You Are the Nightmare

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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A commission for Onom

Written in August 2019

You awake.

Your eyes open. For a moment, you think that this is just another instance of you waking up in the middle of the night thanks to the summer heat and your inconsistent AC. But no - there's a chill in the air, a coolness that crawls up your spine and causes the hair on the back of your neck to stand up straight. A thick fog hangs around your room too, obscuring the familiar shapes of your dresser, door, and laptop set up in the corner. You sit up, and your movement is answered by another's. A dark figure steps out of the fog to tower over the foot of your bed. You blink.

You must be dreaming.

A soft, nearly silent gasp escapes your lips as you examine the entity that looms over your bed. It's like nothing you've ever seen or dreamed of before, a tall, lean humanoid that's a hybrid of horse and gryphon. It's like a gryphon because of how its other equine snout terminates in a black beak, the large black feathered wings that extend from its back, the fluffy catlike tail that sways behind it and the feathers that line its neck like a plume and down its head instead of a horse's mane. It's equine features are its horse-like head, the hooves you hear clack as it shifts from foot to foot, but most prominently the large, already erect shaft that lays between his legs, and the heavy balls that hangs beneath it. Your eyes widen as you stare at the shaft, the creature smiling as you do so, showing off so many sharp teeth. His red eyes are ablaze as he snorts, red luminescent smoke trailing out of his nostrils. He's nearly completely naked, wearing only a strange harness around his chest and a couple belted bindings around each arm.

"This is a dream," you say, still staring at the creature.

"No," he answers in a calm, deep voice that echoes faintly throughout your room, his grin widening and wings flapping gently. "This is a nightmare. Your dream full of your dark desires."

You shiver at the words, not out of fear but unexpected arousal as your underwear grows tight. This is a nightmare and yet there's something thrilling in that, and not because it holds fear, but fantasy. This isn't real, right? So nothing here can harm you.

The nightmare chuckles, your attention drawn back to him just in time for you to see him inhale, drawing in some of that fog that hangs heavily around the room. In the next moment, he exhales, directing the stream of dark fog right at you.

You yelp as the fog rushes towards you and envelops you. It was already dark before, but now you can't see a thing thanks to the fog surrounding you. You wave your arms yet the fog doesn't disperse, instead settling and sinking right into your skin. You hear the nightmare's echoing laughter as you stumble out of your bed, naked save for your underwear and the fog draped around you.

Suddenly, the fog disperses and you let out a sigh of relief. Your solace is temporary, however, as a coldness runs through your form. You look down at your now visible flesh and gasp - the fog still clings to portions of your limbs. No, it isn't fog, but some sort of...growth? You touch one spot on your arm and blink as you feel fine fur, soft hairs that are spreading even as you stare. Not only that but the definition of your limbs are changing as the fur spread, your musculature gradually fading in favor of a toned, slender yet still strong look. You're changing into something else - this nightmare, your nightmare, is taking its hold of you.

At this thought, the fog parts and the nightmare steps into view. His red eyes glow brightly in the dark and so do his nostrils, highlighting that confident, toothy grin. You shiver from both the feeling of the fur spreading and how you feel as the nightmare looms over you--afraid and aroused, intrigued what this haunted dream has to offer you. Your penis visibly tents in your underwear and the nightmare looks down disapprovingly.

"No, no," he murmurs. "Let me help you out with that."

Before you can react, he steps forward and reaches a hand into your underwear. You squirm as his strong fingers grip your shaft. He gives it a single stroke that brings it to full, throbbing needy attention. Your jaws ache and you let out a weak whinny as you feel the fur spread up your neck. You look up, the nightmare's beak set into an open grin as he licks it in anticipation. You expect him to stroke your shaft again, but instead he reconfigures his fingers to push at the end of your penis again. You shiver and let out another odd whinny as you feel your shaft shrivel, dwindling at the nightmare's imposition. The nightmare snorts, red smoke misting out of his nostrils as he presses again. You gasp, the sound escaping your jaws just as they begin to press forward. The coolness of the spreading fur across your face nearly counters the warmth you feel while your shaft shrinks smaller and the testicles draw tight against your crotch. You groan as your nose is swept along with your stretching snout, forming into larger, wider nostrils that start to glow hazy red. The nightmare presses again and it's too much, your shrunken yet still stiff shaft releasing your last load into your underwear. You moan, your snout stretching longer and longer in your vision while your penis shrivels and sinks away into a new opening, your testicles following shortly afterwards as fresh feminine folds form. You huff and shiver as the nightmare runs his fingers over your new sex, a gasp escaping your lips when he touches a sensitive, swollen nub, a clit, your clit. You close your eyes and grit sharpening and growing teeth together in your elongated equine muzzle, two teeth promptly lengthening into cruel fangs that hang out of your muzzle. You hiss as you feel your inner passage form, an arousing warmth trailing up to not only your new womb but your very core. You pant from both the nightmare continuing to feel up your moistening sex and that warmth that seems to spread to every portion of yourself, speeding up the spread of fine ebony fur so you are soon completely covered.

