Summer Lust, part two

Story by Maju on SoFurry

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Maju's mom was called Annabelle. She was a short and pudgy rabbit, with motherly hips and a huge, round rump and a matching set of tits. Her fur was soft and white; her hair was short, pink and fuzzy, with heavy bangs covering her forehead, ending just above her childishly big and round red eyes. Her feet were petite and her thighs were meaty. These meaty thighs of hers were spread now as she sat on the edge of the bathtub in the bathroom, cleaning up her own juices with a towel, sighing and thinking through what she had just seen and done.

Half an hour ago, she just went up her son's room to collect dirty laundry when she noticed that she can see the neighbor's pool from the window, then she watched her son and the woman next door talk under the shade... then they started oiling each other, and next thing she knew her hand slid down into her panties... then she watched through her son having wild, hot sex with the black fox woman, then in a few minutes, her legs buckled into the pool of her own lovejuices and squirted over her son's floor as the orgasm hit her. Then...then she spent several minutes licking her juices off her fingers, whispering her son's name and stroking her cunt, making her fingers wet and licking them off again... then after her head started to clear, she ran off to clean herself up, and now here she is...

Her thighs were dry now, only her pussy remained wet. She stroked the moist lips, whispered "Maju" again, and licked the last of her juices off. She ran the towel over her crotch, and looked around for a clean pair of panties (she chose a white, frilly one) and pulled them on; she didn't feel like wearing the jean hotpants again, though, so she threw them on top of the dirty laundry pile. Her head still felt dizzy from the afterglow. She was doing something about laundry... Yes, collecting laundry. In Maju's room. She picked up the plastic basket and entered her son's room again to pick up his first pile of dirty socks and sweaty tee-shirts in the new house.

They just moved in, but the room was already a mess; Cardboard boxes opened and halfway unpacked, most of their contents scattered around. The only thing that was completely in its place was her son's laptop, which was humming peacefully on top of his bed. It was still on. Maju must've forgotten to turn it off, she thought. She put the laundry basket down next to the bed and sat down on the sheets to turn at least the screen off. But then she just stared at the screen, her eyes wide, and swallowed a mouthful of drool, because a weird little surprise waited her on the screen.

It was a video paused, and on the screen were several naked people; at the moment of the pause, the cheetah boy was doing a hunky panther in the ass who was pounding a pink leopard girl's rump from behind, thrown on the plastic table, and on the other side of it, a pair of feminine hands were holding onto the edge; their owner was off-shot, but somebody was probably doing her too. She was looking at her son's porn, not from the bad kind either; this explained the erection he had when he came down the stairs. She felt kinda bad interrupting him... but her thoughts quickly drifted back on the exciting reality. She looked out the window again, her son and the neighbor were sitting in the shade again, and they will probably stay there at least until dinner time. She looked at the clock; 4 pm. She had plenty of time to explore his son's hidden treasures on the computer.

She didn't start the video again; instead, she opened Total Commander to explore Maju's folders. It didn't take long for her to find the porn between the directories - Other than his son's drawings, downloads, and games, all of which were neatly packed around, it was quite easy to find the hidden goodies. Her smile at the success quickly turned into a dropped jaw when he noticed what the folder called "Doodles" contained. The whole screen was instantly filled with neatly alphabetized subdirectories, first came Anal, then BDSM, Bi... Her son had quite a collection. Annabelle clicked on the folders one by one and looked through the movie titles; each sounded juicier than the other. She licked her lips, her eyes eagerly hopping from title to title, waiting for one to really catch her interest. The preview pictures and the suggestive, steamy titles got her imagination rolling and she touched herself; she got the fresh panties wet already. Looking under herself, a small spot of wetness was noticeable on the sheets, too.

-"Gah, damn it..." she muttered, and pulled the panties off as she was sitting, and threw them down by the bed, too excited to care; the soaked underwear fell on the floor with a wet sound.

-"Now let's see what we have here..." she whispered to herself, looking closely at the screen, reading the titles of the endless collection of avi files. "Soaked Boys" she read aloud, this must be interesting. She found it at the folders around letter "G", "G" as in "Gay", though she could've said that by the title only. She was not really surprised to find such a folder, she was aware that her son swings both ways. She sighed, and clicked twice.

The scene was set in a locker room; small white lockers lined up by the yellow walls, the air full of the steam coming from the hot showers in the background. Five attractive men entered the shot, none of them wearing more than a tiny white towel around their waist. Annabelle's mouth started to water and her fingers wandered back between her chubby thighs again.

The men were talking about their workouts getting well done; Annabelle believed them, they all had pretty nice muscles, which started to get shiny from the hot wet air around them. She licked her lips and started to stroke herself in slow circles.

The men headed toward the showers in the background; their towels fell off on the way so she could see their tightly muscular butts on their small waists; her pussy pulsed and she moaned up girlishly at the fine sight. She felt herself sweating; she took off her shirt, uncovering her heavy white tits and peachy pink nipples and threw it off the bed, this time hitting the top of the laundry. She piled up the sheets behind herself and lied back comfortably, then spread her legs so she could see the screen. She slid her middle finger between the moist pink folds of her pussy; the sensation got her moan softly again, and by the time she could concentrate on the movie again, the boys already opened the hot water and rubbed foamy soap on each other's back in the one-part public shower. Some of them soaped the others chest or butt by now and their cocks got hard too; Annabelle's favorite was the scruffy looking mule who was the tallest and most well hung of them all, his thick black equine cock touched the others' thighs again and again as he turned. Two of the boys kneeled down on the stone floor to suck on the other three's dicks, who started exchanging soft kisses as the hot water was flowing down their faces from the shower above.

