Cat and Mouse

Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#9 of Tender Loving

4951 Words

It's a dangerous world out there in the wild, but one hose cat takes pity on a wild mouse, and that blossoms into something much more than either could've imagined.

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Pets had a difficult go of it, but things were getting better. Leash laws were being repealed, and some humans had even acknowledged that animal-only families were a viable option. There was even a whole movement to get animals and pets to have the same amount of rights as humans, though, what that would do to the entire concept of owning pets, nobody really knew. It was starting to be a chaotic time, and one that Maynard wasn't too worried about.

Maynard played with his purple collar lazily, gently tapping the small acting masks that were his name tag, with all the information on the back. His 'mother' had gotten it for him, an aging woman with a teenage son, both of whom were out for the day. Maynard was a tuxedo cat with sharp green eyes and a friendly smile. He mostly liked to laze about in the house all day, basking in the sun and flipping off the neighborhood dogs when they made too much noise.

Today he flicked through channels on the TV, sipping from a soda, when he found a news story about the pro-pet movements. He groaned, flicking to another channel. "I mean, I get it, some pets have it really rough, and there should be laws against that crap, but... This is a cushy deal. I can't believe anyone would want to get rid of it!" He sipped his drink, debating between video games or another catnap, when he heard the sound of small feet running across his kitchen. He hopped from the couch, rolling his eyes. It was time for him to get to work.

Maynard got free room, board, all the food he could eat, a loving mom, a fantastic, tall brother who would give him ear scratches and buy all the video games they could play... Really, being a pet was an incredibly wonderful gig. Didn't even have to perform like animals at the zoo, or rough it in the woods like a wild animal. He never envied them when they came by, even helping the raccoons know what days the trash was taken out and where the old lady who put pies on her windowsill for wild animals lived. But he did have one solemn job: don't let any mice in the house. And it was a job he followed diligently, with just one exception. And he was feeling hungry, so he hoped that it wasn't the exception.

The small feet ran across the kitchen again as Maynard rounded the corner, his black tipped ears flicking to listen, his eyes roaming the floor tiles. There wasn't much going on in here, just a few pieces of bread out of place... and then he saw the tail slip behind the fridge, hiding away. He sighed, recognizing the little pink bow on the end of her tail as she ran into her favorite hiding spot. He slowly made his way over to it, holding steady as her motions took her scurrying back and forth along the wall, then right out over the open floor.

He pounced, pinning her tail under one finger while he posed calmly, looking for her to turn around. The small white mouse slowly did, holding onto an olive and looking ashamed, her blue eyes looking down at the ground. "H-hey Maynard," she said with a blush. "Fancy meeting you here."

Maynard rolled his eyes, narrowing them a little at her. "Sue, you know the rules. You're not allowed to take things from the house! I almost have my allowance, and I'll get you and your family whatever you need then."

Sue's eyes were filling with tears, and she shook her head. "Maynard, you can't! You do this every month, and we... we need to figure out how to fend for ourselves. I promised momma I would help out, and she's pregnant again... Needed something for her cravings."

The cat sighed louder. "Again, huh? And she wanted something salty?" Sue nodded and he just tapped the fingers not holding her down on the tile. Sue came from a very large family that lived just past the fence, under the tree in the public space between houses. It was such a large family that her mother had given up on names a while ago, just going down the alphabet. Sue was a lot luckier than her sisters, Sua, Sub, Suc, Sud, Suf, Sug, and Suh, and that luck had translated to which cat she'd first run into. Many of her siblings were in the bellies of cats at other houses. Some were even previous meals of Maynard, before he knew the family. But Sue... she was special.

He looked out at the tree, then at her, purring softly. Her big ears, her beautiful eyes, the sad, timid way she held herself... Maynard had taken pity on her on day one, when his mom had put out a mouse trap and she'd gotten caught in it, damaging her tail. She pleaded with him, begging him to let her go. He asked why he should, and she talked about her family, about her life... she shared time with him, got to know him... and, eventually, he did. He even bandaged up her tail, giving her the bow to cover it up. The bandage was gone, but the bow still remained.

That had been months ago, during which time he'd brought the family food, taking them under his wing, wanting to help out. And in return, at night, when he was hanging out outside, she'd ride on his shoulder or on his head, sharing stories and talking with him. She wanted to be an artist, to do something more than just hide under a tree and steal food... she had big, noble goals much larger than his had ever been... It was why she was his best friend, the one creature in the whole world who could make his heart beat like a drum and excite his mind.

