Puzzle Heart - Chapter 2

Story by Fere_Ermelis on SoFurry

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It's Christmas and things in the Klaus/Scotty household aren't all hunky-dory... but they still have time for some hawt dawg-on-fox sex!

The closer we got to Christmas, the more things started to go downhill.

I don't want you to think that we fell out of love or anything, far from it. It's just that it was obvious that something was bugging the hell out of Klaus, and the stubborn dog wouldn't tell me. I guess the weather didn't help; or at least, it certainly didn't help me. And you'd be wrong in thinking that I was complaining about the cold or anything. It didn't seem cold enough to me. Far too mild and paws-damn rainy! I'm so used to the snow in drifts ten feet thick that I half expected the same once I moved to the other side of the world. Wrong again! Instead of my fur poofing up as usual, I just looked like a drowned rat the majority of the time. Caught a fair few colds too, sniffling and sneezing my way through tissues, cough drops and syrup like I was addicted to the fucking stuff.

I can't be sure, but I'm guessing my lack of energy running up to the end of the year also played a part in what happened just before all the celebrations began. Couldn't stop my nose from running, my paws ached, my chest hurt from coughing so much and, worst of all, I couldn't smell a thing! Now that's torture, especially when you live with a hunk of dog who is umbilically attached to his workout equipment no matter the time of year. Sweat is sweat is scent is sex is fucking amazing! But not for poor old Scotty. I'm starting to feel sorry for myself now; I'll stop.

Anyway, another early December day came and wet. Did I say wet? I meant went. See? It's impossible to escape the rain here. It's almost as though its intrinsic in the English psyche, so much so that you get drenched without even trying. I digress.

I had come home early cos' I had felt like death warmed-up. I nursed my way through a light lunch and snuggled into a blanket in front of the tv, trying desperately to find the highlights of the NFL. Sure I'm not the sportiest of foxes, but I was bound to see my Dad at some point again in the future, and I knew very well that the football-mad fox would quiz me and ask me what I thought about the latest results, transfers or injuries. It's quirky, difficult to understand and violent; but hey, if it keeps my Dad off of my tail, I'm willing to endure its various and nefarious acts on the big screen for an hour or two. The rain was still pounding down, sprinkling our huge floor-to-ceiling windows with copious raindrops that dribbled to their doom, many floors below. And boy was it dark! It was only like two in the afternoon, and it was already like dusk. Made you feel cold just looking at it all.

I had started to warm up and feel better, and I was in the kitchen when Klaus came home at about half five that evening.

"Hey baby!"

No answer; and the door had just been slammed too. This wasn't good!

"You OK? I'm just making coffee, you want a tea?"

Still nothing. All I could hear was angry panting, clothes being slung this way and that, and the smell of my mate soaked head to tail in dirty rainwater. I poked my head around the wall to see Klaus struggling with his necktie, eventually ripping it off in frustration before kicking at his briefcase. That slung the thing ten feet to the other side of our little lounge. Then down he went, sulked to an angry slump on our sofa, head in his paws and ears perked forward. He was pissed!

"B... baby? Are you OK?"

"I'm fine, would you just stop asking me please!?"

"Oh um... OK." I retired back to the kitchen after being told in no uncertain terms where I stood. Now I guess I don't learn from experience; or at least I hadn't then.

Like an idiot (apparently), I had prepared Klaus his favorite green tea and padded back out into the body of the flat. He was still sat there, seething with his paws clenched to his muzzle and head, almost as though he was trying to unscrew it from his neck.

"Here, I made you..."

"Didn't you hear me?! Paws above, Scott, I don't want any fucking drink!!"

That stare, that single vile glare was awful. It went straight through me, shaking me from tail to ears. He'd never yelled at me before, ever! And the first time was too much to take. Whilst initially stunned, I quickly put both drinks down on the coffee table and dashed away into the bedroom in floods of tears. I slung myself down in the dark of our room, bawling into the duvet. Admittedly, it was kinda cubbish of me, but in my own defense, I wasn't sure what - if anything - I had done wrong.

