Tales From Dragon Heaven - Research Project (1/2)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#18 of Dragon Heaven

Shawn finds himself finding out more about Dr. Jiro as he invites him into his home. It turned out that the white-scaled rubber creature was quite the botanist and he was more than happy to show him a few samples of his work.

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Shawn whistled to himself as he made his way through the lounge of Dragon Heaven, stretching out his rubberized body as he left The Aviary after another successful weekend as a dragon slave. With it being the start of the week the club was starting to cool down from its festivities, even the hardcore rubber dragons like himself likely sleeping in their own dens. That didn't mean that there weren't others still milling around the space, Shawn nodding to a few regulars that he had seen before one in particular caught his eye. It wasn't hard to see the brilliantly white latex creature as he sipped his tea and read on his tablet, Jiro's eyes wandering over to where Shawn was coming up to him as a smile crossed his muzzle.

"Well if it isn't the prodigal dragon," Jiro said as he put down the tablet and motioned for Shawn to sit down opposite him. "Please, have a seat. I take it you had a rather successful couple of nights in your little playhouse?"

"Yeah, you can say that for certain," Shawn replied as he was given a cup of tea from the other dragon. "I haven't really seen you around ever since I snapped out of those drugs that you gave me that made me think I was some sort of feral beast. I still have those in my clan showing me the video of me acting silly on stage for the amusement of others."

Jiro chuckled and nodded as he watched Shawn sip the tea. "That creature was inside you, all I did was help coax him out," he mused. "You'd be surprised the advances that we're making up there in The Aviary, and it's all thanks to helpful volunteers such as yourselves. The data I gleaned from you alone was able to help me create a better mixture in order to bring about a better state of suggestion."

"I'm glad to be of such service," Shawn replied before growing slightly more serious. "Now stop me if I'm getting too personal, but I've been wondering... are you really a researcher, like with an actual doctorate or something like that? I just ask because I know there are some here that like to play certain roles and I'm just making sure you're not really into this persona that you've created for the medical wing of the Aviary."

"I assure you that the doctor in my name has been very well deserved," Jiro replied with a wink. "I have a number of different projects here and in my house, both personal and business. In fact... if you aren't too tired from the night's activities I could show you them if you'd like. My place isn't too far from here and I'm sure we could find something that you might like to see."

Shawn could feel himself blush slightly as the other rubber dragon looked at him in anticipation of his answer. "Are you sure?" He finally replied. "While there was nothing that I would like more than to see the den of such an accomplished creature such as yourself I don't want to impose. I mean I'm just stoked that you let us get involved with you in the medical wing of The Aviary."

The white rubber dragon waved him off and dismissed any imposition that Shawn thought he might give him, stating that he enjoyed Shawn's company and wouldn't mind hanging out with him some more. Shawn agreed wholeheartedly then and after sending a text to Conrad and Mitch to not wait up for him he followed the researcher to his car. By this point the sun was starting to rise and the light had just started to filter through the city while they walked over to the sedan that Jiro owned. Once they got there Jiro took the driver's seat and together the two drove through the nearly empty streets back to the Eastern dragon's place.

About fifteen minutes later Shawn was surprised when they showed up to a small warehouse building that was just on the edge of the downtown district. The whole area had been completely renovated, including the building itself as they closed the doors and walked inside. When they started to walk up he wasn't really sure what to expect when he walked through the front door of the warehouse, and what he saw caused him to gasp in awe and shock.

While Shawn had a house that had been remodeled to look like a crystalline cave it held nothing to what he just walked into before. The entire area was covered in thick, heavy rubber walls that gave him the feel that he was really in a cave. Though Jiro gave him the grand tour and told him he had things like electricity and running water he could hardly tell that this wasn't some cave in the middle of the forest. It definitely wasn't what he had expected, part of him thought that such an innovation focused guy would have an entire area full of technology but instead it was the absolute barest of necessity. When they had gotten to the area where Jiro mixed all his chemicals he found that instead of test tubes and other things of that nature there was something else entirely.

"You really like plants it seems," Shawn said as he pet the vines that grew along the tables, the rubber plants forming into receptacles that held a number of chemicals.

