Summer Lust, part one

Story by Maju on SoFurry

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The girls were flirty. On a place that looked like a typical holiday site, three guys were mopping the floor around the white plastic tables and chairs of the terrace, each of them only wearing a pair of speedo pants. They were lean, well toned and their fur was shiny from the sweat underneath. A tall zebra, a panther, and a cheetah. The zebra's mane was long, the other two's hair was short, but they were all very handsome. And they were looking at the flirty girls as they mopped the floor. The girls were sitting in the shade of the palm trees, wearing their tiny bikinis, a skinny gray leopard and a shorter and pink one, who had more meat on her bones, and her full breasts looked like they could pop the bikini top off at a touch. They winked at waved at the guys, stroking their own shiny fur teasingly, touching their own breasts through the fabric of the top, which the guys really seemed to like as they leaned on their mops, seemingly forgetting their work. The girls stood up and walked over to them, their hands slid over the boys flat abs, stroked their arms, and everyone was just smiling at each other, exchanging lustful looks, sharing their mutual sexual attraction without words. Soon, the bikini tops were undone and thrown away, the tiny bottoms slid down long legs and kicked off their ankles, and the guys were tugging down their pants, their erect cocks flopping forward, finally freed from the tiny speedo pants.

The gray leopard kneeled down in front of the zebra and started naughtily licking around the long, gray shaft and its flared tip, while she kept smiling and looking up at the thankful owner of the cock. Right next to them, the cheetah made a slurping sound as he dug his face between the thick pink thighs of the other girl - she was laying on top of the white plastic table, her legs wrapped around the cheetah boy's head, smiling and giggling as she bobbed her head up and down on the moaning panther's thick cock, which he supported with his hand behind the girl's head, his fingertips hidden under her white, fuzzy hair. The tall zebra next to them whispered several yeses; the gray leopard was lapping her pink little tongue on his swollen sack, then took a testicle in her mouth and played around with it with her tongue, letting out muffled moans with closed eyes. Then she spat out the wet ball which swinged back on the zebra's thigh with a wet sound, turned around and bent over the white table with her skinny little ass up and lifted her tail; the zebra thrusted his gray throbbing cock inside without hesitation and started pounding the tight cunt; the girl gasped and moaned, droplets of lovejuice fell on the hot floor at every sloppy sound.

The girls kissed - they were getting fucked at the opposite sides of the table. The pink, juicy butt was pounded by the tough looking panther, who was getting it in his tight, muscular black ass by the shy looking cheetah, who was much wilder now, he was gritting his teeth and mrowled in the panther's ear. The pink leopard broke her kiss with the gray one for a happy scream; she was close to cum. She was too short, her legs were wiggling in the air as she was bent over and fucked on the table. The zebra pulled it out of the gray feline's dripping pussy, picked her up by her slender thighs, and thrust his cock in her pink tailhole surprisingly easily - the girl let out a loud, bestial moan, and muttered something about how much harder she wants it. The pudgy pink feline on the other side was squirming continously in her high voice, her juices made a puddle on the floor, the sweaty bodies kept pushing against and into each other...


The skunk boy's black paw stopped on his pink cock and sighed, hearing his mother's shout coming up in his room. He paused the video on his laptop pulled back the purple panties with ribbons on the side from his ankles onto his butt, and stood up.

„Damn, Mom sure knows timing" he grumbled as he had stepped down the stairs. It was a mid-June hot afternoon - even those panties were way too much to wear. He just moved here with his mom, just unpacked his things, he just set up the internet connection and he was just in the middle of his very first wanking in the new house. The house was boiling hot and so was his blood as he skipped down the stairs with his erection bulging out his girly panties - there is better a good reason to interrupt him. Reaching the end of the stairs, he noticed a very sexy reason standing at the door next to his mother.

