Rights of a slave: The Game

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#3 of Rights of a Slave

This is the third and probably last thing I'll do with these two for a while. This was the original idea I had for them, but sadly whenever I think of ideas they tend to spiral out of control with trying to explore who they are and then I lose interest. Hopefully this doesn't happen with my current weekly project (which might take another week until then next chapter due to a rewrite) but who knows?

Anyway, I hope those that read this story enjoy it.

Kelly never found it difficult to attract others. While the pig girl never had what one would consider a ten out of ten body, she had the attitude and drive to arouse blood in the loins of men and hermaphrodites alike whenever she had the desire. Sure, the red dress that gave an ample view of her chest helped, but it wouldn't have been as effective if she didn't sway her body like she did wherever she searched for an evening partner. The ring on her finger may have bound her to Blair, but they had an agreement on these kinds of things.

And if it was ever a problem, they could always consult the contract.

No sooner had she reached the bar did the bartender, an old wolf who had seen Kelly hunt many times, passed along a Honey Badger Blitz, and pointed down the bar to a stag sitting at the end.

"Paid for by that gentleman, Mrs. Yelton," he said. Kelly smiled as she took the drink, sauntering on over to the stag as she consumed it. There was a hint of honey and vodka mixed in, making it go down smooth like she imagined this stag planned for this evening.

"I don't believe we've met," the pig said, extending her hand, "My name is Kelly."

"David," the stag kissed her hand, "It is a pleasure."

The kissing of her hand was almost enough to turn her away, having no desire for too gentlemanly behavior. But she kicked that instinct aside, figuring that his reaction would be more fun to see by the end of the evening.

"So, David. Tell me about yourself." She said. As the stag explained himself, Kelly took her time to look him over. From his suit, tie, and choice of drink he gifted, she assumed he was of a decent wage. He showed no sign of being over or underweight, not that she had any right to judge. She just enjoyed those with some muscle with what she planned tonight. The pig pressed a hand against his thigh as she feigned interest, peeking at his groin for any hint of his size.

She liked what she saw.

"I know it's a bit early, but why don't we skip the rest of this and head to my place?" she said, interrupting David midway through a monologue about economic issues overseas. The stag, while flabbergasted, smiled and nodded to the request, "You don't play around do you?"

"Oh honey," Kelly said after sending a text to Blair, "I'm just interested in a different game. I think you'll like it."


The cab ride home was filled with teasing and grinding in the backseat. David tried in vain to reach under her dress, to get the sweet touch of her breasts. But Kelly denied him. While she didn't let him touch, he had no objections or power over her hands. She never touched his flesh, always letting his pants wall off her grip from the hardening rod. She whispered sweet fantasies of his cock railing her, how much she wanted him to fuck her before the night ended. But she always stopped when she felt he had enough, letting him soften up again before ensuing the teasing.

She was in control and he loved it.

The heavy breathing and tented pants painted an obvious picture when they entered her apartment. With a light slap across his bum, Kelly told him where her room was and that he should wait for her there. Naked.

Watching the stag disappear down the hall, Kelly opened the shoe closet to find Blair there. And, as instructed, the doberman wore nothing but her black strap harness, ankle and wrist cuffs, her collar, and her deprivation hood. Kelly smiled as she pulled her slave in, letting the doberman nestle in her bosom.

"Such a good girl," she cooed patting along her hooded lover, "Are you ready to make me happy?"

Blair nodded. Kelly clipped her leash and led her slave to their bedroom, where a naked and endowed David suddenly became confused.

"W-who is that?" he stuttered out, carefully pulling himself out of bed.

"This?" Kelly pointed to Blair, "Oh this is my slave. She takes care of all the...prepping."


The pig nodded, "Mmhmm," she unbuckled the blindfold and gag from the hood, "Do you see that nice meaty cock over there?" she asked.

Blair nodded.

"Crawl over to him and get it nice and wet for me."

The doberman swayed her hips as she crawled, exposing the plastic jeweled plug deep in her ass. Kelly watched on in pride as she undressed. The site of seeing her slave pleasure someone on her command had always brought joy to the pig's mind. She pulled a condom from the drawer as Blair's hands massaged the stag's cock, keeping it nice and hard before she took the large tool into her well trained mouth.

Kelly crawled up across the bed and wrapped her arms around David from behind, "How is she?" she whispered, "She hasn't had a real cock recently, so she might be rusty."

"She's amazing," he said, moaning softly as Blair slowly bobbed up and down his cock.

Kelly giggled softly, "That's good. Feel free to degrade her," she said as she gently nibbled on his ears, "She loves it. Just don't cum. I don't want to wait for you to be ready again."

She could feel his heartbeat through his chest as she teased his nipples. David muttered out some complimenting insults to her slave, things like 'that's a good whore' but he found himself too distracting by the hooded doberman's tongue. After enough teasing, Kelly whispered that it was time and pushed Blair off his cock.

"I think she deserves a treat, what about you?" she asked as she sauntered off the bed and behind Blair. She grabbed the doberman by the back of the hood, pulling her face upward, "Open wide." she ordered.

A large drop of saliva fell from Kelly's mouth as she spat into her slave's gaping maw. David followed suit, smiling as Blair swallowed diligently.

