Howlr Diary: A Stranger and My Key, Pt. II

Story by Skip Lyons on SoFurry

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#3 of Howlr Diary

This is a direct sequel to Howlr Diary: A Stranger and My Key. Previously we saw Silver in chastity, who experiences the most mind-blowing orgasm of his life. This takes place moments later, because their night isn't nearly over, and I wanted to explore it with him.

I uploaded that story unfinished, and went back to give it a proper second half a day or two ago. So if you saw it already, you might take a second look to make sure you got all the juicy bits, since those are the parts which missed the initial upload.

I spent quite a lot of time with my head nestled in Thrad's lap, with his fingers still lodged in my ass. The incorrigible bull declined to remove them when I asked (but I hadn't persisted about it, which really meant that I was perfectly fine if he kept them there). And he continued to decline to remove them as he continued to gently stroke my insides with them, and pulse them against my prostate. He played me like a fiddle, like he'd been fingering twinks to mind-blowing orgasm all his life. He was a natural. I came countless times, which probably meant four or five or so. Those are high numbers to count to when you're overwhelmed in the deepest sexual sensations of your life.

Eventually I had to tap out. We would reach that point later in our relationship (quite a few times, actually), but thankfully it didn't happen every time we played together. It was overwhelming, and getting into such a submissive mindset as to reach a full body orgasm was a lot to ask, even of a practiced submissive like me. It's still only happened with Thrad, which honestly speaks a lot to his prowess as a dom. And when I did tap out, and while I was a useless, blob of cat as I recovered, Thrad was exceptionally nice and sweet with me. We cuddled peaceably on the couch, in a way you really typically didn't get with a Howlr hookup. As I started to come to I became so incredibly grateful for what he had given me. That gave way to an understanding within me. I had had the most orgasmic experience of my life just now. I doubt if I'd be able to walk for days on end, not because my insides had been ravaged, but my whole body had been.

But Thrad was sitting with me, and cuddling me, and being so nice and patient with me. And he hadn't gotten off at all in the time we'd been together for the night. And sure, the evening was young. But however young the evening was, I always placed a ton of pride in getting Thrad off as soon as I could, as often as I could. In a way, that made today a tremendous breach of protocol. And I was starting to remember where I was, and who I was (yes, the orgasm was that overpowering). And I knew where the night needed to head next.

Without saying anything I nestled my head a little further in on his lap and nudged up against his crotch. He had been hard for most of his time fingering me, but in our denouement of my orgasm he'd gone soft again. That only meant so much, however, as his bulge was still sizable and intoxicating to me. Even smelling it through his gym shorts (which he'd changed into) brought me right back into that submissive headspace. I could almost taste it because his smell was so strong. And I wanted to taste it, and I would.

He suppressed a chuckle when I reached for it. I know that it said "Man, this kid doesn't know when to quit", and I agreed with him completely. I didn't know when to quit. What I did know was that Thrad was amazing. He was tremendous, in so many ways. He took me to heights I hadn't dreamed of, and I never wanted to stop exploring that. He did so much for me, especially where sexual fulfillment and exploration was concerned. It was the least I could do to return the favor. Besides, what can I say? I relished in being submissive, to Thrad but also to most everyone I could get my hands on. And I wouldn't dare to let a little thing like being fingered into the clouds stop me from getting even more of what I craved.

It was easy to free his cock of his shorts. Opposed to someone young like me, who could (and did) get hard at the hint of a thought of sexual things, Thrad took a bit more build up than that. When he did get hard he got real hard, don't get me wrong. And he could go all night, as could I. It's just that he sometimes needed time to get properly pent up. Opposed to me. Once again, it's easy to play me like a fiddle. At least, for Thrad it was.

I nestled into his cock proper, then. I marveled at it, too. His size was incomparable. He was easily the largest thing I'd ever taken in my ass before, and I have some dildos which I'd call fairly large. But even flaccid he was a sight to behold. His cock was still larger than a lot of guy's junk when they were fully hard. His thickness was the size of some canine's entire knots. I had always prided myself on taking any knots at all, big or small - they were just so filling and rewarding for me. So Thrad's entire length meeting that same thickness was a whole new type of rewarding for me. It was a challenge to overcome, and it felt amazing every time. Not just because I was personally accomplished by it. But he felt fucking amazing to have inside of me, too. Just thinking about it, I needed that cock deep inside me. When he was well lubed up and in the right position (which was most positions), he could piston in and out tirelessly, relentlessly. He knew every angle to use. He knew how to grind his entire length against my prostate as he thrusted. He knew how to tease my insides with the head of his cock. It was like he knew my inner lengths as surely and intimately as he knew his own.

But before we could get to that, we had to go through the proper amount of foreplay. And that was its own deeply engaging ritual in itself.

I kept rubbing my face up against his crotch. It was a silly move, but I flopped his big dick over my muzzle and nestled at it from below. It was the most hefty thing I'd ever just, put on my head, and I had a bit of a playful side when the mood struck me right. While I was playing with his cock I used a hand to massage his balls. Their size astonished me, every time I felt them. They had heft. His balls alone had more weight to them than my entire package, sheath and cock included. What more, just his sack alone could encompass the size of my entire chastity cage that I was still wearing. It made me feel so small in comparison. Which, of course, I was. And it made me feel like a true submissive to him, like I was born to take cock. Which, again, I almost certainly was. At this stage of my life that basically went without saying.

