Fortress of MINDs

Story by SuperTaster on SoFurry

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Far away, a haven in the rift welcomes 15 strange people from across the multiverse. Forming 12 groups, they shall challenge the FORTRESS OF MINDS! The winner shall become a new MIND of the fortress, capable of bending the fortress and its inhabitants to their will. The losers... well, I imagine they'll have fun too, just of a different variety.

A transformative variety.

A commission/collaboration with skiesofsilver! They made the concept and most of the characters, I added a few, we mixed and baked and then I wrote so many words. This one's a Big short story, coming in at 55 pages! It's a lighthearted romp, and every character ends up getting a Happy Ending, even if those endings are not even close to what they expected they might receive. You can't always get what you want to teef into, but if you try sometimes, you teef what you need.Alternately: A fighter, an assassin, and a ronin join up with a sorcerer, a seer, and a pimp. Captain Kirk is nearby, with a dungeonphobic youth and the viking lord of smash. There's also some guy, and some hippies, and three cultists who have you heard the word of Na'Mun? We have pamphlets.

They all teef by the end.

Chapters for your perusal!

  • Goobers Assemble!

  • An Obvious Trap

  • Make Like a Dragon and Leave

  • A Hero's Just Reward - MOOD MUSIC

  • Eye See You

  • Diplomatic Relations with the Lizard Babes of Estros - MOOD MUSIC

  • I Hope It's a Nice Cosmic Entity!

  • If You Could Be Anyone

  • Levelup Via Snoo-Snoo

  • BYOB at the Cosmic Goat Rodeo

  • Let's Just Skip to the Final Boss Battle - ELEVATOR MUSIC / MOOD MUSIC

  • Snugglebunnies

  • Choose Wisely

  • The SLOW MOTION REPLAYYou too can partake of commissions like this! Perhaps yours won't be Quite so long, but there's room for all sorts of teef in the world.

The smoke cleared, and the lights came up. It was a tad nippy, and the wind blustered in a way that wasn't entirely kosher with an indoor environment. Yet as those gathered opened their eyes and looked around in bewilderment, they saw grey stone and blue tapestry; wide arching ceilings and a pleasing stained glass window of a sunrise.

Separated by railings and podiums, 15 people stood, and 13 people wondered. This was because one of them was too busy thinking of a funny thing that he'd heard last night, and another was deeply concerned that he knew what all this was about. They were a diverse lot. Armored swordsmen, tie-dyed hippies, people in purple robes. They came large and small, but all of them were pitiful before The Voice.


The voice was booming and slightly over-processed, but it got the attention it so craved.



They wobbled and worried, aside from that one doofus in the funky tshirt who was exceptionally pleased with his joke. This was not where they had been before, any of them, and it reeked of Shenanigans.


Some of them nodded. Superpowers sounded nice. Others were more skeptical, and a few blanched. Does... do the cosmic powers come with a receipt? You know, in case they're not quite what we wanted for Christmas?



"Who are you? Why are you doing this?!"

The voice paused, pondering. THAT WOULD TAKE A VERY LONG TIME TO EXPLAIN. SUFFICE IT TO SAY, YOU ARE NOT IN TROUBLE, NOR ARE YOU PARTICULARLY UNIQUE. Some were deeply annoyed at this accusation, but they presumably knew better than to say so.. YOU ARE, HOWEVER, SOMEWHAT AMUSING AND INTERESTING, AND SO YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN A CHANCE.


"And if we fail?"




"So not murder."




Everyone looked around, hoping the voice wasn't referring to them. Moon smiled, because he knew it referred to him and that was okay. He didn't mind.



No one applauded, except for the tie-dyed folk and one of the purple robed goobers. The other purple robes shot him a Look, and he desisted. Awww. Terrance, for his part, seemed to be a rather traditional fighter. Splint mail, longsword, shield of justice. His hair stuck up slightly in the middle, but that was its own problem.


Connor was quivering, shivering in fear. He'd seen... something, though he wasn't entirely keen to share it. Those around could Hear the quivering, for platemail armor is something that amplifies the shivers something awful. His helmet was missing. He didn't like the thing, but he liked his head being exposed even less. Don't... stop looking.


Marceus glared at this. Wow! Rude. He thought to silence the voice right now, but... later. His robes billowed, and strange ephemera could be heard from within. Enchanted to the hilt, for maximum numerical efficiency. It smelled though, and the color wasn't a good match. Ancient time-honed gear was awkward like that.


Korin did not seem like a softie at heart. His face was scarred, his blades were numerous, and he had the look of someone who was taking in every possible threat at every moment. Soft indeed. He was dressed loosely, in a way that suggested he was skilled enough as a ninja that he didn't NEED to blend in. Spooky.


Ferris gave a bow, glinting a golden tooth. He was ambiguously brown and a bit portly, but there was a muscle behind that stoutness, and a cane that screamed "I have a sword inside me!" in case anyone got rowdy. The other contestants had more hair though. That was no good. He'd balded early in life, and perhaps the cosmic power could help with that?


Ronan chuffed, and swigged a bit of his whiskey flask. It was good that it had come here, along with his absurdly long sword. His blue coat swished in the wind(for that was why he bought it, to swish), and he leaned against the railing. This would be an odd day. Week? Event.


Keith smiled, and you could hear the glisten if you pretended hard enough. His captain's uniform was immaculate, and he had a blaster of some kind. He'd tell you that the real blaster was in his pants, but hush now. We come in peace, shoot to kill. His toupee shifted slightly, and he tried to find a way to right it without drawing attention. A few noticed, most of them the ones you wouldn't expect.


Tuurnat grumbled and prepared himself. Big, proud, with axes and heft. There was no drink here though, but soon. SOON. He seemed eager, as if he knew something others did not, or as if he thought he knew something that wasn't actually all that real but we let him think it because it's mean to dash someone's hopes and dreams. His tiny beard waggled in the wind, but otherwise he remained still.


Thomas... wasn't sure what to make of this. Okay yes, he was a bit outclassed, but did you have to rub it in? He was dressed in a nice hoodie and shorts, though amidst everyone with all their weapons and arcane powers, he felt a little bit naked.


Eogan waved, and Dane blushed a little. Daww, thanks. Eogan looked a little glassy around the eyes already, and perhaps he had more? If so please share. Dane wasn't there yet, but soon. Soooon. This seemed like a far out trip, though. Way more vivid than usual. Their tie-dye shirts were their own handiwork, and they were Very Proud of them. The less modern amongst the crowd wondered how such WITCHCRAFT could be made, even if it wasn't quite their style.


Drace was quivering even worse than Connor. Oh god. Oh god no no noooooo... His clothes were festive and ready to go to a Flamenco, not fight for cosmic powers. This... could he buy a lifeline? Maybe? Aaaaahhh. He was screaming, if only internally for now. One of the hippies thought to pat him on the shoulder, but they were still in their individual dais'. Mental note: Hug needed.


They had names, but somehow the Voice knew of their positions in the Cult. This wasn't hard; each had their own shiny necklace with a Sun, Star, and Moon on it, like little nametags. Sun was tall, concerned, and strict. Star was looking around shiftily, not entirely sure how this was going to end up his fault. Moon was so happy to be here! Look at all these new friends. Hiiiiii. All of them wore the purple robes of their religion. To be truthful, Na'Mun was more of an Ultraviolet, but it was far easier to get dyes in Purple.



The voice was silent, though the room shook a little with the reverberations of its last line.

"So what, we just go to the top? Got it." Thomas made to leave, heading towards the One True Hallway. It was massive, with 100 foot ceilings and archwork that screamed "I like cathedrals!" It seemed to stretch on for quite some distance, out of sight even. His sneakers tapped on the stone as he set off.

"Getting ahead of ourselves, are we?" "I'm sure you'll catch up when there's a 'Danger'. It's just a hallway, cmo-"

He tripped. Stumbled, as it were, as a large inset tile RUDELY pushed down under his weight.

"Ow! What the fudge!" He was amongst strangers you see, and it wasn't good to swear if you didn't know what company you were in. It still hurt.

From above, a small ding sound could be heard, and a bolt of blue energy arced from roof to tile, then bouncing over to Thomas. It... tickled a little, but otherwise didn't electrocute him or murder him. That was a start.

"Sheesh. How was I supposed to know that was there?" "The fact that it's a giant square tile that clashes with the rest of the floor pattern." "And if you missed that, someone drew a smiling cat face on it."

He turned, looked. Okay, maybe it... ow! His ears, they rebelled! Pulled, yanked upwards, becoming fluffy and triangular and large all in one motion. "What? I..." He grabbed at them, but this only allowed his bum to similarly speak out, shooting a large orange tail forth over the seam of his pants, forcing them downwards. It was fluffy and it wiggled and what what aaaaahhh.

"What is this?!" "Cat." "Huh?" "It had a cat face on it. You do the math."

He looked down at his hands, his... paws. Furred, the nails were clawing, the calluses were thickening into squishy pink little pads... His jacket started to slip, as if it was... too big for him... no! He had to-

But what he had to do was left unanswered, as he promptly shrank at such a rate as to be suspended in the air for a split second before careening down in a heap of clothing. "Nyaaaa!"


Ferris wandered over, examining. Twas a small lump, shivering and huddled under the fine modern fabrics. He poked at the lump with his cane, and it HISSSSed at him. "Stop that! Aaaaahhh!"

A small orange housecat spilled out of the jacket at last. It was so puffed up with indignation, stripey and swishey and oh OHHHHHH goodness the room was BIG. Big McLargeHuge. Or maybe... maybe he was just small.

Thomas felt small, for sure. But he felt... limber. Powerful and agile, with claws he could swish in and out and a tail that helped him balance and the SIGHTS. He could see EVERYTHING, pick out details from far away. This was for the best, as Everything was far away for him now. The wind blew, and he wiggled a bit. It wasn't cold, but the draft was... unsettling.

"Right, now that we've gotten the comedy act out of the way, shall we?" "COMEDY ACT?" "If you want to be anything else, figure it out as we go." "And... what about my clothes?" "Leave them." "!" "Cats don't wear clothing, and you certainly aren't going to be carrying them around like that. Unless anyone WANTS them, at which point they won't be Your clothing anymore." "That... that..." "That's life. Deal with it."

He huffed. This Marceus fellow was a jerk. Moon leaned over and petted Thomas a bit, which was very demeaning but also felt kind nice? Mmm... okay maybe... that's not so bad, just... do you mind carrying, for a... yessss...

Sun glared at Moon, but he shrugged happily with the feline in tow. He had a cat! New friend.

It was strange, to be picked up like that, with hands that were enveloping and huge, but it was faaar better than the idea of walking on tiny tiny cat legs. He'd wear out long before the others. Go forth, my servant!

Eogan found Drace, and gave him a hug. This... what? Nooooo... the hug was very pleasing, but he didn't want a hug. He wanted to be safe, and secure, and back in his manor where everything was fine and sheltered thank you. Aaaaahhh. Aaaaahhh. Dane offered some... weed? What was this... weed? It sounded plebeian aaaaahhh.

The others made a more noted motion of Moving Along, whilst checking for more traps. Terrance reluctantly lead the way, Marceus made sure to stay in the very Middle of the group where his squishiness would not be a hindrance, and Tuurnat just kinda wandered around wondering where all the monsters were.

Now that they were forewarned about traps(or at least on the same page), traveling went a bit more smoothly. Step over this wire, we don't know what it does but it's probably bad. Down this inexplicable staircase watch THAT step it's not real.

It was half an hour later that they felt a new rushing of wind from space ahead of them. A massive room, similar to the one they had left, with four sets of stairs leading to four identical doorways. Overhead a jade dome let in the most brilliant colors of noon, and on the floor... something arcane was scribbled. If Marceus knew what it was, he wasn't telling.

Far to the right was a nice long balcony, with a little blue rug lining the middle of the hallway in case your feet got cold. The sky could be seen past a large marble railing in the distance, though the clouds had a tinge of pink and purple to them, and altogether it felt eldritch and strange. It was a nice view, though some surmised that the room could probably be put to better use. Perhaps it was, when the challenge was not in session. Who knew what these strange dimensional... voices got up to, in their FORTRESS OF MINDS.

Product placement complete, the group examined the staircases more closely. There was... a gap in the stairs, each one missing, but the floor in front of each had three sets of circular protrusions to stand on. Three groups for each door. The hippies and cultists hoped it was by group, at least. Otherwise some would be left out.

"I see they mean to split us up then. Very well. I choose you." "Why me?" "Because you look reliable. Take it as a compliment." "Oh! Oh, right. Sorry, just... a bit..." "It's alright." "It's not alright!"

The shout caused the crowd to turn and stare. Drace was shivering, on the verge of a total freakout. "This... this whole thing... it's not alright! I want to go home! I don't want your powers, or your contests, or... just leave me be!" So spoken, he ran towards the balcony. Terrance raised a hand to stop him, but Korin patted it down. Moon simply waved goodbye, and Eogan was confused what was going on can someone get him up to... up to speed? No? Okay...