"Well a combination of rubber and plants helped me far more then dealing with unyielding glass or metal implements," Jiro replied as he cradled one of the larger flowers in his hands. "And yes, I do have a love of the flora world, especially when I hybridized it with some of the rubber that is similar to these suits of ours. In fact if you don't mind keeping a secret I can show you something that I've been cooking up for another addition to both The Aviary and the tavern they might be setting up for the general public."

"I kind of imagined that you didn't just invite me over to your place for a night cap," Shawn explained with a smirk as he looked at the various liquids swirling around the clear latex vines. "Is this the concoction that you used on me when I first came to you?"

"Yes, among others that I've been mixing as well," Jiro replied as he shifted one of the leaves in order to send the liquid it had accumulated down another vine to mix with a second one. "And to answer your other question you are indeed correct, I did not just bring you here to show you around and to gloat... though I do very much enjoy gloating. I know how much you enjoyed your time in my care and like I said I have a number of new innovations that Dragon Heaven wants to include in a new premium area specifically for VIP clientele, but considering the rather exotic nature of these new attractions they want me to have test subjects in order to make sure that they're safe for the general public. We don't want to damage the sterling reputation of the club or the dragons within that we've worked so hard to build."

Shawn just nodded, his tail eagerly wagging behind him as they walked deeper into the cave. Though Jiro remained coy about exactly what was happening to the blue and red latex dragon he knew that given his previous experience at his hands it was going to be something very fun. When they got to one edge of the cave the tunnel they had been walking down gave way to something else, the natural rubber stone texture transitioning to metal and glass. When they walked through the greenhouse Shawn marveled at the contents of it while Jiro explained how the glass was one-way to keep prying eyes from seeing his experiments.

As the two rubber dragons walked down the designated path Shawn could see the large rubber flowers already begin to stretch towards him. He gasped in awe as he saw a particularly large rose unfurl its pedals when they got close to him, and though he was tempted to reach out and touch it Jiro leaned forward and whispered that perhaps he should look around a bit before making his choice. As he backed away the white rubber dragon explained that particular latex flower would wrap him up in those pedals and form into a sort of suspended vac-rack, which though tempting was something that Shawn had quite a bit of experience in already as they continued on.

While the two continued down the path Shawn was still amazed at how many different varieties of rubber flowers that he had cultivated and the various abilities that they had. From transforming them into a similar flower to taking control of their body to turning the rubber creature into goo there were so many choices of giant flowers that he was having a hard time deciding which one to test. Finally though there was one particularly unique giant flower that he wanted to try, the two heading towards a giant tulip that towered over them. Once they got to the plot the rubber plant seemed eager to meet Shawn, drooling a bit of the sap as the blue and red dragon continued to reach out to it.

"It appears that you two are already starting to connect rather swimmingly," Jiro said as Shawn was finally able to touch the synthetic petal and found his hand sticking to the sap that completely coated it. "Now I have something that I need to go take care of, I'm sure this big guy is going to take really good care of you while I'm gone. Have fun you two!"

Shawn turned his head and watched the white and green striped dragon disappear from the greenhouse area as he felt himself getting lifted up. With nothing to hold onto or pull himself with he could only be taken along for the ride as the flower began to swing him upwards. When it was completely erect once more the rubber petal flipped Shawn over to the other side, the rubber dragon tumbling down into the bowl formed by the flower as he continued to get covered in the sticky substance. By the time he stopped rolling he found himself near the trunk-like stalk as he slowly got to his feet.

As the blue and red dragon looked around he found himself completely trapped by the towering petals that surrounded him and it wasn't long before more shiny green rubber vines pushed their way out of the center of the flower. Shawn tried to move but the sticky sap that was continuing to accumulate on him made it hard to do anything when it came to getting out of the flower itself, but the vines themselves had no such problem and it wasn't long before they wrapped around his wrists and ankles before dragging him back. Though he began to feel himself falling the plant actually continued to keep him upright while a fifth rubber vine slid up the middle of his back and coiled its way around his neck.