"Why don't you suit up while I secure our audience?" Kelly said, handing a condom to David before gently tugging Blair along to the foot of the bed. With a few metallic clicks, she had bound the doberman's arms behind her back and chained her to a nearby hook in the ground. The chain was too short to let her stand, forcing Blair to kneel against the soft carpeted floor. As she strapped the gag back in place, Kelly whispered, "Good girl." into her slave's exposed ears. Twisting one of the doberman's barbell piercings, the pig bit her lip softly as her sub moaned in pain and delight.

David leaned back into the headboard of the bed as Kelly approached, his cock standing tall and proud in its tan latex packaging. The pig made a show of her ass to her sub as she crawled onto the bed, weaving through like she had cornered tasty prey. The stag smiled with confidence as she climbed over him, resting her crotch right over his dick.

"Fuck me as hard as you can," Kelly whispered into his ear, "But she needs to see me the entire time," she commanded, fingers softly digging into his shoulder as she implanted the stag's rod into her.

"Can you do that?" she asked in the midst of her moans. The stag nodded with a wicked smile as he grabbed her legs and thrusted everything into her.

The sudden invasion shocked Kelly, but she soon adapted to his wild poundings and even bounced along. The sopping wet sounds of their pleasure overcame the squeaking of the bedsheet springs and the bed frame creaking. The pig exposed her ass to the doberman while David fucked her, giving a clear a window as possible for her slave. She knew Blair wouldn't look away, because she wanted her to watch everything. She wanted her nice and desperate, practically begging for her touch.

That was better than any one night stand.

"Push me on my back," she whispered, "I want to see her."

Back against the covers, Kelly's inverted gaze did litter to hide Blair's desire. Staring eye to eye, Kelly could see the need in her hooded sub's gaze. Heavy breaths and flustered grinding to the air from her slave almost made Kelly giggle as she wrapped her legs around David's waist.

"Harder," she demanded, taking her gaze away from Blair. David tried to look into her eyes, but she avoided him. He was just a prop in this little session, a well endowed but ultimately forgettable toy.

To her pleasant surprise, he had remarkable stamina. She had lost track of how much time was passing between them. They changed positions frequently, with her favorite being the reverse cowgirl so she could expose more of herself to her bound lover. The gleam in her eye made Kelly believe that her pet was crying, but she didn't stop. If Blair wanted her to stop, she knew what to do. No, Kelly knew Blair enjoyed this as much as she did, in her own twisted way.

The stag screamed as he finally climaxed. Kelly sighed, having not gotten to hers yet. She pulled herself off him as David slacked backward to the bed. Her legs wobbled from the hours of fucking, but she adjusted quickly.

"That was great," he said, probably looking up at the ceiling as Kelly wasn't paying attention, "Got any smokes?"

"I don't smoke." she stated bluntly.

"Really? I figured you were the kind of person to use her as an ashtray," he said, pointing at the gimp doberman, "That seems like the level of kink going on here."

Kelly pulled out a drawer on the dresser next to her bed, "She doesn't smoke, so I don't smoke." smiling, she pulled out a strap-on harness, a large dildo, and a bottle of lube, "She does clean, if you're interested."

David arched a brow, "I think I am."

She tossed the items on the bed before unhooking the chain from the floor. Leading her by a metallic leash, Kelly propped her pet onto the sofa.

"Go and clean this gentleman's cock, pet." she commanded as she prepped her strap-on. There was a certain allure to seeing her wife pleasure someone else. She knew Blair wouldn't do it of her own will, no she was too loyal for that. But given permission, no, ordered to give it just let out a beast in the dog. She enjoyed every one bit of David's cock, taking the girthy subject slowly up and down to savor it.

Kelly knew it was there the minute she laid eyes on the shy athlete. As she slathered lube over her own girthy strap-on and Blair's now empty back hole, she couldn't help but be proud of how well she trained her slave. They were bond long before the doberman popped the question.

"That's it," Kelly slowly pressed her strap-on into Blair's ass, "clean him off like the slut you are."

Her thrusts were slow at first. Her fingers dug into the gimp's toned cheeks as she upped her intensity. She spanked Blair when she saw her wife reached down to her clit with her free hand. Kelly wanted her pussy nice and wet for later.

"Cum down her throat," Kelly said between thrusts.

David, lost in pleasure, muttered, "What?"

A loud crack filled the air as she spanked her wife again, "Hold her head and cum down her fucking throat like the cumdump she is!"

Grabbing her by the ears, the stag gritted his teeth as he climaxed again. Without a condom to hold it in, his cum filled Blair's maw. Small drips spilled out as the doberman sucked the stag's bone dry.

"Good girl," Kelly whispered as she pulled her strap-on out, "Good girl."


As much as she would have preferred the stag to have left, kicking him out in the middle of the night would have been much too rude. So when he started to snore, Kelly took Blair out of their bedroom to properly finish the night. The pig didn't need to say anything as she let her wife take to the couch, legs spread to reveal her wet and needy cunt. Normally she could have dove in right there, but Kelly needed to have her doberman gagged first, with a nice big red ballgag.

After all, Blair was a screamer.

Gasping whimpers and restrained cries were muffled as Kelly ate away at Blair's desire. The pig had edged her for so long, toyed and teased with the doberman until its scent was so strong that people thought she was in heat. She let it all happen to see Kelly smile, to be a good slave for her wife.

And Kelly loved rewarding good slaves.

After letting her wife cum, Kelly rested against the doberman's chest. Taking the gag away, she kissed her masked slave with lips drenched in her juices.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," Blair answered.