Mind Control Tales - Superheroes Edition 2

Story by cyberklaw on SoFurry

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#25 of Mind Control Tales

Another set of three short mind control stories featuring supeheroes. Enjoy!

This was originally available through my Patreon a month ago.

The Auction

I stood on the dais on the stage, striking a heroic pose, completely unable to move.

It's not that I didn't want to move. I wanted nothing more than to get the hell out of there. But the control chip Dr. Cybertech had managed to implant at the base of my skull kept me in place. It controlled my mind and body, preventing me from being anything other than a submissive and obedient slave to the villain. And as time passed and the chip gradually reprogrammed my brain, it was becoming more and more difficult to even think about being anything else.

In front of me was Dr. Cybertech, the cyborg fox gesturing dramatically at me and addressing the crowd of villains that had assembled for this event. "And as you can see, the mighty and world-renowned superhero Super-Badger, is completely under my control! And he can be yours, for the right price! Shall we start the bidding at one million dollars?"

All I could do is stand there helpless as some of the world's most notorious supervillains started bidding furiously for the honour of getting to own me and have me under their control. And all I could do was stand there posing and watching.

After a short time, it quickly became obvious that there were three main bidders in competition, most of the others having dropped out, the price having risen too high for them.

One of them was Lord Superior, the heavily armoured supervillain dictator of a small island nation. We had fought many times and he had often tried to get hold of my DNA so he could create himself an army of programmed clones to do his bidding, believing it would be the key to his goal of world conquest. If he won, he'd finally have full access to my DNA as well as me at his command to lead that army. It was not a pleasant prospect.

The prospect of being owned by the next prominent bidder was just as unpleasant. The immortal pleasure-loving jackal known as the Hedonist. In our battles over the years he had made no secret of the fact that he found me extremely sexually attractive and tried multiple times to seduce me, sometimes even resorting to mystical artefacts and magical spells to try and make me find him attractive. If he was the successful bidder, I could see my future consisting of a lifetime of being used as a sexual plaything in any number of ways. I knew all too well the Hedonist had quite an imagination and an insatiable sexual appetite.

The third remaining bidder seemed to actually be a consortium of a number of smaller scale villains, presumably pooling their resources to stay in the running. I recognized all of them as bad guys I had stopped on multiple occasions. Most of them had sworn revenge on me at one time or another, threatening all kinds of tortures and humiliations. If they were to win control of me... well, I could barely imagine the painful and humiliating situations they'd put me through, probably filming every second so they could show the world my downfall.

All the potential outcomes of this situation were very bad. And as the bidding reached a billion dollars and kept going, there was not a damn thing I could but stand there as the obedient slave I now was and wait to see what my ultimate fate would be...

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Joining the Justice Legion

Geo-Lord blinked awake, wondering what had happened.

The last thing he remembered was sharing a celebratory drink with his new team-mates in the rec-room of the Justice Legion headquarters. Having just been officially accepted into the ranks of the prestigious world-renowned superhero team, Geo-Lord had happily accepted the chance to hang out with his new comrades, get to know them a little better.

It had been such a surprise when they had picked him to join their ranks, a young and relatively inexperienced fox with earth controlling powers. But the group's leader, the musclebound, super-intelligent wolf Marvel-Mind had insisted that he would make a great addition to the team.

But shortly after having his first drink with the other members of the team, the fox's memories were somewhat fuzzy and then blank. What had happened? Had he passed out?

Whatever the answer, he guessed it was nothing good by the circumstances he now found himself in. He was in a small room with blank metal walls, strapped into some kind of heavy-duty high-backed metal chair, secured in place with heavy electronic manacles around his neck and limbs. And he had been stripped naked for some reason.

So, he was a prisoner. But how? And who was responsible? Had some villain managed to penetrate the Justice Legion's HQ? That seemed unlikely, give the place was brimming with high-tech security systems, many specially invented by Marvel-Mind himself.

