SYBT: Horsey House Party Part 1

Story by thatpersonyouknow101 on SoFurry

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#1 of SYBT: Horsey House Party

Riley and Eddy now and loving relationship and at a frat party have a deep and meaningful conversation about their relationship, and then promptly get to fucking in storage closet. Unbeknownst to our two rubbery equines their completely well thought out plans to fuck each other silly for the remainder of the night will have direct and unforeseen consequences for the plethora of college students also in attendance to the party.

So You've Been Transmogrified: Horsey House Party Part 1

Riley sipped her drink wondering just why she was here. The answer was two fold, there was the simple one and the complicated one. Simply put her new boyfriend had convinced her to come along on a trip back through his college days. Which had found him and her in his old frat house at a party full of cheap booze and loud music. The complex answer was what she and her boyfriend where, the two were together solely because Riley was moonlighting as a rubbery latex zebra porn stare and had inadvertently turned a few friends into latex equines and proceed to trash a hotel room. The ensuing apologies and clean up had brought her and Eddy closer together. Close enough for both of them to develop feelings for the other.

Granted those feelings had started out mostly as a deep and powerful lust. Now that the two had mellowed slightly there was clearly something else there. Riley had grown to like Eddy's sense of humor and brashness. And he clearly liked her for more than just her body, he laughed at her bad jokes, he didn't mind her eccentricities, and often enough just talked with her.

Plus there was still the sex, the two powerful latex alter egos both of them kept tucked away save for there most intimate and savagely passionate moments. That made Riley smile just a bit in the crowd of people as she waited for her own personal white horse to come back with a fresh drink.

It was most certainly odd for her to be here she felt. She had known Eddy for a few years, but she had never seen her self dating him, or ever seen him constantly dating somebody else. She had always known him as the playboy, the guy with the game, the one who treated hooking up like a contest. He was nice enough but he definitely didn't seem like the type to linger on just one girl for too long.

With that she felt a creeping dread in her mind as to when exactly her time with him would be up. When he found there time together to longer be rewarding enough to warrant her company. That was just the way he worked, she knew. She didn't want to acknowledge it but taking another sip of her drink she found it was all she could think about.

"HEY." Eddy said loudly over the music coming in front of her with a fresh drink, something fruity mixed with something strong.

Eddy saw the momentary look a dread on her face as it changed into a smile as she took the new drink and set her old one down on a nearby ledge.

"HEY, YOU OK." Eddy asked smiling as he took a sip of his drink.

"YEAH I'M FINE." Riley said loudly as well.

"THEN WHAT WAS THAT FACE" Eddy asked playfully.

"WHAT FACE." Riley asked to quickly and defensively for Eddy to not pick up on.

"COME ON LET'S TRY AND FIND A QUIET SPOT." Eddy said motioning for Riley to follow.

She didn't hesitant at first but then quickly fell in behind him as she almost lost him in the crowd. He lead her up stairs the music from the lower floor still audible but muted now. Then in the middle of the upstairs hall Eddy stopped and turned around. He leaned on the wall and smiled at Riley who smiled back at him as they both took a sip.

"Alright now come on somethings bugging you." Eddy said pointing a finger at her with the hand he held his drink in.

"I'm fine Ed, now come on I thought you brought me here to have a good time not talk about feelings and shit." Riley said trying to get him to forget about it.

"Who said anything about feelings and shit." Eddy said sipping on his drink smiling knowingly.

"I said I'm fine, now come on lets have some fun." Riley said motioning back towards the stairs.

"Ok first off, your a bad liar, secondly I've known you long enough to pick up on when your feeling nervous about something, you've got a tell." Eddy said taking on a more even tempered look.

"I do, what is it." Riley said jumping up and looking nervous.

"You really think I'd give up that advantage over you, now spill it what up with you?" he asked, chuckling a bit trying to defuse some of the tension Riley had in her voice.

"All right, Its um, i'm just wondering how long you and me, well, us are gonna be together." Riley said plainly looking down and away from Eddy.

"I'm sorry I don't follow." Eddy said cocking his head to the side.

