Chance and Krizelle

Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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Krizelle gets a visit from her old boyfriend and thinks it's the happiest day in her life when he wants to take her on a date. But Chance has other plans for their future.

This was an entirely new experience for me. Thatdog1142 contacted me and asked if I was open for commissions. Truthfully, I didn't want to make my writing professional as I feel it becomes a job if I do which is not a good idea for me. But I'm always up for a challenge so I asked him what he had in mind and he showed me some pictures and told me his general idea so to test myself, I decided to do it for free. He seemed quite happy with the results and it was based on two of his characters so I'll take that as high praise.

Overall it was interesting. I got into it more than I thought and maybe I'll decide to do commissions some time in the future. You never know!

As for now, I have a few stories I want to write and I'm sort of done with rape, at least in this shape and form, but some people commented on what they wanted to see next and I took that as inspiration so we'll see. First up, though, is a week's vacation! With that said, go right ahead and read:

Chance and Krizelle

His body on top of her, soft fur brushing against her smooth scales with every thrust into her, large canine cock spreading her cunt to the limit. The sheer pleasure rocked through her body, surging into her head and sending her into another orgasm, body twitching hard and embracing his member fully, urging it to stay in, shed its load. Their bodies intertwined in a loving embrace, she cried out.

It had only been a week but as the orgasm made her body throb, muscles tense, she couldn't help but to muse on how they'd gotten here. How resistant she had been in the beginning. How hard he had worked to make her realize how good she could have it.

His name was Chance and she had known him since high school. They even dated each other back then and while love might have been a strong word for what the teenagers felt then, they had certainly cared for each other. But it wasn't meant to be, or so both felt at the time. When he enlisted in the military and had to leave, they both decided they wouldn't be able to keep their love alive over distance.

There had been others in the four years that passed, a string of bad decisions and regrets that never seemed to amount to much. And while she mused about Chance now and then, it wasn't much more than a wistful thought about teenage simplicity. Turns out, keeping a relationship alive as an adult required effort and time, something Krizelle never thought she had enough of.

She wasn't an ugly snake by any definition. She was fairly average in height and weight but her purple and turquoise, smooth scales made her stand out in a crowd. And when her hood inflated, intentionally or no, people tended to stop and look at her. Her kind wasn't uncommon but neither were they everyday.

So she had become quite surprised when Chance appeared on her doorstep one day, sunglasses resting on his muzzle and that charming smile that always got him out of trouble. He'd been a fine-looking dog even back in high school, his light brown fur with the darker highlights. But the military had honed him further. She could see the muscles bulging underneath his white shirt and the way he stood just screamed discipline and power.

He had just returned home after a long six years away, now running a successful gun business that he was looking to expand. And his old hometown had seemed like a perfect fit for a new office, combining nostalgic pleasure with business.

Less than five minutes after coming back into her life, did he ask her out on a date. Proper one too, nice posh restaurant that had live music and a wine list. Last date she'd gone on had been to the local burger joint where the chef knew her by name and the waitress didn't have to ask what she wanted to eat.

But he had said his favorite snake deserved the best, even if just for one night.

"So, Krizzy, I'm assuming there's no-one special in your life since you're here with me?" he had asked her during the date and she couldn't really deny it.

Stuttering out that he was right, she couldn't help but to blush a bit, her turquoise scales flushing pink from the attention. She wasn't used to men taking such a genuine interest in her.

"How about you, Chance? Looks like you could be pretty picky these days...?" she asked curiously, thin tongue tasting the air.

Just when the dessert arrived, he explained how he'd never really been able to settle down during his time in the military and after that he'd been busy running his business. These days he rarely got involved with the day to day running of the business, having hired people straight out of college to do that for him, but it was still enough work just keeping the company going.

And spending all that money, of course.

The whole night was like being back in high school when they first met during a project. They talked, laughed and riffed on each other until they were practically thrown out. Not that this stopped them from continuing to laugh as they stumbled down the streets, arm in arm, their destination a mystery.

Perhaps she shouldn't be surprised when he pulled her into a hidden little nook and pressed her up against the wall, his warm lips pressing against hers. Part of her wanted to push him away and scream at him for getting fresh but before she knew it, her arms were wrapped around his neck, fingers digging into his brown fur.

