoving it back into her depths. The impact of his hand on her rear making her knees go weak. Nearly dropping the peahen to the ground as the hobbling cord was pulled tight. She ground her beak under the mask and shook, feeling how her juices were leaking out of her and dripping to the ground with each step.

Which lead to another desperate plan. Once her beloved dhole guards discovered she was missing, they would turn the city inside out to find her. They had a rather wonderful sense of smell, if they could track her by her scent then rescue would come that much faster. Chun ground her beak and huffed, taking steps that were just a little longer, rolling her hips ever so slightly more. Each motion making the toys jostle and roll within her. The buzzing sending ripples of pleasure through her core. Quiet huffs slipping from the hen as she let them race through her. Taking them in, allowing them to tease her to the point where she would begin to drip onto the wooden floor.

It was impossible to keep track of where they were being led. Chun would have sworn that she knew her palace inside and out and could walk it blindfolded. Why, she'd often tried closing her eyes and navigating the halls just for the joy of it. In her current circumstance it was impossible to tell just where she might be. Between the shortened steps, the constant starts and stop, and the incessant humming from the toys she was utterly lost.

"Alright Love birds," a voice hissed after a time, "there's a step down so you'll have to hop. You first, lady." She wasn't given more than a second to feel for the step before the weasel behind planted his hand right on the toy and shoved. Chuntao uttering a muffled cry as she tumbled forward and landed on some cloth. "Majesty." The hand on Shen's cock tightened and lifted. Almost using it as a lever to lift the peacock up and tip him forward. A similar noise coming from him as he toppled forward and landed on Chun. His cock gliding through her feathers, making a mess of them.

A voice hissed, "You idiot! Get him off her before we've got a real mess to clean up."

Shen was breathing heavily. Even restrained as he was he knew the feel of a hen beneath him. He'd spend his long days and evenings thinking of how it'd feel to have Chuntao under him, reflecting on the memory of when she tricked him. Now here she was and he could feel her squirming under him. Though she was backwards, her head aimed towards his cock. Not how he wanted to take her so he could wait. He smirked under the restraints and rolled his hips, grinding his aching length against what he hoped would be her breastbone.

Chun was certain that she'd have been crushed by the male landing on her. Leaving her gasping and panting as the weasels shouted in whispers at each other. She was just coming back when she felt Shen's cock grind over her breast and up to her neck before he was pulled away. The weasels hissed and growled at each other, metal clicking and ropes groaning as Shen was further secured. Chuntao only being neglected for a moment before she was lifted and pressed against something solid. Ropes being pulled taut to her body before the bags were removed.

They were in the back of a wagon. Chun only getting a glimpse of two of the weasels before the doors were shut, throwing them into near complete darkness. Fading light leaking through slats in the cart giving the only illumination.

She was sitting on the floor of the wagon. The weasels had secured her collar and harness to a couple sturdy tie-offs on the wall. While the ropes weren't tight, she wouldn't have much room to move. Not that she could go far. Her legs had been forced apart, ankle cuffs bound to Shen's. Meaning that both of the birds had their legs spread fairly far apart. Even if she got the bindings on her back free, she'd have to free her legs or find some way to walk in time with Shen.

The peahen blinked and looked about before letting her attention return to the peacock. Cheeks flushing hotter as his gaze met hers. Predatory, lusty, and so incredibly smug. He smiled at her with those cold eyes and casually lowered his gaze. Staring right at the glistening, slick metal nestled between her thighs.

Likewise, her attention was drawn up as light danced over his snowy form. Eyes catching on that raging, tapered length that stood proud from his groin. The peacock chuckling and shifting his hips forward, tail flopping behind him as he forced her legs to spread that much further. "Look at the situation you're in," she could hear his mocking words. "Would have been so much easier if you'd just untied me." Even with his beak bound and the peacock utterly helpless, she could hear his unspoken words mock her. Just those little shifts and the look on his face enough to tell her what he was thinking.

The wagon set off with a groan and creak. Shen's full attention on the peahen before him. Not caring where they were going. As long as they stopped at some point his plan would work. So instead he just decided to tease his partner.

A quick glance showed that the weasel riding in back with them was less interested in the tightly bound avians than in reclining. He had tucked himself into a corner and crossed his arms.

Shen was still bound somewhat firmly. He'd felt them tying ropes from his harness to the wooden wall, affixing the lead of his collar to that as well. Meaning that he could lean forward, or he could lean down. Which is what he began to do. Spreading his legs wider, forcing Chuntao to shift hers as well. Hips drawing closer together as he slipped down. Lifting his gaze to stare at her with a smirk as her legs were forced wider and wider. Thighs trembling as she tried to resist the peacock's more trained body. His toes curling about hers, almost tenderly holding them as he pressed close.

