Cafe' Plaisir Chapter 3

Story by Allester Darkflame on SoFurry

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#4 of Cafe' Plaisir

LemonKitsune Productions Presents:

Café Plaisir Ch. 3: History and His Story


STORY CONTENTS: Incest, Breeding, Size Play, Mild Bondage, Cubs, M/F/F, Big Breasts, Story Development, Masturbation, Love, Pokemon Shenanigans

COPYRIGHTS: All characters and story are © Allester E. Darkflame 2016-2017

Omen is © DarkViolet

Pokemon is © Gamefreaks and Nintendo


The crowd was cheering, screaming for him, chanting his name as he moved down the hallway and to the ring. His eyes were glazed and distant though, the sounds around him left him feeling hollow as he looked at the stands to see Lupe missing. His will to fight was missing, stuffed in to a hospital bed on life support. He should be at her side, holding her hand, giving her his strength. But here he was, in the ring she loved to see him in, doing what she loved seeing him do, and yet, it felt wrong. This was a new ring, Russia and China had gone to war with one another, and the underground fights had to be moved. Now the rings were along the Pacific oceans coast just north of Korea. This ring was outdoors, a simple steel cage with a high mountain blocking access from the main land, so boat was the only way to arrive.

The small island chain had enough space for the outdoor ring and a rather large stadium seating. There was little in the way of vegetation, simply looking from the ocean would let viewers see the crowd and arena just enough to pick things out. But Allester's mind was more on the past few days, not the few sprigs of palm trees or brush scattered about near the beach. He looked around at the group of spectators, most of them morphic and screaming for blood at the top of their lungs. They were all too eager to see a fight, to hear the breaking of bones and splatter of blood on sand.

But something just didn't sit well with him. Lupe was attacked by a fan of another fighter, and he'd gone after that man, had killed him and his lover in a rage. He felt empty afterwards, Lupe was still near death and their daughter was still in a plastic bed born too early. But here he was, fighting again for no reason other than because it was all he knew. The moonlight brought a lot of light to the ring and he bathed in it. He always loved the night time; he assumed it was a part of his Dark type heritage.

He could see the Machoke challenger standing and waiting patiently for their introductions. Again they set him against an opponent much larger than himself, just like Lupe would have wanted it, and it made him think. He started fighting because of Lupe. He started killing because of Lupe. He continued to do both because of Lupe. But what had she ever done for him?

Sex, wild and passionate, sex? He thought about it more, ignoring the announcer as he realized slowly that Lupe didn't love him, she loved what she had turned him in to. When they were kids, he had hit her savagely because she led the other kids in tormenting him. But after that, she stopped and started to change her attitude towards him. She seemed to give him things whenever he did what she asked when done nicely. He realized all those things, were fighting other kids at their school. When they got older, she started touching him in special ways that he never realized were meant to make him want it more. Was their whole love life a lie? His mind reeled with the thoughts, and he never saw the fist flying at his face until he felt the impact and then the cage biting in to his back. His mind snapped back to the here-and-now, his eyes quickly scanning his challenger and the arena and immediately noticing things he needed.

Then it hit him, Lupe HAD groomed him to fight for her. His body seemed to grow sluggish as the memories flooded in to him. She may not have meant to when they were children, but when he turned ten and started getting erections, she was thirteen and started to use sex to make him do things. She let him pop her cherry, fucking her in her Sunday school skirt right in the pews during a sermon, and in return - he had to beat up a Noctowl who had tried to steal her lunch money. Even after they had gotten caught, and she was forced to douche his cum out of her by the orphanage mistress, they had sex right away again and all he had to do was fight another water-type that had splashed her and got her clothes soaking wet. Later in life, she always seemed to have money for his teachers as well, always able to pay them for training him in fighting techniques, and yet she never had a job.

He dodged the series of punches that the Machoke aimed at him, using his natural agility and size to dip and weave, moving between those thrusting palms and quick swings. Despite the males massive size and bulky muscles, he was very fast. Allester darted around and delivered a series of double kicks to the lower spine and then bolted back. Unbidden, he recalled the last two years with Lupe, she was very popular with his fans, always flaunting the fact they were together, and she was the one who started the tradition of throwing her bra or panties to the crowd. Had she been cheating on him with others for extra money? Using her bra and panties as a way to hook up with the fan that grabbed them? There was one time her recalled throwing an expensive white lace bra with a few tiny diamonds to the crowd... and later he found it back in their dresser. She had said the fan returned it after the fight in return for her autograph.

That same day, was the day she promised to marry him... if he started killing. But he remembered clearly how she had said it and only just now realized what it was. She had told him that the man tried to rape her before the show. She had bitten his arm to get away from him and she wanted him dead for the attempt... and he wanted that too. He wanted to protect her, to keep her safe, and during the fight he saw the bite mark on the males arm. It had infuriated him and caused him to snap the Ursaring's neck. After that, Lupe had gotten so hot over the act, that she fucked his brains out for the next three days. A few quick attacks from the Machoke snapped him back to reality for the next few seconds. He dodged several more, throwing himself in to his opponent's chest to smash three low kicks against the larger males gut.

