Lykos Wild Things 15 - The Day After

Story by Trickster_D on SoFurry

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#17 of Lykos Wild Things

Leo has accepted Drake's bite, and he's now a werewolf. How will this change the dynamics of Wyatt's pack? And how will this change Drake, specifically?

Guess who's back? It's me! About time, huh?

After a couple of very hectic years and a couple job changes, I'm in a much better position mentally and hopefully financially too. I've recently found the drive to write again, so I've been working on Wild Things again! Chapter 15 (this one) and 16 are written, and I'm currently working on chapter 17, which will be the second-to-last one. So we are in the final stretch y'all!

Written and posted with permission from Leo_Todrius (who also provided the kickass thumbnail icon!)

You can find his profile and awesome stories here:

Lykos - Wild Things

Chapter 15 - The day after

"Please give me a good reason why I shouldn't punch him, my dragon," Wyatt said, staring at Leo - who was lying in Drake's bed, still deeply asleep - with his brow furrowed and his fangs poking from behind his lips. "Or punch you. Or both."

A couple of hours had passed since Drake and Inori had come back home with the newest addition to the pack, and a pale winter sun was already shining outside the window. They had had to fill the bathtub twice in order to scrub all the dirt from the young hunter's body; his hair had been cropped short into a messier version of a crew cut, since they were infested with lice, and he had been fit into one of Wyatt's pajamas. Leo hadn't woken up once, surely because of the incredible experience he had been put through and the toll the ongoing change was putting on his body.

Drake, at first, had wanted to wash the boy himself, but Wyatt had insisted to help him, something that Drake was slightly worried about: he still remembered the ominous sensation he had heard inside his alpha's heartbeat, the feeling that had the same color of fresh blood... but Wyatt, contrary to expectations, had proved himself to be perfectly calm, even though he had avoided direct eye contact with Drake and had been silent the whole time. Drake had simply rolled with that: he had no problem facing Wyatt's wrath, he was strong enough for that... although the same thing could not be said for Leonardo.

"I was there too, Wyatt," Inori murmured in a serious tone. The three werewolves were sitting on the small sofa right under the window, the girl nestled between the two boys. "So I, too, should get punched."

The alpha looked at her in disbelief, then chuckled while ruffling her hair. "Don't say that, Inori. I'm sure you just got convinced by a certain someone that this was the right thing to do," he replied, eyeing at Drake with narrowed eyes.

"Well, you told me I couldn't go into the woods alone, so..." Drake said in a joking tone. Nobody laughed at that. "Listen, Wyatt, I know I did something risky and probably stupid, but everything turned out fine, right?"

The alpha eyed at the unconscious kid in the bed. "I wouldn't call this 'fine'," he replied. "You went into the woods at night and bit someone you barely knew... that's way beyond probably stupid."

Drake, however, put on a wolfish grin. "Funny, that sounds exactly what a certain someone did to me less than a year ago."

Wyatt's face got a shade paler. "That was a totally different situation."

"Oh, yeah? And why?" Drake replied, still with his shit-eating grin on.

"Because it was, okay?" Wyatt growled, but he seemed to calm down a bit after Inori placed a hand over his shoulder. Drake's expression withered into a worried look, before he leaned over and placed a timid, quick kiss on his mate's cheek.

"I'm... sorry, Wyatt," he said in earnest. "I was afraid you were going to stop me if I had told you about what I had in mind." Wyatt's eyes narrowed for just a split second before he

turned around and kissed Drake back on the lips.

"Of course I would have stopped you, you dolt," the alpha then grumbled, even though his voice now sounded a tad sweeter and his heartbeat was more stable. "But... okay, I forgive you. I guess this whole situation, well, threw me off a bit." Wyatt's eyes moved over Leo, who looked even smaller in the middle of the king-sized bed. "I mean, I was afraid that an actual werewolf hunter was around, but now that I look at him, he doesn't seem like someone who could hurt a fly. And those scars..." The young alpha shuddered. "Even if a direwolf made them, they should've started healing by now."

"Apparently he has some kind of emotional attachment to them," Inori explained. "Like Patrick and his deafness."

"Or Drake and his stupidity," Wyatt added with a cocky smile. Drake half-grinned in relief: his mate looked much more relaxed now.

"Well, they say you can't cure stupidity, after all..." he joked back.

"He needed someone to save him, Wyatt," Inori murmured. She was staring at the sleeping boy, and had rarely diverted her gaze from him since Drake had put him on the bed. "I can relate to that."

Wyatt nodded. "Guess we'll have to wait and see..." The young man yawned without covering his mouth. "Or maybe we should get some sleep. I'm pretty sure he won't wake up for at least a few more hours."

Wyatt's prediction turned out to be very accurate: it was only four hours later, when lunchtime was near, that Cordelia knocked on the door of her son's room. Wyatt, Drake and Inori were lying on the bed, sound asleep, hugging in a small peaceful pile. "The stray puppy has woken up," she proclaimed, algid as always. "He looks pretty distressed, you may want to go and calm him down. Also, lunch will be on the table within twenty minutes, so make it quick."

Leonardo was huddled up in the corner of the room farthest from the door, his grey eyes larger than ever. He was holding a crumpled piece of cloth in front of his mouth with trembling hands, and it took Drake some seconds to realize it was one of his t-shirts. Wyatt tried to step into the room, but Drake stopped him. "Maybe it's better if I do this. He already knows me." The alpha pursed his lips, but nodded, letting Drake step into the room and go crouch in front of the former hunter. "Hey, Leo... how do you feel?" he said in what hoped was a soothing enough voice. He raised a hand, and leo instantly cowered, but then let Drake pet his hair.

"What's this place?" Leo murmured. "I feel so... weird. Everything seems so intense my brain hurts." The boy raised the t-shirt slightly with a guilty look on his face. "This had your scent, it calmed me down a bit... sorry."

Drake smiled. "Don't worry. You can keep it if you like it," he replied. "And, well, you know... you are a werewolf now, so of course your nose is much more sensitive than before."

"You mean it worked?" Leo raised a hand to touch the scars that disfigured his left cheek, and looked oddly relieved in realizing they were still there. Drake nodded.

"Well, you aren't dead and you certainly aren't a direwolf, so..." Drake realized a second too late that the joke wasn't funny at all, but Leo was so dazed and confused that he didn't even notice. "It will take you some time to get used to your new body, so if you feel scared or nervous, I want you to know it's perfectly normal... okay?"

"Okay..." Leo looked around restlessly. "Is this your room? Your house?"

"Yes to the first question, no to the second one. This is the house of my alpha's family. Come to think of it, do you know what an alpha is?"

Leo nodded. "The leader of a werewolf pack. That man told me, well..." He lowered his eyes and his voice until it was even less than a whisper. " try and kill them first."

Drake gulped, but didn't stop petting the boy's hair. "Don't worry about that now. Do you want to meet my alpha? I mean, our alpha... you are a pack member too, after all."

"Um... okay," Leo let Drake help him get back on his feet and sat on the bed. "Is he angry with me because I shot you?"

Tough question... "Nah. I mean, he was at first, but not anymore. So don't be afraid of him, okay?" Drake gestured at Wyatt and Inori to come inside. "Well, you know Inori already, and he... he is Wyatt Underhill, our alpha."

Wyatt stood in front of Leo, looking at him from above; his heartbeat, Drake noticed, was faster than usual, and his lips a bit pursed, but otherwise he looked perfectly normal. "Hey," he said with a tiny smile. "Leonardo, right?"

Leo nodded; he didn't seem to be able to look at Wyatt right in the eyes. "I remember you. You were right next to Drake when I..."

"I know," Wyatt replied with a voice so sharp he could've cut through glass. "But you weren't one of us, then," he added in a much gentler tone, as he grabbed Leo's hand and caressed the skin on its back. "Why don't you join us for lunch, now? I'm sure you are super hungry. We'll have a lot of time to talk, later."

"Well... I am hungry," Leo admitted in a humble voice. "I am really craving some meat. It's weird 'cause I used to be vegetarian, b-but... now I really, really want some meat."

"You are a wolf, now. That's only natural." Wyatt pulled Leo, grasping his hands gently. "Come on, now. Lunch is almost ready and my mother gets pissed when people do not show up on time."

Cordelia had really pushed herself to her limits this time: when the four young werewolves went downstairs they were welcomed by a smell so scrumptious and full of delicious promises that Leo let out a yelp and his eyes flickered gold for a split second for what most probably was the very first time in his life. A huge platter was on display right in the center of the table, carrying a gargantuan piece of meat - beef, not venison, Drake realized with a slight sensation of disappointment - covered in thick rich gravy and circled by a nest of perfectly roasted potatoes.

