Anaya's tail: Part 1 A end followed by a beginning.

Story by Jynxy on SoFurry

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All characters are my property and are not to be used by anyone other then myself without my permission.

This is the first of several stories I am writing about my character, Anaya, please enjoy, I put a lot of hard work into it

She inhaled a deep breathe, her eyes closed tightly, digging her razor sharp claws into the edge of the cliff. She smiled, the breeze over the ocean water below blowing up the straight face of the rocky shore and directly into her face, she loved that smell more than anything else in this world. Flexing her front legs she leaned forward, throwing herself off the cliff just as another gust of fresh sea air blasted up from below her. She began to fall, her massive body plummeting towards the rough waters below, she had chosen the highest point on the mountain just for this reason. As she continued to fall like a boulder that had dislodged itself from the mountain she suddenly opened her eyes, those dark purple eyes filled with an impish gleam, her massive black bat like wings unfolding to catch a gust, suddenly sending her in a curve upwards from her hard plummet. She did several loops in the air, followed by somersaults and all other sorts of acrobatic mid air tricks, a roar of laughter and cheering erupting from the mountain behind her.

She had not been alone on that mountain, today was a very big day and her entire family was there, her mother father and all her siblings, watching her glide through the air. Even thou they were all cheering for her she noticed one sad face, her mother. Today was a very serious day as well as an important was the day she was leaving the nest, she hovered in mid air a moment, looking back at her mother, a large tear running down her cheek before she turned around and flew away as fast as her wings could carry her.

She looked down below her, miles of blue water speeding by, she knew that the forest with all its interesting creatures was not far ahead. Sighing softly she pushed her family out of her mind, deciding that she would make a b-line for the nearest settlement, just as she had thought about it the forest came into view, the large trees packed so close together that it was a wonder any light reached the ground at all. She sniffed at the air, it was totally new to her, it smelled nothing like her beloved sea air. Spiraling around the forest for what seemed like days but would have only been minutes she picked up on the scent of meat, fire and other living creatures. She smiled, rocketing towards the source of the delicious smells, her massive black wings pumping as fast as they could.

She would fly for another hour before the village came into view, circling off to the side she find a nice clearing a bit off from the village, deciding that would be a good place as any to shift. Landing in the clearing she just barely managed to fit and had to fold her wings, falling the last six or so feet to the ground, of course to her large form the fall was nothing, taking a deep breathe she ran thru her memories, trying to remember the right things to do.

Saying a soft prayer under her breathe she gasped, the prayer having called forth the needed magics to change her body. Within moments there was a large gust as leaves whipped up around her, circling and encasing her body, hiding her from view, next a loud roar which faded off into a scream, the wind died down and where the large dragon had been was now a much smaller anthro beast. She was 6 feet tall black scales covering her from head to toe except for her belly which was covered in white scales, her wings were much small then she wanted, thou they would have to work only about half as large as she was, a wing spam of only 9 feet at most. She still had those dark purple eyes, black hair that fell around her face in a messy fashion, shoulder length. She had long black horns that started just above her long pointed, almost elfish ears, they curved straight back before nearly meeting behind her head. She sighed softly, this was only her second time doing this, she sniffed at the air once more, her sense of smell durasticaly decreased from her full draconic form, thou, she was still able to find and follow the scent.

Making her way into the village she looks around, there was every kind of creature one could possibly imagine, everything from your average fox to stranger creatures like bats, all walking around and talking, there was food and different wares for sale, everything one could possibly want.

She stands spellbound, slowly pivoting in place as she takes in the sights and sounds of he marketplace. Richly colored fabrics grace the seamstress' stall, luxurious waterfalls of patterned silks. Not far away, the cook's bellowing voice can be heard boasting about the quality of his wares, and indeed the luscious smell of grilling meats makes her mouth water. As she turns, she can see a badger dancing in front of a small group of youngsters, and she smiles at their laughter. The silly fool lets himself tumble in front of them and his juvenile audience roars in amusement. Her feet finally start to move, her claws making clattering sounds on the stone path as she takes in more of the joyous activities around her. Everything is new and wonderful to her eyes.

She watches a mama fox herding her little ones ahead of her, fussing at them to keep out of everyone's way. The sight makes her think of her own mother, and her eyes sadden. she sniffles, coughing quickly to cover the sound then wanders after the small family, taking in more of the happy confusion around her.

As she nears the drawbridge to the castle, she pauses to watch the fighters competing for prices. Two wolves are in the center, circling each other with intent expressions on their faces, their tongues lolling out. Abruptly, one takes a swing at the other, missing him by a great distance. His opponent laughs as he slaps the flat of his sword against the younger fighters hind quarters, saying, "Nay, lad.. you should naught try to swing when you are off balance like that. Turn and try again." She chuckles at his words, watching the younger wolf turn to swing and miss again then moves forward to the castle.

Walking straight past the cast she sighs, looking about the small village for the place she was told to go by her father, finally spotting the village on the hill, still in the village but rather secluded from the rest of the village, making her way over to it, moving rather quickly. She steps up in front of the strange hut, it seemed to be made of bamboo, straw and sticks for a roof, only a cloth to act as a door. Pushing the cloth to one side she inhales deeply, stepping inside of the dwelling, a voice coming out of one dark corner,"Hello there dearie, what brings you to my shop..?"

Anaya gasps softly, she had of course expected the woman to be there, she was just a little frightened, speaking softly,"Um..well..I was told by my family that you were the first person I should seek out when I got here.." She lowers her head, almost ashamed of needing help on her quest for a new home.

The old crone chuckles, stepping out of the shadows"Come in, have a seat dear."She gestures with one paw towards a pair of chairs. The creature was 5 and a half feet tall, red fur covering her entire body form head to toe, she was a fox, an anthropic like Anaya. She was absolutely beautiful, large breasts adorned her chest, covered with nothing more then a mere tiny piece of leather, a leather skirt wrapped around her waist.

Anaya smiles, taking a seat on one of the chairs, a soft giggle escaping her lips"So, what exactly is it you do here..?" She looks over the fox, her cheeks taking on a dark blush.

The crone chuckles, pulling two glasses out from under the table, sitting by the young dragoness , setting one glass down in front of herself, the other in front of the dragon girl,"Drink." She commands, watching the girl with a smile.

Anaya lifts the wooden cup to her muzzle, taking a drink of the strange green liquid inside, licking the cup clean, it definitely had an interesting flavor, but she liked it. She giggles at the fox,"Sho wha.", was all she managed out ,the tip of her tongue suddenly going numb, finding herself unable to move it, looking at the crone before her eyes go wide, then roll into the back of her head, her body slumping forward onto the table, snoring peacefully.

The crone smiles, taking a long drink from her own cup,"Something wrong, dear?" She laughs, looking over the now unconscious dragon...

Yay for cliff hangers! I'll write the next part soon, please feel free to give me any feedback you have, keeping in mind this is my first story and I was very very nervous putting it on the site, any advice, I would love to hear it.