Alpha & Omega - Alpha Night
The formatting sucks, I would've liked to just upload the .rtf file that has those extra thicc line breaks but I couldn't figure out how to do so, so eh... whatever. You can find the downloadable ver on my FA. Anyway...
Alright, dumb rushed smut story time. This takes place instantly after Alpha & Omega (the first one), during and after the howling party at the end of the movie. I explain the story a tad more at the start of the text file, but really the story is just all about two alpha wolves Winston and Tony getting lewd together, with, spoiler, another wolf joining in after a bit. The whole idea comes from the way Winston was looking at Tony at the scene shown in the pic I set up here, and from he asking "Tony, what do two old wolves do after they retire?" well, gay sex obviously! :P
Still definitely not a writer or anything but hey, figured I'd just put this one up here since I almost never upload my dumb smut stories since I too often leave them unfinished, hopefully someone might enjoy what this offers.
Alright so, themes and kinks and such:
M/M and then M/M/M
Intelligent ferals (can speak and so on)
Anal, oral, rimming, pawjobs (and multiple sex acts and climaxes)
Feral muscularity, even abit of pecfucking (imagine the chars just a tad buffer than originally)
Masculinity in general
Dirty talking
Some wrestling-type stuff
Mostly told through lines of dialogue (I added narrator bits afterwards)
Some references to the story and characters of Alpha & Omega with some custom lore, mainly of the main characters being childhood friends
This story picks up from the ending of Alpha & Omega (1). Winston and Tony had united their packs finally, despite the battles between the packs and how "wrong" things went everything finally turned out well. Packs are at peace and the restrictions between alphas and omegas are gone, those of opposite ranks in hierarchy could now howl together and even get mated. Winston's daughter Kate, an alpha, was supposed to be mated with Tony's son, Garth. Kate ended up falling in love with an omega, Humphrey, and Garth on the other hand towards Lily, also an omega, and Winston's other daughter. The young wolves of the two packs made the rules change to better. Now, friends from long time ago, then enemies as the leaders of two packs having a dispute, Winston and Tony are relaxing, past their differences in views. The day filled with moments of joy, anger, and sorrow turned to night of everyone howling together. Winston and Tony gave up their position as the pack leaders, having even wondered about retiring. Tonight though, Winston had been howling with his mate Eve, while Tony had been howling with the rest of the united pack, even performing with two omegas from Winston's side of the pack, something this Tony would've never accepted previously. Tony soon headed off to take it easier while some of the wolves were still getting their turn to howl. Winston was already there, greeting him.
Winston: "Looks like you're enjoying yourself, Tony." Tony: "Oh, Winston. Well, sure... I do think I am, despite the odds." Winston: "Haha, howling with omegas isn't all that bad after all, huh?" Tony: "I suppose it isn't. You and Eve howl quite well too." Winston: "Oh but us two aren't the only ones who can howl, right?" Tony: "Mmh, your wolves do howl well. I guess I can't blame Garth anymore either, I had seen him howling with your daughter before this too." Winston: "Oh really, with Lily, right? The two sure have taken a liking to each other." Tony: "Much more than a liking, Winston." Winston: "Pretty unbeliveable, who would've known Lily would fall for your son like that." Tony: "Yes, I never would've guessed things would go like this in the end. Suppose you don't mind Garth seeing her either? Isn't she much younger than Kate?" Winston: "Oh, you don't need to worry... I know you raised Garth to be Kate's because of my request, but I feel like things will work like this either way." Tony: "Mmh..." Winston: "What's wrong Tony?" Tony: "I uh... I suppose I'm still trying to get used to the idea of the two being together." Winston: "I'm sure you've taught Garth well, he'll be a good influence on Lily growing up." Tony: "I think I'm just going to have to trust you more than myself." Winston: "You know I'm not dumb, Tony..." Tony: "I know, you're a smart wolf." Winston: "And you know, I can't blame Lily for falling for Garth..." Tony: "Oh? What do you mean by that?" Winston: "Oh I mean you raised a handsome boy. Almost as handsome as the father himself I'd say." Tony: "Ahh, stop it Winston... You're reminding me of the young you, always teasing." Winston: "No no no, I didn't mean that as a tease... Let me just be more blunt with you; you still look good." Tony: "...gah. Sure sure... Not the first time you've said that during these weeks, but do you have to say it with such a look?" Winston: "Oh I'm just serious, but what look do you mean? Something about my eyes?" Tony: "Ah damn Winston... you've been giving that look ever since dusk." Winston: "No come on Tony, do clarify, what look?" Tony: "Gah, you really making me say it...?" Winston: "Uh-huh." Tony: "You know... your... ah... how should I say it..." Winston: "Yeah?" Tony: "Your bedroom eyes." Winston: "Oooh... so that's the look you meant, I see I see..." Tony: "Mmmhm... and you're still giving that look." Winston: "Really, I am?" Tony: "Yes, yes you are." Winston: "I know you like it." Tony: "Oh shut up." Winston: "Haha... so, you got plans?" Tony: "For what?" Winston: "Us retiritng. I must say I'm not too keen on the thought of playing golf." Before everything got resolved Humphrey and Kate had been on an adventure of sorts. The two had made new friends, two birds who spend their time playing gof. As Winston and Tony had been casually talking about what they should do when they are retired, the two birds had showcased golf, and quite passionately too. The two wolves weren't as interested despite showing some, doing so just to be polite. Tony: "Ahh... Well your daughter and that Humphrey sure made some interesting friends, but yes, we share that thought, that ball hitting game didn't really interest me." Winston: "So what's on your mind?" Tony: "Well, I wouldn't really mind just taking it easy here." Winston: "Howling with omegas all days?" Tony: "Hah, not all the time you old goof. I just think things will be alot easier from now on. No more fighting for hunting grounds." Winston: "No more me shouting at your hunters." Tony: "Or my hunters secretly planning attacks on your pack members..." Winston: "Ah, you weren't involved?" Tony: "No I wasn't, Winston. I wanted to avoid useless fights as much as you did." Winston: "We were on the same boat all along. We shouldn't be starving any longer though." Tony: "Mmh... things really didn't work with us not having any food in the east." Winston: "Not like I can blame you or your pack, my pack was just as hungry if you can believe that. I'm relieved we finally managed to merge the packs peacefully." Tony: "Well, I suppose as peacefully as it could've gone at that point." Winston: "Yet things worked out just fine in the end." Tony: "Mmh. Thank you." Winston: "Oh you don't have to thank me, I'm glad you actually allowed alphas and omegas to get together." Tony: "Well it was ultimately because to you and your mate's... uh... persuading. She's scary." Before Tony had given an ok for time old rules to be abolished, Winston's mate Eve had given him quite a growl. Eve was often known for her fiery temper, even when she rarely showed that side of her. Winston: "Haha... you got that right, sometimes she scares me too." Tony: "You must be stronger than me to be able to stick with a woman like that!" Winston: "Hah! Well I suppose you're not wrong in some ways... buuut... oh Tony, what are you up to now?" Tony: "Hmm?" Winston: "The rest of your night. Do you want to stay here howling or...? Would you be up for something else?" Tony: "Ah? Oh, again with that look..." Winston: "You like it don't you?" Tony: "Oh yes I do." Winston: "Mmh... I'd say we've had enough of omegas and that it's time for alphas. Follow me. I want to catch up with you and then some, if you... catch my drift, big guy." Tony: "Heh, at times you can be so charming, and at times a dumb old geezer." Winston: "Now what do you mean with that? You want to stay here?" Tony: "No no Winston. I was just saying that you would've not needed to say all that, your gaze already told you want some quality time with me." Winston: "Oooh hah, oh really? Well, shall we? I know a spot where noone will look. Hutch guards the place for me." Tony: "Right behind you." Winston: "Just stick close." The two older wolves start to make their way to wherever Winston would be to lead. None of the others are around them, almost everyone else by the small mountain of sorts howling, while the rest had already set out to their own little dens and sleeping spots. Howls filled the background though, for some the night was still young, and the same applied to Winston and Tony. Tony: "You mentioned Hutch, your beta, right?" Winston: "Oh yes, he's a loyal one." Tony: "A fine looking beta, too." Winston: "Hmm? Handsome even, would you say?" Tony: "Hah, well sure Winston, quite handsome, fitting to be your beta." Winston: "Oooh, maybe even more handsome than me?" Tony: "Hmmm, he might be, might be!" Winston: "Still into strong looking men now are we?" Tony: "Gah, can't even compliment someone without it turning into you teasing?" Winston: "I just know how you must've been looking at him, Toooony." Tony: "Well sure... he sure does hit my buttons with his well built body." Winston: "Hah! I'm going to need to work harder so he doesn't steal you from me. He's quite a big wolf too, I know you're into those." Tony: "Really?" Winston: "Oh yeah, quite big..." Tony: "He's big huh... Wonder if he has bigger than yours." Winston: "Hmm? Bigger than mine...?" Tony: "Ah... you weren't uh... talking about that?" Winston: "Bigger than my whaaat, Winston?" Tony: "Wiiiinstoooon..." Winston: "Just entertain me and saaaay it, bigger than my what?" Tony: "Fine... your cock." Winston: "There you go, hahaha! Not a chance, Tony, mine is bigger! Hah, being quite lewd now are we?" Tony: "Damnit Winston, I was just... damnit, stop teasing, hah. Your attitude's gonna catch onto me at this rate." Winston: "Oh, whaaat attitude, stud?" Tony: "You being so... oh no no, I'm not playing that game again, I'm not saying the obvious again." Winston: "Hah! Come on, loosen up a bit. I just want a piece of you tonight." Tony: "Yeah yeah... aslong as I get a piece of you too." Winston: "Which piece, my cock?" Tony: "Gah... Hah. You damn horndog... Your words are filled with need." Winston: "I blame the full moon." Tony: "Oh?" Tony stops, Winston ofcourse stopping too and turning towards Tony. Winston: "Hmm? Now you're the one giving an interesting look..." Tony was giving a sly grin of sorts, as if prying information from Winston with his fiery, naughty-like glare. Tony: "The full moon. It still seems to boost your libido, hmm?" Winston: "Ugh... you remember everything about me from way back." Tony: "I probably remember more than you think big guy." Winston: "Hmmm... oh. Even how big my cock is...?" Tony: "Gah, again with your damn dick, Winston..." Winston: "Haha, I can't help teasing you! And I did stay on topic!" Tony: "Well what a topic, libido and cocks..." Winston: "Hah! Ah, right, not that we need to stop chatting about dicks but..." Tony: "Are you even able to?" Winston: "Oh shush." The two keep going forward while talking. Tony: "Hah. Sorry Winston. Go on, I'm all ears." Winston: "How's your back, Tony? I hope I didn't hurt you too bad, is it feeling fine?" Earlier that day Winston had saved Tony from wild caribou stomping the brown wolf down by cracking his back into shape. A disc in Tony's spine had been popping and acting up for a long time in his adulthood and then, earlier this day, it had failed at the worst possible moment. Tony: "Oh, no no don't worry... you saved me back there, I would've been gone if you hadn't cracked it back into shape." Winston: "Well ofcourse I would save you my friend, even if we had our differences back there. But now we have all night to ourselves, I want to atleast make sure your back is better." Tony: "Hah, I know you had something else in your mind than just my backside." Winston: "Oh, now what gave you that idea?" Tony: "How about your gaze for starters." Winston: "Haha, well I sure do and you know that mooore than well by now, but like I said, the night is ours. Tony: "Mmmh." Winston: "I need to make sure my ride lasts without breaking down." Tony: "Gah, goddamnit Winston, what a way to say something like that..." Winston: "Oh I'm just making sure your engine's starting up like mine is." Tony: "Hah... you've already succeeded there, but your eyes do a much better job at it than your teasing does." Winston: "Haha! You'll loosen up soon..." Tony: "Oh we'll see who loosens who at this rate..." Winston: "Oooh! Haha! But no, really Tony, just let me take care of your back." Tony: "Well, I'd appreciate it. Don't worry though, I feel just fine." Winston: "Better safe than sorry, it has pained me to see you gritting your teeth whenever it ached." Tony: "Thank you, Winston." Winston: "We're almost there..." The two wolves reach a cliffside, with a black and white wolf standing at the edge, looking around as if guarding the place. Tony: "That's Hutch right?" Winston: "Yes he is, I know you like his looks but keep yourself in check, Tooony." Tony: "Oh stop teasing, I know how to behave." Winston: "Haha... Hutch!" Hutch: "Yes sir!" Winston: "Remember what I told you?" Hutch: "Sir. I'll make sure not a soul will bother you or Tony." Tony: "Hm, what did you tell him--?" Winston: "Thank you Hutch." Hutch: "Sir. Tony." Tony: "Mmh. Uh... thank you." Hutch: "Sir. Nothing to worry about." Tony: "Mmh... appreciate it, I suppose" Winston: "This way, Tony." Tony: "Mmh." The two turn around on the cliffside and see a cave enterance. They make their way inside the cozy cave that goes surpricingly deep, letting the two be alone despite Hutch being so close outside.