"Cazzo..." Leo whispered under his breath. He was literally drooling.

"Manners, Leonardo," Cordelia said in a quiet but peremptory tone. The woman was standing on the threshold of the kitchen, her arms crossed, he head slightly leaning towards her left shoulder.

Leo jolted and took a step backwards, hiding behind Drake's back. "S-sorry, ma'am," he murmured.

"Do you know Italian, Cordelia?" Drake asked. That woman never ceased to amaze him.

"I speak eleven languages," the woman replied in a matter-of-fact tone. "Although my Lithuanian is a bit rusty." She then pulled a chair and stared at the newly-minted werewolf. "You will sit here, Leonardo."

Leo had no other choice than to obey. Cordelia, for her part, put a napkin around his neck and served him the first two thick slices of roast, along with a generous amount of potatoes. "Um, thanks, Mrs..."

"Underhill. But you may call me Cordelia, like everyone else does." The woman replied. "Now eat. You need that really badly." And he certainly did: in less than a couple of minutes he had wolfed down his beef and looked more than ready for his seconds, which Cordelia promptly served him.

"Reminds me of my first lunch here," Drake grinned, seeing Leonardo almost crying with joy as he munched on the perfectly cooked meat. He would've thought the new werewolf would've been a lot more wary around those he had considered savage monster until the day before, but the call of an empty stomach was clearly too strong to ignore.

"True," Cordelia nodded. Even she looked vaguely amused. "Leonardo is certainly appreciative of my cooking."

"Well, it's super delicious!" Leo exclaimed, spitting tiny bits of meat around. His expression suddenly became serious. "I promise I will find a way to repay your kindness."

Cordelia stared at Leo with her dark chocolate eyes until he lowered his gaze. "There's no need to be bothered by that for now. To be honest, this is hardly your fault... apparently, my soon-to-be son-in-law likes to bring lost puppies home." Drake tried his best to smile, but couldn't repress a long and cold shiver trickling down his spine.

Leo nodded. "So you and Inori are like a couple or something?" he asked Drake.

"No," Inori replied instead. "I was one of the 'lost puppies' Cordelia mentioned," she added, visibly cringing at that particular choice of words.

Wyatt, on the other hand, sported a huge grin and kept pointing at him and Drake. "You got it wrong, kid. Drake's my man."

Leo's eyes bulged behind the huge chuck of meat he was on the verge of stuffing his mouth with. "What?! So you two are, like... um... you know..."

"Come on, dude, just say it!" Wyatt interrupted him. "You want to know if we are gay? The answer is no, we are werewolf, and almost none of us cares for stuff like gender... we just love who we love, and I love Drake."

"Oh. I see." Leo put another big chunk of beef in his mouth and munched on it slowly, his grey eyes lost in thought. "Okay," he then added to nobody in particular. "Well, that's cool."

"Glad you think that," Wyatt replied with a Cheshire cat grin.

"We agreed not to talk about sex while we are eating," Cordelia admonished him.

"Hey! I wasn't!"

"I've known you for twenty years, I know they face you do when you are thinking about that," her mother replied. "As if it wasn't bad enough when you discovered masturbation and I had to change your bed sheets every day."

"H-hey! Who's talking about sex now?!" Wyatt's face was so much on fire one could have cooked an egg on his cheeks.

"I was not talking about sex," Cordelia went on, deadpan. "Masturbation is not sex. That would require one or more partners, you know?" The woman looked at Leo and shook her head. "I am sorry for that, Leonardo. Your alpha is twenty and yet he still does not know that difference between sex and masturbation. I guess I am to blame, at least partly... Does that make me an awful mother?"

"No, I can assure you that you are an awful mother for completely different reasons..." Wyatt grumbled.

"Are they always like this?" Leo murmured to Drake and Inori as Wyatt and Cordelia went on with their embarrassing bickering.

Drake nodded. "And you still haven't met Wyatt's older sister..." he added with a crooked grin. "Or his younger sister. His father is pretty chill, though. I work for him, but he's on the East Coast for a job. I was supposed to go there with him, too, but... well, you know how things went." Leo lowered his eyes on the food on his plate, biting his lower lip. "Nah, don't worry about that! And yeah, they might be loud and weird and talk about inappropriate stuff with alarming frequency, but they are still a family. They love each other a lot, in their own strange way."

Leo lowered his knife and cut a tiny piece of juicy beef. "Family, huh?" he murmured in a feeble voice.

"Oh... damn, I'm sorry, Leo..." Drake replied, feeling his own throat tighten.

The Italian boy shrugged. "At least it's good to eat something that didn't come out of a trash can for a change," he tried to joke. Inori patted him on the shoulder; it was quite the stilted and mechanical gesture, like that of a robot trying to display human emotions, but Drake appreciated the effort.

"I can relate to that," she declared. "And if it helps, I don't even have any memories of my family. None at all... but at least we can both make new memories here," she then added in a surprisingly understated tone. Leo nodded back but didn't say anything, and went on eating his meat in perfect silence.

After lunch was over, Drake decided to help Cordelia with the dishes, while Wyatt and Inori had Leo take a tour of Underhill house. "I can do it myself, Drake," the woman told him as he collected the dirty dishes from the table, but she seemed secretly pleased by that.

"Well, to be honest I feel a bit guilty," the young man admitted. No point hiding how he was feeling in front of Cordelia, since she could read heartbeats as if they were maps. "In less than a month I brought two people to live here as if this was my house, and..."

"This is your house, Drake," Cordelia interrupted him. "You are part of this family, after all."

"Oh." A warm, fuzzy feeling bloomed in Drake's chest. "Well, that's..."

"Of course, this also comes with some responsibilities," the woman went on unperturbed. "Wyatt may be the alpha of your pack, but you are the one who chose Inori and Leonardo, so you are in charge of them."

"W-well, of course."

"You do not need to worry about the monetary side, at least for the moment. They would need to find a job, eventually, that's a given... but we can afford to feed two more mouths. Speaking of work, you should call Richard. He is waiting for his flight at the airport, I am sure he would be happy to hear from you."

And he indeed was. "Hey Drake!" the man exclaimed from the other side of the line. "Everything okay? Delia told me about the new kid! Glad the whole thing went smooth."

"Yeah, me too!" Drake replied, suddenly feeling much happier. His boss's joyful energy always managed to put a smile on his face.

"And I'm very happy that you were the one finding him, Drake. I'm so proud of you," Richard added in a genuine tone.

"Oh... um, y-yeah..." Drake fumbled. I should probably tell him Inori was the one catching that scent, when he comes home, he thought. Come to think of it, maybe she could start working for Richard too? She definitely has more raw talent than I do, that's for sure. "I'm sure you would've been the one to find Leo if you had been here, Richard."

"Sure. But I'm glad you were the one who did that. I don't think the outcome would have been the same if I had found it, or anyone else for what matters." Richard's voice lowered in volume and became almost menacing, as if he wasn't barely suppressing the impulse to growl. "I wouldn't have had any interest in doing what you did, but... that what makes you a great kid, Drake."

"Oh. Well... t-thanks, Richard." If Drake had had a tail in that moment, it would've wagged hard enough to knock down the nearest chair.

"Drake?" Wyatt's voice came from upstairs. "Can you come up here?"

"Sorry, Richard, Wyatt's calling for me," Drake told his boss. "See you tonight, right? Can't wait to know how the job went."

"Don't worry, everything was fine! Though it took me a while to gather all those poisonous snakes. And yeah, see you tonight!"

When Drake went upstairs, he discovered that Wyatt, Inori and Leo were gathered in the alpha's room; the two betas were sitting on the sofa right under the window, while Wyatt was standing in front of them cracking jokes. "We should call the others here later, when Angela and Patrick are out of work and Chance and Kaylee's school day is over," he said while Drake closed the door behind his back and went sitting next to Leo.

The new werewolf stared back at Wyatt with a worried expression. "The rest of the pack, right?" Wyatt nodded.

"I'm sure they'll be more than happy to meet you," Drake exclaimed while patting Leo's shoulder.

"And at least I won't be the new pack member anymore," Inori added with a vague smile. "Not that it did last that long..."

"In the meantime, though," Wyatt said, his eyes staring dramatically at the sky covered in fat, dark grey clouds outside the window. "You can ask us any question that pops into your mind. I'm sure you have a lot of them already."

Leo cleared his throat. "Um... to be honest, I don't know. I mean, everything is so new, and..."

