Howlr Diary: Drinking My Bull

Story by Skip Lyons on SoFurry

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A horny cat's chronicle of his experiences on Howlr. He finds a bull who is just as depraved as he is. Scarcely has felt more like himself, or more satisfied and fulfilled. Contains watersports, piss drinking, ending in explosive cum.

It isn't specifically stated, but I imagine the main character to be silver tabby of a slight build.

It had been a while since I downloaded Howlr, and altogether it had gone much better than anticipated. It was scary at first, because putting yourself out there always is, no matter what the venue or event might be. Especially where casual sex was concerned. I'd long entertained loads of fantasies (I knew I was gay from an extremely young age), but my sexual experiences were more limited than I'd have liked, with lovers who were less than understanding of my needs. My relationships tended to turn towards emotional bruising, opposed to sexual satisfaction and release. I figured it was high time to either change that, or try to change it - and I made the jump to Howlr. It's a move I should have made years ago, as its been one of the most positive influences in my life.

I was afraid because of everything you hear about the casual sex scene. It can be dangerous meeting so many strangers - after running into so many of them, you're bound to get a total creep now and then. Then STI's are always a concern, and for a while there was the concern about someone from the "real world" recognizing me. For a while that concerned me. But now I would wear the badge a little proudly, even. Sexual fulfillment and release, it's just such a core part of who I am. So what if I like sucking a lot of dick? Shoot, that's incredibly tame compared to my other interests. And while I try not to be overtly gay at work (although I've certainly started dressing more "vibrant" this past year or so), I don't shy from it like I used to. Altogether it's been such a release for me. And running into Thrad was a huge part of that.

He was my third hookup or so. The others were casual experiences, and a bit awkward for me as I'd never done the casual sex scene. Not really, at least, aside from the occasional friend-of-a-friend I'd run into at parties. So I wasn't a stranger to casual sex. But meeting with a fellow from the gay cruising app specifically to suck a dick and go on about my way, that was entirely new to me. It had a taboo feeling about it which added to the allure, and still does. So over the course of those few hookups I got more comfortable with myself. That helped me be more comfortable with Thrad. Then, together with Thrad, we became comfortable with each other. In oh so many ways.

The domineering types never did make sense to me. That's just because wanting to dominate another just isn't compatible with my sexual drive. I've been putting things in my rear for as long as I can remember. Honestly, it's true what they say about "anything can be a dildo if you believe in yourself", and shamelessly there's a lot of things around my parents house which I really probably should have thrown away by now. Especially in those really horny moments, there wasn't ever much of a limit to what I wouldn't do to get off. It never occurred to me to try and invent makeshift fleshlights, or to hump pillows or any of that other stuff sometimes associated to a horny teen. Yes, I was a horny teen. Boy was I horny. It just manifested in other ways.

Lucky for me, most guys you meet did seem to develop along that traditional path. Guys love getting off. They. Love. It. And I love helping them along their way.

In any case, here enters Thrad. My prior conquests tended to be more of the "average" guys. Average height and build, along with a typically average dick size (sort of a shame, but at least they weren't ever especially small). I'd fuck animals of any sort, but I always lusted after those bigger guys. Not just the ones who work out, but any of the larger species, who are typically built without having to give it a thought at all. I never took a stallion, or should I say that a stallion had never taken me, but I desperately wanted to. Most equines, and all of the bovines, really, always struck to me. They had a musk about them. They were strong, nearly universally some of the manliest of men. I'd go weak imagining being taken by them. Which, of course, meant I'd never actually talk to one. I just got too nervous, and maybe looked at them as some unattainable goal. I wasn't enough of a bottom to handle someone big and strong like that. Turns out, I couldn't have been more wrong.

It's a good thing Thrad approached me. His initial message was mainly everything I could have hoped for. It wasn't just a simple "hey". He said, in just a few concise words, that I was sexy, and he wanted to take me, and that he'd "treat me to a good time". He followed it up with a dick pic (and at least it was nice that he greeted me before jumping right to the dick pic, unlike so many others on the app). And it was tremendous. It was the size of some of my larger dildos. And every time I used one of those dildos, I imagined being taken by a real life stud of an equal size. Someone who could thrust into me, and hold me tight and make me truly theirs. Basically, for all those years, I had been imagining a Thrad.

I wasn't shy at all when I responded to him, I was just more eager. I sent him some pictures of me playing with my dildos, along with some playful shots of perking out my rear in the bathroom mirror. That seemed to do him in, because later that day we were at it.

