The Rave Toy

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#7 of Short Story Commissions


DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story are adults. Key should know better than taking short cuts through alleyways late at night, but perhaps the unwelcome surprise he finds might be more enjoyable than he anticipated. Follow along as this fox never sees what new exciting experience might be headed his way.~Contains: Diapers, Forced Feeding, Sub/Dom, Fantasy, Public Humiliation, Wetting, Chastity, Penetration, Objectification, Sex Toy PlayRating: 18+

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Commission for: iornstone77Thumbnail by: subdivisions

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The Rave Toy

By Horatio Husky

Commission for KeyStone the fox

Key noted the puffs of warm air he could see coming out of his muzzle in the chilly night as he strode through the darkened streets. The orange fox had his paws crammed into his pockets while a shiver ran down his spine.

I should have worn something a little bit more substantial than a hoodie tonight... it's really beginning to feel like autumn!

He stumbled over a bump in the sidewalk, regaining his footing and continuing to walk down the streets. He looked to his left, an alleyway he knew would cut his walk in half if he dared to choose to walk down it.

A gust of freezing wind sent him over his feelings of indecision, and he turned sharply to the left and began to quickly pace down the alley.

The hair on the back of his neck suddenly stood up, and he saw movement in the right corner of his eyes.

An abrupt stinging sensation in his neck caught him off guard, and he gasped, his breath bein cut short of a yell. The last thing he remembered was the large amount of vapory air that escaped his lungs as he exhaled before the world faded away into blackness.

~ ~ ~

Suddenly, Key jolted awake, his entire body jumping in surprise as he felt something hard, yet slippery being inserted directly into his behind, filling it up with several inches worth of rigid, resilient material.

He yelped, or would have yelped were his muzzle not encumbered with a strange, unfamiliar sensation. He moved his tongue awkwardly around what felt like a rubber bulb in his mouth, and then after attempting to open his eyes realized that he could barely make out a faint light coming through what must have been a blindfold.

He tried to yell, to squirm, to take off whatever it was that was keeping him from being able to speak or see. He found that his arms and legs were bent and held tightly, preventing him from stretching, reaching, or doing anything other than pathetically flailing by moving his thighs and shoulders.

"Mmmpf?! Mmpf! MMPF!!!"

He felt the object that had been thrust into his behind gently slide further in, much to his growing sense of panic.

Unable to stop himself, he could feel the blood rushing to his member, which began to harden and grow. Almost immediately after he realized that he was heavily turned on by the sensation in his butt he felt a tight, restrictive feeling on his growing erection.

Something gripped him firmly underneath the jewels and surrounded his now pulsing cock, preventing him from growing into a proper erection and putting firm pressure on his bits.

He flexed his hand paws and foot paws but found that they too were completely incapacitated, surrounded by soft lining which he presumed was coated in some less forgiving material, like plastic or leather.

Blind, disoriented, still lethargic from just waking up, and beginning to feel desperate by the large object thrust firmly and snuggly into his behind, Key let out a loud whine, heartbeat racing as the situation began to turn him on even more, causing the cage to press down against his cock even harder, punishing him for expressing pleasure.

"Now now little kit, no squirming now. You're going to be a good little rave toy for me or you'll get a punishment! And I have a feeling you won't want to endure any punishments, would you, little thing?"

A confident, condescending voice slithered into Key's ears, which perked up at the sound. He could feel his cheeks growing bright crimson with embarrassment as he realized somebody was observing and probably orchestrated the entire situation he now found himself in.

He whimpered, unable to put together enough courage to resist and simply nodded pathetically, not wanting to aggravate his captors into subjecting him to anything worse than what was happening to him now.

"Good, I think we have an understanding. Now, let's get that buzzy bottom of yours into a diaper so you don't make puddles everywhere like a little fox kit, hmm? Something around this thickness should be perfect, you'll be one soggy rave toy by the end of this evening!"

Key could feel himself being pulled forward by one of his incapacitated legs, and he felt what he presumed to be the person that had just been speaking to him lift his dildoed bottom and slide something underneath it.

His behind was settled down on the ground once more, and he could feel a soft, crinkly fabric underneath him.

