2019 - Trick and Treat

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#3 of Halloween

Hello Friends,

I prepared a bit this year for Helloween and I hope you like the story.

Tomorrow there will be the next chapter of my current series (if the flue does not kick in even harder for me and I am totally knocked out).

This year we got a one shot story for Helloween again with the usualy spooky topic. But this time it is a bit different than before.

I wish you all the best and hope that you are all well.


This story is about anthro felines in a fictional city in America.

This story is purely for entertainment and does not reflect the opinion or likes of the writer. For legal reasons all characters in this story are considered adult.

Adult notice: This is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthros having intercourse.

The events include consensual and unconsensual intercourse of an adult with adolescent characters.

If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly and check your account settings.

Trick and Treat 2019

It had been a lot of work, but Stu, or Stuart, which was the real name of the handsome snow leopard, finally was here.

The place of his dreams. America!

The childhood of Stu had not been easy. Stuart Park had been born in a poor household in Europe and even as a child he had dreamed to get away from his parents.

His mother had always been overchallenged with caring for a child and resorted to violence whenever she did not know what to do. His father had been a drinker since the time he remembered and when he was still very young, he left them.

One day, Stu had seen a television add in a shop about America and since then dreamed of going there. For the last years he had, while keeping it a secret from his mother, done part time jobs and earned money to move here.

The big jump towards his dream had come true, when he started to work full time at the age of 16. He had just been a stagehand in a movie studio, but with some luck he managed to be transferred to America this year and here he was.

Taking a loan, that he could barely pay with his salary, he purchased a small house. It was some way to his work, but he managed to get to work by car every day, even if it meant driving for two hours.

But he finally had his own house, earned his own money and was independent. He did not blame his mother for his childhood, but he also was happy that he did not have to be with her anymore.

The house he got was in a town, or rather a city by the standards he knew from his childhood, but for America it was not considered as such with the few hundred houses that spread around a lake, where the housing was not too expensive.

It was not the slums or a poor environment, but also not the high society. For Stu this was just perfect.

He had a house that was big enough that he could have lived here with a full family, a small garden and a garage for his car. The village was rather calm during the day, with playing kids here and there but not much traffic. This only started at the highway.

From childhood on, Stu had always been a bit shy and therefore he was not too familiar with the neighbors.

On his left, there was an old veteran, a badger, that was grumpy most of the day. Stu had only seen him a few times, when he got home. They greeted, but the badger seemed to be very similar to himself in regard to keeping for himself. Stu did not even know his name.

On his right though there lived a mother with 3 children. They were lynxes and he also had barely spoken with the adult female. Not because she would have been shy, but because the mother worked a lot to earn the money to care for her children.

From what Stu could see, she was unlike his own mother. She was a very caring mother that sacrificed herself for her children and went to work the whole day to make them happy.

She had 3 girls in the age of 6, 10 and 13. Cheerful little lynxes that played very energetic and loud. This was also how Stu got in touch with then, because one day they ran into his yard to retrieve a ball that bounced there by mistake.

At first, they had been a bit shy, when they noticed that Stu sat in his yard, but soon they had been all over him, feeling his silky fur and huddling around him until their mother called them.

This also led to him getting to know the mother, Maria Lanister, a beautiful lynx woman in her thirties. The 13 years old girl was called Zoe, the 10 years old girl Alexa and the little 6 years old girl Ia.

A snow leopard was very rare here and he did not meet any other yet, therefore he sparked the interest not only from the kids but also from coworkers.

While this was exhausting, it had been one reason for him to get transferred to America and it also helped him to get into the job of an assistant of a show that earned him a bit more money and only required him to get to work 4 times a week.

The summer had been hot and full of work, but now the weather got a bit easier to bare for him. It was not exactly cold, but at least he did not feel overheated every day.

In the last week he had seen his neighbors starting to decorate their house with pumpkins and gravestones and only after asking one of the neighbor's girls he noticed that it was for Halloween.

This had not been a thing in his old country, therefore he looked it up in the web and got a few decorations on his own, in the limits of what he was able to afford. He also got some candy, to at least not look like a total stranger, even though he felt a bit uneasy at the thought, that children would come to his door regularly and he would not have a calm evening.

His house surely did not look as colorful and spectacular as the others in the street. Maybe this was one of the reasons, that only a few kids got to his door and Stu was happy that he was not bothered too much.

The house of the badger was lit in a lot of lights and even though the old man was grumpy as always, Stu had the feeling that he enjoyed it, when he saw him giving out candy to some children once, when they both had to answer the door.

The house on his right was dark, even though it was decorated. It seemed as if no one was home and therefore no kid tried to go there.

It already got late, and Stu noticed that he ran out of snacks and drinks for himself. Surely, he would not be able to get alcohol here, not being 21 yet, but he also was not fond of spending the rest of the evening with just tab water and so he decided to take the walk to the gas station 3 blocks away.

On his way to the gas station, he still saw a few kids outside collecting candy. Some of them were accompanied by adults, especially the younger kids.

He looked at the houses and the decoration. Some of them had enormous decorations with pumpkins that glowed in the night and skeletons. Others just had a very standard decoration, a bit more than himself, but the kids seemed to not mind too much how packed the front yard of the houses were.

The costumes of the kids were very diverse. Ghosts and witches were there a lot but also vampires, skeletons, Frankenstein monsters and many other things of which Stu was not even able to tell what they were.

From his walk to the gas station, he noticed that he really stood out as a snow leopard. There were a few lions and cats, lynxes were rather rare as well, even though he saw a few lynx parents with their kids, but most of the citizen seem to be wolves, dogs, foxes, horses, rodents and sheeps.

Stu also saw a few feral dogs here and there in the yards, or a feral cat running along the streets.

The gas station was decorated for Halloween as well, but Stu did not bother to look at the decoration. He just wanted to get his snacks and drinks and then return home. He even considered leaving the lights of the decoration off to finally get some rest.

He got a few packs of chips and two bottles of coke. They would suffice for the evening. With the bags in his hand, he started to get back to his house.

Stu nearly was at the corner towards his street, when he heard a loud hiss of a cat and the voices of a few kids that were having a fight.

