The Taker Gets Taken - Avoid Protential Contamination

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of The Taker Gets Taken

The seventh of sixteen chapters of The Taker Gets Taken, a Bal'Kar book and my origin story that grew into quite the epic tome that involves several others as well. Since this one had gotten uploaded a long time ago before it was edited I decided to start with the remaster and then go from there. First four chapters will be a bit of a repeat and then from there is all new story.

Edited by Texotic

The Bal'Kar belong to Neox on FA

Newlyn belongs to spikester

Cover art in thumbnail was created by Stonecircle on FA

Or if you want it all at once in a popular book form you can get it here:

If you like what you see and want to support a sabrewolf to keep him highly caffeinated and writing please consider going to my patreon and becoming a member, you get all sorts of fun benefits and with commissions opening soon you can take advantage of those discounts and other things!

Chapter Seven - Avoid Potential Contamination

A few hours later Newlyn watched nervously at the tablet screen in his room as he waited for Arlo to set up the hidden cameras in the Bal'Kar chamber. He was off work and normally would be in the rec area or the mess hall, but right now he was on his bed while the lupine was on his shift doing sample collection. The lupine specified that he would try to aim for setting them up before he collected the sample, and even though he knew that it would take a while it didn't stop the snow leopard from anxiously awaiting the feed coming on-line. Of course there was also the chance that either Arlo won't have an opportunity to set them up or he'd potentially be caught in the act.

Of course that wasn't to say that he hadn't gone out and gotten food, and when the snow leopard did he heard a number of people whispering about the sexual escapades that had been going on inside of the facility. At first he felt himself blush in embarrassment when he thought that they had somehow found out he and Arlo had sex with one another, but as he passively attempted to investigate he quickly realized that his tryst was not the one being gossiped about. Apparently two tech interns had gotten caught blowing each other in a storage room, and that was after a rather high-level scientist was caught masturbating in the bathroom. From the sound of the way people talked these weren't isolated incidents, either, as Newlyn began to wonder if perhaps the Bal'Kar's influence had spread despite the best intentions of the facility operators.

The only thing Newlyn couldn't get a read on was if anyone had the same intense fixation on the Bal'Kar as he and Arlo did. Though people openly talked about the sexual exploits they didn't provide any motivation, which means that it could be Serathin causing all of this or it could just be that a bunch of people got horny at once and decided to use the lockdown as a means of blowing off some steam. Even though he wished it was the latter, even when he finished his meal and went back to his room to wait for the cameras to come on-line it was far too coincidental. Everyone starting to get it on with one another at the same time a lust beast was introduced into the facility wasn't just a random happenstance, it was very likely linked... though at the moment those thoughts were pushed aside as he refreshed his tablet once more.

"C'mon Arlo..." Newlyn said as he got up from his bed and started to pace back and forth while he watched the clock on the tablet continue to count up. Using his time in the chamber as a basis Newlyn figured that by this point the arctic wolf would have at the very least gotten in the cavern and had an opportunity to set up a camera. "You better not have changed your mind about doing this..."

Another few minutes passed and just as the feline was about to properly panic when the tablet suddenly began to blink in the corner, indicating that it has detected a viable connection. Newlyn felt his heart skip a beat as it took a few seconds to connect, then finally the icon remained solid to show that it had made a stable connection before the screen suddenly lit up. The screen on the electronic device showed a rather clear picture of the Bal'Kar cavern, though most of it was filled by what Newlyn assumed was Arlo in his hazmat uniform. Within the next few seconds he backed away and the snow leopard could see the draconic sabrewolf in his guise form sitting and waiting in his chair for the sample collection to be complete.

It appeared that the Bal'Kar didn't notice that the camera had been placed, or if he did he didn't care as Arlo walked to one of the bio-extract pools to take his sample while he seemed to talk to the hybrid. It appeared he was in a bit of a hurry to try and make up for lost time because he leaned down quite far in order to dip in the sample collector. From his vantage point Newlyn could see that the arctic wolf was in peril as the stone beneath his feet began to crumble away. All Newlyn could do was cover his muzzle with his hand in horror as the stone ledge gave way and caused the arctic wolf to topple in head over heels before falling into the gooey substance.