Despite being six times her size and every ancient instinct telling him he should eat her, he let go of her tail, then went into the fridge, pulling out a tin of sardines. It was about to go bad, and he knew for a fact that his mom had forgotten them in there. He gave it to Sue, balancing the olive on top for her. "Here, this should get her through a couple of days. But be careful, there's a few hawks in the area, and Sherlock next door has a bug up his butt that he might just take out on you if he notices."

Sue looked up at him from under the tin, her huge eyes bright and her smile wide. She waved over for him to bend down, and when he did, she leaned up to kiss his cheek. "You're a lifesaver, Maynard... Thank you. Again."

He just waved her off. "Think nothing of it. I'll see you tonight." He watched her run, keeping an eye on her path up to the window, then jumping out into the grass outside. He even kept an eye on the air, though nobody came in the time it took for the tin to flash its way across the yard and slip behind the fence. He leaned his chin on his paw, watching her go, and sighed once more. "Be safe, little one." He then went to the microwave to pop some popcorn and return to his show.

When the family came home, nobody noticed the missing tin, much like he expected, and dinner that night was burgers and fries. He cleared most of his plate, but kept a couple fries hidden, tucking them in his collar before he bid the family goodnight. With a wave and a smile he went outside, starting his usual nighttime prowls, or so they thought. In actuality, he ran straight to the fence, squeezed through, and went to Sue's tree.

She was waiting on her usual branch, shivering a bit at the cold air. It was getting colder every day, and there had even been a light dusting of snow the night before that melted before morning. He pulled out the fries he had, giving her one, then placing the others at the entrance to her burrow. When he next looked, they were already gone, and hers had been eaten quickly, a contented sigh coming from her lips. "Oooh, that hit the spot. How'd you know I'd be so hungry?"

He laughed, offering his arm for her to walk up to his shoulder. "You always are when your mom is pregnant. She eats everything." He then reached into a different part of his collar, pulling out a small scarf, some gloves, and a tiny knitted hat. "I know a cat who sews things for her sister's dolls. I got her to make me something, though she asked a lot of questions. I hope they work."

Sue's eyes lit up, and she immediately wrapped the warm scarf around her neck and put on the cap, looking even cuter with the pink yarn keeping her warm. She stopped rubbing her hands together once the gloves were warming them up, and instead held onto his fur, kissing his cheek gently. "You're far too good to me... Why do you do all of this?"

Maynard looked a little confused, wondering how she didn't remember. "You know why. Mom was an alley cat... always having another litter, always leaving us to fend for ourselves... I don't want anyone dealing with that."

The mouse shook her head. "That's not it... You help out other animals, sure, but you're not nearly as nice to them as you are to me... I was wondering why." She was blushing, her foot digging into the fur at his neck, while he looked at her, his eyes darting for just a second.

He smiled when he was satisfied nobody was listening in. "Well, you're adorable, for one. And you just... look like you need love, you know? Even if you keep turning down my offers to find you a home as a pet. I'm telling you, my brother would-"

She cut him off. "I can't, and you know that. My family needs me, and I can't abandon them... No matter how nice it is in there." She rolled her eyes, sitting on his shoulder. "Besides, they'd kick me out if they ever found out I was living the cushy life... Wild animals take pride in being wild, to a very high degree..."

Maynard pouted, then licked her gently, perking her up while she worked on flattening her fur. "What about that organization that's trying to bring animals into civilization? Maybe you could-"

She bopped him on the nose, sticking her own tongue out at him. "No! Stop! It's fine, really. I know what you're doing, and it's okay... I don't need that." She sat down, nuzzling his cheek softly. She looked like she had more to say, but stopped short of that. Her face turned red as she kept blushing, and then she looked down his body, gasping and giggling. "Umm... Maynard, you do, uh... You know you're showing, right?" She then looked at him sidelong, though with a very slight tinge of hope in her voice. "Do you have a crush on a mouse?"

His eyes went wide as he looked down, then covered his crotch with his hands. "W-well, I mean... What kind of weird cat would I be if I cared about a mouse? We can't have that... So obviously this is just... a natural reaction to... being... um... nuzzled." He nodded, sitting down under a tree and pretending like his heart wasn't pounding in his throat and his entire face wasn't flushed with embarrassment. His hands were over his crotch, trying to hide it.