"Honey, I... I'm sorry." I heard him approach and push the door open, before standing in silhouette in the frame; tired, forlorn and still drying off, "I've... I've just had a really rough day at work and I... I'm real sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you or anything."

"You're... you... you're damn right you shouldn't have!" I was in no mood to placate.

"I... you're right." Klaus sighed sadly, his ears drooping now and head leant in guilt against the doorframe, "It's been a bad day to end a shitty week, and work is just pissing me off to the point where I'm growing to hate it."

"Th... that's no excuse to bring it home and ta.. take it out on me!" I sniffled and rolled over, gazing over at Klaus as I dried my eyes, "I've told you before not to bring it all home with you. I fucking hate that!"

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry." He padded on over to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Well if you know, w... why d..id you do it!?" I started to cry again, muzzle crumbling and trembling as I heard my lover fumble an excuse.

He was stumped now. Klaus turned and held his head downwards, ears droopy and tail completely still.

"Leave it all in the office, every bit of it, cos' I don't wanna come home to that or be here when you come home. Makes me feel unsafe and... unwanted. Like you don't really love me."

I hugged the pillow, head sideward into its volume to try and stifle the tears that were coming. I guess that last bit must have got to Klaus too. He turned around, a shocked look on his muzzle as I said it, eyes brimming with tears.

"I love you more than anything, Scott. Nothing will ever change that. I'm... I'm really sorry I made you feel that way." I could feel him move now, crawl over from his position and snuggle around me; but I wasn't in much of a mood for that and shrugged away, "please baby. Let me make it up to you. I promise I won't ever, ever yell at you again."

"Oh I know you won't." I sat up onto my knees, my tail in a false mid-hover as it lay across the bed.

"I'm sorry, honey. Please forgive me."

I must admit, it had shocked me how one so intelligent, kind and easygoing had snapped at the smallest thing - a trigger temper is one of my all-time pet hates. I was prepared to forgive him of course, but it didn't stop what had happened from hurting me deeply.

"'Course I forgive you. But I don't want to hear any more moods or anger about work or anything, especially if you're gonna' direct it at me. Cos' I might not look much, but I'm a pretty capable fox and I'm not above myself, no matter where I am in the world, to look out for number-one long-term. You understand?"

"I understand." He was well untruly clipped. The misplaced attitude had been checked and slung aside.

I wasn't about to carry out my threat; but he didn't know that. Am I awful and evil and controlling for saying something like that? I didn't think so. I'm pretty self-confident now, and ironically, that was Klaus's doing. No one but no one was gonna' make me feel uncomfortable or unsafe or unhappy any longer; and that included one like him.

I'm making it sound real serious; well, it was paws-damnit!

"There... there's the Christmas party next week." He murmured sadly, turning to sit on the very edge of the mattress and staring at the floor with his paws between his knees, "I was kinda hoping that you'd be my date."

I smiled, shuffling up behind him and kissing each of those rather sad, dagger ears. The smell of musty, rainsoaked fur, sweat and tea were strong around Klaus. Hang on a minute! Tea?

"Thank you for the drink, honey." It was another drawn mumble that begged for forgiveness. I had had to have had a tail of cold, hard stone to have ignored him at that point.

"You're welcome baby" I soothed, nibbling on my dobe's left ear, "and I would love to come to the party with you."

Problem solved.

Now as you might or might not remember, I'm pretty shy in big crowds; but I promise you one thing. I wasn't wearing a dress this time! I kinda wanted to, but you know what it's like being secretly gay in a big company, especially when you were taking it under the tail from the boss every night and every day. Needless to say, we went to the party together but separately, if you know what I mean.

I had spent all of the early evening after work on Friday getting ready; brushing my tail 'til it was just the smoothest wag of auburn fur, selecting and de-selecting constantly from my formal and not so formal walk-in wardrobe... and scents! Paws almighty, what on this great earth would I wear?!

"I don't want to come across as slutty or available, but I also don't want to be a stuffy-ass fox either." I was stood in the bedroom in my favorite open-necked navy shirt and posh black trousers, bugging the hell out of Klaus who was still in his skimpy underwear, "so blu-dog,earz'n'tailz or Re(a)d like a book? What do you think?"