I didn't last much longer before I ended up just teasing myself with his cock. I was denying myself of having it in my mouth, and at first that was a pleasant little game. Then I remembered the cage on my cock. I had forgotten about it for about half of the time he was fingering me to orgasm after orgasm. The other half I could keenly feel its presence. My cock was trying to get hard within it. I wanted to reach for it so badly, to rub myself and explode in yet more cum. It didn't matter that I'd already had a hands free orgasm within the hour. I was certain I could explode in another massive round, if only I could get at my cock. But, again, it was still locked up, infuriatingly. I was almost over it, to be honest. I was ready to get off, but I resolved that I wouldn't get off again until Thrad did. I wanted his cum in me, in a desperate sort of way. I wanted to feel it lube my insides, keeping me slick for all of our future fuckings to come.

Point being, I was done being teased, for now. By Thrad, or by myself. So I licked at his cock a few times. Just enough to get his taste in my mouth, and to remember what it felt like to have him inside my muzzle. Then I took him in.

To get the best angle I rotated myself so my rear was facing out. It naturally propped up, in a good, fuckable position. Thrad even tried going back there with his hands again, and I smacked them away. I couldn't handle more fingering just now. I smacked his hand away a few more times so he knew that I meant it, which he respected. So instead he set his hand on the back of my head, and just let me do my thing. Right now was a moment for Thrad and his engorged bull cock. My ass and prostate had had its time. But for right now, in this moment, it was a time for Thrad. Which, I'll admit, was also a little selfish of me. Yes, I wanted him to get off. But I also wanted him to use me to do it.

I could feel him start to throb a little more into fullness. But I didn't try to force it from him. He would build there over time. Come to think of it, maybe it wasn't so much an age thing as a biological thing. He had a really, really big cock. Maybe it took some time to pump enough blood in there to get it as hard as we both needed it to be. So while he was still growing inside my mouth I took my time enjoying it. I made smooth circles around his head with my tongue. I lightly bobbed up and down on it, to give him the smooth, slow sensations of fucking a young twink's mouth. I teased at his urethra with the tip of my tongue, which got a little moan from him. We didn't engage in sounding play, although at some point we probably would. But the size of his entire cock still just amazed me. Even his piss hole was bigger than I could imagine. On really horny days, I imaged that it could almost take my cock inside of it. But I knew that was basically guaranteed to be wishful thinking. Even I knew I wasn't THAT small.

Then I took his length into my throat. It was a challenge to do when he was hard (it was a damned big challenge, actually), but when he was soft it was more fun than anything. The best way to describe it was to say that he squished into my throat. His soft cock just filled whatever space was available to it, not unlike a housecat nestling into whatever oddly sized box it had found. But the box was my throat, and his cock slid so easily inside of it. So naturally, even.

I mimicked a swallowing motion, which got another sigh from him. It was one of my favorite moves so I did it a few more times. I wondered what it felt like, to have the head of your cock swallowed deeper down by a depraved little cat, who wanted you more badly than he could describe. I knew I'd never feel that sensation, but I could tell from his every reaction that it felt amazing to him. So I didn't let up.

I bobbed a little more on his cock, still feeling it growing inside me. Coupled with my tongue trying to lick along his base while still deepthroating him, and still using my throat to make those swallowing motions on the head of his cock, and also massaging his massive balls with my free hand - he didn't stay soft for long at all. As he expanded in my mouth and throat he got harder to keep inside. The angle was awkward, and when his dick stood at more attention it jammed at my throat in an odd way. I could only deepthroat him really well in a select few positions, and this wasn't one of them. As things were, he started to press awkwardly against my throat, triggering my gag reflex. There might be something said for gagging on a stud's massive cock. But right now it was more of a turn-off than it was horny. Yes, I was in a deeply submissive state (as evidenced by the "sissy" orgasms and the cage around my cock). But I was in more of a sensual state as well, which wasn't usually our thing. Gagging was just a little too visceral for me right now, which was something Thrad definitely respected me on.

I pulled off his cock a little then, but still didn't take it entirely from my mouth. I just worked more on his head than I was before. Or at least, I was using my tongue for more guided pleasure, opposed to throbbing on it with mimicked swallows from my throat. I stopped scritching his chest with my other hand and started to work the part of his shaft I couldn't reach with my mouth. When he was fully hard I could take about half of him in my mouth before gagging. He was starting to reach that state now. And to help get him there I was stroking the base of his cock, stroking up in tandem as I bobbed up and down on that upper half.

The gentle weight of his hand on the back of my head turned into more of a grip. His breath quickened a bit and he started pumping with his hips. If I wasn't careful he could hit at the back of my throat anyway, even with my hand on his base to act as a stopper. So I pulled away from his balls and put both hands on his base, which suited me well because I needed two hands to fully encircle him when he got fully hard, as he very nearly was. I wouldn't want to exaggerate by saying that he was the entire span of a ring made with two hands. There was some overlap between my fingers, but he was absolutely large enough that it took two. At least, two of my hands, which I'll admit were on the, shall we say, feminine side.