The next fight, he didn't kill the woman he fought and Lupe was furious. She claimed he was sleeping with the other female, even though he wasn't, but she wouldn't touch him after that. His next fight after that, he hadn't meant to kill the male but he had fallen hard on the concrete floor and split his head open after a sweeping kick. He quick stepped away from his opponent's attacks, but the feint landed him short of escape. Gritting his teeth even as those two hands hit him in his left hip. He opened his mouth and spewed flames right in to the other males face, not for long though, just enough to push him back. "I FORFEIT!" he heard himself yelling. A whistle blew and the crowd erupted in a rage. The ref should have called the fight, but the Machoke continued to attack, and all Allester could do was defend himself.

He didn't want to fight anymore, he didn't want to kill anymore, he just wanted to go home to his daughter... that he now realized might not even be his if what he thought was true. "I said I forfeit! Back off!" he snarled at the challenger, but those fists kept coming. He saw all the bloodshed coming back to haunt him, circling him like an endless cycle. He had to live; he had to survive, he had to know the truth about his life with Lupe and the newborn. He called on his training one last time, reading his targets moves and then dipping low.

He darted in and delivered a hard force palm against the male's chest, felt his own heart stop briefly from the impact, and then rolled the Machoke over his shoulder in a seismic toss suplex that knocked the behemoth out. Finally the ref ran in and started counting, he heard the crowd cheering his name again and pushing their thumbs down. They wanted him to kill again, but he refused. He shook his head, backing up to the edge of the steel cage. The crowds cheers turned in to 'Boos' and jeers, and Lupe's name was being shouted as if they wanted him to kill for her. But he wouldn't. The count finished, the ref announced him as the winner by Knock out and the cage opened.

He bolted out, running past the crowd as they threw things at him. His breath was heavy as he ran on to the boat he arrived in. It was a high class boat designed for speed and range, only two or three people could fit in the machine, but it was just him this time and so there was little need to worry about passengers as he drove the throttle back. When the boat pulled backwards, he angled it back and then tore out of there at full speed, heading north west, heading for home, for Japan... for answers.


"Daddy! Dad! Stop, please!" Loreanna cried, trying to hold him down, her cheeks stained with tears as his body convulsed and jerked on their bed. Kanichi was in the room, trying to freeze his muscles to stop the spasms in his small frame, her cheeks also dripping tears that were partially frozen like a slushy. Their father's body was thrashing out of control, his eyes rolled back in his head and drool spilling from his jaws. Loreanna was big and strong, but even with her strength; she couldn't stop him from breaking free. She had managed to force a spoon between his jaws so he wouldn't swallow his tongue, but that was by sheer luck that she had grabbed a yogurt in the middle of the night and returned just before his spasms started.

"Move!" The twins shrieked, jamming their tails in to the ground and both grabbing one of his ankles and generating a strong shock the second their big sister's let go. His spasms stopped as his muscles became paralyzed and he relaxed. Loreanna checked his eyes, smiling when they rolled down and he started to come around. Reyna and Rena didn't let go of his ankles, keeping their charge low and gentle so his muscles wouldn't continue to spasm until he was in control again. All of the girls were wiping tears from their cheeks when he sat up and the twins let go; each female was breathing heavy and trying to relax their racing hearts. "Wow... that was a bad one. Is he gonna be alright?" Reyna asked, her voice squeaking slightly.

Allester's breathing was hard and heavy, and he was sporting some serious morning wood that none of his girls noticed. "Wh-what happened?" he asked.

Loreanna picked him up and held him tightly to her in her lap as the other girls crowded around. "You were talking in your sleep... screaming in fact. You forfeit... and then..." she gulped crying a bit more "You were yelling, at mom." She sobbed. "You... you didn't believe I was yours, you didn't believe she loved you... why daddy?" she sniveled, unable to control herself as her large black nose ran a little, she sniffed hard and nearly crushed her father in her strong arms as she squeezed him like a plush animal.

His ears fell back on his head, he remembered that night, and he remembered the fake world he had built up in his mind about all of that history to protect his mind, and Loreanna growing up. It all rushed back to him as he leaned up and kissed his daughter on the lips. "Loreanna, I am your father. It was proven. I am your daddy, I always have been. But your mom..." he huffed, crying just a little as well now. "She... she wasn't... she was not like..."

"Like what?" she barked, snapping her words at him so loud that even Kanichi and the twins backed up on the bed as a growl rumbled through her chest and throat.

He sighed and sat down between his daughters. "Your mom... she used me. She had me brainwashed, using her body to make me do things I never wanted to do, she manipulated me, controlled me. She cheated on me, often." He sniffed, looking up at Loreanna with tears rolling down his cheeks. "When you we-" he grunted and shook his head. He got up from the bed and marched to the closet, and he carefully moved things around and popped open a hidden space and withdrew a disk. "Come on." He said, motioning to the front room. The girls all followed, but he stopped, "Just Loreanna. When she sees it, she can choose to let you three see it."