Though there was no sound the splash was audible enough to call the attention of the sabrewolf as he looked up and saw that the researcher was in trouble. Newlyn continued to watch as lights began to flash in the observation wing, no doubt alarms as Arlo slipped beneath the surface. A few seconds later Serathin had reached down into the pool and became partially submerged before pulling up the struggling arctic wolf. The footage he watched showed the suited wolf as it looked like he was struggling against the Bal'Kar, but as he zoomed in closer he realized that he wasn't fighting. His whole suit looked like it was filled with large writhing snakes, and as Serathin looked over to someone off-screen and told them to back away the silvery, supposedly super-strong material exploded into shreds as black rubber tentacles and bio-extract spilled out of them.

The snow leopard almost found himself dropping the tablet as he witnessed the sudden birth of a new Bal'Kar, what little of Arlo's fur that hadn't been assimilated by the corruptive fluids quickly either fell out or was integrated with the expanding flesh as his mouth stretched open wide in what Newlyn presumed was some sort of roar or shriek. As the suit fell away in tatters from his bulky body Arlo's arms and legs quickly grew longer and more flexible, his arms swelling to huge proportions as his fingers merged into a single bone spike while his legs also thickened but quickly split apart into multiple tentacles. With what had been his back turned to the camera the feline got a front row seat to the biggest part of the transformation as he found himself unable to tear away.

As the traditional spore column quickly sprouted from Arlo's back, his tail, which was completely black and shiny by this point, had merged with his tailhole and begun to quickly push out between the tentacles that had been his legs. Newlyn began to see the hole widening as more spikes adorned it and long, thin, glowing green tentacles grew out and whipped through the air. The snow leopard had never even seen a Bal'Kar abdomen like that and now he was watching as one formed virtually right in front of him, complete with an egg that he saw get pushed out of it as something glowing began to push its way underneath it. He quickly realized that what he was seeing had been the arctic wolf's cock, which now had become almost a tentacle in itself complete with tiny pods of bio-fluid that adorned it and also leaking a copious amount of bio-extract.

Just as Arlo's muzzle completely changed and his tongue stretched out the feed suddenly cut, which caused Newlyn to jump slightly at the sudden interruption before the facility alarms went off. An electronic voice told everyone to remain in their rooms or labs and that a facility-wide quarantine was in effect. Newlyn breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that part of the containment procedure is a complete shutdown of the facility's wifi, which included the camera signal that it was piggybacking off of. As he pressed the screen of the tablet against his bare chest he looked down and with slight surprise and a little confusion saw what he had been doing with his free hand while watching the feed.

Almost as though seeing it triggered the sensations to be felt Newlyn felt a wave of pleasure from his hand stroking the sensitive flesh of his erect maleness before he quickly pulled back. He had just witnessed one of his co-workers, not quite his friend he admitted, instantly get turned into some sort of tentacle monster and he was jerking off to it? The mere thought caused him to grimace, yet as he continued to lay there in his bed the mere thought of that arctic wolf bursting out of that suit caused his member to throb hard. While part of him wanted to just finish himself off the snow leopard decided that wouldn't be right and instead took several deep breaths to steady himself.

It took longer than he cared to admit to himself but finally he managed to calm himself down enough for his cock to soften, watching the flesh return to its flaccid state as he breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly zipped himself back up and put the offending appendage back in his pants, then just as he thought about hitting the hay for the night he noticed the tablet where he had left it before the internet outage and his sudden discovery. What would have happened had he been able to keep watching, the snow leopard wondered to himself as he took the tablet and secured it back in his desk. He resolved to not look at it again and attempted to put it out of his mind, but even as he closed his eyes to sleep he could feel his arousal start to build again as his mind began to replay the scene once more...


The next day Newlyn sat at the lunch table, idly playing with his food as the footage of what happened played over and over again in his mind. Why he had gotten so aroused at seeing Arlo transform he couldn't fathom, wondering as he picked at his meal. After Dr. Winters went in and did an investigation he ruled that the entire thing was an accident, and though it meant that Serathin was found to be innocent, it did put the hourly monitoring study on hold until they had figured out exactly what happened. During that time the need to get into that cavern, to see the hybrid and now the arctic wolf, only increased as he thought about those tentacles pushing their way out of that suit...

