The Taker Gets Taken - Hazardous Material Containment

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of The Taker Gets Taken

The first of sixteen chapters of The Taker Gets Taken, a Bal'Kar book and my origin story that grew into quite the epic tome that involves several others as well. Since this one had gotten uploaded a long time ago before it was edited I decided to start with the remaster and then go from there. First four chapters will be a bit of a repeat and then from there is all new story.

Edited by Texotic

The Bal'Kar belong to Neox over on FA

Cover art in thumbnail was created by stonecircle

Or if you want it all at once in a popular book form you can get it here:

If you like what you see and want to support a sabrewolf to keep him highly caffeinated and writing please consider going to my patreon and becoming a member, you get all sorts of fun benefits and with commissions opening soon you can take advantage of those discounts and other things!

Chapter One - Hazardous Material Containment

The sun had almost completely disappeared behind the horizon as the freight train streaked towards it. To the outside observer it was like any of the other thousands of trains that rolled across the tracks, though anyone who watched it closely enough could see the cameras on each side of the car as well as the guard that occasionally poked its head out of the guard post set into the roof of the train. What couldn't even been seen by the naked eye were the numerous gun posts and sensors that lined each car. The combined might of all the security made the train completely impregnable to anyone that might try and enter it from the outside, securing whatever cargo the military deemed fit to transport.

Luckily for Serathin he had implemented a plan to bypass everything, his wrist computer lighting up the black, cramped space that he had occupied for the last two hours. He heard the heavy sounds of footsteps against the metal like clockwork, and as he waited patiently he took the time to hack into the security system of the train. It was far more complex than most he had encountered, but once he had gained access he didn't want to test their electronic countermeasures any further and decided to wait it out. Finally that time came and he tapped the button on his wrist computer, the hiss of pressure escaping the storage container before the draconic sabre-wolf stepped out.

"Oh sure, piece of cake, just go through one of the shipping containers," Serathin muttered to himself as he stripped off the breathing apparatus he had used to keep himself alive and kicked it back into the large storage container. "Don't mention the fact that I would have to spoof the manifest, fool the electronic countermeasures, fake an x-ray while I was IN THE CONTAINER, and then have to sit still in a coffin for two hours!"

Once he had successfully relocked the container to make sure no one would stumble upon his traveling case he snuck towards the target car. With the security forces switching shifts he found the cars relatively vacant, each one retrofitted with military security countermeasures inside the disguised train. He had to admit that it was a rather ingenious move, though what they didn't prepare for was a hacker thief that had smuggled himself into the train. With every step he made towards his goal all he had to do was look at the system and saw the system schematics laid out in his vision like he was looking at a computer screen. All it took was a flick of his finger and he looped the cameras, tricked the motion sensors, and turned off the infrared beams.

"I love military technology," the sabre-wolf said with a grin as he popped open the last electronic lock and opened his way to the next car. For the first time since his incursion he paused and looked at the door, which unlike the others looked more like a vault door and featured several black-boxed security features. "One of these doors is definitely not like the others..."

Serathin closed the door behind him and braced himself between the two cars. The darkness would provide him adequate cover, but as he looked at his wrist computer and saw the timer countdown until the security sweeps resumed he knew he didn't have much time. With the way it was locked he knew he wouldn't have to worry about them once he was inside, but he knew he couldn't thermite or cut the metal to arouse suspicion. "It's just one thing after another," he sighed as he hooked up his wrist computer to the input terminal of the electronic lock.

As he ran his computer through the decryption algorithms his mind wondered slightly about how he even got here in the first place. While it certainly wasn't his first pull from the military it was the first time he hit such a sensitive target. The person who hired him also took great strides to make sure that they never met, working in dead drops and cryptic messages. It almost insulted him in a way, like they thought he would get caught or that he would sell the information.