She was a fox, but her fur was grayish black. She was very tall and had well toned body - muscular, but without losing any feminity of her great curves. She had black hair, even darker than her fur, and she kept it in a very long ponytail which went from the top of her head down to her butt. She wore a semi-transparent butter-yellow sundress and a pair of sunglasses on her forehead - Maju tried, but didn't see anything „interesting" through her dress - she wore a skimpy, black two-piece swimsuit under it, which took Maju a second to realize, because it blended with her fur. His mom called him because they had a visitor.

-„Maju, she is Daylyn Davi, our neighbor to the left. And damn it, put a shirt on." his mother explained, who was a pudgy albino bunny - Maju was a skunk-white bunny mix, that's why the color of his markings and fur were inverted - and she wore a white top tied in a knot over her huge bra-less rack, and a pair of jean hotpants over her round ass. Secretly, Maju found her quite attractive.

-„Pleasure to meet you" said the fox, her voice was calming and she rolled her „r"s, and she was constantly smiling - her smiles were aimed at Maju, his panties, and his bulge. She also started wagging her tail slightly. Maju felt both flattered and embarrassed. „I'm sure we'll be very good neighbors" she continued, and Maju noticed she rolled the „very". Maju was not sure, but maybe she winked, too.

-„Do you want to come in for a drink or something? Excuse the mess." his mother asked, looking back at the cardboard boxes waiting to be unpacked in the living room.

-„Actually, I wanted to invite you two over. Lemonade, swimming in the pool, getting to know each other." replied Daylyn, who kept looking back on Maju and his bulge - for some reason, his erection didn't seem to disappear. His mom noticed it too, but in her eyes was no scowling - it was something he could not decide what it was.

-„I am knee deep in housework, with the moving and all." she said, looking back at the cardboard boxes again. -„But you two have fun."

-„Is that okay?" asked Maju, with more than a hint of excitement in his voice.

The the corners of the fox's lips curved up a bit in a sly smirk. -„We'll have the best time."

Three minutes later Maju was on the neighbor's lawn walking towards the pool, wearing orange round sunglasses and that orange thing he called swimming pants - it looked more like the thongs male strippers wear, maybe it was actually that. He was holding a towel and a bottle of coconut suntan oil. The neighbor had a big back yard, and it was completely surrounded by skinny, tall pine trees, he could just see the garden and the pool from his room. The pool was very big and neat, too. It couldn't have been cheap, Maju thought.

-„Hey hey, sugarpie." smirked Daylyn as she looked at him over her sunglasses. She didn't wear the sundress now and Maju could see her black swimsuit now - it was skimpy and black, outlined with white straps, and she wore a straw hat. He had to swallow his drool - the fox was busty and all her muscles were bared in front of him. She liked what she was seeing, too - The young skunk was halfway to the girly boy look, and his body was cute but just enough to be definitely masculine. He didn't have much muscle, but he was lean, with a cute butt and a nice bulge up front. Daylyn was wagging her tail slightly at the sight, and felt like licking her lips and sipped from her tall glass of lemonade, offering another glass for Maju, who lied down on the other sunbathing chair.

-„So, Maju, tell me about yourself." she said, sipping from her lemonade sheepishly just after she finished the sentence.

Maju swallowed the lemonade he had in his mouth and put the glass back on the table.

-„Um, I just turned 18 this summer...We moved here just after I graduated, y'know, my mom thought it'll be easier for me to start on my own here... I'm kind of an artist, y'know, like to draw and such...Um, and you?"

Daylyn was listening intently, elbowing on the table.

-„I had my own business for twelve years now, all you can see here is made from women who like expensive shoes. Not literally meaning, of course." she giggled. „I am my own boss, I have the people who run the company for me, and so I have plenty of free time."

Maju kept nodding. Twelve years in the business? She must be over 30 then. It didn't show at all.

-„I also like bodybuilding, keeping fit, as you can see it on me." she continued, not a trace of vainness in her voice.

Maju's eyes wandered down her curves again. She was very sexy, and he felt the blood flowing down his crotch again. He tried to keep his mind off it, he didn't want to embarrass himself.