Riley didn't look up to face him as she spoke again, "I know how you roll, a few days with the same girl and on to the next, talking about it like you climbed a mountain or something. We've been together for a few weeks now, and well its just got me wondering when the other boots gonna drop you know." Riley finished still not looking up at him.

Neither of them spoke for a while. Eddy just looked at Riley and she looked at the floor waiting for him to say something.

"Riley, You know I like you right." Eddy said finally after a while.

Riley finally looked up at him.

"Yeah I know that but..." Riley went to say but Eddy interrupted.

"Good, now listen sure I have done that, but right now, right here you're my only focus got that." He said pointing his finger at her again.

"Yeah but what about...." she tried to say again but was cut off.

"What about what, Riley were still young enough to fool around a bit. Plus the reason I've stayed with you for so long is because I like you, and you like me, right. So please stop worrying about the future and just enjoy tonight. I promise you I'm not gonna run off with somebody and leave you hanging, not for a while at least." he said taking a long pull off his drink and smiling softly at her.

Riley blinked and sighed. "Ok. Fine." she said, the doubts not fully erased but eased somewhat by Eddy's charm and honesty.

She did like him, a lot. And it was plain to see he liked her at least as much.

"Ok change of topic, how the hell did you get us into a frat party." Riley asked.

"I'm alumni, also still know a few people who go here. They were undergrads when I was finishing up my masters." Eddy said as his gaze shifted away from Riley.

He found his eyes locked on a door, unassuming but still there. He smiled at it and then looked back to Riley.

"Follow me." he said motioning for her to follow as he walked back down the hallway.

"Were we going" Riley asked wondering what Eddy was so suddenly focused on.

"Right here." Eddy said opening the door and motioning for Riley to enter.

She did and Riley found a space the size of a large closet inside. Shelves on both sides of the wall with no other way out then the door. She walked inside and then heard Eddy close it behind himself. She then heard the latch click and she turned to face him.

"Ok what are you playing at?" She asked him taking a sip of her drink and smiling.

"This is a sacred space, all those in the frat whomst did not have a room used this space to bed there ladies." Eddy said stoically trying to make it sound classy.

Riley smirked at him taking another sip of her drink before setting it down on one of the shelves.

"Please don't tell me you took me hear just so we could fuck in a broom closet." Riley said crossing her arms.

Eddy set his drink down as well and came over to Riley wrapping his arms around her smiling.

"Well, that wasn't my true intention, but I never did bring a girl up here back in college." Eddy said smiling a bit wider.

"Is that a fact?" Riley said as she wrapped her hands around his back as well.

"Didn't always have game." Eddy said as he leaned down and kissed Riley who reciprocated.

After the moments long embrace both looked up at the other smiling.

"Shall we let the horses out of the barn?" Eddy asked feeling a heat starting to build up inside himself.

Riley smirked at that, "Ha ha, you sure that's a good idea there Mister Ed." she said chuckling a bit at her own joke.

"If your down I am." Eddy said pulling her just a bit closer.

"Wait are you for real." Riley said pushing him back a bit.

"Come on we do it all the time at home." Eddy said already feeling the internal aspects of the change starting.

"Yeah at home, theirs a bunch of fuckin people down stairs, a bunch of people who we could turn into a a tumbling mass of, uh, latex and, sex I guess. Either way no, you wanna fuck sure but I'm not letting Savannah out." She said firmly.

Riley didn't mind letting the latex zebra out to play every now and then but the more time she spent as herself, the more she realized that it really was like having a separate personality sometimes. She was still herself, but wearing those latex stripes she found herself less worried about the consequences and more willing to do things she would normally never think about.

"Come on Riley, it'll be fine, the door locks from the inside so nobody'll walk in on us. Plus we're not gonna spend the whole night here, just a quicky, or maybe a few quickies." Eddy said pulling Riley back into his embrace.

"Look, if you wanna let your latex down fine by me, I'll show you a good time, but I'm not letting Savannah out, not here ok." Riley said deciding to give Eddy at least a piece of his fantasy, plus it was harmless, as long as one of them kept their wits about them what could go wrong.