Then, with my hands stopping him at just the right length, he was free to pump at me harder. He took full advantage of that. His grip tightened further, and he used both hands on my head to prove his dominating point. I was his, my mouth was his, and he was going to use it. He never slammed me down on his cock, not so hard that my mouth rammed against my hands, but I did bump into them several times. On instinct he was working to get as much of his cock in my mouth as he could. It was that instinct which I relished in so much. And if there had been any doubt to that, my tail gave me away. It had started to swish pretty strongly. It was clearly giving away that I was in heat, so to speak. I was getting horny and worked up too.

I reached a point when I could have used a break, but I let us push a little beyond that, for both of our sakes. My jaw was getting tired, and it took a decent bit of concentration to keep his thick dick away from my teeth. It got harder as he thrusted in my mouth with more vigor, and eventually I did tap out. He sort of grunted in that male way, as though to to say "goddammit, I was getting into it", but he'd live. Especially because there was much, much more to come. Rather, there was much more to "cum", to make a lame play on words about it all.

I didn't take my hands off his cock as I looked up into his eyes. I'm knew I had a bit of a doofy expression on my face, but what can I say? I took a lot of pride in working a man up, getting him eager and ready for more. He looked at me with lust, but maybe with a sort of pride, too. I had grown a lot in my time with Thrad, and he looked at me maybe like a proud, sexual dad. Then I was thinking about my dad, who was awkwardly proportioned like I was. He was thin and lanky, and wore thick rimmed glasses, and I wondered if he liked cock the way I did (which I knew he didn't), and dammit Silver, stop thinking about your dad! That's super gross.

Then I was back to Thrad. It was easy to lose his eyes because they were dark, blending in well to his dark fur. They were shadowed by a commanding brow, but still those eyes held me. To me they were rounded and had a certain sheen to them, like two polished, wooden marbles might have. They had a certain sheen to them, which got more intense in direct relation to how sexually excited he was. Right now, for instance, they shone brightly, but to an outsider they still might look a typical, dull brown. But we had started to excel at non-verbal communication. I knew those eyes, and he certainly knew mine. We knew each other's body language too, though admittedly mine was more easy to read. My tail was a beacon, and far more expressive than his. Though that was largely owing to me being a feline, as my tail was just longer than his, and therefore more likely to be more expressive. But he was sort of squirming in his seat, like he was trying to find a more comfortable spot which he just couldn't reach. Because the comfortable place he needed was my rear. Which was on its way, to be sure. All in due time.

To accentuate that point, I wriggled my rear. I timed it with a swish of my tail, as to exaggerate that my ass was ready for him. He raised an eyebrow in question, to which I nodded eagerly, still wearing my goofy expression. He slipped a hand to my rear then, and this time I didn't swat him away. I was dry by now, so as he started to toy with my hole I crawled over him to grab some lube from the end-table drawer. I knew full well this put my rear right in his lap, and I kept it propped up in a real inviting position. Before I could even open the drawer he took me by the hips and lifted me ass to him. I yelped, only in partial mock surprise. His strength never ceased to amaze me. He could fold me like a pretzel, and believe me he often did. I was a plaything to him, and I never felt more like an object of pleasure than when he took full command of me like that. We fucked standing up pretty often. Rather, with him standing up, and easily holding me against him, with my limbs wrapped around his body, and his dick thrusting deep within me.

So he easily moved my ass into position (which frustratingly moved me further away from the lube), then he started to lube me up in a different way. His tongue was large and soft, and it had a way of finding nooks and crannies to push into, not unlike his flaccid cock did. It slopped around my hole, easily filling the majority of my crack with any given lick - then he pressed it inside of me. I had tightened back up since he'd stopped fingering me, but I had trained myself to relax well on command. So right now I got my rear comfortable, and kept myself ready to receive him. He had to push to get his tongue in, but it wasn't any tremendous feat. He'd eaten me out plenty of times, and it was a ritual I always deeply enjoyed.

Just like that, it was now his turn to tease, or even torture, me. His tongue worked my ass both inside and out. It couldn't stretch me out to accommodate his cock, he needed three to four fingers for that. But it could slick me up plenty good. More than that, he was expert at working me into a frenzy by eating me out. His tongue was big enough it could just flick against my prostate which got me moaning like a proper bitch. Again my chastity cage made its presence known to me. I got hard easily, but then, who wouldn't with a massive bull's tongue working its way through your rear like that? And my cock pressed against its cage uselessly, and on instinct I started to hump the air between my legs again. It reminded me how badly I wanted to get off.

At a point my cage brushed against his chin, reminding him of my locked up state. Without missing a beat he removed himself from my rear, and focused on my locked up cock and balls instead. He lapped at my vulnerable nuts, and easily took my entire sack in his mouth. I gasped and made another useless thrust. Then he ran his tongue along the entire plastic cage. I could just barely feel its effect along my sheath. It teased me with the shadow of what it was normally like to have his tongue and mouth on my member. My denial came strong to me, and I whimpered at him, shamelessly. I tried to thrust my package toward his mouth. The plastic of my cage lightly clacked against his teeth, not enough to hurt either of us at all. It just served as a reminder that there was an infuriating barrier between us. Rather, it was infuriating to me. To Thrad it was just another toy for him to play with. A toy upon his boy toy.