"Mmm... What if the mouse said she had a crush on you too?" She ran a slow finger through the fur on his neck, still blushing at him. "And, hypothetically, what if that crush had been growing for a long, long time... Say, for a few months? Would you still be quite so worried about that crush you don't have?"

Maynard sat under the tree, feeling his heart thundering in his chest, but he just tapped his hand on his shoulder, playfully thinking deeply. "Hypothetically, if that was true... I'd have to say that I might have been feeling something like that for months myself. And, and this is all purely speculation, I would be incredibly happy to spend some time cuddling the mouse and being friendly. But, of course, a cat befriending, or even worse, falling for a wild mouse would be insane. He'd be the laughing stock of the entire area!"

Sue sighed, though it was playful and overdramatic as she adopted a similar thinking pose, leaning against his cheek. "It truly is a dilemma. For the wild mouse would probably have a similar issue with her family. Trying to convince them not to move from a tree that's getting too small for them would, if I had to guess, get her some odd looks, and the drawings of cats hanging in her warren..." She nuzzled into his fur, then pouted. "Well, it's a good thing most mice haven't read Romeo and Juliet."

Maynard nuzzled her back. "And you have? I only had that read to me about a month ago when my brother was working on it for school."

She chuckled. "I know. I was outside, heart all aflutter at the love story. It's a shame how it ends."

He thought about it for a few moments, then nodded. "Well, that's because the two of them ran off and hid, not letting anyone know. I think if they'd just come out and said it, staying close to home and together... it might have worked out better. Of course, I would need to test this theory."

"Where would you find a willing partner for that?" Sue looked at him playfully, but with tears of joy on the edge of her eyes, her whole body looking like it was about to burst.

He just smiled, picking her up in his hand, then bringing her to his lips, kissing her gently on her nose, though it hit most of her face. "Well, my dear, I would hope that could be you." He then looked around again, checking to make sure nobody was listening in. "That is, of course, if you'd have me."

Sue squeaked in pure pleasure, tears streaming down her face as she nodded so hard her large ears flapped and the hat threatened to fly off her head. "Oh, Maynard, I'd been hoping you'd say something like that ever since we first met!" Her tail was even wagging behind her, the pink bow on it flopping cutely at the momentum. "I mean, I know we'll have to hide a little, and I... well..." She blushed, looking a little sad. "I know I'm going to need help with some things, just because I'm so small, but..." She blushed bright red, pulling the scarf up and the hat down so that only her blue eyes were peeking out.

Maynard was awash in happiness, feeling like his heart might beat out of his chest, sure that he was in heaven as he sat under that barren tree, looking at his lovely new girlfriend. He looked puzzled, leaning closer, his breath misting in the cold air as he looked her in the eye, trying to read her face. "What's wrong, Sue? Something the matter with my beautiful little mouse?"

She shook her head, still turning bright red, before she moved up his arm to his shoulder, pulling down his ear so she could whisper into it. "I, um... May have practiced... a little..." She squeaked nervously. "But... you'd be my first, and... You're bigger than I thought."

His eyes went wide, and he started to pull away, but her firm grip on his ear kept him where he was. "Sue, sweetie, you don't have to do anything. Really. Just because he's out and alert doesn't mean he needs to-"

She tugged sharply, quieting him as she purred lustily in his ear. "Well, darling, you did such a good job of warming me up, I should return the favor. Besides... how wet I am, I'm getting a little cold out here too." She let go of his ear, then slid down his front, landing right against his cock, the gentle impact making him jump a little, looking at his usually shy mouse and startled by her boldness. He then looked around, remembering just how open this area was, and wondering what prying wild eyes might be out here.

Sue didn't seem nearly as worried as she straddled his length, her eyes glued to it, her lower lips drooling liquid heat right onto it. It was bigger than she thought, about a fifth as long as her, and wide enough that she was really contemplating things, but the white mouse was undeterred. She rubbed along both sides of it gently, her hands massaging the whole length, before she opened her mouth and took the tip into it, needing to use her cheeks to really get his tip into her. She sucked on it softly, her tongue swirling over the slit at the top.

He let out a gasp, then a soft moan, his purring radiating into the night as she pleasured him, amazed that his tip fit into her mouth at all. The warmth at his base and the hands running over the sides of his length made him shudder, but he hissed quietly in the darkness. "Sue, what are you doing?! Anyone could see us out here. We should at least get back to the house."