Suddenly, a section of the wall in front of him slid aside and a figure stepped into the room, smiling warmly at him, but making no move to try and free him. Geo-Lord was shocked to see that it was Marvel-Mind.

As the tall wolf approached him, two other muscular figures dressed in only black jockstraps entered behind him, taking up positions either side of the door, standing to attention, paws clasped behind their backs, staring blankly forward. It took the fox a moment to recognize them as more of his Justice Legion team-mates, the super-speedster Rapid Rat and the electricity-wielding Electron. He'd never seen them out of costume before and only realized who they were when he spotted their emblems printed on the bulge of their jockstraps.

"What the hell is going on here?" Geo-Lord eventually managed to splutter. He was having trouble processing all of this.

"You are joining the Justice Legion." Marvel-Mind explained calmly. "And anyone who joins my team needs to go undergo a little... well, let's call it an initiation process. My apologies for drugging your drink, by the way. But it seemed the best way to get you secured with a minimum of resistance."

Although he still had no real idea what was going on here, Geo-Lord's every instinct told him he needed to escape. He reached out with his powers to seize the nearest source of rock and bend it to his will...

But nothing happened.

"You are doubtless trying to use your powers to effect an escape." Said Marvel-Mind, noticing the young fox's confusion. "Very predictable. But don't bother. Those manacles have built in power dampeners. As long as you are secured in that chair, your powers are blocked." He waved a paw to the two scantily clad superheroes by the door. "But I brought some back up just in case you managed to overcome them. Better safe than sorry."

Marvel-Mind stepped behind the chair and picked up a strange cap-like device, which he set about attaching to Geo-Lord's head, carefully placing electrodes at key points on the fox's skull and ignoring his attempts to pull his head away.

As the wolf worked, he started talking. "You are doubtless baffled by all of this, so allow me to explain with a little story. Many years ago, I had the idea of founding a superhero team, having calculated that as an organized group, we would be able to more good in the world, and act more efficiently. So, I contacted the greatest heroes of the world and convinced them to join my team."

He rolled his eyes as he continued. "Unfortunately, it was a disaster. Personalities and egos clashed pretty much constantly, there was very little we could agree on in terms of how we should operate. Even though it was my team and all my suggestions were backed up with flawless calculations proving they represented the correct course of action, I was often ignored."

The wolf let out a sigh. "I soon concluded that drastic action was required. It was just a matter of time before the team fell apart and broke up. That was unacceptable, given the greater good of the world was at stake. I decided that my fellow heroes needed their attitudes adjusted."

He paused a moment to pat the thing he was securing to the fox's head. "That decision led me to create this device I am attaching to you head. It rewrites the mind of the subject, suppressing their ego and personal desires and ingraining in them an unswerving loyalty to me and my team. I used it on each of my comrades one by one. And one by one, they all became dedicated parts of my team. Loyal and obedient and devoted to me, able to see the truth of my superiority and rightful place as their leader."

"You turned them into mindless slaves?" Geo-Lord was horrified, and well aware that he was about to become the next to suffer that fate...

"Not at all." Marvel-Mind was offended at the suggestion. "They still have their minds and personalities. They have just been adjusted so that dedication to the team and loyalty to me is more important to them than anything else, and anything that might interfere with that has been edited out."

"You've still brainwashed them against their will!" The fox pointed out.

"Perhaps." The wolf admitted, finishing his task of correctly setting up his device and taking a step back. "But it is for the greater good of the world. We have done a lot of good over the years, saved the world many times over, thanks to my team-mates being as devoted to me and my team as they are."

"Then what's with the skimpy outfits?" Geo-Lord nodded to the two heroes by the door.

"Oh, that's just the standard uniform for team members when off duty here at Headquarters." Marvel-Mind shrugged, plucking some kind of remote-control unit from his belt. "It makes it easier for the regular sexual play sessions."

"What?" The restrained fox said, startled.

"Sexual activity can be a good way to relieve stress and help build bonds between people." Marvel-Mind explained. "As such, the whole team engages in regular sex sessions with each other in order to bring us all closer together as a team. Almost always at my command and direction, of course."