The male only stopping as their groins met. A sigh of bliss coming from the male as he rolled his body against hers. Just gently grinding the base of his cock across the smooth metal of the plug. Chun's gaze dropping to watch as he toyed with her. Barely able to shift his hips against hers. More so he was using the rather rough cart ride to toy with her. Seeming to anticipate how the cart would lurch and bounce to guide his motions.

Chun watching with wide eyes as he pressed against her. The leather band about the base of his cock whispering over the cool metal. Needy length tapping on her, making the toys hum that much harder within her walls. A little shift pressing his cock against the velvety feathers on her groin.

A hard bounce separating them for a blissful second before he was back. Tapered cock pressing against her flesh through those feathers. Shen always motion, teasing himself as much as he was her. Letting his tip press to belly feathers as he tried to wedge his length just so. It was hard though, especially as the collar began to pull tighter at his neck. He could let desperation take hold and try, or he could keep toying.

Patience was something he'd had a lot of time to think about.

He let his body relax and slip just that much further. Cock managing to glide under the wide base of her plug. Shivering as he felt her flushed, warm vent pressed to the underside of his cock. A pleased sigh coming from the peacock as he narrowed his eyes. Glancing down to where their bodies were pressed tight. Each slow grind making the toy lift and strain at her entrance before he'd draw away to let it seat again.

It would be easy to get off right now. All too easy as much as he had been worked up and teased over the... who cared how long anymore? He wouldn't need much. Just some good thrusts against her and he'd easily peak. Spilling his precious seed across her belly and possibly her vent. It would be easy, oh so easy, to just take the easy way and seek some relief. His attention shifting up slowly until his eyes locked with hers.

That devilish smile crossing his features as he pulled back, letting her legs relax. She could read his expression and intent all too clearly. "Soon," came the silent, threatening promise. Body shifting until Shen was sitting up again.

Onward they rode. Wagon moving with traffic with only occasional rough starts and stops. Chuntao held out hope that someone would look into the back. It didn't matter if she was found in this compromising situation, just so long as she was found. It wasn't bad enough just being kidnapped and restrained in such a manner. Shen made matters worse for her with his occasional teasing. It was impossible to tell when he would start. One moment he'd seem to be dozing and the next she'd feel her legs being force to spread. All to allow him that brief time to press against her. Keeping his motions smooth and slow so as not to alert their guard. She found herself flushed and agitated, wanting to thrash and get away, but not wanting to show how much he was affecting her.

Their wagon stopped and voices could be heard outside. Judging from their tone it was the gate guards leading out of the city. Hope flared for a moment. Surely they'd search the wagon. Rescue was seconds away!

Hope was dashed almost immediately as the wagon rocked and started forward again. Leaving the sounds of the bustling city behind as they ventured away. Chun's head dropping as she allowed despair to consume her.

Shen shook her leg and fixed her with a hard look. Head lifting proudly as he looked towards the weasel guard. Snorted. Then returned his gaze to her to stare down at her with raw distaste on his expression. Once again, she could hear his voice admonishing her for letting such a small thing crush her. Who was she, the proud and beautiful Chuntao, or some ordinary pheasant?

Her toes curled against his slowly and squeezed. The peahen taking a breath and straightening her back. Loathe as she was to admit, he was right. She had allowed fear and panic to overtake her before. That had only gotten her into this situation.

Pride shone in his eyes as the male squeezed her toes with his. And then began to spread her legs again, sinking his body down further. That now-familiar press of his length on her feathers whispering through her senses a second later. Warmth gliding over her stretched folds as he wedged himself under the toy. Using the way her muscled clenched against it to trap his length there. His body arching slowly to grind on her stretched vent with a quiet huff. Savoring how the toy buzzed against him, pinning him to her softness.

Chun's breath came in shorter pants as she watched him toy with her. Light catching on a bead of his precum as it trailed down his length and dripped. Shivering as it traced under the toy and across her. Her eyes narrowing with a muted hum as she focused on that normally delightful humming from the toy. Letting it ring through her body and send shivers up her spine.

Shen started to pull away, but her legs tightened, trapping him there. His gaze darting from their joining up to her face. Seeing the bliss that was crawling across her features. Confusion racing across his features as she arched against him. Since the peahen was lacking his extravagant tail, she was able to get a bit more motion out of her hips. Toes gripping his as she shifted her hips, rolling her vent against his underside with muffled gasps.

His attention shifted down as her thighs quaked against his. It took the peacock a moment to realize what was happening. Feeling that quake of her thighs, watching as the toy's base began to flex and push as her walls clenched about it. His expression souring as he watched the peahen use him to push her to climax.