"Oh." Wyatt looked visibly disappointed by that: his brow furrowed and his eyes darted from one corner of the room to the other. "I just thought... that... well, never mind..."

"No, I mean... let me think of something!" Leo exclaimed, the skin on his cheeks getting redded around his scars. "Um... oh, okay, I got one! So, Wyatt, your mother is a werewolf, right? Which means you were born as one, right?"


"So... for how long your family members have been werewolves?"

Wyatt's face wouldn't have lightened up more if someone had pointed a flashlight right on his nose. "That's a great question! You see, my family, at least from my mother's side, directly descended from Oenotrus, one of the fifty sons of Lycaon... in other words, the original werewolves. According to my mother, my family lived in Germany during the Middle Ages, and they were the alphas of the biggest werewolf pack of the Black Forest. Apparently things got kinda hectic during the 18th century, so my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents decided to come here in the US. As for my father, the members of his family have only been werewolves for a handful of generations... he's half Native American, by the way, and that's where the lycanthropy from his side of the family came from. Anyway, mom and dad have known each other since they were kids, and theirs was basically an arranged marriage. Well, okay, not really an arranged marriage, but everyone kinda expected them to marry, and in the end they did." Wyatt felt silent, probably realizing that he had rambled quite a bit. "Well, that's just the abridged version of my family's history, of course."

"So, what you are saying is that your family is basically the Malfoys of the werewolf world?" Drake mused.

"Well, as I said we are direct descendants of one of Lycaon's sons. In a way, we are the werewolf equivalent to royalty." Wyatt grinned. "Though it's not like that matters all that much anymore... I mean, Talia married a human and I'm stuck with you, my dragon." The grin widened. "But you are right, my mother would make a pretty convincing Narcissa Malfoy. Dunno about my father, though..."

"Sirius, maybe?"

"Gross, dude. They were, like, first cousins."

"So, let me get this straight: you had no problem having sex with those clearly incestuous twins in Colorado, but two fictional characters being first cousins is where you draw the line?" Drake teased Wyatt.

"Colorado?" Leo asked.

"There are two colleges in the US that were specifically established for werewolves," Wyatt explained. "One for boys, one for girls. We visited the one in Colorado - which is the male one - last December with my dad for an escort job. And, well, we met those two identical twins in the woods, and... you can imagine what happened next."

"A college for werewolves?" Leo murmured. "I think that hunter mentioned something like that..." Probably without even realizing it, he was resting his hand over Drake's left leg. The bearded beta lowered his gaze, and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"Yeah, I'm sure they are aware of that," Wyatt replied with a thoughtful nod. "I mean, should they discover the exact location of the colleges, that would be a major problem... but the protection network created by the keepers and the werewolves has been strong enough to prevent that. Even those so-called 'terrorist attacks' in some of the airports around the country were the hunters' fault, but they didn't last that long after all. What I mean is, you don't have to worry about them, Leo." Wyatt's tone was hard and serious now, which surprised Drake. "You are one of us, now. We protect each other."

"O-okay," Leo replied, his body slightly leaning against Drake as if he was in a sudden need for some comfort. "I'm... glad, you know. I thought you were going to hate me."

"I thought that too," Wyatt said, and there was still no forgiveness in his voice. "To be honest, if I had found you before Drake did, I would have ripped your throat with my own hands." Leo shivered in silence at that, and got even closer to Drake. The bearded beta circled the boy's shoulder with one of his powerful arms while sending a glare in the alpha's direction. "But that would have been a poor choice, I have to admit," Wyatt added in a tad friendlier tone. "So I'm glad Drake found you first." A lopsided grin appeared on his face. "You seem to like him a lot, I'd say."

"Oh?" Leo seemed to realize only in that moment how close he was to Drake. "O-oh, sorry..." He tried to escape Drake's embrace, but the other werewolf had no intention of letting him go.

"Nothing wrong with it," Drake said with a happy grin before he caressed the side of Leo's face with his free hand, making him shudder and let out a tiny moan.

"W-what's wrong with me?" he muttered in confusion. Drake's smile widened; Leo's heartbeat were speeding up, and a tenuous but recognizable aroma was rising from his groin area: in his underwear, his penis was getting harder and leaking the first drops of precum. Drake sniffed Leo's neck before licking the warm, smooth skin, eliciting a surprised yelp.

"It's just your werewolf instincts kicking in," Wyatt explained. "All werewolves, and especially the members of the same pack, share a bond that is deeper than purer than any word." The alpha walked right in front of Leo, and his index finger caressed the boy's lips, circling around them slowly. "We can show you if you want to..." Leo, his eyes glazed and clouded, just nodded at that.

"Well, I'll go downstairs, then." Inori, who had until that moment just watched the scene in perfect silence, jumped back on her bare feet and walked towards the bedroom door. "Just let me know when you are finished, okay? I think I'll watch a movie in the meantime."

"Why is... she gone?" Leo murmured, his hazy eyes focused on the closing door. He sounded a bit disappointed.

Drake and Wyatt exchanged a glance. "Well, that's a long story... for now let's just say Inori doesn't like sex all that much."

"W-wait... sex?! Are w-we going to..."

"Well, yes," Drake replied. "What else did you have in mind?"

"I... I dunno, but..." Leo looked seriously flustered and his eyes got watery; he seemed on the verge of hyperventilation.

"Well, if you don't want to, that's okay," Wyatt said with a small smile on his face. "But, you know... that's what we do as packmates. It's our own way to strengthen our bonds."

"Though as Wyatt said, it's perfectly understandable if you don't feel like doing it right now," Drake added. "I mean, you've been a werewolf for literally less than a day, so..."

Leo shook his head, interrupting him. "No, I... I think I want to do it. No, I feel like I want to do it, like it's the right thing to do. I mean, it's all new, and... and everything is so intense it hurts my brain." His stare focused on Drake. "I mean, yesterday I thought you were a monster and wanted to kill you, but now I, um, I want to... to touch you and... s-stay, like, with you forever, I think."

"Someone here has a massive crush on you, Drake!" Wyatt's voice was joking, but Drake could clearly hear a more dangerous and savage undertone. It was like looking at the peaceful picture of a savannah before noticing the silhouette of a lion in the tall grass, waiting for its prey.

Leo, however, stood up and came closer to Wyatt, his face flushed and feverish. "Well... the same goes for you, Wyatt. I mean, I don't know you, but... I feel like I'm drawn to you. It's like... something that makes me feel warm and safe."

"Hehe, that's an alpha for you!" Wyatt replied. Luckily, he sounded much more relieved. He raised a hand and placed it over Leo's chest, and Drake could distinctly hear the boy's heartbeat increase in intensity and speed. "What you are feeling right now is only natural. Every recently bitten werewolf goes through a similar experience... or so I was told, at least," he added with a tiny smirk.

"Compared to when I was human, I have a much higher libido," Drake explained. "Sometimes it's very difficult to restrain myself." The grin on Wyatt's face widened as he turned around and began to playfully nibble and lick Drake's neck. The bearded beta yelped in surprise as he felt his shorts tenting, his heart pumping more blood in the groin area. "W-Wyatt, come on..." he moaned while weakly trying to push the alpha away.

"You want this as much as I do, Drake," Wyatt retorted. "And Leo clearly wants some of it too..." he added with a naughty wink, glancing at the Italian boy, who was staring at them transfixed and fascinated. "We should show him our bonding process, see if he's interested..."

Drake nodded. "Yeah... we should get ourselves clean first, though."

Twenty minutes later, after the three of them had taken a shower, they were back in Wyatt's room; Leo seemed nervous, and understandably so. "W-well... what s-should we do now?" He stuttered, his grey eyes shifting from Drake to Wyatt.

"Let's start by taking off our clothes," Wyatt suggested. Leo looked at him for some seconds, unsure about what to do, but then he complied; after he took off his shirt, his pants and his underwear he stood in the middle of the room, shivering, one of his hands trying to cover his uncut, modestly-sized penis. His limbs and torso were slender to the point of scrawniness, but under his skin there were small, sinewy and nervous muscles. His scars travelled from his left eyebrow to his forearm, and even though they were still a bit disconcerting, Drake had to admit they looked pretty badass.

"Y-you guys look so much better than I do," the Italian boy murmured in shame. He kept glancing at Wyatt, something that Drake found completely understandable, since his mate could have easily found a gig as an underwear model. The alpha, however, simply pulled Leo close and gave him a short friendly hug.

"Don't worry, it's just a matter of time. Even Drake, here, was a pipsqueak before I gave him the bite," he joked.