"You look like you're a thousand miles away right now," a familiar female voice said as he looked up to see his friend sit down opposite him. Her name was Erin and she was one of the few ferals that were around the lab, the wolf part of the HR department for the facility. She was also a dear friend of his as she continued to stare at him. "Something wrong?"

"Oh, hey Erin..." Newlyn replied, attempting to hide his true feelings as much as possible. "No, nothing's wrong, just thinking about what happened to Arlo." Though he could tell that his friend wanted to know more about what he was thinking or feeling about it he remained aloof and deflective, turning their conversation towards the Bal'Kar themselves in order to try and keep the wary eye of the wolf off of him. When it was clear that she was no longer pursuing the matter it caused the snow leopard to relax... perhaps a little too much as she mentioned she had never seen the Bal'Kar's actual form and he asked if she wanted to.

Despite realizing that he may have just done one of the worst possible things he could have done there was also a strange sense of excitement that he seemed to get from the act. He wasn't sure why, maybe it was the urge to confess what he had done, or maybe he just wanted to show her something really cool. Either way he found himself almost trembling as she nodded and he led her to his room. Once they were there he looked around carefully, once outside and once inside to make sure no one else would see before inviting Erin in and motioning for her to have a seat on the couch.

Once she was seated he held the tablet in front of her and had her see the footage from the illegal camera, though a big part of him was just as excited to view it himself. At first nothing came on, but it didn't take long for that huge creature to appear in all its glory. It took all of Newlyn's willpower not to grow aroused with his friend sitting right next to him as she looked on with her eyes wide in surprise. Then she caught the snow leopard by surprise when she giggled and said that she actually found them cute, going so far to say that he had a boopable nose.

"Well I certainly didn't expect that reaction," Newlyn said with a laugh, feeling all his worries that he was about to get caught and possibly fired drain away when it appeared that their HR rep didn't mind he had the secret feed. "I suppose it is cute in a way, I'll have to tell Serathin that when I go into the cavern for my rotation... which is actually probably pretty soon given that they're restarting the trial and Arlo is out of commission. We can speak more about it tomorrow after the study is complete, should have much more time to speak with you then."

The feral wolf nodded and the two hugged it out for a bit, then she left the room and Newlyn to his own devices once more, looking down at the tablet as though it had betrayed him. He had been doing so good with not looking at the Bal'Kar cavern, but the first excuse he had to look at them he jumped at like a starving lion. He needed to figure out what was going on with him, why he was getting horny for something that he knew he shouldn't be. As he continued to play with the tablet in his fingers he realized he knew exactly who he could go to in order to talk to, and in a few hours he was going to get the chance to talk to him...

A few hours later Newlyn was heading down the elevator once more as he adjusted the new and improved suit that they had created. Somehow it was even more restrictive than the first one that he had to use and more than once had to bend at an odd angle to do anything like pick something up. Still, he made the most of it as the elevator stopped and the doors opened, the snow leopard moving into the cavern as best he could while carrying the sample collector. The first thing he noticed as he walked into the cavern was that the two Bal'Kar had expanded the cavern significantly as he saw both Serathin and Arlo in their guise forms sitting at a table. The second thing he saw was that one of the bio-extract pits, the one that he was implicitly told to use this time, was now reinforced with steel and concrete to create a small platform.

As he walked over towards the bio-extract pool he tried to not make eye-contact with the glowing green-eyed arctic wolf, but as he turned the corner to face the liquid they managed to catch his gaze for the briefest of seconds. "Hey Newlyn!" Arlo said as he got up, the draconic sabrewolf looking up from his tablet as the lupine banged on the table to get his attention before he turned back to the snow leopard. "I was wondering if I was going to see you on the rotation, how you been?"

"Better than you apparently," Newlyn replied as he collected the sample.

"I take it you saw me take that dive in the bio-extract pool," Arlo said with a chuckle. "It's a shame that they fixed the edge, going to look a lot more suspicious if you do the same."

Newlyn felt his muscles tense in his body from the arctic wolf's words. He knew that he had also shown an interest in the Bal'Kar, would he spill that information to those who were up in the observation deck? It was no secret that the cavern was monitored for sound, which meant that they were listening to his conversation right now. If Arlo mentioned anything, like the fact that he knew about the hidden camera or that they had watched the pirated signal when Serathin first came into the lab, it was likely that he would get taken off the rotation and he would never get the answers he was looking for. As he brought up the required amount of bio-extract for the test he suddenly realized that he wasn't going to have a chance to talk to Serathin either because of it, which meant that he wouldn't be able to answer his questions anyway.