Chun fixing him with a dreamy half-smile as she relaxed her legs, pulling away now that she'd used him to get off. "Two can play that game," her expression purred at him. Shen huffed to himself and settled back, length twitching as he watched that rhythmic clenching and shudder as Chuntao rode out her climax.

Some time passed before the wagon was pulled off the road. Jostling the trio in the back as they trundled off road. Chun jostled awake and looked around wildly. Ever since her little stunt, Shen had left her alone so she'd managed to get something resembling rest.

The wagon rumbled to a stop and rocked a moment before coming to rest. Heavy knocks raining from above, "Hey, get out here and help us set up camp."

"What about them?" the weasel called out as he hopped over the bound pair and popped open the door.

The leader snorted, "Are they still bound?" Both watched as the weasel hurried over and did a cursory check before calling out his affirmative. "Then leave them there. Big boy's been bound like this for a while now, another night won't hurt him."

Muttering something, the weasel hopped out of the wagon and shut the door, latching it shut.

No sooner had the door shut than Chun turned her attention to Shen. Surely he had something planned, he was always planning something.

Instead the peacock just watched the weasel leave, looked to her with a slight smirk, and then closed his eyes. She waited a moment before kicking his leg. He opened an eye, looked at her, smirked at her questioning look, then shut his eyes again. Growling to herself, she stretched and pressed. If he wasn't going to do something then she was.

Though despite how she strained and pushed, the belt would not yield. The fresh leather creaking about her, but holding strong. She squirmed and pressed, wiggled and writhed, trying her best to squirm from the bonds to no avail.

So she settled down with a huff, glaring at Shen as he chuffed a muffled laugh.

More time passed, the voices of the weasels settling down. If she strained she could just hear a fire and chatter many feet off. Beyond that it sounded like trees and insects. Likely the forests, but it was hard to tell just how far they might be from anywhere.

"Well, this has been rather thrilling, hasn't it?"

The voice made her jump, head snapping to Shen as the male shifted inthe darkness. He'd somehow freed himself of his bonds. Dark belt laying at his side and muzzle getting set down beside it with utmost care so as not to alert the weasels.

Shen caught her look. "Please, don't look so surprised," he kept his voice just above a whisper. "I had been working on that thing for some time now." A smile crept across his face as he leaned down to undo the leg restraints, "Oh don't tell me you thought my little grinding act was just to tease you. Pleasant as that was, it was merely a rather enjoyable side effect." Of course, why hadn't she thought about how rough the wall was?

The collar was next, being sat down on the floorwith his other restraints. Shen didn't dare stand lest the wagon rock too much. Instead he stretched out where he sat, groaning as aching muscles were allowed to work. "Now, I imagine you want me to free you as well." He crooned as he leaned in, pressing his keel bone to hers. Winged arms wrapping about her to caress her back and the bonds there. "Just untie you and let bygones be as we both flee into the woods? Perhaps come back with you to face whatever you had planned?"

His laugh was cold in her ear, "Don't be so naive." Shen rocked back onto his spurs and fixed her with a look, leaving most of her restraints on. "You want me to free you, fully free you, then you have to give me something, Chunnie. And you know what that is." He waved a wing at her to turn around.

She hesitated, staring at him in disbelief. "I can always just leave. We both know I'll have a better chance of escaping alone."

Feathers drooped as she shifted, talons scratching over the rough wood. Slowly, ashamedly, the peahen shifted herself until her chest was pressed to the floor. Bracing herself there as her rear lifted. Eyes closing tight as she gave in to the reality of what was happening.

Color him every version of surprised. Shen never would have imagined she'd readily present herself to him. Why he was almost drooling at the sight of her rear in the dim light. His hands were almost shaking as he gripped the base of her toy and pulled. Leaning in to watch as her vent was spread. Glistening folds sucking around the metal as he drew it out slowly. Only just able to hold back his purr as she was stretched about the thick toy, body jerking as it came free with a pop. "Oh my, you've got the big ones don't you?" A feather tracing the engraving and jade about the base, "Custom made just for you, huh? Kinky little hen has expensive tastes, doesn't she?"

The second ball was easier to remove. Her muscles pushing it out as Shen pulled on the silk cord. Shen catching it as it popped out seconds after the first. The last of her ben wa balls coming out an instant later with as much softer noise.

Shen's eyes lit up as he looked at her gaping vent, glistening in the low light and waiting for him. Winking with each contraction of her muscles, begging to be filled by something. And he had something made just for filling it up.

The leather cock ring came off with a tug. A relieved sigh bursting from him as the length throbbed, free after so long. Grasping her hip with one hand and the belt with the other, Shen wasted no time in lining up.