I was standing there, biting my bottom lip as I stared at each bottle lain comfortably on our bed. I can get so messed-up over the simplest decisions. Then Klaus pads over with this sly grin on his muzzle, turning me around and putting those strong paws on my hips.

"Be my slutty, dirty little American fox." Oh man, that whisper. My pants - sorry, trousers - suddenly got a little tighter.

"Blu-dog then?"

"Blue huh? You know that's how my dick'll be by the end of the night, craving to give you somethin' unnatural... filthy... and naughty."

Fuck me, he's a horny devil! I didn't know what he had planned, but count me the fuck in! After a lot of deep kissing and petting, trying to get me dirty again after our nice long shower and be so tremendously late to the party, we left. Alfred had offered to take us right to the door from our flat, and we were more than grateful considering... yep, you've guessed it! It was fucking pouring with rain again.

We made it just as the festivities had kicked into high gear. The party was for everyone at the firm, and they'd chosen the office space near the top of the Gherkin for our yearly celebration. I made myself known first and padded over to the drinks, ears flopped to try and stifle the very loud music and chatter whilst trying to converse with a colleague or two who'd made it through the rain. Klaus spent a while in the reception area before coming on up; and he'd promised not to chat up Tina this time, the admittedly very pretty Alsatian clerk who was an old flame of his.

"Oh boy, the times we had under that desk!"

"Do I really wanna know?" I shook my head and giggled as I buried my muzzle into some delicious mulled wine.

"Ah you'd get a kick outta watchin' us."

"I'll pass, thanks!" I padded away to leave my darling mate to chat the night away with a few tails from corporate and cleaning.

Heck we were all friends here, no matter the hierarchy.

I'll give it one thing (or at least I did at this moment in time); it was a very open-minded, accepting company. I can be so fucking naïve sometimes, I really can! But hey, for the moment, I was really enjoying myself and hoo boy had I had a little too much wine. And it was only about an hour in at that! Such a lightweight.

With my paper Christmas crown at a jaunty angle - as corrupt an angle as I was standing at that point - my paws juggled a couple of nommy mince pies as I enjoyed the lightshow of the DJ, the reflections of a happy group of tails coming from the huge glass windows, and the smell of contentment. Dry, rainless comfort, where everybody could get soaked on the inside rather than the outside. S'not that I dislike musty fur. I just prefer sweat and musk; but I'm guessing that's old news to you by now.

Speaking of getting soaked internally, I haven't even got to the best bit. I think I must've caught eyes with Klaus across the crowded room at about eleven o'clock or so, like two tail-struck lovers meeting gazes for the first time. The party was still buzzing, but I was well and truly _buzzed_if you catch my drift. Was it the wine talking? Nah! It was me. All me. I'm just like that; so sue me!

Whether I looked away for a second or something - or perhaps I had another "forbidden" sip of that really strong false-aperitif - but Klaus was suddenly right up by my side.

"You enjoyin' yourself baby?" He kept his eyes forward, stood side-on to me as he finished his own very colourful cocktail; smelled of vodka, tequila, and citrus... oooo and musk too. He has such expensive tastes!

"I..." One hiccup later I composed myself and shook my head to compose myself, "I really am."

"You wanna' take things up a notch?"


And now he turns to me with this sinful grin on his muzzle, and beckons me with a wag of a paw. Fighting dizziness and a full stomach, I followed his nubby little tail through the hustle and bustle, out into the comparably cool corridor. I stop for a second to catch my breath and restart my senses in this oasis of fresh breeze.

"You alright honey?" Klaus giggles and puts a comforting paw around my shoulders.

"Yeah... y..yeah I'm cool." I had leant my weight into the wall, eyes closed and insensible smile on my muzzle; bubbles popping around my head just like in the cartoons. You know what I'm getting at!

"Come on you. I've gotta' give you your early Christmas present."