"Eager, are we?" He teased. "Speak for yourself." I said, licking at his hard member. The way he positioned me went both ways. My ass was raised easily for him, set at perfect eating height. That positioned me right into a good dick licking stance, which I took full advantage of. "Nah, I think you're more eager than I am." He said. Then he made a point of running his tongue along my cage again, making sure to reach the slit at the tip of the cage, where my cock head was positioned. He was licking precum from my chastity device, I just knew it. All I did was whimper in response. I tried to grind my hips against his mouth again, but he pulled away and just laughed.

"You're eager, alright." He said. Then he went back to lapping away at my ass eagerly. The infuriating bull showed no sign of wanting to properly take my ass, and that drove me more crazy than I could describe. I needed to return the favor. If he could tease at me, I could just as easily tease at him. I had to prop myself up a little to do it, but braced myself against his thighs and lifted myself up. His cock, although fully hard, was too large to stand itself up in the air like mine could. Its sheer heft drove itself down toward the couch, where it laid large and enticing. I nuzzled around until I hit a good position, then took his head into my mouth. I raised myself up then, curling my body in a very cat-like stance. Then, popped upside down, with my ass still buried against his muzzle, I lowered myself onto his cock.

I didn't have near the stamina that he did, and I knew I couldn't hold myself this way for long. But I did a few awkward sort of push-ups with his cock in my mouth. I lifted my body weight with each push, and after a few bobs on his cock I took a deep breath, and lowered myself down.

Like I said, there were a select few positions in which I could comfortably take his entirety into my gullet, and he did in fact reach into my gullet. This was one such position, and I deftly took his entirety into my throat. Quite unlike his flaccid cock, this time his head expanded my throat to its absolute limit. There was that meme online about a thick cock snapping a cute boy's collar, but with Thrad's cock I knew that could absolutely actually happen. With his cock stuffing my throat completely full, I tried to swallow along its shaft, but couldn't quite manage it. If I was on all fours I had much more control. But right now my focus was too much on propping myself up. I tried to push myself off, and braced for it because I knew I didn't have a tremendous amount of upper body strength - but Thrad took the challenge out of it for me.

He removed his face from my ass, and he took his grip away from my hips. Now he grabbed me at the chest. Both of his massive hands could nearly encircle my chest entirely, and grip ensured me that he was completely in control. I was at his whim, and mercy. And while he had started this particular, sexual position, I had escalated it. And he was going to take it, and me, a step further.

He lifted me up easily. I felt weightless in his grasp, and for all I knew I might as well have been. It was hard to keep myself relaxed through my surprise, but I managed to keep my mouth and throat loose as he lifted me off his cock. He kept the head in my mouth, and I stole a gasp of breath when the airway was clear. Then he lowered me down again, using my mouth and throat as an oversized, sex-crazed cock sheath.

It wasn't quite so much like he was fucking my throat. It was more like he used my entire upper body to jack himself off. Right away he started to move me about his cock eagerly. He hardly thrusted with his groin. His entire focus was just on lifting me up and down, like I was nothing more than a shake-weight. Then he moved me yet again, and angled me further away from his body. I was like an inclined plane, held easily in his arms. This position let him grab my ass cheeks easily, and use them as handles as he continued to fuck my mouth. My cock continued to dribble precum from its cage. And I was in heaven.

I could never get over how much I relished in being used. And what was happening to me right now? Being lifted up and down on his oversized cock, my throat stuffed then emptied time and time again? Yeah, I was being used alright. And it drove me completely wild.

Both due to a lack of consistent oxygen, and due to my own desperate need for his cock in my rear, I started to squirm in his arms. The motions helped flex my throat on his cock, and it helped me to truly feel my helpless position. I loved deepthroating him, as ever, but this position was awfully intense for me, and I could only handle so much. I tapped out for the second time in the evening, and he pulled me easily entirely off of him. He set me down politely next to him, like I was nothing more than a small sack of potatoes or something. I made several gasps for air, and in my vulnerable state my rear was still well within reach. It was also still well slicked up from when he was eating me out, so he put a hand back there, and slipped a finger in.

It brought that shadow of earth shattering orgasm right back to me. My gasps for air turned into a sexual, needing grasp. I instantly thrust back against his finger, pushing all of it in me, and Thrad chuckled knowingly. He was learning more, with every session we had, that I really did have no limits. My need never seemed to reach its end, and even when I was fully satisfied with him (which happened multiple times a night, it seemed), I was always ready to go again in a matter of minutes. This was no exception, and he understood my need well. Then he put a second finger in. Then he started to work in a third.