Mildly interested, he turned around and saw 3 kids in witch-costumes, that looked like feline kids judging by the ears that popped out of the hats, and three wolf kids that were disguised as pirates.

It only took Stu a glance to see that the much bigger wolf kids tried to take away the candy of the cats and even though he did not like to get involved, he took the few steps into the allay they stood in and raised his voice.

"Is anything wrong here kids?" he asked and the wolves winced and turned around. They looked up to him for a few seconds, before they started to run and vanish around a corner.

"Is everything okay?" Stu asked and extended a hand to the smallest witch, that sat on the ground and was crying.

"Stu!" came a scream of the other two and now that they talked, Stu recognized them. They were his neighbor's kids.

"Zoe? Alexa? Ia?" he asked, while helping the last one up and the girls hugged him and cried into his trousers.

"Did they want to take away your candy?" he asked and Zoe, the first one to stop crying, nodded. "It was so scary!" she exclaimed.

Stu was not used to handle kids so he just caressed the heads of the girls and waited for them to calm down.

"Why are you alone out here?" he raised another question to them. He had noticed, that usually only kids above the age of Zoe were alone and all smaller kids usually had their parents or another adult with them.

"Mom is out for work until Sunday and aunt Agnes did not show up." Explained Zoe. From what the girl explained it seemed, that they were alone right now with their mother leaving this morning on a business trip and that their aunt, the sister of their mother, was supposed to watch over them but did not show up.

The kids, not wanting to stay home, decided to go alone because of that. Stu looked at the filled bags with candy of the girls, when he picked up a strong and very strange smell. It smelled a bit like rotten cabbage.

Stu pulled his hand and sniffed on it and it seems that something with the smell was all over the fur of the girls.

"What is this horrible smell?" he asked, while Zoe was just finishing explaining what happened during their tour and how the wolf kids ambushed them to get their bags.

"This is witch parfum." Giggled Alexa and extended her paw to have him sniff it. "Witches smell horrible, right? Therefore, we put this on." Stu understood the gist of it.

"But I think we overdid it a bit." Zoe admitted. Stu smiled at the girls, that soon returned his smile with bare teeth.

"Come, I will bring you home. I am on my way home anyways." He explained and he extended a hand to Ia and Alexa, like he had seen some of the parents to this evening, and left the alley with the girls around him.

On their way back, they told him everything about what happened and Stu, even though he was a bit overwhelmed by the chattiness of the girls, endured and listened to their stories.

When they finally reached the house, Zoe suddenly got a shocked face and searched her dress. "Oh no!" she shouted. "I forgot the key."

The other two girls looked like they were about to cry and Stu quickly put a paw on each of them and caressed them. "For starters you can come over to my house and then I will try to reach your mother and your aunt, okay?"

The girls agreed and he managed to avoid them starting to cry. Stu decided to leave the lights outside turned off, after he opened his door and let the girls in. He had enough with the girls that were with him and did not want to run to the door every few minutes anymore.

He placed his bags into the kitchen and then went to the phone. He called the telephone information center and after a few minutes, where he told them the address and the name of his neighbor, he managed to get the mobile phone number of Mrs. Lanister.

She picked up instantly, even though it was very late. When Stu explained her what happened, she seemed relieved and she asked to talk with the girls and they each got on the phone and explained what happened and ensured her that they were okay.

As it seemed, their aunt had broken a leg and was hospitalized. This had been the reason she could not come, and she had been unconscious until the evening as well and had therefore informed Mrs. Lanister just this evening about what happened.

Since then, she had tried to reach the girls, but because they were outside, the voice mail was all she reached.

Because she could not get back home without a lot of trouble for her employer, and she did not have any sub-in for her sister, she asked if Stu would be okay of watching over the girls until Sunday.

Stu was not too fond of the idea, because it was three more days and he had been happy to get them free himself, but finally he agreed, taking this as an emergency and promised to watch over the girls until the mother got back.

She told him that they did not have to go to school, so he just needed to watch over them. They would most likely go to play outside during the day anyways.

"Okay!" he explained to the kids, that were all excited when they heard that he would watch over them. "I will watch over you until your mother is back. I hope you will behave and not cause any trouble. For starters..." he took a sniff and the odd parfum of the girls stung in his nose. "... you will take a shower and I will put your clothes into the washing machine." He demanded and the girls nodded and looked a bit embarrassed, because they also picked up the strong smell of their parfum now, that they were inside.

After they stripped and went off to his bathroom, he picked up the costumes and the underwear and threw it in the washing machine, before putting in the soap and turning it on. In addition, he also took his own shirt and pants, that got the scent on it when they hugged him crying before, and put it into the washing machine as well.

He washed his hands with a lot of soap until the scent was gone and aired the house to make sure the parfum scent would be out.

He sighed relived, when he closed the windows and sat back on his sofa just wearing his boxers and there was only a very faint trace of the scent left in the air.

Stuart nearly fell asleep and dosed off a bit. The opening door a good while later woke him from his light slumber.

"Stu, do you have some cloth we could wear?" Zoe stood in the room. She covered her body with a big towel and looked a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, hello Zoe, sorry. It was a long day and I nearly fell asleep there." He pondered. "I do not have any clothes in your size I am afraid."

Zoe looked like her eyes started to water and Stu quickly moved over to her and caressed her head, speaking in a low tone.

"Don't worry." Stu quickly said. "We will have a look if one of my shirts fit until your costumes are washed and dried."

Zoe acted very shy again, but she did not start to cry and after a few seconds nodded. He pushed her through the door and towards the stairs up, where his bedroom was.

She moved very slowly and careful and suddenly Stu got a different smell to tickle his nose, completely erasing the stink of the parfum that was still lingering in the air.

He took long and deep breaths and it took for him half the stairs until he realized that he was actively inhaling her scent.

Without a doubt, the young feline was in heat. He had smelled heat before, even though never this strong. Usually girls were suppressing the scent with special underwear or scent pads.

Being a single and not having had any run-ins with girls since he moved, Stu felt himself unable to prevent getting aroused and he felt his penis poke out of the sheath and touch his boxers from the inside.

The walk towards his room was hard for the young man, because he tried hard to fight the arousal he felt, afraid of the moment the girl would turn around and maybe see that he pitched a tent for her.