So he grabs my paw and practically yanks me down towards the elevator (sorry - lift. It's taking me time to get used to all these strange words), dragging me into a cuddle as we ascend towards the very top of the building.

"You've had a fair few tonight 'aven't you!?"

I just nod and nuzzle my nose into his chest. He was wearing that real sleek black buttoned, long-sleeved shirt, pushed out to the very summit of fashionable by a pair of fur-tight dark denims.

"Where we goin'?"

"You know that conference room we're refurbishing?" He pets me across the ears as he says it, making me purr.

"Uh, yeah... I guess."

"Great view from up there you know!" Oh paws above, there's that look again; and a wink too. Fuck, he has the best and most sinful ideas ever.

So the lift comes to a halt and we pad on out, paw-in-paw now as no one but no one was around. Everyone else was still enjoying the party. We still creep along like two naughty schoolcubs sneaking out of class for a sneaky cigarette behind the bike sheds. It's a pretty non-descript interior if I'm honest. The corridors are like any other the world over; grey, monotonous and liable to get you lost if you didn't work there. But on the outsides, it's amazing, with every floor offering superb views of the city; and nearing on midnight, we slunk into one of the deserted offices at the very end of the hallway. It had been stripped of furnishings, save for an old photocopier and a plasterer's bench, and was undergoing a repaint and remodel, so there was fuck all in there; just me, Klaus and the stunning, orange-speckled view of England's largest metropolis.

Not that I got to admire the floor-to-ceiling spectacular for all that long! My partner in "crime" took my right paw as my eyes had fixated on the London Eye and Westminster and all that hurrying, scurrying traffic many feet below us, before quickly lifting me up to sit on the old copier machine. I sat there with a rather inane giggle - I was still a little worse-for-wear remember - before Klaus shut me up with a long deep kiss that sproinged my dick to tent my smart, black trousers.

"You're naughty!" I murmured, pulling out of the kiss as I peddled my footpaws like a cub atop my impromptu throne, caressing the side of my powerful lover's muzzle.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet!" There was another deep-throated growl rumbling through Klaus's chest as he reached forward again, and kept me quiet with fathomful, tongued kisses.

And now his paws were unbuttoning my shirt and tossing it aside, before he rounded on himself and whipped off that very posh clothing of his. The smell and taste of his breath was wrought with liquor, currants, citrus and leaves, a potent mix that had me moaning for more, allowing him full access down across my throat and chest. I was exposed as the pent-up, desperate fox I was in that very moment. Sure, I'd had a few drinks, but it didn't stop my senses from working. I had been gazing at those sausages-on-sticks all night and sighing like a dreamy, girly fox. I'm so bad!

The air had been full of drying paint, toner, dust and cold window glass when we walked in. We'd now scratched it all away like a giant lotto card. Scratch and sniff are my favorite by the way! Pushing all that industrial odour aside, we replaced it with heated tail, sweat and salty, vaguely chloric precum. Klaus decided enough was enough with the photocopier, and he picked me up by my rump, tail left to dangle down with footpaws wrapped about his waist, and carried me over towards the huge windows; and paws damn him, there was an old duvet and a couple of pillows on the floor!

"You sly thing! You planned this, didn't you?!"

"You can read me like a book." He grinned and kissed me again, making me harder and harder. Not that I was the only one feeling the effects.

I remembered what he'd said before we came out, about being blue in the dick; well it was true from what I could feel, a huge poking hard-on dabbing against my still-trousered ass as he carried me to the floor. The sounds of nothing but the beat of the music from several storeys below us, combined with the rough pant of my special stud dog as he stripped me out of my clothes, leaving me butt naked and lying on the rather thin material. Klaus didn't waste any time staring; he got back to his feet and unzipped, letting his jeans fall to the floor before sending his undies the same way. Now my nose got hit by a glorious waft of cooped-up canine, that beautifully horrid loin smell that so turned me on; and by this stage, I had blocked everything out.

Oh, that is apart from the very appropriate music now thumping through the floors; it was I want your sex by the one and only George Michael!

"I always loved this song!" Klaus grinned as he got down to his knees and sunk between my legs, ushering me to wrap them around his waist, "great to fuck to."