Winston: "And... here we are." Tony: "Oh... your den, ofcourse. I didn't realize until now." Winston: "At a night like this noone will think to look here. Hutch will make extra sure of that too." Tony: "So... you old wolf, what have you been speaking to Hutch there?" Winston: "Hmhm... Oh, you don't need to worry Tony. Just try to concentrate on this oooold wolf here." Tony: "Sure sure... you got my attention already. Just curious what that beta of yours knows... he didn't object two alphas needing time all for themselves with noone else... Does he know what we're about to do? I do wonder what he's thinking." Winston: "Hmhmhm..." Tony: "Winston... Ah... again with that look." Winston: "I know you love this look... gotta clear your mind somehow." Tony: "Well... it sure as hell is a good way to do so..." Winston: "Mmmh... I love how you react to my gaze." Tony: "It feels like it's been teasing me the whole night." Winston: "In a good way, though?" Tony: "In the best way..." Winston: "Mmh... locked right into your gorgeous eyes." Tony: "Mmmh... really though, let me be frank... you look so much more handsome than how I've been remembering you before all this..." Winston: "Oh Tony but you--" Tony: "Winston. Please." Tony looks right into Winston's eyes. The grey wolf halts his teasing and dirty talking, giving Tony a nod and a chance to speak, listening carefully. Winston: "Mmh." Tony: "Look uh... Before all this we've only been seeing each other whenever we were arguing, and rarely at that too. I've been seeing you so much recently, it's been really nice, honestly speaking. I had hoped I could spend the moments we saw each other talking, instead of just growling." Winston: "It's a shame our time was wasted just arguing..." Tony: "Well it's all good now, thankfully. You're a handsome alpha wolf. I had honestly forgotten how big you are too." Winston: "Mmh." Tony: "I'm not lieing." Winston: "Hmm... and? That's it?" Tony: "Huh?" Winston: "I was almost expecting a longer monologue, and you just end up calling me handsome, hah." Tony: "Well uh... I've never been one to talk more than necessary, I suppose actions speak louder than words." Winston: "Do they now...? Mmh." Winston licks Tony's cheek heftily. Tony: "Ah... oh you. Mhh..." Tony returns the lick. Winston: "Aww..." Tony: "You're real handsome, Winston. Quite a stud for a wolf." Winston: "...mhmh... and... well..." Winston's bedroom eyes are at full effect again, staring quite intimately all up close at Tony, quite lovingly. Tony: "Hm?" Winston: "Hah, not that I need to say anything back at you, right?" Tony: "Especially not any of your teasing..." Winston: "I'll behave for you. Anything else you're longing to hear...?" Tony: "Well... No Winston, that look of yours tells it all... yes, you... well, you hunger." Winston: "For a true alpha male..." Tony: "Mmh... ppfft, haha!" Winston: "Oh what now?" Tony: "Gah... haha. Sorry, being in your den and all, I just started to wonder what your wife would think if she heard us talking dirty like this." Winston: "Ah... I'd rather not even think about it... why don't you lay down, I'll give your back a massage." Tony: "Oh, you were serious about that?" Winston: "Ofcourse Tony, just lay down here." Tony: "Mmh... This alright? Tony lays down and tries to relax, his backside ofcourse up so that Winston may give that massage. Winston: "There you go..." Tony: "You've found a powerful mate. She sure can be scary! Ah... your paws..." Winston sticks by Tony's side, sitting down and using both paws to feel around the other wolf's lower backside. Winston: "Too hard? I barely pressed in." Tony: "No no... sorry, it didn't hurt, I just got caught offguard I suppose, your paws are quite big." Winston: "Well I'm a big wolf, right?" Tony: "We both are... we're alphas, right? Ahhh..." Winston: "Haha, the true alphas. But yes, you're right, Eve is a powerful mate. Kate is growing out to be just as strong as her." Tony: "Nnnffh... that's a tense spot, the damn disc was acting up there..." Winston: "I felt it, don't worry, I'll be careful... I was so sure back in the days that Kate and your Garth would be perfect for each other..." Tony: "Mmh, I often spoke of Kate to my Garth, he was genuinely interested in her." Winston: "Oh really? I'm surpriced he ended up falling for Lily. Heh... and with Garth as much of a handsome stud as he is--" Tony: "Ngaah again with speaking about my son like that...!" Winston: "Haha! Sorry Tony, he reminds me so much of young you, strong and full of muscle, you know." Tony: "Ngah... Sure... Well you were... nffh... always the one into the swoll guys... I'd be the last to deny Garth's strenght." Winston: "Guess that's how I picked my mate too, guess I'm just into strong wolves... such as you." Tony: "Oh shush, stud... You're bigger than I am." Winston: "Haha barely! Well, what about you then?" Tony: "Guess I'm... nfh... abit of the same. Especially hard to ignore when a strong wolf stares at one with eyes such as yours." Winston: "Oh no that's not what I ment Tony, but thank you, I do know I am strong..." Tony: "Hah. Big and strong." Winston: "Oh yes I am. But what I did mean to ask was uh, what about your mate? Or, sorry, uh... ex, right? Garth's mother, I mean. I never even got to meet her." Tony: "Ah, about mateship... well... she and I are talking, but she uh, she doesn't want to stick close to me. Not... nffh... not for long atleast." Winston: "Hmm... Something bad happened between you two? The tone of your voice changed." Tony: "Mmh... something like that. I'm managing." Winston: "Hmm?" Tony: "I'd uh... rather pass on the subject." Winston: "A subject more sore than your back?" Tony: "Heh... I'd rather not think about it too much really..." Winston: "Hey, sorry for picking up on it, didn't mean to bring you down, Tony. Buuut... what I'm really wondering about here is, what I was going for I mean... have you been getting action recently?" Tony: "Goddamnit again Winston..." Winston: "Haha, whaaat? I'm just curious, stud, it's important for us virile wolves to mate every once in a while. Our manhoods can't just stay sleeping forever." Tony: "Gah, hah, you're real blunt even though you don't make it so direct, you know that?" Winston: "Oh I bet you were thinking of my cock just a while ago anyway." Tony: "Gaaah Winston... hah..." Winston: "My biiiiig juicy cock." To power up his naughty words further Winston's massaging turns much more into caressing, adding pressure and somewhat lustfully clawing about Tony's upper back now. Tony: "Huff... sure sure... you're massaging me real good there..." Winston: "Magic paws." Tony: "Nfh... naughty paws, with the way they are moving..." Winston: "Oh yes Tony... you know who they belong to." Tony: "Mmh... to an alpha wolf." Winston: "To a naaaaughty alpha wolf." Tony: "Nffffh... oh damn..." Winston: "Mmmh... theeere we go. Seems like I brought your mood back up." Tony: "Well, gah, sure, but... gaah you know... you're just one big tease." Winston: "Hmm... should I be more direct then?" Tony: "Hah, well that's not what I really meant, buuut... You-- nffh hey!?" Winston hugged and almost wrestled Tony's upper body, the grey wolf taking much more of the situation under his control as he worked to move Tony's entire body around. Winston: "Mrrfh! Time to handle the alpha wolf more directly!" Tony: "Nnfh...!" It only took a moment for the strong big wolf to wrestle the other big wolf into a position of his liking, it all needing effort while the change in positions was a simple one - Tony was just rolled around to lay on his back, Winston pressing Tony's body down with a single paw, standing above the other alpha. Winston: "Hah... just a little change in positions... stay down like that big guy, I just want to take a look at you." Tony: "Nnffh.. you're being reeaal pushy you know Winston." Winston: "You want me and you know it. Or does your back still ache...?" Winston backs off some while checking out Tony's body, making it real clear he's staring. Tony: "Well, I think I'll more than manage whatever you'll bring my way, you damn stud..." Winston: "Yeah...?" Winston stares right at Tony with his lusty bedroom eyes. Tony ends up turning his head to the side, giving Winston a chance to go for another move. Tony: "Again with that look... yeah yeah, I'm just fine, you just do you... Woah, oh..." Winston: "You smell real nice down here. Getting aroused so easily too..." Winston had indeed backed off so much only his head was above Tony's body now, or more accurately his groin. Winston had his snout right by Tony's balls, not touching just yet, only his breath tickling Tony. Tony: "I've been holding it back because of you for way too long..." Winston: "Oh really...? I wasn't sure..." Tony: "Nffh... oh I kept my needs more hidden than you did... but you damn studly scent's been honestly driving me crazy..." Winston: "Oh I can tell, your knot's getting squeezed inside there... mmnfh..." Tony: "Straight to licking huh...? Oh my, Winston, you horny wolf..." Winston licks about Tony's sheath, even giving the peeking cocktip a few occasional licks as it came more and more into view. Winston: "Nnnffh... Oh, I'm the horny wolf, hmm? Mmmh..." Tony: "Yeah yeah, nnfh... I suppose we both are now." Winston: "I can roll with that... mmh... you like this right...? Mmmh..." Tony: "A-ahh... my balls huh... nnffh... Ooooh ofcourse you would remember how I love that, ah..." Winston: "Oh, ofcourse I would... how you love getting some attention down there... and oooh I've missed this scent and taste... your scent's gotten stronger. Mmh..." Tony: "I blame old age... mmmfffh god..." Winston: "Nnffh.. oh don't curse our age, we're still virile and strong... and horny as all hell. Mmmnnh..." Winston, now working on Tony's balls, takes them partially into his mouth and movies his tongue all across them, under them, cupping them, letting Tony enjoy at fullest. Tony: "Hah... gah... you really know how to work your tongue. Ah..." Winston: "Mmmmffs... Mnnfh... just a bit more... gah... this is addicting..." Tony: "Ahh... I don't mind... mffh..." Winston: "Mmh... mhh... You're really enjoying yourself now aren't you? Lovely sounds you're making..." Winston now lifts his head and watches Tony from between the brown wolves legs. Tony: "Nnfh... you just know what I like so well. Ah... Thanks for that." Winston: "Heh... and I'm sure you know what I like too, right Tony?" Tony: "Hmm... hah. Big strong wolves?" Winston: "That's right. Would you mind... showing me some?" In anticipation Winston moves back up and over Tony's body, half way standing on all fours above the other wolf, head above the wolf's stomach area. Winston is just as aroused as Tony Tony: "Mmh, let me guess... you wanna see some wolf beef working?" Winston: "You know it stud." Tony: "Hah, ofcourse Winston... here, take a gooood look, nfh... I'll keep my muscles hard for you." Winston: "I appreciate it Tony. Mh... oh my..." Tony moves his strong forelegs and shoulder area about, tensing and flexing especially his chest area though the rest of his body seems to swell up too with his muscles tensing. Tony: "Mmmrh... how's this? Mrrh..." Winston: "Ooofh... perfect. Mmh..." Tony: "Hah, grfh, what, speechless? Been that long?" Winston is ever so slightly overwhelmed, he keeps his paws to the ground and merely stares, his eyes carefully inspecting each bit of Tony's body while keeping his longing paws off for now. Winston: "Oh, almost. Man... what a body you have. You're as impressive as ever..." Tony: "Grrfh... just keep admiring." Winston: "Oh I will... I didn't lie when I said you looked good when all this mess between our packs began..." Tony: "Grrfh..." Winston: "Hot, mmlrffh..." Tony: "Nrrfh... you're drooling all over my body." Winston: "Oh, sorry, was I?" Tony: "Hah don't worry, not literally, but your gaze told what you're thinking once again. You want some of this now don't you?" Winston: "Oh yes I do Tony... I've been working too but you must be doing something different from me, you've always been impressive in your physique... your chest and... everything, really." Tony: "Even when I'm an old man now?" Winston: "Especially now... age has only made you more prime." Tony: "Hah... Well, don't just look, come closer big guy..." Winston: "No, you're the big guy here... Nfh... Alright, let me just... mmh..." Tony: "Yeah. Ah... straight to cuddling huh? Oh you..." Winston scraped the fur on Tony's chest but then led his foreleg slide off to the side, laying right over the other wolf's body, their chests meeting and paws finding each other's body. Naturally, being so close together, their erect cocks ended up touching each other's fur. Winston's cock is already completely in full view, knot and all. Winston: "Oh yeah, intimately at that... I need to feel you closer to me already..." Tony: "Nffh... ah, you're heavy." Winston: "Just all the muscle I've built to match you." Tony: "Not like you even needed muscle to be bigger than me... But I suppose us alphas need to be strong..." Winston: "That's true... but I've honestly been trying to just match you." To try and prove himself, Winston's hold tightens up, holding Tony to the ground with his forelegs. Tony: "Oh Winston... nffh... really pinning me down here..." Winston: "Well you're strong and big yourself, you can take some alpha power can't you?" Tony: "Nnnffh..." Winston: "Oh yes you can... god Tony, I've missed you." Tony: "Just come closer already..." Winston: "More? Oh, I'd love to..." Tony: "Mmmh..." Winston ever so slightly adjusts his upper frame and ends up bringing his face a tad closer to Tony's. At the same time he works on their lower regions, lining their cocks to find snug spots between their bodies as the intimacy went up as their balls found each other. Winston: "Let me just... align us up... and... ah... heeey, licked me there." Tony: "We're alone aren't we..." Winston: "Mmh... you're lovely." Tony: "So are you, stud... ah... mmfh..." The two alpha wolves lick each other's muzzles for a moment but before long their tongues move out of the way and leave room for their lips to meet. Winston: "Ah... Tony... nnffh..." Tony: "Mfh... use some tongue..." Winston: "Ah... mnfh... sure... mmmffh.." The heated kissing continues as the two, on top of wrestling their bodies together, now wrestle their tongues almost into a knot. While kissing Winston softly humps against Tony. Tony: "Mmmfh... hfh..." Winston: "Mmff... ahh... you're good at that..." Tony: "You too... Ah... oh, right, was that the first time for us?" Winston: "Huh?" Tony: "I don't think we've actually kissed before, not like that." Winston: "Hmm... you think so? Well you might be right... yeah, I think you are." Tony: "Mmmh..." Winston: "Not only are you strong and handsome, you're a good kisser too, huh? I didn't expect that." Tony: "You too Winston... so which did you like more so far, my body or my tongue?" Winston: "Hah, now that's a weird question now isn't it." Tony: "The most important, Wiiiinston." Winston: "Haha, oh Tony. Well... let's see. I did enjoy that kiss, but hmm... still, I think I would pick your muscles." Tony: "Oh yeah?" Winston: "Your one stroooong wolf. Your question's senseless anyway, like I'd pick one part of you over the oth-- gah!" As Winston talks and ends up raising his muzzle just the slightest bit, Tony suddenly brings his own mouth in and bites on. The bite isn't rough, there's no pain nor blood - the brown wolf knows how to bite, this time aiming to just take a good hold, and to show some dominance. Tony: "Grrrffhhrh...!!" Winston: "Woah...!" Tony: "Mrrh... it was just a distraction. My turn to be on top, Winston." Before Winston even truly realizes it the situation has flipped, the grey wolf who thought had a good restricting hold on the brown wolf was now down below, Tony on the top and in turn pinning Winston down. Winston: "Holy hell Tony..." Tony: "You were just saying how strong I am, did I reeeaally catch you by surprice?" Winston: "Ah... nnrrfh..." Winston gives a small struggle, thinking he could just roll the two around again. Tony: "Hah... thought you had me pinned real good right? Look at who's down on the ground now... mrrrrh..." Winston: "Nrrfh! Huff... Well I'll be damned... gah..." Tony: "Thaaat's right..." Winston: "Damn Tony... you're so... huff..." Tony: "Oh this is all thanks to those bedroom eyes and your advances and all... now it's my time, you're not the only alpha here. Time to show the old grey wolf what a brown wolf is made of... I'll show you what a