Thirteenth Hour

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#13 of Cam Wolves

2288 Words

The thirteenth part of the Cam Wolves saga. Snow returns, prepared for the challenge of becoming alpha, and while they all celebrate, she puts on the line why it is she does it.

Sorry if this part gets preachy, it's a pet peeve of mine... Also, warning, heavy watersports and unadulterated cheesiness.

Also also, apologies, I wanted to get the final part out by midnight for the rest of the world, so that it was posted on the right time, but... It'll probably only end up posted by midnight my time. shrugs Still, the breeding part of the cam wolves will end tonight, just... later. Though this isn't the last of this group, that much I promise.

Hey, if you like what you're reading, please support me! Details here: Or, if that's too hard, just head there directly: or

Weeks passed, and more and more Lazar found himself called up to Thor's penthouse as a party guest, or rather, a party favor... though he never said no. Every time was a chance to scope out the competition for Snow, plus, it was an incredible amount of fun to be passed around by so many wolves, filled and marked and stuffed... He always had to spend the next day cleaning up, but it was worth it.

Every single party seemed to be a meeting of alphas, wolves with pets and a desire to be on top, pulling the leashes of all the other wolves beneath them. And every single one, without fail, ended with Thor on top of a pile of well fucked, well marked wolves all moaning with pleasure beneath their new alpha. Each time Lazar found himself in the middle of the fur pile, he had the same thought: would he want to be a pet? Would it be so bad to just submit to this life of decadence, used and tossed aside?

The answer was always no, he didn't want to be a pet. It was so much more rewarding to work with his pack. Ginger and Raven had teamed up on many of their streams, debunking beauty myths, gathering information on the wolves, and generally having an amazing time, and whenever Lazar could, he joined in as well. His favorite one, so far, was the time the three of them were all playing Mario Kart while having sex. It was a battle royale with two ways to win: Either come in first or cum last. Lazar was the best racer, with Ginger a close second, but both ended up losing in the end to Raven's talented fingers and incredible pussy. She was rewarded with all the gold she could handle, that night and the next.

In fact, Raven was getting rewarded quite often, and any night she prowled, she came back smelling like half the city. But she was gathering information for Snow as well, and she shared her fun facts with Lazar as the two cuddled in the shower, cleaning up the mess of the night. While there were quite a few alphas making their way to Thor's place, there were far more still roaming the streets, having fun and doing their thing. It seemed Thor had a focus on the alphas with pets, while those in groups like Lazar's trio were completely off his radar.

It explained a lot of things, including why Snow was never invited, though, as the end of October rapidly approached, Lazar realized that she'd been missing for a while. He scrolled through his phone until he found her number, and he caught her mid-rutting, the moans unmistakable, even though it was midday when he called. "Snow, are you okay? You've been gone for a while. You're coming back to visit your pack, right?"

The moans and pants on the other end continued in the background as Snow's calm voice came over the line. "Oh, didn't you know? I'm in London right now. I took a little trip, but I'll be back on the 30th. I'll meet you then." She hung up, but texted a picture of herself knot-deep in a wolfess howling out to the sky. Lazar pouted, jealous that his alpha was having fun so far away from him, but he had to admit... it was hot as hell.

The night of the 30th had Lazar and the girls on a special stream to welcome home Snow. All of them had gone out drinking, and now were sitting in front of the cameras, holding onto their bladders while Ginger explained to the camera the pros and cons of watersports and holding in their pee. "While the pressure build up can be quite fun, do be careful. You can cause injury to yourself if you aren't careful, and it increases the risk of UTIs and kidney infections. If you're at risk for them, don't bring yourself to a desperate state like we are."

She said it all quite calmly, but her tail was tucked between her legs, which were squirming under her. Meanwhile, in the back, Raven had Lazar's cock in her dark muzzle, swirling her tongue around it and teasing while her tail wagged high, her knees locked together to hold in what she had. Lazar was groaning, his boner locking away the pee in his bladder, but that wasn't lessening his need to go at all.

Suddenly, as Ginger was thanking a donator, she squeaked, stepping back into the camera with a sheepish grin. Liquid gold was running through her paws, soaking into the fur down her legs and pooling just off camera as she shuddered and continued to try to speak in a shaky voice. "Th-the benefits of wetting yourself are ~ooooh~ an increased feeling of ssssensitivity and... and.... mmm..."

It was almost on cue that Raven slipped her muzzle free of Lazar, sliding under Ginger with her mouth open and pulling the sinking wolfess to the floor, lapping at her folds while she relieved herself, much to the shock of the peeing wolfess. But Lazar grinned, moving behind her and whispering in her ear. "If you think that's hot, just wait until you see what she asked me to do." He knelt down, lifting up Raven's legs and getting a small thumbs up from the wolfess under her pack. Slowly his cock relaxed enough that he was able to focus on it, breaking the seal on his own inner dam and washing Raven's nether lips in it. Only for a moment, though, because he then thrust inside, making a wet moan rock from Raven's lips and through Ginger's body.

He felt it pouring into her, filling her up a little, before it rushed out around his length, spraying out over his own nuts and down onto her fur. She released herself as well, the growing puddle of their combined marking spreading across the floor, all of them too lost in their own worlds to talk.

The door creaked open, a familiar chuckle floating over the room. "What, I leave for a few days and you all forget what liquid is supposed to go where." All three lovers immediately hopped to attention, tails wagging, ears perked, even as their bodies finished emptying what they had on the ground. At the door, looking confident and sexy, was Snow, her cock out prominently and her white fur pristine, unlike the three of them, all of whom were stained at least a little yellow. She walked over, looking at the three. "Ginger, still doing your thing, I see. And greenfang, as eager as always. But Raven..." She walked behind the dark wolf, tugging her tail up. "If you're really so eager, well... you should be lucky my first stop was here. Ginger, clean up your mess on her lips. Lazar, you know where to be."