The diaper was folded over his caged front, which he could only feel happening as the edge of the diaper front pressed against his inner thighs, the cage denying him any feeling what-so-ever except for its hard, unforgiving interior.

He felt the diaper being taped snuggly onto him, and then a slight pressure as his captor patted and groped the front of his cage.

"There we go, a nice little diapered baby toy for us to play with. Now then, allow me to introduce myself. I am your master, and I'm responsible for taking care of you. I'm here to make sure that you're properly fed, given enough to drink, have your diapers changed, and keep enough drugs in your system to keep you nice and docile. I can be very nice, but I can also be very strict. It's up to your behavior and your behavior alone as to how I will treat you. You will listen to everything that I say, like a good little obedient toy. Understand?"

A whirlwind of emotions and thoughts spiraled around in Key's brain, quickly he nodded fervently, not wanting to mess up anything and potentially destroy any chance of freedom that he still had.

"Good kit! I'm very happy that you understand our arrangement."

He felt a hand on top of his head gently patting him and scratching him behind the ear briefly. Unable to help himself, he found that he enjoyed the attention and praise, despite still panicking at the growing realization that he had been kidnapped for the sexual amusement of others.

"Now that we have an understanding, I think it's time that you spend some time on the dancefloor with all the other lovelies that want to enjoy their new toy, crawl behind me now."

Key felt something being attached to something around his neck, which he quickly figured to be a collar of some sort.

He felt a tugging sensation on the collar and the gag that prevented him from opening his muzzle, and he fell over and off of what he presumed to be cushions that he had been laid on.

The crinkling of the diaper snuggly taped on his bottom reminded him with every awkward step on his elbows and knees of the ridiculous get-up he was dressed in, the fact that he couldn't see or know exactly what he looked like further caused him a sense of dread and excitement, the cage quickly reminding him of the loss of his sexual privilege.

The sound of EDM music came muffled through the walls, and as it grew louder the dildo that had woken him up began to pulse gently.

It took him a minute before he realized that it was pulsing exactly with the beat of the music, which caused even more blood to rush to his cheeks as he continued to obediently walk in the direction that the leash tugged him towards.

He hesitated for a second, teetering on his elbows and knees as the plug in his butt began to pulse with higher intensity, only to find the leash to be tugged sharply once again.

He stumbled and fell forward, his diaper crinkling loudly as he felt a pair of arms raise him once more onto his elbows and knees.

"Now, now kit I can't have you slowing me down! You fall like that again and I'll set that little toy in your butt to a higher setting! Now heel!"

Eyes prickling with tears as the device began to pulsate even faster, he willed himself forward, suckling pathetically on the bulb in his mouth as he followed the direction of the leash's tugging.

He heard a pair of doors open, and what little light that came through the blindfold now took on sharper hues of blue, pink, purple, red, and yellow.

As the doors opened, the sound of the loud music hit his ears and the plug inside of his butt, which now seemed to be vibrating at max capacity, throbbed to the beat of the music.

His apprehensive whimper was lost in the loud reverberations of techno music that was playing inside of what he assumed to be the club he was trapped at.

With another sharp tug of the leash, he teetered inside and found himself surrounded by the music.

Paws and hands suddenly started to stroke him, causing him to flinch instinctively.

Suddenly, he felt something impact him on his exposed thigh, and he yelped into his gag.

"Now now toy, no misbehaving. You are here to be enjoyed and used like the pathetic little item you are. Toys always behave obediently."

He could barely hear his 'master's' voice over the roaring music and through the sheer will of trying to concentrate on anything other than the vibrating dildo plugged snuggly in his tail hole, causing him to crinkle distinctly every time he moved.

More hands began to touch him, caressing his cheeks, ruffling his fur, rubbing his back, and groping the front and back of his diapers.

He could barely feel anything through the cage but was able to tell that he was being pawed all over his diaper area.

People patted his diapered behind, groped his front, sliding fingers in between the plastic lining and his fur as if to check if he wet, and worst of all, spanked him right on top of the vibrating dildo, pushing the oscillating probe deeper inside of him.

Suddenly, he felt something being attached to the front of his gag. He pulled back slightly, but after getting swatted on the diapered behind once more complied and stayed still.

His legs and arms quivered from having to support him at such awkward positions, and he felt as if he was going to collapse at any moment.

