A visit from Twilight

Story by Newme on SoFurry

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#3 of I'm Not a Mare

Gleaming Shield and Twinkle Scout had been trying to think for hours what they could do, calling in sick to win time would be a bad idea because they would need to visit a doctor, and none of the new mares thought they could fake it well enough. Not to mention the designated doctor for the Royal Army was a stallion, and that would make things too awkward for them.

And it's not like they could just disappear, or run away, that would be stupid and complicate things.

Worse, everypony but them seemed to think they had always been females, at least if Princess Celestia and other ponies were any indication. Gleaming Shield had the sneaking suspicion that the only pony able to pull off this "prank" was Princess Celestia herself. While unable to cast them himself, Shining Armor had learned that spells to change a pony age and even gender existed, but to do any of those on the two of them and convince everypony they had always been like that was a level of power only an alicorn could do, or at least a very powerful unicorn with a legendary artifact that boosted its magic power. That, or getting a lot of unicorns to pool their magic together, like they had to do in ancient times to raise the sun and the moon.

It was also quite suspicious that the first pony she had talked to when she went out was Princess Celestia herself, and she had been the one to tell them what their female names were. She decided to not share her suspicions with Scout.

'Damn... I did not notice it at first, but we really are getting used to being females too easily, does this include mind magic too? Or is part of the spell?' Gleaming... NO! Shining Armor groaned in frustration, then both of them heard a knock on the door.

Shining sighed and got up to see who could be at the door. She looked out the little peep hole but didn't see anypony outside. She opened the door and was knocked to the ground by a purple blur.

"Big sister best friend forever!" came the voice that Shining knew all too well. She looked down at her chest to see her little sister, Twilight, jumping up and down. "I can't believe my big sister is now the captain of all the guards. This is so cool." Twilight kept jumping up and down, until a light pink glow surrounded Twilight and lifted her off Shining. Twilight's little legs kicked around before she glared down at Shining. "Not fair, Gleaming. You know your magic is better than mine."

Shining smiled and lifted Twilight higher so that she could get back on her hooves. "I don't think I asked to be knocked over by my little sis this morning." As she lowered Twilight back down to the ground, she thought about the fact that even if she was now a mare, at least she still had her little sister, and that comforted her. "Don't you have morning lessons with Princess Celestia?"

Shining Armor then decided to stop fighting off the new name, it would be unwise to slip in front of her smart little sister. And it might even be dangerous if the two of them had actually replaced female versions of themselves in a parallel universe, who knew reading comic books would be useful one day?

Once Twilight's hooves touched the ground, she was rushing over to Gleaming side. "I asked the Princess last night if I could visit you this morning and she said I could. So I came to see my BSBFF." Twilight's face was beaming as she started to jump up and down in place again. Gleaming sighed again and placed a hoof on Twilight's head.

"Thanks, Twily. I'm always happy to see you." Gleaming smiled down at Twilight. The young filly looked up with a sly look on her face.

"So where is your marefriend?" Twilight drew out the bit and Gleaming could feel the blood rush to her face. Gleaming looked everywhere but at Twilight. That only fueled the giggling of the little filly.

Scout jumped into the bathroom when Twilight had knocked Gleaming over, but was now poking her head out to see Gleaming slowly turning pink while a little filly was trying to jump up and down under her hoof. She could not stop herself from letting a giggle out and both Gleaming and Twilight turn to look right at the pegasus mare. There was a loud meep and the bathroom door was slammed shut.

"She is a weird one," Twilight said matter-of-factly. Gleaming just nodded her head as she placed her hoof back on the ground. "I don't see why you are even dating her."

Gleaming felt the blood rushing to her face once again before she jumped back away waving her hooves in the air.

"Wha...what, I don't know what you are talking about, Twily." Gleaming heart was racing a thousand miles an hour. Twilight just sighed trotted over to the bathroom door and knocked a few times. 'But... but... I am supposed to be dating Cadance!"

"Come on out, Twinkle. I don't see why you have to hide in the bathroom." Twilight tapped a hoof on the bathroom door. Twilight's older sister just watched as she tried to get the blood to flow through her body, not just her face. As the blood slowly started to flow to the rest of her body, she couldn't help but giggle at her little sister. Twilight was the smartest little filly in the whole world, but right now she still had the bluntness of a filly her age.

"I'm not coming out," Said the muffled voice of Twinkle through the door. This... this was too much... not only had she woken up as a mare, but apparently she and the new captain were dating? That had to break some regulation! Then Twinkle Scout remembered that both of them were mares now and that the rules only said anything about... mares dating stallions if both of them were in the Royal Guard, it didn't said anything about mares dating mares.

Twilight took a step back from the door and glared as her little horn started to glow. The handle started to jiggle and shake as it was coated in a pink glow. Twilight let out a grunt as she tried to open the door. The glow around the door handle grew brighter before the door flew open, Twinkle was not far behind it as she was still holding on to the handle on the other side.

"You don't have to hide every time I catch you two." Twilight had a tone of a true librarian. Twinkle was about to say something, but was cut off by the sudden hug from the young filly. The only thing that came out of Twinkle was a gasp and later followed by a sigh as Twilight give her a little nuzzle. "Cause if you hide, I can't hug you." Gleaming giggled at the two, only to have her little sister glare at her.

"Twilight I think you may need to loosen up your hug, she seems to have stopped breathing." Gleaming pointed a hoof at the two, as Twinkle went from tan, to a light shade of blue. Twilight looked back to Twinkle and meeped as she let go of the poor mare. The pegasus gasped as air filled her lungs.

