Refined Kryptonian Dream

Story by Pupa the Wandering Fae on SoFurry

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The Ones that Escaped before the fall

A Kryptonian Scientist and Toymaker who saw the the application of Brainiac as a threat to the very existence to Krypton; Tiz La-Da plead with the counsel to shut it down, which all cries fell on deaf ears due to his chosen profession, the Toy maker went to Jor-El and warned his friend of this, Jor-El told him "Tiz, I respect your concerns, and if you look into this matter further and bring me a more detailed report, I will look into it further, but right now I cannot help you with this. I am too busy trying to stop the drilling into our core to worry about this, our planet is in grave danger of literally breaking apart. I'm sorry.", feeling ignored and isolated the toy maker decided to build a ship in secret, one to keep his wife and unborn daughters safe to flee Krypton as fast and as far as they can, forty years later, a crash in Aokigahara, Japan wakes the two up, as quickly as they wake Zeloara Seh-Kum-Da goes into labor, as best he could his wife passed during the birthing process of the two now Kryptonian-Earthlings, two daughters he named Mo'Ri Zor-Da and Aym'E Zor-Da, next few years seem to be very prosperous for the Kryptonian, he raised two head strong daughters, one loving of the Technology and Sciences, the other loving of the arts and Music, he moved his girls to the United States where he started up his own video gaming and toy company, one daughter seemed to drift away from her new home in Boston, Massachusetts and the other found a simpler life as a manager at a comic book shop and a college student at Boston University, years go by, they lived in hiding from the other two Kryptonians who used their powers for good, which arrives us here... My dumbass sister had to make a fool of her self when both of'em were off world taking the GOD DAMN PRESIDENT HOSTAGE, I mean I didn't vote for him, but I ain't going to have conservative nut job and every left wing moron trying to get every one of us aliens outed just cause she has some sort of half baked idea stuck in her brain about way this country should be ran, So Amy and I clashed took three hours to hold her down, dumbasses even shot both of us with .50 caliber rounds, all it did was piss her off, only way she was brought down is when Superman; Son of Jor-El distracted her just by being there, quick clean punch to the back of the head rendering her unconscious long enough to get her ARGUS detention center for Metas, lucky for us they had foresight to build a Red Sun prison cell... And obviously Kal-El and Kara Zor-El aren't too happy to find out there have been three undocumented Kryptonians right under their noses.

Refined Kryptonian Dream (OC Elseworld)

The Ones that Escaped before the fall A Kryptonian Scientist and Toymaker who saw the the application of Brainiac as a threat to the very existence to Krypton; Tiz La-Da plead with the counsel to shut it down, which all cries fell on deaf ears due to...

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Daily Bugle

# Spider-Girl: Hero or Menace! Story by: Karen Page Photos by: Edward Brock This is a question that seems to be buzzing across everyone's lips these days. Is Spider Girl really here to help us? Or, is she using her anonymity to further whatever...

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