"I've always been taller than you, at least," Drake grinned before striking a pose. He wasn't nearly as defined as Wyatt was, but he could've totally passed for a football player.

Leo chuckled nervously. "W-what... should we do now?" he asked, looking into Wyatt's eyes.

The young alpha gave him a debonair smile, his face growing a bit closer. "Whatever you feel like doing..."

Leo let out a soft moan as his pale cheeks reddened a bit. "U-um... I... I..." he murmured between heavy and warm breaths. Wyatt brushed the tip of his thumb over his lips, causing a long shiver and a sudden increase in his heartbeat.

"So, what do you think, Leo?" the alpha asked in a silky voice. "You like us, don't you?"

Leo lowered his gray eyes. "Y-y-yeah..." he whispered in a guilty tone. "I... I d-don't know why..." Drake walked right behind him and hugged the two of them.

"There's nothing bad about it," he said in a gentle voice.

"I-it's just that... it's the first time in my life I feel something like this for another guy..." Leo confessed. "I... didn't even know I liked guys before..."

"I told you, Leo: we are werewolves," Wyatt replied. "We don't care a bit about this kind of differences." The hug was disbanded and the alpha climbed on his bed before patting the mattress right next to him. "Now come here... I want you to relax and enjoy the moment."

Leo, walking very slowly as if the floor could explode under his feet, did as asked, sitting right next to Wyatt. "W-what now?" he inquired nervously as Drake jumped on the bed too.

"Well..." Wyatt replied, caressing Leo's inner thigh with his fingertips. The boy let out another long moan as his penis started getting harder. "Wow, we're pretty sensitive, aren't we?"

"S-sorry... B-but it felt good..." Leo whispered back. Wyatt, however, shook his head and licked his lips in a predatory manner.

"If it feels good, you don't have to be sorry. Not at all," he said, leaning towards Leo. His eyes blazed gold, beautiful and mesmerizing. "Do you want to feel even better, Leo?"

The boy's face was bordering on scarlet now. "Y-yeah..." he moaned, before sinking his teeth in his lower lip. Drake lied down next to him, his clawed fingers playing with the boy's pale blond hair; Wyatt gave his beta a playful punch on the shoulder and grinned slyly at him.

"I know you want to do it, my dragon... you totally should." Leo looked at Wyatt with glazed eyes.

"D-do... what?" he asked, before Drake's lips covered his mouth, silencing him. The softest sound of surprise, like the lament made by a baby lamb, tried to escape from his throat; Leo's body tensed for a moment, his slender back arching, before his muscles gave up and he relaxed over the mattress. Drake smiled with his eyes as his expert tongue slithered into the boy's waiting mouth, where it wrestled its twin into gentle, tender submission. The moment he broke the kiss, Drake looked at Leo: his face was scarlet in embarrassment and surprise, his breathing heavy, his eyes sparkling. "W-wow," he murmured. "T-that was..."

"Good, I hope," Drake replied with a grin full of fangs. Leo let out a clumsy chuckle.

"H-haha, yeah..." Drake's hand went down and pinched Leo's left nipple, eliciting another surprised and lusty moan. "Nngh..." Wyatt pulled the boy gently, forcing him to turn on his left side to face him.

"You're so innocent and new to this... that's so cute," the alpha said. He let out a lusty growl as his ears became fuzzy and pointed and his slender and fluffy tail emerged from the very end of his spine. "I bet your wolf is even cuter. Time to let it come out, Leo."

"H-how... how do I do that?" Leo panted.

"Don't worry, it's very easy," Wyatt replied before Drake clicked his tongue.

"Except it's not. Not the first time, at least," he added with a tiny grin. Wyatt glared at him.

"That's only because your wolf is the most stubborn creature in existence! Anyway," the alpha focused on Leo. "It's true I was born a shapeshifter, so it just comes natural to me... but Drake had to learn how to do that, too, so I'm sure he can explain it better."

Drake scratched the back of his head. "Um... it's not that easy the first time, as I said; at least if you try to do it on purpose. It's like relaxing a clenched muscle you never knew you had."

"I stand corrected, he cannot explain it better," Wyatt mused.

"Maybe we should just wait until he learns how to do it himself?" Drake suggested. Wyatt's eyes narrowed. "Come on, man, just be patient! He was literally bitten today! When you did the same to me, I spent the next day and a half fast asleep."

"Yeah, but you had a broken leg at the time. Your body needed a lot more time to recover properly," Wyatt explained.

"I'm... I'm sure I can do it," Leo said in a small voice, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I mean, it's a mental thing, right?" Drake and Wyatt stared at him furrowing his brow and making effortful noises for a full minute, until he opened one of his eyes again. "Did it work?"

Drake hit Wyatt - who was clearly on the verge of bursting into laughter - with his elbow. "Sorry, Leo..." The young Italian guy let out a disappointed sigh.

"Maybe you are trying too hard," Wyatt said. "You are clearly too tense right now. Let's relax a bit, shall we?" For the following handful of minutes, the three of them just laid down on the bed with Leo in the middle, caressing his body, kissing his skin and nuzzling his neck. At first, Leo didn't seem particularly receptive, just laying there with an embarrassed look on his face; as the gentle cuddling progressed, however, he seemed more and more at ease, even letting out some small moans from time to time whenever the other two werewolves touched or kissed a particularly sensitive part of his body. After a while, he had unconsciously begun to hump the air a bit, a lusty smile on his lips, before a sudden grimace appeared on his face.

"I... I feel weird..." Leo panted, showing teeth that were pointier and longer than those of a normal human. His slender back arched as he let out a tiny grunt of discomfort. "L-like I'm burning..."

"Don't stop," Wyatt murmured in his ear. "Let it flow. You're doing great." Leo nodded, his forehead covered in sweat. Drake stared at his eyes, whose color was flashing erratically between grey and gold, before ruffling his hair in an affectionate gesture.

"Come on, Leo... you can do it," he said with a big smile, showing his own set of fangs. Leo nodded back, gulping down, as the color of his irises finally stabilized to an enticing pale shade of golden. His hands grabbed the sheet under his body, closing into tight fists as his nails honed into sharp claws; as Drake was caressing one of Leo's ears, he could feel it extending and getting covered in soft fur.

"I... I..." Drake and Wyatt's eyes shifted at Leo's crotch, knowing that it was probably going to be the next thing to change. His sparse pubic hair got thicker and took the appearance of a patch of fur, that started creeping up the base of the boy's erect dick. The mushroom-shaped head looked weird and misshapen, and decidedly redder than before, with a reticulate of microscopic veins near the urethra. As Leo moaned, the tip of his cock elongated as a sheath formed right underneath, giving him a longer and plumper canine phallus. Wyatt brushed his fingers over the shaft, eliciting a surprised murr from Leo and a small spurt of precum. "D-damn..." The only thing left was the tail. Leo's back arched once again, showing a small, hard bump that had appeared at the end of his spine.

"Push, Leo!" Wyatt growled, a feral grin on his face. Drake stared at his partner with slight apprehension: on the one hand, he felt happy that the alpha had proven to be able to accept the new member of the pack, even though he hadn't been the one to choose him; on the other hand, however, Wyatt now seemed way too much into Leo.

Nah, I'm probably just being paranoid, the beta told himself, shaking his head. Still, he realized, he once again hadn't been able to predict Wyatt's reaction towards something. After all these months, he's still a mystery to me, he thought, and that consideration left him dazed for a couple of seconds.

Finally, however, the bump over Leo's butt blossomed in an instant, first elongating like a whip and then getting covered in white fur; it was slender and elegant, and even though it looked fluffy, when Drake caressed it, the texture of the fur was surprisingly wiry and strong. The boy collapsed on the mattress, panting like crazy, but Wyatt pulled his arm, forcing him to sit up.

"Come on, Leo! You should take a good look at yourself!" he urged him, motioning towards the full body mirror door of his wardrobe. Leo followed him sheepishly, as did Drake. "This is you, now. The new you."

Both Leo and Drake held their breath as they stared at the mirror, as if time itself had frozen: the dirty and famished vagrant was no more; in his place, there was a thin, slender creature straight out of some old folktale. Leo's pale skin and scrawny body, instead of making him look malnourished and sick, highlighted his uncanny appearance, the immaculate fur of his tail and the charming color of his new eyes. Even his scars helped in making him look fascinating, giving him a wild edge.

"So? What do you say?" Wyatt asked with the same huge grin plastered on his face. Leo stuttered for a moment or two, clearly at a loss of words.