A sudden beep broke him out of his reverie, his program indicating it was finished. That only unlocked the first layer of security, but it allowed his hacking to finally worm its way into the system. There was a lot of biometric security, with not a lot of people on the list that had access and none of those people were on the train. None of that mattered to him, though, he thought to himself with a grin as he leaned in and positioned his face in front of the scanner, and tonight Dr. Winters would be on the train for several seconds to open the door. The scanner chirped excitedly and the lights turned green before the vault opened inward at the same time his countdown clock hit zero.

"Greetings Dr. August Winters," a computer voice said, which nearly caused Serathin to jump out of his skin. "All containment protocols active."

As much as he would have liked to continue to use the identity he had just stolen he didn't want to press his luck, though as he looked at the solid metal tube in front of him he wish he had. "What... the hell... am I stealing..." he asked himself as he focused on cracking the next round of security protocols. Strangely the most stringent programs were on the innermost layer of the column and they all had to do with fail-safe programs to destroy the sample in case of the contents inside got out. A knot began to tie in his stomach as he realized what kind of programs these were used for, mostly biological pathogens and other such nasty bio-agents. That plus a military train... as he unlocked the outer column it rotated around until it revealed the inner chamber within.

At first it appeared that the object in question, a metal canister no bigger than a tube of toothpaste with no visible seams, was clear for the taking - but the hybrid knew better. To be sure he took a pen from the nearby computer bank and coated it with saliva before he slid it into the invisible barrier. While the metal stayed pristine he watched the liquid evaporate almost instantly. "I knew it, a sterilization barrier." He said to himself as he popped open a panel on the column and worked on the internal security system.

While his hardware skills were not as great as his other electronic skills Serathin still managed to bypass the containment field, though he wasn't sure why he was doing it. A few more minutes and he managed to get past the pressure plate as well, and the click of the final countermeasure powering down was music to his ears. He got back onto his feet and reached in to pull out the canister, a shudder ran down his spine as he wrapped his fingers around the cool metal and brought it to his body. While he couldn't place it a strange feeling seemed to settle on his psyche, something that played with the edges of his emotions. He tried to shake them off and slid the canister in the inside pocket of the vest he wore, though as he turned around his thoughts were suddenly preoccupied with the solid wall of muscle that had just moved up behind him.

Serathin backed away several steps to see a massive stallion in military fatigues with a pistol pointed right in his face. "Whoa whoa whoa!" the hybrid said as he put his hands in the air. "Before you throw me in the brig or whatever I have to ask... was it a secondary RFID chip that this Dr. Winters guy has on him, or was there was a passive motion sensor inside the metal of the vault door that triggered the security override?"

There was a brief pause, Serathin looking at the horse who finally shrugged. "It was the motion sensor," the security officer finally admitted, which caused the thief to curse under his breath. "Thought I would give you something to ponder when you spend the rest of your life in a hole in the ground. How did you possibly expect to get out of a military train?"

"Magnetic coupling against the side of the train and then wing-glide it to safety," the stallion cocked his head as the hybrid pressed his thumb against his palm. The soldier's eyes widened in surprise as the gun was ripped from his hand and pressed into Serathin's palm. Before he could do anything with it the sabre-wolf suddenly felt the wind get knocked out of him as the soldier charged him and slammed his shoulder into the hybrid's stomach. They both tumbled all the way to the back of the car before Serathin felt his back slam against the cold steel wall.

Serathin tried to squirm but the horse had him pinned and was holding him tighter with every second. The thief looked up as he struggled and managed to get his arms free, holding them up and activated the magnetics on his palms. He felt his body get jerked up and out of the stallion's grasp, a loud clang resonated through the cabin as he was latched to the ceiling. He brought up his feet and banged them against the roof as well, which allowed him to crawl across it. More than once he had to bring up his body as the soldier tried to pull him down, his hands sliding across the slick material of the thief's garb.

As the hybrid reached the door he felt his pocket one last time to make sure that everything was still in place. Thankfully the door was still open and the canister was still in his possession as he deactivated his magnetic couplers and landed gracefully on the floor. He stood up and was about to turn to exit when he heard the sound of gunfire echo through the metal box and a sudden pressure hit him in the chest. His eyes widened as he saw the huge horse with the gun pointed straight at him, the end of it smoked slightly from the bullet that was just fired from it.