The sex was phenomenal. I couldn't walk the entire next day. Nor could I stop thinking about that night, or how desperately I wanted to have another. And another. My previous lovers had all been some sort of timid, even if only by comparison. Nobody had the sheer, masculine need to fuck that Thrad had. He could go so many times in a night, as though he could never be truly fulfilled. In this way, he matched my own sex drive completely. And as he dominated me over the course of our many sessions we got a bit deeper into it. I started to trust him more, and he started to learn my limits. He was universally a gentleman, no matter our kinks or how long or deep our sessions got. If I said no or hold up I need a break, he complied instantly. He easily cared for my well being just as much as he cared for getting off. And it was that trust which lead us to the events I'm writing now.

The usual for me to arrive in my chastity cage by now. I originally had a small, plastic thing I bought for cheap online. After a few sessions Thrad had bought me a nicer (and smaller) metallic one. It was more secure, and easier to clean, and it had a urethral tube which made the fantasy that much more intense. I could pee (and cum, although much more infrequent than Thrad did) without making a complete mess of myself. That opened me up to the idea of sounding which we tried briefly. But I just preferred anal penetration, and deepthroating, and more standard sexual acts. Not that chastity was entirely standard itself. And watersports even less so.

We had been drinking and he'd already fucked me twice. Once on his couch, and once on his floor. I was still caged, and of course not allowed to cum. I never was until the end of the night, but even then sometimes I declined, or else he declined me. I was up against his chest then. His smell was intoxicating, especially after being worked up from sex like we both were. He was rubbing my back and scritching my fur, which was another aspect of our relationship I had come to really enjoy. We were extremely sexually close (obviously), but the fact he didn't shy from intimate moments made it all that much better. Most all the other hookups I've had are usually much more mechanical. In for a quick fuck, then out the door. Usually no kissing or cuddles. I guess that just isn't what a lot of guys are looking for, at least not on an app like Howlr. But some of my favorite parts of an evening with Thrad was the foreplay, and the afterplay, of making out on the couch. There'd be rubbing, leading to grinding, and quickly leading to sex. Then it was back to the intimate moments. Then it was lather, rinse, and repeat. For hours on end.

This time in particular he patted at my shoulder and moved to get up. "I gotta piss", he said matter-of-factly. And a few things ran through my mind. I was having too nice a time up against his chest for him to leave, even for only a few moments. But I'd been drinking just enough, and he had too, that my inhibitions were just at the right state. Before I knew what I was doing I crawled down in front of him, undid his fly and pulled out his flaccid cock, and set it in my mouth expectantly. I looked up at him eagerly, ready and waiting, and he gave me the most surprised eyebrows I'd seen on him. They were inquisitive, demanding, and horny. Behind those dark brown eyes was an element of "holy shit, is this guy for real?"

Thing is, I'd been thinking about it for a long time. Being horny as I so often was, and more than a little depraved, drinking piss was something often on my mind. I'd drank my own on several occasions. And I had gotten used to its taste, and knew what sort of flavors to expect. As odd, or even disgusting as that sounds. But it wasn't ever disgusting to me. It was more sexy than anything. There was something so strong in the fantasy of that taboo activity. I loved imagining drinking it from the tap. I entertained thoughts about a man's strong, morning piss, although that was still too much for me whenever I tried it at home. But something like a medium-yellow I was accustomed to. But I could only ever drink it from a glass, under the comfort of my own home. And that just wasn't ever the experience I craved from it. It was the same problem I'd had with dildos. Yeah it was nice, but not at all as good as the real thing. I imagined drinking someone else's pee would be the same.

Then I had another moment of extreme shyness. They were fewer now than they used to be. When we first played with chastity I was also really shy about it, but we got over that quickly. Thrad always helped me acclimate to our different kinks, and treated me with respect no matter the submissive state I was in. But I was suddenly worried that this was too much. But another thing I'd been working on was open communication. With a sexual partner that was key, which is another thing Thrad had helped me learn.

"Uh... sorry." I said sheepishly, taking his dick out of my mouth. "I just, uh. It's something I've wanted for a while. You could pee in a glass instead, if you'd rather." Then I realized what I'd just said, and assumed, so I followed up with a lame attempt at back tracking. "But we don't have to if that's too weird."