He felt resistance though, and knew better than to push. Getting me sore by working me too much without the right amount of lube was a great way to stall the latter portion of our play, so he pulled back. It infuriated me, but I knew the wisdom in it. I reached for the drawer with the lube in it but he beat me to it. He lathered a generous amount on his hand, then surprised me by working it on his cock, first. Then he lubed his hand again and moved it to my ass. He rubbed all around my crack, then circled around my hole, and put his two fingers in again. They slid in easily, like they were meant to be there. When he moved to put the third in, this time it also went in easily.

"Play with my cock." He said. It may as well have been a command, and I was helpless to resist it. I kept my ass good and propped up in the air, because I'd be damned if he stopped fingering me for even a second. But I took both of my hands onto his well lubed cock, and stroked him up and down. I felt how hard he was with both of my hands. I made a tight grip on him, trying to mimic the tightness of my hole. And while maintaining that grip I slid my hands all along his length. When I reached his head I gently massaged it between my palms, then I worked my way back down. He continued to finger me, but he also ground upward as I moved my hands down his cock. I knew that sex would be only a few moments away.

He took his time to stretch me out with his three fingers push in to their base. He expanded them outward and gently moved them about. He sensed well enough not to hit my prostate too hard, then. He must have known how incredibly sensitive it had become. So instead he put his focus on just stretching my hole, and he knew just three of his thick fingers could be more than enough to handle. But given my eager thrusts against his hand he knew it was time to work in a fourth, which again started to go in reasonably well. If he wanted to keep it up I knew he could be moments away from fisting me, which was something we had certainly played with. I liked it plenty, and he found it to be really hot and horny to do. But I wanted his cock in me badly, and I could tell he wanted to feel it in me as well.

He got more intense with his fingering. His hand pushed further against me, and soon he had worked the majority of his hand into my rear. I left my hands of his dick because I couldn't focus on anything but the fullness of my rear. I was pushing back against his hand needingly, and he was tickling the insides of me with his fingers, and then he removed them from me. He lingered in the area just long enough to roughly handle my locked up junk. He roughly rubbed against my balls, which caused me to yip in surprise but also jerk my hips towards his touch. He made a show of grabbing the whole cage in his palm. Its entirety fit nicely in just one hand. Opposed to my hands on his cock, which I needed both of them just to wrap around his shaft. I felt small in his grasp, even smaller than I ordinarily was. he jiggled my cage and junk around, teasing at pleasuring my cock by motioning its enclosure around me. Then my needy whimpers turned into a bit of a growl. I was tired of being teased like this. I just wanted him in me.

"Well that's no way to treat your key-holder." He said, pretending to be put off. "Will you please just fuck me?" "Are you sure? You don't seem too ready-" "Please Thrad!" I whimpered again as he gave my cage another firm jostle. Then he released me, and tapped my rear to signal that he was ready. I obediently moved up the couch, moving up his chest, until I was facing him, straddling his thighs. His cock was between us, which again highlighted the massive size difference between us. His cock reached well up my middle, signaling exactly how full I became when he was in me. And next to my cock (which was universally hard at this point) he was absolutely massive. I didn't match even half his length, and I was far less girthy than he was. He couldn't even deepthroat me because I wasn't long enough (either that, or his head was just massive enough that his mouth had more than enough space for me. Probably it was both). And that point was even more illustrated with my plastic cage set against his throbbing cock. He was tall, and bold, and proud. And more of a man than I ever could be. As for me, I was locked away, pitiful and useless. I was good for one thing, and we knew it now more than ever. I was good for taking cock inside of me. For a slut like me, nothing less would do.

I raised myself and put his cock behind me. I had to lift up entirely onto my knees to make it happen. His gaze was directed at my cock cage while I did it. It was the most up close he had examined it, and I could tell he was appreciating how small it made my package look. It made me look tame, and especially submissive to him. Like it was wrapped up all tidy, just for him. The extension was, of course, that I was wrapped up for him. He was, after all, the one who was holding the key.

He knew that at the start of our anal play (where his cock was concerned, at least), that it was important for me to control the pace. His girth never ceased to impress me, and it surprised me every time. It was made more challenging that he didn't have much of a taper. Opposed to a canine, who always had at least some taper, or another cat, because we were basically all taper. But he was flat-headed, and impossibly thick, from cock head to base. He did swell a bit towards his base, and the middle of his shaft was the thickest part of him. But taking his head was no small feat. If you tried taking it the wrong way, or tried forcing it in, you were in for a bad time. And sure, that initial pain always subsided, and it was always an amazing fuck session regardless. But if you could avoid that initial pain at your entrance entirely, that was all the better. And that's what I aimed for right now.

I angled his flat head to try and give it a gradual entrance. I held him against my hole and worked myself about it, trying to get a good angle for entry. Even though he'd taken care to stretch me with his fingers (hell, he'd used most of his hand to stretch me and prepare me), it still resisted at entry. But I knew myself well enough that it was all about angle of entry, so I didn't force it in until I found the right one. I knew I was close when his cock started to slide into me, and still I didn't force it. I just squirmed on it a little, with his head placed at my hole in such a way. I flexed my lower back and relaxed against it. Then he started to slide in more. And just like that, his head was in.