The walk to his bedroom felt like a torture for him and he made sure to keep his paws on her shoulder to ensure she would not turn around.

"Here we are. Let me check if I find..." his voice trailed off.

The girl had turned around her opened her big yellow eyes and Stu directly gazed at them. Stu only noticed that he stopped talking and stared into her orbs after a few seconds and his nostrils opened and closed inhaling her scent.

He felt his penis maxing out and pushing hard against the fabrics of his boxers.

The moment was awkward and with each passing second Stu felt it would be harder to explain to her what happened. He also was afraid of her looking down and felt his heart pulse strongle.

The girl was locked into his eyes but, maybe out of embarrassment, she slowly lowered her eyes.

Stu could not think of any words or anything he could do to stop her from looking down, except...

He only realized it when he felt her chin in his hand and her tongue on his. He still gazed into her yellow eyes while his lips pushed against hers and he gave her a deep kiss.

She did not fight the kiss. She did not react at all other than her eyes, that still gazed into his, softened under the kiss.

Zoe moaned into his mouth and it was just now that Stu noticed, that he caressed her ears with one hand and the other moved down her throat and to her chest.

The towel had fallen to the ground from the arms of the girl going limb and his fingers traced over her teats that felt hard and stiff.

Stu felt the girl shivering and her legs getting weak and the hand behind her head moved along her spine and around her tail until he had a firm hold under her hind and lifted her up, pulling her into his kiss and holding her in front of him, with her legs spreading right and left from his waist.

Like this, he moved towards the bed and his fingers even caressed the edge of her snatch slightly. He could feel that the fur around her vagina was drenched with warm liquid and her scent increased.

He broke the kiss and the girl huffed strong, still seemingly in a trance or a daze from the shock of his sudden kiss and the arousal he caused her with his caresses.

While she lay under him, he continued to caress her body and whispered soft words. "Your eyes are beautiful!" he whispered and while he kept his eyes on hers, one of his paws moved down and pushed the boxers out of the way, freeing his rock hard member from the restraint.

He began to lick her cheeks and then her throat, moving south more and more. He tasted each of her teats on the way down, until the alluring scent and taste of her heat filled his nostrils and his mouth.

The girl moaned strongly, seemingly captured in the moment as much as he was and unable to do anything or stop him. Her stubby tail lay limb on the bed and her legs were spread, showing him clearly the puffed lips and the juices that drenched her tail base and soaked into the blanket under her.

Without even caring for time, Stu continued to lick the hot liquid out of the girl and made her shiver under him. He continued until the girl clamped at his tongue and moaned stronger in a small climax.

Stu moved up again with his tongue, running it over her dugs again and finally joining in a kiss again, letting her experience her own taste.

The eyes of the girl were half closed from the exhaustion and fulfillment of her climax and her body was limb under him. He felt his member prod against her drenched folds, that gripped it in their stimulation, and wet his shaft as well as his balls with her liquid.

The warm and wet feeling made it impossible for him to resist his urges any longer.

Stu flipped the girl around and with his paws pulled up her haunches. He felt her tail raising up on instinct from her heat and arousal and brush against his belly.

Stu did not plan this, but he could also not prevent what was coming. His mind was on autopilot and he realized every action he took a minute later, because his brain somehow perceived all in slow motion.

He licked the back of the purring lynx and then he softly pierced his fangs into her scruff, making her moan in the sudden boost of endorphins.

The hot lips that parted to let the tip of his member in quivered and caressed his member and making him moan softly together with her.

He slowly pushed forward and hit a barrier in her snatch. His mind did not stop as well as his body. He slowly pushed forward, turning the purrs and moans of the girl into a painful groan and then he finally broke through and sank in to the base into the warm embrace of her heated insides.

The girls groan got louder, and his paw moved over her muzzle by itself to muffle her noises. His mind did not think clear or realized that it could be heard by the girls in the house, but somehow his body reacted to this possibility and tried to protect their private time.

When he pulled back and ran his barbs through her insides, the muffled groans got louder, but he just pulled out until the tip was just held by her drenched folds and then pushed in again.

The rhythmic pushes of him inside the girl under him, that totally submitted in her heat and from his bite in her neck, got faster with each passing minute. Soon he hammered her hard, totally giving in to his urges and the warm feeling of her insides around him.

Her groans turned into moans and he felt her tunnel grip his member every time he pushed in. She didn't even wince when he pulled out and his barbs scratched her flesh anymore.

Stu totally lost any sense of time until he pushed in a last time and his balls contracted. He felt the pulse go through his lower body and into his member and then spurts after spurts of his semen were sprayed into the fertile tunnel of the girl. He felt the hot liquid putting up pressure in her tunnel until the pressure suddenly was gone and he felt that whatever held the liquid up had opened and let his sperm deeper into her body.

Stu huffed and let go of her scruff, licking her neck and her ears while pumping the last of his seeds into the girl.

Then he pulled back and dismounted her, moving off the bed and standing there next to her, observing how the girl, as it seemed in ecstasy, rolled back and forth, mewling.

He had seen this behavior with feral cats when they mated but he had never known that even anthros did this.

Her yellow eyes, half opened, had tears in it but Stu still admired them. He also took a good look at her naked body. The red fur, like rust, and the black fur that mixed in at her belly and nethers. He saw her short tail laying on the bed limp, when she stopped rolling around, and her black quivering snatch oozing her heat juices and a bit of white liquid that he realized was his contribution inside her.

It was this moment, that he realized what he had done. He pushed his sperm into a fertile girl during her heat. It was possible, that she would get pregnant and there was no saying, what her mother would do to him, let alone the police if she reported this.

This discovery both made him tense up and relax. After all, he could not take back what he did, but it also meant, that continuing would not make any difference in her state.

His thoughts were guided by the heat scent around him and he did not think straight or rational anymore.

The girl returned his kiss, when he closed his muzzle over hers and he caressed her dugs, that softened a bit after her climax, and then turned her around again, bringing her back into position for another round.

The girl did not fight him, even before he bit down on her neck again. She even met his push with her own, making his base clash at her pussy with a wet smack and his balls swing against her drenched clit.

The girl clearly had taken a liking to their action but most likely, her heat was just awaking and had her as much under control as it had him.