He felt something soft being slid underneath him, and the voice of his master rose above the booming music.

"Alright toy, you can take a small break while we get you to drink tonight's toy formula. Be a good little thing and drink it all up! Don't worry about bathroom breaks, that's what your baby diapers are for!"

As his cheeks flushed bright with crimson, the felt the bulb inside of his muzzle suddenly grow wet. To his surprise, he found that the bulb was trickling liquid into his mouth.

He realized just how parched his throat was, and eagerly he began to swallow the draining liquid from his muzzle into his throat and stomach.

He heard a few muffled giggles around him as he began to suckle away at his feeding gag, and he realized that he must be causing quite the spectacle.

Cheeks still burning he continued to gulp down the liquid, which tasted like a mixture of peach and strawberry vodka. After a few minutes, it began to taste like fresh water, which he sucked out of the bulb with gusto, happy that at last his thirst was quenched.

Finally, after he felt like he might never stop swallowing, he felt somebody fiddling with the front of his gag once more, and after a few seconds, the liquid stopped pouring into his mouth.

"That should do it, you drank all of the yummy juice! That should help you use your diapers quite nicely."

Before Key had a chance to even start thinking about what his master spiked his drink with, he found the leash tugging at his neck once again and he rose shakily once more.

He waddled forward a few steps, imagining how ridiculous his tail and diaper must look swaying side to side before he felt somebody's foot gently resting against the side of his torso.

With a gentle push, he found himself falling onto his side. Another foot pushed at his left shoulder, and nudged him into lying flat on his back, belly exposed and incapacitated limbs hanging at the sides.

He breathed deeply, his entire body tingling as the beat of the music suddenly changed, reaching a faster tempo and causing the dildo in his ass to vibrate almost constantly at a nearly unbearable rate.

Before he knew it, his belly was swarming with the sensation of hands rubbing him up and down, some on his belly, his chest, rubbing him underneath the chin and scratching behind his ears.

Several hands were mercilessly groping his diapers, grasping his caged cock teasingly through the diaper and occasionally administering playful spanks on the behind driving the dildo further into his behind.

The feeling of so many hands moving over him and feeling him caused his bladder to loudly announce its presence in his mind, and he realized that he now desperately needed to pee.

He squirmed and struggled slightly, only to be rewarded with yet another foot placing itself on the side of his muzzle and pushing his head to the side, pinning it down firmly.

"Have you forgotten your place, rave toy? You're here to be used! You have no say in what happens to you, little diapered bitch!"

He whimpered, and in addition to feelings of utter humiliation and dismay realized that he was uncontrollably wetting himself.

His caged penis was now thoroughly flooding the front of his diapers, he felt the front portion of his padding absorbing his piss and growing heavier, pressing down against his snuggly held balls and numbing cage.

He could pick up loud laughter coming from the people above, who continued to grope and pet him as he felt his soaked diaper being pressed up against him, a constant reminder that he had just peed in his crinkly pants.

His cock strained against the cage as the dildo began to vibrate to rhythms of the laughter around him, in addition to the booming music.

The only thing he saw were flashes of light from what he presumed to be various LED decorations, and he could detect the smell of sweat and alcohol as the people around him toyed with him.

He lay there, occasionally wetting more into his diapers as the various hands moved over him. He felt as if he were in a stupor, feelings of sexual ecstasy and floating drifted in his mind as he presumed whatever was in the spiked drink he lapped up hit his system.

Every few minutes he would wet once more, further swelling the diaper which only pressed more against him as the hands rubbed and grabbed his soggy crotch.

The combination of the dildo and stimulation caused him to want his cock to erupt out of the cage, yearning for release as the stubborn plastic continuously denied him any expression of pleasure whatsoever.

He felt something tugging on his leash, and before he had an opportunity to get back on all fours he was being dragged across the floor, echoes of laughter following him as he imagined the ridiculous spectacle he was a part of, being dragged in a thoroughly soaked adult diaper while gagged, blindfolded, restrained, and leashed to a collar.

As he was being dragged the music faded out slightly, and he wondered if he had been taken backstage or outside of the club.

A new voice boomed above him, causing his ears to flatten against his skull in apprehension and tail to wrap around his left thigh.