"It is quite the wonder what you all will do to attempt to preserve your forms," Newlyn heard Serathin's voice behind him as his presence was felt soon accompanying him at the edge of the pool. "While I don't quite understand it, I have to say watching you all run around like your world was about to end is quite amusing. Of course some people see the writing on the wall and know that we are the far superior species in this realm... what camp would you say that you're in, Newlyn?"

"I haven't really thought about it," Newlyn replied, watching the smirk on the draconic sabrewolf's muzzle grow even wider. "All I'm here is to do a job and go home, that's it."

"Well I can't argue with that," Serathin said as he knelt down at the edge a few feet away from him, his back facing the observation deck as he knelt down and swirled a finger in the pool. "Nothing wrong with sticking to your convictions even if they're inconsequential, I'll have to hand it to you for that."

Newlyn felt his eyebrow rise up slightly in confusion at the strange compliment, looking at the draconic sabrewolf as he continued to grin at him. As his gaze drifted down he realized that the hybrid's hand was twisted away from him at an odd angle, but as soon as it made contact he turned it around and revealed the large Bal'Kar eye that had formed on his palm. "I thought you might feel better talking to me if no one could hear you," Serathin said, though as the snow leopard glanced up at his muzzle he found it not moving as that controller eye was still fixated on him. "Arlo has told me that you are as curious as he was, so while we have this moment to ourselves perhaps I can answer you any questions... all you have to do is think them and we'll pick them up."

Even though the snow leopard felt like he was playing with fire he couldn't help but stare at the makeshift controller tentacle, watching those seethers play about while it looked at him. "Did Arlo actually have an accident?" Newlyn managed to ask mentally, looking up to Serathin and watched as he shook his head with a slight grin on his face. "Why? Why would he do such a thing?"

"Because he felt the lust so strongly," Serathin replied through the telepathic link. "Just like I'm thinking you're feeling too, or at least getting riled up enough that it's affecting you. The Bal'Kar are not subtle creatures, it's only the training in my previous life that has kept this going as long as it has along with the potential promise of getting the greatest enemy we have ever known. Now as per my arrangement I will not take anyone who doesn't ask of my gifts, but that doesn't mean that you can't get a taste of what you might experience if I knew you were interested, perhaps by signaling me with a small nod..."

Newlyn felt himself swallow hard but knew that the clock was ticking against him, he had already taken longer than he should have and with Arlo having been changed they were likely looking for deviant behavior. With that in mind he gave a small nod to the Bal'Kar as he took the sample he had gathered and continued to put it away. The disguised hybrid gave him a wink and motioned down to his palm once more, and as soon as he looked down Newlyn saw the bright green eye pulse with energy that seemed to flow right through him. The snow leopard could feel his pupils dilate as a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced before flooded his body; not just lust, but understanding and reason and connection and tentacles and goo... if he hadn't been frozen from the sheer overwhelming sensations he might have fallen in, himself, as he tried to comprehend the intense pleasure he was experiencing as he continued to stare into that controller.

"Newlyn!" a voice that rang out over the intercom suddenly said that broke both his concentration and eye contact, Serathin closing up his hand a second later before sliding into the bio-extract. "You are now six minutes over the scheduled time, return to the elevator with your sample or face potential disciplinary action."

"Have fun back in the cage!" Arlo called out as he quickly grabbed the container full of bio-extract and hurried to the elevator. With the stiffness of the suit it made it easy to hide his erection, but as the doors closed and he was given a moment to compose himself he found himself panting and huffing. Even though he had trouble identifying it his mind told him he had just experienced the lust of the Bal'Kar, the thing that drives them to continue to convert others. One thing it certainly did was cause him to be hot and bothered as he rushed his way through the decontamination process and dropped off the sample before hurrying to the nearest bathroom...


When the alarm rang again for Newlyn to get ready to go on his sample collection shift his eyes blearily looked at the clock before he sat up in his bed. His half-lidded eyes looked around the room before his gaze fell on himself, smelling his own cum on him as he stood up. Ever since he had gotten out of the containment wing he had jerked himself off more times than he could keep count of and each time it only served to inflame his lusts even more. All he could think about was the Bal'Kar; how those glistening rubber bodies shined in the light as they dripped with bio-extract. His tongue practically licked his lips as he mechanically changed clothes before heading to the containment wing.