true alpha can do. Grrrhh..." Winston: "Oh Winston... ah... you're making my heart race." Tony: "Oh, am I now? Hmm... does the big boy Winston enjoy being manhandled, is that it? You did wake up my engine now..." Winston: "Nfffh... haha, you stud-nfhh..." For a moment Tony brings his paw to Winston's muzzle and pushes it shut. Tony: "You've had your fun, it's my turn now. You'll be mine." Winston: "Huff, ah... your tone's all... demanding..." Tony: "I need you. I'll make sure you get a gooood feel of all this power and muscle." Winston: "Gaah haha... oooh Tony..." Feeling his cheeks warm up a tad, maybe blushing even, Tony now doing some small humping motions sure helped with that. He turns his muzzle up and then towards the ground some, hiding his embarassed face. Ofcourse, by doing this, another part of his was exposed, a part that had gotten a bite already. Tony: "Thaaat's right Winston, keep that neck exposed. No need for your bedroom eyes anymore..." Winston: "Nffh... are you licking my neck now...? Ah..." Tony: "Mrrrffhh... You're miiiine..." Winston: "Ah... I had no idea you can... be like this... nfh..." Tony: "But you love it don't you?" Winston: "Nffh... just a tad caught by surprice... but... ah... daaamn..." Tony: "Yeah you love it... mnnnfh... grfh!" Winston: "Biting again ahhh... h-hey... ah... you're ramming me down... nfh..." Tony pushes his dominance through, not only biting but also laying more of his weight to Winston's upper body, Tony using his large muscles to keep his "friend" down to the ground, making him feel powerless in the best possible way. Tony: "Mrrffhhh...!" Winston: "You're so strong Tony...!" Tony: "Mnaahh... I hear you complaining but you're hard as a rock. What is it Winston, hmm? Your cock ready to blow already?" Winston: "Mgah... now you're the one doing the teasing, with all that dirty talk... huff!" Tony: "Well I do need to get back to you for all the teasing you did, right? And you know, seeing you moaning and complaining is quite refreshing from the naughty looks you gave earlier." Winston: "Yeah yeah, gah... just keep going." Tony: "Hah. That's what I like to hear. Just submit to your daddy..." Winston: "Goddamnit Tony, haha... ah...? Nffh..." Tony lets his weight lay down evenly again, then loosening up his hold for just a moment and stepping back. Keeping their groins together and all snug against each other he now starts lifting his upper body up, keeping one paw on the ground while the other hooks by one of Winston's hindlegs, right by his waist. The snug grinding between their cocks finally makes Tony's sheath slide ouf othe way of his swoll knot. Tony: "Oh no no, I'm not letting go of you... just readjusting." Winston: "Think I could... break free now though." Tony: "Bet you won't, stud. You're loving this daddy wolf handling you..." Winston: "Mmmh... damn Tony..." Tony: Hey, why don't you help me out here Winston, bring a paw to my chest." Winston: "Ah... sure? Here..." Tony: "Give it a good rub..." Winston: "Mhh... you're buff." Tony: "Nooow the other paw..." Winston: "Nfh... oh you... nf, like this?" Tony: "That's right... Now, be a strong wolf and hold me up for just a moment so I don't hurt my back... I know you enjoy the feel of my pecs anyway." Winston: "Mmh... stop winking and just do your thing, you sexy wolf..." Tony: "Nffh... heere we go..." With Winston helping with keeping Tony's body up just in case, the brown wolf backed off his lower body, his intimate area behind and below Winston's, Tony's almost fully revealed cock reasting at the brown wolf's groin for now. From there he now put his musclular forelegs to use and lifted Winston's lower body up, Tony's setting quickly turning out to be looking like a full on mating position, finding balance and managing to bring both of his forepaws to Winston's waist area. Winston: "Oh... did you even need my help there, stud...?" Tony: "Hah... alright I'm good, you can take your paws... unless you wanna keep admiring my body." Winston: "Think I'll keep doing just that... but ah... you going to...?" Tony: "Oh yes Winston, I'll take the first round. You can feel that can't you?" Tony's cock was no longer at Winston's groin, it was already poking the other wolf's rear enterance. Winston: "Nnfh... at thick as ever..." Tony: "I'm just poking for now, don't worry. Just teasing, I'll work on loosening you up properly soon..." Winston: "No no Winston... I uh... I've had practice. I can take you." Tony: "Oh?" Winston: "Nnffh... you know... I've been keeping myself prepared..." Tony: "Hah, wait, so, you've been looking forward to me taking you, is that it? You want this now and here don't you... yeah you want alpha cock in you..." Winston: "Gah... and stop looking at me like that." Tony: "Just making sure you know who's the top for the night. So..." Winston: "Afh... your paw." Tony backed one paw off the wolf's waist and brought it to Winston's chest, pressing rather firmly, just to pin the wolf down further. This makes Winston back off his own paws, curling them up in a very canine manner. Tony: "Do tell me who you've had practice with. Were they big...?" Winston: "Nfffhh... You ah..." Tony: "Hmm?" Tony adds weight to his paw, clawing Winston firmly but not in a way that would hurt, Tony merely shows he's in the lead of the situation. Winston: "Huuuufffh Tony..." Tony: "Tell me, Winnnston... who's the lucky stud to play with you?" Winston: "Nnffh... You uh... you already saw him." Tony: "Ooooh, hah, I knew it. You naughty dog you. So... is Hutch big?" Both of Tony's paws find their way back to Winston's waist, to a mating position. Winston keeps his paws to himself, watching Tony's body. Winston: "Nnfh... not as big as you..." Tony: "Then this will be interesting. Let's see what sort of a face the grey wolf makes when he's fucked by a top alpha..." Tony already starts pushing in, the very tip of his cock already having slid in. Winston: "Nnnh... ahhh Tony, slow..." Tony: "You're tight, Winston. Let me cut the act for just a second... don't worry Winston, I know what I'm doing. Here..." Backing up just the smallest amount, Tony continues pushing in, and this time, he doesn't stop, sliding inside at a constant speed. Winston: "Ah... I really didn't remember you being this huuUUuuuge aaahh..." Tony: "I'm not just good looks, huh? Mnnaahh... your whole body feels like it's in heat." Winston: "Mnnfh... thanks to you, stud... gah... you do look amazing... nnffh... aaaahhh..." Tony slowly brings his cock back out and from there pushes right back in, just as slowly still. His thick manhood keeps on sliding and sinking into the other wolf. Tony: "Ahh... So do you, moaning and groaning like that." Winston: "Gh stop it... ahh..." Tony: "And would you look at that, all the way to the knot. What a good boy." The edge of Tony's knot presses against the other wolf's enterance, his cock is as deep as it can go for now without knotting. Winston: "Nnnffh..." Tony: "Your eyes were flirting with my earlier and now you can barely even look at me... hah, what's going on Winston, did someone steal your heart?" Winston: "Nrrrfh... sure did... hell... ah..." Tony stops to make sure Winston can keep up. Tony: "Hey... I'll wait, I want you to feel good too." Winston: "No no Tony... nfh... it doesn't hurt... You're just... a tad overwhelming... ah... pinning me again." Hearing it doesn't hurt, Tony again moves his paw to Tony's chest. Tony: "How do you think I've trained Garth to be such an alpha? I'm an alpha like you, I know what it takes to lead. If you let me, I'll keep leading you for the rest of the night. But I do want you to enjoy, Winston. Do you want me to keep going?" Winston: "Nffh, hell yes Tony... I don't want you to stop... just keep overwhelming me." Tony: "Hah, you want to feel what it's like to be dominated, is that it?" Pushing the limits how much Winston will let him do, Tony moves his paw from the grey wolf's chest to his cheek, guiding the side of Winston's head down to the cavern floor and pinning it there. Winston: "Nffh..." Tony: "You're loving this aren't you? Grrfh... Are you?" Winston: "Huffh... y-yes, Tony... nngh" Tony: "I couldn't quite hear you, Winston." Winston: "Nrrrffh yes Tony! Take me!" Tony: "What a good boy you are! But if it does hurt at any point, please don't hesitate to say so, Winston." Tony's paw again moves to the mating position. Winston: Nffh... you don't need to worry, stud." Tony: "Here I go... nnffh..." And just like that, the dominant wolf starts humping, then thrusting. The two old wolves were mating. Winston: "Ah... Tony... gffhh..." Tony: "How's that Winston? Nfh!" Winston: "Good...! Just... keep going... ahhh...!" Tony: "You feel so good... nfh... nnfffh... Move your paws off." Winston spreads his curled up paws, Tony hunching down, fucking almost downwards with the grey wolf so curled up below. Winston: "huh... y-yeah... nfh... ah, getting close again...? Mffh... mnnnffh..." Tony: "Mnnnfh... ah.. mfh..." Tony went straight into a kiss, the two again joining lips and using their tongues. Tony kept fucking, Winston's cock swaying to the hard fucking. Winston: "Mmmf.. agh..! Nffgh... mmffhh...!" Tony: "Mhah... you moaning to my thrusts while we kiss is amazing..." Winston closes his eyes and falls into the moment. The sensation is truly started to get to him. Winston: "And your motions are... unf... quite something... ah-mmnnfh..." Tony: "Mmmffh... aahhh..." Winston: "Nfh... really.. ah.. you're good at this..." Tony: "Nnffh damn right I am... now open your eyes and watch my body work, Winston...! Grfh!" Winston: "Mggaahh... Oh hell.. Tony mnnffh...! What a gorgeous wolf you are..!!" Winston was barely able to keep his eyes open but hell, he sure didn't mind watching the brown wolf working above him, fucking him in the fullest. To him, in that moment, Tony was huge, incredibly strong feeling, and so... damn dominant. Winston absolutely loved it, despite the ache in his rear, though really, even that was just perfect. Tony: "Yeah!? Tell me more, Tony!" Winston: "Mmmgh... your gah-- your body is swoll and- ahh-amazing to begin with but... nffh.. the way you fuck makes you... look even sexier, nfffgh aahh...!!" Tony: "Mnnfgh god Winston! I'm getting close! Haaffh...!" Winston: "I can mffh tell!! Keep going!" Tony: "A-ahhh... already... nffh!! I'm gonna shoot... mfh... ahh... gaaahhh!! Ohh...!!" Winston: "Do it Tonyyyy-rrfh...!" Tony: "Ah... Awooooo!! Aahh, awoh, nffh!" Winston: "Ahhh... Tony... ahh damn Tony...!! Nfh...! Fill me up stud!" Tony: "Huffh... aaahh..." Winston: "I see you still have that habit, nnffh... to let out a small howl when you release..." Tony: "Nffh... yeah... old habits don't die... easily... huffh..." Winston: "Hah. Not that I mind, handsome...! You mate real well... damn..." Tony: "Huuufffh... thank you, Winston..." Tony stays in the mating position, staring down at Winston, the two staying still with the accasional twitch-like little humps from the brown wolf. Winston: "Nfh... How come you didn't knot me though, Tony?" Tony: "Nffh... well weren't you the one to say that the night is ours? It'll be a long night sure... but... I don't want to waste time being stuck in you." Winston: "Hah... oh I see, you must... mh... be looking forward to much more." Tony: "Oh yes, you stud... say, did I hurt you?" Winston: "Mmmh... in the best possible way." Tony: "Hah. Well you did handle me without a single real complaint." Winston: "Oh, you handled me, stud..." Tony: "Oh yes I did. Alright... here... nffh... ahh..." Winston: "Mgggaahhh... pull out slower... nfh..." Tony: "Sorry... nffh... ah... Sorry, it just slid out." Tony had let go of the wolf below and had started to back off, pressure from the heavy load inside Winston had made Tony's cock to slide out though, without the brown wolf meaning to be so quick. Ofcourse, not knotting made the connection looser to begin with. Tony's load dripped down from his cock and from the other wolf's ass. Winston: "No no don't worry... nnfh, my whole ass feels wet..." Tony: "Been a while for me, came quite a load into you." Winston: "Like a damn waterfall. Ah... aww." Winston kept laying down, panting some. Tony now stood next to him, giving the grey wolf's cheek a lick. Tony: "Hah. So... Winston... Your cock's still rock hard. I'm not too old to become tired from one go, what do you want next...?" Winston: "Oh Tony... huffh... atleast take a moment to rest, here... lay down next to me." Tony: "Ah, don't worry Winston... huff.. I can keep going." Winston: "Oooh come on you stud, I need a moment too, come on, lay down here." Tony: "Heh... oofh... if you insist." Tony laid down. The two large wolves now laid there next to each other on their backs, cocks hard on both, Tony's knot much more swollen though, and much more wet, from his own seed. Winston: "Yeah... here... there you go." Tony: "Yeah yeah." Winston: "Man... your cock's still leaking..." Tony: "And your's twitching like there's no tomorrow." Winston: "Hah. I really didn't remember yours being so big..." Tony: "I could say the same. You're quite an alpha aren't you." Winston: "You and me Winston, you and me." Tony: "You know, I would've neeever guessed I'd be here with you today." Winston: "Oh, who would've? I doubt any two previous rivals have gone right into sex after a big fight." Tony: "Haha, that sounds like a fantasy as is... but I wouldn't call us exactly rivals though, we were enemies." Winston: "Mmh. We didn't speak for a long time though, only growled." Tony: "Yet now the only growls here are... quite different." Winston: "Sexy growls..." Tony: "Hah, oh Winston... mmh..." Winston: "Mnnfh..." The two kiss again, using their tongues yet again and letting their mouths lock together for a moment. Tony: "Mh... you're really into using your tongue." Winston: "Mmmh... I'm nowhere near done with you and your hot bod either, stuuud." Tony: "Hah! Want me to top you again?" Winston: "Well... hah, I had no idea you like to top so! You damn daddy wolf!" Winston bumps his foreleg against Tony's, then starts to get up himself, leaving Tony laying down. Tony: "Oooh I sure do... but... oh... hmmm?" Winston: "What is it? You were about to say something." Tony: "Well... yeah, I sure don't mind you topping me. You're the only male who can." Winston: "Hah... sure you don't have any objections to me playing the dominant?" Winston moved near Tony's head, chest and head over Tony's while the rest of the grey wolf's body was further away from the body. If he'd be to move forward from there at any point, the two would easily be in sixty-nine position. Winston pressed both his large forepaws on Tony's shoulder and chest area and laid his weight down. Tony: "Mmmh... ah, pinning me..." Winston: "Any requests in return? For me to be able to top you?" Tony: "Hah, none needed." Winston: "Come on... entertain my offer." Tony: "Nnfh... well maybe a piece of Hutch." Winston: "Hah! Not going to happen stud, grrh..." Tony: "Nfh... you're strong." With resting more of his weight down Winston managed to quite effectively hold Tony down. Winston: "If you'd take a piece of Hutch... well... I'd ask for a piece of someone of yours." Tony: "Someone in my pack? Interested in someone, stud?" Winston: "Well... let's say things would get kinky..." Tony: "Gah... my son...? Damnit Winston..." Winston: "Well, Garth is hot, I can't help it." Winston adjusts his presense again, sitting down near Tony's head, fully on purpose so close that his large cock pressed against Tony's head and face. Tony: "Nrrrfh... nnffh... you look huge like that." Winston: "Mmh... which part of me?" Tony: "Mmh... everything." Winston: "Hah, so... I suppose no trading Garth for Hutch? You're gonna miss out on a virile male in his priiime..." Tony: "Mnnfh... not like I was actually serious about Hutch." Winston: "You weren't huh...? Oh I doubt that, yeah yeah, surely you weren't looking at his manly frame..." While Winston teased and spoke, he softly humped against Tony's head. Tony turned his head but Winston's proximity kept the brown wolf rather still. Tony: "Nnfh stop it Winston..." Winston: "...his mighty forelegs with strenght to manhandle someone... his hindlegs built for nonstop fucking..." Tony: "Huffh..." Winston: "...his musky balls... or maybe even how thick and mighty his cock might be, how it might feel as he takes you... or maybe how it would throb and leak as you fuck him with all the might you got until the morning comes." Tony: "Nrrffh Winston, hell..." Winston: "Oh yeah Tony... Hutch is quite a stud..."
