Unnamed Mousie - Ch 17: At the Guildhall

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#17 of Unnamed Mousie

Unnamed Mousie - Part 3: Be A Ware - Chapter 17: At the Guildhall

© 2015 - 2019 Nameless

We reached the city the next day in the afternoon. The wagons stopped on a rise not quite a league from the city walls. We received a small bowl of one of the herbal potions. By now I could tell them by their smell and taste. I wasn't certain what this one was supposed to do, it was not one we had received often, but I suspected that it was supposed to make us more easily aroused. Our butt plugs were smeared with some gunk and then we had to put them in. It burned a little, but the heat was more pleasant and arousing than painful. Kind of like sitting very close to a fire, instead of sitting in it, the way the hot gunk they used to torment us felt. They also put a kind of leather harness on our muzzle, a strap with a small gag went between the teeth and around the back of the neck. A second strap went under the chin. Those of us who had a proper muzzle (a few of us had relatively flat muzzles, almost like a human) had another strap that went over the top of the muzzle. That was mostly for show, I think, I wouldn't have been able to take it off even if that strap had not been there. The gag was a stick, shaped like a male cock, but about the size of a finger. It would prevent us from speaking but hardly muffle any other noises we might make. The harness reminded me a little of the one I had seen on feral hunting dogs when they were led through the city. It was probably meant to humiliate us as much as prevent us from speaking. Our paws were pulled up behind the back and cuffed and the cuff was tied to the collar. Then we were led outside and assembled behind the wagons. We were connected together with the yard long rods, so that we had to keep an even distance. It was unpleasantly cool, the sky was overcast, but at least the wind was not really bad. And then the wagons started moving and we had to march after them. The road on which we moved did not have a lot of traffic, but after a short time we reached a crossing where our road melded with a much heavier traveled one. After that we caused quite a stir and a lot of other travelers enjoyed the show we provided and humiliated us with lewd jokes and the like. And we did make quite a show, I was extremely horny, I could feel the juices run down my thighs and my nipples were hard as pebbles. The butt plug moved with every step and did interesting things to me, fanning the flames of my desire. From the scents and from what I could see of my fellow slaves they were in much the same state as I. I found it especially difficult not to look at the fox male who walked in the coffle at the other side of the wagon, he was so aroused that his cock did not only stand proud (and it was certainly big enough for a male to be proud of it) but that the head poked completely out of the sheath. I think I could even see drops of his precum slide down the shaft every now and then. I even caught myself licking my lips and wished I could be closer to him. Real close, preferably with his cock inside my cunt. Normally showing off my naked body did not bother me much any more, but the attention the increasing number of spectators paid us began to get to me. Especially once they learned that we were from Arno and 'war criminals' the catcalls became much worse and the fact that I became more and more aroused the longer this went on began to wear on me. Soon I cringed in humiliation but I could not hide anything. Heck, normally I hated marching while blindfolded but today I would have begged to be allowed to wear my hood. Of course, having to suffer through this humiliation was almost certainly the reason we didn't get to wear blindfolds today. I wondered why they had not put us in the contraptions and made us crawl after the wagons. It became ten times worse once we actually entered the city. Dozens, hundreds of furs lined the streets and did their best to humiliate us further. They seemed to pour out of every alley to come and watch the spectacle. Every now and then one of the spectators would break through the protective row of the Hessan riders to accost us in person and cop a feel or three. The soldiers would chase him off, but they usually took their time and were rather good- natured about it. They did act quickly when one of the them tried to actually hurt one of us. The assistants repeatedly informed the spectators that we would be available for use all night at the trade guild for a small fee.