Twinkle Scout gave Twilight a warm smile as the younger mare looked down at the floor with little tears rolling down her snout. Nopony in their right mind would stay mad at a little filly tearing up, and looking so sad. "It's okay, I know you didn't mean to hurt me." Twinkle placed a hoof under Twilight's chin and slowly got her to see the warm smile. Twilight give a few little sniffles before she used a forehoof to rub away the tears on her face.

"T... Thank you, Twinkle." Twilight uttered, her voice barely above a whisper. Part of 'Twinkle's' mind was screaming at her about how she should be a stallion and not a mare, but she just pushed it to the side, as even as a stallion she would be unable to resist such an adorable filly, so she just ruffled part of Twilight's mane and told her it was okay for a little filly to make mistakes. Twilight mumbled something about not being a little filly anymore and waved her hooves in the air to fight the attacking hoof of Twinkle.

Gleaming Shield walked over next to Twilight and give her a warm smile as well. "Twilight, can you step out in the hall for a bit while I have a word with Twinkle?" Twilight grumbled and walked toward the door.

"I guess, but don't take too long. You told Mom that you would spend your day off with me." Twilight giggled as Gleaming let out a groan before the door shut behind the filly. Gleaming waited for a bit before turning to face Twinkle.

"Listen up, soldier, this is important!" Gleaming Shield said. "From now on, until we find what in Tartarus is going on, you will respond to the name Twinkle Scout and I will be Gleaming Shield, do you understand?"

"Sir, yes Sir! I mean, Ma'am, Yes Ma'am!" The pegasus did not like the idea, but at least it made things less confusing, as she had been calling herself two names since she heard what her female name was supposed to be.

Then the newly named Twinkle Scout approached the unicorn mare slowly, while moving her hips in a sensual way. "So... you like to pull rank, I think I like that. But right now we are out of service, what if I get to be the one to be the Captain, huh?"

Gleaming Shield face blushed red. 'Think about Cadance, think about Cadance, think on Cadance!'

"Uh... I guess I... overstepped my bounds... uh... my little sister is waiting for us outside!"

"What... what the heck did I just do?" Scout said, sounding scared and starting to cry. "I... I am a stallion dammit!" A few tears started roll down her cheeks. Gleaming Shield then went and gave her supposed marefriend a hug. "It's okay, we will get over this... somehow."

"How... how you do it? How can you stand so calm and collected?" The pegasus let herself be hugged and cried some more.

"It's... part of my training. If a Captain panics, so does his army. If it makes you feel better, inside I want to scream to the heavens and hope this is just some sort of hallucination."

Twinkle Scout face blushed deep red again, Gleaming was such a strong mare, and she made her feel safe, no wonder she... stupid brain, stop doing that!

"Emm... I think we should spend the day with my little sister. It might do us some good and we might learn something more about our new lives." Gleaming Shield said, trying to hide her own blush. It might not be Cadance, but she was still a... well she was a mare but she was not made of stone!

Scout nodded and was content to just have her captain keep hugging her.

"Would you two wait till later before you get all mushy and touchy?" Came the voice of a filly that should have been in the hallway. A pillow from the bed was covered in a pink glow and was flung across the room, slamming into Twilight's face. There was a groan and Twilight fell back in a dramatic fashion.

Gleaming and Twinkle looked between themselves and Twilight who was doing a great job at faking being dead, while still peeking out to see if the two older mares were still watching her. They both busted out laughing and soon Twilight rushed over to give Gleaming a hug. Gleaming fell back, as her little sister gave her a hug.

"Well, Twily, it seems like Twinkle and I are going to spend the day with you. So what would you like to do?" Gleaming smiled as Twilight's eyes grew wide with joy.

"Can we go to the park?" Twilight shouted as she jumped up and down on Gleaming. She nodded with each grunt. Twilight jumped up and rushed to the door.

The adult unicorn mare smiled and the two adults walked to meet Twilight at the door. "Now remember, try to act as a mare, if you have no clue how, just copy me. I expended a lot of time stalk... err watching Cadance before we even had our first date." Gleaming whispered into Twinkle Scout's ears. Twinkle giggled and nodded.

"And the whole marefriend bit?" Twinkle said in a teasing tone despite herself.

"One step at a time." Gleaming face was bright red. Once they got to Twilight, she looked up and giggled.

"Gleamy, are you feeling okay? Your face is all red." Twilight was worried about her older sister, not really knowing why her face was turning red through her white coat.

"I'm okay, are you ready to go?" Gleaming was doing her best to get the blood from rushing to her face. Twilight nodded and trotted down the hallway as Gleaming and Twinkle closed the door and followed her.

It was so bizarre, to be outside in the park with her supposed marefriend that WASN'T Cadence, and everypony she knew acting as if was okay for her and Scout to be mares, like they had been born that way. At least her little sister helped Gleaming Shield to stop thinking about the problem too much. Then she saw Cadance... and her world came crashing down.

Cadence, the pink pony of her dreams.... she was... with a stallion. A stallion that was not her. It was... it was just too much.

"Gleaming!" The unicorn mare heard the worried cries of her little sister as she came crashing down, apparently she had tripped over a stupid rock.

"It's okay." Gleaming said and stood up, she had mostly bruised her ego, and broken her heart.

"It's not okay, you are bleeding!"

"I am? Uh... could you... could you take me to a nurse or doctor then?" It's not like it really mattered, Cadence was dating somepony else.

Then the unicorn mare fainted.

Black Coffee

Shining Armor could not bring herself to look away from the mirror. What looked back was not the same that looked back at any other time. Before was a tall good looking stallion with a short and messy two tone blue mane and a set of baby blue eyes. Now...


The Promotion

Of the many pubs spread throughout Canterlot, the Rusty Horseshoe was especially lively that night. Shining Armor and his squad were celebrating his recent promotion to captain of the Royal Guard. He was in such a great mood that he was buying rounds...