Again his girth surprised me. He really couldn't be all that much more thick than the span of his hand was, but it was the perfectly round nature of his head and shaft which made it feel even bigger than it was. He was cylindrical and firm, and from the moment of entrance I felt impossibly full. But I was impossibly horny to match, and my ass was greedy upon feeling it inside me. I lowered myself then, readily taking his upper half inside me. His shaft did swell, and as I pushed down I felt my hole expand to accommodate it. That did stretch me a little uncomfortably, so I raised off again and took my time slowly fucking him, slowly working him deeper and deeper in. All the while my bull just looked at me, appraising and again, maybe a little proud. He was proud of his little twink, his horny cat he had lucked out on finding online. We'd talked in the past that not many guys could take him all the way. That was the first sign of our budding, sexual relationship. I had taken him up on that challenge, and on our first night together I did hilt his monstrous cock. And that set the precedence for our entire sexual relationship from then on.

It had been nothing but months of pleasure stemming from my time with Thrad. Because I had come to lust for his cock deeply. And he lusted for my ass as well.

He was ever the gentleman as I worked myself on his shaft. His hands were on my hips, but with only a light grip. It was more caressing than commanding. His attention was equally spent on feeling his cock within me, but also in basking at my form. I was naked before him, with my curves and boyish chest free for examination. I worked on his cock, and he took in my form as I did. My motions were lithe and smooth, like he was getting dinner and I show. I was, of course, the show. And obviously, my ass on his cock was the meal. With a desert of cum surely on its way.

When I got his full girth comfortable within my hole, the second challenge arose. To prepare I lifted off his cock (regretfully, mind), and reached for more lube. It took a lot of lube to take his length, and it simply wouldn't do to try and tough it out if I was even a little bit dry. Not that I was running dry, although that was always a concern. I just wasn't as slick as I needed to be. Then he slid back in, even easier than he had before. A big part of it was making sure my entire ass was lubed up and slick, and messy and undoubtedly challenging to wash clean later on. That was the biggest drawback to the silicone lube we liked to use. But that lube had the biggest upside, of being long lasting and effective. And we needed both of those traits. Especially because the fur of my rear is what would soak up the lube on his cock if we didn't apply enough. So not only did I slick up his head especially well, as well as the entirety of his shaft - but I also lathered plenty on my entire rear. It was probably overkill, really, but I'd rather over do it than under do it. And then the stage was properly set. It was time for round two.

His girth fit inside of me easily, then, and I took him right to that middle section where he fit comfortably inside me. That was its own tremendous feat, and reward. He was thick, and large. And I could take him fairly easily. It was a badge of triumph for me and my sexual inclinations. I felt like a proper slut, especially given that there were other boys out there who couldn't take him at all. But not me, no sir. And I didn't stop at just half of him, either. Although I did have to proceed with care.

The challenge was that bend within me. It was hard to navigate with a more tapered cock. There was sort of a pocket there, which was easy for some cocks to get stuck on, which made navigating through that bend a challenge. But the broad head of a bovine cock didn't have that issue. It was thick enough, and flat enough, that it almost commanded my insides around it. Just like Thrad commanded me. But fingers couldn't so readily stretch that bend in preparation for his cock, so I always had to handle that part of sex on my own. I made out again like I was taking him into my entrance, with how I had taken care to angle his head, and work him in slowly. I noticed him watching me intently, then. Especially his eyes were on my abdomen, as I did a sort of belly dance trying to work him deeper inside. Then his eyes shifted to my cock and balls, and the plastic cage encasing them.

In truth I'd forgotten about my locked up state. When I got focused on sensations deep in my ass I often forgot about my own sex. I got far more pleasure from anal sex than I did from standard stimulation, so in a way it really didn't matter if I was in chastity or not. Sometimes having my shaft worked on actually took away from the sensations within me, so chastity really did perform a double function. Yes it was hot being locked up, and at the mercy of my key holder. But it was convenient as well. Thoughts of my junk didn't even cross my mind, because they couldn't cross my mine. I was locked away, so I had only one recourse. To get off on my key holder's cock.

But still, his eyes fell on my crotch, so I put on an additional show. I moved a hand to my package and moved my cage around. I showcased how tight and small it all was. Even with my well lubed fingers, I could still notice precum gathering on the tip of the cage. I made a show of licking it off my fingers, even though mainly I could only feel the texture of flavorless, silicone lube. With my other hand I trailed up and down my side and abdomen. I was feeling myself up, even as I was feeling his cock well within me. Then my energies changed, as I was getting close to working him in.

I was a sensation which was hard to pinpoint, and you had to be careful or you'd miss it. It had taken me a long time to learn it for myself, and it made me glad I'd spent so much time with my dildos before I even downloaded Howlr at all. It was the only way I'd been able to take Thrad in his entirety when we first met. And it was guaranteed to be the chief problem among the other bottoms he'd been with. It was one thing to work his hefty shaft into your ass in the first place. But getting through that bend inside was really the hardest part.

But I felt him at that entrance. He was angled right, and I was angled right on top of him. I continued to squirm about him, letting his head work itself in little by little. Then I lowered myself further down, creating pressure inside me. This was part of the trick. You couldn't ever force something big like Thrad into you. Rather, get the angle and the pressure just right - and then let his cock do the forcing. All you had to do was be open and ready to receive.