I was really glad when we finally reached the huge guild hall. It seemed to be one huge building that took up a whole city block. The wagons turned and entered the big gate. We stopped in the courtyard and the gate was closed behind us. Our master was greeted by a group of obviously important persons, guild officials, city councilors and the like. After a short wait we were untied. We were told to take off all the restraints and take out the butt plug and store them in the wagon. We got to use the outhouses and then we were led into the barn. There was a big room for parking wagons, currently empty. Above us was a big hayloft. The assistant told us that we should say our goodbyes to the Hessan guards and to make it fun for them. A few moments later they began to file in. The Hessan soldiers took off their clothes. Some of them spread their blankets right there on the floor, others grabbed one of us and climbed up into the hayloft. One of the canines waved to me and called, "Hey, mousie! Get your butt over here." I didn't remember his face, but when I got close I remembered his scent. It was the wonderful male who had insisted that having fun together meant we should both have fun. I squealed happily, jumped up, wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips and kissed him. He seemed a little surprised by my enthusiasm but rallied quickly. We kissed and smooched and groped each other for a bit. Damn, was he a good kisser! I groaned when he put me down, gently but firmly. I was so horny I would have come in another minute or two. He spread the blanket that he had dropped when I jumped him and lay down on his back. He looked up at me expectantly, grinning widely. I returned the grin, licked my lips and got down on my knees to get him hard. Well, harder, he was definitely at more than half mast already. "Turn around. I want to taste your cheese, little mousie." I chuckled, like I haven't heard that often enough. But I certainly don't mind giving a male a taste of my 'cheese'. My respect for him rose, any male who wants to taste me, wants to give me pleasure in this way, is most likely a good male in my book. So I turned around and positioned my cunt over his head and turned my attention to his male meat. He tasted just as good as I remembered. A moment later I felt his paws on my rump and then his tongue began to lick at the shaved skin around my lower lips. Fuck, he was good! He certainly got a good taste of my cheese, though cream or milk would probably have been the better words. His wonderful tongue got me off twice before I managed to get him hard and I squealed and squeaked in pleasure. My heart almost stopped when I came the first time and I almost bit him. He must have felt my teeth, but he gave no notice. He gave my thighs a last lick and challenged me, "Show me what your cream dish can do." I gave the head of his cock a last lick and crawled forward until my cunt was directly above him. Guiding his pole into me, I lowered my hips and impaled myself on his shaft. I squeezed him a little, twitched my muscles a few times and then I squeezed hard. It took a bit of scrambling, but I turned around to face him while keeping my cunt as tight as I could. From the look on his face he enjoyed that almost as much as I did. And then I proceeded to fuck him as hard as I could. I squeezed with my muscles, I lifted and lowered my hips, I wiggled them around and such. It felt glorious! I tried to hold out as long as I could, but I came well before him. He came with my second climax, though I could not say for sure who came first. He filled me with his hot cream and I kept milking him as long as I could. He had a quite impressive stamina and I came at least three times more. "Enough. Come here." He pulled me down and we kissed and cuddled for a minute or two. "Thank you, little mouse. I had fun." "No, thank you, Master. I had a lot of fun." "I wish I could see you again, but..." "So do I. Can't you buy me?" "Sorry, no. I wish I could afford a slave, but I'm just a regular soldier, not an officer. And these slavers can charge a lot more for a fur in the human lands over the sea than anyone would pay here." "Too bad." We kissed a little more. "Hey, let someone else have a little fun as well." That was from behind me. "Goodbye my little mouse." "Goodbye, Master." I kissed him a last time and asked, "May I clean you?" "Don't bother. I'll only get wet again." Still, I wanted a little taste and crawled backward until I could lick his shaft a few times. I took his head into my mouth for a long moment and then I stood up reluctantly.

Well, not all that reluctantly. Standing there was another male I had had fun with before. And one I had a lot of fun with again. The whole thing quickly turned into a real orgy. I mated with at least five males and sucked off a few more. There were a few of them that still despised us and used us roughly, but none of them did anything really bad, and most of the males were really nice to us. We might not exactly be friends, but over the two weeks we had been together we had become familiar with each other and become mates, comrades or something. Almost a family. I had not felt this good since I was enslaved. All the sex was wonderful, of course, but the most important thing was that I felt, well, maybe not quite loved, but at least appreciated. Not really respected, but not disrespected at least. And with many of the males I remembered the shared moments of intimacy, pleasure and even ecstasy that were just about the only pleasant memories I had of the time since I was enslaved. Thinking about it, the assistants and the guards had usually not been too bad, but our master treated us as if we were dirt, or maybe less. To our Hessan soldiers we were pretty females (and a few males) to have fun with. Even the male slaves did have some fun today. Most of them had probably gotten used to it a while ago, but I had not been able to talk to any of them to find out how they felt about getting used by another male. But as fun as it was the orgy had to end, much too soon for my taste. We said our goodbyes and the soldiers packed up their things, put on their clothes and left. We were led outside into the rear courtyard where we were told to clean up. We had to use the cold water from the well. It was a bit on the chilly side for that, but I would survive. We did get pretty nice towels to dry off as best as we could.