Drace ran. He didn't care about the little rug on the floor, or the nice architecture, or the WEIRDOS behind him he just ran he had to! Where could he go anywhere but here aaaaahhh!

Something twisted, slipped deep inside. He stumbled a bit, hands catching the floor, but pushing himself back upwards. They felt heavier than before... no, more massive. Not heavy at all, but light and powerful. HE felt light and powerful, as if he could run anywhere he pleased. The balcony was close now, 200 feet away.

"Where does he think he's going?" "Out. Away. Wherever it is, he'll be going."

"?" "Look, dimwit."

They looked, and marveled. His shoes, they fell off, but taloned feet continued to stride. His posture leaned forwards, and he had to use his hands now, but that was okay because they were Made for this. Made for pushing and propelling and sending him to great new heights. Claws ripped at the stone, and his poor shirt stood little chance against the onslaught of green scales that expelled forth. Far too large for a human's frame, for a human's gear... but it felt right.

He liked it, he didn't know what it was but it... it was GOOD. He wasn't running now, more... plodding, but he covered the same sort of speed. His legs wiggled, and his torso extended, out and back into a short stubby tail, but then it was longer and groping and thrashing back and forth to balance the massive weight of muscles that the growing dragon bore.

The building felt smaller now, confining, despite its absurd size. Out there, the skies... they called. He could fly back to his home, find somewhere that wasn't quite so terrifying... and as he thought this, his shoulders, they buckled. Stretched and shot forth in a direction shoulders should never go! But out came limbs, and then wings, growing and filling and wrapping around the green beast that forced its way ever closer to the balcony.

Drake grabbed the railing, crushing it slightly beneath his massive claws. It crackled, and the slight give of the stone pleased him. This... this power... he could go anywhere. And so... he would. He put one foot to the railing, pushed off into the air... and he did not fall.

Borne aloft, on strange wings. His face stretched outwards, filling with teeth and fire. His hair fell away, but what did he need that for? Ears were no thing to a dragon, as were the clothes left behind. A dragon needed no protection, no garb, simply to BE. He flapped, and spat a bit of fire to get the taste of that Horrid place out of his mouth, and glided off into the distance.

"Soooo... that happened." "Anyone going to join him? No?" "Not really." "I'm not gonna jump off a balcony just to get my thumbs back, thanks." "Smart kitten." *hissss* "In any case, we need to move onward. The doors, three groups at most for each."

They pondered. Sized up. Who would be team captain? Ooh pick me pick me! But soon they had divided into groups of like minded individuals, or at least people they could tolerate.

TERRANCE stood at the first door, with RONAN and KORIN. Three warriors of the blade, each with their own goals and hearts. The rest watched as the platform accepted this group, and rose up to reach the stair above, bidding them entry into the door of their choosing.

"Technically, you could probably try climbing up it after them." "Don't anger the strange dungeon. It knows things." "Oooookay? But yeah, it was just a thought."

MARCEUS headed to the second door, not wanting to stay with these scoobies any longer than he had to. CONNOR followed behind, glancing fearfully about. FERRIS shrugged, and went with them. Best to put in lots with the ubermage, after all. The platform rose, and they ascended.

"Then I shall have door number 3. To me, lads!"

KEITH boldly went forth, and TUURNAT joined him! The rest were... the hippies, the cultists, and the cat. Great.

"Can... can we just... go up now, strange voice?" "Hey!" "You're three groups, you'll be fine."

The platform ascended anyway, and Thomas sulked. It was the principle of the matter, really. The captain and the viking would rather leave them behind then risk one of them joining their team. Just like sports back in school. Always picked last. Ptuhhh.

"Up we go?" "Hi, I'm Eogan." "I'm Moon!" "We were already introduced." "Yes, but now it's official! Have you heard the word of our lord Na'mun? He-" "Moon, please. We don't even have the pamphlets with us." "I do!"

Moon helpfully proffered pamphlets at Dane, Eogan, and Thomas. Thomas stared. How... how was he supposed to... oh. Thank you, opening it and letting him read your... strange... strange literature about elder gods.

They wandered onto the lift, up the stairs, and through the door. Beyond was light, and stars, and then... then...

It was some hours later that Terrance, Korin, and Ronan wandered into a large limestone temple. The massive structure reached towards the... earth? They seemed to be in a massive cavern, that inexplicably had trees growing upwards and downwards and sideways all the same, and radiated with the hues of sunset despite having no actual light source to speak of.

A final squeal cried out over the temple's courtyard as Terrance pulled his sword back out of a small pig-like monster. The things had been everywhere, but given the group was made of three time-honed warriors, the little lumps stood less chance than their size. He sighed, wiped the blood off(again), and sheathed his blade.

"Getting tired?" "Always."

It wasn't really their fault, he'd just been... doing this for a long time. Years. Over a decade, perhaps. Always more monsters, always more villains, and always more killing. He was sick of the whole thing, though not entirely surprised to find himself doing more of the same here.

"That bad, huh?" "Mmm. Story of my life, such as it is. I fight so others don't have to, but it seems that my services are always in demand."

Korin nodded. He too was much the same way, though it hadn't worn on him that much. Perhaps because he never really knew of any other way. His first kill had been from the tender age of 6, and from then on he vowed to protect those dear to him in the only way he knew how. And by golly, he was good at it. A tentacle rose from the nearby moat, only to be severed in half by a flying blade from the assassin. It spurted and jiggled, then fell back into the water to be tenderly nursed by the other tentacles. There there. The mean human didn't Mean it. That's just... how he is.

"I just wish I could be one of the ones that didn't have to, you know?" "Those people exist?" "...your world is rather harsh, isn't it." "Perhaps. That's how it goes."

Ronan shook his head. "It only goes that way if you let it. If you hate the violence, walk away. If you hate the bloodshed, find a path that lacks it." "And you?" "...I've learned not to mind, but I pick my battles. Current situation aside, that is."

The inside of the temple was quite roomy, past a small entryway with strange religious graffiti. The main chamber was devoted to an ornate gold and jade artifice, the likes of which none of them had seen before. Massive concentric hoops, spinning in time with each other, yet always managing to avoid a small walkway of gold and glass that allowed travel inward. Upon closer examination, the hoops Would in fact strike the hallway, were they not polite enough to bend gently around the area, distorting space for the purpose of pedestrian safety.

The floor stood out to them, and the walls as well when they were inside the sphere. Glass, but showing aerial views of many places, strange worlds they had never been to before, yet with recognizable features. A flyover of a grassy plain, floating mountains in the springtime, rivers that swam through the air while fish leapt in and out of the streams for entertainment.

At the center, slightly off to the side, a large mirrored archway stood, though it only reflected the rest of the sphere at the moment. The path itself continued onwards, past the strange device to a large door similar to the one they had taken when the larger group split. This one bore the image of a large clock with two sets of hands. The larger hands pointed to 7:00, while the lesser hands pointed to 8:12. A target time, and the time it currently was.

"What do you suppose it means?" "It means..." Ronan leaned against the golden railing, pulling out some whiskey. "...that we'll be spending the night here waiting for the door to open." "All well and good. We've been walking for some time."

"It's safe enough, at least. Visible. Less way for monsters to sneak up." "Bit bright though. Twill be hard to get some sleep." "Deal with it."

They slumped down, taking a break and examining what rations they had on them. Not too much, but as travelers they all had bits and pieces to munch on. Perhaps somewhere else, in another world and time, the other groups would have far better food.

Terrance opened his left eye, staring. Korin had volunteered for the first watch, but for the last hour he'd just been... staring. Mesmerized by the view of worlds.

"Like what you see?" "It's just... different. I suppose you were not far off. My world is harsh, and cruel. It's strange. To see these places where that need not be the case." "Mmm." "Troubled as well?" "No, just... much of the time that peace comes from the work of fighting. Those who fight seeking to exploit those who cannot." "Ah. And you spend your life ensuring that does not happen." "Yes. I never even really got to see the results, mind you. It was always onward, to the next problem, the next quest."

Ronan was watching by this point, listening, but he wasn't keen on interrupting. It was good for them to let it out, and he felt... he understood maybe, just a little. His ears tingled, but he paid them no mind.

The sphere changed its pattern, spinning slightly less counter-eastclockwise, as the mirror shimmered and rippled. It was starting to show something else, something new. Terrance looked, peering. What... what was that?

Twas a village, quaint and spacious. Very log-based structures, brown and red with leafy vines running hither and dither. As the image coalesced, they could see little creatures, tan furred with bushy tails and massive ears. They were... happy. Well, one was snoozing, but it was a peaceful snooze while the others went about their day. Pushing carts, selling wares, leading the children around the village.

"The... the fens..." "Fens?" "I'd helped them, early on, maybe 16 years ago. But their village was scorched, razed to rubble." "Looks fine to me."

Hearing no reply, Korin looked over, and saw that Terrance was crying. "It... it does look fine. They rebuilt, they're... happy." "Most likely because of you."

They turned, staring at Ronan, who shrugged. "Well? They're alive to tell the tale, so clearly you did a good job." "Yes..."

Terrance trailed off, but he... reached out a hand. Touched the surface of the archway. It... bent. Rippled and pulled inward and then... opened up. Forming a long glass hallway reaching out into space and time, a strange tesseract that could only be seen from the front of the arch. And beyond... beyond lay...

He knew. He knew from the onset that he did not want that... Phenomenal Cosmic Power. All he really wanted... was to find some peace. Satisfaction that all the strife had been worth it. That when the villain was slain, those left behind would never be troubled again. And here... it was right here...

Terrance had started walking, dazed. It was here, right here, and... could he? Would he even be allowed? After... after all of this... he looked down at his hands, almost expecting to see blood and sins and hardship... but it wasn't there. The skin was fresh, new even. The nails were pristine, but they were thicker and smaller and seemed to come out of the front of the smaller, stubbier fingers. The calluses had become darker, thicker and puffier and somehow softer and squishier. Little pads, they almost looked like... the hands of the Fens he had saved.

Yes, this... this was how he could go on. Not as Terrance, the warrior of the meek, but as a peaceful soul, absolved of the life that was necessary to make that peace happen. He walked with purpose now, faster and less weary. His ears were stretching, reaching outwards, starting to fluff and ripple. His hair, longer, lighter and sandier. His armor seemed to melt, leaking like so much mercury until it bubbled off of him and flowed into the glass of the tunnel.

Korin raised a hand. "You... you're changing!" He was shocked, perhaps even... concerned. But as he made to stop his comrade, Ronan jutted in.

"Leave him be." "What?" "This... this is his stop, and he's earned it."

Terrance nodded, smiled, without turning around. Maybe... maybe he didn't want them to see his expression, didn't want to have to justify it. He could just head on, further and further into the tunnel. It seemed to grow larger overhead, even as his rear started to wiggle free of its confines. The pants became hairy, and then furry, and then he was wearing a proud coat of fennec fur. The spine became long, and then wide, and then the bushy tail swung from side to side in excitement.

The memories, the trauma, they were leaving him. Seeping away like the armor. He held his sword, and realized that it was... unfamiliar. A strange and foreign thing, the feeling... it was like the first time he had ever picked it up. But this time, it was not to learn how to fight. This time... he would forget. And he would do it with a smile, a smile that stretched outwards into a happy, grinning muzzle.

Everything was lighter, freer, his thoughts evaporating into nothingness. The sword bent, and melted, and it too faded away. He was naked now, but did he really need to be clothed, with so much fur? The air ahead was warm, comforting, and it felt alright. He felt alright, for the first time in a long time.

The glass rippled, rose around him even as he walked, yet his movement was unrestricted. It reached inside him, and the wounds and years melted away. Smaller, lighter, younger, happier. He remembered, the faces of those that he had saved, and now the memory was one of hope and anticipation. Soon... he would be one of them. He could remember being the hero that saved his people, and know that the hero had indeed found a wonderful reward.

The glass rose up over his limbs, his neck and face, and he peacefully slipped off into the slumber between worlds. Terrance would not awaken again, but Ferrance, the Fen child named after the hero who saved his people... that would be a good thing to wake up as.

Dust cleared, blasted aside, the result of yet another Explosion. Ferris nodded gently to himself. It had been the right call to go with Marceus. He wasn't keen on wandering a dungeon forever, and the mage just... blasted the walls and puzzles out of the way when necessary. Kablam! Whoosh.

The door though, it was quite massive. The clock sat emblazoned, telling the group it was not yet their time. Connor shuddered at the sight, seeing something the others could not. No... not this, not yet, please...

Marceus fired a laser at the door, but it remained entirely unscorched.