His pace increased and soon he was hammering the girl hard, producing loud squelching sounds every time he pushed in.

He could feel the hot juices inside her push past his member and against his balls every time he met her hips with his.

Her moans were suppressed by his paw over her muzzle. Even though he didn't do this consciously, his mind still took caution with their noises as he knew the other girls were still in the shower.

Little did he know, that they had been at mating so long, that the girls had long left the shower and now were searching for their older sister.

He did not notice, that the door softly split open and two pairs of eyes looked at their action on the bed with interest, holding their paws in front of their muzzles to not alarm the two felines inside the room.

Zoe for sure also did not notice any of that. She was occupied with moaning under Stu, pushing back against him, even though her pushes got weaker with each time they collided, and clamping around his barbed member in her orgasm.

His member was not uncomfortable for her anymore, but the scratching of his barbs triggered tingles of stimulation within her tunnel.

The girl did not think about anything but just concentrated on the feeling inside her. In theory, she had known about mating before. They had had sex ed in class, but all they learned was from a book and on the example of feral animals.

At this moment, Zoe learned about the pleasure of mating during her heat, totally disregarding and forgetting the risks that were linked to it.

Her heat was demanding and the male on her back was eager to provide. She achieved a strong orgasm, stronger than the last one, and his rubbing rod inside her kept it going for minutes, until he came to a rest again and the spurts inside her tunnel, that build up pressure until the seal of her cervix was not able to contain it and let it through to the previous load inside her womb, made her whimper in ecstasy again and when he pulled out she rolled back and forth on the bed on instinct.

Her brain did not process that this was the method, which feral feline females used to ensure that the sperm would reach the fallopian tubes and that it would help her to ensure her pregnancy. She learned this in class, but such thoughts did not cross her.

It was just the burning feeling inside her, and her heat, that was dictating her actions and her mind just swam in the sea of pleasure and soaked in every stimulation he caused her.

Zoe barely caught her breath after the second round and her muscles shivered when the big male turned her around again.

She felt his bite in her neck and her mind, that cleared up a bit, got dizzy again. The flesh, that pushed through her quivering folds, made her moan and mewl instantly and even though she barely kept her body up with her fatigued legs, she still pushed against his thrusts weakly.

The girl closed her eyes and concentrated just on the swirling feeling inside her body. When she opened her eyes in between, the worlds seemed to spin and therefore she quickly closed them.

Halfway through the act, her climax started again, and she felt every nub of his member that her insides clamped around and each little friction caused her inside to explode in jolts of pleasure.

Her tongue licked the paw that was held in front of her muzzle to return as much of affection as possible, but she barely noticed anything around her other than the weight on her back and the fire of pleasure inside her.

When the body on top of her stopped again, she felt fresh hot liquid pour into her womb. Her body was too exhausted to roll around, but she ensured before already that the semen was moved around in her womb.

Her insides felt a bit numb from the burning of pleasure that the liquid caused. She felt her womb fill to the brim and she even felt the liquid push into her fallopian tubes, making sure that all her eggs were washed with sperm.

Little did she realize, that at this very moment, a new live began to take roots inside her. She just dropped down on the bed exhausted, when the big male let her go and pulled out of her snatch.

Darkness caught up with her, but it was a warm darkness that felt good. She drifted off to sleep, exhausted but happy like she had never been before, not caring about anything else that happened around her.

Stu lay down next to the girl, looking at the red fur, the closed eyes, the tufts at the ears, the chest that moved with the steady breath of the sleeping girl and her slender hips.

Her snatch oozed his sperm and her own heated juices. Her legs lay limb on the bed just like her stubby tail.

A warm feeling of affection filled Stu, which he never felt before for a female. He softly caressed the cheeks and the neck of the girl, placed a kiss on her forehead and admired the beauty of the young girl.

Back in Europe, he had always been a rather shy fella. When he talked to girls or women, he never went further than a normal friendship.

Sure, he had his encounters of mating, at least once, but back then he had been in a drunk state and he did not even remember most of the night. He had for sure not felt any affection for the female back then, unlike now for Zoe, and all he remembered had been, that the girl back then had not been in heat, but they had just fooled around while being drunk.

Maybe this had been the reason why he had so little resistance against the heat of the girl.

He continued to caress the flank and the hind of the girl, carefully to not wake her up, and thought about what he had done.

Suddenly he heard some noises from the door and when he looked towards the entrance of the room, he noticed that the door was open a bit and he could spot some movement in the gap.

He just remembered, that he was not alone with the girl and he also realized what he had done. He had to make sure that the other girls would keep silent about this.

Softly, to not wake up the sleeping Zoe, he got up from the bed and put the blanket over the girl.

Then he went to the door quickly and pulled it open, seeing the surprised girls looking up to him in shock.

He placed a finger over his muzzle to show them to be silent to not wake their sister and pointed at another room at the end of the floor.

This was the guest room, where he planned to let the girls sleep.

The girls looked a bit in shock from being caught peeking, but they followed his direction and went ahead. Stu could see that the leg of Alexa was a bit wet under her tail and suspected, that the girls got aroused by watching him mate.

"So, you peeked at us?" he asked, when he closed the door behind them.

"We didn't mean to..." started Alexa, but he placed the finger back over his muzzle, looking at the door. "Let your sister sleep, she needs the rest." Was all he said and the girl nodded and lowered her voice.

"We didn't mean to peek. It is just that we were searching for Zoe and then there were noises and..." her voice faded, and Stu looked into her eyes that gazed upon the ground embarrassed.

"And you got interested in what we were doing?" he asked and both girls nodded. He could see a sparkle in their eyes that showed their interest.

"Okay, let's make a deal. When you promise me to not tell anyone, even your mother, what Zoe and I did or what we will do now, I will give you a small introduction, okay?" the girls nodded eagerly, and he smiled.

This seemed to be easier than he thought, at least if the girls really kept their words. He would caress them and maybe lick them a bit to make them feel good.

He did not know if the girls were old enough to feel it or take pleasure from being licked, but at least Alexa seemed to be able to get aroused.

"Okay..." he said and extended his paws to softly caress the cheeks of both girls, that sighed and giggled from his touch.