"Definitely starting to see the appeal of this plant," Shawn managed to say before the tip of the tentacle that had slithered over his face pushed his way into the front of his muzzle while the rest of it wrapped around his maw to keep it closed. The results was the plant dictating the pressure of his tongue and mouth while it continued to slide its way into it and began to wiggle around inside. Shawn's body began to tense as he felt another pair of vines slide up around his legs, each one coiling around his thighs in a spiral pattern before they reached his groin. Their target, which Shawn could have easily guessed, was around his groin as he let out a muffle gasp when they reached them.

But they didn't go in right away, Shawn's restrained body twitched slightly as he felt those slick appendages tease both his tailhole and his slit. While they didn't go away it was enough to distract him from the vine that was shoved into his maw, at least until something gushed out of the tip and went straight down his throat. It was something sweet with the faint hint of rubber to it and almost instinctively his body began to thrash against his restraints as the tentacle in his mouth swelled to prevent a drop from leaving his muzzle. Despite this a few drops of the honey-scented liquid did manage to escape from the corner of his mouth and dribble down his scales, the clear nectar the same consistency as the sticky rubber sap on the tulip's petals as Shawn's stomach continued to get filled.

Whatever drug or chemical that happened to be in the strange nectar quickly began to do its work as Shawn felt his libido spike, his thrashing turning to writhing in pleasure as he felt his latex scales grow more sensitive by the second. Even without the vine's help he could feel his cock stiffening, pushing out into the open air where the latex plant tentacle was ready to meet it. As soon as the head was exposed the vine opened and pushed itself down on it which caused Shawn to buck his hips forward. When the vine pushed back it not only engulfed more of his emerging maleness but also caused the vine that was behind him to finally make a move on his backside, stretching the synthetic hole open before pushing its way in. The rubber dragon could feel his mind begin to glaze over as the lust of the moment quickly overtook him, the plant expertly stroking his body with several more vines while the ones in his orifices rubbed every sensitive spot he had... spots that felt like they were growing with every second.

As more of the rubbery nectar was pumped into him, aided by the vine in his mouth pushing in further until his throat had started to stretch, his entire body was becoming highly aroused with the lightest of touches. The smaller vines that flicked across his rubber scales was like the most sensual stroke of a trained latex hand before they backed away and left him only with his bindings around his wrists and ankles. At first Shawn thought he was going to get a break as his overstimulated body continued to quiver while the vines held him there, but as he looked up he knew that wasn't the case as a particularly large vine began to hover over his head. Before the rubber dragon could even do anything the leaking rubber plant vine unleashed a torrent of the sticky sap on him like a firehose as he was forced to stand there and take it.

By this point Shawn had cum more than once into the vine that had suctioned onto his rubber cock from the combination of his chemically-induced lust plus the vines mimicking the thrusting into his throat and tailhole, but when he started to get coated with the tar-like sap it was like he had been transported to a whole different realm of pleasure. With the sticky liquid thickly covering every inch of his body it was like he had been stroked from head to toe and with every drip that fell off of him and every shift that happened in the sap itself that feeling seemed to intensify. He realized that he had gotten a lot of slack on the vines that had wrapped around him, though now his limbs were being stuck together by a completely different source as his hips bucked up in the air once more. The rubber dragon couldn't do anything now but hump into the air with the vine on his member and wiggle, the pleasure so intense that he couldn't do anything but focus on his orgasms that seem to come faster and faster.

Even though Shawn was a virile rubber dragon he knew that he should have ran dry by now, but whether it was due to the chemicals themselves or a side effect of his hyper-sensitive body he couldn't even tell. He couldn't even think anymore, his mind completely sunk beneath the waves of pleasure that crashed against him as he came once again. This load was even bigger than the last few and it seemed to get directly fed by the nectar being pumped into his body. He didn't even realize that the vines around his ankles were slowly drawing his sap-covered body towards the center of the tulip. Before he had gotten drowned in both sap and pleasure he did wonder why this flower didn't have a pistil, now even though he was unable to comprehend it he could see why as he got to the middle of it and the green latex began to push its way up his feet.

With his feet secured the rubber dragon began to feel dozens of smaller vines crawl their way up his sticky body, forming into a lattice pattern while they bound around his shins and thighs. When the smaller tendrils had completely enveloped around his lower body the vines that had been around his ankles retreated away from them. With the latex plant tendrils continuing to crawl up his thighs and lower back the green rubber that had encased his feet began to push up as well. With the aid of the thick sap that still oozed over his body the thick sheet of latex followed the tendrils up his knees. At this point even with the lust that had overwhelmed him Shawn suddenly had a feeling of clarity and looked down just in time to see the tendrils go up to his chest, while the tentacles on his cock and in his mouth and tailhole pulled out of him and retreated.