?: "Mgh-aahhh..." Suddenly, a voice not belonging to two of them moaned. Despite their naughty conversation just now, Tony couldn't even guess who it would be, he was much more worried about being caught. Winston, sure of who it is, pinned Tony down with just his forepaws, getting up on all fours otherwise, holding the other alpha down. Tony: "What was th- hey?? Let me up Winston." Winston: "...just stay there." Tony: "Nffh... you can be so strong when you feel like it... nfh..." Winston: "Just relax. This will be good. Hutch! Show yourself." Hutch: "...ah..." Followed by silent steps retreating, Hutch had been caught from eavesdropping from around the corner. Tony: "Gh... can't get up... damnit Winston, I don't want him to see..." Winston: "Calm down Tony, you're both going to love this... Hutch!! Don't try to sneak away." Hutch: "...sir." Tony: "Tsh..." Hutch, the black and white beta wolf from earlier wasn't able to go against his alpha's orders, walking back and then into full view, the caught wolf panting some. Winston held Tony down who wasn't struggling any longer - he was an alpha, he had to appear confident for those of lower rank. If this was how it was then fine, he'd be in this position with pride, let the beta wolf see. He watched Hutch from down below, seeing things Winston didn't as well. Winston: "How long were you there, Hutch?" Tony: "...he's hard..." Hutch: "Sir... uh... well uh, I heard you two making noise and I was just uh... woa... woah." Only now Hutch realized the scene, really noticing Tony's position, and his huge, still-throbbing cock, knot shrunk to it's regular size by now. The view made this beta speechless, his own cock throbbing. Tony: "...yeah, what is it...?" Hutch: "...huffh... huff... I uh..." Winston: "Come closer Hutch, come look at our other alpha up closer..." Winston looked down, him and Tony locking eyes. Winston used his gaze again. Tony: "Hey... nnffh... gah, Winston, again with that look..." Winston: "Just show him what kind of male you are, Hutch won't bite, I swear." Tony: "...fine... hard to say no in this position anyway." Winston: "Thaaat's right..." Tony: "Uh... Hutch!" Hutch had stayed still despite Winston calling him. Hutch: "Ah, Tony? Uh- Sir!?" Tony: "Just uh... come closer. You have permission. Don't worry about hierarchy or ranks." Hutch: "Unf... sir!" Winston: "Watch out Tony, he can be quite eager..." Tony: "Nffh... what do you mean by that...? Ah... woah, Hutch, slow down..." Hutch was eager sure, but more than that he was nervous and excited. He climbed right into an almost similiar position as how Tony had been fucking Winston just moments ago. Hutch hadn't seen the position just then, but with a wolf laying down in front of him, his instincts just lead to this mating pose. Hutch: "Huff, huffh..." Tony: "Hutch!!" Hutch: "Ah, s-sir!?" Hutch stopped, staying still with his cock already been aiming into the alpha. Tony: "Gah... you're so horny." Hutch: "Uh- uuumh, I just uh..." Tony: "Winston, mind letting go of me?" Winston: "Hmm, sure sure, seems like you got something in mind." Tony: "Hutch, back off for a moment." Hutch: "Sir... uh, sorry." Tony: "Just take it easy. Nffh... atleast... rfh.. let me get into a good position for you. Here... how's this?" After the beta gave room Tony stood up and turned around, offering his behind, giving Hutch a chance to go for real doggy-style fucking. Hutch: "W-woah, sir, I uh..." Tony: "You were just about to aim there anyway weren't you? I'm just making it easier for you." Winston: "Oh Tony you stud, giving him your behind instead of me?" Tony: "Haha, I'll let Hutch get me ready for your size..." Hutch: "S-sir... woah... uumh..." Winston: "Hutch." Hutch: "S-sir?" Winston: "Go on, just take it easy... you need help?" Hutch: "Umh, I just, uh... man... I didn't expect to be uh... looking right at eastern alpha's rear... huff..." Tony: "Just calm down and it'll go fine, you have my permission." Winston: "Here Hutch..." Winston jumped over Tony's behind from the side, using his paws to as if present the brown wolf's behind for the "new" wolf. Tony: "Nfh... hey." Winston: "I'll hold his tail out of the way. Why don't you start with your muzzle?" Hutch: "Ah... fuck..." Winston: "Hah... just come closer Hutch, take a few good whiffs..." Winston instructed the younger wolf. Even though him and Winston had done these things plenty of time, Hutch wasn't a slut of any kind, he was nervous doing something like this with a new partner. It was also highly possibly he hadn't done a threesome before this. Tony: "Mrrfh... surely this isn't your first time, Hutch?" Hutch: "Ah... n-no sir, but, I've uh..." Winston: "Yeah, we've done this plenty of time now haven't we?" Hutch: "Y-yes sir... nnfh... huffh..." Tony: "Don't be shy now, handsome." Winston: "Just listen to Tony, he wants you." Hutch: "Sir..." Hutch comes closer and brings his muzzle in close. Winston almost whispers instructions, encouraging his beta. Winston: "There you go... yeah, keep it up... keep wiffing those scents..." Hutch: "Nffh... huffh... nfh huffh... Tony's scent is different from yours, sir..." Winston: "Oh yes it is... keep going... get used to it at your pace... if you just fuck him all overly excited and nervous neither of you won't enjoy it to the fullest, right?" Hutch: "S-sir... huff..." Tony: "Hah... nffh hah, that tickles." Winston: "Hang in there you big wolf, Hutch here is just... oh." Tony: "Ah... Nh-ah... mnnnffhh..." Winston: "Well look at you Hutch, right into the good stuff..." Hutch: "Mnnfh... mmmhhh..." Hutch surpriced them all, even himself, the scent inviting him to get closer, doing what he'd do with his alpha; licking Tony's enterance, drooling all over it, knowing real well what to do thanks to his time with Winston. He licked, he suckled, he made sure Tony would enjoy himself while lubing him up. Tony: "Nffh... now that feels gooood..." Winston: "Oh, Hutch here is really putting his tongue to work..." Tony: "I can feel that... aahhh... huuuffh..." Winston: "Hey... Hutch... try doing... ... ...and then you... ..." Winston whispers right to Hutch's ear, Tony unable to hear Winston's instructions for the next move. Hutch: "Oh...?" Tony: "Nfh, what are you whispering there now, Winston?" Winston: "Oh nooothing..." The rimjob kept going as normal for the time being... Tony: "Nffh aahh..." Winston: " just enjoy the work Hutch is putting on you." Hutch: "Mmmahh..." Winston: "Yeah... and now Hutch, use your paw like I said..." Tony: "Hm...? A-aahhh... huuffh... stroking my... ah... huffh... ah..." Hutch: "Mnnffh..." Winston: "How's that tony? Tongue on your hole and a paw on your cock..." ...but then, Hutch hooked a paw to the alpha's cock, tugging it down and backwards while stroking along it's entire lenght slowly. The rimjob continued the same time, that tongue clearly inside Tony. All of this, moving slowly and all, had calmed down Hutch, working much more confidently. Tony: "At this point almost too much, aahhh... holy hell... nffh..." Winston: "How is he, hard as a rock right?" Hutch: "Mm-mmh... mmahh..." Tony: "Mnffh... his tongue is... starting to slide much easier... nfh..." Winston: "Hear that Hutch? I'd take that as a hint..." Hutch: "Mnnfh... sir." Winston: "Mnnfh... you already sound more calm." Winston too noticed how Hutch was much more confident. This beta wolf had now backed off his snout and his paw, looking at his Alpha. Hutch: "Sir. I think I'm ready. Winston: "Good..." Hutch: "Tony...? Tony: "Yeah yeah, I'm ready too... I want you to take me, Hutch." Hutch: "Sir. Mmh..." Winston: "Tony's a good alpha." Tony: "Hey." Winston: "Heh! Let me move out of the way here..." Winston gave room for the two studly wolves about to mate. Tony: "Nfh... ah, one wolf off my rear and another on." Winston: "Uh-huh." Winston moved by Tony's head, sitting in front of him, bringing one paw to the brown wolf's shoulders and as if holding him there, though not using much strenght. Tony: "Ah... Well hey Winston. You sure got close..." Winston: "I want to see how you react to Hutch's cock." Tony: "You damn horndog... nffh... ah, Hutch, take it easy." Hutch: "Sir." Hutch already jumped up, into a fucking position most natural for canines to mate in. His forelegs hooked to Tony's waist like a vice grip and tightened, his cock aimed and then pressed against the alpha wolf's pucker. Size difference wasn't a huge issue here, Hutch was a wolf almost as big as the two alphas. Winston: "Hutch is still young, you're gonna have to endure his needs now, Tony." Tony: "Hah, like he'll be able to make me--- woah nnffh... aahh damn..." And just like that Hutch pushed in... he didn't go as slow as Tony knew to do, pushing and penetrating his leaking, throbbing cock deep inside the alpha. Hutch: "Nff-ahhhh..." Tony: "Ooofh, ooooh... you're big! S-slow... ah..." Hutch: "Nrrffh! Unf... nffh... ahh, hurrh..." Winston: "You were saying, Tony? He won't be able to make you what?" Tony: "Nffh... ahhh... ooooohh... aahh..." Winston: "It really has been a while for you hasn't it? Both of you are moaning like wild animals..." Tony: "He's fucking so... nffhh...!" Hutch didn't wait for Tony to get used to the feeling, no, this young wolf didn't stop, he fucked, he thrusted, he was almost relentless with his tempo. Winston: "I don't hear you telling him to stop though..." Hutch: "Mnnffh, ahh...!" Tony: "Nrfh! An alpha's got his pride... Mrfh! Fuck me, you beta wolf!" While trying to keep his behind a tad more lowered than normal Tony raised his head up proudly, posing like the alpha he was. Winston watched the swoll wolf almost posing, right in front of him, ending up pawing himself some. Hutch: "Sirrrfh! Grffh!!" Tony: "Nrfh!! Biting my scruff... fine! Do your worst!" Winston: "Ah, I better give room..." As Hutch bit and fucked almost as hard as he could Winston got back up on all fours, sticking close while letting the two get full on into the fucking. Hutch: "Grffh! Rfhh...! Nfrh!" Winston: "Damn Hutch, you're really showing him what you're made of!" Hutch: "Nrrfh!!" Tony: "Ahhh... holy hell...! Ah.. Mgaahh! How is Hutch so strong!?" Winston: "Well he's my beta after! Now keep moaning Tony!" Tony: "Nrfh... aahhh!" Hutch: "Grh... ggrrffh... grfh!! Nfh!!" Tony: "Oh- ooooh... uuuuuuh aahhh... f-fuck...!!" Both the beta and the alpha were grunting and moaning much louder suddenly, Tony's muscles clearly working to keep him up on all fours while Hutch's movements didn't seem to stop in the slightest. Tony's twitching and Hutch's shortened motions alerted Winston though... Hutch might've been going for something the two had avoided. Winston: "Ah, right... Hutch." Hutch: "Nffrrfhhh!! NFFH..!" Tony: "Nr-ggrrfh!!" Winston: "Hutch!!" Hutch: "Nfh...?" Winston: "No knotting." Hutch: "Mffahh... s-sir... huuuffh... huff... I've uh... huff..." Hutch kept panting. His groin was right against Tony's rear, as tightly as it could be. Winston: "Oh no..." Tony: "I've... already knot him, sir." Tony: "He sure has, gahh... nffh..." Winston: "Ah... fine. Well, we're just going to roll with that then." Hutch: "Nffh... sorry, Tony." Tony: "Nfh, no need to apologize to me, I completely... forgot we shouldn't be knotting... huffh... no need to worry." Winston: "Hah, well you sure took his knot like a trooper, I wouldn't have guessed." Tony: "He's huge... a-ahh... nfhh... Winston...?" Winston: "Stay still just a moment longer, Hutch." Hutch: "Yes, sir." With Hutch still still and Tony with his head lowered down to gather himself, Winston had taken the change to raise up on his hindlegs, bringing his forepaws to Tony's shoulders. With how hard and aroused the grey alpha was his cock was pointing almost straight towards Tony's muzzle from this angle. He ofcourse adjusted, not himself, but the other wolf, pressing Tony's head downwards. Winston: "Tony, I'm getting too hard to handle watching you too mating, especially with your moaning to his knot... why don't you help me out here?" Tony: "Nffh... you're leaking like hell... you sure it's gonna even fit into my maw?`" Winston: "One way to find out, stud... open wide..." Tony: "Hah... ahh... nffh... uuufffhh..." Winston: "Aaahhh damn... yeah, fit's just fine.... nffahh..." Hutch: "Sir..." Winston: "Sure Hutch, start thrusting again. Show him what you're made of." Hutch: "Sir... nffh... huffh... ah, grrfh... huuffh!" Winston: "O-ooohh man... hah, oh Tony, looks like I don't even have to thrust myself, Hutch is doing aaaall the movement here. You just stay a good boy for us... nfffh! Western wolves!" Witch Hutch keeping up with his fucking despite being knot in and locked, the motions he and Tony's body did were alone enough to make Tony's mouth slide back and forth on Winston's cock. The western wolves, Winston and Hutch, were now spitroasting the eastern wolf in the middle, alpha and beta fucking an alpha. Tony: "Nfh, mmmhaahh..." Hutch: "Grrfh... huuffh...! Aaah... ah.. grh- ah- huufh!" Winston: "You about to blow Hutch!?" Hutch: "Nrrfh yes, sir!! Huufh!!" Winston: "Do it Hutch... a-ahh... I'm... getting close too, so quickly...! Nrrrfh!" Hutch: "Nrfh!!" Winston: "Open up wide Tony!" Tony: "Nrffh??" Winston: "Yeeaah... you take my knot into that wet mouth of yours! Mgh--- gaahhh...!" Hutch: "S-sir... I'm... ah... NRRFhhh... grrfh... huufh... aaahhhh!" Winston: "Yeah Hutch, nrrfh!! Fill up that alpha ass... nfh...!! Gah... I-I'm about to too... nfh!! O-ooh hell... aaahhh...!" The two wolves fucking managed to cum at almost the same time, the two wolves having knot the alpha in the middle in their own ways, cocks as deep in Tony as they would go, seed filling him. Tony: "Nffh... mmmhh!?" Hutch: "Huufh nnfh huffh!" Winston: "Mngaaahhh... I'm... shooting so hard...! G-gah--" Tony: "Mnfahh...!! Damn Tony... m-ah...!" With Winston thrusting about by himself while Hutch was still doing his ending movements it didn't take much for his heavy, squirting cock to slip out of Tony's mouth. Winston didn't try to aim back in and instead adjusted by humping Tony's face instead, using a paw to keep Tony in check." Winston: "Ah, nnffh... maaahh, gah, nfh!" Tony: "F-fuck Winston, nfffh, aah-nrfh...!" Winston: "Nrrffh... unnfh!" Hutch: "Huffh... sir, Winston... aahhh... you look... really hot from here." Winston: "Nrrfh... why thank you Hutch... hufffh! Someone else is feeling much more... nnfh... hotter than us though." Winston moved both paws to Tony's upper back, taking support while he first backed off his groin, making his large cock flop downwards with seed dripping everywhere. From there the wolf somewhat jumped to the side and let out a good huff, turning back towards Tony as he then spoke up. Tony: "Nfh... damn, you felt real heavy there, Winston... mh-ahhhmm...." Tony