"Tch." "Not working?" "It merely means we shall have to wait. I suspect there is nothing actually beyond the door yet." "Um... translation?" "The door is a portal to the next World of this affair, and it is not connected yet. If I had to guess, the others will have similar doors, and the time is meant to ensure that we regroup at the same time." "You, uh... do this a lot." "I do, yes. People tend to think they are very clever when designing their dungeons. Only sometimes is it actually true."

Ferris nodded and pretended to understand. His dungeon was... well, more for pleasure. A few twisty hallways and murderholes to keep ne'er-do-wells out, but inside was carpets and pillows and all manner of finery. A happy place for happy people to have happy sex. Preferably the nomarch, but Ferris definitely got second pick, and the harlots were more than happy to oblige.

This place, meanwhile, seemed designed to kill and confuse. Perhaps the latter lead to the first. They had been trudging through hallways all day, with occasional panoramic views from similar balconies that None of them had been willing to jump off of. Nice places, if a bit exotic. Currently, they were somewhere that might not have been out of place in Ferris' own palace. A bit lighter, with more weight on the ivory and sapphire and blue marble. The sun had almost set though, and it would be best to stay here-

"We can't stay here!" "What." "This place... this is where..." "Stop wibbling and talk." Marceus was in no mood for low-level paranoia. He could deal with Anything here if you'd just keep formation and stick to your role.

"Only one of us will pass the door." Connor's eyes glazed as he said this, but he quickly snapped back to attention. "The rest shall fall before hand, if we stay here we-" "Enough. You have been blubbering the whole way, and in case you hadn't noticed, the One would be me. As long as you stay WITH me, and not against me, your safety is assured. Stop whining and eat."

It was true, there was food here. Breads and cheeses and little fruits. Travelers fare, resting on a nice table with the cushions around it. Connor would have nothing of it. "I do not trust it, I don't trust you, just leave me be! The eyes will not have me tonight!"

Ferris and Marceus both glanced sideways at each other, Ferris raising an eyebrow calmly. "The eyes?" "They're always there, at the end! The eyes are the last thing I see, and then the visions go dark. Nothing lies beyond, nothing! They won't get me, not here, not now..."

His paranoia trailed off, and the two decided to let him fret by himself. Such fear would spoil dinner, and they still had twelve hours before the door would open.

It was dark now, and the three were... well, two of them were resting. Marceus insisted that he Did Not Sleep, and indeed he seemed to have one eye open at all times, even as he leaned against the doorway. The Safest place, he said, and claimed for his own.

Ferris had gone back for more bread. This was good stuff! Om nom nom you want any... any... okay no you're still freaking out um... bye?

Connor was having a terrible time of it. The visions... they wouldn't leave him alone. Creeping and crawling at the edges of his vision, a darkness blacker than the night itself, pulling and dragging and...

He WAS being pulled, dragged! He cried, shoutmmmmMMFFFff! The darkness wrapped over his mouth, keeping his words safe inside where they would never be heard.

"Now now, little seer. This time is for you and I alone."

Connor reached, grasped at the door so far away, but already he was falling backwards, and he turned around to see...


Red Eyes, glowing, dark slitted in the void. Nothing remained beside, around, behind or through. Darkness, and Eyes.

"There there, you are So Tense. You would think one like you would be more... accepting of fate." "Stop it!" He managed to get a word in edgewise, even as the darkness coiled around him, tighter and closer. It didn't squeeze, but he couldn't make it budge, no matter how he tried.

"Aaahhhh, I see now. I see your mind, little seer. Little Connor." "You see nothing!" Connor closed his eyes, but he could still SEE the other Eyes in his visions. No... nope nope nope...

"I see everything, and I see a seer who needs my guidance. You're so afraid, knowing that this is the place where you lose." "Nnnngh..." "Your flaw... is you don't know why that's a good thing." "!" "All your life, you've seen the glimpses. The SIGHTS. I know you have. Perhaps you might have tried to make some of them happen, but that's not who You are." "..." "You're a coward." The word spat, though the spittle rang through to Connor's very soul, sticking and sliming on it, tainted somehow. "You saw the truth, and you averted your eyes. You were afraid of staying in the town where they would discover your powers, and so you became a knight. You were afraid of the killing, and so you fled your charge. You were afraid of being caught, and so you absconded to foreign lands. And here, the farthest away you possibly could be... you're still running." "S...stop it..." He knew, knew it was true, but don't tell him don't remind him just

"It's time for you to open your eyes, and truly SEE."

The darkness pried his eyes open, two tendrils to an orb, and he could SEE. The Eyes were there, physically, just as They were there in his mind's eye. Forced to look, forced to bear witness, and his body became limper and heavier and more distant. Everything else melted in comparison to the Eyes.

"You are afraid of losing... when it is the one thing that can set you free." "..." "By losing this game of fate, there is only the one path set out before you. You no longer need to be troubled by possibility, by chance. Simple, elegant, straightforward. What you truly fear... is the thought you might have to choose." "I... I..." "You don't need to fear anymore, little Connor. I am here for you. And you will be here, for me."

Connor had forgotten to breathe, but somehow... he didn't need to. He just needed to stare, to look. His eyes weren't even held open anymore, they simply Were. He could look, forward, unceasingly, and everything would be as it should be. Nothing to the side. Nothing above, nothing below. Just look, and relax, and let go.

"That's it. Well done. You're afraid of yourself, of your own choices, and I think I can choose something far better for you to be." "You... you can...?" "Of course. I succeed where you fall, and I will pick you back up. Trust in me, and all is forgiven." "Yes... yesss..."

His words were trailing off, even as his limbs seemed to sag. His legs, they dangled... they weren't held anymore, but they felt so limp. So long and loose, bending and twisting off into eternity. Perhaps it wasn't that far, but with no reference to go by, it might as well have been. The tendrils wrapped and coated this strange dangling piece of person, helpfully painting them in colors Connor could not see. That Connor did not need to see. He knew they were blue, and silver, and white, and always iridescent. The scales, they shimmered in his mind's eye, and they reflected the light of the Eyes.

"And in return, you will belong to me." "Belong...?" It sounded... wrong, but appealing all the same.

"Yes. Companionship, but also to be owned and cared for. You are my responsibility now, and you cannot be separate from me." " that... alright?" "It is with me, or it is with the visions. Which does it prefer?" "...with you." "Yes. Only now do you understand. Well done."

The tendrils wrapped around his shaft, grasping, causing it to harden and throb. His clothes were gone, they never existed, not for this strange new person that was to be. And as his naked form was caressed, the shaft started to rise. To push outward.

"This is a tool of decision, of action. It belongs to me, from now on." "I... want you to have it." "And I would take it anyway."

The tendrils grasped, and he felt the penis extend, stretching away from the flesh... and then it popped off. The sensations vanished, leaving only a rippling resonance that recoiled deep inside. The tendrils pushed, causing her insides to cave and open. This... it felt good. Good to be taken by the Eyes, by the master that bore them. Her master.

The tendrils pulled at her chest, and she leaned into them, hopeful.

"These exist for our enjoyment. They shall be a shape of my choosing, and your bearing." "Please... do so." "Say it." "Please... master."

The chest, it changed. Melted into pools of putty, only to congeal and rise, to find their true purpose atop this new serpent. Protruding, then hanging, then dangling and bouncing. Full, proud, squishing against each other. She could hear a hissss of approval, even as the scales spread up and over these strange and wonderful decorations. Up her neck, across her face, into her MIND. But it was already his mind, a thing that belonged to him, of which she was only an expression of his will.

Her hair glistened as the scales, becoming long and fluid. Outward it fell, every which way. It was so nice, to let the hair and the tail and the arms and the everything just Saggggg... held up by whatever surface they might flop upon. For the tail, it was the ground below, a thing that had not been there before. For the arms, it was the tendrils of darkness that caressed them so. For the breasts, it was the geometry and gravity, reaching out as far as they could before coming to a halt. For the hair, it fell across the shoulders and neck and back and as the tendrils played with it she smiled deep inside, where only the Eyes could see.

"You are my Seeress. Do you wish to be this?" "More than anything." "Come, Seeress. There is so much for you to see."

And she did. Calmly, happily, she slithered off into the darkness, following the voice and the Eyes to the coils of her new master. Freed from fate, by the imposition of his will. This was good, in her mind, and she forgot any other way to be. Just as she had wanted, all along. It was a good thing to lose herself to this, to lose forever. Forever was a long time to be freed from the burden of choice and responsibility. She would relish it, and he would be so proud of her.

Tuurnat brought his axe down, cleaving a rope that propelled his charge to victory. Up to the lever, pulled, and they were past the door. Puzzles annoyed the viking, and he'd much prefer to be back fighting more monsters. They had done that too, even if he felt Keith's blaster was Cheating.

It was a nice place on the other side. Very mediterranean, a moist grassy precipice overlooking a vast void, with a large clock-emblazoned door at the end of it all. A little amphitheater sat to the right side, and beyond they could see a little trail leading down to a village on a plateau below. Perhaps an island? It Floated, in the strange void that served as both sky and sea in this odd environment.

They had set camp when they heard the sounds. Footsteps, firm but light and balanced. Looking, they saw several... lizards enter the amphitheater from the village.

"See? See? I told you I saw travelers." "Yes my dear, you're very perceptive. We heard you the first time though." "Oh my. They're quite... exquisite."

Tuurnat and Keith examined the natives, and Keith especially liked what he saw! They were women, all four of them, breasted and bouncy and scandalously clad with only belts and pouches. Their slits were in wide view, and he could imagine all manner of ways to fly his starship into them.

"Come! Strangers, there is no need to stay up here. We have food in the village below!"

"Well?" "You may go ahead. I am fine." "Suit yourself! I" He put a great deal of emphasis on the I. "Will be engaging in diplomatic relationships with these... fine females."

Tuurnat scoffed. Was that what they called it these days? He watched three of the lizards lead the captain away, and he made sure to be very close and personal for this alien encounter.

"You are not coming?"

The fourth lizard, the smallest, was still here. She looked at the Viking quizzically, not sure what to make of him. "I am not one for other's... hospitality." "So odd. At least let me give you water."

She did, filling his pouch with her own. A gracious act, expecting no recompense. But...

"Why?" "Why not?" "You do not know me." "And yet we can still be friends. Do you not have others that you help when they are in need?"

He... thought. He had comrades. Once. Long ago, but one by one they had fallen in war. Not he. He was the last, the final remnant of his crew, and he had long since given up notions of hospitality and caring.

"I am sorry." "?" "I did not... mean to bring up bad memories." "How... do you?" "It is all over your face. Do not be so shocked." "You are quite perceptive." "Thank you." "I suppose... I did, once." "Is it wrong?" "?" "To follow in their example? Maybe it is painful to remember, but they would want you to act as they would."

"I... I suppose. What difference would it make? At the end of all things." "Difference? That is not the purpose. We do this because we would wish them upon ourselves. To be kind, and receive in kind. Sometimes we may not find a reward for our actions, but if we can have friends to share with, those actions become the reward."

He... he had no words. He had a lot of words, technically, but they sounded wrong. Not appropriate, or not properly conveying the emotions within. She patted him gently, and stood up.

"Think on it, perhaps. There is still time before the end."

"Go with courage." "And you with happiness."

She left, following the trail down to her village. This... he chuckled a little. He would not have expected the smallest of the lizards to be the Wise One. Mystic Hilda at the lodge was massive, though she too spoke of similar things long ago. Perhaps... perhaps there was some merit. Glory not for himself, but for all the warriors seeking Valhalla.

...okay, maybe not Keith. The man was no warrior, none that Tuurnat would ever recognize. Perhaps the others, if they survived their perils. Perhaps if they did... he would not have to be alone again. His stomach tingled slightly, as did his rear, but he thought little of it. He had other things to consider for now.

Keith let the grapes fall into his mouth as the nice lizard ladies fed him. This... this was good! He had never quite been fed while having sex, mind you, but there was a first time for everything. The lizard below him had her eyes rolled back in pleasure, lost in the throes of passion. Another conquest for the Tarren empire, and more importantly for his dick.

There were so many lizards about, in the common clearing of the town. Mostly women, he noted, though there were a few men. They too were scandalously undressed, and as he saw the dick of one clad like a shaman, Keith felt... longing?

"Do not stop now, good traveler. We are so close!"

Renewing his purpose, Keith set his dick to ramming speed. Uumph. Oooh. Yes, like that. Oh! She came already, splashing forth all over his member. Truly prolific, though he liked this sort of thing. Alien babes were the best, and he was the best at alien babes. Oh yes.

"Do me! Do me!"

He wasn't going to object! Switching from one lizard to the next, he resumed. Soon it would be his turn to come, but until he did, he would satisfy them so well.

The fluid of the first lizard remained on him, mixing with the second, and he could almost feel it... seeping inside. Filling him with a heat and passion that was so very enjoyable. His mind started to fog, to become soft. There were others around him, but he... he couldn't focus on anything but the heat of the moment. It wrapped him, enveloping his feeble brain and coaxing it onward. Yessss... good.