Shawn panted heavily as he recovered from the pounding he got from the rubber plant vines but the lull of stimulation was short lived as the solid green shiny latex pushed its way further up past his knees and towards his groin. Instead of vines wrapping around his limbs and causing him pleasure it was thousands of tiny cilia-like fibers that were on the inside of the rubber that was enveloping him. Even without the sap and the tendrils that had now started to work on his arms, which had been released from the vines and stuck to his sides by the sap for some time, he couldn't bend his knees even as he wanted to. Once more his throbbing member was completely encased, only now the fibers that had wiggled over his covered body caused him to squirm once again.

When the rubber dragon tried to reach down to rub against the smooth bulge of green latex that was his groin, able to see it visibly throbbing even with the thick material covering it, only to realize that the tendrils had reached his hands. Shawn had unknowingly opened his palms and had pressed them flush against his hips, and now there was no way he was pulling them away as the plant tendrils had already grown up them. Shawn's head rolled back slightly as he found himself fully restrained, losing track of everything as his arms were completely adhered to the rest of his latex-bound body...

A few hours later Jiro returned with tablet in hand as he walked up to the giant rubber tulip, which immediately began to bend down when he motioned for it to do so. Once it had leaned down completely he saw Shawn in the middle of the flower with green rubber from the neck down and a glazed look in his eyes. "Looks like you've been having a good time," the white dragon said as he palmed the swollen bulge in the front of the green rubber. "Tell me Shawn, how are you feeling."

"So intense..." Shawn said as a few drips of clear rubber nectar drooled from his mouth. "The pleasure... it's everywhere. It's... changing me..."

"Good, good," Jiro said as he made his notes. "It's curious that you could actually feel the changes that you are experiencing, when I originally created this plant I wanted the fact that it causes you to replace its pistil to be somewhat of a surprise. That is what's happening to you by the way, the rubber and cilia that you felt around your rubber scales is the plant actually fusing to the latex of your body. That makes the latex that is exposed like I'm rubbing your actual body, something that I want to make sure directly translates into pleasure for you."

All Shawn could do was let out a gurgle in bliss as Jiro began to rub his paws over his tubular body. Even with the thick rubber that surrounded him to give the illusion that he was some sort of pistil every deft stroke of his fingers translated into a huge amount of blissful sensation. Though the dragon was fused from neck to toe, when Jiro tickled over his rear he could feel the rubber tentacle that had pushed its way into Shawn's tailhole in order to continue to provide extended pleasure. As Shawn struggled to retain his faculties amidst the lust he could feel Jiro slide up and around his neck, the loose folds of the pistil's latex getting pushed away to reveal that there was no space between his neck and the green rubber. The fusion became very apparent when Jiro ran his fingers in the solid piece of rubber between scale and plant before taking one hand and summoning a tentacle with it.

"So I informed your fellow clanmates that you are here with me helping out and they were all for it," Jiro informed the dazed rubber dragon as the feeder vine curled briefly around his wrist before he guided it into the dragon's muzzle once again. "Since I have you for a while I don't think you'll mind a day or two feeding my little flower and providing me with more data. Of course that means you need just a little bit more work before you're completely ready, something that I'll have to remember to put into the next batch of flowers as an automatic process."

Shawn wasn't quite sure what Jiro meant by that until he felt the latex tentacle once more push its way into his mouth, except instead of just staying in his mouth and playing with his tongue it immediately began to push its way down into his throat. With the combination of the nectar that had already coated his latex insides and the slick rubber of the vine it slid easily down into him as Jiro grabbed the loose rubber of the pistil. As the tentacle continued to spread Shawn's muzzle open he brought up the bright green rubber and used it to cover over the head of the dazed dragon. There was nothing that he could do but watch as his head was completely encased, at least before he could before the latex sheet was pulled over his head into a hood and drawn up past his muzzle.