took a moment to lick his snout clean as well as his tongue could reach. Winston: "Oh my Tony... I really marked your face good." Tony: "Nfh... sure did..." Winston: "Not a bad look for you, having someone fucking you and someone else cumming all over your face..." Tony: "You horndog... unf. Agh... Hutch, your knot is huge..." Hutch: "S-sir... yes, I seem to be stuck quite good..." Tony: "Real good... ah... Winston..." Winston got all up close to his friend and started licking his face clean. In the meanwhile Hutch rested over Tony's body, cheek down on the alpha's upper back. Winston: "Let me clean up your face... mmh..." Tony: "Ah... thank you... nnfh... hah... mmmh..." Winston: "Mmh... all better?" Tony: "My fur still feels sticky..." Winston: "Hah, we're going to have to get properly cleaned up when we're done." Tony: "Whenever that'll be, hah." Hutch: "Nnfh... huuffh..." Tony: "Hmm?" Winston: "Why don't we try something... Hutch." Hutch: "Huffh... sir?" Winston: "Tony..." Tony: "Yeah?" Winston: "Why don't you try sitting down if you can." Hutch: "Ah... Tony sir, can you move if I do...?" Tony: "I uh... think so, let's try, slowly." Hutch: "Nffh... let's just... mnnfh..." Tony: "Ah... c-careful... unfh!" Trying to sit down proved to be more difficult than the two had expected, they made their way down sure, but it wasn't as pleasant to Tony as hoped, Hutch had fell down on his behind at the end of the attempt, and while he only fell the smallest distance the impact made his manhood thrust deeper. Hutch: "S-sorry sir." Tony: "Don't worry, unffh... ah..." Winston: "Well! There you two go..." Tony: "His cock's spearing me, nnnffh..." Hutch: "Nfh, sorry..." Tony: "No need to apologize for everything, it was an compliment, nffh... your cock got some gooood lenght to it." Hutch: "Sir... huffh." Winston: "Hah, up to your expectations, Tony?" Tony: "Aaah shut up, Winston. Hutch is more than fine." Hutch: "Mmh..." Winston: "Haha, you're going to embarass my beta at that rate." Tony: "He is a find stud." Hutch: "Sir..." Winston: "Mmmh... nooow then... Hutch." Hutch: "What is it, Sir...?" Winston: "Why don't you try out what Tony's body feels like?" Hutch: "Ah, sir...?" Winston: "Tony, here, bring your paws to my shoulders so you don't fall." Tony: "Nffh... what are you thinking of, Winston?" Winston: "Oh no need to doubt me all the time, I know you're already enjoying yourself more than plenty." Tony: "Yeah yeah..." Tony stayed there, sitting on Hutch's cock, now leaning towards Winston right in front of him on all fours. Winston: "Hutch, start from his chest. Bring your paws there." Hutch: "Sir..." Tony: "Nfh... oh... Wiiiinston, do you want me to show him too?" Winston: "Oh yes Tony, I want this beta stud of mine to feel what the strongest alpha's body feels like... and not just your ass." Tony: "Pfft... hah... sure... grrfh..." Tony flexed his muscles. He struggled a tad, his body tired from just now. Still, he managed to showcase the swoll body Winston wanted his beta to feel. Winston: "Try his pecs, Hutch." Hutch: "Nfh... like this?" Winston: "Yes, Hutch. Try their shape." Hutch: "Ah... he's uh... really swoll." Winston: "More than me right?" Hutch: "Uumh... no no uh, sir..." Winston: "Oh no need to deny it just because I'm your alpha. Tony's the strongest stud around." Tony: "Grrrffh... Winston's a real close second." Winston: "Yet I never got as swoll... just keep rubbing him, Hutch. I want you to experience him in full... sure Tony doesn't mind either." Tony: "Hah... well this is quite different for me, but... nffh... oh I think I don't mind at all. What do you think, Hutch?" Hutch: "Sir... nffh... w-well uh... you do feel really strong, sir..." Tony: "Hah, mrh... Winston sure has made me aware of that... grfh..." Hutch: "He uh... he's right though. You have amazing muscles, Tony sir." Tony: "Mrrrfh..." Winston: "Goood Hutch... bring your paws a tad lower... try out his gut." Hutch: "Sir. Mmh... ah... so tense..." Winston: "All that muscle this alpha stud got." Tony: "Nnfh... it feels weird how you two admire me..." Winston: "Well Hutch is a beta, he should be admiring an alpha." Hutch: "Sir... it's a pleasure. You're amazing, sir..." Tony: "Nffh... well, you are a good beta... huuffh..." Winston: "Now Hutch, lower... much lower." Hutch: "Sir..." Winston: "Lower still... Go on, rub his cock..." Hutch: "Sir... mrfh... oh... Tony, sir, you're still really hard..." Tony: "Hah... been all this time... and you still have nice paws, huff..." Hutch: "Sir. Ah... and your cock's kind of slippery... I noticed it earlier too..." Tony: "Nffh... just my own cum..." Hutch: "Easier to work with, sir..." Tony: "Aah..." Winston: "That's it Hutch... stroke his cock... yeah, just like that..." Hutch has both his paws in the action, symmetrically rubbing on either side of the alpha wolf's fully erect manhood. Tony: "Oooofh, oh damn Hutch..." Hutch: "You're huge, sir..." Winston: "Gooood boy Hutch... we're gonna make this eastern alpha shoot his load... I'm sure you didn't shoot all you had earlier, Tony." Tony: "Nnnfh... think I didn't, aahh... man..." Hutch then moves his paws about, moving one below Tony's cock just for support while the other rubs all through the lenght on the top. Winston: "Nice reaction... oh he's really going all over your cock, Tony." Tony: "Ahh... yes, thank you for pointing the obvious, Winston... huffh." Winston: "You close?" Tony: "Nfh... not just yet but... ahh... getting there at this rate." Winston: "Oh murrrr..." Tony: "Oh stop that, nfh..." Winston: "Hah. Now Hutch..." Hutch: "Sir?" Winston: "Bring a paw to work on his knot..." Hutch: "Like this?" Winston: "Yes Hutch, really polish it..." Tony: "Nnnfh... aahh..." Winston: "...and now bring your other paw lower down." Hutch: "Hmh... here?" Winston: "No no, lower..." Hutch: "Ah, sir..." Tony: "Oooohhh..." Winston knew what makes Tony's heart pump and his cock the hardest, instructing his beta wolf to bring a paw to Tony's plump balls. Hutch: "Oh... I see, Tony, sir, are you sensitive down here?" Tony: "Nnnffhh... don't worry... huffh..." Winston: "Oh he's sensitive alright. Press his balls down and toying with them, Hutch. He'll definitely enjoy it..." Hutch: "Sir. Like... this...?" Tony: "Aaaahhh heck, oooofffhhh..." Hutch know what to do right away, pressing down firmly so the two had their balls squeezing together, making sure Tony would feel the sweet pressure. Hutch then softly moved his paw about with circular motions, even ever so gently using his claws. Winston: "Well, you can tell from his reaction can't you?" Hutch: "Sir. I'll keep going." Tony: "A-ahhh hell... our balls are so tightly pressed together... nfh... holy hell Huuuutch..." Winston: "Feels good now doesn't it?" Tony: "Way too good, unnfh...!" Winston: "Mnnfh... moaning so audibly. Let me assist too, keep your paws on my shoulders while I... nnfh... such a thickly built chest, stud." Winston sat down in front of the two other wolves, bringing a paw to Tony's chest while the wolf himself still kept his forelegs extended. Tony: "Huuuffhh..." Winston: "Flexing so much too... you know you don't have to anymore." Tony: "Nrfh, huffh, you know it's damn difficult not to when I'm getting so close!" Tony's body was tensing up the closer he was getting, flexing his muscles to aid the orgasmic feeling slowly building up in his entire body. Winston: "Mrrhh... well I don't mind, I love how your chest feels like." Hutch: "Nffh... that knot is swelling up, sir." Winston: "Oooh, getting real close now are we Tony?" Tony: "Nffhh aaahhh... huufh..." Winston: "Let me help..." Tony: "Nfh? That ah...? Ahhh...! Nfh...!" Winston had a free paw, that free paw moved down and started jerking off the brown alpha's throbbing cock. Winston: "Mrrfh... thaaat's right, three paws working on your groin now." Tony: "Nffh... a-aahhh... I can't... huuffh!" Winston: "Cum stud, release your load you damn alpha, shoot!" Hutch: "Sir, I'll squeeze behind your knot." Right before Tony hit his spot Hutch did his last move, moving both paws behind the knot, tugging Tony's sheath out of the way further and squeezing the sides of his paws real snuggly against the thinner section of any canine's cock, right before it joined the groin again. Hutch squeezed, delivering the sensation of Tony being tied. At the same time the beta's toes and claws managed to reach Tony's balls, rubbing about as much as he could. And then... Tony: "Oooofffh! Nffh! Damn ah- aaahh... NRRFffh... Awooooooohhh...!!" Winston: "You hear that Hutch?" Hutch: "Nfh... loud and clear sir! His knot is pulsing too!" Tony: "Nffh... awooo... aaahhhh...!! GRRfffhh...!" Winston: "Oh look at that, what a stud, he shoot with pressure enough to reach my groin. Huffh... Alright, Hutch, slowly loosen up." Hutch: "Sir." Tony: "Nnnffh... huuufffh! huufh... damn... haven't gotten a pawjob like that... ever, I think..." Winston: "Hah, and it's clear you haven't gotten too much action recently. Well don't you worry Tony, we're gonna make sure you're fully spent up after tonight." Tony: "Huuuffh... gonna need to... ah... do my best to keep up with you beasts." Winston: "Hah, oh you are the beast here, mister shooting twice in no time... mmh..." Tony: "Ah, mmh... oh you... mh..." Winston: "Nnfh... mmmh..." Despite Hutch being there, Winston and Tony shared yet another passionate kiss. Ofcourse Hutch would only hear it from behind Tony. Tony: "Mhah... huuuffh... Ah, Hutch, your knot's getting smaller." Hutch: "Sir. We might be able to seperate now." Tony: "Winston, help me out, this position might be good enough to work with..." Winston: "Ofcourse Tony... hold tight." Winston backed off to all fours again, Tony adjusting his forelegs to be hugging the other alpha's neck, taking support from there. Hutch: "Nnnffh..." Tony: "Nffgah... Alright, just back step back Winston..." Hutch: "Nfffh... yeah... sir, carefully... ah... Nffhh-ahhh!" Hutch moaned, having Tony slide off his cock must've been quite something at that point, after staying still for so long too. Tony: "Ooofh! Oh man... ahh... yeah, Winston, I understand why you were... ah... complaining earlier... about your ass being all wet..." Winston: "Hah, quite a feeling now isn't it?" Tony: "Nnffh..." Tony had Hutch's seed dripping down his ass now, and onto his balls. The cum hadn't had a chance to escape earlier with knot being so tight, but now it warmed the alpha's balls. To refresh himself, Tony did a good shake througout his whole body. Winston: "What a shake, hah!" Tony: "Huuufhh... just a bit of a refreshment. Hmm... actually, what do you say Winston, should we go outside?" Winston: "Hmm... Hutch, how did it look before you joined it?" Hutch: "Sir?" Winston: "Was there anyone around?" Hutch: "Oh, no sir, not a soul. I believe everyone is still at the cliffside." Winston: "Hmm... think we're fine then." Tony: "Mmh. Shall we?" Winston: "Hah, sure thing Tony." The two alpha wolves start jaunting away from the cavern, Tony stopping as he notices someone isn't following. Tony: "...Oh, Hutch, you not coming?" Hutch: "Oh... may I, sir?" Tony: "Ofcourse you may." Hutch: "But ah... you two are alphas." Winston: "We already got rid of our rank restrictions earlier today now didn't we?" Hutch: "Ah... sir, I guess." Tony: "And I told you not to pay no mind to our ranks. Just join us, I want you to come with us. Not like your alpha's complaining either." Hutch: "Sir." Tony: "And ah, no need to keep saying that all the time." Hutch: "Sir... Uh... Tony." Winston: "Hah, Hutch can't drop it too easily, he's been serving me for too long." Tony: "Well, don't worry about it then. Come on, let's check out that moon." Hutch: "Sir." The three wolves make their way to the cliffside right outside the den. Winston: "Mmmh... ahh Tony, you were right with coming out here, fresh air was needed." Tony: "Especially with your cave smelling like cum." Winston: "Hah, I'll just say it's my scent if anyone asks." The two alphas sit down close to the edge to admire the moon. Again, one of the company didn't follow the lead. Tony: "Haha! You think they'll buy it?" Winston: "Oh don't you worry. Hutch." Hutch: "Sir?" Winston: "Come sit down here with us." Hutch: "Ofcourse..." Tony gets up, giving room between the two larger wolves. Tony: "Oh, sit down here." Hutch: "Between you two?" Tony: "Oh yes." Hutch: "Sir." Tony: "There you go." Tony sits down again, almost rubbing up against Winston's beta. Winston: "Mmh. He's a fine beta now isn't he?" Tony: "Quite a good one. Fiiiine looking stud." Hutch: "Ahh... thank you, sir." Tony: "So how was my rear?" Hutch: "Mh, amazing, sir." Tony: "Enough of an apology for my wolves bickering with you all?" While the packs were still seperated Tony's wolves had attacked one of Hutch's friends. The alpha wolf now seemed to take the responsibility for it all. Winston: "Tony...?" Tony: "Yes yes, I know, no hard feelings. But I do hope you enjoyed yourself." Hutch: "Sir I uh... yes, sir. I enjoyed it... and uh..." Tony: "Something more in your mind? Don't be afraid to say, we're not enemies anymore." Hutch: "Sir... I was just... uh... how do I put this..." Winston: "Don't hesitate." Hutch: "Sir. I feel like this more than makes up for all that happened when our packs weren't united, Tony." Winston: "Hah!" Tony: "I'm glad you've accepted my apology mating, not a bad way to say sorry, right?" Hutch: "S-sir..." Hutch was a tad embarassed then, maybe the word "mating" struck to him. Tony: "It is much easier to enjoy something that happens right now than it is to dwell on the past." Hutch: "Sir." Tony: "Mmmmh... man... I feel like howling." Winston: "Well, why don't you?" Tony: "Wonder if it'll catch anyones attention?" Winston: "Don't worry, everyone is howling tonight, just let loose." Tony: "You sure?" Winston: "Ofcourse, stud. I often howl here too, noone will suspect a thing." Tony: "Well if that's how it is... Think they'll regognize my voice though?" Winston: "Not to worry. They probably think we're talking about our territories anyway, they won't suspect a thing from a single howl from you." Tony: "Guess you got a point." Winston: "Your orgasmic howls made me want to hear you howl for real too." Tony: "Hah... well what the hell, here I go..." Winston: "Mmh." Tony: "Haa... Awooooooo-wooooooooo!" Hutch: "What a great howl he has..." Winston: "Oh yes he does." Tony: "Awooooooooh-wooooooh-wooooooooo!" Winston: "Haa... Awooooooooooo!!" Hutch: "You too sir?" Winston: "Awooooo-hoooooh!" Tony: "Awooooo-hoooooh!" In the midst of howling both Tony and Winston look at the beta wolf, their sly gaze telling the black and white wolf to join in. Hutch: "Hmmh... aah fine. Awooh--- Awooooooooo!!" The three males kept howling together for a while.