She winced at that bit, she briefly thought about calling it off right there but already saw Eddy taking his shirt off. She bit her lip knowing that this was not a good idea. Yet she also felt a nagging bit of her mind that thought this was a great idea, by virtue of how sexy it would be to have that massive fucking horse cock in her frail plain human body, stretching her, rocking her world, blowing her mind.

Riley shook her head sighing and reaching for her drink, finishing it off quickly. She took in a deep breath and focused on her rational mind, just a quicky, just a quicky and then were done with it.

She looked back at Eddy who was now naked. She saw his dick hard and oozing pre. However it was not normal looking, it was white pure white snowy gooey pre, the kinda a stallion made of latex would leak in preparation for climbing onto his mare.

Riley bit her lip again as she stripped as well. She tried to stay focused on anything but the idea of letting the massive horse cock that Eddy would soon be sporting take her, pushing her towards her climax, filling her with his sticky latex seed. She then found herself in front of him looking at him, and craving him.

She shook her head and looked at him, "Remember, if either of us starts to lose it, pull them back. Got it?" she said sternly.

"Scouts honor." Eddy said holding up his hand like he was about to pledge allegiance to the flag.

"I'm being serious here Ed, I don't want another hotel room level shit storm ok." Riley said getting down on her knees and looking up at the cock.

It was modest in size still, baseline human, that would change soon enough however.

"Riley I promise I'll smack you upside the head if you start losing your grip ok." Eddy said smiling.

Riley looked up at him and then back towards his cock, she took in a deep breath, smelling and tasting his ripening musk. She gritted her teeth as she felt the shudder it sent down her spine. This was a bad idea, but you want it so bad. A seemingly distant part of her said to herself. Riley agreed and simply shook her head, she could trust Eddy to stop her if things got out of hand, or visa versa.

She closed her eyes, took in a deep breath and then looked up at Eddy smiling as she licked her lips.

She buried her head into Eddy's crotch taking another whiff of his scent. It had matured in the interval since her last sniff. Taking on all the attributes she had come to associate with equine masculinity. It was pungent, deep and earthy, something to savor slowly, as slowly as the moment would allow at least. She ran her tongue up his shaft feeling it trembling and tasting the gooey white pre that ran down it.

Running her tongue up it she could feel the texture change. The skin on Eddy's cock becoming smoother, shinier, whiter. She couldn't help but smile as she closed her eyes and kept licking her mans cock like a popsicle. She could feel it changing and growing under her tongue, lengthening, thickening, becoming more equine.

She opened her eye delighted to see the almost comical sight of her man with an enormous horse dong on his still human body. She looked up at him smiling as she wiped some pre from her face giggling as she directed her actions back towards it.

It was a thing of majesty to her. Thick, veiny, girthy. It looked for all purposes like a dildo, which gave another reason to chuckled lightly as she rubbed her face on it working her way up to the top. It was snow white, lacking any other color with which to give it definition. It was a horse cock, her own personal horse cock with which to with as she pleased.

She rested on her knees the rest of her body fully extended as she finally came to the top. She gazed at it, hole oozing pre and licked her lips as she ran her tongue across it tasting the gooey pre her lovers body oozed. She looked past the cock quickly seeing the goo starting to spread outward from his crotch, covering him and beginning to change him into a proper stallion.

She looked back down at the tip and licked it across one last time feeling the trembling cock in her embrace as she reached up with her hand to cup his mighty balls. They too were covered in the white shiny latex his skin was being overtaken by. In her hands she could feel them churning converting his boring human load into one befitting for a massive equine cock to dump into a mare.

She swallowed at that thought wanting to be the mare to receive that load, wanting to be a proper mare, big and shiny and sexy. She shook her head dispelling the thought as she rested some control of the situation back from her baser urges.

She refocused and doubled down smiling again as she began to take the massive cock into her mouth. She could only get so much of it in given her current human constitution, something that she could fix, a part of her thought. She winced dismissing the thought as she closed her eyes and got to sucking.

Eddy grasped the back of her head as she started to warm him up proper. He could feel the changes already spreading beginning to move with a greater pace as Riley worked his cock over expertly. One of the perks of dating a porn star. Eddy pushed down on her head over so slightly just forcing a bit more of his length into her mouth. He bit down on his lip a bit feeling the pleasant and powerful sensations rippling up his body as the latex over ran his skin.