"No, it's cool. You're cool with that?" "Yeah, I am." My ears were totally blushing, and my tail flicked in a mixture of horny-and-ashamed. Thrad had to think for a moment, but only a moment, when he gripped the back of my head and slipped his cock back into my mouth. "Do we need a towel or something?" He said as an afterthought, just before letting loose. I just shook my head and looked him meaningfully in the eyes. I was daring him to let loose. He always said my eyes were piercing, and he could tell when I knew what I wanted, or even needed. And right now I was damn sure about what I wanted. Or even needed. "Alright then." It was a simple response, yet still commanding and strong. How quickly he went from "holy shit is this guy for real", into that domineering state of his which I so enjoyed. He wasn't incredulous any more, or even a little trepidatious. Right now his demeanor said something like "that's right, you drink my fucking piss." Just like in all the stories I'd read online. "Here," he said, putting my hand on the base of his cock. "Control the flow how you need."

I just nodded, and kept with my eye contact. With that I assured him that it was okay. More than okay, it was something I wanted. In that moment I needed it. It wasn't just okay. To me, it was great.

He leaned back on the couch then. I could tell he was trying to relax. I was willing to bed that he'd never tried to take a leak while sitting on the couch, and certainly he'd never done it in the mouth of, for lack of a better word, a whore. But then he did let his bladder go. And for the first time in my life, I was drinking another man's piss. Straight from the tap. Just like I'd fantasized about for years.

I had a feeling that with how much we'd been drinking that it would be more weak than strong. I was only somewhat right. If I had to guess it would be more on the yellow end. He had a bold flavor, filled with notes I wasn't familiar with. It was a little hard not to gag, actually, just because I wasn't entirely expecting that. It was probably a mix of his animal nature (who knows, maybe a bull's piss just tastes different than a cat's), but also his recent diet. It occurred to me that I'd never drank alcohol pee before. So I pinched off his flow pretty quickly so I could adjust to it. His eyes were expectant then, and still a little shocked. That actually helped to steel my resolve. I wanted to prove to him that I could do it. I wanted to be a little slut for him. I wanted to be a slut for myself.

When I was ready I let loose on his cock, and again his piss started to flood into my mouth. Then the fantasy overpowered me. The fantasy had turned into a reality. I was doing it, I was actually doing it. I was drinking another man's piss.

I made out like I was drinking from a water bottle, or chugging a bottle of beer. I kept my gullet open, and swallowed and swallowed everything that came in. I did pause his flow once more so I could take a couple of breaths, and I went back at it. I'm proud to say that I didn't gag after that first time, and I didn't spill a drop.

Throughout that moment he relaxed further. His incredulity faded and he came full into dominance. By the end of his piss I could tell this could already become a part of our routine, another sexual act in our bag of tricks. He rested both hands on the back of my head, holding me in place. Just like during so many blowjobs he started gripping the base of my ears which sent me further over the edge. My cock was nearly perpetually trying to chub while I was at his place, but in that moment I felt it stir in a powerful way. It made the cage tug at my ballsack as my dick made its restrained position known. I could tell I was leaking precum (as I so often did), and when his pee was finished I wasn't done yet. Not even close.

I kept his dick in my mouth and started sucking. I had an extensive catalog of moves for dick sucking, and I utilized them all. I deepthroated his soft cock and relished as he grew more hard. His grip on my head grew tighter and he started to thrust. I was becoming powerless, and ever more submissive. I was in heaven. I tried to pull back but he held me firmly in place. I pushed against his grip harder to let him know I needed loose, but even then I didn't remove his dick completely. It was fully hard then. I swirled my tongue around his head as I took several steeling breaths. In turn his breath was getting heavy. He usually didn't cum too readily (he was a bull, after all, and could seemingly go for hours on end), but when he was horny and build up all bets were off. I took a deep breath and took him entirely in my throat. I preferred deepthroating a hard cock to a soft cock, although I never stopped to revel that even his flaccid cock could reach into my throat. But I loved feeling his hardness all the way inside of me. He had taken videos of his bulge being clearly visible through my throat. He practically reached clear to the base of it, almost able to deposit his cum directly into my stomach. And when he did that I always did miss the taste of his cum in my mouth. But the knowledge that he had cum so deep inside my throat that I couldn't taste it at all had its own delight.

We were headed that direction now. I perked my body away from his hips, in a position which made my mouth and throat a straight shot for him. I held my breath and kept my throat loose for him. Then he started really thrusting into me. I felt my throat keenly expand and contract as his dick did its thing. I loved it as much (or nearly as much) as I enjoyed anal sex. For me so much of it was in my head. I loved being submissive, utterly submissive. And there was nobody I'd rather be submissive to than my bull.

At a point he stopped with long, deep thrusts. He kept his cock buried in my throat and transitioned to short, pistoning thrusts. I knew my throat was tight against his cock. Much like how my anal ring (and the ring deeper inside of me as well) gripped against his cock. But in my throat the entire length held that same tightness. It's why he loved fucking my throat, and face. It's why he got so into it right now.

