29 Injured

Story by Sovrim Terraquian on SoFurry

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#29 of Inktober 2019

Because sometimes a dragon just lazily flicking its tail in its sleep can be dangerous.

"Again?" the medic at the adventurer's guild asked.

"Yep. Really." the crow said, slumping back in his chair. It was the fourth time this year he was placed on the injured reserve list. Being black-feathered, near silent, and capable of flight had plenty of benefits, but the natural fragility of avian bones had its drawbacks.

In this case, it wasn't even true combat that had taken him out. He had been flying by a dragon, trying to get a sense of the creature's habits, when the thing flicked its tail and happened to knock the crow out of the air and to the hard dirt below. A few things broke, and while he was able to quaff a potion to get back into enough health to walk back to the guild, he would need some proper medical care to be ready to go back out into the field.

"It's lucky you're good at what you do," the medic said. "We've kicked people from the guild for needing less than this."

"I know," replied the crow. "But thank you all the same."

30 Catch

A feline and ursine were sitting by a lake shore, spinning tales of their pasts while they were fishing. The two hadn't been there for much more than an hour before the cat had a bite on his line that nearly pulled him out of his chair. The struggle to...

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28 Ride

At the sorcerer's class reunion, a number of the alumni began to talk about their rides as most had moved on from simple broomsticks. A few went on about how the traditional broom was convenient and unassuming, but others had animated other objects for...

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27 Coat

"Back in for the usual?" The beetle nodded to the question. He'd been coming here for long enough that the stylist knew just what to do. With a gesture, the beetle was encouraged to lay belly-first upon the towel-covered table, an invitation he...

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