"Let them daddy." Loreanna said, her anger and hurt still in her voice.

Nodding his head, he continued in to the living room and put the disk in to the player.

It was a video of Lupe's hospital room. Sterile white walls, bleached sheets on the bed with Lupe snuggled in to it. There were flowers covering the counter on the left, and a small tray of half eaten food to the right of the bed. Allester was snarling at her, they were arguing loudly and Lupe seemed to act in-different and annoyed with him. "You used me!" he claimed, and Lupe waved her hand dismissively at him. "You made me kill innocent people! People who never hurt you at all! You tricked me!" he had snapped.

His girls all turned their heads to look at him in person, his head was down and he looked ashamed. But the girls tried to hold their emotions as they turned back to the video.

"So what?" Lupe snapped, "You've always been gullible. Easy as fuck, you little prick." She growled. "I never once cared about you in any way except as a toy. My own personal vibrator, why do you think I didn't care about you fucking fan girls with me? I got their cunts too!" She hissed through her teeth as a bit of pain seared through her belly.

"Is that all you care about? SEX? Violence?" He barked "Is she even mine?" He cried, real tears pouring down his cheeks.

Loreanna looked at her father sideways, was he still the same male she grew up with? Or was he hiding the truth about himself, like he hid the truth of her Mother? But then she heard her own mother, she heard how she wasn't the loving woman he told her she was to him. Why had he lied to her? Was her life just a game to them?

"I don't know if she's yours and I don't care about the squalling thing. I should have killed it when I found out about it. God that would have been so fucking hot, I would have fucked you happily if I had. But no, you just HAD to walk in right after I saw that stick." She snarled, coughing heavily.

His ears wilted, and his tail sagged to the hospital floor, his arms and legs trembling violently. "You would have killed your own child? After how we grew up?" he asked, his voice a whisper.

Lupe's cold response was dripping malice and hate, "Yes. If she's yours, I hope she dies in that bed."

Loreanna's heart sank as she learned the truth, and she was on the verge of screaming when she heard his voice on screen. Maybe it had been better not knowing how her mom really felt, maybe the lies her dad told her were better than the truth.

"Just die." He said, "Die. Now. So I don't have to wait to take my daughter away from you. Die already." He said.

Loreanna's heart leapt at his words. He loved her even if he didn't know she was his or not. He wanted her when her hateful mother didn't. The video stopped there, but Loreanna knew what happened next, she saw the date stamp and knew her mother died the next afternoon from internal bleeding.

"Dadd..." she paused, looking at the male she called father, and husband. "Am I?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

He turned his head with a snap, his ears up and a smile on his face "Of course you are Loreanna, every bit of you is part of me." He said.

She smiled, her heart beating for him, but she had to know and pushed. "But... am I yours?" She emphasized.

When he stood up, he grabbed the disks casing and pulled a slip of paper from it and handed it to her. She looked it over; skimming for the words she wanted to see. She lowered her ears and looked at him, making the twins try scrambling over her shoulders to see, even Kanichi tried to lean in and see the paper work. But she moved, grabbing Allester and hauling him closer to her, smashing him in to a deep and hungry kiss. She was his blood, one hundred percent match. "Why did you lie about her?" she asked when they broke away, she had to know why he raised her thinking her mom was a loving saint. But then it hit her, how he had asked her why she'd kill her own child after the way _they_grew up... he was protecting her, just like a father should.

"You needed a mother in your life that you could look up too. You tried with Kanichi's mom, but she hated you, the twin's mother was never around, so when you were old enough to ask questions about her, I... I wanted you to have someone you could look up too." He responded.

Fresh tears dripped down her cheeks, but she smiled as she yanked the twins over her shoulders and then hauled Kanichi in to her lap as well and hugged her family. "I don't need a woman to look up too. I just need you. All of you. My family. My lovers. You are what I want, and... and I don't want to ever talk about this ever again." She said, kissing each of their heads. "My mom's a bitch, a dead cunt that got what she deserved. But I have you all, and I won't lose that." She said sternly. She was working things out in her mind, her own words swirling around her emotions and fighting it out in her heart. But for now, she had everything she wanted. She looked at the TV and growled "Snap that disk. I don't want anything to remind me of her, ever again."

No one argued with her, instead, Allester smiled and twitched his tail against Loreanna's large breasts.

"Let's," He cleared his throat and puffed. "...go and get the boat. It's a good hour to go fishing. We'll enjoy a family day today. No forge work. No training, just the five of us." The girls all grinned lewdly, and Allester grunted a moment, "No orgy...?" he asked and the glares he got told him not to even think about it, so he smiled "No condoms." He said. All the girls grinned enough to show their teeth.


"So," Kanichi started as she worked to stuff a bikini in to her back pack. "I think now would be a good time to tell him." She said, swishing her tail and leaving a glittering sparkle of snowflakes in the air. Loreanna was looking for her own swim suit, but it was rather difficult to find anything sexy that fit her since the last time she went near any water was four years ago.