"Whoa..." the dragon that helped with the hazmat suits said as he looked at the disheveled snow leopard. "You sure you're alright to collect? Don't need another researcher taking a tumble."

"Don't worry about me," Newlyn replied nearly unconsciously, almost zombie-like as his hand idly rubbed his slightly sore groin. "Let's get this over with."

Even though the dragon still looked somewhat unsure he helped Newlyn into the hazmat suit and then once more left the room so that the decontamination process could begin. He grabbed his specimen collection tank and was almost dragging it behind him as he made his way towards the elevator. Though he got a few glances from his sluggish behavior they continued to pay him little mind as he walked into the car and pressed the down button, his shoulders still slumped as he waited for the secondary procedure to finish. The second that it was done and those doors opened on the bottom floor he stepped through, but only about halfway.

The sample collection container was essentially a vacuum with a container and tube, and as he held the door open he took the metallic chamber and wedged it in the door while securing the hose around one side of the elevator shaft. Once he was done he sent the elevator up, watching as the container slid as the car moved its way back up. As soon as it reached the point where the bottom of the elevator door and the opening of the shaft met the canister became wedged and the sound of gears stripping could be heard as Newlyn walked away from the jam he had created. When he got to the main chamber he saw Serathin and Arlo standing there waiting for him with huge smirks on their faces as he continued to move towards them until he was a few feet away.

"I take it you have something you want to do?" Serathin asked, watching as the lust-addled feline nodded before he began to take off the gloves of the suit. Even with the thick security glass both Bal'Kar could see people above start to panic as Newlyn stripped the suit off of his body, hearing a shout as he took the helmet and tore it off his head before letting it hit the ground.

"You said ask," Newlyn said as he undid the body of the suit. "Well, now I'm asking... please, make me part of the hive. The lust... it's maddening, and I want more of it!"

The sabrewolf stepped forward as the snow leopard stripped naked, the feline finishing pulling off his boots before he looked back up. When he did his draw dropped as the two full-fledged controllers stared intently at him. Newlyn was nearly brought to his knees as his mind was assaulted with pure lustful bliss, his already hard cock throbbing madly as his body already threatened to cum under the psychic ministrations of the tentacles. He found himself falling to all fours as his head bobbed back and forth watching those controllers, his mind completely ensnared by their power until those rubber petals folded back up and he was suddenly face to face with the draconic sabrewolf himself.

Serathin said nothing, instead he just opened his mouth and his tongue stretched out as it turned bright green before pushing its way against the stunned male. Newlyn finally got his first taste of the bio-extract on his own tongue as that slurper slathered itself along his face before finally penetrating past the lips of his muzzle. All he could do was let out a small grunt of bliss as Serathin took him by the shoulders and pushed him on his back, though when the snow leopard felt them the fingers had already started to turn black and elongate. None of that mattered to Newlyn anymore, his glazed-over eyes nearly rolled back into his head as he finally got a significant dose of pure desire to slake the maddening passion he had been feeling since he got his first taste. Up until that point Newlyn had felt... incomplete, now he was finally going to get what he so desperately needed as that thick slurper continued to wiggle inside his maw before pushing down into his throat.

As that glowing appendage continued to plunge down into Newlyn's throat he felt something else probing another orifice of his, drunkenly looking down to see Serathin's cock pressed between his legs. It wasn't the normal striped member he had seen in the sabrewolf's guise form, either, what was resting against him was a thick, black, rubbery member with small orbs of glowing green fluid surrounding it. It was already leaking a copious amount of extract and as soon as that liquid touched his groin his tailhole turned black and began to expand. Even though his rear was transforming it was still a bit of a tight fit, but between the lubrication of the bio-extract and the slick rubber that covered it Newlyn found only pleasure from the penetration, the cock moving in so deeply and quickly that his furred stomach pushed out with a sizable bulge.