It was so odd. Everything started to blur, though he didn't feel dizzy. If anything, he felt... light. Different and teased. One of the lizards ran her hand along his back, and he barely noticed it amongst all the other pleasures. His chest felt ready, but ready for what? It had never been ready before, but perhaps it was time to really come forth...

He moaned, pulling and grasping at the lizard. They spun, and she was riding him now. It was nice, pleasing, even as he rocked his chest and hips forward in time with her bouncing and jiggling. His butt felt long... his skin so smooth... but why would he ever want to stop?

Something was odd... the shaft, his starship, it seemed to slide forward. Outwards and up, becoming thinner and less attached. It started to bounce less into her, and more between them. A strange intrusion, yet a warm and welcoming one all the same. It was too soft to think, and he let his head fall back, gasping as the strange thing slid deeper and deeper but thinner and thinner and then... was gone.

Fluid came down upon him, though it did not seem to be from her. So odd, so strange, and he felt... unsatisfied. This heat, this need, something was missing. He didn't know what it was, but he'd recognize it when he saw... it... THERE...

A male lizard had approached. His dick was erect, a long smooth trapezoidal thing. Pink and shiny, curved and proud, and it looked like... a key. A wonderful key for a messy, needy lock down below. Was that... was that going into... into her?

She looked down her body, mind still melting and cottony. The very sights and images blurred and warped, like a badly moistened painting. Yet she could see masses, orbs, fresh and jiggling upon her chest. Something was missing down below, a dick, his dick where was... it was over there, on him, he needed to... yes. YES, please.

The lizards were saying something, but she couldn't hear it. She only saw sculpted abs and glistening scales and a proud bouncing dick that needed to explore her nether regions. Her tail flicked pitifully, and as he grasped her hips, she moaned with the excitement of how they Gave under his firm fingers. The starship ran along her boarding dock, and with the proper clearance, entered hyperspace.

This... she didn't know. She didn't know anything anymore, and that was okay. Why was she concerned about a... a human? Would he fuck her? But he wasn't here, not anymore, she was here, and why were the two related? She felt so full, unlocked from the INSIDE, and she let herself rock and join the motions. Please. Further. Deeper. Harder. Everything finally made sense, and she wasn't sure if it hadn't made sense before but it definitely did now. She tried to speak, to talk, but the words were melting too. Strange and foreign, a new language with a new voice. Soft and sssibilant and oh so silky.

The lizard unleashed his proton torpedoes, spewing deep into her uncharted sectors, and she reciprocated with some alien fluid of her own making. Her body quaked, and it seemed to calm the melting somewhat. Only somewhat, she could move and think a little, but she wouldn't mind more of that, maybe in a little bit.

"You did it! So proud of you." The lizard looked up at her clan sister. Was... had she been like him one? But she wasn't him. She was... who was she...? "What should we call her?" The lizard... tried to say his name, but it came out as Her name. "Keia." "Keia! The clan welcomes lady Keia!"

The lizards cheered and hissed and jubilated. She rolled over, trying to clear her head. She had been... a captain? A starship captain... but what was a starship? Out in space, but space wasn't a place you could go, not by yourself. Space was where she went when the vapours came, the need and the want that could only be satisfied by the clan's males. They were few, and in limited supply, but deeply cared for. She would deeply care for them too, in hopes they would deeply care for her in kind.

Keia looked at one of the lizards, lying against a bench. She was very rotund around the belly, and starting... starting to release... something came out. White and glistening, ovoid and thick. A large egg, straining the lips of her pussy as it slowly slid out onto the grass. The others cheered, and two came over to ensure that it was dutifully taken care of, as well as the tired mother.

The act... she longed for that, and somehow she knew. Soon, weeks perhaps, far too long in her opinion... she would bring forth an offering just like that. She had boldly gone where no human had gone before, and the new lizard was so eager. Her new assignment had begun, and it needed no ships nor captains. Only her fellow lizards, who were glad to see that she received the care she needed. So that one day she might bring forth a new sister of her own.

"Got it?" "Almost... there!"

Thomas managed to get the lock unclasped, and the gate swung open. It was very sturdy, repelling even the cultist's tentacle summons. Yet, the gate was a simple swinging thing with a space at the top and bottom. Too small for much more than an arm... but that was enough for a cat.

It was the weirdest sensation, squishing under the gate. His bones seemed to slide around the meat like a teased water balloon, and he felt more akin with water than the meat at the moment. Cats were weird. Jumping back up on the handle was a bit hard, but he managed, and now all could enter... what was this place?

It was a cave, that much was obvious. Lit by orange lights and strange beetle statues, with a clock-emblazoned door at the far end. The floor was a mixture of dirty rock and hewn stone, with little carvings that suggested someone had Way too much free time to decorate, yet hadn't quite finished the whole room before conking out. They had reached the end of the day's journeys, and barring a strange porcupine that SHOT quills at them(rude), their adventure had mostly consisted of puzzles.

This was for the best, he thought. The cultists were the only ones good in a fight, and not entirely so. Moon didn't like fighting, Star's nerves got the better of him, and Sun was incredibly overconfident. The hippies were useless, though good for morale(you can do it!), and he... he was a cat.

Not that this was... entirely bad? He liked the feel of it, the flow and energy and Slinkiness of the whole affair. He just wished he was... you know... not tiny? A big cat, a proper cat, maybe with some thumbs and some wi-fi. That would be good.

The cave was roomy, but it didn't go on for very long. More of a chamber, carved into a mountain somewhere. That was probably for the best. Less wild creatures, and more sitting down and enjoying. They'd have time to kill, for now. They'd seen enough WEIRD PUZZLE SHIT to understand the meaning of the clock, even Eogan.

"Ooh, they have the goods."

"Check it."

There was a shelf, in the... not the corner, but off to the side. Stoneworking tools were here, but also herbs and bottles of... party drinks for sure. He might have been concerned had there not been glasses as well. It wouldn't do to drink paint thinner by accident.

The hippies didn't mind. They poured a glass, toasted, and drank. Wine! They declared it so, and shared with the rest. Good taste testers.

It was night-time, the cavern lit now only by the bug-lights instead of the ambient sun from outside. The cultists were off in the corner doing... something. Drawing? Odd.

"Y'want some weed?" "I'm a cat." "...that seems like a good reason for some weed."

"...fair enough."

Dane rolled the cutest little tiny joint, lit it, and offered to the small housecat. Thomas imbibed, and it... it was a bit relaxing, yes. The day had been stressful, full of weird puzzles and strange people and also he was a cat. The hippies were nice though. Very welcoming, and full of goodies.

"Y'want some LSD?" "No thank you." "Do you... do you know what..." "Yes, I know what acid is." "Acid? That's a good name for it." "I guess it's not named that yet. When are you from?" "When? 1965, man! Best year." "I'm from 2011." "Dangarang. That's pretty far out." "We'd be, like... ancient by then." "What's it like?"

Thomas pondered. How do you tell strange people from the past about the future? Especially when they were high as a jetplane. They'd already started trying the acid, and were settling in for a Good Time.

"Close." "Close?" "You know phones?" "Yeah. Good stuff." "I have... had one in my pocket." "So you can just, like... call from wherever?" "Yeah." "Neat." "Are we space yet?" "Kinda? It's expensive, so they don't do it too much." "Dang. Space sounds rad." "But yeah, you can be in touch with anyone, anywhere." "Neat. Peace and love?" "I... I refuse to answer that question."

They looked at each other, confused. That... that's what THEY would use the internet for. Maybe other people needed good weed.

The cultist's side of the room started to glow a deep dank red.

"Neat." "Silence, you fool! We are communing with Na'Mun." "Maybe they can join in!" "No, they can't! This is a three chanter circle." "But I remember how the pentagram ones go. We can just..." "I've already drawn it, it's a three person circle, I'm not drawing it again, so THERE. They can watch."

"Oh. Okay. Have... have fun watching!"

The hippies waved. They would. The cultists were strange, but they seemed nice. Maybe they needed good weed.

The three chanted, and Sun focused. Soon. From here, where the veil between worlds was the most thin, translucent and sparkly, he would call upon Na'Mun. Directly, together, they could be empowered to defeat this quest and bring that power back to the dark master.

Star focused, trying to block everything out. Sun got mad when he did stuff wrong, and he wanted to be a good cultist. His standards were so strict though, and Star really kinda wanted a break? Soon. Soon they would bring glory to Na'Mun and all would be better.

Moon didn't need to focus, because he knew the chant by heart! He pondered all the cool things he would say to Na'Mun when they got to meet. He'd heard a lot about the strange cosmic entity, but it was all ancient word and dogma. He hoped it was a nice cosmic entity! It sounded nice, in any case.

The glow intensified, and space rippled. Thomas' fur stuck out on end, and he puffed more vigorously on the joint. Relax. Breathe. Don't think about... tentacles...oh.

It was a tentacle. Large, grey and deep blue and very squamous. Had he the eyes, he would have noted that it positively Radiated ultraviolet light. Suckers ran all along it, and the tentacles were reaching out of the portal, but then out of the side of space near them and around and through and he jammed his eyes shut to stop staring at it because it really hurt his brain to imagine that.

Dane nodded and handed Eogan a bite of granola. It wasn't popcorn, but they didn't have that on hand. In any case, their brains were already so baked that the inscrutable geometry-defying entrance of Na'Mun didn't really rattle their eyeballs much. It looked pretty cosmic! Nice light show, dudes.

"Great Na'Mun! Wise and all seeing. We entreat to thee, to offer-"

What Sun planned to offer was never discovered. The tentacles reached around him, grabbed, and pulled. Aaaaahhh! Star tried to wriggle away, but another tentacle grabbed his foot and pulled him into a side vortex. Aaaaahhh!

Moon jumped up and down, waving his hands, and let the tentacle gently wrap around his midsection, carefully pulling this precious cinnamon roll into the rift as well. Wheeeeee!

Thomas looked up and shivered uncontrollably as the lights faded and space became Euclidean again. "So uh... that happened." "It did, it did." "Want some more weed?" "YES." "Stress is bad for you, man. Take it easy." Thomas took the second tiny joint, and huffed. "I'm trying. Believe me, I'm trying."

The cultists floated in Na'Mun's screensaver, while the instance loaded. It was very colorful and twisty and probably not good for epileptics but Na'Mun didn't particularly care about that sort of concern.

"My Lord! Why have you taken us? We could ha-"

Patience filled their brains, blasted at them through the aether, and they ate it whole. They saw... strange things... The fortress of MINDs, a haven in the rift. Na'Mun's sanctum, where they were to go. Few had ever managed to open a portal to Na'Mun, so spatially segregated it was. This was a rare treat, and he was so proud of them.

"But the prize! The phenomenal cosmic power!"

Understanding tickled their noodles, in a slightly uncomfortable manner. The power was vast, but it was limited to the rift. Restricted, confined, it was not what Na'Mun sought. His power was to spread through prayer and worship, through which He could direct the power outwards to whatever planes he wished.

"We... could have..."

Na'Mun rejected this claim, letting them know that he knew more about the power than they. Sun shut up, at least for a little bit. Good. Na'Mun wasn't entirely fond of the imposing types, but you got who you could with this outreach business. He would make do.

Prayer needed life, and life needed to be brought into the fold. They had done well, thus far, but the fastest way by far to spread life was to make it yourself. He had so few vessels to his domain, and three more would be greatly welcomed, far outstripping any potential gain from a friendly presence in the rift.

The instance loaded, and they splashed into a tidal pool. The beach was nice, though the sky was vast beyond comprehension and opened into the void in various places. Sea foam rushed about the lapping water, and their robes melted at the touch.

Star spat out some water, while Moon splashed about. Yay! Sun liked his robes, and wasn't sure why Na'Mun... but maybe they were to receive new clothing, in the proper Ultraviolet of their master. Still, Na'Mun was a being of purpose, and this... they were brought here to spread life? This...

"The sea foam! This... this is Na'Mun's..."

A creation of the elder one, and it easily overpowered the fleshy forms of the three humans. They moaned and shivered, feeling as the strange energies seeped into them and became a part of the whole. Sun raised a hand to protest, but already it was wiggling and bending in a tentacular fashion. The fingers fused together, forming the proper suckers of the master's limbs. Star wobbled his tentacles, trying to raise a leg and crying as it began to noodle as well.

Moon giggled, lathering the sea foam all over her. For indeed, it filled inside and rose up, forming large glands on her chest, proud and bold, full of cosmic nourishment. The foam touched their dangly parts, and the penii melted into so much sea foam of their own. Sun grasped at the foam in vain, while Star tentatively poked a tentacle at the strange slit forming below. Her legs were starting to split, to spread outwards into many limbs. Three to a leg, six tentacles below, with the strange womanly cleft wide and apparent for any elder god to see.