Once Jiro had finished molding the green rubber around the dragon's maw into an O shape he pressed it to the feeding tentacle, watching as the tiny tendrils reached out and fused the two pieces together. With the last of Shawn's head completely covered he was nothing more than a vaguely draconic lump that was inside the middle of the tulip's pistil. Even though the rubber dragon inside of it was completely restrained it still wiggled a bit, especially when Jiro rubbed his entire body against it. He could still hear Shawn groaning slightly and then the bulge pressed against his abs throbbed hard, a probable indicator that the captured creature had blown yet another load.

Jiro pulled away from the bound dragon and grabbed his tablet, making sure to mark it down in the research notes that he had for the rubber tulip. With the combination of the chemicals and the stimulation it will definitely no doubt be the first of many orgasms that Shawn will have while completely encased, and with the nectar being pumped into his system it was assured that he won't be running dry of cum anytime soon. It was the way most of his plants were fed and when Jiro stepped out from the inner petals of the tulip he knew that this one was going to get very well nourished in the time to come. Once he was outside the tulip once more inverted itself back to its straight position and as he watched the latex flower seemed to fold in on itself.

Inside the flower Shawn was completely surrounded as he wiggled desperately in the confines of the latex plant, once more the intoxicating nectar being pumped into his system as his member didn't soften for a second. The plant had gotten him so incredibly aroused that he couldn't come down if he tried as he attempted to turn his head despite being unable to see. All his world was nothing but sensual green rubber that left him as one giant sensitive zone that the plant fully exploited, playing with its food to get as much out of the trapped dragon as physically possible. Every time that Shawn blew a load, which quickly began to get more frequent as time went on, the stronger the plant's response would be to increase the pleasure and continue to keep him in a constant bout of lustful stimulation.

With the rubber petals now pressed around him like some sort of strange vac-cube there was not an inch of him that was uncovered for a second time. Where the sheets of plastic weren't pressed up and rubbing against him the vines took over to rub their new pistil to the point where even if Shawn could speak past the feeder tentacle lodged in his throat he wouldn't be able to anymore. He could even feel his stomach start to distend slightly as the feeding cycle grew more intense, his rubber covered eyes rolling back into his head as his overloaded mind threatened to shut down from the experience. But even though Shawn knew he should have passed out by now he didn't, a combination of the expert vines that caressed him and the chemicals in the sap prevented him from going out cold and only served to push past his boundaries.

Eventually Shawn's writhing and thrashing within the confines of his tubular rubber prison ceased, the trapped rubber dragon completely one with the flower as those cilia that had burrowed into his latex scales began to whisper into his mind. It told him to surrender completely, that he was part of it now and that his only purpose would be to feed this plant so that it could continue to thrive and possibly capture others in order to continue to reproduce. At this point Shawn was so blissed out from the pleasure being fed to him the voice of the flower quickly replaced his own, the rubber dragon turned plant pistil succumbing easily and letting the tulip take the lead. Soon everything that was spoken to him by the completely integrated plant Shawn believed to be his own thoughts... when he could focus on them between his ever increasing climaxes.

On the outside of the flower Jiro watched on the hidden stream and through his feedback monitor as the entity known as Shawn was lost, his patterns mimicking the tulip until it was next to impossible to distinguish them apart. Luckily that was as far as it could possibly go; not only was the potential for full floral enslavement taken completely off the table but he also had several means to make sure that Shawn remained Shawn and would almost instantly return to his former self once he was released. Still... whether it was his quick adaption to his new life or the fact that he was a horny rubber dragon he was impressed at the results that he had been getting from the experimentation at that point. He had never seen the tulip respond so vigorously to a new host as it took the nectar infused cum that pumped out of Shawn's body and attempted to grow bigger with it, only to just absorb it and turn it into more nectar that it fed to him.

"Got ourselves a greedy one," Jiro mused with a smirk on his face as he wrote the note down on his tablet. He realized that with the integration of the rubber dragon's increased production of synthetic seed the plant itself had been kicked into overdrive. The latex petals had even begun to close in on the trapped creature within its pistil, likely rubbing up against his incredibly pleasure-receptive body. The researcher dragon could even hear Shawn let out a loud noise despite being muffled as he walked out the door to leave Shawn to his fate for the next day... or two...