It took every ounce of control he had not to cry out in bliss as her warmth surrounded him. The peacock trembling as his cock readily sank into her prepared entrance. Only stopping as his hips pressed flush to hers. Lavishing in the feel of her warmth clenching about his base and hugging every last inch of his tapered cock. "Oh I am going to enjoy this, my dear." He shuddered as he pulled back, "To the first of many."

Chuntao ground her beak as the male rocked against her. Ready to suffer this humiliation if it meant freedom. Her insides trembling about his length as it fitted so nicely within her. Even with her climax earlier, she'd been teased by the balls all day and it was wonderful to have something solid within her. If the circumstances were different and the partner more agreeable, she could readily see herself enjoying the act as it went on. Though that didn't stop the familiar orgasmic bliss form rolling in her gut.

Not for long though. Shen had been effectively edged for a long time now. Each clench of her muscles, every rock of his hips grated on his nerves. It was so good it was painful. He huffed over her and stepped closer, feeling his finish building within him mere seconds after penetrating her. "Oh it won't be long..." he groaned and leaned over to nip at her neck. Eyes closed most of the way as pleasure shot up his spine. Racing through him like living lightning. Her form inviting him deeper, almost begging for his seed to come and seek out what was waiting. Chuntao's body pressing into his as she shuddered under him. Silent in the throws of her finish.

A hand closed about his base as his cock twitched, others grasping his shoulders. Shen cried out in a mix of anger, surprise, and frustration as he was pulled from the hen. Legs shaking with the force of his orgasm, cock being wrenched out of her before the first drop of his precious seed could find home within her. Cum splashing over her backside and the wagon's floor.

Eager as the peacock was to get off, he'd failed to notice how much he was rocking the wagon. Curious, the weasels had opened the door to find Shen in the midst of bliss and struck. Now he was seeing red. An anguished cry rising from his beak as the cold air washed over his cock. Length throbbing within the firm grip, body heaving with each pulse of his length. His precious seed being wasted on the ground like some overworked, energetic teenager that just discovered the joys of self-pleasure. It was no place for his royal semen to end up!

The hand on his cock fell away as the weasel cried out. Suffering the full brunt of the enraged peacock's kick. Chun twisted to watch as Shen struck, his movements graceful, savage, as he spun about the confined space and struck with wing and talon. Even weakened and weary as he was, the peacock was a formidable foe and highly trained warrior. The trio were no match for him.

Except that his legs were still shaking from the force of his long-denied climax. Cock so tender that even the air whipping about it as he kicked was enough to nearly make his legs buckle. Overly sensitive length twitching as more of his seed was released, adding to the mess on his own feathers and the floor. He tried to right himself, to correct this, but his foot landed in his poolof cum and skidded. Just a few inches, but it was enough to send his next kick wide. Shen crying out in frustration and rage as the weasels pounced and drove him to the floor.

Heavy ropes were pulled from anywhere the weasels could grab. Agile forms darting around the peacock as he tried to right himself. Legs still shaking as he was handily subdued again. Bound on his back on the wagon's floor. Glaring up at his captors as they knelt on his body.

One weasel straddling Shen's neck, forcing that metal muzzle back into place. "I told you to check the restraints," the leader snapped at one, slapping his head. "Nearly lost everything because of you."

The one pinned his ears back, "Sorry, boss. So what do we do now?"

Shen was hissing from where he was bound, the weasels securing him with every scrap of rope they had. "Plan's the same. He got off so he should be docile for a bit. Tie her up again and plug her. We don't want any accidents to happen."

Chuntao let out a muffled squawk and tried to fight, but her legs were weak, shaking from the intensity of her own orgasm. She was easier to restrain again, grunting as the balls were unceremoniously shoved back into place. The peahen bound into a seated position, practically sitting on top of Shen's body. Her groin mere inches from his still throbbing length. Watching as the last of his seed dribbled out to drool over her thigh.

The lead weasel snorted, "You keep watch on them. Wake him later tonight. Then you wake me. Got it."

"Yeah boss," the one that had ridden in back with them huffed as he sat down to watch. Shen groaning and rolling his eyes before settling in again. "What about this?"

"Put it back on him." The peacock jerking as the cock ring was fastened about his base. Length throbbing almost painfully as it was tightened down, lifting to full hardness again. Shen hissing and closing his eyes most of the way, glaring at the weasel that sat guard over them. Catching a look from Chuntao that lay all the blame of them still being captured at his feet. Shen just rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling with a sigh.

Getting Some Answers

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Opening Trade Negotiations

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Brave New Realm: Palace of Ice

It took nearly an hour before they reached their destination. A large, low marble structure on the opposite side of town from the catacombs. The Palace ofa Ice it seems. Guards hopping out as the carts stopped, helping the group out as needed. Yoren,...

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