The foam congealed, forming the limbs of their master, and began to ministrate. Entering, prodding, filling and making sure that the insides were all prepared for the main course. It felt so GOOD, so right and proper, yet how could they have known that the true purpose of their god... was to spread?

Moon giggled as the tentacle retreated, and she felt something deep below. It was small, sliding and wriggling and maybe it just needed to be... pushed out...

It popped onto the beach, a transparent blueish thing with a red core, an egg, a spawn to grow into a future worshipper of Na'Mun. Moon the fishwife giggled, and turned over in the surf to let the sea foam enter her once more. Sun blanched, but she too released an egg of her own, and she... liked it. Somewhere, deep inside, it felt right, felt good to spread not just the word of Na'Mun, but the LIFE of Na'Mun. A proper duty, one that only she could fulfill... and so reluctantly, she would fulfill it until the end.

The fact that it felt nice helped, at least. Star was starting to enjoy herself. It was... pleasing. She could feel the pride her master had for her, after years of tutelage under Sun. Here was the master that actually respected her offerings, and she would have So Much More to give thanks in the coming tides.

Na'Mun looked up, sensing the watching eyes of many across the multiverse. Wanting at least SOME privacy, you guys, he gently pulled a curtain across the camera, allowing him to congress with his fishwives in peace.

Korin was still awake, long into the... night? It was hard to tell in here. Did night even matter? He shoved the thought from his mind, and went back to staring. Worlds beyond worlds, strange and new, all with their own ways of existence.

"Can't sleep?" "Just... pondering." "About Ferrance?" The name came out... strange. Different, yet right. He didn't notice, in any case.

"Partly. More about what he spoke of. Of people who could just... live in peace." "Is that so strange?" "To me? Yes." "Ouch." "Spare me your pity. It's merely... something I did not know was possible." "What is your world like, then?"

Korin leaned back, closing his eyes. "Dark, for one. Most of these worlds are so bright. Ours is quite cloudy, the light rarely reaches through."

"Is that bad?" "It's different. I suppose looking at these, they have more crops, more food to go around. The conditions are less harsh, and perhaps that's why." "People fight even when they don't have to." "Yes, but ours... it's a have to sort of situation. You fight, or you starve, or you die. Sometimes you die anyway." "Mmm." "I guess... it's just strange to see places where it doesn't need to be like that. Obvious, in hindsight, but..." "But you never dared to hope." "No, not really." "You probably could, you know." "?" "Follow his example, head off somewhere nice and peaceful. I wouldn't hold it against you." "That... I'm not welcome there." "Who's saying that? The world? Or you."

Korin looked over at Ronan. Were his ears longer than before? Still, there was a demonstrativeness in that last bit. An accusation, a 'Don't you dare screw this up for yourself' sort of feeling. Harsh, but he was used to harshness. He chuckled, a strange and altogether pleasing action. "Me, I suppose. Do you know how many I've killed?" "A killer not welcome there... I can see that." "..." "You saw him, though. Was that a killer leaving us? Or someone starting a new life." "...perhaps."

"Just... give it some thought."

Ronan rolled over, trying to get at least Some sleep. The place was too bright. Ugh.

Korin... what would that be like? To wash away the killing, the violence, the... way of life he'd led. It was the subtle things he noticed now. How his eyes tracked the motion of the room, looking for changes, looking for Threats. What would it be like, to simply let the world pass him by, to not feel threatened by potential death? To not analyze people to find their weaknesses, to not have to calculate and plan and control... to be.

The mirror shimmered, and he got up to look. What do you wish to show someone like me? It reflected... the room, with him in it. Scarred, hurt, but never wounded ever again. And the image... it split. Reflecting the reflection, showing... another Korin. One image led to him, to the assassin of death, the creature that could end all before it ever started. And the other...

It changed. The more he looked, the more he Allowed himself to look, the more confident the image was at presenting something separate from the base. The figure was... shorter. Darker skinned? No, darker FURRED, the jaw that of a wolf. Entirely capable of killing, just like he, but... the eyes gleamed with peace. There was a calmness and serenity there, a feeling that the image wanted to share this with him. To be able to kill, but to see no need. Yes... that... that was what he wanted.

He turned his attention entirely to the new image, and watched as it bent and twisted more. The clothing faded, the old tattered coat melting away in so many splinters of cloth. His did too, and he did not mind. This path, this direction. Yes...

Korin stepped into the image, letting it wash over him, and as he entered the glass hallway, it came along to see what he might become.

He walked slowly, methodically, letting the clothes splinter away. He was shirtless now, and... he felt light. Powerful still, but it was loose and limber. The arms, they were lower set and thinner, the muscles more toned and closer in to the core. Something gathered and swirled on his chest, inside his chest, and he breathed. In. Out. And out the flesh came, two strange and growing things.

So long ago, his sister had been taken. An enemy raid, a stray knife, a failure where consequences applied to another. And here now... he felt glad. Perhaps, in some way... she would get to live again. He had tried to keep her from the ways of war, to simply allow her to be, and now... his ways of war were melting away, leaving behind only the young girl who wanted to live peacefully, not just her life, but of all those around her.

It was the oddest feeling, as his balls seemed to... ungrow. Rotating and retreating gently upwards towards a crotch where they did not need to hang from anymore. The sack, the flesh, it parted, and calmly allowed the shaft to sink in deeper, further. A small, tender thing, deep and safe within. It turned, inside out, lining her insides and opening new passages and tunnels. Strange and mysterious, a thing to be explored rather than conquered, a tool of life rather than death.

Her chest was larger now, or perhaps she was smaller. She liked how the fur seemed to tuft in the middle, on the rounded edges of her shoulders and hips and tail. It wiggled and waggled, gently, then passionately, even as her legs took on a new and unfamiliar stance. But little by little, it all became familiar, all became real and proper and good.

The pants were gone, and she was quite naked, but this was fine. It was fine to be exposed like this, at least for a little while. It wasn't that she sensed no threats... she felt no need. Perhaps she could, if she really wanted to, but her mind could be at peace like this. She could see herself as she was, see others as they were, and not let her eyes be tinted by the blood of war.

She reached upwards, behind her rising ears, under her hair, and she tossed it outwards. Longer, heavier, flowing and proud. The splinters of cloth returned, softer and lighter than they had been, wrapping and forming a mid-thigh length skirt. Loose, open, free for movement yet still quite different from what He had been used to. But she didn't have to be he anymore, and as a soft open-sleeved shirt settled on and around her chest, she smiled. It was a toothy, fangy smile, but one without malice. It was possible now, possible to be a creature of death that lived for the purpose of life. Her lupine ears wiggled and waggled, and she giggled a bit. Yes. Good.

The glass rose around her, and she waved gently. It was this way, a new world, a place where she could be. She couldn't see that world, not yet, but that was okay. Gently the slumber took her, and when Corinne awoke, it would be an altogether new and wondrous place.

In the palatial estate, Ferris rested on the cushions. Connor had wandered off, as he suspected the poor lad would. A troubled man, with troubled thoughts.

Ferris, meanwhile, had troubles of a different nature. This... Marceus. Clearly too powerful for his own good, and there was no way Ferris would stand a remote chance if it came to a fight. No, WHEN it came to a fight, for only one could claim the prize. What even was the point then?

He shook his head, sighing. Best not to think of it that way. He would try to find a way, somehow, if not to beat him than to join him, to find the power he sought. The way had not yet presented itself but, soon, somewhere, it had to-

"Perhaps I can help with that?"

He looked up, staring at the voice. Twas a... snow leopard? In the form of a woman, but WHAT a woman. Gazongas, the milkshake amidst the entire package. A 9.5, if not a 10 by his scale, and he scaled them harshly with vigor and experience. She was also Very Naked, though with fur like that, perhaps she did not need anything else. It was a more tropical world, this one.

"And who might you be?" He knew how to be professional, to keep it in his pants. Restraint now meant nookies later!

"Mmm... call me Ariadne. I was wondering when the next batch of folk would show up. Good timing." "This is not new to you?" "Of course not. Also, you haven't even eaten the main course." "Main...?"

She gestured at the table, with its strangely refilling food. "I leave these out for travelers, but there is Proper meat inside, should you still be hungry. You do still have time before dawn." "I should like to rest out here, near the door, milady." "Of course. We can bring it back out here, if you prefer." "That... would be nice. Thank you."

She left, and two minutes later did Indeed return with a massive smoked bird. She hefted the platter with ease, despite its weight, and his mouth watered. Was it for the food, or for the lady? He didn't care.

"As I was saying, I might be able to help with your... friend situation." "How do you know anything of that?" "Really? He made QUITE a ruckus coming in here. Dust everywhere, walls fallen, ptuh!" "...yes. Yes he did." "You are not the first to be... outclassed in these affairs. Sad, isn't it? He spends his entire life amassing power, to lord it over more... worthy individuals like yourself." "And what is this... help you speak of?" He ate, but kept staring at her tits. She didn't mind. This happened a Lot.

"Power, silly. It comes in many forms, and my power is to grant others the power They Seek." : O "Yesss... a simple agreement, to work together for the bettering of both of us, and your true power can be awakened. With it... you can stand before all sorts of exotic... challenges." "If this is so... why have you not done it before?" "Ha! I have. It takes a special sort to bring forth power. You get the power you seek, the power you are meant to have, and let's just say... some people have rather pitiful powers."

He nodded, thinking mentally of that one person who... never mind. He wasn't important, and that was kind of the point.

"And so I wait here. One day, someone with a proper, unsealed talent will come, and together we shall conquer this trial. Perhaps it is you."

"Would you like to try?"

Ferris... he would. This sounded good, much like what he hoped for. And the bargain was indeed simple. She would join HIS group, and together they would reign supreme. And really, who didn't want to reign supreme with a lady like THAT? Wowzers.


"Mmm... well done. And now... we probably should get a room." "?" "My power is unsealed in the most... intimate way. Two coming together for a greater purpose, and I'm sure you know what I mean."

Ooh! Yes, this was getting better by the moment. More please, thank you. He let her lead, swaying and sashaying her way back into the palace, her tail wrapped around his hip in the most wonderful way. His clothes came off as he went, and inside... yes this would do. A luxurious bedroom, if perhaps with a bit of fur on the fabric. Shedding. No matter. He liked cats, and soon he would love one.

"Come to me, then. Bring it back."

He did! A little nibble at the ears, a tweaking of the nipples, a rubbing of the folds... he was practiced, time-honed, and he knew Just how to get a girl going. In he went, and he could FEEL the power. It felt wonderful, like something was awakening deep inside his dick, drawing energy from some unknown place.

Ferris thrusted, pushed rocked and rolled and coupled together. Ariadne joined, clearly experienced in her own right, letting him administer the proper rites of power and lust. Passion, avarice, finding a release at last.

He felt... strange. Like the power was leaking deeper inside, welling up not in his dick but in his abdomen, his chest, his limbs. His ears tingled, and he felt... hair? He hadn't had hair in the longest time, and this pleased him. He didn't stop to look though. The wonder would be examined after the fact, and right now his charge was needing a good proper needling.

His weight shifted, up and down, inward but not outward, around the legs and up inside. He could feel it, coming to a head, and very soon it would... explode.

Messy, pent up, then spent up. She moaned, reeling with the sensations, and he leaned forward triumphantly in conquest. His hair flopped down onto his shoulders, even as his ears twitched and wiggled, and his chest squished against hers... but why was it pushing?

He pushed himself back up, looking and trying to see. The chest... it was... hanging? No, FILLING, becoming rounded and extended and female! The nipples, so wide, so perky and filled and needy, and ever they grew. Why? Why was... was this... He made to pull out... but there was nothing to pull out with. His crotch retreated, leaving behind a sticky mess that fell from nothing at all.

"What... what is this?!" "Mmm... heavenly, I'd say." "My dick... where is it?" "What? Oh, that thing. You didn't Really need it."

"I... I..."

Ferris wasn't sure what to SAY to something like that. Darn right she did! She? ...why was...

"Give a little, and some is returned, improved. Look at you! You're filling out Quite nicely."

She... she felt it. She felt smaller, bustier, bouncier, hips and ass and tits and a deep, deep hole that wouldn't be penetrating Anything anytime soon. She had hair, but it was long and girly, and slowly the fur started to rise too. Grey, with white and dark mottled spots, the same as... the lady beneath her.

"You... what have you done?!" "I awakened your power, silly. Though I dare say I didn't quite expect THIS. Mmm... so many possibilities."

"This... this isn't power!"

Ariadne put a hand between Ferri's breasts, and shoved. The force, she recoiled back into the air, falling across the room onto a loveseat far away. Practiced aim, firm and powerful beyond human possibility. The temptress stood, and furred wings began to spread from behind her. Large, curved, ending in swishes of fluff that begged to be petted and played with and to have someone to tuck in nice and close. Two more spread, from behind her head, small and delicate behind her ears. This leopard, a succubus, a creature of lust. And her expression was one of surprised delight.