"Ladies, who wants to start?" Both of them wanted to start, apparently, and in the end, he decided that he would start with Ia.

The little lynx looked at him with big green eyes and smiled, when he caressed her head, her ears and her neck while placing soft kisses on her forehead, her cheeks and finally her muzzle.

It was a plain kiss, but he extended his tongue a bit and the girl even responded with a weak twist of her tongue while she closed her eyes.

He ran his paws over her back and his thumbs over her front. To his surprise, the girl's nubs were hard and her body shivered in pleasure from his touch.

When his paw went lower and finally reached her snatch, he could feel that the fur directly next to her pussy was damp and her lips were a bit wet from her arousal.

Stu broke the kiss and slowly moved his muzzle over her chest and belly, licking each teat, until he was over her snatch and lapped the girl juices off her girlhood.

The liquid did not have a strong taste like Zoe's, but he enjoyed it nonetheless. He felt her clit poking out after a few minutes and he even extended his tongue a bit between her folds and explored the inside of her vagina.

He could feel her hymen on the tip of his tongue and tasted a bit stronger taste than before. The girl got aroused quickly by his actions, something that surprised him a bit, seeing that she was a 6 years old girl.

He continued, while the girl tried to suppress her moans with her own paws, until he could feel the small body under him contract and the pussy splashing a bit of clear liquid right into his muzzle.

He tasted her sweet girl juices and licked once over her tail hole, the tail base and the snatch to clean them from the rest of the juices, before he got up and looked at the face of the girl.

She looked exhausted but happy and smiled big at him with glistering green eyes.

"My turn..." demanded Alexa and pushed his arm and he smiled at the eager girl. Her red eyes sparkled like Ia's and he could see the need and excitement in them.

He picked up Ia and put her at the head of the bed to make room for him to place Alexa on the bed and make out with her, while her sister, a bit sleepy, watched them.

Stu saw, that Alexa was aroused from the show already. The fur between her legs was drenched and her body shivered in anticipation, but he started slow.

Just when he caressed her head and ears while placing a deep kiss, which she returned with closed eyes, on her lips, he noticed the faint scent of the spicy heat. He wondered how the scent of Zoe traveled all the way through the corridor here, but maybe it was also just from the reminders on his dick, as he noticed now, that it grew bigger again, that he did not clean after the last encounter with Zoe.

He felt like he himself got more and more aroused, while he caressed the body of the girl and kept kissing her. His nostrils took in the more and more noticeable scent of heat and his dick maxed out soon.

Like with Ia, he moved down the body, licking each rock-hard teat of the girl, until he reached the puffy lips of the girl.

He directly saw, that the snatch was much different than her little sisters. Alexa's folds were puffed, like her big sister's, and they were soaked in her juices. Her clit was poking out strong and they quivered in anticipation.

It was then, when he took the first lick over her folds, that he noticed, that the scent and now also the taste came from Alexa and that the girl also got into heat.

He nearly forgot what he learned in school, that the age between 10 and 12 was usually the time young girls got into heat.

His mind just blanked with the taste of her heat on his tongue. Just like with her sister.

Before he realized it, he had the girl flipped, bit her scruff and already pushed into the girl, holding a soaked paw in front of her muzzle to muffle the screams and groans of discomfort, when he pushed through her hymen and made her a woman.

The pain and discomfort however did not last long, as the little girl soon moaned and chirped softly under his pushes and, much faster than her sister had, started to push against him.

The room was filled with his grunts, her muffled moans, the wet slurping and smacking sounds of her snatch whenever he collided with his base, and the huffing of the surprised Ia, who held her paw in front of her muzzle and watched how her second big sister got mated by Stu.

When Stu pushed in a last time, he felt the cervix tickle his tip and he let go of his goo inside the girl. He could feel the pressure building up and then suddenly the girl started to clamp around him and at the same time her inner barrier seemed to have opened and the pressure subsided with his sperm pushing onwards into her womb.

The girl climaxed hard around him and milked him for more and more spurts, before he finally was spent and pulled out, earning a mix of a groan and a moan from the girl, who, like her sister, directly started to roll around on the bed.

Stu did not wait long after the girl stopped rolling. He directly went back between her legs with his muzzle and lapped away her heated juice and the seed that tickled out of her snatch. From the quantity, most if it was kept in her womb.

The girl instantly flipped around and presented to him with her hips held high, her tail raised up and her red eyes looking over her shoulder with a longing fire in them.

Stu was too happy to comply to think about it a second time. He just jumped the girl again, bit down on her scruff and pushed his still erect member between her drenched and slippery folds.

This time he used a much faster pace and they finished much quicker, with her winning with her climax over him. He pulled out and while he watched the girl rolling around, he already got ready to jump her when she finally stopped.

He took the girl for another two times until her energy was exhausted and she dropped on the bed, not rolling around anymore, after his last fill.

He cleaned her up with his tongue and, like with Zoe, caressed the sleeping girl for a few minutes affectionately.

Her fur was not red like her big sisters, but had a lighter orange tone, but she looked just as pretty for Stu as her sister.

He just stopped caressing her flank, when he felt a small paw push his head.

"Me too..." came the demanding voice of Ia, who seemed close to tears and when he gazed into her green orbs, he saw a demanding, nearly begging, expression.

He could see, that the girl, even at her age, got aroused by the show he gave her and he smiled, getting a bit more clearheaded but still being a bit dizzy and aroused by the heat scent around him, that got stronger with each time he mated Alexa.

Under normal circumstances he would never have advanced on the 6 years old girl, but Stu was extremely horny and even though his mind cleared up, the scent around him made him think with other parts than his brain.

He placed a soft kiss on the muzzle of the little girl and pulled her into his arms, directly starting to run his paws over her back, the tail base and her ass.

One of his paws crawled around her body to her chest and belly and softly caressed her little teats. The girl closed her eyes, which made a tear in her eyes drop and run down her cheeks, and moaned when he hit her dugs.

With the other paw, he moved under her tail, caressed the tail base, her tail hole and slowly moved over to her pussy.

Her lips were damp from her arousal, even though they were clearly not as drenched as her sisters'.

Stu took his time to stimulate the little girl's tail hole and cunt for a few minutes, while continuing the kiss and the girl relaxed more and more in his arms.