„Yes, you look great..." he said, not exactly having the tone he wanted it to be, and Daylyn smiled. Maju blushed and felt his throat dry again, so he drank the rest of his lemonade and to keep his mind off sexy thoughts, he stared into the water.

-„You want to swim?" asked the fox, seeing the skunk staring gazing into the pool.

-„Um, yep, yeah" he replied. There were things he wanted to do a lot more with the neighbor, but swimming was fine - the day was damn hot, even in the shade they were sitting in. Maju unfolded and put his towel on the grass and stood up walking to the pool.

-„Hey, didn't you want to get oiled? You'll burn in there."

It took a moment for Maju to realize she was talking about the suntan oil he brought. Without it, his fur could get dry and crusty and his skin ill, if he spent too much time directly in the sun.

-„Uh, sure, I forgot." he popped the bottle open, poured some on his black paws, and started rubbing it on himself, and Daylyn watched him. He rubbed it on his arms when he stopped and realized he can't reach all the spots.

-Why don't you ask for help, silly?" she asked on a playful, teasing tone.

Maju looked confused, cursing his dumbness inside. Daylyn stood up, took the bottle from his hands and made him sit down on the towel. She sat down behind him, poured some on her hands, and started rubbing the oil on his back, then on his butt. Maju closed his eyes to concentrate on the soft feeling - she had delicate, soft hands and she moved them so sensually. He felt the blood rushing into his groin again and felt his swimming pants tighter. „Damn, not now" he thought, and tried to cover himself with his arms. Daylyn finished with his back.

-„Lift the arms, your front side's next." she said. Maju lifted his arms and hoped she will not notice his hardening cock. She reached around his chest under his arms - it was like a hug. Maju felt her huge breasts pressed on his now slicky back. His pink cock became fully erect and was peeking out at the upper edge of his swimming pants, throbbing, the head just up until his belly button. Okay, he's done for. But Daylyn didn't seem to notice, she oiled up his chest (her fingertips wandered around his slight abs oddly long) and she started oiling his legs now. She wrapped her hand around his shin and moved his palm up and down - Maju was aroused, he thought it looks like as if he was giving his leg a handjob. He wanted to calm down, but he couldn't. Her hands oiled his thighs now, and her soft hands felt ticklish. Then those soft, slicky hands suddenly wrapped around his cock, stroked it twice, and Maju nearly came right there.

He was breathing hard at the shocking, sudden pleasure he received. He heard Daylyn saying behind him on her in a sheepish, adorable tone:

-„Not leaving out any hidden spots." she said, trying to sound at least a bit serious, but she couldn't help but end it with a giggle. She moved her slicky fingers around on his balls, then pulled them back out. „My turn?"

Maju turned around and seen her back, bare back, as she undone her top and layed down on her chest - her toned back was enough to make Maju want to rub it out right there, but he somehow kept his calm enough to just pour oil on his paws and start rubbing it on her back and arms.

„Hmm, this feels good. You can go lower..."

Maju's cock was so hard his tiny swimming pants could not hold it - they rolled down to the side, so his pink, thick rabbit cock (his only rabbit part on him) was bare and throbbing - He was glad Daylyn did not see it, but he was not sure if it mattered now. He started rubbing the oil in her buttcheeks when the fox reached back - Did he do something wrong? But her hand just lazily touched the string on her side-tie bikini bottom and pulled it. Maju felt like he will cum hands-free right there when he seen the tiny string come out from Daylyn's buttcrack and the bottoms thrown away. His hands were shaking and he wanted to cum badly - his cock was constantly throbbing with each of his fast heartbeats. The air was full with the scent of the coconut oil. He kept rubbing and squeezing the fine, black ass of the fox, his fingertips sliding in the crack - he knew she didnt take her bottom off for no reason, and her tail was wagging constantly - he is doing good. He must not leavy out any spots either, even if the arousal will give him a heart attack... His slicky fingertips slid deep down in between her asscheeks, and he touched her tailhole and seen her shiver and let out a little moan. He circled his slicky fingertip on her tailhole, and she did not object. She wants it too.