"Tell him what?" she asked, looking down at her sister and then sitting on Kanichi's bed with a grunt and a grumble, "That I have no swim suit?"

Kanichi snickered a little and walked in to her closet, and returned with a two piece that would fit her larger sister... barely. "About what we talked about last week." She continued, and her eyes fell on her dresser's top drawer.

When Loreanna looked at it, her green eyes widened and she growled "No! Not yet. No, no, no. Not after this morning. I... I'm not ready." She hissed through her sharp fangs.

"I am!" Kanichi retorted, her tail lashing the air as she pointed a finger up at her older, and much larger sibling. "After this morning, it's the perfect time. It'll help ease his hurt and ours." She murmured, planting her hands on her broad hips and giving a green eyed glare at Loreanna that brokered no argument.

A heavy shake of her large head was all the denial Loreanna would give. "It's just... what if..."

"Stop!" Kanichi snapped, her ears hiking, and she peered at the door. Two sets of green eyes glittered from around the door frames edges, and Kanichi growled. "Out. Both of you!" she snapped, making shooing motions with her hands.

Before they could be scared off by the irate Glaceon female, Loreanna rose up. She held the swimsuit she was offered and smiled. "I think it's time to go. I have to stop by the Café' first to make a last delivery. Have dad pick me up there." She said, walking past Kanichi and out the door, using her considerable size to bowl over the twins before they could stand in her way.

She never saw the hurt look on Kanichi's face, but at the moment she was still stressing over this morning's discovery. She hurried across the road to the café' and pushed through the doors. She didn't even notice the cooler air as she entered, but her senses did pick up on one thing almost instantly. A sharp "Vee!" squealed in to the air when she absentmindedly grabbed the tiny Eevee bartender and squished the poor girl in to her massive cleavage. Snuggling adorable things always helped her get through her emotions, and as one of her large paws stroked the tall ears of the Eevee girl, she saw Omen walking towards her.

"Loreanna, I appreciate you testing the snuggle factor of our employee's, but could you please let Castra go? I think she needs air." The absol said, hir voice calm and cultured but seeming to lack emotion at the moment.

But Loreanna seemed to not hear hir, or see hir, and she nearly tripped over Omen if not for Castra finally getting her teeth in to Loreanna's forearm. "Huh?" she blinked, not phased in the least bit by the bite attack, but woken from her stupor. She looked down at Omen, tilting her head slightly before she noticed the Eevee being crushed to her breasts. "Ah! I'm so sorry!" she yelped, relaxing her grip and then carefully setting down the woman.

Castra was panting for breath by the time her feet touched the table she was set on, she whirled instantly "Filthy beast! Brutish, Incestuous, Nasty thing!" she huffed out, dropping down to the ground and stalking back to the bar. "Hot as Hell, but gods to big." Was the last thing she said, though low under her breath in the hopes of not being heard... which failed.

"Sorry." Loreanna said again, rubbing her neck before she quite literally dropped on to her backside in the middle of the floor. Business hours were just starting, so the place had only a customer or two, and she stood out in a crowd anyhow, so she just sulked and thought.

"I swear your father brings me more trouble than he is worth." Omen said, rolling hir eyes at the joke that wasn't a joke. "What is on your mind young Lady Darkflame?" shi asked, sitting on hir haunches in front of Loreanna and giving hir full attention.

Greenish-red eyes peered down at Omen, though the red was leaving the green color now that she was no longer in 'cuddle all cute things' mode as Kanichi called it. "We're heading out on the boat today,"

"Ahh your fear of Water." Omen interjected, but before shi could continue, Loreanna cut hir off.

"No. I got over that awhile ago." She sighed, shaking her head "Maybe... I mean... augh..." she huffed out a heavy breath as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I found out about my mom this morning."

"A fine woman." Omen started, but again was cut off, but this time by a thunderous roar that even shi felt fear off.

"The Truth about that bitch." Loreanna snarled, showing off all of her sharp teeth, and curling her left upper lip in a way her mom used to do. When she noticed Omen and several employee's staring at her with various amounts of fear, and one of them with a trail down their back leg, she hung her head. "I'm sorry. My mind is just not here."

Omen knew all about Lupe, and the way she had treated Allester - but Omen also knew Allester had built up a thick wall of lies to protect himself and Loreanna about the woman too. Shi never believed those lies would do any good, and now hir thoughts were proven. "Are you mad at him for lying about her?"

"What? No!" she responded, and then paused. "Not at all, I... I understand why he did it. My mother was a sadistic bitch that nearly killed me just because she had a blood lust." For a moment, Loreanna reflected on that, and she sighed. "But that's why I'm so scared. I don't want to be like her. But I already have her temper, and a few of her ticks."

A moment's pause was all it took for Omen to understand. "Does Allester know?"

"No!" Loreanna said quickly, too quickly, and Omen understood even more.

"You need to tell him. Your fears, your thoughts, your condition." Omen said.