Ginger moved in front of Raven, the two girls sharing a deep, loving kiss, while Lazar got behind Ginger, his cock slowly sliding into her wet, tight pussy. Meanwhile, Snow dove into Raven's ass, eliciting a gasping, shuddering groan from the wolfess... and then her eyes went wide, even with her lips locked with Ginger's. Soon a trickle ran out of her ass, drooling down her stained thighs, while Snow's tongue lolled out. "I've always wanted to do this... I'm so happy greenfang found you." She thrust slowly in and out, squishing wetly as she kept relieving herself the whole time.

Raven moaned deeply, her body clamping around Snow, arousal and piss dripping from her pussy and ass as everything inside her was pushed out, her whole body submitting to her pack. She kissed Ginger passionately, their tongues swirling while Ginger was rutted into, Lazar's cock beginning to knot already, aroused from the whole scene. Soon enough Raven was gasping and yelping, Snow's stream slowing down, but her rutting thrusts only speeding up as she claimed the young wolfess's ass.

The small wolf pack groaned and moaned on camera, all pretense of whatever information they were giving long gone as they simply celebrated being together, the wet slapping sounds of sex and moans echoing through the house and captured on the streams. Raven was the first to cum, howling out her pleasure into Ginger's mouth as she shuddered and shook, followed by Ginger and Lazar, a gush of feminine arousal squirting out past his knot and landing on the camera's lens. Snow took a little longer, surveying her pack, before she fully knotted Raven's ass, dumping her seed into the submissive bitch and purring all the while.

As she came, she winked at the camera. "Sorry to cut our time short, folks, but I'm sure they'll be able to pick it up tomorrow." She then nodded to Ginger, who, through her haze, cut the cameras on them, shutting down the streaming, though not the recording, as all of them stayed in wolf form. Snow smiled, gently moving her knot within Raven's body. "You're getting quite clever with all of this. A month has done you all so well." Her voice was like a pat on the back, all of their tails wagging when they heard it. She smiled. "So, I have a question for you all: Who would you say is in charge of your pack, not counting me."

There was a moment as they all thought about it, then they began to point. Raven pointed at Ginger, Ginger pointed at Lazar, and Lazar pointed at Raven, shrugging as he did. Raven looked surprised. "Why me? She's the one who always seems to determine what we're doing for streams."

"Nonsense, I wouldn't be doing any of this without Lazar! And his ideas are the most fun anyway. Besides, don't you love his knot?" Ginger shot back.

Raven smirked. "Of course I do. But I love him anyway, with or without it. Just feeling him inside me makes me..." She shuddered, her body clamping around Snow's knot.

Lazar nodded. "That's why it's you. You keep me sane when I'm out there doing my stuff. I always know I can come home and be loved by you two, even when Snow was gone... I wasn't just some fuckpet, I was an alpha, but I'm nothing without my pack."

Snow smiled warmly at that, even as she tugged her knot free, letting Raven flop to the ground in the huge mess of fluids shared by the group. "That's what I like to hear! Now, you all know I want to be top alpha in the city, right?" They nodded, and she sighed. "I bet you think I'm selfish for it, don't you?"

Lazar shook his head. "No way. After dealing with Thor's group... They seem selfish for it. Wanting to make everyone under them pets they control."

Snow pointed at him. "Greenfang, I love you. Yes, that's it exactly. You see, I went to the other cities, seeing what they're like under their alphas. London, as you know, was where I was second in command... the male who took charge, he thinks like you. Like me. Everyone should make packs that support each other, treat each other like equals... The wolves, largely, should be free to do their own thing, express themselves... be amazing streamers sharing their gifts with the world." She started turning off cameras, leaving only one rolling, which she naturally played to.

"The wolves in the other cities... they were like Thor. They wanted to be on top, make everyone else their bitch, subjugating them. You know what I noticed? Less streams. Less variety, just tons of fucking and moaning, subs on leashes and doms on top. And while it's sexy as hell, don't get me wrong... It's so limiting. We are on the cusp of something new, a type of existence the world has never actually seen! How could we limit it to just sex and the will of a few?" She turned off the last camera, and slowly the four went from very messy wolves to very messy people, though the other three, now that Lazar's knot were gone, all sat watching Snow with rapt attention.

She smiled, looking them in the eyes. "Tomorrow night we'll find out where the meeting place is. A celebration of the end of the breeding season, and by midnight, we'll have an alpha. I have been steeling my mind so that it is me, since none of you are truly up for being the head alpha. But... Tomorrow, have fun. Do everything you want with the whole group. Don't limit yourself in any way, except one: We get a good night's sleep and we prepare for tomorrow night." She sat down and held hands with the group, looking them in the eyes. "But most importantly, don't let the magic of this pack fall... We have something special. Even if Thor wins the title, we have to keep challenging him in years to come. It's too precious for us not to."

Lazar, Ginger, and Raven all nodded, squeezing their hands together as they promised wordlessly. What this group had was amazing, far better, in Lazar's opinion, than a simple master-pet bond... He wasn't going to give it up, no matter what.

Snow chuckled, kissing them each on the cheek. "You're wonderful, my pack. Now, clean up, then rest up. I'll go get the bed ready." The other three hopped up gleefully, running to the shower almost like children celebrating the return of their favorite babysitter. Snow just sighed happily, heading to the bedroom to take care of them. That eagerness, that joy... that was what she was protecting. She wasn't going to let herself fail.

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