Tony: "Awooh... look at you Hutch..." Hutch: "Ah, Tony..." Tony leaned closer in to the beta wolf, bringing one paw to his backside and another to his chest, rubbing about and admiring the young wolf. Tony: " have a mighty howl. Fits your handsome body." Hutch: "Aah... sir. Ah...?" Winston: "He's right, Hutch." Winston followed Tony, pressing up against his own beta. The two large alpha wolves now sandwiched the beta wolf between their larger, muscular bodies. Hutch: "W-winston sir, you too?" Winston: "You don't mind some close contact right?" Hutch: "N-no sir... it's just that you two are bigger than me." Winston: "Hah. Well guess what, Tony seems to have abit of a crush on you." Hutch: "Ah..?" Tony: "Damnit Winston, with the teasing again... no Hutch, not like that. I do however find you real handsome. Your posture's perfect while howling too. What a stuuuud." As Tony complimented the beta his tone turned more and more affectionate, as if chanting a spell of lust on the young wolf. Hutch: "Huufffh... sir." Winston: "Oh Hutch, Tony here told me too earlier how he finds you fine looking, he's not lying... let him check you out a bit better now that you two aren't tied up." Hutch: "Sir... ah... I uh, sort of can't believe we were tied up just now..." Tony: "Oh we sure were, your knot's huge." Tony presses more of his large body against Hutch, really getting close. Ofcourse, pushing against Hutch makes him press up more against his own alpha. Hutch: "Nnfh... um, thank you... ah... you both are really close to me..." Winston: "Hmmm... could it be we want something from you?" Hutch: "W-what, sir?" Winston: "Surely you know..." Hutch: "Ahh... sir..." Winston: "We'll make sure you'll be prepared real well though, right Tony?" Tony: "Oh yes we well... we won't hurry like this young stud did." Hutch: "Ah... sorry about that, sir." Tony: "Hah, the eagerness in you young studs is admirable. So is your physique... no wonder Winston has you as his beta." Winston: "Well... he's right." Hutch: "Aahh... huffh... you two are... hot..." Winston: "Oh, we're alphas." Tony: "That's right Hutch, we're seasoned alpha males." Hutch: "Nffh..." The two alpha wolves then notice it, Hutch is once again fully erect, his long cock ever so slightly off the ground in it's erect stage. Winston: "Hmm?" Tony: "Oooh... this wolf's motor is up and running again." Winston: "Aah, I see... Well, this must be new and exciting to Hutch, unless you have a side I don't know of...?" Hutch: "N-no sir, nnffh... I've only... ever done these things with you, sir." Winston: "Good booooyyy..." Hutch: "Sir... huff..." Tony: "At full mast so fast... mrrrh... we must be hitting all your right buttons. You're such a strong wolf in more ways than one." Winston: "You don't mind, riiight Hutch? You fine with us alphas making your night more... action-packed?" Hutch: "Huff... from how action-packed it's already been?" Winston: "Haha! Think you can handle some more?" Hutch: "Nffh... unf... yes, sir." Tony: "Do you want some more though?" Hutch: "Yes, sir!" Winston: "Now that was a fast response, Hutch..." Hutch: "Nnfh... huff... ah, Tony, sir..." Tony: "Mrrh, my... just trying what your manhood's like, beta boy." Tony had slid a paw under Hutch's cock, lifting it upwards and stroking at the same time. Hutch: "Huuuff..." Winston: "Quite big isn't he?" Tony: "Oh yes he is... especially in action." Hutch: "Aahh... huff..." Tony: "Loooong... hard as a rock again... perfectly thick... and what a nice knot too..." Winston: "Don't forget his plump balls..." This prompted Tony to bring a paw and inspect the young beta's orbs, softly rubbing them, admiring. Tony: "Right, mmhh... oh... quite big alright." Hutch: "Mmmh... sir." Winston: "Hutch isn't as sensitive down there as you are, Tony." Tony: "Hmm, I see... but... this cock stroking sure gave us some good reactions." The paw moved back to Hutch's cock, stroking once again. Hutch: "Oh, aaahhh, huffhh..." Winston: "Hah, now that sure gets this stud going." Tony: "Mmmh... oh how I would love to take your behind, Hutch." Hutch: "Huff... ofcourse, sir... ah... uum, I took you, you can uh... take me too..." Tony: "Hah, what a gooood beta." Hutch: "Sir..." Tony: "I'd love to take you buut..." Hutch: "Ah...?" Tony: "There's still one here who hasn't gotten any real action." Winston: "Oh, hah, you want me to take Hutch now? Oh no no... we two have been doing it plenty of times, think me and this beta stud here both want to experience something more exotic." Tony: "Oh come on Winston... look, I've uh, cum two times already now." Hutch: "Nnfh... not enough for a third?" Tony: "Hm?" Hutch indirectly begs Tony to take him. The alpha, somewhat spent already, is surpriced. Winston: "Haha, see Tony? Hutch wants more of you!" Hutch: "Sir... please, Tony sir." Tony: "Hah... really pushing an old man here." Winston: "Running out of steam?" Tony: "Hmhm... oh fine, I'll show you what an old man can do. You too, Huuuutch." Hutch: "I'd be honored, sir..." Tony: "You sure you don't mind me topping you this time?" Hutch: "Sir, I'm able to do both." Tony: "Hah... a switch, hmm?" Hutch: "Sir... I do like... topping more but..." Winston: "Hah, he'll love you taking him, Tony. I'm sure of that." Tony: "Mmh... well, let's start slowly. Nrfh." Hutch: "Ah... nfh, sir..." Tony leans much more against Hutch's front body while hooking for forelegs around the beta's neck, taking him into an headlock of sorts. Tugging and pressing forward and down he makes the smaller wolf lower his front and raise up his rear, Winston not trying to stop any of it, sticking close while letting Tony start up. The alpha now had his face all up closer to the beta's. Tony: "We need to prepare this beta boy well... Winston?" Winston: "Oh, you want me to?" Tony: "If you don't mind. You're probably more used to all this than I am, bet you know just how much work Hutch will need to be able to take me." Hutch: "Sir..." Winston: "Well you sure aren't wrong. Alright Tony... this won't take long." Able to hear Winston's sound moving behind him Hutch already knows what's coming ahead, and then... he feels his alpha's tongue working on his rear. Hutch: "Nfh aaahh..." Winston: "Mmmmh... mh..." Tony: "Nice reaction... you like that?" Hutch: "Y-yes sir... Winston is... huff... really good at that... ah, u-uuumh... sir." Tony: "What is it? About to whimper from pleasure?" Hutch: "N-no, nnfh... just that... I could've... taken you even without ahhh... Winston doing all that to me." Tony: "Oh, really now?" Hutch: "Yes sir, nfh..." Tony: "The same as your alpha... how much banging have you two been doing anyway...?" Hutch: "Sir..." Tony: "Hmhmhm..." Winston: "Mmmh... mmmmmhhh..." Hutch: "A-aaahh huffh, sir... ahh..." Tony: "Ooooh it's hard not to get aroused from the way you're moaning, Hutch... mmh." Tony licked Hutch's face, saying "good boy" with the gesture. Hutch: "Hffh... sir... ahh." Tony: "You're really making me want to fuck you there..." Hutch: "S-sir, I'd love to ahhhh... be um... taken by you, huff... ahh..." Tony: "Hah... What a fine young stud..." Winston: "Mmmfh... the fiiine young stud is so damn aroused... and all ready back here, Tony." Tony: "Mmh, already?" Winston: "Oh yes, Tony... he's all yours." Tony tugs the younger wolf closer into the hug, tightening up the hold in a demanding manner. Hutch: "Nfh..." Tony: "Ready to be taken by an alpha wolf huh...?" Hutch: "Y-yes sir..." Tony: "Alright then boy... Winston, give me some room." Winston: "Ooh... sure thing." Hutch: "...sir? Ah..." Tony: "Mrrfh... let me wrestle you down." Winston: "Hah, doing the same to him too, huh?" Tony: "Gotta see... how this stud reacts... grrfh!" With Winston backed off and Tony pressing on against Hutch, he now bites into the beta wolf's throat, Tony doing moves much similiar to what he had done to Winston when the two had started up the night, pinning the other wolf with their chests and bodies towards each other. Hutch: "Nrfh... sir... grah!" Tony: "Rrrfh! Huffh..." Hutch: "Nfh... s-sir... you sure? Doing it... outside here?" Tony: "I suppose I'm past the worrying phase with how... horny I am." Hutch found himself stuck under the larger wolf. He didn't struggle much though, he recognized the strenght to be enough to stop him even if he tried. Hutch: "Sir... nffh... ah... you're strong..." Tony: "That's what your alpha says too... ggrrrh..." Hutch: "Huuffh..." Tony: "Oh Hutch, you've yet to see what a beast I can be when I really get dominating... rrrffh..." Hutch: "Nnffh... ahhh..." Tony: "You're handling my body size well, stud. You're clearly built for being bred by alpha wolves..." Hutch: "Ah... Tony... nffhh... sirrr-ahh..." Tony: "Huh, you like that do you? Let's grind some more beta boy, moan when you feel good..." Tony's dirty talk and the sensation of the situation was really getting to Hutch, his white cheeks showing his embarassment. Even with that embarassment Hutch was highly enjoying himself. Hutch: "Nrrffhh... ahhh..." Tony: "Lovely red cheeks you got... what a good bottom you are huh." Hutch: "Sir... huff..." Winston: "Mmmh, enjoying yourself there Tony?" Tony: "Oh yes I am... handling someone not as huge as you Winston is a treat... mnnnfh..." Hutch: "Nffh..." Tony: "Oooh no no, you're by no means small, stud. It just means I can more easily shove my throbbing cock into your ass without needing to readjust... Like... this..." Hutch: "Huuffh... aahh s-sir... nfh..." With just abit of a change to their intimate position Tony managed to aim and probe his cock against Hutch's hole. Ofcourse, Tony had been getting more and more aroused, his two shots so far not stopping the older wolf completely, his cock was swelling up quickly now. Tony: "You can feel that right? Oh yes beta boy... I'm poking already... I'm so hard I don't even need to change positions with you. Had to work with that alpha stud more to get his rear... nrrffh... oh Hutch, I'm gonna press in at the same time I get harder..." Hutch: "Nrrfhh... ahh..." Tony: "Hah, oh, Hutch... I didn't even tell you to do that, exposing your throat for me... that a western pack thing or something? Winston showed his neck so willingly too..." Hutch: "Ahh... I uh... nnffh..." Tony: "Didn't even think about it? Mrrffh... should I bite on again?" Hutch: "S-sir..." Tony: "I'll show you how eastern wolves dominate... hrrffhhh, grrrhh...!" Hutch: "Nffh... a-ahhh... huffh... ah...!" Tony bit on again, this time in his much more intimate, dominating way. Winston: "Oh, Winston really knows how to bite in a way that doesn't hurt yet still makes you feel like a total sub to him..." Hutch: "Nffaahhh... ahh..." Tony: "Grrrfffhhrh... your body's losing the fight... thaaat's right... just submit to me, to this daddy wolf..." The brown alpha wolf mumbled past his bite, munching on again whenever his words were finished. Hutch: "Huufh... da-ahh..." Tony: "Oooh, were you about to say it yourself...? Haha... say it as I chomp on. Call me a daddy, beta boy... grfh!" Hutch: "A-aahh...! Nffrrfh-- daddyh...! Ah... sir...!" Winston: "You kinky wolf, Tony..." Tony: "Mnnrrffh... rrffhh...!" Tony pushed his cocktip more and more against Hutch's enterance. Still partially in his sheath, Tony started to enter while still swelling in size. Winston: "Oooh, someone's so ready to mate... go on Tony... do it... push in... make him moan with your cock..." Hutch: "A-ahh Tony, da... daddy, nffhh... a-ahhh... huurrrffh you're really pushing... nfh...! Aahh!" Tony: "Grrfffhhhrh...!" Winston: "That's it... hold him tight and make him whine, alpha wolf." Tony: "Nrfh! Keeping up Hutch!?" Hutch: "Yes... sir!!" Tony: "Call me daddy!" Hutch: "Yes daddy...!" Tony: "Fhhr... grrrffhh!" Hutch: "Ahhh sir... nrrffh...! Ahh... aahhh... ah...!!" Biting again Tony shoved his lenght into the younger wolf, shoving his cock deep inside. His biting soon eased up though, the alpha wolf panting as he fucked. Tony: "Nrfh... take it, beta boy! Grffh! You feel that!?" Hutch: "Nffh yes d-daddy, nnfh- ahh!" Tony: "Gonna pound your ass sore...! Grrffhh!" Winston: "Huffh... look at you two going... huff... Ooooh I need some too... Tony... hrfh!" Tony: "Mfh! Grah... Winston?" Winston suddenly jumped up against Tony's rear, into that common fucking position for all ferals. There, without waiting too much, he already started to press his fully erect manhood against Tony's enterance - the grey wolf wanted some. Winston: "You were the one saying earlier that Hutch is getting you ready for my size..." Tony: "Gah... nfffh... huuuffh your tip's already so thick." Winston: "Damn right it is. You don't mind me interfiering you two making out again, right?" Tony: "Huff... you're so impatient, Winston..." Winston: "Nrfh... damn right, and you two are so hot like, way too hot infact. You two just stay still while I.... nnffh... press into your sloppy ass... ah... huuufffhh...!" Tony: "Ahhhrrfffh... nrrfh... right in huh!?" The results of Hutch fucking Tony helped Winston a great deal, feeling the tightness despite all the lube of sorts still there. Winston: "Right in Tony! Oh man huffh, slides so easy...!" Tony: "Nrrfh...! Nfh... aahh... so that's the situation Hutch!" Hutch: "A-ahh... sir!?" Tony: "Get ready, nrrfh! Gonna be banging you harder now, beta... bitch!!" Hutch: "H-huffh, daddy...! A-ahh... ahh... nrrfh.. huuuffhh...!" Winston took the situation under his control with his powerful thrusts. He had a tight grip on Tony's waist and groin area, fucking with long thrusts and making the two other wolves move accordingly. This ofcourse made Tony's thrusts harder too, and while this brown old wolf was able to take the other's banging, Hutch was moaning much louder - the weight of two full grown wolves not helping either. Tony: "Nrrfh... ahhh... damnit Winston! Care to... hold back some!" Winston: "Grrfh, no I won't, Tony! You two better endure it! Grrfhhh!" Tony: "Aahh... hell, fuu-uuh... unf! You damn machine! You nffh... feel that Hutch!?" Hutch: "Y-yes sir... ahhrrfh...!" Tony: "Winston's cock is huge.. nrrfh!! He's deciding the tempo now, I'm moving to his rhythm!" Hutch: "S-sir!! Ah...! Nffh!!" Tony: "You just keep... grrfhh... moaning down there! Ahhh ffuuh... ah! Mnfh... graah-rrrffhh!" Tony bites onto Hutch's throat once again, this time keeping the bite up without words interrupting or easing it's power. Hutch: "Nrrfhh-ah!" Winston: "Rrrfh! Hah... ahh... now that's hot, biting that neck so you keep your own moans down, rrfh!! Ahhrh!" Tony: "Nffh... rrrfh... hurrfh...!" Winston: "Oooofhh... you're starting to tense up, Tony!" Hutch: "S-sir... Tony... nfh... you about to- nffh, knot me? Ahh...! NRRfffhh...!!" The brown wolf went first, his knot sliding and shoving deep into the younger wolf. Tony: "Grrffh!" Winston: "Ooofh...!! I almost slid out... huff, you really tied him didn't you old stud?" Tony: "Nrrfh... hurrfh... mrfh...!" Hutch: "R-really... l-locking in... a-ahhh...!" Winston: "Mrrfh, in that case it's my turn too...!! Nrrfh... let's see if you blow the moment I knot you... grfh... Ahhh... rrfh...!" Tony: "Nffh... grrrffhhh... NFFh...!!" Winston: "MFFhh slides right in...!!" Tony: "Nfh... rrrfh... mff-ahh...!! Ahhh...!! Awooohh... ah...!!" Tony's howl told it all, Winston's knot was quite alot for him. Hutch below the two stud wolfs was second to follow. Hutch: "N-nffhh...!! Tony