Her girl juices began to flow a few minutes after he started to play with her clit and soon his paw was drenched in her liquid and he broke the kiss.

He moved his muzzle over her throat, chest and belly, licking each centimeter of the girl, especially her dugs, and finally tasting her sweet and very light girl juices, when his tongue ran over her clit, her folds and inside to caress her hymen.

It took him a few more minutes to draw a small climax out of the girl and he lapped at her juice greedily.

After he was satisfied with tasting her pussy, he went up with his muzzle again, making her squirm under his tongue that ran over each erect nipple, until he placed a deep kiss on her muzzle again.

He pulled his upper body into a sitting position and pulled the girl with him. He felt her legs and tail brush against his erect member and he was not able to wait any longer.

One paw moved into her scruff, pinching the pressure points in her neck. It did not have the same effect than when he would have bitten her with his fangs, but she relaxed and moaned into his muzzle from him pressuring the right points.

Then he hugged her and pushed her body down on his member, which soon parted her petite pussy and he could hear a soft muffled groan from the girl when his tip hit her hymen.

He did not stop there. Applying some extra pressure on her body, he pushed her over his member, earning a muffled screech into his mouth and the girl started to struggle from the pain.

She had no chance against his grip and him constricting her arms with his hug though. He impaled her more and more with each second until he could feel the twitching lips collide with his base and his balls being drenched by her juices.

He opened the eyes, that he closed for the advance, and looked at the wet green orbs of the girls, half open and overflowing from tears. But even seeing her cry did not make him stop.

He started to pull out, earning another muffled screech of the girl when his barbs scratched her narrow tunnel, that stretched over the limit already and then he pushed in again.

The girl lost her energy fast and stopped to struggle, while Stu moved his hips in a slow rhythm and pushed in and out of her small channel that slowly began to adjust to the stretching.

He felt like he could burst any time from the friction of the tight fit and he did not even listen to the groans, mixed with a few moans now and then, of the girl but just concentrated on the feeling on his member.

His pushes became faster and he even rose from the bed to stand in front of it, because he could push in harder this way, and the girl hung helpless in his arms, being bounced up and down by the movement of his hips.

Finally, he felt his member break through her second barrier. Her insides were so small that his member actually breached her cervix and he came to a rest with his tip poking at the back of her womb and let go of his stream.

Spurts after spurts entered into the weakly twitching girl and now that he held still, the groans vanished, and the girl only moaned weakly from the stimulations of his hot spunk inside her sensitive cavern.

"You are a big girl now." He whispered into her ear after he broke the kiss, but the girl did not respond. Her huffs became calmer and Stu noticed, that he exhausted all her energy and she drifted off to sleep.

He licked her face clean of the tears and smiled. Even though he now regretted a bit to take her by force like that, he also felt happy and fulfilled in mating with the youngest sister as well.

He took a look on the red and white fur of the girl. Where her sister had black fur at the belly, Ia had white fur. It looked kind of cute how she lay in his arms, impaled on his dick.

Stu ripped himself out of awing the little girl in his arms, when the scent of Alexa's heat tickled his nose. His member still was rock hard, and he was by far not done with his mating instinct yet.

He also remembered, that Zoe was sleeping in his room and he decided to relocate with these two.

Stu moved to the bed, with still holding Ia in his arms and made his penis move slightly inside her womb with each step, and pulled the older girl into his arms as well, grabbing the blanket with one paw.

This way he moved back to his own room, even though it was very hard with one girl impaled on his dick and the other one in his arm.

The overpowering scent of two kittens in heat made his dick twitch and he pushed his hips up a bit, earning a groan in sleep from Ia.

He carefully put the blanket on the ground, placed Alexa on it and then slowly pulled out of Ia, to make sure to not wake up the girl.

When he placed Ia next to Alexa, he smiled at the view of both kittens oozing his sperm. This view somehow made him proud.

Stu looked at his stiff penis and moved over to his bed, where Zoe still slept.

He did not take the time to wake her up slowly. He just rolled her around, pulled her hind up and moved her tail out of the way, which woke the girl up.

She moaned when he bit down on her scruff and pushed his member in. He did neither go slow nor soft. He hammered her hard but the girl, just waking up from her slumber, directly went into a heat crazy mode herself and moaned and chirped loud.

Stu did not bother to silence her moans with his paw, but just placed his paws next to hers and took the extra power to push hard into the girl.

His blissful loud grunt and her loud and long mewl when they came to a climax together woke up Alexa and when Stu pulled out and Zoe rolled around on the bed, he directly moved over to Alexa, who driven by her heat was on all fours already, presenting her pussy to him, and mounted up with the 10 years old lynx girl.

For the first few goes with them, they still rolled around after he dismounted, but with the night dragging on and their exhaustion piling up, the girls just lay down after they felt his member leave and watched him take their sister.

Ia was so exhausted, that she slept through all of this, not waking up from the noised, but the two older sisters were mated countless times by him and their wombs brimmed from his spunk and it dripped out of their snatches whenever he was not inside them.

It was already morning, when he finally pulled the cover over all of them. His penis was still half erect inside the snatch of Zoe, who slept on his chest, and Alexa and Ia snuggled up with each side of him, while he had his paws on their asses and felt their slimy and wet fur on the legs.

They all slept deep and long until noon.

Stu woke up feeling hot and sweaty. Something warm and cuddle lay on top of him and at each side.

It took a minute before Stu remembered what happened this night. The scent, that crawled up from under the cover, made him remember as well as his slowly rising dick, that had hidden in his pouch during the sleep.

Stu ignored the wet and sticky feeling on his belly and nethers from the girl on his chest, that emptied her womb over him when his member slipped out, as well as the wet feeling on his paws, that still were placed on the hind of the younger girls.

For a short moment, Stu felt remorse for his actions the last night, but the heat scent had his mind swim in arousal fast and pushed away any guilt or morals and left him horny and ready to go again.

He entangled his arms and used his paws to softly caress the back of Zoe on top of him, slowly earning moans as the girl woke up as well.

It was lucky, that Stu had free until after the weekend, but in this moment, he would hot have cared if it had been different.

"Good morning my lovely kitten." He whispered and placed a kiss on the muzzle of Zoe, who returned it sleepy but woke up much faster now and opened her yellow eyes to look into his.