"Oh yes it is, my dear. It is power indeed. Not like that of your boorish mage out there. No, this is the power to bend mind and flesh to your will. You came before me, eager and hopeful, and I barely had to do anything to have you at my beck and call. And now... you can do the same." "I... this is... me?"

Her face stretched, and as she put paws to it, it felt fluffy and soft. The snoot, so sensitive, with little whiskers. Her tail swished, and she grasped at it gently. This... how could this be... hers? Why was she her? She was supposed to be he, but already that seemed strange and unfamiliar and far away.

"It is indeed. A bit immature, perhaps."

Ferri looked down, seeing how her breasts were... far larger than she had ever wanted them to be as a man, but definitely smaller than Ariadne. A moderate size, to her Big Gulp.

"The wings will come with time, as do the other powers. Alas, I dare say it won't be ready in time for tomorrow. We'll have to wait for another chance at the prize. But having another sister in crime around... I'm sure we can find ways to pass the time."

"I... I'm a girl... a cat..." "And isn't it wonderful? Can you honestly say you don't like it?"

She... she couldn't. It did feel wonderful, heavenly. It wasn't what she expected, wasn't what she had hoped for... but it was what she needed, and it was something she could explore. Together, with this wonderful lady who still seemed Quite sexy, despite the... change in apparatus.

"Now then. Allow me to show you how a proper lady fucks."

Ferri blushed, covered by the fur. Ariadne calmly lifted her back over to the bed, goodness was she strong. Her tail delicately swished over Ferri's snatch, and the pleasure rippled through her once again. The succubi leaned down, extending a tongue, and licked the new snow leopard off toward heaven.

Dane and Eogan lay in the cave chamber, against the walls. They were still awake, as it was kinda hard to fall asleep on psychedelics. The cat had passed out, but that was good. He had been so tense, even after the petting, and it was nice to see that he had found a happy place.

"So like... what would you do with cosmic power?" "I dunno... peace and love?" "Well yeah, but aside from that." "Umm... good food." "Good food sounds nice." "Then why are you over there? The party's this way!"

They looked up, stared. The wall of the cave had opened up, revealing a strange greenish swirl that twisted off into eternity. There was a deer lady, very naked, holding a bottle of wine, and she waved at the hippies. They waved back, and noted that each of them could see her. Good! Real deer ladies were better than hallucinated deer ladies.

"I came to see who was sleeping on the doorstep, and it sounds like you two need a good time." "We love good times." "Try to make them too." "Right on! Cmon, it's this way!"

They got up, followed. Dane looked back at Thomas, but... "Eh, he doesn't really seem like the partying type. Lemme just..."

He took out some spray paint, and hissed out WELL BE BAKC IN A BIT. There. Good message. Not very well spelled, but the message was still there. Later, nice cat!

They wandered through the vortex, enjoying how pleasing it looked. "So, what kind of party is it?" "The Bacchanalia! Only the best party in the cosmos, where all the fun people come to have fun." "Oh dang. We're all about having fun." "We even have some drinks to bring." "Righteous. Check it oooooouuuut!"

The vortex opened up, and they found themselves in a night-time clearing. Trees of a dark wood nearby, but onward for miles it seemed, the drinks and the food and the partying goats were having a great time. This, a fae gathering of revel and mirth... righteous indeed.

Dane let himself be lead off by the nice doe. "See you in a bit!" "Yeah. I'll find some good food first."

Eogan left, seeking the munchies, and the two were left to wander off alone. "It's your first time here?" "Haven't gotten too far into outer space, no." "Mmm... you'll love it. Here, slip into something more casual."

She passed by a tent, grabbing something from a table parked outside. It was strange, made of crystal and plastic in equal measure, as if it really didn't care what it looked like. She was taking off his jacket, and in her hand she had... a zipper?

"What's that for?" "Gotta get your clothes off! Zippers help with that."

"I... yeah, they do."

He felt a bit naked now, in only his pants, but she was far more naked still. Nice girl, though he preferred the guys really. It didn't matter too much in the non-sexual realm, though. Good people were good people, regardless of parts. She patted at his chest, and then placed the zipper below the collar bone.

"What'cha doing?" "Unzipping! Duh."

She unzipped... and the skin parted. Inside was a light, tan fur, of a similar color, if a bit more yellow and foresty. The chest, it swelled, pushing outwards now that it was free from its confining human form.

"Pomf." "Bwom!" "Where were those hiding?" "Deep inside, waiting for a good time." "This does seem like a good time."

She kept unzipping, and the entirety of his human costume fell off. It was strange, to have his entire self reduced to a simple costume, a rubbery fleshy mask to fall off and reveal the new Day within. Day was... a doe of similar make, if a bit less busty than her host. Younger, lighter, smaller. Still had the nice little hoof hands, and the hoof feet, and her tail waggled and perked atop an ass that begged for attention.

"Feels like... I'm missing a lot of parts." "Don't worry! If you really want, you can put on a new costume later." "...okay. What sort of costumes you got?" "Everything! See that tent? That's a people!" "Weeeird." "He's weird, yeah, but he likes it. We convince him to get meaty occasionally so that he stretches a bit." "Huh. Being a tent sounds odd." "Yeah, not my taste either. Here, let's fix your head."

The deer lady reached, pulling from the neck up this time, and the mask she was wearing pulled off. She couldn't see for a little bit, with the flesh in the way of her eyes. But now her ears were free to waggle and wiggle, and her snoot was long and boopable, and her voice sounded so much freer.

"Whoa. That's a neat makeover." "Totes! Well, what do you think?"

She looked herself over, pausing to compare with the other doe.

"I feel... younger." "Well, yeah, how old are you?" "...24?" "Oh jeez, newbie here! I, for the record, am 628." "Really?" "Give or take. It stops mattering as much after a while." "Neat."

"Don't worry, you'll grow into it. Cmon, let's go find your friend!"

Eogan was busy eating the most wonderful meats. He wasn't sure they were real meats, given the amount of... animal people around. And well... it didn't fill him up. Quite the contrary, he felt small and light. Dainty, even, if he had the words to describe it.

There was a nice leg of lamb, and he ate it proudly. Mmm... yes, good... but why was his hand... white? He rubbed, and got a bit of grease all over the fur. Fur, a thing he'd never had there before, but it was soft and nice and he rubbed it again just to be pleased with the texture. Yes. Good, more...

Someone came up from behind, grabbing at his chest under his arms. "Hey there, fresh meat!" "Oh! Hi."

It was a small goat person, a male, dainty as well. He was Very Cute, and Eogan blushed a little.

"Cmon, don't keep everyone waiting. You gotta change!" "Is that what this is?" "Of course! Go for it!"

He looked at the fur, kinda hoping it would... spread. And it did! Up the arm, pulling it in and making it more slender and spindly. It was... nice. Easy weight loss, just from a quick species change. It rippled past the shoulder, out over the chest, and he... started to sprout.

"What are those?" "Those... are the best! You get to play with them!"

Eogan grabbed at the growing breast, squishing it, and... it was kinda fun to play with. He bounced it up and down, and then as the other grew in he let it join in on the fun. Boing. Boing.

His neck loosened, releasing a tension he hadn't realized was there, and his face seemed to pull outwards, just slightly. He moaned a little, and let his hands travel down to his crotch.

It was there, naked, the clothes having vanished along with any need for them. He ran a hand along it, small and delicate, and allowed it to gently fade into nothingness. Her hand ran up, and the fur spread all around the new open area, leaving a small pink cleft that you might not even notice if you weren't looking for that sort of thing. And it opened, rose upwards, creating a wonderful banquet hall for someone like... like the nice goat to eat from.

He took her by the arm, tilting his head. She... she nodded, and let him lay her down in the soft grass. The feeling of the fur on it, it was so nice. The goat did not even bother with his own pleasure, merely kneeling down and letting his fingers do the work. OH. Oh goodness, this was a real party now.

Eogani breathed in, out, letting the heat rise and cascade about her everything. Her ears wobbled to and fro, and she was sure they were long enough to tie in a knot or bow. Her feet, the toes came together, hard and firm to support the delicate girl above. A small tail wiggled, even as she rolled back to allow him a better view of the main attraction.

He leaned down, letting his tongue enter, and she gasped. Yes... good. Day wandered over, with her deer friend, and she smiled up at them.

"Don't let me stop you, little lamb." "Ha. I do have a little lamb."

She had a little goat too, and as he welcomed her into the Bacchanalia, she was sure she wouldn't be going back Any time soon.

Thomas pushed at the door. Nnnnngh. MMMMMMMM.

"Open you stupid thing!"

The others had vanished, sometime in the night, leaving really dumb graffiti behind. He hoped they were safe, but more importantly he envied their leverage and hands in regards to opening doors! Nnnnn...

A square section of the door gave way as he pushed, perfectly sized for a cat, and he fell through with a Nyaaaaa! He bounced down a few steps, before landing in a circular chamber much like the first split room.

The others were here...? Not... not really. Marceus, the snide mage with the rude attitude looked down at him.

"Just you? Oh good, looks like the rest were outclassed by a CAT."

Thomas hissed slightly, but reined himself in. Looking around, there was also Ronan the swordsman, and Tuurnat the Viking. They seemed... different. Ronan was more obvious; he had very large, obvious brown bunny ears. He didn't seem very fond of them, which was because he wasn't.

The place was insidious, it seemed. All he had done was listened, lent his ear to the worries and concerns of others, and already it had softened his ears into something strange and inhuman. To be fair, they were quite handy, very good at listening and SO SOFT, but he would never admit that to someone else. They looked ridiculous by themselves. Ronan quickly pushed the thought away, not wanting to invite any further lapine changes upon himself.

Tuurnat was... sporting a strange cow's tail. He didn't seem to mind, and was more concerned with the stoutness about the tum that had progressed overnight. He'd only pondered the idea of being supportive and helpful to others, and now it had gotten him a butt appendage? Very peculiar. The captain had not returned, in any case, and Tuurnat was going to Valhalla one way or another.

The chamber had the same Balcony of Escape as the first one, but this time the hallway lead onward to two large doors. The right one was larger, more ostentatious, bold and harrowing. Thomas mentally noted it looked like a boss door, and the left one a save room before it. The dungeon master here was odd.


"It speaks."

The voice boomed out over those gathered.


"Are they dead?"


Thomas shuddered a bit, and Ronan looked at him quizzically. Too many tentacles. That... that wasn't his idea of happy, thank you.






The voice paused, expecting a snarky comment, but when none came, it continued.


"Is it full of tentacles?"

The others stared at Thomas, but did not ask further.


"That sounds safe."


Thomas looked around, noting Tuurnat and Ronan doing the same. Honestly, the choice was such a trap, they wouldn't be stupid enough to-

"I will challenge you."

Marceus stepped forward, smirking. Thomas facepawed, and Ronan rolled his eyes. Of course. That was probably the point. Play to his ego, and get the mage out of the way so the trail challenge would be more fair.

However, they also realized the folly of trying to TELL Marceus that. They were in no position to challenge him, and any attempt at reason would appear AS a challenge to his authority in combat.

"Well... goodbye." "Break a leg." "Ha. I intend to win. As should you, though you shall come across the line second." "Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you."

If Marceus understood the quip, he didn't make any notion of it. He marched onward, firmly, resolutely, towards the boss door. It irised open, and as he stepped inside, it sealed shut forever.

"Well then. I guess we're walking?" "Great. More walking for kitty." "You may ride."

Thomas looked at Tuurnat, confused. "You... mean it?" "I will expect you to pull your weight in battle, young one!" That... that wasn't much weight. "Oh. Well, I'll certainly try." "That's the spirit! Come! Onward we go to Valhalla!"

So said, Tuurnat claimed the small cat, placing him on his head, and the three headed through the small door. There were more lights, and stars...

Marceus tapped his foot impatiently. Inside the door had been a simple golden cage elevator, and it was playing Very Cheerful Elevator Music. He did not like the music, but the speaker was somewhere ethereal and otherworldly, and he could not blow it up from here.

The ride ended after a few minutes. The door opened, and he stepped out into the caverns of Space and Time. Twas a starscape, or a good replica of one, yet the floor was solid and the air breathable. That was good. He liked breathing. At the far end of the room was a door. But first, he needed to deal with the small light purple figure slumped in front of it.

"I am here, as you asked."

The figure rose, letting her loosely-sleeved coat flap open. It was a ferret... a small ferret person, dressed in a magely manner with a delightful smile. "Welcome, welcome!" Her voice was bubbly, happy and cheerful, and it contrasted utterly with the booming nonsense of the PA system. " are the voice?" "I am! The intercom is a LOT of fun, and it's neat to get people's attention like that. You can call me Secret."

"Is that your actual name?" "It's close enough."

Power crackled around Marceus, and a rod slid out of the storage dimension in his sleeves. It was long, with little bat wings and a Doomstone. Fully enchanted, smelled of licorice. He flicked it, and the wings ratcheted out into a quad-railed laser focus.