is so deep nnfh...! Ahhh I'm gonna... aah... NFFahh...!!" Winston: "Goddamnit you two grfh! Stop moaning so! You're making me also... cum at this rate... grfh... nrrrfh!! Ah...!" Tony: "Nraahh... fuck, fuuuck... ahhh...!" Winston tied in knot swelled up large, locking in as tightly as it could, and Tony, he really felt that. Winston: "Huuuffh...!! Going to... ahhhh... Mrrfaahh...!" Tony: "Nfh... damn Winston... nfh... a-ahh... s-slow down with the end humping, nrrfh...!" Winston: "Nfh... huuuffhh! Ah... d-daaamn... huuuuffh... you feel way too great, Tony, gaahh... that was so good..." Tony: "Grfh, you knot is so damn big right now... huff..." Winston: "And you're sooo tiiiight..." Hutch: "Nffhh... sir... Tony... ah..." Tony: "Nffh... Well hey there beta boy... I didn't bite too hard did I?" Hutch: "Sir... nnfh... no sir. Not too hard, unf..." Tony: "Atta boy... Oh, yeah... nrrfh... hey Winston... this stud came too." Winston: "Huuufh... oh yeah? All across your beefy bodies?" Tony: "Hah... nffh... and quite a big load. What a good beta boy... mmh..." Hutch: "N-nnfh... t-thank you, sir... ah... I'll uh... make sure to clean up after we're no longer tied." Tony: "Haha, suuuuch a good beta..." Winston: "And don't you worry Tony, nnfh... he'll really do it." Tony: "Weren't we going to go to have a bath after all this anyway?" Hutch: "Ah..." Tony: "Haha, oh no no Hutch, I'll let you lick me clean if that's what you want. No pressure though.." Hutch: "Sir... nfffh... ahh..." Tony: "Nfh... you feeling my knot right? Well, I got one inside me too... and holy hell, giving and taking at the same time sure is... nffh... quite something... damn..." Winston: "Hah... oh Tony, you're between the western wolves again. You sure you're not turning into our bitch?" Tony: "Grrfh... not a chance, Winston." Winston: "Haha! Oh I know. Rrrfh... holy hell does your ass feel good." Tony: "Been a while huh...? Nfh... Hutch got me peeerfectly ready for you earlier." Hutch: "Sir, nffh... Winston, uh... Winston has a really big uh... cock." Winston: "Hah... oooh you two know my size the best." Tony: "Hah, not even mentioning Eve?" Winston: "Oh shut up Tony, this is the night for us males, grrfh." Tony: "Nffh... sure is, Tony... nfh... my whole cock feels like it's on fire... nfh..." Hutch: "Sir? Are you okay...?" Tony: "Hurrrfh... yes, it just feels almost too good, somewhat sore and all... nfh..." Winston: "Mrrrrh, that's how it must be if you blow your load thrice in such a short time. Your cock must be reeaaaal sensitive now. Hah, I already feel some of that after just two rounds, nffh... How about you Hutch?" Hutch: "Hffh... not too bad, sir. I'm fine." Tony: "Nrrfh... mh, you young studs sure got what it takes, huh?" Hutch: "Sir... Nffh.. I could still keep going... do your uh... manhoods really feel sensitive? Does it uh... hurt or something?" Tony: "Mmh no need to worry Hutch. I'm just not used to using my cock this much in one go... nnrrfh... Winston your knot's moving..." Winston: "Sorry Tony, I had to change my leg positions just a little bit. Nffh... a tad longer and I should be able to pull free." Tony: "Nrrfh... my knot's still all swollen... or what do you think, Hutch?" Hutch: "Nfh... sir, it's stuck pretty good still..." Tony: "Heh, aaaall tied..." Winston: "Nffh... huffh... actually, I think I'll try breaking off now, Tony..." Tony: "Go ahead Winstooo-ooohhh-ahh... heey... gah...! nffh... geez, yeah yeah, I was ready enough I suppose, nfh..." Winston didn't give the other alpha much time to get ready, already pulling out and managing to do so surpricingly fast and easy. Winston: "Huuuffh... aah... what a mess!" Tony: "Nfh... Oh I can feel it alright, your seed's dripping down to my balls." The seperated wolf sat down near the other two, relaxing, letting his messy, still leaking cock rest against the ground. Hutch: "Nffh... Sir, you two are so uh... open." Tony: "Haha, apologizes Hutch, are we speaking too lewd? It must be embarassing to listen to." Winston: "We two just go way back. I did tell you that." Hutch: "Sir... I still uh... didn't think you're this close." Winston: "Hard to guess from us being alphas of two different packs, I suppose." Tony: "Hah... we mostly just went to the same alpha school." Winston: "Mmh, that's right. We always stuck together back then." Tony: "I suppose more than just stuck together..." Winston: "Hah!" Hutch: "Huh..." Tony: "Alright Hutch... why don't we try to get free too." Hutch: "Nfh... sure, I can take it." Tony: "Hah! Right, you've been tied with Winston quite a few times, you must be used to this huh?" Hutch: "Well uh..." Winston: "Oh he suuuure is." Hutch: "Ah... sir." Tony: "Alright... let me just... nfh... nrrrfhh-ahhh... well!" Tony surprices himself by managing to tug and pull himself free without too much of an effort. Hutch: "Nfh! Sir... huff..." Tony: "That sure didn't take much but gaaah ouch... my cock's so... daaamn tense right now... huuuuffh boy..." Winston: "Hah, you'll have something to remember this night from!" Tone stood on all fours, watching his own cock twitching about. At the same time Hutch rolled and started to stand up too. Hutch: "Nfh... sir? May I clean you up now?" Tony: "Oh? If you'd like to, I'm not gonna force you. Your body's all messy too though." Hutch: "Sir, don't worry." Tony: "Well... yeah sure. Nfh... how about I just lay on my back like this, is this alright?" Hutch: "Sir. Mhh... if you'll excuse me... mhh... mh... mmh..." With Tony laying down already, Hutch didn't waste time getting closer, in no time licking and slurping all across the muscular alpha wolf's body, starting from the groin area. Tony: "Hah... nhh... well, I don't mind, just avoid my cock for now..." Winston: "Man Tony, your bone must really be spent from all the action so far." Tony: "Mmh, my body could keep up but my tool's feeling it..." Winston: "We'll take it easy, alright? Our packs have been united anyway, surely this won't be the last time we get so... intimate." Tony: "Oh, surely not, you old stud. Nice gaze again there..." While Tony and Winston chatted Hutch had already worked quick all across the alpha's body, head and tongue moving closer to Tony's front body. Winston: "Haha... this must be my neutral look whenever I look at you by now..." Tony: "Oh you... ah.. nnfh... Hutch, was I messy at my chest too?" Hutch: "Mmmh... no sir, I just... wanted to lick here too..." Tony: "Hah, just wanted to?" Hutch: "Mmmnnh..." Winston: "Hutch is into your beefy body, Tony." Tony: "Mrfh... he sure is. Didn't you get enough when we were grinding just now?" Hutch: "Sir... I suppose I didn't. You're impressive, sir." Tony: "Mmh, well thank you Hutch. You're not bad at all yourself." Hutch: "Mmh... sir." Tony: "Hmmm... hah, you still all hard, beta boy?" Tony can't help but notice something big between Hutch's body. The alpha himself wasn't as hard anymore though, his cock had started to hide back in his sheath while still being semi-hard. Hutch: "Yes sir." Tony: "Think I could do something to help you with that. Winston, what do you think?" Winston: "Oh? You want to do some more with my beta?" Tony: "Oh yes... I'd hate to leave him as needy as he still is." Hutch: "Mh... Sir." Tony: "You're a man of few words aren't you... come on Hutch, what would you like us to do?" Hutch: "Nnnh, sir, you two are alphas, I uh... shouldn't request anything like that from you... neither of you two." Tony: "Oh forget all that hierarchy already... come on. I'm on the ground and wide open... why don't we start from there. You were licking me just now, why don't you do something else next? Maybe something other than fucking..." Hutch: "Sir I... uh..." Winston: "Hmhmhm... Hutch is still getting used to all this... He's not as overly eager when he's calmed down, he has such respect for us alphas." Hutch: "Winston, sir..." Winston: "Here, let me help. You were staring at Tony's chest again weren't you?" Hutch: "Mmh... I uh, just find Tony so uh, impressive." Winston: "Hah, I know I know. Let me show you something fun you can do with swoll guys such as him... here, climb over Tony's body, around this area..." Winston tapped Tony's lower chest. Hutch: "Sir..." Tony: "Go on, you have permission, if that's what you think you need." Hutch: "Mmh... okay, sir. Uh... like this? Nffh..." Winston: "Thaaat's it... here... let me adjust your gun..." Winston moved Hutch's cock about, moving and pressing it between Tony's bulging chest muscles. Hutch: "Ah... oh... between those, sir?" Winston: "Oh yeah... right between those pectorals." Tony: "Hah... now this is a really Winston thing to do." Winston: "Hmm, how come?" Tony: "Hah, oh you know why you muscle loving stud." Winston: "Guess it catches onto my pack too... just look at Hutch already getting into position." Hutch: "Nfh... is this correct?" Hutch got comfortable, taking his paws to Tony's shoulder area while the beta's hindlegs positioned so they could make the wolf move as needed. Winston: "Oh yes, there you go... why don't you try humping some? Let his muscles grind against your cock." Hutch: "Mmh... you still okay with this, Tony, sir?" Tony: "Ofcourse Hutch. Hump on... let's see how you last when I start flexing, hah." Winston: "Hmhmha... whaaat, you pretending to be a bodybuilder or something down there?" Tony: "Hah, you sure praise me like one." Winston: "Pfft, hah! ...Oooh Hutch, you just keep that humping going." Hutch: "Nnnfh... oh... sir, this is feeling quite good... ahh..." Winston: "Oh, already? Why, I was still just thinking of doing... this..." Hutch: "Nnnfh... oooh... ah..." Winston kept his paw in action, now laying it over his beta's manhood and pushing down. Tony soon added to that. Tony: "Nffh, pressing his cock down huh? Nnfh... I better work my muscle then too... nffh... let's make him shoot, Winston." Hutch: "Ahhh... sir... nffhhhh ahh ah..." Winston: "How is it, Hutch?" Hutch: "Nffh... really... good... huffh..." Winston: "No come on, tell us more, how is it?" Hutch: "Hrrfhhh sir... Tony's fur really feels good... his muscles feel really good pressing against my cock... way too well aahh..." Winston: "Yeah, yeah? Tell us more..." Tony: "No need to be shy, beta boy... mrrfh..." Hutch: "Ahhh... w-well, sir, Winston... the way you're pressing my cock down really... ah, mmmnnffh... adds to it all.. huffh...! I Unhf... sorry... I'm getting close alreadyyhh... ah..." Winston: "Wanna release in this position, Hutch? Wanna shoot right now? Gonna cum?" Hutch: "Hrrrfh... yes..!! O-oh? A-ahhh... T-Tony you too... Nffh!" Tony brought his paws onto Hutch's cock too, hugging the beta's manhood against his body and it's muscles. Winston: "Ooooh... you trying to make him explode, Tony?" Tony: "Hah! Figured a couple of paws could make him moan louder... mrrfh..." Hutch: "Oooh... ahhhh... s-so close, sir... ah...!" Winston: "It sure is working... mrrffh! Come on stud, come on... cum on that alpha wolf, come on..." Tony: "Hrrffh...!" Hutch: "Ooh... aahh... nffh... I'm cu- ah.... Nffhh-aaahhhhh...!!" Hutch shot again, and with great pleasure, Tony's paws failing to protect his face. Tony: "Nffh...!! All over my face, you damn western wolves...!" Winston: "Oh you love it and you know it!" Tony: "Hah! Nrrfh... can't deny that, huff!" Hutch: "Nnnrrfh... huuufffh... aaahh... huff.. unnf..." Tony: "Just take it at your own pace now... mmh..." The alpha wolves took their paws off, letting the beta wolf and his swollen knot cool down. Hutch: "Huuff... sir... nfh... you don't... mind me staying over you for just a... huff.. moment?" Tony: "Oh not at all beta boy... stay right there and gather yourself. Gooood boy..." Hutch: "Nfh... sir... huff..." Winston: "Hutch, good job." Hutch: "Thank you, sir... ah..." Winston: "You'll be cleaning him up again, right?" Hutch: "Ofcourse, sir." Tony: "Haha... the morning's here soon anyway." Winston: "You already know Hutch is a beta, he's here to serve us." Tony: "Heh... I suppose it's difficult to let go of that role." Hutch: "Mmh... sir. Sorry..." Winston: "Mmmh... Hutch is still leaking." Tony: "Young stud..." Winston: "What about you then, Tooony? Hmm... oh, mostly in your sheath huh?" Tony: "Hah, I am aroused, but I suppose I'm at my limit to be honest." Winston: "Heh, not bad for us old studs though, right Hutch?" Hutch: "Sir... well uh... I uh... didn't even expect you to be this sexually uh... charged, sir." Winston: "Haha!" Tony: "What a way to say it... but you know Winston, he isn't wrong at all." Winston: "Oh he nailed it quite well, we are both quite sexually charged." Tony: "Heh. Alright then, let me get up, beta boy." Hutch: "Sir... mh.." With the alpha wolf wanting to get up Hutch gave way, climbing off Tony's body and standing up, Tony following and getting on all fours too. Tony: "Here we go... huuuffh... ah, good to be standing properly again." Winston: "You've been down on the ground quite a lot tonight Tony... maybe you belong down there, hmm?" Tony: "Oooh shut up Winston, you know I'd be able to wrestle you down to the ground whenever." Winston: "Hah! You know I'd just love it." Tony: "You horndog, heh. Now, Hutch. Clean me up now won't you." Hutch: "Sir, ofcourse, sir. Mmh... mh..." Hutch started with the area he had humped against, working fast and effectively with his tongue. Winston: "Well, this time around he's not licking your chest for no particular reason." Tony: "Hah, oh I didn't mind it at all earlier. Ah... mmh... yeah, clean my face up all good now." Hutch: "Sir... mmh..." Hutch licked the other packs's alpha all clean. Winston watched for a moment, then giving a chuckle and joining in, with Hutch licking one side of Tony's face Winston licked the other. Winston: "Hmhm... mmh..." Tony: "Ah, Winston..." Winston: "Missed a spot..." Tony: "Ah... mnnh... oh you two... mmnnfh..." Winston: "Mmmh... Tony..." Winston's mouth and tongue demanded more attention from his friend. Hutch followed up close. Hutch: "Ah... sir..." Winston: "Mmmh..." Tony: "Mmh... mmmmnh... Heh, you stud." Winston: "You too, Tony." Tony: "Hutch, how are you feeling?" Hutch: "Sir, I'm fine." Tony: "I didn't fuck you too hard?" Hutch: "No sir, I was able to take you just fine." Tony: "Hmmm... guess I can go harder next time, hmm?" Hutch: "Sir... ofcourse." Tony: "Hah! Oh... the moon is starting to descent." Winston: "So it is. How about we head to the pond to clean up." Tony: "Sounds like a plan Winston." Hutch: "Sir, should I stay here?" Winston: "Do you want to? We wouldn't mind your company though, right Tony?" Tony: "Oh no we wouldn't, your choice though, Hutch." Hutch: "Sir. I was thinking that uh... you two could go first." Tony: "Oh?" Hutch: "Mmh... you two are alpha wolves, I was just... thinking you two might want to spend more time with just each other, sir." Tony: "That's conciderate of you, Hutch. Well instead of us insisting why don't we just take that offer?" Winston: "Well, that works for me, Tony. Well, thank you Hutch. Are you sure you're fine though? Your fur's all messy too." Hutch: "My fur is white, sir, noone will notice even if they walk up to me. Please, let me keep the watch for you two." Tony: "Come on Winston. Hutch, thank you." Hutch: "Sir." Winston: "Follow me Tony." Tony: "Ofcourse." The two wolves started making their way down the cliffside, ofcourse again chatting along the way.