Frowning, Loreanna nodded her head. "I know. I know I know I know." She rattled off, and sighed heavily. "Thanks Omen. Thank you for being a friend I can talk too." She sobbed a little, and reached in to her pocket to pull out a fifty. "For Castra, tell her I'm so sorry. I just... it's hard to resist adorable things." She rose up, and Omen briefly shied back before remember she was a friend, her roar had hit a little more than shi realized.

"Please, Loreanna, I understand your emotional state... but you should apologies to her yourself." Shi smiled kindly, dipping hir head some and making the long whisker swept from hir right eyebrow and over the shoulder a little bit.

"I... can't right now. If I see her, I'll want to cuddle her again."

"Yes, that would be a bad idea. But come back once you're in a better mindset and say you're sorry to her directly. Despite the string of hate she spat at you, Castra has mentioned she finds you attractive - ever since you borrowed cake mix two months ago." Shi chuckled.

Loreanna smiled, she was happy with her father and sisters and had no interest in other men or women. She had experimented with other girls when she was younger but like men, the spark wasn't there. "I'll try, Omen. Thanks again." She finished, and turned to walk away. She still had to deal with the delivery she had hauled over in her emotional stupor.


"Come on girls, the weekend is burning fast." Allester said, chuckling as he watched the twins bolting around the yard in a scramble to pick up the drinks that had fallen from the case in their eager attempts to stuff the cooler in to the car faster than they should have. Kanichi was refilling the cooler with fresh chunks of hail to keep everything cool since the old stuff was all over the ground and melting rapidly in the spring heat.

"Pardon me?" a voice asked from behind him, all heads turned around to peer at a beautiful Ninetails female of the variant Ice-Fairy type. She was easily seven feet tall with strong muscled legs and arms that were entirely feminine still. A nearly perfect hourglass figure with breasts as large as Kanichi's G cups and an ass to match. Silver-blue fur covered her entire body with a vulpine head and giant ears that could rival Allester's, and while she had a mane of hair the same color as her fur, there was a streak of violet along the left side from her forehead and sweeping back.

Her hair ended about the middle of her back and lead in to the nine ultra fluffy tails that denoted her species. Each tails tip had been dyed purple and her outfit was a simple skirt and crop top that showed her lack of underwear with how tight it was. Her blue eyes glittered like falling snow flakes when the rising sun light ticked across her face. She was smiling at the group with an alluring grin that showed off sharp teeth. Before anyone could respond to her, she continued speaking, 'I'm Auroria Peridot. Your new neighbor." She giggled slightly, a musical sound that made her tails wiggle, revealing small bells tied to the tip of each tail that jingled lightly with the movement.

Allester recognized her accent right away and gave a broad smile of his own. "Kyoto born and raised." He said, speaking perfect Japanese that he never forgot, he even taught his girls to speak his mother language, though they rarely used it.

Auroria's smile widened even further, "Close. Sekigahara, born in Ogaki."

"Really? I was born in Mizuho myself." Allester responded with a laugh, just as Loreanna finally arrived.

Auroria's eyes widened from the sheer size of the girl, and fire-type, but the smile Loreanna had helped relax her. "You are absolutely beautiful." She said, peering at the Arcanine girl. "Powerful muscle, but feminine grace and curves, just a little bit of padding, dear girl please let me design you a dress." She commented, her blue eyes sweeping up and down Loreanna's frame with greedy thoughts.

"Uhm... sure?" Loreanna said, looking down at her family curiously.

Allester just gave a chuckle, "Loreanna, this is Auroria Peridot, our new neighbor. Auroria please meet my eldest daughter Loreanna, she was born in Nagahama." He smiled, and turned to motion at Kanichi "My second eldest snow angel there is Kanichi, born in Middleburg Florida." He pointed at a blank spot in the yard, and lashed his tail which sent the musical notes he had braided in his plume of tail fluff jingle in a melodic key. "The twins there are, Reyna," his hand lashed out and snagged the girl from a bush before his other hand reached over the fence and hauled Rena up from Auroria's side, "And Rena. Born in Grahm Texas, it's why they're so rowdy." He laughed.

The entire time, Auroria was smiling at the introduction but she noticed the charms woven in to Allester's tail and focused on them. "Now I see why you thought I was from Kyoto." She laughed softly, the sound quite addicting. "Anyhow my dear new friend, I didn't want to interrupt your family outing, but I'm afraid I need some assistance." She paused and looked back across the twenty acres of land she owned and to her three bedroom house positioned close to her side of the fence. "I don't seem to have power, and the company says there are no lines out here. Do you know whom I have to speak too?" she asked, not even realizing she was still speaking Japanese, but once she had, she covered her mid-length muzzle "Sorry, sorry. I am not used to speaking Japanese to someone fluent anymore. I've lived in America for almost twelve years now." She laughed.

Allester shook his head and smiled, "They are all fluent. I made sure of that." He said with a smile, "As for your electricity, that's easy to fix." He held up the twins still held by his hands. "These two are the power supply to this road. The Café there owns that entire side of the road, I own half of this side, I guess you own the other half now." He chuckled, dropping the twins to their feet, "Go hook her up." He paused at their sly grins and narrowed his eyes "Behave." He continued.