Unable to contain his revulsion, Geo-Lord spat. "You turned them into sex toys as well as slaves?"

"I am genuinely sorry you misunderstand and choose to look at it in such a melodramatic fashion." Marvel-Mind said. "Fortunately, your outlook will be very different in a moment." The wolf hit a button on his control unit and the device on the fox's head started humming.

Geo-Lord's mind was instantly awash with strange thoughts and feelings, trying to take root in his brain and become a part of him. The fox gritted his teeth and tried to resist, to hold on to who he was, but it was difficult to think properly, his head felt so muddled...

But he had to do his best, he couldn't let Marvel-Mind do this to him, turn him into a loyal part of the greatest superhero team in the world... Hang on, why would he want to resist that?

No, he told himself. It was more than that. Marvel-Mind was trying to... to... what? He couldn't focus, couldn't remember, just that he had to resist...

But why? He wanted to be part of the Justice Legion, didn't he? To help them do good and save the world? To serve Marvel-Mind...

Serve Marvel-Mind. Some part of the fox thought that seemed odd, almost wrong, but that part was fading fast...

Because of course it was right that he serve Marvel-Mind and his team, to devote himself entirely to the wolf and his goals. After all, he was clearly superior to all of them. It was a great honour to be chosen to join his Justice Legion.

It was all so clear to Geo-Lord now. It was his rightful place to serve under Marvel-Mind, to dedicate his whole life to the wolf and his team, to obey him without question. He would quit his job as a reporter, break up with his girlfriend and give up his secret identity to become Geo-Lord full time. He would move into the team's headquarters so that he could devote every possible moment of his life to Marvel-Mind and his team.

The device on the fox's head shut down and Marvel-Mind stepped over to remove it. "How are you feeling?"

"Excellent, sir." Geo-Lord smiled up at the wolf, for the first time noticing just how utterly handsome and beautiful he was. "Thank you for the adjustment to my previous poor attitude. I am honoured to be a part of your team and obey your commands."

"Very good to hear." Marvel-Mind said with a smile, finishing the removal of the device. He hit another button on his remote-control unit, causing the manacles holding the fox in place to unlock and snap open.

Instinctively, Geo-Lord knew what to do, getting to his feet and standing to attention staring straight ahead. "I am ready to serve, sir!"

"Of course you are." The wolf nodded. "But first, you'll be needing this..." He pulled something out of a pouch on his belt and unrolled it to reveal a black jockstrap with Geo-Lord's emblem on the front. "You are now completely part of my team, you should wear the proper uniform."

"Yes, sir!" The fox said, taking the jockstrap and quickly slipping it on. He felt a small thrill of excitement at now being fully part of Marvel-Mind's team.

"Now," Marvel-Mind said. "In order to be an effective part of the team, you need to know your comrades intimately, and they need to know you. To that end, I have had the whole team assemble to welcome you to our ranks with a mass orgy." He headed for the door. "Come along all of you, they are waiting for us..."

Geo-Lord joined Rapid Rat and Electron in responding with an enthusiastic "Yes, sir!" as the three of them followed their leader out of the room. The young fox superhero felt nothing but joy at now being a devoted member of Marvel-Mind's Justice Legion.

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The Mind of Ultra Slave

"Sir, may I ask you something?"

Master Psychic stopped counting cash and looked down at the big lion kneeling before him. The feline slave had stopped in the middle of his task of licking his Master's boots clean and was gazing at him, an uncertain look on his face. He was still in his full uniform, a black latex suit that covered every inch of him from the neck down, hugging his heavily muscled body like a second skin and leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. The word 'SLAVE' was printed across the chest of the suit in bold red letters.

"What is it, Ultra Slave?" The weasel villain demanded. "It better be pretty damn important to interrupt both your cleaning of my boots and my counting up of the takings from the bank robbery earlier."

"I'm so sorry, Sir." The lion cringed slightly, ears flattening against his head. "I'm sorry if I'm being a bad slave, but it is about the robbery... something happened, and I can't stop thinking about it... and you always told me if it ever felt like there was something wrong in my mind, I was to tell you at once..."