Her tongue lashed out against his lips, tasting him eagerly, and when his tongue followed hers into her maw, they met in a passionate embrace. His broad tongue quickly set the pace, curling against and stroking her tongue expertly. He hadn't been this good a kisser when they parted but she put the thought of her mind just like she hoped he put any thoughts of her exes out of his.

For the last few years, she'd sworn she'd never have sex with someone on the first date. But while his hands slid down her body, blunt claws raking against her purple scales, she couldn't help but to whisper.

"Your place or mine?"

It took her a moment to realize that he had taken her to the house he grew up in. Stepping out of the car, he explained that he had bought it off his parents a while back so they could move closer to the city center. At first, she had been a bit weirded out by it, wondering why anyone would want to keep living in their childhood home.

But as she walked up to the door, memories of their times spent here, and in his bed, began to resurface and it was hard not to be drawn into the nostalgia. How nice his parents had been to her and how at home she had felt. For a moment she regretted that they had decided to break up rather than try to keep the relationship alive, even over such a great distance. At least she would've had his parents and extended family to lean on when things got tough.

Once inside, the door closed behind them, they embraced and kissed again. His hands shamelessly roamed her body, squeezing her breasts before slipping down to her butt and taking a firm grip, picking her up effortlessly and holding her against him. She could feel his eagerness pressing against her when she wrapped his arms and legs around him, letting him carry her wherever he pleased.

With the bedroom door closed behind them, their clothes discarded on the floor, she let him take her fully. A wave of nostalgia struck her when he entered her, thick canine member spreading her folds apart and filling her to the brim. It had been so long since she had been with someone she cared for.

The night was magical.

When she awoke the next morning, something in her mind screamed that something was wrong. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, she felt tired and her body was heavy but considering the night she'd had, that didn't worry her. But she felt cold and as she stared up at the ceiling, got the funny feeling she wasn't where she had fallen asleep.

Had it all been a vivid dream and Chance had never come back to town at all? No, the soreness from his knot was real and his residue on her inner thighs did not lie.

Her arm reached out to find her lover but found nothing but air where he should be. In fact, she didn't even find the other half of the bed, hand fumbling feebly in thin air. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she saw gray concrete walls and floor, the only light a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.

Fear set in quickly and she practically jumped out of bed. The floor was freezing cold, her feet instantly protesting but she had to get away. Scanning the room for an exit, there was a door on the opposite side and she made a quick dash for it. With no recollection of how she'd gotten there, she could only assume the worst.

She never made it to the door, her progress impeded when something around her neck suddenly grew taut and the jangle of metal sounded behind her. A glance over her shoulder confirmed her immediate thought and when her fingers traced her neck, she found a collar of some sort wrapped tightly around her throat, attached to a chain running to the back of the room.

Instinctually she cried out, screaming her anger and fear at nothing in particular, perhaps hoping someone would hear her. She yanked and pulled on the chain, first trying to tear it from the collar and then from the wall, ignoring the fact that the door looked quite locked and sturdy.

One step at a time.

When nothing helped, she collapsed to her knees and began crying, cursing herself for not having been more careful. Was Chance behind this? Or had something happened during the night? Perhaps someone had come in and murdered Chance and drugged her, taking her away to God knows where?

The thought that Chance was dead made her chest heavy and it became hard to breathe. They'd only just reunited and there hadn't been any talk of a future together but somehow it had felt right.

With tears streaming down her soft cheeks, she began taking in the room, bit by bit. The bed she had woken up on was a wire frame bed for one with only a mattress and no covers. There wasn't even a pillow to rest your head. By the wall opposite the bed was a table with various fastenings, both on the table surface and in the wall. She had a nasty suspicion that her chain would slot into one of them with little effort.

Other than that, the room was bare. There was no switch to control the light and no windows so she could tell time. It could be in the middle of the night or early morning, she had no way of telling.

Looking down on her body, she hadn't even realized that she was stark naked, the rough concrete floor hard on her legs. Normally she would've freaked out, rushed to cover herself up with anything. But somehow it seemed pointless, her body revealed to anyone watching.

She became overwrought with emotions again and she howled her despair at the ceiling until her throat was raw.