"I-it's... wow..." The boy turned around, staring at his tail in the mirror as if he wasn't sure at all that it was real, that it was now a part of his body, of himself. "I-is that... really me?"Well, yeah," Drake replied with a small smile. "Do you like it?"

Leo's pointed fuzzy ears twitched a couple of times as he frowned. "It's so weird... I feel..." He took some seconds to stare at one of his clawed hands, flexing and closing his fingers. "I don't even know how I feel. It's so strange..." Wyatt started scratching the back of the boy's head, very gently, and even though at first Leo yelped in surprise, in a few moments he was murring and wagging his tail.

"I'd say you feel good," the alpha told him. "You just need to get used to all this." Wyatt's hand travelled down Leo's back, caressing his spine and eliciting more and more pleasurable shivers under the watchful eyes of Drake. The alpha then rubber his fingers against the base of Leo's tail, before sinking his index in the tight crack of the boy's ass. Leo yelped in surprise, so much so that Drake took a half-step forward. "Did it hurt you?" Wyatt asked in a concerned voice. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Leo, however, shook his head. "N-no, it's just... I was surprised." He still looked a bit uncomfortable. "Although, well, the claw..."

"Oh, yeah, sorry!" Wyatt flicked his fingers, and his claws turned back into regular human nails. "Can I play with it? Just a bit?"

Leo's cheeks reddened. "Y-yeah..." Wyatt, with a big grin, sucked the tip of his finger and gently pushed it against the virgin pucker of the boy. Leo squirmed at the anal invasion, his pointed ears even lowering a bit. "Ungh..."

"I think you need to relax a bit, Leo," Drake said, grabbing the boy by his shoulder and making him turn slightly to the right. Leo looked at him with a confused face before Drake leaned over and kissed him squarely on the lips, his tongue making its way inside Leo's mouth. The younger werewolf melted into the kiss as he hugged Drake, and gladly accepted Wyatt's finger to invade his tight asshole, letting out soft moans as he frenched Drake.

"So? How does it feel?" Wyatt whispered in Leo's ear as he pushed his finger deeper into the boy's anus. Leo broke the kiss and panted a couple times.

"It's... nngh... I don't know how to describe it..." Leo's grey eyes bulged all of a sudden and a yelp escaped his lips. "D-damn, do that again..." Drake, in the meantime, wrapped his fingers around Leo's plump canine dick and started stroking it up and down, while fondling the boy's ball sack with the other hand. "Oh, c-cazzo... It never felt t-this good... when I did it myself..."

"I'll add a second finger now," Wyatt said. "Let me know if it hurts, okay?"

"O-okay..." Leo murmured. The boy indeed winced a bit when Wyatt pushed the middle finger through the fleshy barrier of his pucker, but his whimpers quickly became full of pleasure as Wyatt's expert hand massaged his prostate. "N-no, it... it feels very nice... oh, god, it's so weird..."

Drake grinned at him, still caressing Leo's moist cock. "Yeah, at first it feels very uncomfortable... but once you get used to the feeling, well..."

Wyatt growled, his fangs sinking in his lower lip, his pupils shrinking a bit. "Fuck, I'm so horny... I need to knot someone or I'm going to explode," he grumbled under his breath, pushing his fingers deeper into Leo's anus. The boy jolted at that and looked at him with a concerned face.

"K-knot?" He sounded confused and worried, and for a good reason: Wyatt was staring at him intently with a predatory grin on his lips.

"Yeah. Would you like that, Leo? Feeling your alpha deep inside of you?"

"Um... Y-you mean... deeper th-than this?" Leo looked a bit perturbed despite the obvious pleasure he was feeling, so Drake felt compelled to step forward. He felt some responsibility for the newly-minted werewolf, undoubtedly because he had been the one to change him; in a way, he felt compelled to protect him.

"Why don't you fuck me, Wyatt? Leo probably needs some more time to acclimate." After all, he was more than used to act as a bottom for his alpha. Wyatt furrowed his brow, considering the offer.

"Well... yeah, my dragon, you're right. Nothing beats your ass, after all," he ultimately replied with a big grin, exposing his pointed fangs. Leo, however, squirmed a bit, a pained - and, Drake noticed, disappointed - expression on his face as the alpha took his middle and index fingers out of his ass.

"I... well..." he murmured, timidly.

"Something's wrong, Leo?" Wyatt asked.

Leo fidgeted at that, his white-furred ears drooping a bit, dark pink blush appearing on his cheek where the scars weren't marking his skin already. "I... think I want to try that. Being knotted, I mean."

Wyatt tilted his head slightly, as if he was evaluating him. "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you..." he said, petting Leo's slender tail with absent-minded gestures.

"Wyatt's right..." Drake intervened. "It's not exactly like taking two fingers, Wyatt's dick is quite thick and long, and..." In hearing that, Wyatt's ears perked up and a huge grin appeared on his face.

"Oh? Tell me more about what you think of my dick, my dragon. You love it, don't you?"

Drake grinned back. "Well, yeah. You know I do."

"And you love having it deep in your ass, right? Feeling it pulsate, waiting for the moment when I'll knot you and get stuck inside of you, mh?" Despite the cheesiness of those words and the over the top sly expression on Wyatt's face, Drake could not help but feel aroused; his legs even started shaking a bit.

"Y-yes, my alpha... nnngh..." he moaned as Wyatt's free hand went down to tickle his pucker. However, it didn't seem like Leo was willing to give up that easily.

"Um... I just... you know, it's... hard to explain, but... it's as if something inside me is telling me to do it," the boy said, his tail swishing slightly, brushing against his calves. "Like... that I'll feel better if I do it. Something like that. Does it make sense?"

Wyatt nodded. "Well, that's actually very simple... It's your instinct. The wolf inside you wants to feel pleasure, and knows that I, as your alpha, can give you that pleasure. Nothing more, nothing less." The alpha's fangs glinted again, but this time his smile was friendlier and much more approachable. "Though I have to warn you, if I knot you I'll be stuck inside your ass for quite some time. It might be painful, but I won't be able to do anything until it's all over. You still okay with this?"

Leo's eyes darted on his left for a moment, presumably toward Wyatt's bed. "I won't know until I try, huh?" The slender boy climbed on the mattress, standing on his hands and knees, and lifted his white tail. "L-like this, right?" he murmured, half-turning his head towards Wyatt, a sheepish look on his scarred face.

With a small squishy sound, a fat glob of precum fell from Wyatt's erect dick and splattered on the floor in front of his clawed feet. A slow, lustful growl escaped his lips for a moment. "Yeah, exactly like that," he replied, stepping closer; Drake, however, placed a hand over Wyatt's shoulder.

"Be gentle, okay?" he murmured. Wyatt's ears twitched as a manic grin appeared on his face.

"But look at him! He's a natural. Look at how he's presenting himself! It's like he's been knotted his entire life!"

"Except he hasn't. So please be considerate."

Wyatt growled impatiently. "Why are you scolding me now?" he said, lowering his golden gaze. Drake bent over a bit and kissed him on the lips.

"Because I love you, silly," he added with a small chuckle. "I know you are excited, but try not to hurt him, okay? He's already been hurt too much in his life."

"Okay," Wyatt gave him a crooked smile back. "So... you ready, Leo?"

"I think so..." the scarred boy's clawed hands twitched a bit, his ears slightly lowered. "J-just... If I tell you to stop, can you stop?" Wyatt nodded. "O-okay, then..." The alpha grabbed Leo's sides and pushed his hips forward slowly, until the pointed tip of his penis sank into Leo's tight pucker with the tiniest squishing sound. The young man shivered and let out a yelp, which caused Wyatt to freeze and Drake to tense on the spot.

"Everything okay?" the alpha asked, a concerned look behind his glasses.

"Y-yeah... It was just a bit different from the fingers, that's all," Leo replied, even though he clearly looked worried and a bit scared. Drake climbed onto the bed, crouching in front of his and caressing his head.

"It's okay... I was super nervous the first time, too." And since it was a full moon, Wyatt's dick was even bigger, he mentally added, but of course didn't say it out loud; no point in scaring Leo even more. "Just relax, okay? I can't promise you that you'll like it, but... Well, all the werewolves I've met so far love sex, so you probably will?"

Leo opened his mouth to say something, but whatever word his tongue was trying to form devolved into a pained moan as Wyatt pushed the first couple inches of his slick cock up the boy's ass. "Urgh... It burned a little," he said, trying to give Drake a grin. Small drops of sweat dribbled down his forehead and down his ruined left cheek. Drake leaned over and kissed him, and as Leo murred in surprise, Wyatt kept sinking deeper and deeper into his virgin ass; Drake could feel Leo's fangs threatening to sink into his tongue as his slender body tensed, so he doubled his efforts in making the boy feel safe, caressing the side of his face as he deepened the kiss. Leo moaned and grunted, but soon enough he was reciprocating the kiss, his mouth clumsily sucking Drake's lips as if he was trying to drink from them.