It took a few seconds for the shock to leave and the dull pain to start to radiate from the hole in his chest that began to grow sticky and red. Serathin fell back against one of the consoles as he began to struggle to breathe, blood started to fleck on his lips as he pressed his hand against the bullet wound. He could hear several more people enter the car, though it began to sound like he was underwater as his vision grew fuzzy. As he looked at the blurry outlines of the soldiers he realized that none of them had come close to his body since they entered, not even the huge outline of the one that put the bullet in him in the first place.

"Damnit, you hit the canister!" someone shouted, though he wasn't sure who it was that said it. "What did they say about using Death Talons on the train, you psychopath!? Call Dr. Winters right now and get the suits!" More was said, but he couldn't make it out as he felt his consciousness swim. As he slid further down everything faded to black, the draconic sabre-wolf's body slumped over as droplets of bright green tinged the bright red that dripped from his saber teeth.


Meanwhile in a refurbished nuclear missile silo a Siberian tiger slept, the reinforced concrete and steel of the underground facility creaked loudly around the makeshift bedroom. It appeared that nothing would wake the feline from his slumber, save for the phone that began to buzz on his nightstand. Almost immediately at the sound his head shot up and he grabbed it and opened it. "This is Dr. August Winters," the male said blearily, listening to the voice on the other end for a minute before his face scrunched up in anger. "They did WHAT!?"

An hour later August and several men in military uniforms and lab coats surrounded a large steel table. Behind them a large electronic screen display showed a map of the Southwest United States and a bright red line with a dot that blinked rapidly. Everyone had a grim look on their face as they looked at tablets or paperwork in front of them, some angrier than others. August swallowed hard as he could feel the eyes of the others on him as he stood up and pointed his controller at the screen, which zoomed in onto the blinking dot that moved across the landscape.

"At approximately 01:30 Mountain Standard Time a military train whose sole purpose was the transportation of highly sensitive biological material was breached by an unknown assailant and the sample was taken from its containment unit," August instructed the rest of the group. "In the course of military personnel attempting to capture the assailant and recover the sample the canister was breached by a stray projectile that also downed the intruder and caused him to be infected. As of right now secondary containment protocols have been enacted, the intruder was stabilized and isolated in an empty car on the train awaiting further instructions."

"Any chance of any of the sample being salvaged?" one of the scientists asked.

"Unfortunately by the time the soldiers were suited up and able to recover the canister the biological sample had mixed completely with the intruder's blood," August replied. "They were only able to just stabilize the intruder and keep him alive, though the longer we wait the more dire the situation becomes."

Suddenly a loud bang caused everyone to jump and look at the Major that had thrown a binder across the room. "Someone care to tell me how a petty thief got on board a fully-equipped and manned military train, bypassed military grade encryption and security, and almost got away with an entire vial of Bal'Kar extract!?" the husky shouted.

"This wasn't just some 'petty thief' Major," August responded, slicking back his hair as he tried to maintain his composure before he clicked on the screen and it changed to a grainy picture of a hybrid. "This particular criminal specializes in high-risk, high-value hardened targets. Jimmy, you have the specs on him, right?"

"Well, yeah, though it's spotty at best," a younger male said as he looked down at the tablet he held. "Suspect is known as Serathin, a thief and hacker that's been connected to several major-scale heists which include both physical items and digital acquisitions. Not much is really known about him except he is a hybrid with draconic heritage that also derives from some sort of saber-toothed species. The data transferred from fur and DNA before it was corrupted has linked him with aliases and criminal cases in several countries, including this one. He sells his skills to the highest bidder, and though he has several ties to major organizations, he seems to have taken great care to insulate himself to the point of fierce isolation."