-„If you are done with my legs, you can start the front side..." she said. Maju noticed her voice being weaker than before.

He wanted to play on her ass more, but the promise of touching her huge, full tits got him to work - he quickly oiled up her legs up and down, then oiled her feet, sticking his fingers between her toes, rubbing her soles, and stroking the upper side of her footpaws... he was surprised how much time he spent there, and how arousing he found it. The moans and the giggles coming from Daylyn suggested she liked it too. Maju put more oil on his hands, and she turned around, leaving her top down.

Maju has never seen so beautiful, full, round breasts. They seemed heavy but they stood perkily, defying all the gravity that should've pulled them down. If Maju would not have seen them squish the way they did when she layed down, he would've thought they are fake. Her nipples were nice, erect and bright pink which contrasted well with her black fur, and they were pierced with little silver rings. She crossed her legs so he couldn't see between them.

He kneeled above her legs and poured the oil directly on her massive tits first (it looked like someone cummed on them, he thought) and started rubbing the oil onto them, squeezed and played with her breasts, rubbed and stroked them with his slicky fingertips. He drew circles around her nipples with his thumb. She moaned and murred, closing her eyes or looking up, then staring at his erect cock just over her legs, and she licked her lips. A while later when her breasts were completely slicky and oiled, she said softly, nearly whispering, in a slightly shaking voice:

-„We are about to be done..."

Maju was crazily aroused now, so hard it felt like hurting now. He moved down from her tits and oiled up her flat stomach and her light abs. Then he stopped and Daylyn pulled her knees up.

-„Told you, we are not leaving out any...hidden...spots..." she whispered and slowly spread her legs, baring her bright pink and incredibly wet pussy. It looked like a rose as her pussy lips bloomed out, and the light was sparkling on them in the hot sunshine from all the lovejuice it covered them. If Maju wasn't so incredibly horny, he would've looked at it longer, but he was. Her pussy was there to get oiled, and he just had the perfect thing to do it with. He looked in her eyes - the lust in them was nearly begging. He grabbed her legs and shoved his oily cock deep inside her dripping cunt, and both of them moaned.

Maju pounded her pussy wildly, her juices splashing at every thrust between them. Her walls pulsed around his thick, throbbing cock as often as her heart beat, and Maju fucked her even faster than he could do it for himself with his hand. At first she was just squirming, then moaning loudly, but in a short while she was letting out animalistic roars and howls and she literally screamed and shouted,

-"HARDER! HARDER! OHHhhh FUCK YES....Mooooore..."

And Maju did it harder as she asked for it, and he was sure the whole street can hear her. She shoved him on his back and started riding him without any pause, even his cock didn't leave her pussy. She was riding him wildly.

"Yess yess yessssss YESSS....ohfuck,ohgod,fuckfuckfuckfuck...."

She looked like to Maju as if she went crazy, but it was very sexy to see her go mad and riding his thick cock. He grabbed her ass and she grabbed her own tits - she squeezed them so hard it was painful to see, but she seemed to love it, and her pussy pulsed wildly now. Maju's stomach was completely soaked in her juices and he felt like his balls are about to explode. She screamed loudly, without any hint of holding it back, and her pussy tightened around Maju's cock like an iron grip and his view was blocked by the spray of lovejuices that covered his face, as if a balloon full of water would have exploded on his stomach, he got completely soaked by her great squirt. Maju finally came into her as her walls tightened on his cock - his jizz quickly filled up her pussy and sprayed out of it, making a big puddle of thick white goo on the towel. Her body jerked on his cock wildly and they just stood there for several minutes for their bodies to calm down and her body jerks to stop. Then she fell on top of his chest weakly.

Maju was completely soaked and he didn't even swim yet. He nearly laughed.

Back in Maju's room, his mom just came along with them. After she calmed down, she pulled back the curtains and went to clean herself up. Who knows, maybe next time she will go to the pool with them.