The twins pouted, but ran off to a large block of steel that contained the entire roads power supply. "They really power this entire road? Even the Café?" Auroria asked.

"Oh yes. They're twelve years old but they're savant's when it comes to electrical systems and," he stopped when the porch lights to Auroria's house came on, "finished." He laughed, pointing behind her.

She turned around and smiled, "Thank you so much. Now maybe my sewing machine will work." She laughed, twitching her tails to make the bells ring again. She paused and looked at Loreanna with an appraising eye, "I'll have you dress ready in three days dear. It'll be beautiful, just like you." She cooed, swishing her hips in a sultry sway as she walked away.

"I'm Allester, by the way." He called out with a laugh when Kanichi dumped a large amount of snow on top of him.

"Cool off Sugar Daddy." She commented, "That ride is mine!" she laughed playfully.

After that, the family climbed in to the car with Loreanna in the passenger side, Kanichi behind her, and the twins taking turns hooking themselves to the electrical engine in the back. With that, they were off to the Marina.


Allester was all grins as he looked over his daughters in their cute outfits. The fact he was naked on the large boat couldn't hide his erection.

Loreanna's full height of Orange fur with black stripes and cream belly was almost entirely exposed. Her MM breasts snuggled greedily in to a tiny and bright pink bikini top that had just enough material to cup the bottom of her bosoms and rise high enough to cover her gold nipples... but left the upper part of her areolas golden flesh exposed. With her body mostly exposed, the cream of her belly fur showed a little bump to it which was odd in his eyes since she normally kept her muscles tight and packed. But slung over her hips was a matching pink pair of bikini bottoms that also bit in to her furred hips at a sharp angle and covered only a small bit of her crotch, just enough to hide the gold lips of her slit, but leaving the silver haired bush exposed along with a visible camel toe

Her younger sibling, Kanichi, was stuffed in to a little more conservative swim suit. A one piece hugged her large G cups jealously and still conformed to her plush figure in all the right ways, right down to the wide hips and plump mound of her sex. The stretchy spandex of silver fabric left little to the imagination thanks to her nipples perpetually stiff from her own chilly temperature, especially with the sun starting to warm the air around them and making her chill it more for her loved ones. The back of her outfit was completely cut out and, if it wasn't for her sweeping tail, exposed the top crack of her cheeks. It really showed off the ice blue of her fur with the green highlights on her tail spade and ears tips.

The twins though, were eagerly lewd in their outfit choices. Reyna was wearing a string bikini that covered over her nipples only, exposing her areola both above and below the band of yellow and orange polka dotted material with matching panties that couldn't even be called a thong since it bit in to the labia of her sex and almost vanished between the lips. Her twin had a bit more casualness to her and had found an actual bikini to cover her breasts in snuggly material, as well as hide her sex and butt cheeks. At least, if the material wasn't a sky blue color and such sheer material that it was almost entirely see-through. Both girls purple fur with green bellies matched the suit colors poorly, but that was just their style.

Still, he expected this from his girls and just chuckled as he drove the large boat out of the marina and on to the massive lake that split west and north in to rivers that fed it. Fishing poles were readied by Loreanna, while bait was chopped up and molded by Kanichi. The twins sat on the bow and pointed out all the various water types that never truly evolved, or lost their flavor. Everyone on the boat was an omnivore, though Kanichi much preferred berries, she had a secret love for seafood.

It was six in the morning when the first pole was baited and slung out by Allester, much to his chagrin when Reyna giggled and commented, "Of course he's the first one to whip out his rod." This earned a bunch of snickers from her sisters.

"Careful, or he might use his spear." Kanichi retorted, which garnered even more hysterics, even Loreanna was laughing hard.

A few boats floated past with their engines cut, respect for the fishers in not scaring away their prey. But the girls got several leering stares from some of the men passing by. Allester clearly showed a bit of jealousy after the third boat came past and he noticed it was the same one. So he called upon one of his oldest tricks from his youth, and wove an illusion that made everyone on his boat look just like him - including his naked erection. That quite literally drove the boat out of range, and his girls all looked at him with glares, even the twins were puffing up their cheeks in anger.

"What? I can't have some fun?" he joked.

"Not when we want to fuck you!" Rena screeched "I don't want to LOOK like you when I do it!" she huffed.

She also got a tail across her face, "Mind your language." He hissed, and dropped the illusion. "Ladies don't cuss like sailors."

"But we're sailing right now!" Rena retorted.

"No. We're on a boat and fishing." He responded, before a face full of furry breasts smothered his head. He let out a groaning moan from the subtle sweat soaked fur of Loreanna's cleavage. "Mmmnn..." he murmured, tic-tocing his tail from his right hip as Loreanna's form practically smothered his body with her own massive frame.