Dr. Winters sat back and retreated into his own mind as he listened to the others continue to squabble over who was to blame for the breach and what they were going to do. It seemed that only yesterday he had been pulled out of the research team that had been assigned to study footage of these creatures known as the Bal'Kar and put up as the head of a massive project that had been taken away from its predecessor. When he had asked why the higher-ups had referenced several inter-department articles where he had shared his theories on the sentience of the newly-created species and how, based on Dr. Sarkov's work, he believed they were somehow able to communicate between each other. Now he was tasked to take over where Dr. Sarkov left off and lead a whole new military project.

Finally it was a silence that caused August to tune back in, the tiger cursed himself for not paying attention as he saw that the Major had stood up. "It's pretty obvious on what we have to do, mobilize the anti-Bal'Kar weapons to rendezvous with the train and vaporize the thief," the husky said. "Then decontaminate the train and make sure no one else was infected. This project will be put on hold until we can secure another sample."

"It took us months to secure that sample in the first place," Dr. Winters replied pensively, his pen sketching a crude shape of a Bal'Kar's muzzle over the picture of Serathin on his tablet. "The heart of this whole project is to try and communicate with someone while the infection takes them over in order to try and understand their means of communication, and while it's not in the most contained of scientific environments, we do have the means to talk to him while he changes. We've already gone through the trouble of keeping him alive, let's take a run at it while we still have the chance, and if he happens to be strong enough to stave of the infection long enough we can continue the experiment here as well."

A hush fell over the room as Dr. Winter's words sank into the group, most of them seemed unable to even form words to respond to what the scientist was thinking. The army dog, however, had no such reservations when it came to forming his opinion. "I realize that you're new to hands-on experience Dr. Winters, but this isn't some feral creature you sedate and bring in while it sleeps," he warned, his ears folded all the way back. "If the prisoner's psyche hasn't been broken by the infection you still have a potential Bal'Kar on a train that's rocketing through the Southwest, and even though it's not running through any major cities, if that thing escapes and finds its way into a populated area, then we're going to have Houston all over again... except this time it's our fault."

"I... agree with Dr. Winters actually," a panther that sat amongst the military personnel spoke up with surprising tameness. "The plasma weapons can be on standby, but while the creature is still changing he can be contained and perhaps we can get the insight we're looking for."

"Humph, fine," Major Amaro grunted as he saw the group nod in agreement. "I'm putting whatever resources we have in our reach on this train, though, there's no way this thief is going to make it the next twenty hours without succumbing, and I want to make sure we can stop this thing in its tracks when it does. That train was made to handle a Bal'Kar sample, not transport an actual Bal'Kar, I do hope you remember that."

The rest of the group seemed to take this as a signal for the meeting's end and began to file out of the room. Soon it was only August and the military panther that were left, Amaro the last to leave before the doors slammed shut. "Well, that could have gone worse," the tiger said as he sighed and put his tablet away. "You didn't have to stick up for me Nate, I have to learn how to handle Amaro myself if I want this project to get off the ground. God, a thief on a military train, what are the freaking odds?"

"You're making the right call here." Nate replied as they both got up at the same time, meeting in the middle of the room. "Amaro is a relic from the Sarkov era, starting a war with creatures that may not have wanted it in the first place. Some agree with you that conflict can be mitigated, others that we have no choice but to exterminate them all, there is no real middle ground here."

"And what about you?" August said as he poked the panther in the chest. "Whose side do you fall on now?"

Nate just smiled as their muzzles seemed to inch closer, the two males able to feel each other's breath on their fur. The slightly taller panther leaned in and closed his eyes and August did the same, their lips finally meeting in a gentle kiss. Almost immediately they pulled away again, looking around for some possible intruder as they tried to hide the giddy grins from their faces. When it appeared their slight indiscretion passed they touched fingers once before Nate left the room, August followed him for a bit until he turned into the radio room, ready to give his instructions to the team aboard the train on what to do next.