"Your master gave me this remote here after I asked him if I could have some private time with you, paid him a good amount for it. Now then, let's have some fun!"

Before he was able to mentally brace himself the dildo started to vibrate at a ridiculous level, his scream of painful pleasure erupted into his paci-gag, and he shook his head back and forth blind and helpless to what was being done to him.

"Hmmm, that's a lot of squirming. I think I have just the thing to fix that!"

The orange fox felt his incapacitated limbs being grabbed, one by one, and fixed to more leashes that spread his legs and arms apart, pinning him down in place.

"There we go, now my toy can't run away anymore!"


Key yelped and hiccuped into his pacifier gag as he felt the first strike of the paddle hit his soggy rump. It hadn't hurt, but the driving force had inched the dildo just a little bit further into his bottom.

He felt as if his entire bottom half was vibrating violently with the oscillations of the plug, his breaths came in desperate gasps as he found himself utterly helpless to do anything other than endure the painful pleasure.

"Poor little thing, probably have your little pecker all locked up huh? I get to have sooo much fun with my little toy and you're laying there missing out! Well, it doesn't matter. Toys are meant to be used and played with anyway."

Through the cage he could feel his diaper front being groped, his balls rubbing against the soaked absorbent material of the interior diaper as the voice now whispered into his ear, causing him to jump slightly.

"That's right, you enjoy being used as a pathetic thing don't you? Completely helpless except to uncontrollably piddle in your baby diapers huh? What a total baby toy!"

With that, the remote was cranked up to the highest setting and Key screamed into his gag, eyes welling with tears as his cock strained painfully against the hard plastic interior of his cage.

As his prostate finally could no longer handle the stimulation, his contained penis pulsed as he began to cum violently, his hips bucking reflexively against the groping and the vibrations of the dildo in his ass.

A shudder ran through his body as every single muscle and fiber in his being tensed and then relaxed.

His mind felt hazy, and he blinked lethargically behind the blindfold as he felt the dildo continue to vibrate angrily inside of him, maintaining his high of sexual euphoria and bringing it to a level of utter exhaustion.

~ ~ ~

He woke up to the sound of slamming car doors, and the noise of a sliding vehicle door being opened near him.

Still blinded, he moved his head in the general direction of the noise.

"Up already huh? Well, I suppose that works out. I'm taking you home now, kit. We're going to get you changed and then nice and bound up for bed. If you behave, I might even consider taking that dildo out of your hole in the morning. So be a good little toy and stay nice and still in your harness, hmm?"

Stirring softly, Key realized that his limbs were still pinned up against him, and judging from the damp, thick feeling between his legs he was still clad in the soaked diaper he had made while in the club.

He whimpered softly, ears pinned against his head as he looked down, realizing that this experience was nowhere from over, and his chances of escaping were now steadily dropping.

"Oh don't look so sad, little thing. You'll be taken care of very well, I always ensure that all my sex toys are treated well. Just don't misbehave too much, or I'll have to resort to... a tougher measure of love."

With that, Key heard the door slid shut, and a few seconds later the revving of an engine as he set off in what he assumed to be the new home that his master had mentioned.

He whimpered, suckling instinctively on the pacifier gag still lodged in his mouth for comfort as he felt the vehicle stop, and then execute a turn onto what he assumed was the main road.

The smell of soaked diapers had now crept up to his nose, he must be filling up the entire car with the scent of his helpless flooding.

The car passed over a bump, and he felt the dildo pressed up inside him. He felt an added warm spreading in the front of his crotch and pooling around his buttcheeks. He realized that in addition to the bump causing the dildo to rub up against the inside of his butt, it had also caused him to pee himself like he had all those times while in the club.

As the car began to accelerate the fox strained and tried to wiggle. The harness holding him around the torso pulled over his shoulders, and secured over the front of his diaper held him fast.

His limbs ached slightly as his pathetic attempts at freeing himself only resulting in him feeling even more tired than before, his eyelids drooped and he breathed with exhaustion.

The driver chortled underneath his breath as he witnessed the fox's useless attempts.

"Don't tucker yourself out too much, there's more fun to be had at home that I think you'll want to be awake for."

With that open-ended sentence replaying itself over and over in the fox's mind, he was taken away from the rave club and towards his new home.