Her gaze still showed her half-asleep state and Stu caressed her sticky tail base and her back while the kiss slowly woke her up more and more.

When Zoe's eyes were fully opened and softened from the stimulation and arousal the girl felt, he pushed his hips up, aiming for her drenched honey pot, and pierced through her lips into her tunnel.

His mind got consumed by the wonderful tight feeling of her around him and the hot snatch he pushed into.

The girl just moaned into his muzzle and closed her eyes again, while he used his arms to push her against his tosses and his penis pushed to the base into her tunnel until both trembled in preparation of their orgasm.

His contracting balls and spurts inside her snatch happened at the same time she contracted around him and twitched. She milked him of all he had to give this morning and without pulling out he just stayed inside her, slowly letting his spunk ooze out and inside the girl, while he was still locked in the continuing kiss with the girl and now caressed her neck, her ears and her head.

They had two more unified climaxes before Stu broke the kiss and licked over the face of the girl lovingly, waiting for his member to soften and retreat after finally pulling out.

"You are wonderful." He whispered and placed a kiss on the nose of the girl, which only smiled exhausted. Stu lay there for another 10 or 15 minutes, caressing the girl, now and then licking her nose and softly whispering sweet words into her ears, until his dick finally retreated for most parts, only poking out a bit from his sticky pouch.

"I think we need a breakfast." He finally stated and pulled the cover away to get up. The other two girls still slept deep and even Zoe seemed to be sleepy again. He placed her between her sisters and covered them with the blanket again.

"Get a good rest." He said to the girl, that already closed her eyes again and exited the room.

After turning on the coffee and putting some buns into his oven, setting the right time on the timer, he decided to take a shower.

Under the shower he finally could get the heat scent out of his nose and the sticky, half dried, fluids out of his fur.

He had some time to think about what happened. He clearly had not been himself this night and this morning. He never would have thought, that a bit of heat would make him do something like this.

The remorse came up again. He was even more remorseful, as he did not really regret what happened. It felt wonderful and he loved the three kittens and mating them.

But he also felt like he took advantage of them or forced them. True, the older two girls very quickly even demanded him and pushed back against him, but it had been him who forced them in the first place.

As an adult, or at least nearly, he should have controlled himself better. That it had been the first time he experienced a heat firsthand and so close or that his instincts just took over was no excuse. He wasn't a feral after all. He should know better than just letting instinct rut.

Stu sighed and turned off the shower after his last rinsing. No matter how much he felt guilty for the actions of last night, it would not undo his actions. He already was in a lot of trouble and pondering about it would not change anything.

Before heading to the kitchen again, he poked his head into his bedroom and saw that the girls slowly got up. The room reeked of sex and heat and he moved in to open the windows a bit.

"You can take a shower and then come for breakfast." He told them, before he left them alone. For some reason he tried to avoid for the moment to be with them in a room reeking of heat, as he felt his member push out of his pouch again.

Shortly after he heard the shower starting, but the girls seemed to not make much noises and it was rather silent other than the running water.

Stu prepared the table with everything for the breakfast: the buns, the coffee, some cocoa for the kids, marmalade, bacon, cheese, chocolate cream and even milk and cereals.

After that, he got the clothes, eh washed the day before, out of the washing machine and put them on the line in the garden to dry.

Luckily no one was watching him, because he only noticed when he got back into the house, that he still was naked.

The moment he stepped into his dining room, the girls already entered it, just as naked as he was. They seemed to be a bit conscious about being naked now.

"Good morning." He greeted them all and made a gesture around the table. "I hope you like it. I did not know what you like to eat for breakfast."

The girls slowly got a bit livelier, even though Stu could see that they still were a bit exhausted. Where Ia seemed to feel sore and moved funny, the others seemed more bothered by their heat and not only did he see them dripping their juices already before they sat down, but the scent of their heat also started to fill the room and mixed with the scent of the freshly baked buns and the coffee.

Stu pondered the whole breakfast, which was rather silent, even though the girls looked awake now, what he should do. The damage was done, he already did it. Even more, the two older girls were in heat, so it was very likely that there would be consequences.

He did not come to a conclusion, fixing the last night. His mind, more and more corrupted by the scent of heat that mixed in the room, concluded, that he had done it already and that there would be no difference if he would continue.

He just made a promise to himself to make sure that he would not force them to anything they did not want to do. He was sure, that the kitten in heat would not deny him a few more matings, but he would be careful on how to approach Ia. He did have two kittens in heat after all.

When the breakfast was over and he rose from his seat, his member was rock hard and poking out visibly, quickly catching the attention of the girls.

He moved to Ia and gave her a kiss on her forehead. He noticed, that the girl closed her eyes seemingly a bit frightened.

Zoe returned his kiss and her eyes, even though they were closed, showed more of an affection, but not as much as Alexa's eyes. When he bent down to kiss her, the eyes glistered in affection and her expression showed both embarrassment and excitement.

Stu held the kiss and reached down to pick up the girl. When he pulled her up with his paws under her hind, he noticed that her tail was pushed far out of the way, making his fingers brush over her puffed and soft folds, and she was drenched and dripping so strong, that her chair was wet.

It was clear, that the heat was guiding the girl and she wanted this as much as he did and without hesitation, totally ignoring all this previous thoughts, he pushed her over his hard member, pushing deep into her twitching tunnel that swallowed his member up to the base and had him tickle her cervix with his tip, and then established a fast and hard pace of pushing up into the girl while both broke the kiss and moaned in pleasure.

It did not take him long to reach his climax and shortly after he stopped and pushed more of his spunk into her, she also moaned load and started to milk him to revive his spurts.

He suddenly felt a tongue licking his balls and when he looked down, he saw Zoe licking away the liquid that dripped from his member and balls and she even got Ia involved, who imitated her sister but was much less excited about the taste.

Stu just stood there, his member deep inside the twitching girl, and felt a new orgasm build up from the licks of the two tongues. He waited it out until he did small spurts inside Alexa again. Then he pulled out and placed her on the ground, where she began to roll around like in the last night.

The tongues still lapped around his member and Zoe even took it into her muzzle and suckled on it, while Ia, now a bit more enthusiastic, licked his balls clean of the spunk that spilled over them.