She leaned down and whispered in his ear "No sex for me. K?" she asked, and rubbed the back of his head to smear his face in to her breasts. She felt his stiff member throb against her rump and she let out a giggle before lifting off of him and sauntering over to a bench near the back of the boat to trail her fingers in the water. That left him on the upper deck in the pilots chair with the twins, while Kanichi was below deck already to work on something for breakfast, the sweet smell of berries already wafting up from the door leading inside the boat.

Of course, the twins were eager to take Loreanna's place, but Reyna was quicker and her butt floss called panties was practically ripped from her hips. Ok she did rip the waistband completely off her left hip, but the crotch of the bikini didn't rip so she let it hang on her thick thigh as she crawled in to her father's lap and was no breath on foreplay or formalities as she wedged his shaft in to her young mound and feeling a shiver spur through her body.

Immediately, his hands sank in to the fleshy half moons of her rump and squeezed. While Loreanna and Kanichi had tight, muscular rump cheeks, the twins both had the doughy fat filled rump with more squish and jiggle than firm tightness. Rena hissed at her sister, giving a love bite to the cheek, "No fair jumping in first." She teased, even as her right hand dove under her twins bootie and began fondling their fathers nuts. Her swim suit being so sheer, showed off more than the dampness of her own hairy pre-teen bush through the fabric. It didn't help that she was wiggling her butt with her tail flagged high like a flag with its lightning bolt shaped tip!

But Reyna was all smiles as she slid her hips up and down in a slow and languid pace that wasn't the norm for her or Rena, and Allester cocked his left ear slightly while staring his green eyes in to hers. The feel of her wet sex sliding up and down his pole in a teasingly slow pull of her hips up, and then a gentle decent that buried him back in to her underage sex made him tremble a little. The wet warmth of her mound slurping audibly making a bit of an erotic noise that music just couldn't do, and his tail swished a little side to side and made the charms braided in to the fur single a lilting jingle jangle sound.

"Whew Whew!" Loreanna hollered with a cat call, she could see her dad's sky blue cock sliding through the golden lipped folds of her little sister from the lower deck, since Reyna's round rump was aimed towards the aft of the boat.

The twins giggled and Reyna began hiking her hips up and down a little bit faster, though it was a challenge since her toes barely touched the ground while straddling his hips. She pressed her heavy breasts in to her father's face and he let out a groaning moan when her hips lifted at a sharp angle to show off more of her ass in the air, giving Loreanna a much better view of the hairy quim swallowing the very same dick that made them all once more. The slap of her butt cheeks meeting his thighs was muffled thanks to their fur, but the zing of pleasure those silky walls made as they descended and swallowed his flesh was one of pure bliss for him. Again, Reyna's speed started to go faster, and soon the slurping snort of her dripping sex began filling the air along with her moans of pleasure.

Allester kept his face buried in her breasts, nuzzling the green furred orbs until a gold nipple popped in to his mouth and he bit through her top with a deep, but playful, growl. His hands squeezed in to her ass flesh when her hips lifted, and relaxed when her body slammed back down. She was panting from the pleasure of her father's shaft inside of her, and that's when he realized she was increasing her pace again. He grunted, not even close to his peak and yet she was already climbing the mountain over his lap. She gave a little whine, and then sneezed... or he thought it was a sneeze, but his ears caught that sharp 'Chu!' sound the twins hated making, but only sounded out when a strong orgasm hit their frames.

While Reyna trembled over his lap, her entire weight bared down on him. She was a hundred and eighty pounds of soft, pliant Raichu girl, most of that was her tits and butt like her twin, but a little around the middle gave more of her to snuggle as he held her close to let her ride out her orgasm. A few twitches later and her tail sagged down, the sign she was done. But Rena wasn't, nor was he, and poor Reyna was unceremoniously hauled out of his lap by her twin and tossed down to Loreanna, who caught her with a snicker.

Rena was far more aggressive in her needs, turning around and bending over the back rail that kept the captain from falling off the top deck of the pilots cabin. Her tail hiked high again and she peeled her panties down from her large ass until they only half covered her pillowy plump pussy petals and the lower portion of her bush. Swaying her hips in a sassy side to side movement, she peered over her shoulder and wide flanks at her father.

The invitation was accepted as he stood up and planted his hands in to the soft flesh of her butt, and drove his eager prick in to a pussy already damp from waiting its turn on his pole. Rena didn't disappoint in her loud moan of satisfaction at being filled, neither of them saw Kanichi come up topside with a tray of berries and sitting beside Loreanna, handing her something. They were to lost in the bliss of sharing each other's bodies, his hips slapping in to her flanks with eager drives, forcing his flesh through her own and gritting his teeth when his balls smooshed up close to her panties still strung between her thighs and against her mound.

Their grunts were interrupted however, by a boat passing by with a few guys yelling "Share the wealth of skanks man!"

Loreanna shot up to her feet, making the entire boat rock and shift, throwing off Allester's thrusting motions. "Get lost before I fucking burn your boat out from under you sorry fucks!" she snarled, her tail actually bristled with flames along with the mane around her neck and head. Allester had never seen her react that way before, his hips slowed a little and even Rena seem scared of her sisters outburst.