That didn't last long; however, as Newlyn felt a stretching in his lower body, his quivering legs flopping like gelatin as they turned as black as Serathin's transforming flesh. The snow leopard realized that they were transforming at the same time, the sabrewolf Bal'Kar matching the newly-inducted feline as Newlyn felt something pushing out near his nostrils. He realized as he looked at Serathin that those weren't going to be the only face tentacles that he was going to get, feeling his ears stretch and the flesh behind them growing as well as the slurper pushed down impossibly deep inside his chest.

"My first gift to you as a new Bal'Kar," Newlyn heard Serathin's voice in his head as their bodies continued to stretch and growl, the snow leopard's fur dissolving away to black flesh and he saw something stretch the neck of the sabrewolf Bal'Kar. At about the same time the slurper that had been lodged inside him pulled back quite a bit, but as it remained coiled around his own growing tongue Newlyn realized that the tip of it was playing against his own tip. Before Newlyn even realized what was happening he suddenly felt it begin to push inside his tongue, his eyes bulging as Serathin's slurper pushed its way into his own developing one!

Just as Newlyn was starting to squirm he suddenly found himself staring at the controllers once again, putting him deep into a lustful trance as his blue eyes quickly began to saturate with a bright green color. At this point there was little of the snow leopard's markings left to identify him as such, and as that bulge traveled from Serathin's neck through his slurper he was quickly losing anything that revealed him to be humanoid as well. His arms that had been wrapped around the growing Bal'Kar's body had become so huge that he couldn't use them for such anymore as the spherical object traveling down Serathin's slurper finally reached the point where it had disappeared inside Newlyn's.

For the first time the Bal'Kar Newlyn was getting an egg and the second that object pushed into his slurper, even with it still being in Serathin's, he came hard out of his mutant breeder cock. A torrent of green bio-extract was flowing between them as the egg traveled through Newlyn's impressive slurper and down into his egg pouch, the two fully-formed Bal'Kar locking their jaws together in a perverse kiss as Serathin's breeder continued to plunge into the newly-developed grappler hole with Newlyn's seethers wrapping around it. Not one to be left dry Newlyn twisted his newly flexible body around until he penetrated the sabrewolf's own grappler, the two monsters drowning in their own lustful ecstasy as tentacles flew everywhere. Even before his transformation had been complete Newlyn could feel their lusts reverberate out from the hivemind that he was now connected to as well as the ripples of the other Bal'Kar that fed on it.

Meanwhile up above on the observation deck all efforts to try and save Newlyn were quickly stopped, the researchers watching with a mixture of horror and awe at the breeding of the two creatures. It didn't take long for Arlo to join in with his Bal'Kar form as well, the three becoming a pile of tentacles to the point where they couldn't discern where one creature ended and another began. Even if they had fixed the elevator at this point they knew there was nothing they could do, the second that the snow leopard had removed his suit he had sealed his fate...

A few minutes later the phone in the room of Dr. August Winters rang, the tiger waking up quickly and looking around the room for a second before pinpointing the source of the noise. "This is Dr. Winters," August said, rubbing his eyes as he listened to the frantic voice on the other end explain what had just happened in the Bal'Kar containment chamber. "He did what?!"

It took two tries before August got the entire message of what was happening, trying his best to restrain his anger as the message of one of his researchers willingly giving themselves to the Bal'Kar quickly chased away the last of the sleep that had been hanging over him. "Alright, I want you to listen extremely carefully..." he said as he grabbed his tablet from the bedside table and opened the program. "I'm putting up a code green, but we're going to keep this quiet, understand? Fix the elevator but don't allow anyone to go down there until I talk with HR and get everything squared away... I don't know what's going on here, but I intend on getting to the bottom of it!"

The Taker Gets Taken - Beginning Field Research

**Chapter Six - Beginning Field Research** The Starpoint Research Facility, once known as the Starpoint Military Operations Center, continued to bustle with activity despite the lockdown of its central hub located deep in the mountains. It had...

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The Taker Gets Taken - Changing of the Guard

**Chapter Five - Changing of the Guard** There was an eerie silence in the facility hallways as August made one last security check along the pathway that they were transporting such a dangerous specimen along. The second that the one that had been...

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The Taker Gets Taken - Deal with the Devil

**Chapter Four - Deal with the Devil** Nate and August hugged each other tightly in celebration; the screen that had shown the empty vault with the bomb in it had stopped moving, which meant that the car had been successfully decoupled. Though...

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