When Stu felt arousal peeking up again and his still rock hard member twitched a bit, he pulled away from Zoe and made her crouch down for him, before he mounted her, biting her scruff, and hammered her even harder than Alexa before, until he filled her two times as well and she was rolling next to her sister.

Stu did not realize the time passing this day. He took the two kittens in heat in alternation and every now and then, he licked Ia. The little girl also started to like licking his spunk and the heat juice of her sisters from his fur or member and he taught her how to lick and suck him off.

Later, Stu moved to the living room and then even back to his bedroom, where he had to put new sheets on first, and continued the rut through the whole day.

The girls were full of energy after the long rest and held up much longer. When they got a bit exhausted, they just rested when he took the other girl in heat and therefore lasted much longer.

Stu himself had to rest a few times from the act, and every time Ia took his attention away, demanding to be pleasured by his tongue and licking him back. The girl seemed to like the feeling of getting licked to an orgasm by him.

Only in the late evening, after they had some pizza as a dinner, Stu started to mix it up a bit. He took the girls in heat in the ass, and even Ia once, before he remembered his promise to himself to not force the girl.

On the next day, a Saturday, he knew no bounds with all three girls anymore. Ia came around slowly, being less sore now, and he even had some careful actions with her snatch and her tail hole in between, but most of the time he was humping the older girls. Their heat was slowly declining, but it was still on.

The clothes, that he had hung up outside, rested in a drawer now. He had not approached the girls to wear them and they did not ask. It felt natural, and was much more convenient taking their actions the whole day, to not wear any clothes.

It was only at Sunday, the heats of the girls were at the end and they did not feel as horny anymore, that Stu slowly calmed down and reason and remorse gripped him again.

In addition, their mother was to return soon and so he made sure to shower the girls, which involved a bit of fingering by him and a lot of moans from the girls, and made sure they put on their underwear and costumes.

He put the rest of all his candy into the bags of the girls and reminded them, that they should not talk to anyone about what happened.

"This will be our secret, okay?" he asked and the girls nodded. "Not even mom?" asked Ia, who looked up to him with a questioning gaze but a smile.

"Well, I think I should tell your mom." Stu finally answered her. He had thought about it the full morning and he concluded, that there was no way around confessing to their mother. Sure, this would most likely mean that his American dream would end up in a cell in jail, but at some point it would come out anyways, because he was sure the two older girls were pregnant with his kids.

"Let me talk to her first, okay?" he asked them, and they nodded again. To be honest, Stu was a bit afraid of the talk with their mother.

He was afraid of the consequences, but if he wanted to support the girls, when they got their cubs, he had to let her in on what he did at some point. He knew the chances were slim for her not directly calling the cops, but if she would, it would just be his punishment for going overboard and losing to the heat of the girls.

Even though he was afraid, he felt that he had to act responsible and take his remorse and guilt and lay it in front of the woman that would have to support the girls through their pregnancy.

The talk with their mother came faster than he wished it would. She got there a bit early and after she thanked him for taking care of her girls and she saw how happy they were, he asked her to talk under four eyes and confessed.

Her reaction was just like he imagined. She was shocked and smacked him before taking her girls and storm out, giving him an announcement that she would call the cops.

Stu felt half scared and half relieved. It had been a burden on his mind, and it felt good to tell it to their mother. It made his guilt feel a bit less heavy, but his mind also was consumed by the fear that the policy would storm his house soon.

This evening, he looked out of the window for the blue and red lights every minute. Once he winced when a police car passed his house with siren and a fast pace, but it did not stop but continued down the road.

Worried and troubled he went to bed. He had thought about running away and trying to hide from the police, but then again, he could not go near any airport if they were looking for him and he did not know the country good enough to be aware of places to hide.

The next day, he went to work but he had trouble to concentrate. Somehow he managed to not mess up and was happy, when he could drive back.

In front of his house, someone waited for him already, but it was not the police. It was Mrs. Lanister.

The Lynx woman had a stern look and just beckoned him closer with her fingers and pushed him inside his house after he unlocked the door.

"You know, I should have called the cops, right?" he was surprised. He thought she had done this already and it felt a bit like a relive that she seemed to have decided against it.

"If not for my girls, you would be in a stinking jail right now. They begged me to not do it and they told me that it was fun for them in the end..." he looked at her hopeful but winced when she raised her voice. "... however! You did force yourself on them and we confirmed that you knocked up the older two." He lowered his gaze. Surely, she would make them have an abortion and then the police will get wind of what happened after all.

"I brought up an abortion with them, but they said they wanted to keep it. I do not know what they see in you, but it seems they love you and it would break their heart if you would go away."

Hope sparked in Stu. She would not mean that she would approve of what he did, would she?

"I still do not approve of you." His heart sank again. "But it is for my girls. You need to be punished in another way." Stu knew that he would accept any punishment for his action. He had been prepared for jail even.

"From now on, you will not only help to care for the girls and their cubs, but you will help me through my heats and whoever I invite." Stu got big eyes. This was something he would never have guessed.

"And you will use this!" she said and tossed him a pack of condoms. "Can't having you knock me up. You will just be a relieve for me." And with that she undressed in front of him and her scent got all around him.

I was a matured heat scent, much spicier and stronger than the scent of the girls. Stu felt how his member crept out of his pouch.

Mrs. Lanister used him the whole evening, before she returned to her girls to tuck them into bed. She was the one in control, demanding different positions from him and having him lick her to orgasm twice, like a dominatrix.

Over the next months, Stu became the sex toy of Mrs. Lanister and she made true what she announced.

Whenever she was in heat, he had to serve her lust and urges and she even invited a few of her colleagues, that were single, to get laid by him and feel release.

Sure enough, they all used contraception and had him wear condoms most of the time, but Stu did never complain.

He also regularly saw the girls and every now and then, Zoe or Alexa hit the hay with him. He loved to caress their big bellies when he was spurting inside them and caressed their body. The affection of the girls was real, and they made him hold up with everything their mother threw at him.

His task as a sex toy only lightened, when the cubs of the girls were born and over the years, the relationship with Mrs. Lanister normalized and they became a happy family, but this is a totally different story.