How much time had passed when she heard something beyond the door? At first, they were indistinct, far away. Various thuds and bangs, perhaps doors closing and things being put in order, but eventually she could definitely hear steps coming closer to the door. Calm, deliberate steps that didn't seem to be in any hurry.

Somehow, she didn't even need to see who was opening the door, covering her breasts with her arms and crossing her legs. When his brown-furred body walked through the door opening, folding a pair of glasses and putting them in his chest pocket, his gold eyes trained right on her.

"Chance..." Her voice trembled when she observed his casual stance and how his eyes just looked her up and down shamelessly. Why wouldn't he, though, he'd enjoyed her all night so there wasn't much to hide anymore. "How could you?"

When he stepped into the room, walking straight towards her without hesitation, it was like the room changed. It welcomed him in and shaped around him. "Come on, Krizzy. Don't be like that. This isn't as bad as you think it is." There was no point in fighting him, he was both stronger and faster than her. Even so, she wasn't about to make it easy for him, shying away from his touch when he reached out. He curled his fingers into a fist, for a moment getting ready to punch her, but instead he pulled his hand back and tucked it against his chest. "This is not my first rodeo." his smile was deceptively warm as he added "You'll learn."

Then he was upon her, hands gripping her shoulders and forcing her back. She toppled backwards, back hitting the concrete and her legs flailing wildly, and her hood inflated in the face of aggression. Trying to keep him off her, she felt her arms grow weak when he pressed against her harder, elbows slowly bending.

She turned her head so she at least didn't have to look at him.

Before she knew it, he was on top of her and wedged in between her legs. This really wasn't his first time, while she had been flailing in a desperate attempt to defend herself, he'd taken the opportunity to position himself. And when had he even had the time to unzip his pants and release his cock?

This time there was no romance. No kissing. No foreplay. The tapered tip of his pink canine flesh pushed into her with little effort, the state of her passage of little concern to him. All she could do was scream again and again as he took her, the concrete floor scraping the scales on her back.

Nothing she did seemed to dissuade him, his crotch slapping against her violently again and again as he bottomed out. She begged him to stop, tried to push him away and at one point even managed to bite him but it didn't even make him flinch. Instead he only fucked her harder for it, her passage getting torn and ripped from the lack of lubrication.

And when she thought it couldn't get worse, when all she prayed for was an end to it all, he pulled out and pushed himself up from her, his fingers wrapping tightly around the base of his cock tightly, knot swelling up in response. His cum shot out, splattering her thighs, crotch and stomach.

Standing up, not bothering to tuck his cock away, he looked down on her with the same cocky grin that had been so charming before today. Once he caught his breath, calming himself down visibly, he spoke with a growly edge to his voice: "It'd be so much easier if you just... gave in." She didn't answer, not even turning her head to look at him, and a few moments later he left the room, turning the light off as he did.

Unable to get off the floor, she stayed like that for what felt like hours. The pain coupled with the shame allowed the tears to flow freely, pouring down her cheeks silently.

She was unsure how much time passed after that. Eventually the lights came back on and he stepped through the door, freshened up and clean. Her best guess was that it was morning and when he presented her with tray with some sandwiches and milk, the notion was cemented. But then again, it could just be a trick, to throw her for a loop. Make her think she was crazy.

"Come on, Krizzy. All you gotta do is crawl over here... get my cock out and suck it." The tone in his voice was infuriating, making the flesh under her scales crawl. He thought he had already won and that made her even angrier. When she failed to reply positively, his demeanor changed. She could see in his eyes that he had hoped for something else and she fully expected he'd force himself on her again.

Instead he just slowly backed out of the room and closed the door. She didn't hear any lock or objects being dragged in front of the door to block it so he didn't even expect her to be able to get that far.

He was probably right but it still pissed her off.

Eventually she managed to crawl into the bed, pathetic as it may be. She cursed herself for having stayed on the floor the whole night, her back aching and the cold having seeped through to her every bone. Curling up, hugging her knees to her ample chest, she tried to cocoon herself in what little heat she still had left. It wasn't exactly freezing but neither was it warm and for the first time in her life, she missed having blanket.

Closing her eyes, she eventually managed to drift off, finding something resembling sleep though her dreams remained haunted.