"Don't expect me to be light on you just because of your appearance. Anything goes in battle." "Well, I'm probably a LOT older than you, so that would be wise!"

Thus said, ten pink and white stakes SLAMMED into the not-ground from somewhere above, and they wrapped around her hands like strange massive gauntlets. She began to float, and let the boss music start up.

"If you win, you get your nice juicy reward. And if I win, well... we'll be having some fun!" "This isn't fun to you?" "There are many kinds of fun. You'll be getting Fun number 6." "Oh good."

They stared. Waited for one to flinch. And then...

Ronan buckled, trying to catch the weight of the massive gnoll, but the sheer difference in size was getting to be a hassle. He couldn't get in to strike without being open for too long, and now the brute was just crushing him under blade.

The stalemate broke however, as Tuurnat crashed into the hyena from the side, sending them both flying. "I've got you, Ronan!"

The hyena spun, throwing the Viking to the ground, and started to advance. It would be best to deal with them one at a time, and yet... arg! Something had gotten a hold, on his back, grasping and pulling and biting at his neck, bringing his vision up. What...what was this small, fluffy thing? Get off get off!

He reached back, grabbing the cat and HURLing him far away. The REEEOWWWRR of the sailing kitty echoed across the canyon, but it was too late. Ronan had taken the distraction offered by his allies, and plunged his sword directly into the gnoll's gut. He pulled to the side, hard, and drew it across and through, leaving a massive opening from which all manner of disgusting ick spilled out. The gnoll tried vainly to put it back in before toppling over, defeated.

"Well done! You too, small cat. That was most clever!" "My name... is Thomas. Also ow."

Thomas had picked himself back up, staggering towards the two. He was not made for combat, he barely knew what combat was, but he'd agreed to pitch in if it happened, and so he did. Bleh. The gnoll tasted vile, and he wished he had more than a bite and a claw to get someone's attention like that.

They stopped and rested for a while, letting the cool nighttime air fill their lungs. It was a strange place, where night and day seemed to shoot past in the span of a few hours each. Short naps, short trips, harsh terrain.

The two had changed more, Thomas thought, watching as they talked in the distance. Ronan was smaller, bouncier, capable of jumping great distances. And that tail was SO FLUFFY. Tuurnat seemed to have horns, and a little cow snoot, and his feet were sturdy hooves that stamped on the ground and gave great power to his bullrushes. They made a good team, and he watched them snuggle from a distance.

"She had a point. Being together, with proper comrades. It is good, after all this time." "Even at the end of it all?" "Yes. Valhalla awaits, but I am glad to be able to share the road with others." "It's strange. I never thought someone Would want to share the road with me." "You? You are not so bad. Give yourself some credit."

Her chest tingled, and as their clothes fell off, they rose. Large, full, big breasted, heavy and meaningful. Her belly too, it seemed to wiggle and soften, and Ronan leaned on her in comfort. He was so much smaller than her now, but somehow... that didn't seem so bad. His shaft, wrapped in a sheath of fur and flesh, rested against Tuurnat's oddly small package, and as the weight pushed down it quivered... then buckled inward. She moaned, and looked. They both blushed, but... it wouldn't be so bad, if it was like this. Proper companionship, on the final road.

The minutes passed, with the smaller and smaller rabbit thrusting and pushing in on the large cow. Her udders, for they had come into their own, began to wobble and jiggle of their own accord. Four teats, reaching out to flop about, and he took one of them to drink. She rubbed his head, leaning back and milking her higher breasts, letting the liquid squirt out in a manner that felt oh so pleasant. It was... nice, to be like this. After decades of scars and wounds and hardness... to be soft and loved, to find honor in supporting another... and the proud warrior of her choice was So Smol. So fluffy, just a little creature that would still unleash Ragnarok if need be. It was right, and good, and she let the feelings take her.

It felt so good to him, strange and new yet wonderful all the same. He was small... but he didn't feel impotent. That fear of being weak, of being unable to shape the events around him... he was the master of his own destiny now, and he would do it with another's aid. She was large, and comforting, and very beautiful, in a big-boned warrior's sense. The fur covered him entirely, and his paws twitched as he thrusted. It was right, and good, and he let the feelings take him.

Thomas watched, grinning. He did not have popcorn, but it would have been appropriate. Well done, you.

Marceus panted, propelling himself backwards once more. The battle had raged, and the girl showed little signs of slowing down. He'd gotten some hits in on her, but she... had so as well. He scoffed, twitching his raccoon tail. A ridiculous thing, the ears were a nuisance too. He should have suspected this sort of tomfoolery from the traps and changes with the other candidates.

Secret teleported behind him, and he leapt forward, sending a panicked Ice Spire cascading up and through her form... but it was only a mirage, and the real Secret struck him in the back with another spell. Little got through his barriers, but they were starting to crumble, and already he could feel himself getting smaller. Lighter. Something... something wasn't right here, but he didn't have time to figure out what.

He wheeled, arcing missiles down upon the girl as she cartwheeled away. A few struck, knocking her off balance, but the brunt was absorbed by her shields. Another Ice Spire, but she'd seen that trick now, and she casually jumped and rode it up to the heavens instead of being impaled. Something else would be needed, perhaps...

It was different.

The spell, his trump card, the mightiest of summons. A powerful 9th level spell beyond even the rest that he could muster. But now he could feel the runes in his mind, and they had been altered. SUMMON GREATER CATSWARM remained in its place. A similarly destructive summon, but a mostly nonlethal and adorable one instead.

"You... Secret, don't change my spells on me!" "Everything's fair! Don't need you wrecking the arena with some superlaser." "It's actually... this!"

He brought forth his might, cast, channeling... a housecat popped out of the aether, confused. Where... where was this? But then there were four, and twelve and fifty and five hundred and a tidal wave of cats mewled their way towards the ferret. She giggled with delight as the wave of fur crashed into her.

Bleh. It was foul, and wrong, but it served its purpose. One of the cats wandered up to his feet, and he kicked it aside. Go away, stupid summon. You were supposed to be a Ruin Elemental, a Destroyer of Worlds. Now he had to settle for crushing the little brat under the weight of a million felines.

But the cats faded, and she wasn't there. Where had she... ARG!

That teleport trick again, this time from above, standing on the ceiling ready to zap him from his blind spot.

"You shouldn't kick the cats, Marcy." "They're jerks! You're a jerk! Stop dancing and fight fair!"

Lightning arced to the ceiling, trying to draw the ferret into one of the trap circles he had laid earlier. But she could see those, her eyes noting the flow of mana as easily as reading a written note. Something quivered and vanished in his pants, and he didn't want to think about the weird lewd polymorphs this BRAT was unleashing.

"If you insist? I warn you, you don't want me fighting head on." "Do it!"

Secret shrugged, and unleashed a HYPER BEAM. The pink energy blasted and wrapped around Marceus, and he struggled to contain it even with an active forcefield. Just... just hold it back... a little longer... the witch couldn't keep this level of power up forever either...

His nose started to grow, and extend. His arms, his legs, they became fluffy and furred, a light grey with the tiniest little claws at the end. His robes, they were disintegrating under the onslaught. Already he felt strange, like a corner of his mind wanted to see what was going to happen to her, what could change and twist and no stop it just focus on the... please...

The beam abated, after so long. Marcy stumbled, gasping and panting for breath. There was no air in a place like that, and the strain of holding the beam took it out of her. She was... a raccoon. A raccoon person, at least, though the small tits and empty crotch were not something she'd prefer. Would she? They were kinda cute, but... arg. Where was... was?

Secret was off to the side, readying at least a dozen missiles. Marcy turned, fired beams, but already the beams were lighter and softer and easier on the eyes. This... this couldn't go on... she'd lose, just like she always had?

Something about that seemed wrong, incorrect, but there wasn't time to counter the strange memory. Secret fought beam with beam now, not bothering to dodge herself, and she was casting more, faster than Marcy could, and Marcy cried out as something cold and wet plunged into her arm.

Water. She was shooting water missiles at her. Part of her felt insulted, while another part felt... relieved. It was a simple match, a spar, a test of abilities rather than a duel to the... the death. But how could she win? She'd never won, Secret was a master mage, and she was just a girl... a young girl... that felt odd too, but of course she was. One look would confirm that, and she did give a glance just to make sure Secret hadn't done anything... scandalous to her body. Aside from stripping her, did she HAVE to do that?

Marcy raised her soaked arm, but it felt thick. Bloated and full. She looked down, and saw it shimmer. Shining in the light of the stars and arcane technics. The arm... it was hollow. Filled with air, wrapped in vinyl, translucent and purple. Like the little toys they played with at the pool, but this was hers! How rude! Another missile of water came at her, and she raised her hand to deflect... but the water arced around her tiny shield, and splashed into her hand. Her fingers tensed up, hollowed out, and splayed into an open curve. She wouldn't be using that hand to cast anymore.

"No fair, Secret!" "Anything goes, right? It's what you wanted."

More water shot inward, and she had to dodge. Running, jumping, deflecting where she could. Secret seemed... proud of her, but of course she would be. These lessons had really paid off, and she was going to be the best student at Magic School by a long shot.

Still, there was no opening to fire back, and soon a water balloon struck her square in the chest. She cried out, falling back onto the smooth imperceptible floor. Her breasts, small as a 13 year old's should be, but now they were empty, and the torso below it was empty too. She tried to push herself back up, but she was so full of air, so puffy, and maybe she kinda wanted to enjoy it, just a little.

Not that it would matter. She saw the missiles overhead, spiraling in to splash all over her. She giggled and wiggled, even as her fingers were forced apart, and the pads on her paws became just little decorations on the surface of the vinyl. Her pussy, it sealed up from the inside, becoming just a smooth crotch on the surface of a happy inflated raccoon. Her mouth, she was already grinning a bit, but now the smile was forced as her mouth opened up and sealed deep in the back with so much vinyl. She couldn't keep bending forward, and bounced back onto the ground with a *bop*.

"I win again, Marcy." Of course you did. "You lasted a lot longer than I expected though! You're doing great."

Secret picked up the toy, admiring it for reasons that didn't make sense to Marcy. Was there something she was keeping secret? Well, she did that a lot, but Marcy never really got to know. She relented though, and undid the transformation, letting her recorporate back into the form of a fleshy, meatbag raccoon girl.

"So? Ready for your first day of school?" "Absolutely! They'll never stand a chance." "Ahem. What's the first rule of magic?"

Marcy sighed, but said it in tune with Secret.

"Never let the power go to your head." "Never let the power go to your head."

"Yep! Just because you're the best doesn't mean that other people aren't important. You'll make lots of good friends there, I'm sure." "Promise?" "Promise."

Marcy giggled, and conjured up her school robes. Drapey, a bit festive and drafty, but the school was a bit old fashioned like that. She did hope she'd make friends there. It would suck to be one of Those mages, who obsessed over power and never stopped to smell the roses, or turn into a rose to see what it was like.

Secret opened up a portal, leading to a grassy hill overlooking a large sandstone structure. "Keep in touch, alright?" "Alright, Secret! See you soon!"

And she ran off, eagerly awaiting her first day of Magic School.

The portal closed, and Secret sighed a little. It was for the best. A little regression, a little change, but most importantly getting that EGO out of the way. Marceus was a terror for all in his wake, and it was best to put that talent to better use. Besides, she was a lot happier this way, and so would all the friends she made.

She looked over the spells that had been swapped out, idly flicking through the list. Avatar of Ruin? Eek. Yes, the Catswarm was Much better, and far more easily dodged. Diet Meteor Shower, Conflagration, Incendiary Exponential Combustion, Divide by Zero... yes, this would be better. Marcy wouldn't really have access to the higher level stuff in her new form anyway, but the thought of her list being full of nicer things like Mass Group Hug and Enfloofenate was definitely a cause for relief.

Now she just needed to deal with the other finalists. It was almost time...

The trio trudged into the final room, exhausted.

"So... many... stairs." "I am sorry, Thomas. I could not bear... to carry you... all the way." "It... it's fine... we're here."

It HAD to be at the top of a massive tower. Haven't you ever heard of elevators? She had, but she found it funny to make them walk aaaaaaalll the way up. It felt more official that way.

They fell, resting, looking at the room. Two doors, once more. The left was amazingly ostentatious, golden and replete with imagery of warriors and wine and meat and shields. The right was smaller, simpler, yet still emblazoned with the sort of decoration that suggested YOU DID IT.

The trail had at least been kind enough to grant them clothes, after their changes finished. Tuurna bore a proud chestplate with arm guards, and a plated battle skirt. Green all around, and she liked the color. Ronan had a small, open jacket with poofy pants. Similar in make to his old one, but now breezier for the addition of fur. Secret was proud of her fashion choices, though she would not admit this to them.