"It's pretty great down here, my dragon!" Wyatt exclaimed with a brief chuckle. "How's on your side?" Drake raised his eyes: the alpha seemed to be balls deep into Leo's ass, and was standing there with a huge grin on his face, like a general after a new conquest. The newest addition to the pack began to pant as soon as their lips separated, but before Drake could voice his concern, Leo gave him a trembling smile.

"N-ngh... D-don't worry, I'm..." Wyatt moved a bit, swaying his hips from side to side, and Leo went cross-eyed a moment as a fat droplet of drool escaped from his mouth. "I-it's okay... It's just... I feel super full down there..."

Drake smile back at him. "Yeah, I know that feel. Just try to relax as much as you can and tell us if it hurts, okay?"

"S-sure," Leo replied. "A-and... thanks, Drake."

Drake's eyes widened in surprise for a second. "Oh, you're welcome, Leo. Don't mention it. I'm just glad you are enjoying it."

"He'll enjoy it a lot more in a moment," Wyatt said with a knowing smirk. His clawed hand caressed Leo's slender back, tracing the contour of every bump of his spine. "Unless it hurts, of course. Please tell me if I do, okay?" he then asked, in a much gentler voice.

"O-okay..." Leo said, closing his eyes. Wyatt grabbed the boy's sides and jutted his ass up, making half of his scarlet erection slide off Leo's ass. The boy's breath was cut short as the alpha pushed forward, his shaft once again buried deep into Leo in its entirety.

"Damn, boy... you're so fucking nice," Wyatt growled playfully. "It's not everyday you can bang such a tight ass."

"T-thanks..." Leo's body was shaken by Wyatt's rhythmical thrusting, his claws sinking in the sheets, his mouth slightly open and his forehead scrunched. "I-it's so weird... I never thought I would..."

"But you're liking it?" Drake asked, wiping some sweat from Leo's forehead.

The boy managed to nod. "Nnngh... Y-yeah... It's... merda... Never felt s-something like this before..." He let out a small shriek as his irises dilated. "N-no, don't worry!" he then blurted out when Drake opened his mouth to ask if he was alright. "It's just... oh god... It hurts but it feels so good..." His eyes were all watery, and a couple tears even rolled down his cheeks, but his heartbeat made it clear that he was enjoying the experience.

"You should try the whole package, Leo!" Wyatt grinned while pumping in and out aggressively.

"Huh? W-what... do you m-mean, Wyatt?"

The alpha moved his gaze to Drake as his grin widened. "Let him fuck you, my dragon. You created him... seems only fair to me."

Drake cocked his eyebrow. Well, it's not like you've ever let me top you, he thought; he didn't want to have a fight, not in front of Leo and definitely not because of such a minor issue, but Wyatt's words still stung a little. Guess he just wants to make sure Leo understands who's in charge, he said to himself. "Yeah, no problem," he replied, a small smile on his lips. "How should we do it?"

"Wha... are you... sure?" Leo blurted out between Wyatt's thrusts.

"Of course!" Drake replied, ruffling Leo's hair. They were drenched in sweat, and in the cold winter light seeping through the window they looked grey and almost ephemeral, as if they were made of smoke. "I think you should sit on the bed, Wyatt."

The alpha nodded. "Good idea!" He pushed his cock deep into Leo's ass, eliciting another yelp from the young werewolf, before he grabbed his slender thighs and slowly climbed onto the mattress with his knees. "Clench your butt now, Leo!" Wyatt let himself fall back, landing with his butt on the edge of the bed, pulling a surprised Leo with him. "Sorry, boy, didn't mean to be so rough..." He caressed the scrawny sides of his new beta's body, before hugging him from behind with his muscular arms. Wyatt started crawling forward bit by bit, away from the edge of the mattress, Leo still impaled on his plump cock.

"Do I... need to do something?" Leo asked.

"Just gonna suck on it a bit, to get it wet and ready," Drake replied with a smile, before lowering his head, mouth open and ready, lips covering his pointed teeth in order not to graze or rip Leo's delicate skin. His dick was slender, definitely easier to swallow than Wyatt's and especially Patrick's, and slid easily down Drake's throat, leaving a salty, slightly tangy and pleasant taste on his tongue. Drake's hands caressed Leo's thighs, and the cock throbbed and bobbed gently in the confines of his mouth, spurting a fat droplet of precum right down Drake's throat. Boy, I really need to start riding it, he thought, stifling a grin. Otherwise I risk making him cum right now. "Ready?" he asked Leo, raising his head.

"I, um... yes?" the boy said, his forehead drenched in sweat.

Wyatt was looking at the two with a vague smirk on his lips, as he moved his butt up and down in a slow, almost circular moment. "Oh, yeah, he's more than ready," the alpha added as his clawed fingers caressed Leo's ball sack. "Can you smell his excitement, too? Imagine the moment he'll blow his first werewolf load deep into your ass..."

Drake licked his lips, his throat suddenly parched. Indeed, that was quite the alluring idea. The young man got the tip of his left index and middle fingers wet and began massaging his pucker, making it more receptive to the impending penetration. Drake took a deep breath, positioning himself over Leo's erect phallus, his legs spread open, balancing his body on his strong arms; it wasn't exactly the most comfortable position, so he quickly lowered his ass: with the smallest amount of resistance, the tapered point of Leo's canine cock pierced through the elastic barrier of his rectum, sliding inside with relative ease. Drake and Leo let out an almost simultaneous moan as the bigger werewolf let the dick of his new packmate slither deeper and deeper inside him, until he was basically sitting against the other boy's groin and scrotum.

"How does it feel, my dragon?" Wyatt asked before licking Leo's pale neck.

"Pretty... pretty great. Definitely gonna enjoy getting knotted by him," Drake replied with a big grin.

"Then let's make the experience as enjoyable as possible for the three of us," the alpha declared. His pelvic movements became more intense, more deliberate, pushing his dick deeper and deeper into Leo and making both him and Drake bounce up and down. Drake yelped, as his arms instinctively wrapped around Leo's scrawny torso in order not to tumble backwards on the mattress. The boy's mouth was slightly agape, and Drake was quick in leaning over and covering it with his own lips, his tongue slithering forward to caress Leo's new fangs and taste his saliva. It took Leo a few seconds, but he soon was reciprocating the kiss, in a clumsy but heartfelt way.

"Fuck yeah, boy," Drake heard Wyatt saying as he kept frenching Leo with his eyes closed, his fingers gently caressing the scars on the left side of his new packmate's torso. "I can feel how horny and excited you are... you're literally moments away... from popping your very first knot, aren't you?". Thanks to the packmate bond, even Drake could feel the formless, uncertain but exceptionally vivid flame of passion burning into Leo's chest, ready to erupt.

Drake broke the kiss and looked at Wyatt: the alpha was at the peak of his horniness, and was pounding Leo's ass with such fierceness that the whole bed was creaking. "He's not the... only one," he jested as Leo's dick kept scraping against the most sensitive spot nestled inside his own anus. "You can't wait to... pop his cherry, right?"

Wyatt grinned, showing his impressive set of fangs. "Oh, hell yes. Almost time to conquer another ass." He leaned forward, tracing the contours of one of Leo's ears with his tongue. "Come on, boy... I know you want it... don't be afraid, let yourself go..." he then murmured in the softest purr.

Just as if the whisper had turned a switch inside Leo's brain, the boy exhaled the air in his lungs in a long, somewhat wistful sigh as Drake could feel the base of the cock impaling him swelling, engorging with blood, getting bigger until it was going to be impossible to take it out. "Now you're stuck inside me, Leo," he said, winking at the boy.

Leo stared back at him, astonished. "Oh... oh god, sorry..." he muttered, wiggling as if trying to pull out his dick from inside Drake.

"Don't be silly, Leo..." Wyatt intervened, before letting out a satisfied moan. "Here, now I'm stuck inside you too. We are all linked together, the three of us. How does it feel?"

"It's... it's..." Leo panted, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. "Ungh, it's burning, a-and... I want this to last..." Unfortunately, this simple wish was going to remain unfulfilled: Leo was still too new, too inexperienced to handle sex - werewolf anal sex to boot - for much longer than that. His ears flattened, his pupils turned into pinpricks, he tried his best to fight against the incoming, inevitable wave of his own orgasm... and, of course, he failed: Drake felt Leo's cock throb and pulsate before a generous amount of wolf cum was sprayed deep inside him.

