RE2 Leon's Partner (Synopsis)

Story by TerranTB on SoFurry

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#1 of RE2 Leon's Partner

This is the beginning of an series that tells the story of one of the Umbrella Corporations experiments gone wrong. Hopefully you find it enjoyable, this was a spur of the moment idea I had upon waking up that I felt I had to write out. This is set in the beginning of the Raccoon city incident in the Resident Evil universe.

The G-Virus was a powerful highly unstable biological weapon that nobody really understood. The most important thing the creators knew was that it changed humans and animals into beasts that were extremely hard to kill. They of course wanted to use the virus to their advantage by making the perfect soldier that always listened to orders and never died. Now, if you caught the unstable part you should have some idea why this was a bad idea. The virus affected different people in different ways, some slowly morphed into a pile of semi-living flesh on the ground. Others however it changed into a near perfect soldier just like they originally wanted. Now like I said they were 'near' perfect.

The Tyrant was a type of 'super' soldier they managed to make that was allot stronger than anything they had ever seen and was slightly dumber than the average person making it subservient to them for a time. After a while it grew smarter as it mutated, and even started questioning why it was following someone else's orders, before it went rogue. Imagine a 7' 6" nearly indestructible man with a large bone claw for an arm, now add in the strength to lift and toss 17,000 lbs like it's nothing. Add in a mind of it's own and down goes the Umbrella Corporation. Now there was more to their fall that just a couple of rogue experiments but you get the idea, they made something they couldn't control and failed to protect it.

Now, I know you're probably questioning who I am and how I know all this but have patience for I am getting there. I have a story to tell and it's not a fun one; it contains life, death, love, and loss. You should make yourself comfortable cause this is going to be a long ride.