Bad Girl

Story by Literate Raven Studios on SoFurry

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Late afternoon in Paladia, the felinthian had spent a lovely evening with her 'wife'. The two sat upon the couch watching the television after a lovely meal together.

"Well sweetheart wasn't that a lovely meal you made us. Fresh pasta, a lovely homemade sauce... You really have become quite the housewife haven't you?" She teased him with a playful smile.

"Well it's not like I had much of a choice. Wearing this 'bitch suit' is a full time job on its own." The lombax chuckled.

Lux cooed quietly and giggled kissing that fuzzy cheek. "I know sweetheart. And I really do appreciate it, what with you supporting me and even doing the work around the home. "If only there was some way I could show some appreciation. Maybe I could make you dinner some time?"

Diff shrugged his shoulders with a hint of a smile to his voice. "I mean that'd be nice." He leaned into her.

"Did you have something else perhaps you'd want?" She asked him curiously.

"Well... If we're being open about desires, it's been a little while since we've really had a good long romp. The quick in betweens are always adored, but honestly I'd love for us to really get down and dirty." He nodded his head. "I love dinner but that's typically my territory babe." He giggled.

Lux leered at thelombax with a grumpy scowl. "You sayin my cooking sucks?" She lashed.

"N-no dear, I didn't mean it like that at all!" He laughed nervously. "I think you're a great cook; just, I love to do so myself. It's relaxing for me." He retracted.

The felinthian reeled backward briefly stroking her chin thinking. "Alright. I'll believe you." She smiled. "I think it's about time to hit the bed don't you think?"

"I guess so." He smiled getting up stretching, sounds of popping vertebrae as his arms extended.

The two got up and walked into the bedroom, Diff sat on the bed but his wife had other plans it seemed. Stepping over to their closet in the dimly lit room, opening the closet door thumbing through a few coat hangers before she squealed with a malevolent laugh.

"Sweetiiiiie." She called out in a singsong tone.

"Whaaat?" He spoke up with a rather suspicious tone to his voice.

The felinthian took the bitch suit out of the closet as well as her own latex suit. "Don't you think it's about time you and I have a little fun with the suits again? It feels like it's been AGES. Since we played around in these!" She giggled. "Pretty please? My handsome lombax." She smirked.

Differus looked at her; how could he possibly say no to a face like that? "Alright. Alright." He got up and walked over to her taking the fem suit from her. "But no funny business this time." He leered.

"What funny business?" She pouted.

"... N-nevermind." He grumbled and began shuffling out of his clothes and into the fem suit. His naked body hugged nicely to every curve of his body. When the legs came all the way up on him, how the latex hugged to his crotch it left him with a gentle squeeze to his sac and sheath which sent a chill down his spine.

The felinthian was zipping up her suit just as he was slipping his arms through into the receptacles. "Lemme help you with the head sweetheart." She cooed sweetly slipping it over his with a sly smile. Soon as she'd fitted him in she asked.

"How's it feel? All square with your cute little mouth piece?" She asked sweetly, rubbing her hands against the soft rubbery exterior.

The male seemingly lost in the affection and rubbing nodding his head. Not even realizing the 'sinister' ulterior motive she'd set in motion. Her other hand held a pretty collar, which had been making it's way around his neck.

No sooner did he feel it tighten he heard a 'click' sound. Diff's eyes widened in panic trying to glance back. Only to hear back.

"Looking for this?" She giggled and twirled the key. "Now be a good girl for mama and c'mere." She cackled and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him over to the bed and throwing the femsuit lombax onto the bed, slowly crawling up his body and straddling his waist. A noticeable bulging in the femsuit as the lombax grunted and moaned helplessly.

"Seems someone's really enjoying his special time aren't they girl?" She taunted him, pressing harder down onto his crotch gyrating against him. "Sorry you can't enjoy this to the fullest extent, but I'm sure you'll make due." She moaned loudly against him, through the rubber that ground into his length she could feel the throb of his needy length. How badly he desired to just throw her to the bed and take her.

The felinthian giggled evilly as she growled kneading into him as she worked herself up closing in on her climax. "Good girls get to cum, but are you a good girl?" She smirked looking down at 'her'. "Did you do your dishes? Clean up everything like a good girl should?" She squealed reveling in his torment and pleasure.

"Mhm! Mmmf!" M-m mmh~" He whined and wriggled beneath her. Shuddering beneath her with a sigh of relief. A warm sticky mess certainly made on the inside of that suit.

The felinthian chuckled purring riding out her own climax with a happy moan of enjoyment as she slowly came down. "Don't worry baby, at least it's a latex suit, so you'll just have to lick it clean instead of drycleaning. I mean... When I let you out of there at least." She purred and kissed his cheek.

"You bad girl..." She trailed off smiling.