"Mmmh, nice..." Drake murmured, wrapping a clawed hand around his red rocket and caressing it up and down. "I'm very close too... Care for a taste?" he asked with a grin.

"Uh? Wha...?" Leo's brain was still processing his first orgasm as a werewolf, so he didn't realize the meaning of the question until Drake's dick spurted yellowish, dense cum right onto his face, splattering all over his cheeks and nose and landing in his mouth, coating it in its intense, salty aroma and its vaguely bitter aftertaste. Before Leo could say anything, Drake once again plunged his tongue past the boy's lips, tasting his own semen, its salty stringiness making his stomach slightly churn.

Wyatt growled playfully. "So tight in here... It's like getting a full dick massage..."

Drake opened his eyes and gave a small grin to his alpha. "Will you ever stop sounding so corny while fucking?"

Wyatt's grin was twice as big. "Never." His powerful thrusts made the three of them bounce against the mattress, the bed frame creaking as if it was complaining for being mistreated. "Goddammit, I'm close to... cumming already..." His features warped into a tense, almost pained expression. "U-ungh... fuck fuck FUCK!" Wyatt's eyes rolled on the back of his head as his fangs sunk right through the pale skin of Leo's right shoulder, messily drawing blood. Leo barely stifled a scream of surprise and pain as Wyatt ejaculated deep inside him for the very first time and his teeth buried in his flesh. His back tried to arch, trapped between the two bigger man, as he started panting in an erratic rhythm.

"Wyatt!" Drake exclaimed, his eyes large. "What the hell?"

The alpha raised his golden eyes towards his mate, in a predatory and slightly creepy fashion. "What?" he said, his fangs and lips stained in dark crimson. "I just wanted a taste, since I wasn't the one who bit him." The alpha cleaned the blood from his face with his tongue. "Although... yeah, I should have asked for permission first. Sorry, Leo," he then added in a more concerned tone. His tongue started lapping at the punctured, broken skin on Leo's shoulder, that was already knitting it back together.

"Oh, d... don't worry. I'm used to pain," was Leo's meek reply. "I was just... surprised. That's all." The boy gulped, the skin on his face glistening with sweat and some residues of Drake's cum. "T-that was... very intense, huh? I'm still... I mean..."

"Still stuck?" Drake jested, tentatively trying to rise on his feet. Leo's knot, however, was still engorged and stuck in his behind. "Yeah, totally. Gonna take some more minutes before we can go and take a shower."

Leo's gaze darted around. "M-man, we made a mess, huh?" he said in a guilty, feeble tone.

Wyatt shrugged. "Yeah, it's pretty unavoidable. Seriously, don't worry about that." His muscled arms wrapped around Leo's chest, and he placed his chin against the now healed shoulder. "You are one of us, now. Welcome to the pack," he murmured, his eyes closed, a satisfied expression on his face.

"O-oh... thanks..." Leo muttered back. Drake gave him a small, encouraging smile and ruffled his sweaty hair.

"Don't mention it. I'm just glad everything turned out for the better." Leo nodded and seemed on the verge of smiling; in the span of half a second, however, his face contorted into an expression of anguish, as the gold in his eyes flickered and sizzled like a spark falling into the ocean, leaving only grey and tears behind.

"I'm... I'm s-so sorry, Drake..." he whispered in an anguished tone, his body quaked by hiccups. Drake's brow furrowed; he was perplexed by the young man's reaction, at least until his eyes followed the direction of Leo's stare: the red handkerchief that had been tied to his own arm had slipped down a bit during sex, revealing the purplish, blotchy skin underneath.

"Oh, n-no! I mean..." Drake hurriedly covered the ruined section of his arm. "This wasn't your fault, Leo. You... you couldn't possibly know about us. You were brainwashed, and..."

"...and I was the one who pulled the trigger." Leo's voice was colorless and flat. "Will it ever be alright?"

"I... I don't know." Drake's mind immediately went to Angela and the mark she was bearing on her neck. Probably not.

Tears began to drip down Leo's face, as he kept muttering in silence. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Once again, Wyatt's arms wrapped around his body, his hands caressing Drake's sides.

"We will be alright," the alpha said in a caring tone. "I promise. But if you need to cry, then cry! If you need to scream, then scream! Get everything out, don't let it consume you."

And Leo did just that. He cried, he screamed, he got everything out. For the next hour, he, Drake and Wyatt just laid down on the bed without talking, as some of the pain and the anguish inside Leo poured out of his body through his tears.


Roughly one hour after Leo's initiation into the pack, Drake, Wyatt and Inori were lying on the alpha's king-sized bed along with their new packmate - this time fully clothed, however - chatting about whatever came to their mind and cuddling gently from time to time. Leo now looked a lot better than right after sex, the expression on his face much more serene as he was stroked behind the ears and under the chin by Wyatt. Drake and Inori exchanged a short but meaningful glance: the boy clearly needed time to recover, and the scars in his heart ran deeper than those on his skin... but they were all going to be there for him. He was one of them now, after all.

The sound of the doorbell rang throughout the whole mansion, and Wyatt jumped from the bed in a fluid movement. "Must be the others," he said before leaving the room.

Drake wasn't looking at Leo, but he could feel the boy's nervousness and fear creeping up and down his spine as if he was feeling those sensations himself. "Hey, what's wrong?" he said in a concerned tone, turning towards Leo and caressing his arm for comfort.

The scarred boy's eyes were watery, his pale lips pursed. "Maybe they will hate me, after what I did. Maybe they won't like me."

"You mean because you tried to kill me?" Drake asked. Leo looked back at him as if he was unsure whether Drake was making fun of him or not, but at least he didn't seem on the verge of crying anymore.

"Well, yeah, of course I mean that," he replied.

"Oh, don't worry about that! Inori tried to kill me too when we first met, you know?"

"I wasn't trying to kill you, I only threatened to kill you. That's different," the girl interjected in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I'm pretty sure you were inches away from slitting my throat."

"That was self-defense. You weren't exactly in full control of your mind, you know."

"Well, I guess... " Drake lowered his gaze as Inori focused her dark, intense eyes on Leo.

"But yes, what Drake was trying to explain in such an incredibly clumsy way..."


"...was that you shouldn't worry about what the others might think. They are your pack, and they are a good pack. There's no way they are going to hate you, and that's because they'll know how sad and lonely and scared and regretful you are just by seeing you and listening to you and smelling you and sensing how you feel." Drake stared at the girl, surprised: it was uncommon for Inori to say that much in one go. "And even if they won't like you at first, they will give you the benefit of the doubt and listen to what you have to say. And in case they won't, I'll beat some sense into them. Drake knows I can." The head beta nodded at that. "But don't worry, I'm sure it won't be necessary."

"Thank you, Inori," Leo turned towards her and hugged her tight. The girl's body stiffened at that, but after a couple seconds of hesitation she reciprocated the gesture of affection.

"Yes, yes, it's okay," she replied in an awkward tone that sounded almost cute; she even patted Leo's back with a rigid hand, a gesture that made Drake snicker.

Only a handful of seconds later, Wyatt's head popped into the room. "You okay, Leo?" he asked, looking a bit concerned. "You don't have to meet the others today if you don't want to and don't feel like it... It can wait, okay?"

Leo, however, shook his head. "No point waiting. Better do it now."

Wyatt nodded at that and disappeared; the three werewolves in the room could hear him telling the others to be as calm and unthreatening as possible through the ajar door. As Drake had predicted, Angela was the first to enter the room, a gentle smile on her face; Patrick followed suit, clutching his notebook against his ample chest.

"Hello... you must be Leonardo, right?" Angela said, taking a step towards the bed. Leo nodded at that, still wary, his slender arms tensed, his hands grabbing the bed covers. "I am Angela, nice to meet you. And the big guy here is Patrick." She nodded at her mate. "He is very happy to know you, too." Patrick turned his notebook around: there was a single word written on the page, a huge " CIAO!" in blocky, clean letters.

"Um... hello," Leo replied tentatively, waving his hand a couple times. "Nice to... well, nice to meet you too."

Of course, Drake hadn't particularly preoccupied with Patrick and Angela's behavior; when Chance barged into the room, however, it became pretty clear he wasn't that keen on greeting his new pack member: the expression on his face was a mask of anger, his eyes golden and ablaze. "What's the meaning of this, Drake?" he snarled, ignoring Leo completely. As it turned out, it wasn't the former werewolf hunter he was pissed off at.