I gasped when he popped in. That was part of the sex I never quite accustomed to. It was a jerking motion, and I tried so hard to avoid those during anal play. It always felt a little unsafe when something jerked within you, like you were forcing something where it wasn't meant to go. Which, by all rights, was nearly certainly the case. It's doubtful that biology ever intended such big cocks to go into such tight places. But biology be damned, I needed it inside me. And I'd trained enough to be able to take it.

And then he was in. He had reached into my depths, in a way which precious few other hookups could achieve. And my greedy ass wanted more, but I knew to still take my time. I stayed exactly as I was, letting me acclimate to his size so deep within me. We locked eager eyes, then. Thrad knew I was nearly ready to receive one of his infamous fucks. All I needed was a touch of time to get comfortable with him in me. And that length of time was perfect for a bout of making out.

I leaned in toward him and our muzzles met. He knew this part of the dance well. He took my head urgently in his hands and held me in his kiss. His tongue explored me, not unlike it had explored my ass only moments before. His tongue filled me, and together we lightly bucked. He never drove deeper in me than I was comfortable with, but he shimmied around just enough to make his presence within me unquestionably known. And I danced upon him as well, getting my depths acquainted with his shaft. And all the while his kisses were driving me into a deeper space.

His hands to my chest then, and with either thumb he made circles around my nipples. He applied pressure then let off, and lightly tweaked them then went back to a gentle massage. He knew how to play me, alright, and I broke from our kiss just enough to moan. Then he kissed me again, but I kept moaning, so he changed tactic and bit down on my neck. It was a sign that I was his, as surely as his cock in my ass said the same thing. And then I was ready for more of him, and I lowered myself further down.

I relished in how deep he was within me, and how wide and filling his cock was. It was only Thrad who could fill me in that absolute way. And I needed it. Every time we played together, I needed it. And somehow I always needed it even more than I did before.

This time was no exception, and I couldn't help myself but to keep lowering myself down. Typically I played more with his head inside me. I would move it in and out of that bend within me, to prepare me for his thrusts and girth within me. But there wasn't time for that, and besides, I knew that with his length so deep within me, I'd be well stretch and prepared for the fucking to come. I didn't have to fuck myself on his cock much at all before his entirety was within me. Experimentally I moved my body away from him, and squirmed around in just such a position, and I sucked my tummy in - and sure enough, there it was. I could see his bulge within me. I could see his cock impressing within my abdomen. I moved both hands to it, and felt him through my fur. I stayed hilted against him, and just stroked him through my middle. His eyes were intent upon his bulge within me. I was aware more than ever of his eyes upon me, boring a hole through me. Then he knew it was time, and he started to grind his hips.

It was electric to watch his bulge move in me. I could not just feel, but actually see, how deep he went. I couldn't last more than a few thrusts however, then I hunched forward and took him by the arms. Using him as leverage I pulled myself closer to him, and pulled myself up and down on his cock. We were fucking together, then. I was impossibly full. And his cock was held impossibly tight within me. Every part of me was groping at him, urgent for his thrust. And he delivered it.

He thrust mainly with just half of his cock, never pulling too far out. It had the effect of the swell in the middle of his shaft rubbing constantly against my prostate. Together with stretching my hole in and out, going from thick cock to thicker cock, time and time again. I was bucking against him, grinding my ass against his tool as surely as he was grinding within me. And then the main act began.

He took me by the hips, thereby taking control. He was expert at using me as a glorified cock sheath, and he did so once again. Just as he had lowered my throat upon his cock moments ago, now he was lowering my ass upon him. Not just my ass, but my entire body. By abdomen was his - my entirety was his. This was evidenced when my legs briefly got in the way. I couldn't readily take him all in with deep, successive thrusts, because my legs were every so slightly positioned wrong. So he gathered them up, and held them between us. He gripped my back, then, effectively keeping me folded in half. There was absolutely nothing to stop me from sliding clear down his cock, then, save for his grasp which held me exactly how he wanted me. Then he picked up his pace, and we started my favorite part of any evening with my bull. It was his favorite part as well. It was the time of night when he fucked my brains out, and made me his bitch in whichever way he saw fit.

Just like earlier, when he'd used my cheeks as handholds to control his thrusts into me, now he moved his hands up to grab my shoulders. He supported me easily in his arms, and he used his superior grip to completely control me. As he pushed upward and inward with his groin, he pistoned me down with his arms. His strength was tremendous as he compressed me onto his length. I really did feel used at that point. I was helpless within his grasp, and upon his dick. I was a plaything in his arms. Little more than a sex toy. And I would have it no other way.

Then his grip and his tactic changed slightly. He became more of a jackhammer within me. He furiously shook me up and down upon his member. He wasn't being polite about his size within me any more. He was pulling me out for full, bodied thrusts, clear back into me. The girth of his shaft ran back into my hole, his head cresting through the bend within me time and time again. He ran into my abdomen, all the while grinding at my prostate, and the tightness of my insides against him.

I was panting and moaning, then. I started to squeal, even. As ever, feeling him so full within me bordered somewhere near pleasure and pain. I was just so impossibly full, that the sensation was truly impossible to describe in any adequate way. Save to say that I loved it, and relished in it. And I wanted him to fuck me harder. I wanted him to flood me with his cum.