He was dripping wet and raging hard, and all I wanted was his sex; a thick, masculine arm of red-blood muscle that could only ever give me nothing but the best and most explicit pleasure. I wanted it so bad that I blocked out the initial pain and slung myself head-on into his unbelievably rough and deep thrusts. I'd never felt so full in my life, and we'd been together like a year and more!

He slowed down as we stared into each other's eyes, rocked gently back and forth by the movement of his muscular hips, rushing my fur in rhythm against the sleeping-bag-cum-blanket. I think we were gradually moving across the floor, such were our throes. I started to snarl at him, beg for more, digging my claws into his shoulders as he pounded me harder and harder.

"Oh Klaus.... Oh baby! Oh fuck me, f...fuck me harder!"

"Grrrrrrr, you...y ... you like your present baby?"

"Ohhh yes, yes! I want more, I want more.... Screw me, bad dog!"

It was only then that I felt Klaus slow to a stop, his dick still hilted to the bollocks in my ass, as his paws rounded the middle and small of my back to pick me up into his lap.

"Mmmmmm" He grinned at me, my surprised look at sitting, straddling whilst impaled, all the more reason to continue until my muzzle was wiped of anguish, angst and need; foxie needed teaching a good, rough lesson.

And the rhythm started again, my hips rolling across his dick as we sat there, the sparkling night joining us in the reflections in the windows as everything started to come to the best and most amazing end. I wanted his end to explode, rupture inside of me and pump me full of everything he had stored up. I knew how full he was. I could see those bollocks tightening. I could smell how much he wanted to fuck the living daylights out of his cocksleeve of a fox! I relish that now, cos' Klaus is so frickin' amazing in bed. I don't mind feeling his length thrilling ever inch of my innards to the point of delusion. My only wish was to be able to witness what it was like at the very heart of my bowels as he loaded me up with hot, fecund seed. C'est la vie! I guess I'll just have to settle for the mind-blowing pleasure he delivered every single moment that he was a part of my body, pushing and rubbing against my prostate in this forbidden, work-tired room.

I get so blinded by his power and all-encompassing paws, that I tend to block out anything and everything going on around me; and heck, we were alone, many floors up and gazed upon only by the twinkling, earthbound orange of a glowing, bustling city. But this time, ah, this time, we would soon realize that privacy was almost impossible to come by.

Klaus had his claws in my rump, whilst I'd dug mine into his sides to get the best grip to ride him out, push over and onto the storm to get myself soaked. I'd stopped my whining and moaning, and was now concentrating on reaching that beautiful end together, feeling his knob grow hotter and harder as it slipped in and out of me at a friction-rich, agonizing pace.

"Baby, I'm... I'm there, I'm... I can't hold on much longer." I whimpered it like a horny little bitch, and by this time I had pulled my own tail around myself to clasp it between my jaws like the wooden spoon to the pain of birth, "I don't thin... think I can hang on."

"Grrrrrrrr! Hfff, hfff... mmmmmm" That's all he said, Klaus bearing his teeth as he stared into my eyes for a few seconds before relishing the sight of my cock starting to bob between us. It hid away the source of our mutual bliss beneath wet tail, and between musky, pent-up loins. Made me all the more frisky to feel it instead of see it, knowing that I'd be his in but seconds time.

And it just grew from there, the pace harder and harder and harder, Klaus's paws pulling me down onto his dick, letting it pulse and throb as it pierced me to my very centre. Oh paws above, I was delirious by this point, not ever believing that he could bury himself that deep inside of me, nor give me this level of attention, blood, sweat and spunk.

His hot, wet liquid... oh fuck, I wanted it so bad. I yelped out loud as I felt my balls tighten before a single, sweat-soaked strand of my dobe's belly fur tickled against the twitching frenulum of my poor, crying, needy cock; and that was it, I just couldn't hold back, and I.... I....


"AgghhhhhhhhOoooooooooooooh FUUUUUCK!!" Voice goes up then down, then viciously up again as my ultimate awkwardness comes true in the blinding light of night.