Annabelle fingered her pussy with three digits now, and she knew it won't be enough. She needed something bigger, and she knew just the thing.

She paused the video (a thick-bodied corgi was just about to take the mule's juicy dick in his muzzle) and ran girlishly into her room, leaving a trail of droplets of her juice behind, and quickly opened the last drawer of her bedside dresser full of colorful toys. She was desperate to find what she was looking for, the most perfect toy to go with this film, but where is it... she was digging through the various dildos, vibrators, cuffs, nipple clamps, gags with one hand and stroked her achingly aroused cunt with the other; she just couldn't help it...then she gasped happily, finding what she was looking for, and ran back to her son's room hugging it, leaving another trail of droplets behind. She jumped back on the bed (and bounced a few times because her weight) and unpaused the video; the corgi finally took the thick equine cock in his mouth, and so did she. The toy she was looking for was a realistic, but huge black rubber dildo, shaped as an equine penis.

She took it in her mouth just in time with the corgi on the screen and tried to suck it in just in a way he did. She muffled some aroused moans through the plastic; she had to open her mouth as wide as she could to be able to suck it. She couldn't even wrap her petite hand around the massive toy, so she held it with both; her pussy pulsed and ached for attention.

The corgi on the screen started sucking another cock, the long and bright red member of a hunky doberman. In the end, all the other four teamed up on the dog kneeling between them, and they all offered their cocks for him to suck on or jerk off; the corgi seemed happy to oblige. Annabelle wished the rubber cock in her mouth had the musky, arousing taste those cocks have. There are things toys can never replace the real thing.

She noticed that the pillow she was sitting on got soaked; she could feel it on her inner thighs. Cursing, she threw it over her shoulder, lifted her hips and placed the base of the huge dildo on the bed on the spot she was sitting at. It was time to finish this off and give her the release she wanted so badly. She took a deep breath and slid her pussy down on the massive black shaft.

The feeling was incredible and she had to scream. The dildo filled her up completely, yet her walls tried to pulse on it; each attempt of her stretched walls to grip the cock tighter felt like an orgasm themselves. She was sweating, her lips were locked in a gasp and her mouth felt dry. Her body kept shivering in pleasure as her body tried to get used to the massive toy inside her. When she regained her strength and opened her eyes, the cute corgi in the video was sucking two cocks at once. She moaned again and her head jerked to the side; a few droplets of sweat dripped down from her face because the sudden movement. Her whole body was dripping in sweat because the hotness inside and outside her body.

The kneeling dog on the screen bobbed his cute head up and down on the mule's cock, then spat it out and started jerking it off, much like the other three guys standing around him and aiming at his head. He looked in the camera for a few seconds with a smile as his hands moved up and down the cock in front of him; Annabelle felt like he challenges her for a dare. She liked challenges. She collected her strength and started bouncing her hips on the dildo.

She had to growl and moan bestially and she barely recognized her own voice. She kept moving up and down again on the thick rubber toy, which was quite hard, despite her being extremely well lubed by her own juices, which completely soaked the sheets by now in a big spot. She kept growling and her body kept moving, and the corgi on the screen kept sucking and jacking off his gym buddies.

Annabelle felt dizzy as the pleasure took over her mind, but she still noticed her heavy tits bouncing about with her achingly hard nipples on them. She felt she had to keep her hands busy; she grabbed her full breasts and pinched her peachy pink, rock hard nipples, causing herself to scream again and her pussy to squirt a little over the black shaft she was bouncing on. She twisted her own nipples and she felt herself near to cum. So did the men on the video, it seemed, because they were all jerking off themselves now, and the corgi in the middle awaited their load with closed eyes, open mouth, and his tongue stuck out while he was jacking off himself, too.

She squeezed her left breast and started stroking her erect clit with her right hand, the pleasure making her squirm. She felt exhausted and strangely full of power and wildness at the same time. The first man on the video came, right over the dog's face with several long, thick ropes of white jizz, and his buddies soon followed, and the corgi welcomed their cum happily, until her whole head and upper body could be barely seen under the thick cover of semen. His body started shivering and he moaned, and fell back on his own butt and came as well, cumming all over his own body. This was the moment Annabelle pinched her clit and screamed as her orgasm struck through her body.

Her back arched back and her juiced gushed out around the black dildo, her whole body jerked around, throwing droplets of sweat in all direction, and she still couldn't stop screaming on the voice that didn't seem to be hers. She lost her sense of time passing. By the time she regained it, her sweat felt a bit chilly and the video long ended. The clock was showing quarter past five.

She stood up; her body felt weak and her head was dizzy. Her legs nearly buckled under herself. She sat down on the bed again to collect some strength, closed the windows on the laptop, and her son's paused video was back there again as if nothing happened. She weakly picked up the laundry basket with her sweaty shirt on top, and she walked out of the room completely naked. She barely noticed what she was doing, she felt so dizzy and sleepy. She put the basket down in the bathroom and opened the water to fix a bath for herself and wash off the sweat. She poured in some pink thing from a bottle, and the bath was soon full of bubbles. She pulled the little curtains of the little bathroom window and made the room dark. She collected the mental strength to light up some scented candles too. She stepped in the water with her shaky legs and sat deeply in it to enjoy the little heaven she felt herself in now.