Serathin found himself in the middle of the void, able to see only himself in the sheer darkness that surrounded him. Despite having no perceivable direction he felt like he was standing, even able to take a few steps in a random direction. At first he wondered if he was dreaming, perhaps the whole botched heist he had been on was nothing more than a random nightmare that he was about to wake up from. No sooner had he thought that though as he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest and looked down to see a hole where the bullet had entered him and blood trickling down his fur.

Suddenly before the hybrid could put his hands on the wound a deep, booming voice seemed to surround and resonate within him at the same time. "Pain," the voice said as Serathin watched the bullet hole fade away back into his fur, though now instead of blood a strange green translucent substance seemed to ooze from the spot. "You are in pain, and wish to feel it no more."

"Damn... I'm dying," Serathin said as a well of panic sprang up within him. "This is it, this is the one that kills me. I should have listened to the others, they said not to take this job and now I'm in some sort of weird limbo before I die completely." When he heard nothing he looked around for the potential source of the voice. "Well, am I dying?"

There was a moment of pause before the voice responded once more. "Yes, you are dying," it confirmed, which caused the sabre-wolf to frown. "But it is not the end."

"Not the end?" Serathin repeated. "What do you mean not the end? Stop this cryptic bull and come down here to face me! I know I haven't been the greatest person in life, but I think I deserve some answers here before I die!"

"You are misunderstood," the voice replied. "But you will understand, they will help you to understand. All you have to do... is listen."

Before Serathin could once more demand an explanation a pair of glowing green, reptilian eyes suddenly appeared in front of him some distance away. His immediate reaction was fear, but as he stood there contemplating his next move he realized that the eyes didn't seem to move towards him at all and anxiety turned to curiosity. When what seemed like a couple minutes passed he slowly took a step towards, but as he did he felt a sudden weight press against his chest. It became hard to breathe as he fell to his knees, hands pressed against his throat as he struggled for air. All he was able to do was take short gasps as he felt something thick and smooth rub against the fur just above his chest, though all he could see was something black slither and then wrap around his neck. Once each of the two appendages looped around him he could see whatever was on the ends of them floating only several inches in front of his face.

As he continued to try and breathe Serathin looked wide-eyed in front of him as two bright green eyes were suddenly revealed as the flaps of black that covered them flowed back like petals of a flower. Their illumination revealed that the tentacles the weird eyes were attached to were what wrapped around his neck, the fur around and beneath it soaked in the strange slime. He tried to pull them off but their grip was absolute and he found his vision fading, the last strangled gasps of air escaping from his lips as everything went to black...

...only to have his eyes flooded with light as he suddenly took a sharp gasp of air. He could feel something pressed against his muzzle as his blindness from the sudden influx of light faded back to his normal vision, and when he looked down he saw that a respirator was affixed to his maw as a nearby machine pumped fresh oxygen into his nose and mouth to allow him to breathe. The breathing apparatus was not the only medical equipment he was attached to, as he continued to take long, sharp lungfuls of precious oxygen he saw the IV stand with several bags of brightly colored fluids and one unmistakable as blood attached to a tube that fed into his arm. There were also contact pads attached to his chest, which sported a large, bloody bandage where he had been shot, and that lead up to a vital sign monitoring station.

As Serathin tried to right himself on the bed he was laying on he noticed two things; one was that his wrists and ankles were restrained to the handrails while the second was that he felt the familiar dizziness from whatever powerful sedative they had course through his veins. With his injury and the drugs the hybrid could hardly lift a finger, much less find a means to escape as he tried to at least adjust himself into a comfortable position. He lifted his head up as best he could and even in his drug-addled state he found a strange scene of the area around him wrapped around in semi-transparent vinyl with only his bed, the equipment keeping him alive, and a table with a television and a webcam mounted on top in front of him. Even the train car beyond the strange plastic walls seemed to be completely devoid of anything; at first he thought that they might have stopped and unloaded the train first, but after a few seconds of concentration he could feel that the train was still moving towards its destination.