Drake scratched the back of his head. "What do you mean?" he asked back, a bit confused.

"You know perfectly what I mean," Chance replied, dry. Kaylee appeared from behind him, an apologetic look on her perky face.

"Sorry, Drake. I tried to calm him down, but..." she shrugged before giving a lopsided grin at Leo. "Nice to meet you, by the way. I'm Kaylee."

"He tried to kill you, Drake!" Chance grumbled. "And what did you do? You offered the bite to him! To a werewolf hunter!" The boy started pacing back and forth, restless, his dreadlocks bouncing against his shoulders. "You know there are people out there who'd simply love to kill us all, Drake? What if he was being followed by another hunter? You put all lives at the stake just to help someone who had tried to murder you in cold blood?"

"Come on, Chance, you are overreacting now," Wyatt said, trying to calm his beta down with no success.

"Like hell I'm overreacting! It was fucking stupid, okay?" Chance stopped walking and bit his lower lip before continuing. "It's just that... this is my town. It's where my family is, where my pack is. And I don't want to lose any of this. It fucking scares me to death just thinking about it."

"I don't have a family anymore, you know?" Leo's voice was tiny, but firm. "Or a town to go back to. Before Drake and Inori talked to me, I had nothing. Even the man who gave me that rifle just used me and tossed me away. But Drake... at least he gave me a place. And I'm sorry if you don't like this, and I'm sorry if you don't like me." Tears started dribbling down his cheeks and the scars on the sides of his face. "To be honest, right now I'm not even sure if I like myself. But I want to try, because there are people who believed in me and believed I had a place in this world, a-and..." Words lost him and he began to sniffle quietly as Drake ruffled his hair and Inori caressed his arm with gentle and just a tad circumspect gestures. Chance seemed embarrassed at this point; his eyes shifted back to their usual dark brown as his stare focused on the floor.

"W-well... sorry about that," he blurted out. "I guess it's not your fault, but still..." Kaylee put a hand over his shoulder.

"You know, he's kinda like Dakota, don't you think?" she said with a small smile. "They both lost their families and they both needed a pack. We should try and give him at least the benefit of the doubt."

Indeed, the bonding process wasn't going to be completely smooth: even though he hadn't actually killed a werewolf, Leo had been a hunter. Drake was aware that for those like Chance who were born as lycanthropes, such a thing could be a serious issue. And it wasn't like Drake couldn't understand Chance's point of view: every time the ruined, bloated strip of skin on his arm throbbed and sent a numb jolt of pain from under the red bandanna, he remembered how lucky he had been for the silver bullet to simply graze his flesh. Even though the werewolf hunters seemed to be just a nebulous threat in the back of Drake's mind, and despite the fact that Cerulean Falls had clearly managed to stay out of their radars for decades, they only needed to be discovered once, in the end.

All the eight members of the pack climbed on the bed and sat in a circle, with Leo huddled between Drake and Wyatt; there wasn't that much space, so everyone was pretty close to one another. Chance still didn't seem completely at ease with being in such proximity to Leo, and kept glancing at him from time to time as if to study his reactions.

"Don't worry!" Kaylee told her new packmate in a cheerful tone. "He's just grumpy. He needs some time to get used to new stuff, you know."

"I'm not grumpy," Chance growled, his brow furrowed.

"Oh yes, you are," Kaylee replied with a Cheshire-like grin.

Angela looked at the pups with an amused smile before focusing on Leo. "I am sure Wyatt and Drake already told you a lot about what being a werewolf means." Leo simply nodded. "Do you want to know anything else in particular, though?"

The Italian boy scratched his chin in contemplation. "Um... well, there's something I've always asked myself during all those months." His pale cheeks became pink. "It's probably stupid..."

"Do not worry, ask anything," Angela replied, with Patrick nodding vigorously next to her.

"Well... If werewolves exist, do other supernatural creatures exist too?"

Wyatt grinned at that. "Which ones do you have in mind?"

Leo cleared his throat. "Well, how about the most obvious one?"

Wyatt groaned. "You mean vampires, right?" Leo nodded, sheepishly."Yeah, they do exist. They call themselves 'Varos', and they are more like us, except bats instead of wolves... well, some of them, at least. Some others are actually undead and all. They were created by some Egyptian god, so I dunno... they are pretty weird. You should ask my dad about them, I think he worked with a Varos at some point ten years or so ago."

"Oh." Leo looked pretty confused. "Um, okay. And they have, like... a rivalry with werewolves?"

The alpha sighed. "Nah, that's some Twilight bullshit. We usually stay away from each other and mind our own business."

"Well, to be fair the ones in Twilight aren't exactly werewolves," Kaylee intervened, only to be promptly ignored.

"Anything else?" Wyatt asked Leo.

"Um, let me think... mermaids?"

"No. Not that I know of, at least."


"Unfortunately no." Drake looked at Wyatt with his brow furrowed, making the alpha shrug. "Always had a soft spot for them."


"Well, that's pretty tricky. It mostly depends on what you mean with ghosts, but let's say yes."





"I guess leprechauns are also out of question, then."

"Exactly, and so are gnomes, dwarves, goblins, trolls, pixies and so on."

Leo scratched his head. "Um... how about the Loch Ness monster? That one is a hundred percent fake, right?"

"Oh, no, Nessie's totally legit," Wyatt replied, much to Leo's (and everyone else's) surprise. "Of course there's not just one of them. It's an entire species and they are much smaller than one would imagine. But yeah, my dad met one of them, apparently they are pretty chill and speak with a Scottish accent."

"Sometimes I wonder if your father just wants to mess with our heads," Kaylee said after a brief laugh. "Like that story about the time he saved Queen Elizabeth's life on a cruise ship."

"Yeah, or when he said he had like eleven boyfriends when he was in college," Chance added.

"I can guarantee that one's true," Drake intervened. "He even showed me a photo album one day at work."

"Oh, so that's where he keeps it!" Wyatt exclaimed with a huge grin. "Mom has tried to have him get rid of that thing for years. I can assure you, the last thing you need to see is like a hundred Polaroid pictures of your dad fucking and getting fucked by a dozen of other guys sporting 80s hairdos and gay porn moustache. Which he had showed me. On multiple occasions. Apparently that's what he considers a father-son bonding moment," he concluded with a tiny shiver.

"So, Leo, any other question?" Angela asked. The boy's forehead scrunched and his body relaxed a bit against Drake, nuzzling his shoulder.

"Um, lemme think..." he said, before an arm wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him away from Drake. "Oh? Is there something wrong, Wyatt?"

"Huh? No, no," the alpha replied, pulling the young man even closer and making him rest his head on his lap. "I just felt like giving you some head scratches." His fingertips began to rub the space right behind Leo's ears, and a beatific expression appeared on the young man's face. "I'm sure Drake doesn't mind. Right?"

"Um, no, of course not," Drake said, a bit dumbfounded. I mean, why should I?, he thought. I would have no reason to...

And then, Wyatt's voice resonated inside Drake's brain. With the eye of his mind, he saw blood-stained fangs bared in a ferine grin. I just wanted a taste, since I wasn't the one who bit him.

Drake felt a sudden cold wave coursing down his spine as a heavy sense of awareness settled in his chest, right between his lungs. Is he... jealous? Because he wasn't the one who bit Leo? The weight in his chest exploded into a swirl of conflicting emotions that enveloped the best part of his upper body like an ever-shifting blanket, cutting his breath short. He felt guilt in realizing he had done something that had perturbed and displeased Wyatt, which was the last thing Drake would have wanted to do; he felt anger, because even if what he had done was against Wyatt's wishes, it was still the right thing to do. He felt an odd sense of accomplishment, and he also felt... something Drake couldn't properly define, even though "pride" was a good enough approximation: he was proud of Leo and of what he had become, and he knew it was at least partly thanks to him.

Is this... what an alpha feels? Drake felt another cold shiver down his spine. No, that was definitely wrong. After all, he wasn't an alpha... except, Drake realized that very moment, he didn't have the faintest idea of what being an alpha was supposed to entail. He pondered about asking the wolf inside him, but the beast in his heart wasn't exactly the most level-headed creature; no, he needed someone cool and collected, someone who could help him solve his doubts without ratting him to Wyatt.

Drake bit his lower lip as he glanced at his boyfriend for a brief instant. He already felt guilty and horrible enough, but he couldn't let him know about that. There is only one person I can ask, he thought with another unpleasant shiver. As much as I don't want to... I have to speak with Wyatt's sister. I have to speak with Talia.

(next chapter: Somewhere in the rain)