Then the nightmare pulls his hand away, wiping what seed spilled there onto your underwear, your attention drawn to how your crotch is flat now. You whimper, your hide covered ears twitching uncertainly as they shift slightly up higher and rearrange into triangular points. You pull at the front of your underwear with fingers that stretch and contort, slender and covered with those ebony hairs. Your nails look a little like claws too, but it's the sight of your puffy feminine mound that grabs your attention. The outline of your throbbing mare lips are visible even in the dark. You're female now and, as your nostrils flare, you become all too aware of the male in the room and his strong scent. Your gaze shifts from your new sex to the nightmare's erect horsecock. You shudder and feel that warmth pulse both inside you and below.

"Do you want it?" the nightmare asks, chuckling. "For the nightmare to enter you?"

You begin to nod, then stop yourself. Do you really want this? You stare at the horsecock, your new sex throbbing with need. Suddenly your eyes burn and you close them momentarily while you experience the oddest sensation of your eyes sliding apart. When you open them again, your vision seems wider and that enticing cock farther away. You let your underwear snap back into place as you reach out for the nightmare's cock, and you whinny in surprise when you touch it. It's so big, can you even take it all?

Do you want to?

Of course you do. You snort and turn your head, a mane of thick dark hairs forming down its back while heat flushes to the front.

"I see you do want it," the nightmare says. "But no, not yet."

You look back to him just as he steps forward. His hands are upon you, caressing your hips while you shiver at the touch of his cock on your thighs that thicken as the black hide overcomes it. You groan as your hips shift with a creak of bones and popping of joints, widening further and further until your underwear sits so loosely that it falls to your feet into the floor, exposing your slick sex to the air. Then the nightmare's hands are moving up, caressing your waist as it presses in, the warmth intensifying. You look down to see his hands run over a slimming stomach, a glow present in your core and your ribs more prominent than before, framing a sleeker, curvier torso. Finally his hands are upon your chest, your nipples darkening to brown as they poke through your fur. Gradually his hands start glowing red, a pleasant warmth spreading through your chest as it begins to grow out, your pecs softening and spilling out in soft, sensitive mounds. Breasts, you realize, you're growing breasts and the nightmare seems satisfied with this development. He hisses lustfully, squeezing at your swelling tits which sends electric tingles of pleasure directly to your sex. You moan, the pitch of your voice rising as your Adam's Apple sinks away and your neck thickens and grows slightly longer to complete your equine visage. You shift uncertainly on your feet, only to hear a sharp clop. You look down between the valley of your burgeoning breasts to see that your toes have merged into cloven hooves, glowing red sparks trailing from their base. With a start, you realize you have almost became a nightmare yourself, but the nightmare isn't over yet.

You are reminded of this when the nightmare tweaks your nipples, the sensation of shock and arousal so real that you wonder if you really are dreaming. But no, this is fantasy and why shouldn't you enjoy it? You are receiving pleasurable attention, and soon the stallion and the dream will be whisked away. The warmth in your chest and in your loins compels you to do so.

Thus, you lean into the nightmare, resting on his sturdy frame and allowing him easier access to your burgeoning breasts. They're already so big, their weight felt on your back, but he's not satisfied with them yet and so neither are you. He squeezes and hefts them, coaxing them larger and larger until they threaten to spill out of his fingers. Even then, he gives them experimental squeezes, causing you to whinny softly and shudder as your arousal continues to build. You rub your thick thighs together, your pussy throbbing as your breasts jiggle and bounce at your movement. In the light of your glowing chest your tits look so large, so perky, ripe and fully formed. Finally the nightmare seems satisfied, giving your breasts one last squeeze before he lets them hang free. They're heavy and large yet so firm. Now that the nightmare's hands are gone, you lift your own hands to feel them, shuddering as your fingers dig into the sensitive flesh. The nightmare nods his approval, his cock stiffening against your thighs.

"Perfect," he breathes. "And now--"

He places his hands on your shoulders and grips them tightly. You look up to him and his eyes smoulder.

"You seem ready."

Before you can reply, he presses you down onto the bed. You lay on its soft surface, legs spread and breasts hanging heavily on your chest as you stare up at the nightmare, his beak opened in a lustful grin. Your heart beats fast, the warmth pounding and pulsing with every beat. Your gaze drops down and you hear him laugh.

"So," he asks. "Are you ready?"