His breath got really heavy then, and in good timing because my own breath was running short. The biological panic started to settle in. It was the seeds of worry that I was going to suffocate, that I couldn't breathe, and that at this rate I could be dead in only a minute or two. It sounds morbid, but I'd come to relish that sensation. It was an ultimate trust. In that moment my very life was in his hands. And I knew he would take care of me. If I just tapped at his thighs he would let up right away, but I so rarely had to do that these days. He knew my limits, he knew when I reached that point where I needed to take a breath. And he knew that I still had enough time that he could finish his business. He needed to get off, he needed so desperately to cum. And my throat was how he was going to do that.

His heavy breath turned into grunts. The grunts got louder. That's how I knew he was really into it, when he was really pent up. He didn't always climax explosively, but this was one of those times. I knew there'd be an ocean of cum waiting for me, which did make it a shame that I wouldn't be able to taste it at all. But that ever fantasy kicked right in for me. I had just drank his entire bladder of piss, and was about to wash it down with a desert of his cum.

It got me indescribably horny, like I always did when we hit a new threshold of domination. I started thrusting uselessly against the air, trying to get stimulation from my cock cage. But all I achieved was more frustration, which of course sent me deeper into my lust.

His grip on my head got tighter. It was a vice, and there'd be absolutely no escaping it even if I tried. He was so strong, certainly stronger than me. I knew what was coming and he didn't disappoint. His grunt turned into a growl, then it was almost a yell. He slammed my head down to the base of his groin. He pushed his pelvis forward as he held me down, shoving his cock into the absolute limit of its depth. It really was like his cum was bypassing my throat entirely, and shooting directly into my stomach. And I could feel through the tightness in my throat that he was cumming.

Like I suspected, or even knew, it was a lot. His cock contracted time and time again, the way it does during a powerful climax. I knew it was rope after rope shooting directly into me, and I was ever so grateful. I needed his cum in me. And I knew that it was mixing in my stomach along with his pee. It was a special cocktail inside of me, directly from his body and into mine. It was taboo beyond belief. I was full of alcohol, piss, and now cum as well. It felt like more than usual my bull had taken me. I was his slut, his depraved whore. I was grateful that his fluids were becoming a part of me, in the most real way possible. And I didn't want the moment to end.

It needed to end though, as I was reaching my threshold of oxygen deprivation. I started to thrust more, not just with my groin, but my upper body as well. My head, throat, and neck were all trying so desperately to get more air. But still I didn't tap at his thighs. I would if I needed to, of course, but getting to that point of asphyxiation was another turn on of mine. He choked me often, and we'd been at this intensity of deepthroating before. Well, maybe not quite this intense. This experience, all of this experience, was quite unlike anything else we'd shared before.

Still holding my head tight against his crotch he made a few more thrusts into my throat. They were the after-cum thrusts, as though to come down from the quite literal climax. It wouldn't do (at least, not for Thrad) to explode in climax than cut his pleasure off. He liked to come down more gently than that. And I liked that too.

He must have gotten really into it though, because he kept me well against his crotch. He let up on his grasp just a bit, but was still nestling the back of my head firmly. With one hand he held me tight, and the other started rubbing and scritching at me. He was in ecstasy, and similarly didn't want this moment to end.

I pulled at the back of his grasp once, then twice. Then I tapped on his thighs and instantly he let me loose. I sprang off his cock in biological instinct and gasped. Still I convulsed, taking deep and urgent breaths. And I was in ecstasy. My tail whipped around madly in its continual lust. My cock strained ever more in its cage, and was surely making a puddle of precum below me. I was unbearably horny and no doubt was minutes from begging for release. Then I looked up after I'd collected my breaths and we made eye contact again.

He was as domineering as ever. He was needing, even. I could tell he'd cum his brains out. I knew I'd done a good fucking job, then. I loved seeing that expression of ultimate satisfaction on his face. And then it turned devious. It was those brown eyes which betrayed him. Just moments ago they were incredulous and a little excited. But now they were devious.

He'd just discovered a new way to play with his favorite toy. We would be doing this more often, those eyes said. And again I thrusted uselessly into the air between my legs.

I couldn't fucking wait for the rest of the evening, and what depravity it might entail. And I couldn't wait for the next time either. I had drank his piss and swallowed it down with his cum. And, to me, it was sexy and horny as fuck.

You haven't listened to them, have you?

"Hey, Bishop, something I need to talk with you about the fair." "Sure thing Mr. Lyons, give me a sec." Skip was both happy to wait, and would wait patiently for as long as Bishop needed, but was also antsy to get the conversation over with. He...

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