Startling awake, she sat right up in the bed and stared at the door as it opened. Had she really slept through most of the day? She didn't feel any less tired and her body was still stiff. And in the doorway stood Chance, her captor, eating a steak sandwich, chewing loudly. She knew what he was doing and it hurt that it was working.

"Tell you what, missy Krizzy. You play nice and... I'll give you a sandwich like this... and a bucket." The last part didn't make much sense to her, not at first, but as the gears turned in her head, she only now realized another amenity was missing from the room: a toilet. Finally daring to open her mouth and speak, she found her voice dry and cracked. "You bastard..." More tears welled up in her eyes but as much as she wanted to stand on principle, she was starving. And after being reminded, she realized her bladder was completely full, as were her bowels. She needed both things he was offering.

Within herself, she felt a struggle. A struggle between just doing as he asked and getting what she needed and refusing to deal with him, shit and piss right there on the floor then slowly starve to death. Would he let her die? She thought not but somehow, she assumed he had a plan even if she resisted until she was near death.

And what if he was willing to let her die? Perhaps he'd just make her disappear, friends and family never being the wiser.

With deep regret and a heavy sigh, she lied back down, eyes connecting with his as she spread her legs. Even though her cunt was still hidden from view by her thighs, the signal was obvious enough that his ears perked up and the expression on his face became more pleasant. Putting the food away outside the room, he unbuttoned his short slowly as he walked over, finishing just in time to undo his pants by the side of the bed.

"You'll pay for this one day..." There was no conviction in her voice and judging by the casual speed with which he slipped on top of her and slowly positioned himself, he didn't seem to believe it either. It was all very deliberate, each movement calculated to project dominance. He could take his time because he had all the time in the world.

Pressing into her, his throbbing flesh forcing her passage apart, she couldn't help but to squeal out in pain, trying to muffle herself. If he got upset or angry with her, he might not leave the sandwich after all and that's why she was doing this. "I'm so pathetic" she mumbled to herself between sobs. His grunts grew ever loud, canine member pulling on her unlubricated folds roughly as it pushed and pulled in and out of her.

When he came, he repeated the process from the last time, liberally coating her thighs and crotch in his spunk, practically howling as he did. Finishing up, he got off the bed and zipped up, chuckling as he looked at her. "I keep telling you, you'll learn to love it." Winking quickly at her, he then walked to the door and for a moment she thought he might just close it and turn off the light, let her suffer for not enjoying it more.

But turned out he was a man of his word, at least these words. Kicking the bucket into the room, he then reemerged chewing on one sandwich while he held a pristine one in the other hand. Krizelle immediately stood up and walked up to him, not even pretending to care what he could see and held out her hands like an urchin begging on the streets. She had earned it and yet she felt like she needed to ask for permission.

Gingerly he put the sandwich in her hands then stepped back, nodding at her to go ahead and eat. She practically devoured the sandwich, not really caring much about the taste, in a few bites, struggling to swallow it down her dry, cracked throat. Despite barely tasting it, it was still somehow one of the best things she'd ever eaten.

Then he pushed the bucket forward, positioning it right in front of her and grinning. He just stood there, looking at her, until it dawned on her that he was going to watch the whole proceeding. Another aspect of control?

It didn't really matter, as disgusted and ashamed of the situation as she was, her body had already made the decision for her and whether it ended up on the floor or in the bucket was entirely up to her. And all things considered, petty revenge or no, she still couldn't bring herself to do the business on the floor so she obediently squatted over the bucket and did her business.

It was over in a flash, body draining itself rapidly, and it sent shivers up through her body. The release felt sensational, so good that she even dared close her eyes and enjoy the relief. When she seemed just about done, she saw how he fished out a wad of paper from his pocket and handed it to her.

Once she was done with everything, without flinching, he took the bucket and headed outside. After a little while, he came back inside, the bucket not only empty but rinsed out as well. But her attention was on the object under his other arm: a blanket. It wasn't particularly fancy or thick but it was far more than she had now. And she silently prayed that it was for her and not just a cruel joke.

When he tossed it across the room, onto the bed, she couldn't help but to brighten, even cracking a smile. At least she wouldn't be cold when she slept tonight.