Suddenly, Master Psychic was a lot more interested, the weasel sitting up straighter. "Tell me exactly what happened." He commanded.

"Yes, Master." The latex clad lion said. "It was during the robbery, when that superhero, Cyber-Rat, turned up and tried to stop us. I had tied him up and ripped off the crotch of his costume and had pulled out his cock, and was jerking him off, in full view of the bank's security cameras. All as you commanded."

With a smile, the weasel nodded. It had been a fun show as he had been gathering up the cash from the vault. And he fully intended to hack into the bank's systems later and get a copy of that footage, so that he could spread it around the internet. After all, he did enjoy humiliating do-gooder superheroes whenever he could...

"But then, he started talking to me." Ultra Slave continued. "He told me I needed to wake up and snap out of it. He tried to convince me that I used to be a beloved and world-renowned superhero called 'Ultra-Lion' and I've been brainwashed and mind controlled. I know it can't be true, Master. I belong to you and always will. But... I can't seem to get it out of my mind. Something about it... seems almost right..."

The weasel let out a sigh, the villain deciding to tackle this problem head on. "That would be because it is true, my slave." He reassuringly stroked the lion's mane.

The big lion was confused. "I don't understand, Master."

"It's very obvious and simple." Master Psychic explained, with a roll of his eyes. "You know I like humiliating superheroes. What better way to humiliate the world's strongest, most powerful, most beloved superhero in the world than by turning him into my sex slave and villainous minion? Have him satisfy my sexual needs and aid me in my crimes?"

The slave lion frowned. "I used to be a superhero?"

"Yes, you big dumb feline." The weasel chuckled. "You were a superhero. And I used my vast telepathic powers to take control of you and completely reprogram your mind to make you my loyal and obedient slave. You have been for the past eight months."

"But I don't remember any of that..."

"Well, of course you don't!" Master Psychic rolled his eyes, momentarily wishing he hadn't dumbed down as much as he had during his brainwashing. "Because I blocked those memories, so as to ensure they didn't distract you from devoting yourself to serving me." A sigh escaped his muzzle. "But if the babbling of that hero today got to you, then it might mean those blocks are eroding..."

Ultra Slave still struggling to comprehend all of this, his brow creased with thought and worry. "Does that mean I will become a superhero again?"

"Of course not!" The weasel barked out a laugh and patted him on the head. "It's an easy fix, I just need to go into your head again and reinforce your memory blocks and programming..."

Before the muscular lion could say anything, he felt a tingle in his head, which he knew meant that his Master was using his powers on him, delving into his brain and making whatever alterations he wished to his mind.

A few moments later, the tingle faded and the lion blinked, his thoughts feeling a little fuzzy and muddled. "I'm sorry, Master..." He said, looking up at the weasel. "What were we just talking about? I can't seem to remember..."

The weasel villain patted him on the head, smiling down at him. "That's okay, don't worry about it. I was just telling you what a good job you did with that superhero during the bank robbery today. It was very enjoyable to watch."

"Thank you, Master!"

"Did he... talk to you much?" The weasel asked.

"Some, Master." The lion slave said with a shrug. "They always do. Don't remember what about, I didn't really listen. Was too busy getting on with the job of humiliating him."

This answer seemed to satisfy the supervillain. "Good." He grinned. "That's how it should be. Now, I have to finish counting up today's takings, and you need to finish cleaning my boots with that tongue of yours. Get to it."

"Yes, Master." Ultra Slave happily returned to his task, briefly counting himself lucky to belong to such a great and powerful supervillain Master who allowed him the pleasure of serving his whims and humiliating his enemies.

Master Psychic give him one final glance before returning his attention to his cash counting. Despite the slight hiccup with a few cracks in the memory blocks, he knew the big lion's mind was completely under his control, his former greatest enemy was utterly enslaved to his will. And he would stay that way for as long as the weasel had anything to say in the matter...