My head turned towards the door like a flower to the sun, my voice not even close to being normal or passive. It lilted across the shock, choking between sheer bliss and surprise, gurgled and muzzle-tremblingly embarrassed.

You can imagine my surprise - and hopefully forgive my bodily needs - when I tell you that what I saw had drawn me away from my lover for that split second, and laid open my usually very astute and professional conscience to be cut into little bits. Teency wincy little bits! This small crowd had appeared in the lemony, milky light of the corridor, gazing in at us with a mix of horror, giggles and blushes. And there was just no way of me stopping myself from coming, the pleasure of orgasm overwhelming my senses whilst having to deal with the shock of being caught red-pawed, naked and riding thick inches of raw meat - my boss's meat at that!

Our boss's dick, their loss my gain... oh who am I kiddin', I was frickin' mortified!

"Uhhhhh" It was the whole fuckin' legal team from the third floor, lead by Rupert who seemed a little worse for wear; but muzzles, noses and tongues and whatever else they were using to judge us in that moment, never lied.

Klaus though was still seemingly oblivious, lost in his pleasure. No but no one would take him away from his volcanic end.

"Mmmmmm, oh fuck yeah! That's it, take it,... take it all, you dirty, girly little fox!"

"Um, baby?"

"Mmmm yeah." He had leant his head over my shoulder, panting as he pumped me full, kneeling upward to extend that first cumshot as deep into me as he could, before relaxing back, "that was fuckin' incre..."

And it was now that I physically took a hold of his muzzle with both paws, looked him in the eyes and shifted my own sight sideward so that he would realize we were being watched.

"What? What's wr.... Oh fuck me, paws above!" He scrambled, almost chucking me away and launching himself towards his trousers, left strewn on the carpet as we had begun our little contra-temps.

"We uh,... we'll leave you guys to um... uh yeah, we'll uh just uh..." And then the door was shut.

To be honest, even though I sat there on the carpet, barefurred with oodles of cum seeping from my very satisfied tailhole, it was funny to see the legal team brought back to earth with a hump... I mean bump, sorry! Slip of the tongue. The look on Rupert's muzzle, and David's too was just priceless. That sobered 'em up pretty quick! But Klaus was sat frozen still on the floor but feet from me, his eyes wide and trained to the door from where, but moments before, we had been the subject of much surprised audience.

"Are... are you ok?" I crawled over to him, kneeling beside my big stud and putting my paws around his rather slumped form.

"Uh, yeah... yeah I'm cool." He shook his head and opened and closed his eyes a couple of times, before turning over his shoulder to smile at me, "are... are you? I mean, I'm real sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry about what?"

"Well, not giving you the finish you deserved, and... well... not choosing the most private of venues."

His ears had pinned and he now seemed so sad, almost regretful.

"Hey!" I nibbled his right ear, nosing gently at his muzzle to get him smilin' again, "I really enjoyed it. And actually I kinda liked the thrill of hiding away, humpin' and gettin' caught. I... I kinda liked it."


"Mhm." I sat back on my haunches, tail outstretched to allow my rump room to dry, paws on my thighs, "and besides..."

I grinned and paused as I turned over onto all fours, and waggled my used rump at his keen nose.

"I'm still all sticky!" I growled at him now from over my left shoulder, raising my tail to his talent and hoping against hope that he would finish off the night with something extra dirty.

Hoo boy was I not held in suspense! If there's one thing I can give my mate, he's never bashful and never dwells (too much) on disappointments, let-downs or embarrassing turn-arounds. Oh man, his tongue just froze me to that carpet, making me cross-eyed as he delved into my lubricated depths to taste his own spunk, whilst a paw felt between me to get me off again.

Klaus has that insatiable appetite for fox, used or otherwise, virgin or experienced, pummeled or fresh from the fields of our very richest creed.

I could sense and smell the musk of his cum and my ass on his muzzle for days afterward. Ah, such wonderful times!

And don't get the wrong idea. This was my destiny. He'd just shown me the door and pulled me right on through. I was the fox I'd always longed to be.