Without a word, he then closed the door and moments later the lights went out. She was sore, no doubt bleeding, and so very tired again. But her belly was full and bladder was empty so she took the few victories she could get. Slowly making her way over to the bed in the dark, hands outstretched, she eventually crawled in and under the blanket, wrapping it tightly around her before resting her head on the mattress, falling asleep almost instantly.

The next day started much like the last had, with her sitting up straight when the door opening tore her from her dreams. At first, she still got the sense that it had all been a bad dream but as the sleep cleared from her eyes and the room spilled back into her existence, those notions quickly evaporated. And yet, strangely, she felt much calmer than the previous day. Though she was hungry again, craving breakfast, the fact that she had fed the day before still filled her with a sense of joy.

In his hand he held a tray with sandwiches and a bowl of some kind of cereal. It looked very plain, boring, but she guessed it was certainly very nutritional and healthy for you. You don't get a body like his without knowing what to eat.

"If you want this breakfast and some more paper..." his voice was very confident and calm as he spoke. "All you have to do is get on your knees and crawl to me." Having learned her lesson from the previous day, she got on her knees without ceremony and began crawling towards him, trying to put on an expression of what she hoped was submission. The floor was cold and rough, making her knees hurt with every movement, but she didn't want to spend another day hungry.

When she reached as far as the chain would go, straining against it for a while until the pain around her neck became too much, he stepped closer to her. The smell of deodorant did little to hide the smell of his arousal when so close and she only now noticed the bulge in his pants, looking quite strained.

Had it been there before she crawled to him? She couldn't remember anymore and looking up at him pleadingly, she saw in his eyes what she had to do.

She'd sucked his cock before, even enjoyed the action itself, so it made no sense for her to be so hesitant. With nimble fingers, she managed to slip the belt loose and undo his pants, and when she reached in to pull at his boxers, his cock practically flew out and droplets of precum pelted her face.

Her whole body got hot when she smelled his raw musk so up close, almost gasping for air after managing to taste a droplet of his precum. She couldn't understand why she reacted like she did but suddenly all she wanted was that taste again.

Opening her mouth, her thin tongue quickly wetting her scaly lips, one hand delicately wrapped itself around the base of his cock. Giving it a gentle squeeze elicited a moan from up top and a large bead of precum hung delicately on his tapered tip. "Oh yeah, that's the ticket." he moaned silently through gritted teeth. When she brought about half of his length into her mouth and closed her lips tightly against his throbbing flesh, she half expected him to take over and start bucking wildly against her.

But he stayed calmed, still holding the tray steady, even when she began moving her head back and forth, her tongue lashing against his sensitive meat rhythmically. Pretty soon she had a good pace going, not quite able to fit all of him in her maw, tip hitting the back of her throat occasionally when she got too wild.

He held the tray with only one hand, the other rested against the top of her head, urging her on. Before long, her pace was swift which only made him moan that much louder and regularly, hinting at his approaching orgasm. He couldn't help but to move his hips a little, teeth grinding on his lips as the climax reared its wonderful head.

Tilting his head back and groaning out loudly, he shoved as much of himself into her mouth as possible, tip erupting in cum as the orgasm struck fully. It was too much, too suddenly and she pulled her head back and turned, coughing up the cum that had sprayed into her throat.

The rest of his cum ended up on her throat and chest and she later mused that all he had to do now was ejaculate on her back and he'd pretty much covered her.

With cum dripping down her chin, only adding to the generous layer on her chest, she looked up at him, seeking approval. And she was met with a small smile that said more than a thousand words.

She ate well that morning.

The following day or two played out more or less the same. He came home, had his way with her regardless of her will then gave her food if he deemed her worthy. After, he'd empty the bucket if necessary, rinse it out then put it back exactly where it had been last, nodding to her.

It was on the fifth day that she realized that even before she heard him come home, her body was getting ready and with a single digit, she confirmed that her sex was wet. Had she given up entirely or... no, the idea that she was enjoying it was too much. But even armored in her shame, a part of her couldn't help but to look forward to his visits. She had even woken up before the door opened, licking her lips in anticipation.

And whether it was for his taste or the breakfast, she wasn't entirely sure.