But the message was clear and the driver gunned it after seeing the nearly ten foot tall female stand up with those threatening flames and nasty attitude. "Cunt!" the males all screamed out... and in an instant the motor throttle was basically floored when a fireball was launched from Loreanna's hand right at the boat! It missed by a foot, and the males were all panicking as they sped away.

She sat back down, no longer flaming, and peered up at her baby sister and father with a sheepish smile. "Sorry." She huffed.

Allester dismounted, and Rena didn't seem to mind as she pulled her panties up over her rump and followed him down the stairs. "You ok?" he asked, standing in front of her with his cock still dripping.

"I- I'm fine. I was just pissed those guys kept coming out here."

Kanichi rolled her eyes and smacked the back of Loreanna's head. "Tell him or I will damn it!" she snapped.

An eyebrow rose on his head, and even the twins looked curious as Rena sat beside Reyna who was trying to fix her bikini bottoms by tying the waistband together on her other hip. "Tell me what?" he asked. Loreanna looked at Kanichi with a hard glare, her normally green eyes still tinged with red from watching the show. But Allester reached up and turned her head to face him. "Speak." He said softly.

With a whine, she sniffled and let tears roll down her cheeks. "I'm afraid. I don't wanna be like her."

Allester was about to comfort her, but Kanichi wasn't having it. "She's pregnant. And so am I." she said sternly.

Reyna and Rena both fell off the bench seats, and Allester peered straight at Loreanna - never breaking eye contact with her as he smiled broadly. "Loreanna Dianna Darkflame, you can never be like your mother. You protect those you love. You love me, you love your sisters, you love our life. She would give it up in a heartbeat, but you never would. You would fight viciously to keep us and our life, and you will be an amazing mother." He looked at Kanichi and winked "Because Kanichi is definitely going to be a wonderful Momma, because you'd never let her be anything less than you. You never have."

Kanichi leaned in to Loreanna's bulk from the left and pulled the pregnancy test she had in her left bra cup out. "I splurged, went for the guaranteed 100% accurate brand. So did she." She said, even as Loreanna fished around in her own bra top and smiled, tears still rolling down her cheeks - tears of joy as she realized her family would love her and always help her be a good mother. Even the twins huddled in to her other hip and she had to yank her family in to her with her arms, though Allester had to crawl in to her lap and hug her himself since her siblings took up her arms.


When they returned home near the evening, Auroria was waiting outside on her porch and gave them all a wave. "Allester, can I talk to you please?" she called out in that lilting and sultry voice of hers.

Leaving the girls to unload the car, he approached the fence line just as Auroria got there. "Need something made?" he asked with a bright smile.

Her own smile was muted, and she looked past him to make sure the girls weren't nearby before she frowned and leaned over the fence, cushioning her impressive bust to the wood slats. "I was trying to tell you earlier, I was hired to spy on you." She held up a hand to stop him from cutting her off as she saw the storm clouds lighting his face. "I took the job to get away from the city and that was all. I have no interest in studying you or looking in to you at all. I just wanted you to know since you'll see me often leaving every Tuesday to meet with my employer and fill her in on what I learned. Yes it's a woman, no she's no one you've met unless you hang out in that Café all the time and never leave." She smiled sweetly.

Allester's facial features ran a gambit of emotions ranging from anger, to shock and disbelief, all the way back to rage before softening. "Thanks for telling me. Can I know why they wanted you spying on me?" he asked calmly.

She tapped her chin with one of her tails, making the bell jingle rather loudly. "Normally I'd say no, because I'm a pro. But like I said, I took this job to change my life and get out of there. So, yes, yes you can ask. She thinks you're keeping those girls as sex slaves, selling porn of them and taking advantage of them through brain washing."

Oh now he was furious, and his green eyes flickered with the emotion. "Thank you." He said through gritted teeth as he took a deep breath and let it out. "We're about to have dinner, would you like to join us?"

Auroria looked at him shocked, blinking several times. "I... I just told you I was sent to spy on you, and you want to invite me to dinner?" she gawked.

He just laughed and smiled, "You also told me you're a spy. So I can be very careful and tip toe around you if I was worried, or I can bring you in to my home and keep an eye on you." He winks "And you are an eye full."

It was her turn to laugh, and she shook her head with a chortle. "Sure. You have four hotties already that love you dearly and you want to bring another gorgeous woman in to your home?" she leaned on the fence a little more. "You know I'm still a virgin. I have incredibly high standards and know what I want in a man or woman." She purred, letting her blue eyes bore in to him.

He stared right back and chuckled, "Ahh but that's assuming I want in your pants." He grinned "Kanichi definitely wants in, the Twins will warm to you, and Loreanna has no interest." He waged a finger at her, "Now then, come on over and let us show you a night. Promise, no shenanigans."

"I know, I can smell you've taken care of that already." She laughed, and hopped the fence with ease to follow him towards the house, her hips swaying in a sultry sashay which bumped his head a few times since her was literally half her size without his ears.

~~ To be continued...

~ Allester E. Darkflame