test report

Story by Isaac Cahn on SoFurry

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#6 of Writing group challenges

hey for this weeks prompt is: What happens when a 'first time' doesn't go as planned?

this sounded like an RP i did awhile back so i got in contact with firewolf832 (link here to his FA http://www.furaffinity.net/user/firewolf832/ ) and asked if it was okay to use our RP session for this story. he agreed and i asked if i can use one of his characters as well, Reese Ventus. he agreed so i decided to add him to the story. all other characters are property of me


To Doctor Hersay Hide,

This is to regard of to the tests we have recently ran regarding a vitamin supplement and muscle growth. I was told by my supervisor that any abnormality we notice during testing should be submitted in single letter form directly to you. One had an odd reaction that we had no anticipated and need to be addressed before we move onto the next stage of developing as it can affect the funding of the project and any future development. The person was the first one out of all the other volunteers so we had to stop testing immediately.

The subject in question is a 25-year old behemoth by the name of Isaac Cahn. He came in quite early in the day, between the hours of 7:00 to 8:00 am for early testing. He said that he had plans for later and wanted to get the stuff over with.

At the time he arrived there was only two people at testing zone. Doctor Reese Ventus, in charge of the exam itself, and me, Abe Malone who is in charge of recording the results. Despite being short staffed we decided to go ahead with the testing.

We started the physical collect his basic health info, which I have attached to this report. The only thing worth noting at the time was that he was slightly overweight for his size. Besides that, he is average health. He takes medication for anxiety but that should not have any effect on the test.

Next, we ran a series of physical tests to have a control data, which I also attached to this report. He performs as expected and we got the control data. Nothing to note as odd. After we had him rest for thirty minutes as we were instructed to, we gave Mr. Cahn the experimental supplement.

That is when we notice a change to Mr. Cahn physical appearance. Immediately after taking it, Mr. Cahn complained of pain but couldn't explain where it was coming from. In his own words he described it as both an 'ache and burning sensation'. Dr. Ventus immediately rendered aid to Mr. Cahn, believing it was just an allergic reaction to the medication. However, the pain Mr. Cahn was experiencing kept getting worse. We could tell from the loud screams he was doing.

During his screams we also heard a sick crackling noise from Mr. Cahn's body. We didn't notice it till it was too late but his body was changing. Both Dr. Ventus and I just stared at his body as he changes. I honestly can't get the sound of his screams and bones crackling out of my mind as I write it.

We don't know how long the process last. Only that when he was done, he was changed. His body was not the one he came in with. He was now a quadrupedal behemoth. Mr. Cahn was not happy with this development at all, the string of curse words only solidifies his statement.

Thinking quickly, I decided to lock all doors while Dr. Ventus gives the test subject an examination. Mr. Cahn seemed to keep his intelligence and ability to speak while he transformed. During the examination we made a couple of major discoveries.

The first was that he had not either lost or gained any mass during the process.

The second was he seemed to also become a female during the process. A fertile female behemoth releasing strong pheromones in the enclosed place had an immediate affect on both of us. Before either Dr. Ventus or I realized it, we were sticking our tongues into Mr. Cahn's new virginial cavity.

During that time Dr. Ventus proved the more adventurous one of us as he was the first one to place his penis into Mr. Cahn. The doctor was well equipped for it and Mr. Cahn was prepared for it. The sight of Dr. Ventus fucking Mr. Cahn will be with me forever. The sounds, the smells, everything.

After having his fill of the vagina, I had a turn. What I felt when I slid my dick in was a real vagina. A wet, thick, silky pussy begging for seed. I couldn't control myself and ejaculated in Mr. Cahn.

But we didn't stop. The next few hours were just a blur of lust and sex. When we weren't fucking Mr. Cahn, Dr. Ventus and I took turns sending out emails to co-workers and volunteers about cancelling the project.

Dr. Ventus is having Mr. Cahn stay with him during the night in case he changes back.

We do not understand if this is a permanent change or if this is temporary, but regardless we need to have this phenomenon looked into. I am asking you for the notes you used during this process and help us change Isaac Cahn back to normal.

Please respond when able


Abe Malone