She slipped her mouth off of his cock, looking up at him with those pure, loving blue eyes, the lust burning in them making his cock throb enough to make her moan as she rode it. "Nobody's stopping you from taking this somewhere more comfortable, big boy. But I'm not stopping, not after your reactions." She winked, then went down on his length again, positioning herself so that she got even further, a good third of his cock disappearing into her tiny body, being massaged and milked by her gentle throat muscles.

He let out a yowl at her look before he clamped both his hands over his mouth, knowing that this would get someone's attention. He got up, watching her to make sure that she didn't slide off, but she was determined, gripping on tight and grinding against him with all her might, her fur tickling his length and arousal dripping and drooling around its base. He moved quickly back towards the fence, taking a wide berth around her house... the last thing she'd probably want would be for the family to see.

He knew her well, though his reasoning was off. Mice lived with no room apart from each other and no privacy, so the act of seeing her in a sexual act wouldn't have surprised them, just who she was with. More than once she'd been walked in on while she was practicing for this magical moment, and trying to explain why she had the tip of a human pencil pressed against her pussy had not been fun.

Maynard got to the fence, but the loose board was too near her tree for his comfort, so he sprung up onto the top of it, needing every bit of his focus to land and hop over without tripping face first. The motion sent Sue swinging down around his cock, her mouth not leaving it, but the feeling of her tight, warm, wet mouth moving around him... it made him yowl again, and he lost his footing at the top of the fence, falling backwards towards the ground. He would've landed on his feet and hands, but he needed his hands to keep her safe, so he hit the ground hard, the wind being knocked out of him.

The impact sent Sue's head further down his cock than she'd anticipated, and her eyes went wide as she swallowed a full two-thirds of his length, feeling it bulging her throat. She squeaked in surprise, feeling his cock throb at her vibrations, and moaned all the way back up until she was off, where she coughed at the sudden thrust into her.

He was coughing as well, though it turned into a moan, then a whine as she fully freed herself from his length. "Mmm, sorry, I just... You felt so good, I lost focus."

She purred, then licked at his cock, which was standing straight, but had his body shivering in the cold. In the safety of his backyard, though, he felt better, though he really wished he could get inside. That was a wish destined to fail, though, as feeling all that warmth inside her, throbbing in her throat... Sue's pussy yearned to finally feel her pussy take her, and he was in the perfect position. The mouse positioned herself over his length, bending it down enough that she could actually wiggle her way over it, her wet, warm, drooling slit pressed against the tip of his length.

He looked at her, eyes wide with love, with lust, and with worry that he might hurt her, but she projected pure confidence back, and he nodded, believing in her. And he was certainly glad he did as she pressed back, moaning her high-pitched moan as his warm, throbbing, incredibly thick cock spread her lips wide, filling her like nothing ever had before. His cock bounced, the warmth and slickness of this nearly painfully tight tunnel making his manhood needy, his mind blanking as he looked up at the stars high above, feeling a sensation he never would've dreamed was possible.

After she'd first started dreaming of him, Sue had found out she was a heck of a size queen. Even wild animals knew of things to toy with in their spare time, or to take care of heats when no mates were around, but she'd always been looking for slightly bigger and bigger things. The aforementioned pencil was the peak of her career, and while it might not seem like much, it had been a triumph of body elasticity to get that in and out of her. Suddenly she was quite glad she had, as Maynard was at least as large, his cock throbbing, pulsing, and so incredibly warm as his pre, milked out by her mouth, drooled into her body, heating it up from the inside.

Maynard had been amazed at the feeling of her mouth, the amount of it she'd taken in... this had him speechless as she sank, slowly, millimeter by millimeter, down his shaft. He had no clue how it was disappearing into her, the feeling incredible as his claws dug into the grass, his hips thrusting, though it just rocked Sue's small body with him. He knew, had his first time been with another cat, that this kind of tightness wasn't normal, but it felt so good he was panting and purring, pleasure lighting all the way up his body. And then he felt it, her body fully engulfing him, and his mouth went wide in a silent ecstasy, his mind blanking at the pure, unadulterated bliss that flooded his system.

She threw back her head and moaned as she bottomed out, her heart pounding, her body never having felt so full, so warm, so wonderful... but she'd done it. Here, on this cold night, with the stars twinkling high above, she was as connected as she could possibly be to her crush, her lover, the one who set her heart ablaze. It was everything she'd dreamed and more, and her pussy clenched, her honey drooling out around his cock as she started to move, pulling herself up off of him, only to press down hungrily, needily, starting the slow, deep, filling thrusts of their first mating.