I got my wish as he continued fucking me in that acrobatic position. But even that wouldn't sate him. He effortlessly lifted me as he stood, turned me around, and set me down on the couch. My legs were still up in the air, still trapped between us, and my ass was perfectly positioned up against his crotch. But now he could thrust in me with the full force of his body. Powerful as his upper body strength was, when he had full use of his legs, and all the leverage of a standing fuck machine, he could really get to work. And get to work he did.

He fucked me in his signature way. Which was to say, he pounded me into the couch, time and time again. It was like he wasn't fucking me, he was trying to fuck the couch cushions through me. He cock reached though me, and deep into me, as though it was striving for more. And the way I was crunched together his cock had to force room for itself. The fullness in me was compounded, and all the while his grinding on my prostate grew. The pressure and intensity grew as a whole, and I was moaning and needing. For the second time in the evening I forgot myself entirely. I forgot where I was, I couldn't have been able to say my name if I'd been asked for it. I couldn't even call out Thrad's name in the throes of passion. I couldn't do much of anything, save for pant and moan, and try to thrust up against him as best as I could.

But I couldn't manage even that. His grip on me was so tight and so commanding that I had no ability to move. I was so at his mercy, and yet his thrusting picked up. He started to growl, and he too seemed to lose himself in our passion. He kissed me urgently, then bit my neck, then kissed me again, then lifted up as he focused again on thrusting deep, deep within me. Then his grip tightened even more. It was like he wasn't just using me to get himself off, but like he was trying to grip at his cock within me, through my middle, like he was jacking himself off through my fur.

With this tightened grip I could feel his head moving within me acutely. I felt it reach deep inside me, then crest back out. Then I felt when he parked his head right at that center of pressure. Then he made small thrusts exactly at that spot. He was working his head specifically within me. Like he was using me to masturbate, like he was furiously handling himself to climax.

His growls picked up then, and I knew he was close. He started to roar. It was a deep, shocking sound. When he made it I felt sure that the entire block would know his climax - but they could never feel it like I could. I knew any moment my insides would be slick with his cum. I would be a bitch who was properly taken by her mate. And as surely as that thought crossed my mind, I was.

He shoved his entirety in me with a massive road. He pushed his head past that threshold of pressure, but he kept holding my middle tight against his shaft. We could both feel his cock throb within me, pulse after pulse. He was depositing his cum deep, deep within me.

His breath was heavy and panting. His tongue was out while he did, and I couldn't help but raise myself up and take it in my mouth. He took the hint and met my lips with his, pushing his tongue fully inside me. Then he worked my mouth as he worked my insides. He made gentle thrusts, to ease his cock from its climax. And he felt the inside of my mouth the same way. Our kiss went from urgent, to needing, to gentle. And then our bucking was done, and he stayed within me. We had fucked, alright. But the show wasn't entirely done.

He pulled out of me hastily, and I grunted in surprise. He lowered his muzzle to my ass, careful not to miss any dribblings of cum, and tapped me on the rear. I knew what was coming. It was one of my favorite pasttimes. I pushed out his cum then. If it were a porno it would have been one hell of a creampie. But he had other plans for that cum. He took it all into his mouth, or at least, as much as I could offer. No doubt a large portion of it was lost too deep within me to be easily retrieved. Then he moved back up my body and locked me in an urgent, inescapable kiss. And he flooded his cum into me. Fresh from his cock, then into my ass - and then back into me.

I relished in the taste. I loved the taste of cum, and I loved its texture. I had especially loved to have it from Thrad. I didn't swallow right away although I wanted to. I wanted to taste him in my mouth for a time, and to savor it as long as I could. I only got his cum in my mouth about once a week (well, a few times in a day, but only one day in the week), and his first load always seemed the biggest. We swapped his cum between us, then. Our kiss was sloppy and sexual. Purposefully he dribbled some of it outside our muzzles, so some of him leaked onto my cheeks. That was another favorite of mine. I loved wearing his cum, and having it mat at my fur throughout the night. The more cum that matted me, the better. But I loved to taste his cum as well, and to know when it was in my belly, becoming part of me in a very real way. But I also loved to know his cum was in my ass, trying to find eggs to impregnate, like he was truly making me his whore.

Then he broke our kiss, and a little cum strung between us. I kept my mouth open wide and flexed his cum about my mouth with my tongue. I gave him a show of his massive pool of cum in my muzzle. Then I closed my mouth and swallowed, and showed it to him again. All gone.

Then he smiled at me again. It was that deep, proud smile. Our play had gone to yet a new level, and he never got tired of seeing his horny kitten get to new heights of deviancy. Then he took his cock, which had lost only a tiny bit of its hardness, and thrust it deep within me again. I gasped and moaned in surprise, and he locked my open mouth in another urgent kiss.

Then his thrusting picked up again, and we resumed fucking. Just as I predicted, there was still enough cum deep within me to serve as additional lube. He was still slick and able to pick up right on fucking me. It was just like any of our night we'd ever shared. And just like we would share so many nights to come.