It spread quickly, moving out from his hips and covering his rear. His tail snaked its way out growing out from a fleshy nub into a fully developed horse tail as latex fibers grew in the place of hair on it. He waved it back and forth feeling the muscles to control it grow in and smiled as he felt the new way to express himself came into being.

It spread down his legs next covering his knees and calves and then his feet. He fell back against the wall a bit trying not to disrupt Riley as his feet changed into hooves. He looked down trying to see the process but only caught the tail end of it just as his toes fully fused into black latex hooves.

Riley swished her tongue in just the right way at just the right time and Eddy suddenly felt a loss of control as he came hard. He closed his eyes and winced trying to contain the whinny in his throat and succeeding mostly, the sound coming out muffled at best. After a long moment of throbbing he took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He cock was still leaking cum and pre but Riley just there looking up at him nuzzling his latex member smiling as the cum ran over her face.

She took in a deep breath savoring the smell of the fresh latex seed as she licked her lips and brought her gaze back up to Eddy. She sat back exposing her body to him full as she spread herself out on the floor. The stallion from the waist down smiled as he came to the floor and leaned over kissing her as he ran a hand through her hair.

Riley clung to him and gently pushed him over letting his back come to the floor at the white latex crept up his body. Eddy slid further down the floor resting his back on it as Riley climbed atop him facing him and smiling as she watched the shiny white rubber creep up her man, her stud.

"My turn." she said smiling gleefully as she gave him a peck on his cheek and turned around on his chest exposing her wet sex to his face.

Eddy looked at it with a goofy grin on his face as he felt Riley again go to work on his cock again milking it with her expert mouth and tongue. He leaned forward and grabbed onto her ass cheeks with his hands digging into the skin as he felt the warm juices begin to leak out and onto him. He lapped at them tasting and savoring Riley before running his tongue over her slit and feeling as the woman trembled in his grasp.

Finally he leaned forward and pushed into her rear with his tongue. He heard her moan with satisfaction as he rolled his thickening tongue around inside her. He could feel the latex beginning to come up to his chest.

Then as he kept on eating her her Eddy opened his eyes and saw something a bit concerning, latex, not coming from him but from Riley. Her own goo seemed to be starting to leak out from her slit. He thought that he should probably tell her, but both of them were into it. He closed his eye it could wait till the next climax.

On the other side, Riley felt Eddy's cock inching deeper and deeper into her throat. It was amazing to blow him as he ate her out. Pure pleasure in every sense of the word. Deep and resonating with her mind and body. She moaned as he groaned, her sex twitching as his cock spasmed. She could feel her whole body heating up. She felt every individual sensation related to the experience compiling and building up to the climax.

Yet, it was incomplete. She knew the depth of feelings she could truly experience with her other body, her other form, her other self. Riley was limited by her flesh and blood, Savannah was not. Savannah was strong, Savannah was sexy, Savannah was so many things that Riley wanted to be, that Riley could be if she let herself. So why not? She couldn't bite down on her lips, couldn't ball her fist as they cradled her studs balls couldn't twitch or shake the notion from her head.

So why not, why not let Savannah out for just a bit, what harm could it do to enjoy yourself a bit. Riley still clung to her self control knowing that giving in would most certainly lead to nothing good. But it wasn't for her was it. It wasn't just herself that was deprived of the true depth of feelings she could experience. it was Eddy, or rather white now as she felt his hand dig into her rear just a bit tighter and firmer. No doubt now capped with thick black caps as the white latex surged up towards his face.

This was Eddy's fantasy to bring a girl up her and rail her, to please her like he had so many times. Riley took in a deep breath through her nose as the thoughts and feelings became too much for her to take. White needed Savannah, without her he was just a horse, with her he was a stud. A stallion to rival all other, and she would be his mare. Riley smiled at that, thinking of the white horse ramming himself into her stripped ass. His big thick white cock pushing into her warm wet rubbery slit.