Every day that she did her part well, she gained something for it. The first day had been a blanket, the second day she'd gotten a pillow. Third day he gave her a whole bed set and even took the chain off for a little while so she could go outside the room and rinse off with a hose. She probably could've made a break for it but the rational part of her couldn't believe for a second that he hadn't anticipated that and blocked her in some way.

Another part of her... well...

At the very least she had to say the sex had improved significantly. Last evening she had even felt the beginnings of an orgasm start to build. There had been a tingle, at the very least. But he had finished well before she came and she had been glad for that, suffering through an orgasm at his cock now would be too much.

But when he came home that evening, she could tell he was in a different mood. His eyes were wild, almost frantic as he burst into the room. She noticed that he wasn't holding the usual plate of dinner that he had lured her with previous days. He seemed to have a hard time looking at her, eyes scanning the room constantly, as if looking for something to get mad about.

Sensing that things could get bad, she instead just turned over in bed and got on all fours, raising her tail high so he could see her moist, glistening vagina clearly. Then she looked over her shoulder with a smile. "Come on, what are you waiting for?"

He was on her in a matter of seconds, shedding his clothing layer by layer as he strode into the room confidently, getting into the bed behind her. With little hesitation, he gripped on to her hips and pulled her against him, his cock expertly hitting its mark and spearing into her. Before her first moan had ended, he had already worked up a busy pace, slamming himself into her again and again.

Something was different, it was clear he had a lot of aggression he needed to work out and she was happy to let him. After all, what else was she there for? But it was something else, a sort of longing that she hadn't felt the previous days. Perhaps the day had been tough and all he had wanted was to get home and shed his load on his girl?

That she thought of herself as 'his girl' briefly made her panic but as that thick dog cock continued to ravage her wet folds, most thoughts quickly evaporated and all she was left with was a deep, tearing pleasure that made her tense up around his meat. Which only served to spur him on further.

Despite lasting for less than a minute, his feverish pounding quickly brought her to the edge of a climax and as he pressed into her hard one last time, this time letting his knot swell up inside her, tying them together for a while, it was enough to push her over.

For the first time ever, as far as she could remember, they came in unison. And then he stayed with her after, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She hadn't been this happy in a long while.

It had been their first time apart since the whole thing started. She'd been let out of the basement several weeks prior, first with restrictions but eventually she was given free reign to do as she pleased. When he was away at work, she was her own woman and outwardly their relationship probably looked perfectly normal, if a bit dated.

Even her friends had noted that she looked happier after her sudden getaway with Chance which pleased her to no end. And as long as she was home and willing to do whatever he wanted when he left work, he treated her well.

But this business trip was the first time they'd been apart for so long. If she ever wanted to get away from him, this would've been the perfect time. The thought never crossed her mind, though, and instead she took the time to make sure the house was sparkling clean and catch up with old friends and family.

When he came home, she could tell that he had needs from the moment he walked in but he insisted to eat the roast she had prepared all day, which pleased her to no end, and take a moment to decompress after with a beer and some football.

Only once she was done with the dishes and stowing the leftovers away did she retreat to the bedroom and put on the see-through negligee she had asked him to buy before the trip. Perhaps he had forgotten it or maybe he was just biding his time.

Calling out for his attention, she pulled the covers from the bed and crawled in, lying down on her side, facing the doorway. It took a while for him to work his way to the bedroom, his steps lazy and tired for once. She didn't blame him but she hoped her little display would be enough to put the pep back in his step.

It worked.

Almost too well. As he entered the room, his eyes locked on her and the tired businessman that had walked through the front door was instantly replaced with the predator she had gotten used to. Practically bursting through his clothing, he pounced on her and quickly pressed himself into her, making her moan with delight. All she could ask for, in a soft whisper, was that he was careful with the negligee.

As he came closer to the finish, she grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into a loving kiss, momentarily halting his thrusting. Wrapping her legs tightly around him, knowing he sometimes liked to pull out to mark his territory, she intended to keep him inside her this time. Speaking between ragged breaths as she felt her own orgasm well up inside her, she pleaded with him: "Puppies. Please. Put your... hngh, puppies in me!"

Yes, as he slammed into her one last time, his knot swelling up inside her and pumping her full of his semen, it was strange to think back at how it had all started. How upset and angry she had been when it all began.

She was glad he set her straight.

V. 1.00