Maynard looked down his body at her, seeing her white form against his white belly, her body so full, and when he throbbed, he could almost swear he saw it bulging in her. It made him moan, his purring radiating so loud he was amazed his mother hadn't woken up. One claw kept digging into the ground while the other went to his stomach, gently grabbing around Sue's body and squeezing her ever so gently in a hug, even that tiny motion adding tightness around him and making him groan, his eyes rolling back up to look at the starry sky above.

Her motions were tough, but so rewarding, her whole body lighting up like a Christmas tree, filled with the kind of warmth that could only come from true satisfaction. When his hand wrapped around her, though, she froze, remembering she wasn't alone, and she might not be fully in charge... the thought of it made her quiver, her pussy clenching harder, her body squeezed so wonderfully by his hand. She had never wanted to admit it, but she'd always gotten aroused when he'd pounced on her and pinned her down... "Use me, Maynard. Fuck me like only you can~" The words left her mouth before she even knew what she was thinking, and she blushed bright, but didn't dare take them back.

He heard her words, but it took him a few seconds to realize what she wanted as he thrust, her body moving with his. After a second, though, it clicked, and he looked into her eyes. She wasn't in pain, just pure lust, and her hands reached out, trying to pull his around her. He obliged, holding her steady as he pulled back, slowly sliding out of her, only to thrust back forward, his tip tapping against her deepest barrier. He moaned loudly, feeling her body reacting as he pumped into it. She was pinned under his paw, like she had been earlier, but this time he wasn't going to let her go. He thrust and pumped up into her, her tight, warm body being used almost like a living fleshlight while his cock throbbed and pulsed, leaking deep into her.

Even his warm cum was too much for her small body, his pre filling her pussy, then squishing out, making a mess of her opening and his fur. She didn't care, moaning loud enough for it to almost echo in the backyard, crying out her praises for her love's actions. "Yeah! Keep going! Fill me! Make me your toy! Paint my walls like a beautiful canvas~!" She shuddered and cried out, feeling him pumping her over his shaft, as her pussy clamped down around her favorite pussy, feminine honey squirting out of the tiny spaces it could as she had her first orgasm with her mate.

Maynard wasn't far behind, groaning and growling as he pumped into her tight pussy, feeling his cock being milked and pulled on, wetness splashing out with her moans. He shuddered, stalling as he felt her body squeeze even tighter, pulling on his length from bottom to top. He tried to hold back, not wanting the moment to end, but she was just too tight and he yowled out in bliss as he came, cum flooding up his balls and washing deep into his lover.

Only his hand on her back kept her in place, cum rushing into her, filling her up slightly and making her cry out louder, before it squirted back out, coating his balls with his own cum. The feeling had him pick up his hand, moving it to his face to hold in his moaning, and that was enough, the next surge of cum popping her filled, tight body off his length, the thick rope of jizz squirting up to hit him on the forehead, painting him with a streak of white to his nose and covering her in his warm, steaming jizz. The next few shots weren't as strong, but they coated Sue from head to toe, covering her new pink clothes in white and making her moan and shudder as she was fully claimed by her kitty.

Finally he stopped coming, panting and flopped on the grass, not even caring about the cum on his chest or dripping from his whiskers, his heart pounding in love. He felt the messy mouse moving on his stomach, cum drooling off of her with every motion and out of her with every step, and he picked her up, moving her up to be able to kiss her over and over, slowly cleaning her of his cum. She stopped him, kissing him deeply, her tiny tongue teasing against his lips, before she collapsed against him, sighing. "Maynard~ I love you so much... you're so amazing."

He chuckled, nuzzling her messy head. "As are you, my magic mouse. And that's quite the disappearing trick you have." They both laughed, then he groaned. "Okay, I don't care if you need to go home, we're taking a bath first, love."

She nodded, but nuzzled into his neck. "Actually... if I could stay with you tonight, I'd really like to. Maybe being a pet wouldn't be so bad..."

He smirked, kissing her again as he stood up on wobbly legs, heading towards the house. "It'd be my pleasure, darling. But I'll cover for you tomorrow if you need it." She smirked, then nuzzled into his neck again with no intention of leaving. And he didn't want her to. As they went inside, drawing a bath for the two of them, hers in a cup, his in the kitchen sink, they both knew they had no intention of ever being apart again.