The voice echoed, and they looked up. There was nothing there but a strangely lit marble ceiling, painted with clouds and arcane sigils, but the voice continued regardless.


"I take that to mean that Marcy isn't coming?" He hadn't meant to say the name that way, but it came out like that all the same. Had the voice... done something to it?


"Oh good. So no cosmic powers for the brat."


"These... this is the door to Valhalla!"


Ronan turned and looked at Tuurna. "What is... Valhalla like?" She smiled, gazing off into her imagination. "It is a warrior's end. A grand hall, where the finest gather after their strife is done. There is no want for food, or drink, or merriment. All are together in victory, proudly."

"That... does sound nice." "I wish to go there... but I would be honored if you would come with me." "I... are you... of course you are." "And?" He stood, though this made little difference in height. "And I would be honored to go with you."

Thomas looked, stared, watching as the two headed up the stairs to Valhalla. "Um... are you... I guess... okay? Later."

They waved goodbye, and stepped beyond the portal. The door closed, and Thomas did not think the gates of Valhalla would be coming with a cat door. Sighing, he trudged on towards the smaller door, preparing to push gently at it... when it swung outwards for him. Thank you, that... that's a lot better than last time.

Stairs. More stairs, up and up. He grumbled, pushing himself up and over each one, spiraling onward to new heights. Light shone in the passageway, and he entered out into...


The toot confused him, and confetti fell from the ceiling. It was a small library, with a happy blue rug and a few shelves of books. A computer too, he noted, though one far fancier than he recognized. A small ferret girl was standing there, waving at him. "You did it!" "'re the voice?" "I am! The name is Secret, and I am the MIND behind your journey." "...well done." "Thank you! I had a lot of fun, and I hope you did too." "...some parts I could do without, but... yeah. That wasn't the worst." "Heehee."

She bent over, scritching at his ears. Mmm, yes... a little further... oh! She Did do further back, as if she knew. Yay.

"Now, we have a few things to discuss." "I'm apparently the new MIND?" "Yep! Soon. Sooooon." "What happens to you?" She looked confused, then giggled. "Nothing, silly. I'm not the one retiring." "Oh?" "Yes. That would be-" His mind blanched as she spoke susurrant utterances not meant for mortal ears, and his brain caved a little before rebounding shakily. "It's retiring at the end of the month, and we needed a replacement! That's you!" "Yay." "Thus, we need to set about with your FORM." "Oh?" "MINDs have a proper FORM to take shape in. Mine is cute as a button!" She did a little twirl, and he blanched a bit. "Yes yes, not for everyone's taste. But you! You get to choose now, which is more than the others could say."

He pondered. He could be... anything. Anything at all, and he'd seen strange things. Cows and bunnies. A ferret girl. But what he really wanted...

"I want to be a Large cat."

She giggled, patting him gently. "Not going for human?" "Well... I kinda like the feline aspect? It's very slinky, fun and bouncy. But it's SMALL. Maybe something bigger... like about a puma's size? Thumbs too, thumbs are important. Ooh, can we do clothes? Not that I'm cold, but it's the principle of the matter and-"

Reality bent. Stretched, pulling him out and up and whoa. He popped back into place, a few inches above the ground, and landed a lot harder than he expected. He was... much larger, yes. Still that nice orange stripey color, still a sort of housecat look... maybe a little longer and predatorial in the muzzle, but very fluffy and huggable. Thumbs! He had thumbs, and could wiggle the little fingers far better than before. Something SO SOFT was on his back, and it seemed to be... like a hoodie, but made of impossibly smooth fabric. Light grey to match his orange, with the happy kitty face of the trap that he'd sprung so long ago on its back. The hood was there too, with little cat ears that were the perfect size, and the sleeves were appropriate for his quadrupedal gait. Yes... good.

"Now then! It's time for the most important part. The SLOW MOTION REPLAY!" "...yay?" "Now now, it's important to see where everyone ended up. I'm proud to say I came up with a Lot of happy endings this time."

" forced them into it?" "Of course not. But I did shape things, and nix bits that might have been too cruel, and so forth. Only Marcy did I force, and well... see for yourself!"

The light jazz started to play, and reality took on a sepia tone. Secret handed Thomas some popcorn, which he took happily. Yay! You... okay maybe you did know how much he needed that, but still. Thanks.

Drake swooped down, landing on a tall escarpment of sandstone below the clouds. It was strange, this open world, yet it reminded him so much of the lands outside his home. But now... he was powerful, a great green dragon capable of flight, and fire, and never needing to fear any threat ever again.

"Hello? Is someone there?" He turned, craning his long neck to see... another dragon. A big larger, but sleeker and smoother... feminine. She was blue, and wore a simple cloak that trailed between her gorgeous wings. He blushed slightly, and nodded.

"My, you're new around here. Come in, come in. Best not to stay out too long. The humans will be about before you know it."

Yes. It wouldn't do to be caught by them. They did strange things to dragons, and he wanted none of it. A warm cave with friendly hosts though... that sounded nice.

It was dawn, and Ferrance the young fennec headed down the stairs. The orphanage was less crowded these days, as the war orphans started to come of age and moved on out. It was still a good place for him, though. 12 years old, and starting to really come into his own. One of the teachers had suggested fencing lessons, but he respectfully declined. The teacher asked why, but he said that was something between him and Terrance.

The teacher frowned and cocked his head, but Ferrance didn't bother to tell the entire sordid tale. Everyone knew the story of Terrance the Hero, who had saved their people long ago during the war. Had Ferrance... known the great hero? Strange. No one had seen his like in all these years, yet... the child spoke surely, from the heart. The teacher shook his head. It wouldn't do to pry. It seemed important to Ferrance, and he wasn't going to impose on the young Fen.

Seeress slithered out from her chambers in the temple. She had the Best room, at Master's request, for her eyes were the ones with Sight. She gave Sight, not to herself, but to others, and this brought great revenue and bounty to the temple and its naga. It was... pleasing, to be freed from the Sight of Self, and she was eternally grateful to Master for the gift he had bestowed. His Eyes rested on her protruding belly, and she rubbed it tenderly. Now now, no need to get anxious. Soon, my beloved. Soon.

Keia pushed, and shoved, and slowly the boundary of her crotch began to fill with the white promise of the egg inside. Further... further out... and it came with a gentle freeing *pop*. Alastrasa took it, carrying it to a small basket, that the egg might travel to the clan's incubation chambers. The lizard was proud, pleased. This... it was a simple and elegant life, and she truly appreciated just how wonderful it was. Occasionally her dreams were troubled by images of a strange human, a man in artificial fabrics wielding a magic... something. It shot and sparked and she hated the thing. His demeanor was nothing to write home about either. The lizards of the clan were FAR more gentle and caring, and she reciprocated in kind.

Kain came in, hoping to see the egg as it left, but he was too late. Alas. Still, Keia was here, and she was his favorite. He was hers, as well, and even if the clan needed to spread out their work, they loved spending time together. Two halves of a greater whole, that needed no bold voyages or strange horizons to find a sense of completion. Tonight, they would have great fun. It was that time again, and they both looked forward to it.

Na'Mun reluctantly let the montage peer into his domain, as he knew the cheeky rift girl would not be satisfied until she was allowed. MINDs were strange like that.

Sun grumbled in the education chamber. She tried so very hard to get the little squids to coalesce and learn their chants, but they always got rowdy and playful. She didn't want to be rowdy, and kindly asked for a change of position. But alas, she was the best suited for discipline, and until another Fishwife could be made, it would be her place.

Star sat in front of his Canvas, weaving the patterns that would tell the tales of dreamers far beyond. It was a calming, peaceful work, and she loved it so. There was no judging, no interruption(beyond the occasional need for spawning), and she could simply let her work be known to the cultists of Na'Mun across the universe.

Moon conducted happily, singing in voices not meant for mortal ears, as the new batch of recruits gently became squamous and floppy. They were of limited stock, and nowhere near Fishwife quality, but it had become easier and easier to open portals as the spawn began to sing along with the chorus. It was so much fun! Perhaps she would do a jazzy number next, to reach out to worlds with more style and class. She could feel what the stars wanted her to sing, and Na'Mun was so proud of her, and so she was proud too.

Corinne wiped down the counter in her tavern. She stopped whistling when the doors swung open, and she heard the click of steel on the warrior's belt. Bleh. One of Those types. He was boisterous, and proud, and demanded the finest liquor with no intent to pay whatsoever. The locals cowered, and shrunk a little before him, and this would Not stand.

Outside the tavern, the wandering human was HURLed out of the premises, his broken sword clattering on the ground. And don't you come back! He rolled over, dazed, confused. What the hell? Since when was some random wolf bartender... a badass? He was a proud war veteran, slayer of men, and this wench... had utterly dunked him. His head flopped back, as he tried to make sense of it all.

The townsfolk tried to make sense of it too, but they didn't mind too much. She was THEIR badass, and utterly charming and peaceful most of the time. They'd seen a their share of soldiers and warriors, but someone who was Just Like Them until the moment might was needed? That was a folk hero they could get behind.

She didn't care whether it was Heroic or not. The days were largely peaceful, and she could entertain others and hear their tales of far off lands. Strange places that she had never known, but eagerly lapped up to broaden her horizons. Perhaps one day she would travel, like the strange Ronan, but for now... it was peaceful, and that was a wondrous thing. She swished her tail happily, and set about preparing the bar for the evening crawl.

Ferri jumped, exuberant. Did you see, did you see?

Ariadne didn't have to see, but she did anyway. She felt the joy and excitement, and knew it had to come from Ferri sprouting her first wings. The initial step on the way to being a magnificent succubus... well, assuming you didn't count the ravishing beauty. She was So Proud of Ferri, and took her in close. It would be a while before others would come to their neck of the fortress, but they didn't mind. They had each other, and it was a calming place to be. The snow leopard pounced, and already it was nearly impossible to tell which one was which. In the end, they were both satisfied, in every sense of the word.

Day and Eogani chugged. Chug! Chug! Chug! Day won, of course. Eogani was Terrible with her liquor, and Day really was a natural.

They brought the knowledge of so many wonderful herbs and medicines from Earth, and the Bacchanalia was enriched by their presence. Day tended to flitter between costumes, and currently had fallen back into the state of a deer woman, albeit one made of rubber entirely. She liked to switch every day, she said, as it kept things nice and fresh.

Eogani remained a lamb, as was her desire. The goat lad, Ampelus, she took and cherished. A smol boy, that she would protect and keep close. She loved him, and he her, and together they made the party all the merrier.

Marcy the raccoon girl floated in her tower at Magic School. Callie and Holland were resting on the floor, while Snuffleupagus the Guinea Pig sat in his book fort. He did not understand, but that was his prerogative as a cavy. He was cute though, and she petted him idly when the need suited her.

Lessons were... strange. It was clear from the outset that she knew the ways of magic far better than many of the professors. Yet the basics, the care and control and innate understanding of it all... she could stand to learn more. And so she remained, teaching and tutoring others while reporting back notes on their casting styles to her professors, as a replacement for the usual sort of classwork. They were good friends to have, and she appreciated them.

Apparently they'd be getting a dragon pup soon! Not a live-born dragon, but a prince from a foreign land, who needed an attitude adjustment and a new perspective on life. She giggled a bit internally, feeling that she knew of a similar sort of case. Secret had suggested that perhaps SHE had been such a terror, but even if that were true, things were much better this way. She liked being Marcy, and she would grow to be the best mage ever, friends in tow.

The halls were rambunctious tonight, and Ronan giggled drunkenly. The other vikings were... odd folk, but he got along with them quite well. Not as well as Tuurna, mind you. They were wonderfully happy together, and she could often be seen carrying him around on his head. He'd started taking up the bow and arrow, a better tool for the hunting and tracking that the hall required, and it was So Adorable when he could fire upon the quarry from atop his beloved wife, like a turret of sorts.

Valhalla had never welcomed a pooka before, much less one not of their kin, but the valkyrie had insisted. It was both of them, or neither. The cow and rabbit fought together to defend their honor amidst the jeering of the einherjar, and earned their respect quickly. By now, they were staples of the halls, and the others were glad to have their company. Twas a proper reward for proper warriors, and together they would continue onward.

"So! There you have it. A nice smattering of contestants." "And a cat." "Well yes, and a cat. Maybe if you decide on something else later, you can change it up." "No, I think this is good, for now." "Alrighty! You better get your paws in order, because there's a LOT to go through." "One step at a time, please." "Yes, yes. Now then, open your mind, and let it all become one."

He... did. He didn't know how he did, but he did. His mind felt... nice. Fluffy and free. So many possibilities, dreams and figments, imagination beyond reckoning. But he would reckon with it, grasp it all, and bend it to his will. Thomas, the feline MIND of the fortress. One day, new challengers would enter, and he would be prepared to guide them to their ends in the multiverse. It was now his turn, not to end, but to begin. Soon. Sooooon.