That was too much for her to take as she felt her body tremble as her climax rolled over her. She gasped moving in such a way that knew would bring out Whites as well and smiled as she felt the warm seed eject itself from the cock and into her waiting mouth. She smiled wider feeling her body heating up as she decided to let loose and have some fun with White.

Eddy rested his head against the floor as he felt Riley start to shift around on top of him again. She sat on his chest and leaned forward bringing her smiling face right up to his as the latex started to creep up his neck. Eddy noticed a look in her eye as she noticed a bit of her own latex goo on his nose.

Riley just leaned forward and kissed the man as she slid herself down and felt his length spread her. She watched as the man, soon to be a proper stud trembled. Eddy looked up and went to raise his hand to tell Riley that she was leaking goo but she stopped him. Taking his hand and resting it on one of her thighs smiling as she did so.

Riley just watched as the man's face was covered by the goo, his hair falling to his head as the goo smoothed it over and replaced the skin with something smoother, shinier, better. His muzzle grew in as the other functional aspects of his face returned in. Mouth, ears, nose, eyes. She licked her lips watching as White took center stage over Eddy.

He blinked for a moment feeling complete as he felt Riley...

Looking up at her he saw it now, the change in demeanor, the look in her eyes. The difference was there, hard to see but there nonetheless. That was that he thought, deciding to lean into it. He gripped her thighs feeling her warm goo spilling out of her and on to him. He imagined she was already changed on the inside, hence the reason she could take him in full.

White smiled up at Savannah as she did the same raising herself just a bit and then coming back down her hips starting to move of their own volition. White did the same, his hips jumping up as her's slammed down. His hands pulling her back down as she started to rise up. Each action just adding to the other.

Under his grip he felt her skin turning, changing into latex. He looked seeing the striped patterning of the zebra to be forming as the goo spread up and down her body. Her form was beginning to shift, altering itself to better accommodate her coming shift. Her hips grew wider, breasts swelling just a bit as her body grew larger. Her legs grew thicker as they grew shinier, White licked his lips looking at them loving there sheen as she ran a hand down them.

He looked up seeing the latex spreading much faster than it had over him. Already her tits were covered and swelling. The striping covering them but her nipples black as night and hard as a rock. There were so many aspects of her body that he wanted to partake of, her legs, her breasts, her face, all of it drew him in and made him crave the zebra to be even more.

Her neck grew in length, stretching slightly as the stripes grew up and over her chine as her face started to stretch out. She started to move faster now, her hips crashing into his as she felt her ultimate climax coming closer and closer. He watched licking his lips as her muzzle grew in and the latex goo over her plain human face. It elongated as her main grew in salt and pepper style. It was glorious, a feast for his lustful gaze as Savannah proper looked down at him fully equine and smiling.

She craned her head back up suddenly whinnying as she slammed herself down onto him. Her gripped her plump legs and pulled her down onto him as hard as he could sending all his length as deeply into her as he could. He felt this third load of the night fill her and then over fill her as the warm goo started to come back out.

He looked back up at her once he had regained some composure and found Savannah sitting on him head down eyes closed just savoring the moment. She leaned forward a bit coming down and resting on her studs chest. She pulled up a bit and winced with pleasure as she felt his cock slip out of her. Once it was out and she felt the warm excess seed draining from her she opened her eyes and looked at White smiling warmly.

She grabbed his check and pulled his head up kissing him deeply moaning as she did. Once she broke off from him she smiled.

"So did it live up to your fantasy stud." She asked gripping his shoulders tightly.

"Fuck yes." White said smiling.

"Good, cause we're gonna relive it again and again and again." she said smiling a bit more hungry than before.

White blinked before speaking, "Riley we...." she held a hand over his mouth shutting him up as she smiled at him playfully.

"Please don't call me that when I'm all dressed up for you White." she said gripping his shoulder tighter.

He gulped, this was going to be a long night, a pleasurable one to be sure, but oh fuck was going to be long.

Neither of the two equines noticed the pool of their own juices beginning to form as they continued their romp. It pooled and soaked into the wooden floor of the room before beginning to drip through into the space between the floors pooling their looking for a place to begin dripping through again. It found such a spot and drip after drip began to fall down onto the main floor of the house landing directly into the large bowl of punch that was serving most of the guests.