I found out soon why they wanted us clean. We were to 'entertain' some of the important city folks, minor nobles, guild masters, city councilors, army officers and the like. They took us to one of the big halls where they were having some get-together. We stood there and posed a little and then each of the rich and important furs (and a few humans as well) picked one of us. I was not surprised when I was one of the last to be picked (by the time only two of the males were left). It was a quite fat and old canine. From what I could tell by his clothes he was quite wealthy, but far from the wealthiest furs who had been in the hall. He led me up two flights of stairs and towards the back of the building. We entered a small bedroom. It was nice enough, but definitely not the room of a rich person. Maybe a journeyman's room which had been pressed into service for the occasion. I helped him undress and did my best not to wrinkle my nose. He smelled quite unpleasant as if he did not groom his fur often and had sprayed perfume on his clothes to hide it. He talked to me the whole time, but it was mostly inane chatter to make himself seem more important. Then he sat down at the edge of the bed and spread his legs. I knelt in front of him and began to lick him, trying to get him hard, while I did my best to pretend to enjoy the whole thing. Which was harder than his not very big cock. When he was more or less hard, he lay down on the bed. I crawled on top of him and began to ride him. To be honest I was kind of glad he let me be on top, as fat as he was he would likely have crushed me had he wanted to be on top. It took a long while to get him off. Most of the soldiers took less time to get ready after they had just fucked two of us. I was kind of glad that I was still so horny, otherwise I would have found it difficult to get off myself. At least this way I didn't have to pretend to have fun all that hard. I did have two climaxes, but they were not all that satisfying and I was a lot more vocal than my actual feelings called for. I was glad when he seemed pleased enough. And the little cum that he had squirted into me seemed to be all that he had, at least he soon told me to stop. I did pretend to want more but obeyed his command. He sat up again and I cleaned his cock and the fur around it. Then I helped him dress and we returned to the hall.

I stood around for a few minutes before another male decided to use me. He was a big feline of some kind. His fur was dark gray with large splotches of slightly lighter or darker fur. From his clothes I judged him a journeyman trader. But very likely from a rich family, while his clothes had the traditional cut, they were very well made and the cloth looked expensive. He looked me over and then squeezed my nipples until I gasped in pain. He licked his lips, I was very sure that he enjoyed my suffering. He clipped a short leash to my collar and led me away. But not upstairs as I had expected, but down into the cellar. With each step I became more uneasy. We walked down a long corridor past what seemed to be storerooms. From behind one of the closed doors came strange noises. I shivered when I made sense of them: it must have been one of my fellow slaves 'entertaining' a guest. I had not been able to make out a lot, but if had not sounded as if she had enjoyed what she had to do. My master stopped in front of one of the doors, unlocked it and waved me inside. Once we were inside he locked the door and hung up the lantern he had picked up on a hook next to the door. As far as I could tell we were in a mostly empty storeroom. Sturdy shelves lined the walls. "Kneel!" I turned around and knelt on the cold stone floor. He moved a little to the side so he could see me clearly and not cast a shadow on me. He hooked his thumbs under the belt and grinned down at me, showing much more teeth than I was comfortable with. "So, little cunt. A convicted war criminal. You don't look like much, but that just goes to show you can't trust any Arnie. What did you do?" "Nothing, Master." "Nothing? Liar! You were stricken from the rolls of the faithful and you expect me to believe that you did nothing?" "You probably won't believe me, but it's true all the same, Master." "You will regret lying to me, stupid cunt." Suddenly he lifted his right leg and pulled it back, threatening to kick me. I almost moved my arms to try to protect my body but decided against it. He was a lot bigger and stronger than me and I was certain any resistance would only result in worse punishment. He kicked me in the stomach and the air whooshed out of my lungs. I curled up with a strangled grunt. After a few moments I got back a little control and tried to get back up on my knees, but suddenly his right shoe pressed down on my head, grinding me against the floor. I whimpered in pain, but managed not to struggle. After a minute or so he released me. His smile had become even more nasty, downright evil, "You lied to me. I will punish you for this, stupid cunt. Do you agree that you deserve to be punished?" I didn't, but I knew what he wanted to hear, "Yes, Master." "Good. This will be a lot of fun. For me." With that he turned to one of the shelves and opened the cloth bag that lay there.