"Hello, are you receiving this?" Serathin heard from the speakers set up next to him, the hybrid raising an eyebrow as he looked at the still blank television until finally the screen flickered to life with the picture of a Siberian tiger. When it appeared that they were waiting for a response Serathin nodded a little, though it caused a tremor of pain to shoot through his body when he did so. "Oh good, the connection appears stable, my name is Dr. August Winters and I want you to know that I'm here to help you."

"Help me... great," Serathin replied sarcastically, his breath heavy between words as he heard a slight gurgle in his lungs every time he breathed. "Always willing to accept help Dr. Winters, what is it that you want to help me with?"

"Well I believe it goes without saying that it would be your current predicament." August responded.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Serathin denied, "I thought this was the Amtrak to Los Angeles and the first person I found to try and help me out shot me in the chest."

"You're lucky that you aren't dead right now," Dr. Winters said sternly. "Those soldiers have KOS orders and are within their full rights to gun you down as they see fit. Considering they saved your life despite great risk to themselves should show that I am serious in my offer. If you can't be, though, then I will have no choice but to let them finish the job so that they can remain safe the rest of the ride home."

Serathin looked for tells in the tiger's eyes, his voice, anything that could tell him whether or not he was being played. The thief knew that they had him dead to rights on stealing whatever they had on the train, so it made him wonder what the charade with trying to be friends with him was. "Alright look, I have a few favors from certain higher-ups in your government," Serathin said. "Just give me a phone line and I will get them on the line so that whatever mess you think I'm in can just go-"

"You're dying," the feline's words hit Serathin like a ton of bricks. Even though it was the second time he had heard such a statement the fact he was most definitely in the real world made his throat go dry and his stomach turn. He desperately wanted to do something, anything, but all the drugs would allow him to do was let out a low moan of anguish that the doctor patiently waited for him to finish before he continued on.

"The canister you attempted to steal contained a serum from a very dangerous creature," August explained. "Do you know or have you ever heard of a creature called a Bal'Kar?"

"Only rumors, stuff said on the Darknet," Serathin replied, though as soon as the last word escaped his lips his entire body trembled with an emotion that he could only describe as anger, though he knew not the source. "I heard the government was trying to create some sort of super soldier and instead got a monster, and one that can create monsters to boot. Also saw that these... Bal'Kar were really what was responsible for the Houston incident. Can we please go back to the fact that I'm dying and what you're going to do to help me?"

"Yes, I suppose you are rather anxious about that, sorry," August apologized. "The serum that was accidentally introduced into your system is one of the things that causes an infected individual such as yourself to... produce sudden mutations. As of right now there is no way to completely cure you, but if you help me in my research and can hold back the transformation long enough we can tend to your needs better when you reach the military base."

"So I'm turning into a monster and you... what, want to give you some samples?" Serathin replied, the beeping on his monitor slowly increasing in frequency as the hybrid grew visibly agitated. "Fine, take all you want, just undo whatever you did to me."

"It's not that simple," August sighed. "My research is on the psychology of the Bal'Kar, what makes them tick, but so far the previous leader of these projects was rather fixated on the result rather than the process, and therefore no one really stuck around to chat after they transformed. I had a volunteer ready to receive that serum, but now the fate of all of us rests on what we can glean from you. Will you help us and possibly stop a war and global threat, or will you give up and die right where you lay?"

Serathin tried to think of some quip, some smartass comment to try and show that he didn't care, but the weight of the situation had started to come down on him since he first woke up. He was in no condition to run, no way to bargain himself out, and he was infected with something that sounded terrible. Eventually he thought that perhaps maybe they were wrong and he wasn't actually infected, but he could feel a strange, foreign warmth radiate out from his chest that was above the drugs and even more above the pain that he continued to feel. There were also the swirls of bright green mixed in with the blood that he saw occasionally on his mask of his respirator and that oozed from his already-sodden bandage. He could also see that the fur around the bandaged area had disappeared, replaced with what the saber-wolf guessed was black, glistening, infected flesh.