Winston: "...surely someone would notice though." Tony: "Hmm?" Winston: "Hutch being dirty I mean." Tony: "Hah, they probably would. He must smell like us old men." Winston: "Right? Haha, can't notice the stains but the scent must be obvious. Not that we need to worry, he probably has something in mind even if he'd be caught." Tony: "Hmm, you think so?" Winston: "Oh Hutch isn't just good looks, he's an intelligent wolf too, despite how silent he might've seemed. He usually knows what I'm thinking and what I want from my pack." Tony: "A perfect beta, then." Winston: "Oooh wouldn't you want him, huh?" Tony: "Hah, oh yes I would Winston... I don't think I'd last with his tempo though." Winston: "Haha! I think you just need to get used to all the action." Tony: "Oh come on Winston, I'm an old man already." Winston: "So am I, what's stopping you big guy?" Tony: "Gah..." Winston: "No no don't worry, I'm just teasing you again, I have my limits too. So how's your back been?" Tony: "Oh... well, not perfect, but it didn't stop me." Winston: "Hmm, that the reason you actually wanted to take it easy already?" Tony: "Hah, just a small part of it. My cock still feels so... damn tense." Winston: "Man, how hard did you cum there?" Tony: "Alot of built-up pressure I suppose." Winston: "What a stuuud..." Tony: "Hah. Ah, is this it?" The two soon reach a small pond, actually just a shallow, much larger section of a gentle stream flowing to and from it. Winston: "Yes it is. The water is usually quite warm here, it's shallow too." Tony: "Looks quite clean too..." Winston goes ahead and tries the water with his paw. Winston: "Yes it is Tony... ah... well, it's sort of cool actually..." Tony: "Hmm..." Winston: "Must be because of the night. Think we need to add two hot wolves in to warm it up..." Winston goes in first, Tony about to follow. Tony: "Hah, oh you. Still, seems like a good enough bath for us two. Let's just take it easy. Mh... oh it's a tad slippery." Winston: "Mmh... here, come to this end, the bottom surface is better here." Tony: "You just want me closer to you." Winston: "Hmh, true." Tony: "Haha." Winston rolled around, laying down with his lower body up, clearly taking it easy. Winston: "Try laying down like this... like we did back in the cave." Tony: "Oh? Sure... but you better not pin me down again." Winston: "No no, I don't want to drown you stud." Tony: "Hah. I swear if someone else walks up to us again..." Tony doubted, playfully at that, finally turning around himself and moving pretty close to Winston. Winston: "Oh this spot is much more secluded, no need to worry." Tony: "I just don't want a repeat from your den." Winston: "Just take it easy for once." Tony: "Mmmh... oh Winston, your cock's poking out." Winston: "Well so is yours, what happened to your soreness?" Tony: "Oh I still feel it, but ah... afterglow, or something... What about you though? Still in need?" Winston: "My needs are sky high tonight, Tony." Tony: "Hah. Clearly, Winston." Winston: "I think the water will make your groin feel better soon." Tony: "What, hoping I'll be up for yet another round?" Winston: "Ooooh maybe." Tony: "Well... the water is definitely not bad, nrrfh... this bath is very much welcomed, aaahh... feels niiiice..." Tony managed to finally relax, closing his eyes for a bit. As he did Winston took the chance to press closer, his paws working about as if hugging Winston, being careful and calm with his movements. Winston: "It suuure does..." Tony: "Aahh... hmm?" Winston: "Let me just pull you closer..." Tony: "Mmh... oh I don't mind." Winston: "You just take it easy Tony. I just want to be closer while we still have time." Tony: "Haha... but you were the one saying how this won't be our last time, since our packs are united now." Winston: "Yeah I know... but still." Tony: "But still?" Winston: "Mmh... plus I can wash your body more easier like this..." Tony: "Oh... well, I don't mind. First the western beta gives me grooming, then the western alpha gives me a bath..." Winston: "Concider it a treat." Winston moved his paws about Tony's body, especially concentrating around his stomach and chest area, using the water to clean up the brown alpha wolf. Tony: "Hah... oh you. Mmmh... you're rubbing me real... sensual-like." Winston: "Just taking my time..." Tony: "Whiiile we still have time, hmm?" Winston: "Oh, now who's teasing who?" Tony: "Haha." Winston: "Come on, just let me admire you some..." Tony: "Should've guessed that's what you were doing." Winston: "I'm sure you don't mind..." Tony: "Just keep going... feels nice." Winston took his sweet time working his paw all across Tony's muscular body, especially paying attention to the pectorals, showing up most, especially with water flattening Tony's fur. Winston: "Mmh... I'll be sure to avoid your manhood ofcourse, don't worry." Tony: "Thank you... aaaahh..." Winston: "You sound relieved, Tony." Tony: "In more ways than one, my friend." Winston: "I'm glad. It's a good change from hearing you complaining about your back." Tony: "Mmh... ah... hey." Winston: "I'm not touching your cock here..." Tony: "But my balls... really?" Winston, possibly still very much feeling the need for smut, had moved his paw from Tony's chest to his plump orbs in the water, caressing, rubbing, and massaging them. Winston: "Just let me..." Tony: "Mmmh... nnfh..." Winston: "Are they tense too?" Tony: "Mh... a little bit..." Winston: "I'll be gentle then." Tony: "Mhrf... do you have to though...?" Winston: "Be gentle? Should I be rough then?" Tony: "Gah, no Winston... I mean... do you have to... in general... hrrfh..." Winston: "Oh I feel like I must. I'll be gentle, okay?" Tony: "Mmmhh... nfh... aah..." Winston: "See, not too bad, right? I can use my paws softly... You're making such lovely reactions." Tony: "Hffh... gahh..." Winston: "Hmm...? Oh... your knot's all revealed already." Tony: "Nfh... what did you expect? Huff..." Winston: "Exactly that, mmh..." Tony: "You... horndog." Winston: "Oh no, you are... Just look at you..." Tony: "Nnnfh... it feels kind of weird in water like this..." Tony's once again erect cock was partially submerged. Winston: "Not bad though?" Tony: "Other than my own soreness no, nnrrfh... oh Winston..." Winston: "Mmh, you have mighty balls, Tony." Tony: "Nnffh... oh bring that mouth of yours closer..." Winston: "Oh ofcourse... mh... ah... mmmhh..." Tony: "Mmmhh... nffh... use that tongue of yours... mh..." The two kissed, and like often that night, it quickly escalated into a wrestle of their tongues. Winston: "Mmmmh... nnfh, mh..." Tony: "Mh... oh Winston... huffh..." Winston: "You really like that don't you?" Tony: "Mmhmh... you really know to work me." Tony couldn't help but move one of his own paws down, touching himself juuust a tad higher up than Winston. Winston: "Oh yes... oh... mmmh, reeeeally enjoying yourself?" Tony: "Nffrh... can't help it." Winston: "Oh just keep pawing yourself, I'll join you soon..." Tony: "Huff... ah, you're so hard too, humping me..." Winston showed Tony there were very much two horndogs, or wolfs at that, around. His cock was as hard as earlier, pressed up against the other alpha wolf. At the same time, being a tad closer than before, he increased the prominence against Tony's balls. Winston: "You're just too hot to contain..." Tony: "Haha... ah, huffh... huff..." Winston: "I'm not pressing too hard right...?" Tony: "No, huff... just perfect." Winston: "Mmmh... ah damn, watching you pawing off like that is quite a few... let me just... mh..." Winston repositioned himself, moving back to fully laying on his back, the two wolves in almost mirrored positions. Tony: "Hmm? Ah... had to get to pawing yourself too, huh?" Winston: "You and me, stud... mh..." Tony: "You're reeeaaal big..." Winston: "Oh you've reminded me of that enough already tonight..." Tony: "Well you sure as hell didn't suddenly shrink down." Winston: "Hah, just my knot earlier." Tony: "And soon it'll swell up again..." Winston: "Mmmh... you looking forward to seeing that?" Tony: "As much as you waiting to see me for a fourth damn time..." Winston: "Hah, oh yeah..." Tony: "Mmhh... oh, just bring your mouth here again..." Winston: "Mh oh Tony... mmh... nfh..." Tony: "Mnnhh... ahh, mmh... huff... mh..." The two shared their kiss once more, keeping up with it for a good while, pawing on their own with bodies and tongues grinding. Winston: "Huffh... ahhh... mmh... ah Tony... huff..." Tony: "Nfh... yeah? You about to shoot...? Huff... because I am...!" Winston: "Yeah... nrrfh.. huff... I'm right at the edge, huff... you let loose first stud, nnfh, I'll follow right up." Tony: "Nrrfh... man how swollen your knot is... huffh... you damn stuuuuddh ahhh..." Winston lifted his lower body up more, them being in the water making it quite easy compared to how much it needed strenght from gut muscles on ground. He brought his knot into better view, only barely in water now. Winston: "Yeah you like that? Nrfh... I got that stuck in your rear earlier! I tied you reeaaal good..." Tony: "Huff, almost a... ah... miracle I was able to take it... mggraahh Winstoooonh..." Winston: "Come on, nrrfh... just shoot even if it aches... nrfh... your knot is so thick too... come on Tony, shoot you stud..." Tony: "Nfh... nrrrffh... ah I can't... hold aahhh... I'm.. nrrfh...!" Winston: "Yeah stuuuuddhrrrfh...! You're leaking... come on... nrfh... huffh... ah I'm also about to... nffh...! Just let out that damn Howl!!" Tony: "Ahhh... nrrff!! Grfh!! Aahh... Awoh... Awooooooohhh!!" Winston: "Ahh hell Tony aahh... nrfh... Nnnghh-aahhhh...!!" The two wolves released at the same time for the final time that night, shooting all over not just the pond, but themselves too. Tony: "Aaaahhh... huuuuff, ah, huff, nnrrfh... ah fuck it acheeeees just riiiiiight..." Winston: "You're throbbing so haaard nrrrffhh... huuuuff how the hell do you... ah... still shoot like that after so many... ahhh..." Tony: "Huuff... aahh... hell... ahh..." Winston: "Ah.... nnffhh... well damn... Hah, oh Tony... wonder if we'll ever get cleaned up tonight..." Tony: "Nrrfh... hah... might be... huuuff..." Winston: "You all spent?" Tony: "Yeah... real good... huff..." Winston: "Quite an effort for an old man..." Tony: "Hah... I blame you." Winston: "Oh I know... mmh." Winston licked his friend's cheek. Tony: "Hah... you sweetheart." Winston: "Mmh... why don't we just relax here for a bit longer?" Tony: "It's not like we'll get any more wet than we already are... mmh..." Winston: "And I think someone needs a rest anyway..." Tony: "Hah, because someone has been pushing me aaaaall night." Winston: "Who me?" Tony: "Hah... mh..." Winston: "Ah... mmmmhh..." The alpha wolves shared one more deep kiss while resting, letting their knots shrink and manhoods hide once more. The two didn't have any deep conversations anymore as they took it easy for the rest of the night, while Winston had some energy to spare he saw how spent his friend was, staying by his side, the two every now and then licking and kissing. With just small chit chat the two soon left the cool pond and shook their fur dry, taking a moment longer here more secluded from even Hutch. With their packs united, the two would surely spend another late night again.