He commanded, "Stand up." I did. He rummaged around in the bag and produced a piece of wood. It was almost two inches thick and more than six long. At one end a hole had been bored through it and a piece of rope threaded through. When he held it in front of my face I opened my mouth obediently. He shoved the piece of wood into my mouth, gagging me, looped the rope around my head and muzzle a few times. He pulled it so tight it hurt and tied it off. Next he replaced the leash with another piece of rope. "Turn around" He pointed at one of the shelves, "Stand there, grab the two poles and rest your head on that shelf." The indicated shelf was at the far end of the room and about three foot off the floor. I did as ordered. He threw the rope towards the back of the shelf and then pulled it out below the shelf. He tied the end around my collar. A moment later he pulled a sack over my head. Then he tied my paws to the poles that held up the shelves. He also tied a rope to both my ankles, forcing me to spread them wide. I was now gagged, blindfolded and completely helpless. A few moments later I heard an unfortunately all too familiar noise. That of a whip swishing through the air. He tested the feel of his whip a few times before he let me feel it. He didn't hit me all that hard but he kept at it until my back, rump and thighs burned with pain. I couldn't see him but somehow I was certain that my muffled screams and groans excited him. He kept at it until I was sobbing uncontrollably and barely able to stand. Suddenly I felt his paw between my legs. He laughed, "You enjoyed that! What a slut!" It seemed that he was done whipping me. A few moments later his paws grabbed my hips roughly, I could feel his claws dig into my skin. I felt the head of his cock at the entrance to my cunt and then he entered me. A few thrusts and suddenly I hardly noticed the pain any more. I whimpered when he pulled out. "No. I'm sure a slut like you prefers to be fucked in the ass." A moment later I felt his cock poke at my tailhole and then he forced his way into me. I squealed, I'm not sure if it was from the pain or lust. He was rough, but I was still well enough stretched and lubricated from the orgy not long ago. As much as I hated him, his cock felt good inside me. He fucked me vigorously, even roughly, but I came several times, squealing and moaning into the gag. He shot a lot of hot cum into me before he finally pulled out. He untied my legs, arms and head. He removed the sack and the gag. My legs were so wobbly that I was actually glad when he told me to clean. "Look at that, slut!" He pointed at his flagging male pole, "You got me all dirty! Well?" "May I clean you, Master?" "Of course. Do!" "Thank you, Master." I leaned forward and licked and sucked his cock until it was clean. I didn't like the taste at all, but by now I was used to it. When I was done he closed the trouser flap, put his toys into the bag and unlocked the door. He looked back at me and said, "Crawl you slut." He attached the leash to my collar and I crawled after him. I waited outside while he locked the room and then followed him. Thankfully he allowed me to stand up when we reached the stairs. Once we reached the hall he unclipped the leash and left without a word.

I walked around, showed off my nude body, even outright asked a few males if I might entertain them but nobody was interested to do more than grope me a little before sending me away. Some of them were really insulting, angrily complaining how an ugly female like myself could even think to accost them. One even gave me a couple of hard spanks and had me lick his shoes to beg for forgiveness. The physical pain hurt a lot less than the disgust and hatred in their voices. After a while a guard fetched me and three other slaves, two of them males, who also seemed not to be in much demand and led away. We climbed a narrow staircase normally used by the servants all the way to the attic. We ended up in a barracks-like room, where (so I assumed) the servants normally slept. There we got to entertain several of the male servants. Every now and then more of my fellow slaves joined us. At some point they apparently opened the doors to the general public, allowed them to come up here and from then on we were very busy. In addition to the big room with more than a dozen beds we also used a few smaller rooms normally used by the more senior servants. There were always a few guards around to make sure our 'guests' did not abuse us too badly or use us for longer than they had paid for. Every now and then I got a short rest. One of the guards would lead me and a second slave down to the courtyard to use the outhouse and clean up a little. Then I got to lap up some of the herbal potion to keep me awake and was allowed a short rest in one of the wagons. During the second rest period I also got a bowl of gruel. I ate it, of course, but to be honest I wasn't all that hungry, my stomach sloshed with all the cum and other liquids I had to drink. The whole thing went on until the wee hours of the morning. All the action and the herbal potions kept me awake, but my body was really tired and I was so sore down there I could barely walk. They had not bothered to assemble the usual stalls for the night. I put on my hood and had my paws cuffed behind my back. I curled up in my assigned spot with the collar locked in place over the metal disk. I fell asleep rather quickly.