You nod and his grin deepens. He snorts and turns you over onto your stomach, your hooves clopping as you reposition yourself and raise your rear. His hands drops to your rump, and it seems the nightmare hadn't truly taken hold as your chest swell, larger, rounder, and plump while a thin protrusion of bones surges from the base of your spine, long, heavy black hairs growing out of it so that you now have a horse's tail that drapes over a rounded rear. He squeezes each cheek appreciatively before spreading them apart to reveal your dripping, heated pussy. You whimper as you feel your sex wink with need. In this nightmare, you are the nightmare, a busty, curvy mare with a need that can only be sated by another nightmare.

You start to turn your head, but shiver and stop as you feel the tip of his cock probe your pussy. It feels more forceful than his finger and it certainly has more purpose and pleasure behind its stiff pressure. He presses in deeper and starts to spread your lips, the sensation pleasurable as much as it is maddening. The nightmare is taking his time, creeping closer and closer towards your lust driven dream of him inside of you. You can't wait much longer and so you wiggle your rear and lift your tail, the nightmare snorting and squeezing your rump in response.

"Patience," he hisses. "The night is long."

He punctuates this last word with a thrust and a grunt as he enters you for the first time. You shout, your cry dulled by the encroaching fast as you feel his length inside you, long and thick and filling. Your inner walls clamp down hungrily, but his cock escapes its grasp as he pulls out and then pushes in again, thrusting even deeper inside of you. You jostle at the force, your breasts bouncing and that internal warmth proliferating internally throughout as every part of you shines faintly with a dull red glow. You're heated now and readier than ever. You look back at the nightmare, spectral red flames trailing from your eyes, and smile, showing off all those sharp teeth and twin fangs that are out of place in a mare's mouth, but not a nightmare's. He smiles back and flaps his large wings; then, he's thrusting in and out of you with earnest while you writhe and buck your hips in pleasure, you nightmares joining together into a dark dream of lust and carnal pleasure. In and out, in and out, you feel him pumping into you, deeper and deeper with every thrust and you submit willingly to ever powerful and pleasurable movement. Your breasts jiggle and bounce until you have the presence of mind to grab and caress them, intensifying your pleasure. You squeeze and shiver, tweaking your nipples just as his cock comes into contact with your clit. That's good, but what's even better is when you feel his heavy balls slap against your ass with every thrust now. He's in so deep and yet you're not at climax, not yet and neither is he. You wonder if this pleasure and your passion will last the whole night, but this thought is swept away by the instinct to carry on, to let the nightmare have its way. You're taken back into the rhythm of thrusting, squeezing and kneading, willing to take the nightmare where it wills.

Soon enough, however, you feel the nightmare stop near the end of a thrust and stiffen. You hardly register the fact until the nightmare lets out a cry that echoes through the night as he cums inside you, thick seed spilling into your inner passage as it clamps down desperately to milk every last drop. This desperation for more brings you over the edge of pleasure, your climax occurring shortly after his. You whinny and bray, squirming and panting as you continue to feel his release fill you. It seems there was no need for desperation after all as he continues to cum, the nightmare grunting and letting out intermittent avian cries with every heavy load he pumps into you and you're more than willing to take it all. You slump forward, heavy breasts pushing into the bed as you left the sensations of pleasure and him continuing to fill you wash over you. This, you decided, is a good nightmare, much better than waking up due to heat. Although...

You smile at the thought just as the nightmare's emission dies down. He slowly begins to pull out of you, adding another layer to your pleasure, your sensitive and well seeded inner walls aching from the movement. He pulls out of you with a wet pop and you shudder, some of his leftover seed spilling down over your rump while a little more oozes out of your slit. The nightmare leans over you, his hot breath on your neck.

"You," he says. "You're good."

You snort, nostrils flaring, and nod, before letting yourself be swept away by the afterglow. It's so pleasurable and powerful that you feel yourself fading into it, your satisfaction dulling your senses. You fade from this nightmare, the last thing you hear is the nightmare's muted chuckling.


You awake and feel very much satisfied. Though it's still dark out, you don't feel any need to go back to sleep, not now, not yet. You sigh in satisfaction. What a pleasant dream that was. No, nightmare.

You laugh at this, except your laugh sounds like a feminine whinny and your chest wobbles slightly at your vocalization. You blink and sit up, your heart beating faster and faster as your form alights with that faded red glow. Your chest heaves from the sudden movement and you look down to see your naked breasts hanging upon your ebony furred chest, your stomach glowing brighter than any other part of you. You snort and you notice your equine muzzle in your vision and how red, glowing mist drifts from your nostrils. Sitting up straighter, you mutely let your blanket drop so you can see the entirety of your form. You are covered completely in a black hide of short black hairs and your form is feminine and curvy with its childbearing hips and pinched in waist. You sit atop a plump rump, but mostly important is what lays between your thick thighs, your marehood that now quivers with building need. You snort and a smile comes over your equine muzzle as you look up to see a familiar figure standing near to your bed. Your smile deepens and you lick your fangs as you realize the truth.

You are the nightmare, and the night has just begun.