"Fine, you promise you can stave off this infection and I'll tell you what you want to know," Serathin finally said with a loud sigh. "It's not like I have too much choice in the matter do I? Either help you guys out or turn into some monster."

"It's wise to recognize when you only have one valid option," August replied as he turned away from the computers for a second before he once more sat in frame. "Now I know this is going to sound a little ridiculous but I want you to try and relax, close your eyes and see if you can't feel yourself connecting to something. If you start to hear voices or see something in your mental vision then tell us everything you can. Should the feelings become overwhelming we have a remote link to the morphine and other drugs in your IV, so we can knock you out."

Serathin's ears flattened slightly at the list of precautions they had in case he went insane, but instead of saying something he laid back and closed his eyes. He tried to get as comfortable as he could with a bullet wound in his chest and the tubes hooked into his body. The hybrid could hear himself continue to wheeze slightly as he was suddenly without distraction and acutely aware of the dull pain in his chest and the drugs in his system. "Hello... calling all Bal'Kar?" he said with a mild grin on his face. "Attempting to connect..."

"Try to be serious Mr. Sabertooth," the scientist's voice chided him. Serathin cracked open an eye to see a serious expression on the Siberian Tiger's face, then closed it once more. Once again he tried to concentrate how the doctor had told him, letting his consciousness float outward. At first he was worried that he would fall asleep, but a twinge of something suddenly ran though his body and it caused his eyes to snap open.

"Are you alright Mr. Sabertooth?" August asked in concern.

"Yeah, just... got a twitch," Serathin replied. "Probably from the drugs or something, and call me Serathin please."

"Alright Serathin, I want you to make sure you tell me everything," the scientist replied. "Narrate out-loud if you can."

The hybrid nodded slowly and closed his eyes once more, though he still couldn't shake the feeling from before. He made mention of it but the doctor told him to continue onwards with the experiment. All Serathin could do was continue to keep his lids closed and to concentrate. The more he did so the stronger the feeling got, until it felt like he had begun to feel the presence of someone or something else. It made him fearful, at first it was because he knew that it was part of the infection that was slowly consuming his body, but then it was when that presence felt... oddly comforting.

The sound of Dr. Winter's voice snapped Serathin out of his reverie. "Sorry, it's just strange," he said as he kept his eyes close, only to be told to open them and look down. When he did so he was shocked to find that the gown he wore had been tented by a very pronounced erection. When he did his arousal suddenly hit him like a ton of bricks, his entire body shuddering as he was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion. "Oh God... what's happening..."

"Serathin, you need to control yourself or we'll have to drug you out," August warned. "Tell me what you're feeling."

"I can't..." Serathin replied with a huff, his heart rate and brain wave monitors began to spike as his eyes squeezed shut. "These sensations... are too much..."

"Serathin, calm down!" the Siberian tiger warned.

"I need to stop, it's getting too much," Serathin said as he shook his head, his maleness throbbing wildly as he felt that presence begin to reach out to him. "Please let me stop." Whatever it was he couldn't hear or see, but rather felt, and every time its presence brushed against his own his hips thrusted upwards and his entire body shook with strange desire. "What the hell is going on?!"

Warning sirens began to go off on the machines as the hybrid's readings spiked, which prompted the Siberian tiger to get up close to the camera. "Don't succumb!" August shouted. "You have to tell me what you feel!"

"No I don't!" the draconic sabre-wolf suddenly screamed, his restraints going taut as every muscle in his body went rigid. "All any of you care about are your damned experiments! You torture us for what?! FOR WHAT?! You're just like Dr. Sarkov, none of you will be satisfied until... until you're..."

Serathin's eyes rolled up into the back of his head as the continued hiss of the morphine drip filled the air. The tenseness of his body released as he flopped onto his back, his arms and legs going slack. The monitors quickly normalized as the morphine drip hissed from further increased pressure. The last thing he heard before darkness overwhelmed him was an inhuman chitter before his eyes fluttered closed.