RE2 Leon's Partner Pt.1

Story by TerranTB on SoFurry

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#2 of RE2 Leon's Partner

In the beginning things were hectic to say the least. My story begins in a time before I became wha- no, who I am today. Before this all started my life was simple, I woke up, ate, exercised, ate again, then went back to sleep. Those were the good old days with just me and my handler, who I considered a friend, having fun and causing trouble. He was a tall blond man that just about the sweetest man you'd ever meet, he was always so trusting even from the beginning when I had him pinned to the ground within an inch of death. A simple flick of my wrist and he would have been dead before anyone else could have done a thing.

Instead of struggling he allowed me to pin him down and even held the others off with quick words of caution. As calm as could be he said something along the lines of 'If she wanted me dead, I'd be dead. Stay back.' Even back then before I became what I am now I thought his reaction to be unique, so close to death yet able to think rationally enough to not freak out. Had he fought me me or tried to get free I'd more than likely have killed him and I had fully intended to regardless of the consequences. I'm glad I didn't.

This man understood that my reaction was caused by the sudden surprise of being surrounded. He saw through my hesitation and felt he could trust me with his life. At the time I remember feeling confused by his reaction and how he held his hands in a submissive manner while speaking in an odly soothing voice. I couldn't understand him at the time but he was so calm and kept a soft smile on his face, all the while I was feeling a bit more relaxed. I had moved off of him allowing him to sit up while I planned an escape route between the six gun toting men.

He must have noticed my plan to make a run for it as he laid a hand gently on my head when I was watching a rather small man shaking in obvious fear of me. I was startled by the sudden contact and jerked to face him with a glare and a snarl starting to form on my lips. He kept calm and simply smiled again slowly trailing his hand down my head before patting my back and standing up. He always seemed to find a way to surprise me with his actions back then.

At the time I had no idea that this was the beginnings of a wonderful relationship that would last for many years. Knowing what I know now, I doubt I would change anything even if I could. Skipping ahead to just a few years ago he and I were inseparable, we both loved each other even though at the time I didn't know what love was. We were both happy living our lives mostly together, sometimes he would stay with me at my home but I could never stay at his home. We respected and trusted each other enough to let our guards down when it was just the two of us, he never carried a weapon and I went out of my way to make sure I never accidentally hurt him. We were about as close as any two creatures could ever get. We were equals.

Then one day 'they' came. I'm not very sure what happened even to this day but he was called out of my enclosure, my home, by his boss for something important. We said our usual goodbyes, he hugged me while petting my back. While I leaned into him laying my head onto his shoulder. It was a regrettably short goodbye considering it was the last time I ever saw him. Not that I knew that at the time.

That goodbye is one of the things I will never forget, he is someone I will never forget. He took me in when I had nowhere else to go, my pack had left me behind as a form of banishment. I don't remember why, in fact I don't remember much from before I met my human friend. In case you haven't figured it out yet I am not a human, especially now. I don't even know what I am now..

Before my world ended I was considered a Panthera Onca. Now do you see why this man was so unique? He get pinned by a black panther in the middle of an equatorial rainforest near Nepal with no way of rescue should he be injured, and yet he never fought against it. He probably even saved us both when he told the other humans to back off, had they have made a move towards me I'd have killed him and most likely have been shot afterwards. They had stumbled upon me by accident and cornered me without even knowing. I reacted, and you know the rest of that story.

All that time, effort, and money he put towards helping to keep me alive was almost wasted when a poacher nearly killed me. That's when he decided to bring me back to his home city where he could watch over me and spend as much time with me as possible. He got a job at Raccoon Cities only zoo where I was housed for the rest of my life. I no longer consider myself as a living being, more on that later.

On that final day, after our final goodbye, I was taken by the Umbrella Corporation. I was poked prodded and tested several times within the first few hours of my capture. Believe me I didn't just let them do this without a fight, no I took out 3 of their "trainers" before being tranquilized and killed 4 of their scientists when I woke up in the middle of one of their first tests. They apparently liked that I had such ferocity as they tranquilized me again rather than kill me.

Within the first 14 hours I was being dosed with small amounts of what I now know as the G-Virus, which had yet to be tested on animals. They kept me heavily sedated for who knows how long before the fall of Raccoon City. I don't remember much of that time only that whenever I was at least partially awake I felt nothing but pain. I now realize that this was because I was slowly rotting on the inside and changing into the creature I am today.

I used to think of myself as a monster because of what I turned into, but I now realize it's my actions that decide what I am, not how I look. I'm no longer the slim 140 lbs jaguar I used to be, I'm easily four times as heavy and about the size of a large horse. I'm now much faster and stronger than ever before, also smarter obviously. I am somehow sapient, the fact that I even know what that word means should be impossible. I have changed a great deal since that day but I won't be explaining in great detail just yet, you'll find out after a time. I still don't know why I am able to think and understand just like the average human, an unforeseen side effect or perhaps an act of God, who knows.

After the fall of the Umbrella Corporation I managed to escape my imprisonment though I wasn't fully 'aware' at the time. When I first escaped I was filled with pure unfiltered rage and killed anything that moved, humans, undead, lickers, and even a Tyrant. They never stood a chance against me, I was unstoppable.